Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Oct 1966, p. 14

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verre es Gos Fa a ay '14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Octoper 1, 1966 NEWS FROM THE CHURCHES Bishop To Officiate At Mortgage Burning Ss Waan-! ~ The regation of St. George's Memorial Anglican Church this Sunday evening will welcome the Right Rev. G. B. Snell on the occasion of his first visit to Oshawa follow- ing his enthronement as the Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Toronto on Thursday last, He RT. REV. G. B, SNELL will officiate at the burning of the mortgare on the parish hall, Canon Clinton D. Cross, former rector, will be the spe- cial preacher at the service in the church at 7 p.m. On this occasion the Women's Guild of the parish will be specially honored for its work over many years in making its chief re sponsibility the paying off of the mortgage. A reception for Bishop and Mrs, Snell, and. Canon and Mrs. Cross will be hel,d im- mediately following the service in the parish hall. "The things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." This well-known verse from Second Corinthians will be the Golden Text for the lesson-ser- mon, titled "Unreality," to be read in the Oshawa Christian Science Church this Sunday. This Sunday (Oct. 2) will be the annual Youth Sunday for the gion Christian Reformed Church. Boys and girls, and young people will participate) throughout the moriing 32>7-| ice; take the collections, read) the Scripture lessons, and sing some of their favorite songs. The title of the sermon will be "Youth in a Clashing World." The concluding day of the Missionary Conference will be held this Sunday in Calvary Baptist Church. Rev. A. Lar- son, director of Unevangelized Mission Fields and a former missionary in the Congo, wil! be the speaker at both services. | Large crowds are expected) to attend the 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. services at the Oshawa Salva- tion Army Citadel as members hold Welcome Services for! Major and Mrs. John Wood, of two-hour, live Droadcasi, irom Salt Lake, Utah, will highlight the general conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter Day Saints. Noted church leaders will speak, Rev. N. T, Holmes will con- duct a communion service at the 11 a.m. service this Sunday at Harmony Road United Church. Quarterly communion -- serv- ices will be held at the 11 a.m. services this Sunday in Knox,| St. Paul's and St, Luke's Pres-) byterian Churches. The special speaker at the 7 p.m. service in the Gospel Hall will be G. Boyd, of Kingston. Rev. Tom Bartlett and Rev.| Spiritualist Church of Ontario, D. Dale will be the special; speaker at a Laymen's Service| being held at the 11 a.m. serv-! ice this Sunday at Harmony| Road Baptist Church. | The speakers at the 7 p.m.) service at the Oshawa Spiritual-/ Welcome. services will be held this Sunday at the Osh- awa Salvation Army Citadel for Major and Mrs. John Wood, who are taking com- mand of the local corps. Major and Mrs, Wood succeed Major and Mrs. Gordon Holmes, who have been transferred to the staff of the Salvation Army Training College, Toronto. A native of Prince Edward Island, Major Wood completed 17 years as a Salvation Army officer last June, He comes to MAJOR JOHN WOOD HEAR The Ottawa, who are taking com-) mand of the Oshawa Corps. | A communion service will be held at the morning service this| Sunday in the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church. | The members of the Erie) Street Free Methodist Church will hold a Rally Day Service at the 11 a.m. service this Sun-| day. | Oshawa residents will have, the opportunity this Sunday to|= Back to the Bible Broadcast DAILY Mon, te Set. 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. 1350 RADIO Oshawa. Salvation Army To Welcome New Officers aoe ee sree 10 Wien haara and Mrs. Brown Rev. N. F. Swackhammer will conduct the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at the 11 a.m. service this Sunday at First Baptist Church, World-Wide Communion Serv- ices will be conducted at the morning services this Sunday at St, Andrew's, King Street, Simeoe Street and North- minster United Churches. The theme of the 7 p.m, serv- ice at Northminster United Church will be "One Hour of Whales Are Tag Targets HALIFAX (CP)--The coastal vessel William §. is hunting whales in the northwest Atlan- tic, but instead of deadly spears she fires identification tags. It's part of a survey by the fisheries board of Canada to de- termine the habitat and lifespan of whales, particularly the preseasst acd fin cai enacing Fisheries officials are fearful that commercial exploitation of whales may result in their ex- tinction, The tags are shot into the whale's flesh by a special ri- fle. When the whales are killed by commercial vessels, the tags and information from the ves- sei are sent to the department of fisheries for analysis of the whale's size and recording of Wood learned to fly following sO eee Be Ey Shy UW ee a er er BS ee ye DO Bee Be i ar NT Wg ee ee a pee a a ee IP Se j i time and Fong of the eatch. Using information, the department hopes to help pre- serve the whale population. The Tomorrow! Reveals the startling signi- fisance behing world newsi « » with PROPHECIES next 20 years! Monday to Saturday 9:05 - 9:35 P.M. and Sunday 10:30 - 11:00 P.M. the Second World War and re- ceived his licence at Halifax in 1946, Thinking Through." The discus: sion will be led by Rev. W. C. Smith. Rey. N. Parish, founder and p.m, service this Sunday at the Gibbons Street Evangelical Church. A communion service will be held at the 11 a.m, service at the King Street Pentecostal |Church. The theme: of the ser-| mon will be "Planning the Sun- day School Year," Oshawa after 27 months as the officer commanding the Park- dale Citadel in Ottawa. During his career served with the Salvation Army in _ Halifax, Kingston, Sydney, N.S., Sudbury and Han- over. Last year he served as secretary of the Ottawa Evan- gelical Ministerium. A licensed pilot, Major FAITH Lutheran Church (Eastern Canada Synod) The Rev, Henry Fischer Postor --- 725-2758 | agguse H gauie AAS E ! TEMPLE BLDG. 1 Cantra St. 9:45 A.M SUNDAY SCHOOL 1A he has | OF JESUS CHRIST Ann Pelm will be the special | director of the Spanish Ameri-| OF LATTER DAY SAINTS speakers at the evening serv-| can Inland Mission Inc., will be) ice this Sunday at the United! the special speaker at the 7) Missouri) } 3g RANGE TEMPLE SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA SUNDAY SERVICES 10;00 A.M, -- CHURCH SCHOOL for children and adults 11:00 A.M, -- MORNING WORSHIP | (World Headquarters, independence, A Religion for Today's World in the language of our time Te the people of our time Concerning problems of owr time To Unitarians, all doctrine and belief must stand the test of enlightened reason. While not discarding the | GIBBONS ST. : CHURCH | 230 Gibbons St. Oshawa | | ----_--_____-_----- SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 a.m. MORNING SERVICE llam , EVENING SERVICE | p.m, Rev. N, Porish (Sr.) Founder and |] Director Spanish Americon iniand Mission Inc, Hear whot great things the Lord is doing in South America. WE WELCOME YOU | EVANGELICAL | tested truths of tradition, it keeps abreast of modern knowledge. Pushing aside the veils of creed and dogma, Unitarians enlist the support of education and science that man may better understand and cooperate with his fellow man. OCT. 2nd SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP North Oshawa Community Ke Centre -- Nonquon Rd. r THE COME WORSHIP WITH US! | venren een --=--=--=--= cee see UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ONTARIO Orange Temple, Bruce St., Oshawa (Upstairs) SERVICE | ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED Shunce 409 ADELAIDE AVE. EAST PASTOR: REV, D, N. HABERMEHL, B.A., M.Th, 10:00 A.M.--"Youth THE RADI In A Clashing World" iO SERVICE Nursery Core Provided 11:15 A.M. Sunday School 7:00 P.M. ---EVENING SERVICE Radio Ministry Chr, Ref. Church: each Sunday at 9:15 PM, (Back 'To God Hour), every other Sunday at 11 A.M, CKLB (churches in the area) Sundey, October 2:30 P.M HEALING & OPEN CIRCLE 7:30 P.M DIVINE SERVICE 2nd Address ond: Clairvoyance REV. TOM BARTLETT REV. ANN PELIN All Welcome SEC. 728-5643 hear the world renowned 375- voice Mormon Tabernacle Choir) on Channel 2 at 10 a.m. The HARMONY ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 226 Harmony Rd. $. Pastor Wm. J. D. Lewis 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M LAYMAN SUNDAY Mr. D. Dole preaching DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE ROSSLAND ROAD FREE METHODIST Pastor: Rev. R. H, James 725-1280 9:45 @.m. -- Library Time 10;00 a.m. -- Sunday School 11:00 @.m.--"'Objectives" 7:00 p.m.--"Murmurings" Monday 6:30 p.m..C.¥.C Wednesday 8:00 p.m Proyer and Bible Study The Friendly Community Church TUNING & REPAIRS All Makes Piano, Reed-Pipe and Electronic Orgon Electric Orgens Rebuilt (Also the Obsolete Helimen, Min- Allen, Hemmond Orgens). JOSEPH HIDDINK AJAX 942.5510 shell end older Wurlitizer, Boldwin, f) BAI dndenn eu WYTWSIST Ove ERIE STREET FREE METHODIST Off Simcoe St, (next after Bloor) Y 2 MA Brighs 725 2879 Seige ALS SIFS Junior Church Up Streams" 7:00 P.M.--FAMILY GOSPEL Wednesday, 8 P.M.--Prayer Meeting Friday, 7:48 P.M.--Toronto District 10:00 A.M. -- FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY DAY 10:00 A.M.--FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--"'The City of God, with it's River and Gloddening "A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU" To 8 Years Provided. HOUR 133 Simcoe Major ond M THE SALVATION ARMY Street South rs, John Wood 9:45 AM. OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION NIGHT SCHOOL PROGRAM. For 1966 - 67 WHEN TO REGISTER AND WHERE n'a University Courses se courses are already under woy, Grade 12 and Ad d T These' courses ore already under way. Classes for shift workers Registration is at Donevan C.l, for academic subjects and et McLaughlin C.V.1. for shop subjects, during the week of October 3 to 7, during school hours in the daytime, or between the hours of 7:00 and 9:00 p.m, on Monday, October 3, and Wednesday, October 5, Classes will commence as follows: Shop subjects -- Saturday, October 8, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Academic subjects --- Wednesday, October 12, from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. and classes will rum Monday and Wednesday for two weeks on and two weeks off, If there are enough requests for academic subjects to be given on Saturday every week os the shop subjects are given, every effort will be made to provide such classes, All Other Full Courses REGISTRATION IS AT THE RESPECTIVE SCHOOLS ON SCHOOLS ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, AND WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, FROM 7:00 TO 9:00 P.M. Short Courses 5 Short Courses for the-fall Term will be registered at the same time as the Full Courses Short Courses for the Winter Term will be registered before December 15. Short Courses will be of. six to ten week's duration. tnical Eveni 9 Courses INFORMATION ON INDIVIDUAL COURSES Detailed information on the subject matter of eoch course is available at the school where the course is being offered, In- structors will be available on registration nights for consultation. | GUIDANCE Personnel are on hand in each collegiate on registration nights and throughout the year to be of assistance to students making decisions on an educational program, whether the problem be in the academic, technical, or commercial field FEES -- Payable at time of registration English for New Canadians -- no fees are charged Ryerson Business Administration Certificate Courses -- Account- ing | and II, Correspondence $30.00, Society of Industrial and Cost Accountants -- $60 00 per subject plus $10.00 membership fee, payable to the Society of In- dustrial and Cost Accountants of Ontario. All other courses, $10.00 per subject, payable at time of regis tration, There will be no refund ofter the fourth class in the subject. For certain courses in which special materials and texts ore supplied there will be an additional charge to cover the cost CREDIT CARDS Credit cards will be issued to students who meet the required stondord of proficiency. TERMS Grade 13 and A.T.E.C First term: September 19. to December 15, 1966 Second term: January 3 to May 11, 1967 Shift Workers' Courses on Saturdays First term: October 8 to December 17, 1966 Second term: Jonuary 7 to April 29, 1967 Shift Workers' Courses at Night First term: October 10 to December 14, 1966 Second term: January 4 to May 10, 1967 Queen's Courses First term: September 30 to December 17, 1966 Second term: January 6 to April 8, 1967 All Other Full Courses First term: October 17 to December 15, 1966 Second term: January 3 to March 23, 1967 WORKING OFF A CRADE 1? DIPLOMA Adults who did not complete their high school education may do so by attending night school, Persons whose maturity and experience indicate the possibility of success, regardless of their previous education, may be enroll- ed in the Grade 1.1 and Grade 12 classes with the permission of the Principal, Consultants are available at the schools if o stu- dent is in doubt about his qualifications. REQUIREMENTS FOR A GRADE 12 DIPLOMA OF THE FIVE- YEAR PROGRAM Obligatory Subjects: English --- Grades 11 and 12 History -- Grades 11 and 12 Optional Subjects Offered: (Four are required, not more thon one of which may be from the "'practical" grouping) Academic Subjects -- Mathematics -- Grade 1] and 12 Science ---- Physics 11, Chemistry Geography -- Grades 11 and 12 French ----- Grodes 11 and 12 German --~ Grades 11 and 12 Practical Subjects - Commercial --- Marketing Shopwork ---- Any tr offered in Grades 11 and 12 The course will be ne. - ea evenings per week along with the other 'Full Courses" The requirements for the diploma may be completed in four years, Credits previously earned may be claimed for applying towards the diploma 1966-67; See timetable for Academic Courses 12 Most courses that are offered twice weekly are for two hours each evening. Advanced Technical Evening Courses ore given twice weekly for one hour per evening per subject. Most courses thot ore offered eae: wells ore for three hours -- por cettitg Chest catsese (emcbad 60 belew!) ave elvan ance weekly for two hours per evening. 'A"' means the choice of evening is to be arranged after registra- tion, ACADEMIC H 2 z 7 English for New Canadions ~~ Basic ... ~~ Intermediote ..... --~ Advanced ---- Grade 12 -- Grade 13 ---- Practical ..ssccceseseenenes -- Shokespeore ~~ Basic . ~-- Conversational --- Basic ...... ~~ Advanced .. -- Grade' 13 Geography m-- Grade 13 wessecesecsvvess History ~--Grode 13 .. Mathematics --~Grode 9 pevecsciveee ~-- Grade 11 (new) ,. ~~ Grade 12 (new) ...esavcvere -- Grade 13 Algebra . -- Grade 13 Geometry ... +--- Grade 13 Trigonometry ...... ---- Grade 13 Biology mayee ere ow ~~ Grade 12, 13 Chemistry ...... ~~ Grade 'eens == English see eeeeerrecees sete eens eeeeee Pete eer en een ereee es g#sso>ese5 errr r eee ee 4 c <2 HHApHH Fz Ee HEEA FES SEE e c 44 c£ se eeeeeee eens Science panish hs Queen's Degree Course -- Commerce 111 (63) -- Art 650 ~-- English 024 -- Pschology 012 Zezz CVTN CP0009T°F VIA ENNAG OnN|A AND COMMERCIAL GENERAL -- Bookkeeping : : --- Business Correspondence .... -- Business Machines ,... ~~ Merchandising ---- Office Practice . te ~~ Stenography -- Basic -- Advanced --- Typing --~ Basic -- Typing -- Basic -- Advanced 4a Ryerson Business Certificate -- Accounting | & II MM ~~ Correspondence and Report Writing Peay MW Society of Industrial and Cost Accountants (RIA Courses) -- Accounting | 0 -- Industrial Cate sae ee GENERAL INTEREST 00000000008 Legislation School Art ~~ Generol oe veeeecws -- General ..ccvsseves --Grode 13... Flower Arranging (SC) Home Ec. -- Commercial Food Preparation . -- Creative Dress Design -- Dressmaking -- Dressmaking Gourmet: Pande -- Millinery 22... ces -- Sewing --- Basic ...eeseeeees eee eee wee -- Advanced Industrial Management --- Basic Interior Decoration (SC) . . Minor Home Repairs for Ho Personal Development (Women) (SC) .... Photography Physical Fitness (Men) ...0+0565 TTOgmsz= Speed Reading (SC) Voice Improvement (SC) ADVANCED TECHNICAL EVENING COURSES z + 5 Electric Fundamentals Electronic Fundamentals .. English | English Il. General Chemistry .. Mathematics | .... Mathematics II Mechanics | Physics | Technical Drawing PETES Erezy zTETTzzzzz=z feet eeeece APPRENTICE TRAINING PROGRAM Drafting |! English 12 at Central C,! Mathematics 11 and 12 (new) at O'Neill CV.) SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. WELCOME SERVICES a MAJOR & MRS. JOHN WOOD TUES. 2:30 P.M. -- Ladies' Home League WED, 8:00 P.M. --- Prayer Meeting "A Welcome Awaits You At the Army" and Bible Study F.M.Y, Rally ot Kingsview 320 Ritson Rd Oshowa | UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH $. (Nr. Olive) 723-6325 SUNDAY -- MORNING WOR WEDNESDAY -- Bible Study ond Pray FRIDAY -- EVERYONE SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 AM EVANGELISTIC 7:30 P.M. Youth Service---8 p.m. SHIP 11 A.M. er--B8 p.m, WELCOME BAGOT AND The Reverend Canon F. The Reverend R. G, B TRINIT HARVEST TH of All Saints' The Right Rev. G Nursery Facilities evaiioble THURSDAY, October 6th - "ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2nd _ 9:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION The Reverend $. J. Armstrong, The Choir and Organist Anglicon Church, Whitby 7:00 P.M.--BURNING of The MORTGAGE B. Snell Preacher CENTRE STS. G. Ongley, M.A.--Rector rooks S$. Th.--Assistant Y xvilt ANKSGIVING The Reverend Conon C, D, Cross at the 11:00 a.m. Service HOLY COMMUNION 10 am. ALL SAINTS' WHITBY CENTENNIAL SERVICES 1866 -- 1966 Sunday, October 2nd 9:00 a.m.--Holy Communion 11:00 a.m.--Holy Communionn: Sermon --The Rev. F. G. Ongley, M.A., Rector of St. George's, Oshawa. This is one of a series of exchanges of Rectors, Organists and Choirs with Anglican churches in the Deanery of Oshawa, A Fellowship Hour follows the service in the parish hall, 7:00 p.m.--Baptist Form of Service in All Saints' Anglican --Visitors--Whitby Baptist congrega- tion --The Rev. John McLeod, pastor of Whitby Baptist Church, will conduct the service and preach --Organist and Choir of Whitby Baptist. A Fellowship Hour for both Anglican and Baptist. congregations will follow in the parish hall. Everyone will be warmly welcomed This is one of a series of invitations to other Christian congre- gations in the Town of Whitby end vicinity to join in worship n All Saints' Church with their form of service Physics 11 and Chemistry 12 at Donevan C.! REQUIREMENTS FOR A GRADE 12 DIPLOMA OF THE FOUR. YEAR SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND TRADES PROGRAM Obligatory Subjects English -- Grades 11 and 12 History --- Grade 1} Economics -- Grade 12 Mathematics -- Grades TT ana 12 Science -- Grades 11 and 12 Technical Shop Subjects The course will be offered two evenings per week for three hours per evening for twenty-five weeks. The requirements for the diploma may be completed in three years The program for the Four-Year Science, Technology and Trades Diploma will be offered at McLaughlin C.V.!. 1966-67: Drafting or Electricity or Machine Shop Two of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry NEW COURSES Other classes will be offered if a minimum of fifteen persons apply for a subject, provided of course thot a suitable instructor can be obtained Suggestions for other desirable classes will be welcomed, and promoted as circumstances permit Classes may be cancelled if the enrolment is fewer than fifteen The night and the hour of some classes may be changed after Registration, becouse of the demands upon the facilities or to suit the convenience of the students. SYMBOL C Central Collegiate Institute, 240 Simcoe Street South, Telephone: 723-4678 Mr. H. €. Murphy, Principal Doneven Collegiate Institute, 250 Harmony Road South, Telephone: 728-7315 Mr, A, B, Woods, Principal Eastdole Collegi av 265 Harmony Road North, Telephone: 723-8157 ' Mr. R. V. Sheffield, Principal McLoughlin Collegiate & Vocetional Institute, $70 Stevenson Road North Telephone: 728-9407 Mr. S. T, Finbow, Principal O'Neill Collegiate.& Vocational Institute 301 Simcoe Street North, Telephone: 728-7531 Mr, A. M, Dixon, Principal sf Electricity I] ....5. English Hydraulics Industrial Control ... Mechanics | Strength of Moterials ... Workshop Technology .. me kee AR TELNN ene s > 2 Auto Mechanics -- Basic -- Intermediate .. ~---- Advanced .... Blueprint Reading are Building Construction Drafting -- Architectural -- Mechanical --- Basic «... = se eeee -- Mechanical --- Advanced ...... Electricity --- Industrial wales Electronics (Radio and T.V.) -- Basic <= Ss -- Intermediate .. Graphic Arts -- Letterpress --~ Lithography Heating and Ventilating -- Basic . Lawnmower and Outboard Servicing . Machine Shop -- Basic Sky be -- Intermediate --~ Advanced ...... Welding -- Basic ....... < m= mEZE mmEmmm¥mFmEmEEmEmzmE PA>set>>A>>>E>zsE>zE>szEr>Sr>z>Z --- Advanced CLASSES FOR SHIFT WORKERS School Nights English -- Grade x ~---- Grode ~----- Grade -- Grade Mathematics ---- Grade -- Grade ~~ Grade -- Grode Auto Shop os Wale Blueprint Reading Electronics FSSF 00000000 MASV SSS FTSsTS =2=e<sse English and Mathematics classes may be arranged Saturdays, if the demand justifies them. OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION G. L. ROBERTS Superintendent of Secondary Schools S. E. LOVELL, Chairman J. R. BACKUS, Business Administrator 7 re ws SBE te: me fe 2% be eee ee

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