Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Oct 1966, p. 13

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Gy town ee Rent portments for Rent |27--Rooms for Rent CAVALIER VISCOUNT DIPLOMAT and 2 bedrooms @. @ refr a loom 'In hi @ inter- Balconies 728-4283 fo 8 340° Marland "EXECUTIVE SUITE Large opartment, two. baths, two balconies, private garage, ex- cellent location and view, BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. PARK LANE APTS. 725-7732 "16-9 pam. ROOM soerigent close jax New igi arty ona ROUND FLOOR tory @ ent ae a apart- Includes 7 ROOMS to be rented alow. Tenants fo share cae FURNISHED ROOM Tg, goon quiet home, li de ir corners, near north om Telephone first Hoar gerne preterra Apply 516) PELESHOK sna LTD. »| SINGLE aga rooms, central loca- tion, 668-2466. ONE AND TWO-BEDROOM 5 In new buliding, downtown, bo mgh West. Telephone 725-9328 or ay "elfen, Sr A nt ities. ayalabe Apt. 4 or 371 eons Sram anarimen electrical- Pane miele injercom, Sslcsny, ret Avera 21 or office, one IOROOM basement spartme: with rerger stor and stove. Private ath and entrance. Close to south Gener ROOMS for rent, weekly rates, Appiy Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street North, 7%-|FURNISHED housekeeping rocm, ihre. = |Rosd Sou pau be se etl 507 ih, Telephone 7: ROOM ron RENT, board optional, Teie- wenue. | phone 728-3350. sultable house- TWO CLEAN furnished roams, for 2 ris, Ll 39° Gibb | South General' N LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, Close to | hospital and Sesion Suitable for Point Telephone 723-073 . TARGE, FUG NISHG room, Gentleman Apply before 7pm, FIVE - ange upstairs apartment, adults preferred. Telephone 728-2764 between TWO NEWLY ot gay pohloeng apartments, ach. Parking. et gnly. ONE LARGE FURNISHED housekeep- ing room, suitable for one or two, Tele- phone 728-7800, COMFORTABLE ROOM for gentieman rugs apply wee 4 oe age: 323 Athol East now, 3976, TWO-BEDROOM Kitchen fur- ia private beth. Apply 382 Verdun fornished apartment, ag le, no children. Non ny 406 6 Bloor. § reet East. ONE, TWO AND THRE ments, TN ada te stove, controlled twin bedroom apart- FM music, ROYALE APTS. Mg ugh be ROAD and bedroom suites Ri View anytime. 728-5282 e Four ROOM, two bedroom, self-con- upper ap La Mg separate en- Unturni¢hed Immediate posses- tween 9-2 p.m. 723-7539. THREE ROOM fiat, very central, mod- ern, 723-3078, head RENT three room apartment, p bath. Garage avaliable. Telephone yas 700 or apply 362 Mary treet. ONE BEDROOM apartment, electrically @ FOR RENT @ Apts., Houses, Rooms, Room and Board, Office Hours: Tues. to Fri. 10:30 a.m, to 7 p.m. Sat. 'til 3 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 REGENT ARMS immediate Occupancy 2 bedroom apartments close to Oshawa Shopping Centre. Adults only, TELEPHONE 723-6455 Between 6.00 ond 9.30 p.m. heated. Centrally located, FM music, bite tities. balcony, 330 Gibb St.) Apt. LARGE, SINGLE or double furnished furniture. Sultable for ciean ladles, Tfitchen pene: Close to hos- pital and downtown. lephone 723-3684 or 728-7983. FURNISHED apartment. La enette, private vision cutilet. BACHELOR _basernent livingroom with kitch- throom, bedroom, tele- Bus service. Stevenson- (| COMFORTABLE FURNISHED aNeck Teenie afd board. Apply 25 Division Street. GNE ROOM for two gentlemen. Private baie io =e Bg Parking facilities, THE FOLLOWING MUST GO! NO PRICES -- WE WILL RESPECT YOUR OFFER. WE NEED. THE "ROOM. FOR NEW ONES, "62 Chevrolet, tie cence H8379 '64 Pontiac, sedan. Licence 322606. '66 Chevrolet, 4-door, V-8, (Blue), Licence 103490. '63 Lincoln, vinyl top, Li- cence H89877. , '60 Corvair, 2-door coupe, Licence H90219. '64 Chevrolet, ue cence H83638. '63 Chevrolet, sedan. cence 92883. sedan, sedan, Li- iw Roos FOR. RENT. May ns own private room in quiet new with no children, Close to Iransorttion Very reasonable rent. 723+ FURNISHED ROOMS for a ait with kitchen privileges and laundry cally Sitting room. with television. buses, hospital and downtown, Felophone 728-3719. LARGE, furnished, housekeeping room for working coupié or gentlemen. Apply 194 King Street West. room, facilities. kitchen privileges, parking s, bus ann Close to hospital, sch churches, Telephone 728- with TWO LARGE ROOMS, furnished, wigs Private entrance, laundry facil- Itles, Suitable for two. Located King and Division, 728-2805. LARGE furnished bedroom tor gentle. man, kitchen and laundry privileges, parking space. Apply 574 Crerar Avenue. TWO-ROOM apartment, partly furnish- ed, stove, fridge included, sult gentle- men or couple, $15. week, Telephone 728-8353, Rossland 723-7500, THREE-BEDROOM apartment In tripiex, near Shopping Centre, refrigerator, stove ROOMS FOR RENT, centrally ally located, parking, sultable for sharing. $9 single, $12 double. Telephone 723-2050 after 5 p.m. Included. + tone October 1 28--Room and Board i. ane BEDROOM apartment near Ajax, reasonable. Call Don Stra- deski, Realtor, 723-4651. or Lillian Cam- eron 7 vorwid OSHAWA, Twobedroom self-con- tained $90 monthly. THUNDERBIRD TERRACE One Bedroom--$125 & up Two Bedroom--$135 & up Laundry facilities and lock- ers on each floor, large suites with utilities 'end drapes. 190 Nonquon Rd. 728- 58.9726 Se Seren Ber ay 7 rrdre and swimming od. oe See aa toiy auring' ay and "723-0900 atter 7 p.m. Set sentea g et, rra ts sited. $110. § per month. No damage ' GHE, TWO AND THREE bedroom apert- ments with refrigerator, stove, intercom| a LANSDOWNE located nea? tudes apartment for r -- ane light included. "raephone 728- ARTHUR STREET, Oshawa, Avaliable immediately furnished _three-room apart ment, private bath. Telephone 668-5650. SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: 25 Division St. THREE-ROOM apartment, newly dec- orated, private bath, one Infant welcome, Geaeuers only, Apply 137 Pine Street, ESET apartment, stove, re- heat and hydro included. . Can see between 6 p.m.-7 p.m., 204 Celina St., 723-9813. BACHELOR APARTMENT with bath, stove and frig, Very private, suit one or two, $65 per month. 668-3577. ROOM AND BOARD for two men will- Ing to share room. Single beds. Tele phone 725-5570, ROOM AND BOARD In yin adit home, clean beds, good meats, lunches packed, near bus stop. 251 Bruce St. Telephone 728-1941. diy ord Re REY See iad eer ROOM AND BOARD for two gentiemen to share room, Quiet home. Central. Tele- Phone Whitby 668-8512. mG ACCOMMODATIONS available for male ONE-BEDROOM apartment In apartment at a, -- only. $90 monthly. Whitby 668- ses Ratna GROUND floor apart- ment, with refrigerator and stove Inciud- ed, share bathroom. ae) child welcome. Available October 1. 5-2389. ONS boarders, willing fo shere, five day wes' Telephone 725- 6185, ROOM AND BOARD for lady or gentle- "61 Buick. Licence 54585. '64 Chevrolet, convertible, super sport, Licence J2316, '62 Chevrolet, sedon, Li- cence 877374, '61 Oldsmobile, per 88. Licence '61 Chevrolet, cence 322485, '64 Pontiac, 327 engine, convertible. Licence H88748. '60 Ford Frontenac, automa- tic, 4-door station wagon. Licence X7469. '61 Pontiac, sedan. Licence 55766, '62 Chevrolet, cence H77332 '62 Acadian, power steering and brakes, 2-door sedan. Licence H95946. '58 Volkswagen, Licence 318552. $175, '57 Chevrolet, station wagon. Licence 13565X, $125. '57 Plymouth, stetion wag- on, V-8, automatic. Licence 34387X, $125, '63 Ford, 4-door. Licence 31215. '59 Chevrolet, station wag- on. Licence 20401X. $295, '58 Pontiac, station wagon. Licence 4565X. $495, sedan, Su- 32397. sedan, Li- sedan, Li- HERE HAS TO BE THE SMARTEST CAR '64 Chevelle, super sport, V-8, 2 + door hardtop, vinyl roof, Licence H78898, Fen ag ae ee ee ae a ee Ny Re ay Spy oye 30--Automobiles for Sale 36--Legal @ _|36--Legof BS SS THE OSHAWA TIMES, ER St a Nd Bad all ad ad Soturdey, October 1, 1966 43 19% PONTIAC, six cylinder autometle, prota Telephone 728-4440, 'Wit convertible, radio, new tires, A-1 ao $275, Dial 668-2231. CiaNs PAID Ore We trade i. down. Choose from 0 cars. No down a ment, Gus . Brown Motors Ltd. 728-7375. SAVE DOLLARS! Several used -- 55's up, Trades T 'anged, R. 'erms n i. Motor Seles," 509. Bloor . iis BEAUNON iT convertible Va power rakes ai steerli r tomat! Call anylime, 726-6009. 31---Compact Cars for Sale ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Vaue Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Voll i » 4 ficult tnd Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Sales and Service Open Evenings %* VOLVO & PEUGOT % MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 1964 CORVAIR coupe Monze, automatic, radio, Low mileage. A real sharp car, Telephone 668-5823. Can be seen from 9-5 p.m, 145 Brock Street South, Whitby. 1962 CHEVY Ii, 6 cylinder, standard, 4 ears acter good condition, Telephone 1965 COMET Caliente, two - door hard- top, excellent condition. $2,200 or best offer. Telephone 728-7201. 1962 AUSTIN. 850, 25,000 original miles, radio, new Perilli tires, perfect shape. $600 or best offer, Call 725-0338, 1962 "MGA" MARK 11, perfect condition, Pirelli tires, winter hardtop, Phone 723- 4900. 193 CHEVY Ti, low mi ileage, very Clean, ood +condition, positraction, snow fires. easonably priced for quick sale. 728-4134 atter 5.30 p.m. 1964 MGB, seat bain radio, windshield washers, excellent condition throughout. Best offer. Telephone 728- 9567, 1963 VOLVO Canadien B18, excellent condition, has all extras, financing can be arranged. Telephone 723-9670. 32--Trucks for Sale 56 G.M.C., model V-552, five-ton, tong wheel base dump truck, Combination box and holst, V-8 engine, 18,000 pound rear end, D.P, axie, five-speed, Clarke trans- mission, 10 x 20, 12 ply tires. Best offer. Telephone 723-5387, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. man. Close to hospital, north plant, bus stop. Telephone 725-2305. ROOM AND BOARD "for young Tady, _-- = Two-bedroom poe oho broadioom, drapes, stove and refrigerator. Free washer and dryer. Paved, 'perning. 723-4670. city eusniled. Avail. THREE OR FOUR room apartment, fur- michad hanted alactr' T ieiesueus SH my Amrrmrs ts Stee at door, completely new, are water, | heat, refrigerat ae ve luded. Laun- la oy TWO-BEDROOM raparimen, heat and hydro included. 723-8393, close to and north GM offices, seven-day week, good meals, laundry done. 7203577, a 57. Room gentleman, willing, to sort conteal ta ee Bg <i for jowniown. PRICE ? Corner of Harwood and Station Road OAD £20N ote wu ALUMINUM step van, for sale or trade for wagon or pickup. Telephone 723-3693. 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want cars for wrecking. Highest orices paid 200- Wentworth Bait 725.118) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals boughi, 8% Bloor Street East, 725-731 BOOM AND BOARD for | gt parking, Close 10 DUS stop. Aisu tworr sui iP ag $2,095. Telephone | 'aa 5007. , AUTO PARTS -- Wanied cars for wrecking Tires and narts for sale. 1175 Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2162. bdo ad apartment for rent. T 728-48. 00M APARTMENT, bath, available newly Gecorated, three basement apartment, private en- centrally located, suitable couple or two girls. 728-6036 efter WHITBY -- TWORED ROOM basement hag oe Available October Cag gy ta $118. monthly drapes, heat, bid epliances. wguie preferred, 668- Fw aeDRGGM apaTeRTewly dei TWO - BEDROOM apartment, dec- orated. Heated. Two children ype an 623-2182. ii $15.00; 3room suites, mote! suites to share; ing. Telephone 668-5201, Whitby. a3 miss ROOM basement Cy yo entrance. Apply 111 Wilson Road i .\dren, Avaiial 725-8088. building, refrigerator, stove, new broad- loom, centrally located. No small chil- je after October 15, 725-| 9230 or THREE - ROOM Tele- GENTRAL -- THREE ROOM spert-jcal cajion. Heat and hydro included. 'phone 725-5135. ment, refrigerator » etc. Inmedistely. May be seen et 26 Mc Gregor St., Oshawa. Iie cate see. ny oe Street. Telephone 725-4589. TWO-BEDROOM apartment | partment by gear Cee Sn yet quiet Possession r i "$120 i eennty 723-1408. BOWMANVILLE -- Two-bedroom aaaee. low with garage and patio, $100 monthly. ares (668-8267. soon AND BOARD for ag Lunches aa fiveday week. Tele phone 723-6258. ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, seven-day week, single beds, near Shop- ping Centre. Telephone 725-2684. ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, near ih GM and Houdaille. Mito 8 sout! TWO - BEDROOM apartment, modern | ities, Telephone 723-8364, 863 Ri South. Room AND BOARD for three gentle- Single beds. Willing to share. Close fo south General Motors. 728-9523, 1545 apartment. Central lo- Paxeside Street. ROOM AND BOARD. No, 2 shift prefer- ably. -0.490. 43 NASSAU STREET, me," nished spa: plenty of Children. Telephone 725-5617, THREE - ROOM basement apartment, unfurnished, south General Motors. Also room or room and board for geritieman. Apply 493 Lakeview Avenue. 723-2394. SIMCOE NORTH AND ELGIN -- Three- room apartment, ground floor. Private entrance, stove and refrigerator supplied. Adults only. 723-9132 during days; 725- 5294 evenings. parcina, Foul cane n apartments avaliable Im- Apply 68 Wayne Street, ros" Wo AND see bedroom apartments, eentral, stove frig, twin elevators, -- Avelagie 0 October 1. No children 728-2947 or 725-8876, , Apt. | weekly. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, $20. Everything Inctuded. Sultabie| oak, two working people. Telephone 728- NEW APARTMENT, $80, monthly. Sult- able for one or two people, refrigerator and stove. Heat and hydro = Inciuded. THREE. Roo Sam, private trance, bath; near South GM. with one child, Parking, ideal. for Phone October 15, 723-5325 or 723-0896 WHITBY. Bachelor apartment. Three rooms, self-contained, ground floor, very central. Call 668-2398. 725-8305. FURNISHED nigel irtment, ted - eg , dinette, » eres cupboards a aly Shopping Ci entre. Apply 460 King West. FHREE-ROOM ee upsteirs apart- ment, in duplex. Close to South General Motors. 655-4726 after S$ p.m. cold | Broadioom throu eon. | immed Aauite only, 728-3295. WANTED, A business gir! or woman to share nen Bay se. a liom of house plus own room. Furnishings provided. Call Ses 'evenings 2 or Saturday. FURNISHED tworoom apartment home with kitchen. Stove and frig, heat and hydro. Shared bath. $85 per month. ' 668-3866. In BEDROOM modern apartment hout, refrigerator, t water included. welcome. Apply TV outlet, je now, Infant peed 4 a Adelaide West, Apartment 2. BEDROOM apartment with large Central. location. $115 monthly. TWO - Heine room to. sublet. late foe pool, '725-4084|27--Rooms for Rent ts, close ng Contre, tree hydro, stove, fridge. rapes, FM musi, controlled en- france, balconies and laundry facilities $e com floor, 349° Marlena Avenue. ne br acgg lls Teoees pee Bi evallabie, Log be ; Mineo bath, ow bag ld stove, very private, central location, and "ann Streets. Available now. Birt) or 156 Simcoe South. TWO-BEDROOM unfurnished apartment. stove, refrverator and parking. Sultable for couple or couple with one child. Now month complete. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED. ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | COMFORTABLE room for | ROOM AND TonnD for one girl. Large | bright bedroom. Good location. Telephone \723- 9938. ROOM AND BOARD > for gentlemen, seven-day week, lunches packed. Tele- phone 723- 7245, ROOM AND BOARD, six-day week. Lunches packed. Shift workers welcome, Telephone 725-7755. | 29----Wanted To » Rent | YOUNG LADY steadily employed wish- les to share an apartment with other igirls, preferrably walking distance to) downtown. Telephone after 4 o'clock, 728- 3527. WANTED -- garage, storage. for car. Telephone Jim, 723-1425 after 5:30 er 5:30 p.m, 30--Cars 'for "Se Cars bought and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137: KING STREET W. OSHAWA 723-6322--723-8311 On_ the Spot Financing 484 King W. U 723-0371 MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 DOWN---$30 MO. 59 - 61 models your choice! BILE BENNETT MOTORS only. Apply i 4 p.m. 323 Athol East or telephone 725-0536. Ege so. light housekeeping + room Private entrance, within walk- Oshewa NI na gr ae an her Ret BY Bina Street "South, 2 oe Yio. ' AVAILABLE wr gp i Three room upstairs apartment, Centre. MAIN FLOOR, double room, witable for two persens. Near hospital. Free parking, Telephone 728-7130 after 6 p.m. FAIRBANKS STREET Two apartment for rent. $15. NEAR WHITBY -- Housekeeping room for girl, kitchen and living room privil- pond Jaundry room, phone and TV avail- able. T 668-4912 after 6 p.m. irnished yy ee roy, No children. T feat JEDROOM aspertments for rent. Apoly m Marland. apartment 104 or telephone 728-909: CLEAN, two room furnished spartment, hid bath and entrance, convenient to hospital and shopping centre, $17. week- ly. Absteiners only, Telephone 728-0797, WHITBY -- Gne - bedroom unfurnished iments, no sence Central. its. Telephone 668-6727. |. |COMPLETELY Paniaanae housekeep- ing room, out- | $650. Telephone | 723-5647. TWO FURNISHED rooms with stove and refrigerator, for good clean couple, at 240 Ritson Road South. Apply 214 Arthur Street for information. FURNISHED ROOM for rent in private home. Central location. aceon pos- session. Telephone 728- and refrigerator, TV ie Suitable for one gentleman. Apply 237 Athol St. E. Tel 'elephone 725-0803. TO SUBLET -- Two ment A apartment building. Retrigere for, stove, washer and _aryer. oun monthly, Avaliable apart-|LAROE FURNISHED room, close to now, Parki: Apply ss Pine Avenue and Grenfell or 723-5522. 'Uren. Telephone 725-3978. FELF-CONTAINED basement private entrance, apartment, wd good real |i LARGE furnished room for two, Private entrance and bath, single beds and tele- sion and radio. Ten dollars each week- ly. Call 725-2520. Gential area, $80 nll RES TWO-BEDROOM apertmént, in small por ag se BF yong refrigerator pod LARGE basement bed-sitting room, fur- , completely private, self-contain- ed. Suitable for one or two ladies or gentlemen. | T 72 stove included, rear lerge tre, s115° poo 'Available Novernber L 72$-0459. TWO-ROOM apartment, fully furnished, ba so heet and hot water included. Tele none 725-7577 after 4 p.m. Rent? reason- LARGE HOUSEKEEPING room with oll conveniences, eee space. Gentleman only. Apply 202 Albert Street, ROOM FOR aaRT nice, 'ceo, tr tor two, private entrance, cooking and parking -- 119 Brock. Street East. THREE-ROOM apartment with bath. Immediate ---- y ys 250 Bruce Street after 5 p.m. WEW. ONE-BEDROOM pasament opeart ment, sulteble for working couple or two girls. on Fernhill. Close fe schools. Tele |k gions 734-0574, ate | LARG 1 bright furnished bedroom, close fo north GM, parking facilities. Gentie-| oer oa Available now, Telephone rooms bedroom an rator end hot plate. weekly. 738-7680. | © A.M. ® "Your RAMBLER Dealer" NICOLS Motors Limited On Highway No. 2 Just West of Thickson Rd. Whitby 668-3331 USED CAR PARTS, tires, wheels, Spindles, springs to make trailers also 1954 CADILLAC for sale In good cond!- +. Will trade for smell car or truck. 725-8337. ise CHEVROLET, six cylinder -stand- ard, two-door, Telephone 725-6195. 1957 OLDSMOBILE convertible, new top, completely new brake job, mechanical y good. $45 $450 best offer. 723-8980. 1966 CHEVELLE Malibu Stationwagon, still under warranty, showroom condi- tion, Can be financed. Telephone 725-9478. 1962 METEOR, good condition, a shift, four door. Telephone 723-781) 34---Automobile Repair FRED STONE Brooklin Phone 655-3653 Motor Rebuilding Cylinder Reboring Pinfitting @ Resleeving Automatic Transmission Crankshaft and Valve Service "4 DODGE 440 sedan, & ant six, like new, 15,000 miles. 486 * gine. beth Street, 728-9339. 1961 CHEVROLET Bel-Air two door hard- top, 6 automatic, radio, wriowelite Must sell $800, Telephonee '%& PONTIAC Parisienne ay Sport convertible, V-8, automatic, bucket seats, power steering and brakes, shaded glass, white wails and radio, Apply 1§ King Street W. after 5 p.m. Ask for Pat. 197 PONTIAC four-door hard top, automatic transmission, radio, $225 or best offer. Telephone 726-77 7735. 1960 CHEVROLET, standard, four = door, six cylinder. $400. Call 728- % PONTIAC Laurentian, = "automatic; gocs clean condition, low mileage. 312 Walnut Street, Whitby. 1966 PONTIAC Strato Chief sedan, V-8 automatic, radio, oversize white wall sor Street, MUST SELL -- 1963 Chevrolet, four-door, siendard, very clean, new fires, radio, $1, 200. Telephone 725- 4554. tires, 5,000 miles. $2,475. Apply 189 Wind-/ R SPECIALISTS, Wye missions are our only busin SImcoe North. Phone 728-7339. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA eh. STREET CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- cil of The Corporation of the City of Oshowo ot Its waning to be ope on Mon- dav tha 17th dav of October 1966 at 7:30 p.m. ot the Council Chambers, City Hall, Oshawa Intends to pass a by- law to close up part of Thorne ton Road South as follows: "All and Singular thot cer- tain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the City of ewa in County and Pro- vince of Ontario, and bei composed of Part of the roa: allowance between Lot 16 ond Lot 17 Broken Front Concession, Township of East Whitby, now in the City of Oshawa, known as Thornton Road South, sald parcel or tract being more particulorly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the easterly limit of said lot number 17, distant southerly therein 720 feet from the North-east angle thereof; THENCE southerly in and along the east limit of said Lot number 17, being also the west limit of Thomton Road South, a distance of 3,650 feet to a point; ' THENCE easterly along a'line being perpendicular with last- ly defined course to a point in the west limit of said Lot number 16, said point being distant southerly therein 4,- 370 feet from the north-west angle thereof; THENCE northerly in ond along the west limit of said Lot number 16, benig also the east limit, of Thornton Rood South, @ * distance of 3,650 feet to a point; THENCE westerly along a line being perpendicular with lastly defined course to the Point of Commencement." A plan showing the part of Thornton. Road South to be closed is on file and may be examined at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Osh- awa, Ontario, AND TAKE FURTHER NO- TICE that at the said meet- ing the Council shall heor in person or by his counsel, soli- citor or agent any person who claims thot his land will be prejudicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard, DATED AT OSHAWA THIS 17TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A.D, 1966, L. R. Barrand, Esq. City Clerk, entre Street OSHAWA, Ontaric THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION LICENSING DISTRICT NO, 7 TAKE NOTICE that MANOS LIMITED of the City of Osh- awa in the County of Ontario will make opplication at af. Specic! Meeting of the Li- quor Licence Board of On- tario to be held at the AU» RUTAPIIAA DAVA! CANA. DIAN. LEGION, 217 MUR. RAY STREET in hed City of Peterborough In of Peterborough on Tuesday the twenty-fifth day of Octo- ber, 1966, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock D.S.T. in the forenoon for the issuance of @ DINING LOUNGE LICENCE for the sale ond consump- tion of liquor with meals for the following premises. The Bo-Peep Restaurant which js situate In a ground floor store in the Oshowa Shopping Plaza situote at the south-east corner of King West and Stevenson Road South in the City of Oshawa being port of Lot 14 In the First Concession, City of Oshowa, Any person who Is resident In the licensing district may o~ to the application, and whinge of objection in wr - shall be filed with J. BROWNE, the 38--Coming Events IN MEMORIAM TO-NIGHT | Old Country -- PRESENTS DANCE TIME WITH PAT RICCIO AND His TV Orchestra KINSMEN HALL - Colborne St. W. Refreshments, Door' Prize Bor Privileges from 8:30 Spot Prizes, $2.00 per person BINGO ST. GEORGE'S HALL Albert and Jackson Sts, Eve: y Monday - 7:45 p.m, 20 regular games $10 and $20 2 JACKPOTS Ist $150---53 Nos, $5 each horizontal line 2nd $100--50 Nos, Consolation for each $10 Door prize $15 pi 'Deputy -R gist of the licensing district, whose address is 55 LAKESHORE BLVD, EAST, TORONTO 2, ONTARIO, at least ten days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard, DATED ot Oshowa this 29th day of September, 1966. MANOS LIMITED by Frank Manos President Applicant Shopping Ploza King We West, Oshawa, Ontario Address 38--Coming Events MONDAY 8:00 P.M, BINGO ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 King St. East ot Farewell -- FREE -- ADMISSION -- FREE -- Ha. RAR 1 Cien eeee 26 Reg Ganves Plus $10 each horizontal line. Regular Jackpot $100 in 56 Nos, $20 Con, 35--Lost and Found LOST In the vicinity of Colborne Street West and Prince Street, brown attache case containing papers and books vital to Young People's Mutual Improvement Association for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Telephone 668-8991 after 10 a.m, FOUND -- Black and ten pup, vicinity of Athol and Ritson. Owner may claim same by paying for this advertisement. Telephone 723-2846. COST -- in Bowmanville arena, sliver colored Wittnaver wristwatch, and wallet with personal papers. Reward. Telephone James MacDonald '725-9704 or Bowman- ville Police. WALLET, man's, brown, lost pueeiey afternoon tn Genosha Hotel vicinity. ward as papers badly needed. stan 36--Legal 1961 ENVOY station wagon, In good con- dition, Telephone 723-3803. WS PONTIAC. Licence J5401. 4door hardtop, 6 automatic. Priced to sell. No downpayment! Nicols Motor Sales Ltd. on highway No, 2, just west of Thick- son Rd. 668-3331. 1964 VALIANT, licence 74826, 4door sedan, still under new car warranty. he owner. Nicols Motor Sales Ltd, on No. PAS ed lust west of Thickson hee ia CHEVEGLAT Super Sport hardtop, 327 automatic, power brakes and steer- ing..mositraction..reverbarator. Best offer. Telephone 725-1546. 42 CHEVY I Stationwagon, 6 cylinder standard, whitewalls, low mileage. Phone 728-2487 .after 6 p.m, 1931 FORD, four-door sedan. To Inspect apply 337 Arthur St. 1937 PONTIAC Coupe, converted into hot rod, customized body, excellent con- dition, Olds. engine, completely chrome, new tires, and mag wheels. Telephone 723-6035. THUNDERBIRD, '62 convertible, bucket seats and all extras. New fires. In A-1 condition, Must sell. Trade accepted. Telephone 728-7711. '59 FORD station wagon, good condition, 6 cylinder, standard. Needs exhaust sys- tem. $300 or best offer. 728-0558. 1987 CHEVROLET, red and white, -- yon good running condition. pply 1457 Oxford Street. os PONTIAC LAURENTIAN V8, sten- dard, radio, positraction, washers, tinted windshield, A-! condition. Must sell for cash, 723-6276 after 5 p.m. a) CHEVROLET two-door hardtop. "6". Radio. Very good. Lic. 92058K. $995. Ted Campin "Sore Oshawa. arc welding on trailers. 509 Bond 1957 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville. Good all around car. $450. T 1961 CHEVROLET BEL AIR. Four-door, six-cylinder, automatic. Very good con dition. Telephone 668-8262, Whitby. os Hb hot anen ae RB se ante Lanna i964 CHEVROLET Bel Air, 8 cylinder, tomatic, power. steering, 9 Teese 4 door, radio, Telephone 723-7914. 19 PONTIAC Laurentian, 6 eplindar, automatic, new paint, excellent condition. 19 CHEVROLET. Licence 687812, six- cylinder sedan. An ideal family car, bee down, $39 monthly. Nicols Motor Sale: Ltd., pg = -- 2, just west of Thicke son Rd., 668-3. 1962 MERCURY COMET -- Licence 99377. This car must be driven to be appreciated. Like new! Nicol's Motor Sales Ltd., on Highway No. 2, just west of Thickson's Road, 668-3331. 1963 ACADIAN -- Licence H91267, four- door sedan, $50 dcewn, $45 monthly. Nicol's Motor Sales Ltd., on Highway No. 2, just west of Thickson's Road, 668-3331. 1940 FORD Stationwagon, good condition, | % 8 cylinder, standard 'transmission and radio. Telephone 728-5326. 1960 RAMBLER, good condition. Low mileage, privately owned, radio, $420. Telephone 725-2330, ; 1989 CHRYSLER V-8, push button, good condition. Priced to sell af $225. Tele- phone 668-8915. _.|"4 OLDSMOBILE hardtop, power steer- indjing and brakes, 394 cuble Inch motor, ition. 1958 CHEVROLET -- Licence 37723, four- door sedan, $20 down, $25 month. Nichol's Motor Sales Ltd., on Highway = 2, just west of Thickson's Road. 668-3 18S OLDSMOBILE Jetstar, 4 a & power brakes and steering, wa 7 A-1 condition Inside and out; also Wechahesty A-1; low mileage, execu- five car, Best offer around $2,650. Call or 728-0884. 1958 MERCURY HARDTOP -- Licence 84456, Nothing down, $22. month. Nicol's Motor Sales Ltd, just we wf Thickson Road on Highway No. 2. 3331. 7§ FORD station wagon, es ~ automatic, £190 or best offer. Telephone 723-6364. 185 CUTLASS convertible, power equip- ped, like new, low mileage. Telephone 798-3685 or 725-0694. '497 MCLAUGHLIN BUICK, "good running order Collector's item. Contact Mr. Paimer, Bad Boy's Store, 728- 4658. 1957 DODGE, V-8, automatic, radio, | good condition. . Telephone 668-5613 after 5 p.m. 199) METEOR, 32,000 miles, 6 cylinder, asking $600. Apply 50? Dundes West, Whitby. 4% PARISIENNE hardtop, Power equipped, many extras, In A-1 con- dition, $1,600. 723-4162 or 309 Jarvis. PRIVATE. '59 Chevrolet, d-door hardiop, 'automatic, positraction, many extras. A-1 cond! priced. 733-4050, six cylinder, automatic, radio, very clean, $208, Terms. le "|i, JAMES ALVIN F BOWMANVILLE Painting Contractors TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived, until 3:00 p.m. (E.D.T.) on WEDNESDAY, OCT, 12th, 1966 for the Interior and Exterior Painting of the kitchen and dining room building, Trein- ing School for Boys, Bowman- ville, Ontario. Tender Documents may be obtained from Room 6630, Department of Public Works, Whitney Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted J. D, MILLAR, Deputy Minister. RIS, 160 Adelaide East, Oshawa, will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone, on or after this date, October 1, 1966, without my written consent. (signed) James A. Ferris. YOU Are One of the Thousands Who Read TIMES Classified ACTION ADS EVERY DAY To Place an Ad Telephone 123-3492 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Saturday till 12:00 noon NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD A The Corporation of the City of Oshawa for approval of a by-law to establish a board of con- trol pursuant to Section 202 of The Municipal Act. TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- cil of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to apply to The Ontario Munici- pal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 202 of The Municipal Act for op- proval of By-law number 215-66 passed on the 19th doy of September 1966, be- ing a by-law to establish board of control consisting of four members to be elected et the biennial elections and to further provide for the payment of annaul remuner- ation In the sun of $2,500.00 to each member duly elected to the board of control. Any person interested may, within fourteen (14) days "ed ter the date of first publica- tion of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the City of Osh- ewa notice of his objection to approval of the said by-law together with a statement of the grounds of such objection. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the sald by-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when ony objection to the by-law will be considered. Notice of any hearing thot moy be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection. The last day for filing objec- tions will be October 11th 1966, DATED AT THE CITY OF OSHAWA THIS 24TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1966. L: R. Barrand, Esq. City Clerk 50 Centre Street OSHAWA, Ontario. For RESULTS TIMES Classified ACTION ADS 723-3492 SHARE THE WEALTH Good Parking Tickets Available ot The Door Extra Bus Service No Children Please. WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO EVERY MONDAY Admission ticket gives you free chance on door prize, $250. JACKPOT Nos. 52 and 54 $50, CONSOLATION Jackpot poys double in 52 Nos, or less $150. JACKPOT $20 A HORIZONTAL LINE $50 FULL CARD $200 In 52 Nos.' or less 5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30, $45 in 17 Nos, or less. 20 GAMES AT $20, Regular games pay double in 17 Nos. or less EARLY BIRD GAME 7:45 ervu Door Prize EXTRA BUSES RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA BINGO KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY, 7:45 Early Bird Gome FREE ADMISSION Jackpot 54 end 52 Children under 16 not allowed Special 7:30 bus from. 4 Comers A FALL ey, Ot, 3, 19 96g, 8 PM, Soins 4 LL i Bloor St. «oy "Averidenes end'Qecer tt eo Prizes, Lunch Everyone Welcome Sponsored THE UIRRATNIAN WOMEN peg nang ot "agin ere i and heer g McKay, loving memory of @ deer Ji rs Mi ig Ppa ili sa ever GRANT -- in ree Oe Sas r loved ones say "minsed by "bromera White ond ORANT -- ben husband, cls, \seanke wie posted was "killed tn an r 2, 1965, rt But In the gloom the sweet Not lost but gone before. God knows GILLARD = In toving oe oped 'and sister, who pessed eway October 1, family, mee Ps happen Mh ~ m Bin | oe Ss rll vy. "Srila "ne assed away denly on Octobe r 'ola morn 'The sorrow ae the aly wo Yavdden, =o To pat part wt with Fray Bn we loved You wi pty Be soos their families, NASH -- In fovi wuts P gra way nig? our hearts your perery iingere, Always tender, ne 'and true, There | Is not a iy hed That we.do not think of you, Always remembered ASSOCIATION OF CANADA (Barvinok Branch) BIRTHS Iniaw Gisie and Judy. Sor ond Gea In eRe mathe, Wier," bevere who ea Heh yh Mafterat aaa The | a heart SNOWBALL, ---. $150 in 56 Nos. For Sanerias pees peery dav _erreatee eee See inary 74 son-intay law Fac and: and poy SEVERS --~ ae Severs In tovi @ ARE as Sd OPS "lone, yet never alone, 1 face an poet & chair, But sometimes In wee silence My companion of so > wally youre wey He p engee | here with me nd yet In as er cmbered by wite @dith ane hive remembered DISNEY, Mabel Emma Entered Into rest In the Oshawa General el ae eveasy y, September 30, Nae abel Emma beloved wite the late Liewel ce ee mother Mrs. Bai peo Fens ) T " No, 3 will hold a service ineral home, Sunday at 7 p.m. GILLARD, Susan Loreen Entered Into rest, In Sick Children's Hee. erg Toronto, on Friday, September 30, ee rae pes iy ilar, info oun, ard, Hf car oi Oshawa, 19 days. interment was in ee inion Ceme- tery, Saturday, October 1 at 11 a.m, el 'at the tune A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we wages NT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office, 723-2633 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements floral arrangements for ell occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE \ 728-6555 GERROW CARD OF THANKS FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 IN MEMORIAM WICKETT -- We would Iike fo heartfelt thanks and appreciation to friends, relatives and nel many lovely cards, Ee and flowers re ceived on the occasion of our 35th wed ding hhh Sh 4 --Mr. and Mra, Harold Wicket?. hoary yt -- The family BALDWIN -- In loving memory dear husband and fether, Seoroe Suid win, who passed away October 2, 1 ey remembered by his Ay Fine! and family and grandson Terry. ALLARD -- In loving rshall Knapp with to thank their a a gg Bi! Bland Rev. L. W. Herbert of King "]United Church Say "thelr kindness many floral tributes. Hilda V, Knapp end femily. Ps grandfather, Witten Jann. 8 ilerd. im by passed away / October 2, 1 vugale OBITUARIES chieren BALLARD Ball. se memory of a Aone. hes! Ballard, gy ts passed away it halt the oat of time, again the pas' Children under 16 not admitted |j,=Y*" SUNNYSIDE BINGO TO-NIGHT $2,300.00 IN PRIZES JACKPOT NOS. 57 and 59 AT THE RED BARN EXTRA BUSES 7-7:30 P.M, BINGO AT U.A.W.A. HALL SATURDAY, OCT. Ist 7:30 P.M. 20 GAMES, $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 $40, $50 JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH Tickets will be drawn for 10 turkeys. DEALING IN SERVICES? Ciassifica jac get you new business? Dial 723-349: for @ helpful ad-writer, 2 DeHART -- In loving memory of dear father and orenatathor Blake. De- Hart who -- away 2 196). God took him home, it wes his will But In-our Lecag stil, hearts he ry reg Lae let lovi . red fr grand: children Roger, Marilyn end lorie. cone < =--In of dn of Annie a who passed ai 2 Mrather in Thy stan ing Do we eave our loved "one aiebng < ssed Lovingly remembered a: by Rune \pearl and Gordon. ESPOSITO -- in sad and toving ory cf my dear father and Somes Esposito, who away Oc- tober 2, 1960. One proces our hearts has gone, The voice we \s -- The place made vacant Can never more be tila No one you loved was To hear your last mine sl To whisper just a yethend oe Before you closed your eyes. en las ee saw Wor smiling face, 'ou looked ae, oa and well, We little thought evening it was " last farewell. We stood by an rave, fehed them® lowe lower the one And we watched we We would have given our lives to save, But K knew our thoughts couldn't waken His soul In t at lonely grave. we laid «or hearts him And quietly walked away. He left us @ memory we are own, The heartaches In this world are But to lose our father, was the g of any. God took him, it was His will, Within our hearts he liveth still. --Sadly missed and always remembered 'by daughter Jennie, n> law Bert mem- andtetner, rT) Ye MRS. MABEL E. DISNEY A long-time resident of Oshe axoe Aine Moheal Emme Mie. Say ae roe ney, 190 Simcoe st. &., died Friday at Oshawa General Hos- pital. In her 8ist year, she had been in failing health for seve - eral years. Born at Hayden, Ont., she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, Mrs. Disney was past district deputy president of Oshawa's Rebekah assembly; past presi- dent of Rebekah's Ontario as- sembly; she was a member of Rebekah Lodge 38 LAPN; member of pythian sisters; or- der of the Eastern Star; King St. United Church women; a chartered member of and past president of the E. A. Lovell Home and School Association; Albert St. Home and Association and the Canadian Red Cross Society. She is predeceased by two husbands, Charles Goyne, who died in 1910, and Llewellyn ee who passed away in Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Earl Armour, (Tlene) Tor- onto; Mrs, Thomas White, «i(Amy), Oshawa; one son, Ede ward, Oshawa; nine grand children and. two great grand- children. Funeral service will be con ducted Monday at 2 p.m. from the Armstrong Funeral Home to Oshawa Union Cemetery. A prayer service will be at the home at 7 p.m. Sunday. Son - | and granddaughter Janet Gall. @RAHAM -- In loving memory of our dear gore Rosanne, Graham, who passed aw 1964 and a dear father Willie Graham who passed away dune 30, 1948. Precious forever, all memories of you Today, tomorrow and all. life through, Just as you were, will always Treasured forever in % memories. --Ever remembered daughters Bertha, Gladys and IT'S BRITAIN'S TURN UNITED NATIONS (CP) -- British Ambassador Lord Cara- don becomes president of the UN Security Council today for the month of October. He suc- ceeds Soviet Ambassador Nike- lai Fedorenko

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