BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE ft er One Year In Jail Follows Break-In, Theft At Club speeds all the way from Whitby Green was charged in Picker- A stolen hat was enough to ms os 17. Aurora, In Whitby Barge peta agistrate Ha: ermyn uae Hall to to 12 months def- inite and six months indefinite for his part in a break-in and theft at an Uxbridge Township golf course. Hall, charged with breaking, entering and theft Aug. 13 along with Robert. C. Herbert, 17, Whitechurch Township, told court he entered the palisades golf club but didn't take any- thing. "A hat was his share of the poe " Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck pointed out after earlier testimony showed golf clubs and balls were also taken from the club's Pro shop. Hall, pleading not guilty, was serving a two-year probation term at the time of the rob-| 4 bery. That term came from an earlier criminal conviction. arge against Herbert was ba ga s in court to posses- sion of stolen goods and he pleaded guilty and got an 18- month suspended sentence and probation. NO SUSPENSION A Toronto salesman who travels 700 to 800 miles weekly in Ontario is thanking his lucky stars today. Gary Collins, 30, pleaded guilty to careless 'driv. ing and was fined $100 and costs or 30 days. Magistrate Jermyn had the right to sus- pend Collins' licence but chose not to on the strength that his livelihood was dependent on driving. Collins was pulled over last Feb. 25 by police at Pick- ering after travelling at high along the Macdonald - - caret cn ial, Mik 1h Wal reduced in court. PAY CHEQUE "That's a pretty contemptible thing, stealing a man's pay cheque and signing it," Magis- trate Jermyn told a 16-year-old Pickering youth as he gave him an 18-month suspended sen- tence and probation. Two weeks ago, Anthony Younghusband, a summer employee with the de- partment of lands and forests, pleaded guilty to forging and uttering a $48.30 pay cheque of a fellow employee. FAIL TO REMAIN Twenty-five-year-old Daniel Breen, 368 Nipigon St., Oshawa, appeared on a charge of failing to remain at the scene of an accident on Highway 2 between Oshawa and Whitby Aug. 31, Breen pleaded not guilty but was fined $200 and costs or 60 days and had his licence sus- pended for two years, Breen hit a car driven by Garnet White, 934 Greenwood Cres., Whitby, and took off but Mr. White managed to get Breen's licence number. Breen had a record for highway traffic act convic- tions that dated back to 1962. IMPAIRED George Brent, 57, Toronto, pleaded guilty to impaired driv- ing and was fined $100 or 15 days. He was caught on the Macdonald - Cartier Freeway in Pickering Township Sept. 10. Another Toronto man, Doug- las Carl Green, 24, pleaded guilty to impaired driving and was fined $100 or 15 days. Driver Hit High Speeds On Worst Day Of Winter BOWMANVILLE -- On one of the worst mornings of last win- ter a 1966 model auto west- bound was clocked, between Newcastle and Bowmanville, at 80 miles an hour. In magis- trate's court here Tuesday the driver was fined $50 and costs, or seven days. Allan Robert Gonyea, a steel worker for a construction firm, told the court he was on his way irom Trenton on = Mon- day morning to work in Hamil- ton. He left home at 2.30 a.m., picked up three passengers, also steel workers, and stopped at the service centre east of Newcastle for coffee on the way. "At 5.30 a.m., the road was icy in spots, high winds were whipping blowing snow across the highway," stated the offi- cer. 'Forty cars were in diffi- culty in Toronto and 20 in Co- bourg. All motorists were warn- ed by radio to stay off the roads unless absolutely neces- sary. I radioed ahead and had another cruiser stop him or I would have abandoned the chase." E. C. Wildman, defense coun- sel, said that his client had no previous convictions and other than his speed was driving carefully. "Eighty miles an hour is too fast for those conditions," com- mented Magistrate R. B. Bax- ter. 'In view of his previously unspotted record there will be no suspension of licence." 1, Cherry. Valley, Prince Ed- ward County, told Magistrate R. B. Baxter he had attended a party in Toronto and was in a hurry to get to Bancroft. He was clocked at 110 miles an hour on Highway 401, swerv- ing back and forth across the road and finally crashing into the car ahead. Mr. Whiteford admitted that he had been drinking and had seen neither the cruiser following him nor the two cars ahead. GUN CONFISCATED A Newtonville man was con- vieted far ueine a gun in a game area. Magistrate R. B. Baxter fined him $10 and costs, or three days, and the gun was confiscated. William Thomas Ablewhite, RR 1, set out $2,000 worth of dwarf apple trees but his plans were thwarted by the heavy population of rabbits and deer in the bush and stream area nearby. He admitted wiring a shotgun to a fence with a trip wire attached in such a man- ner that a deer leaping the fence would be shot. "T tested it with my service belt," stated the officer, 'and it worked all right." The Crown observed that any person climbing the fence might have been shot as easily as a deer, John Greer, defense counsel, stated his client had worked for one firm for 20 years, had no previous record, and did not intend to harm anyone. Cartior}in Fowncklp 98 260, tt. ee sacainet Greene 'was dropped. $200 FINE On a charge of impaired driv- ing laid in Whitby Sept. 23, Donald MacMillan, 33, 573 Olive Ave., Oshawa, was fined $200 and costs or 15 days after plead- ing guilty. MacMillan's licence was suspended for six months. His car struck another causing a total of about $350 damage to both vehicles, An additional charge of failing to remain at the scene of an accident was withdrawn by the crown. ACCIDENT Edward Jones, 38, RR 1, Ux- bridge was fined $75 and costs or 15 days in jail after the pleaded quilty to failing to re- main at the scene of an acci- dent Sept. 17 on County Road 9 just east of Uxbridge. CHARGE REDUCED Ivan A. Woodrow, 38, Ash- burn, Ont., was fined $100 and costs or 15 days on a charge of impaired driving, reduced from drunk driving, the initial charge laid June 26 in Whitby. A West Hill; Ont. man, Roger John Shingler, 21, was fined $100. and costs or 30 days after pleading guilty to a charge of careless driving, reduced from dangerous driving. Police nab- bed him after his car had been travelling at high speed in the Bay Ridges area June 10. MOTHER - SON Mrs, Stella Grant got the best of it when she and her son, David Gary Grant, 18, both of Kitchener, Ont., came up in side-by-side cases. David Grant, charged Aug. 16 at Pickering with driving while disqualified, was given a fine of $50 and costs or 10 days. He pleaded guilty to the charge, laid when police pulled him over on Mac- donald-Cartier Freeway. was charged with permitting an unlicensed person to drive. But she told the court she did not know her son's licence was sus- pended earlier this year for failure to prove car insurance, so Magistrate Jermyn withdrew the charge. SELLS GUN Gordon Taylor, a Claremont, Ont. businessman, pleaded guil- ty to selling a pellet gun to a 12-year-old boy June 29 and was fined $10 and costs or three days. A 2-vear-old Oshawa man, Panan Deaigtc, 48 Horerd s+ ager ads, Wee spy pleaded guilty to minor consum- ing in Whitby on Sept. 11 and was fined $50 and costs or 10 days. A charge of having other oy in a residence was drop- JAPAN RANKS SEVENTH With nearly 100,000,000 popu- lation, Japan ranks seventh in the world, behind Communist China, India, Soviet Russia, the U.S.A. and Pakistan, TOMORROW "BANG, BANG YOU'RE DEAD" Color -- Tony Rendall "GIRL GETTERS" (Adult) -- Oliver Reed Last Day -- TORN CURTAIN Businessman COOKSVILLE, Ont. (CP)-- Frank Galwey, owner of Streetsville Coach "Lines, said Tuesday night he has taken ac- because he pect meet pay de- mands of his bus driv- ers. In Streetsvilie, 60 of the 69 '|drivers voted unanimously Tuesday night to continue a walkout that left 2.700 Toronto Township school chudren with- out transportation. The trouble started Monday. Mr. Galway suid his compan: pay rates were $5 to $10 a day higher than other school bus operators in the area, The town- ship school board pays $25 to THE OSHAWA-TIMES, Wednendey, September 28, 1966 35) Claims Strike Forces End To Bus Firm $32 a day to the company for use of its buses. Mr, Galway said he found it ~.|impossible to carry on the firm under present condiuons. Robert Wilson, spokesman for the non-union drivers, said they would not go back to work un- der the conditions proposed by Mr. Galway. He said the driv- ers have been asked to work about five hours a week longer without additional pay. H. J, Brown, business admin- y\istrator for the school board, said that if Mr. Galway liqui- dates the company, an emer- gency board meeting will be held tonight. NIGHTLY APPEARING THIS WEEK IN "THE VINTAGE ROOM" FRANCO CARUSO Featuring TV ond NIGHT CLUB PERSONALITY SONGSTRESS Mrs, Grant, also in the car|- ACTOR IN COURT ON DRUG CHARGE 108 HONEY sno MISS GALORE Av ES Bw AE FON MORE! NANDO PERINI LICENSED UNDER LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OF ONTARIO GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL THORNTON RD. SOUTH AT CHAMPLAIN AVE. Actor Peter Fonda leaves a Los Angeles court build- ing today after his attor- ney asked that marijuana possession charges against him and three men, be dis- missed. A hearing on the dismissal motion will be held Oct, 7. The four were arrested last' month by police who said they found marijuana plants under cul- tivation at Fonda's home. (AP Wirephoto) NEW PONY EXPRESS DELIVERY 24 HOURS A DAY Service by Pony Express FREE with Every Order $2.50 or over ORANGE JULEP 1569 Simcoe St. N. 728-4071 EVERYONE PLAYED The city of Paris had 1,800 tennis courts in the year 1600. DO Git WILLIAM CASTLE "LETS DRIVE-INS KILLUNGLE ~.-before UNCLE TECHNICOLOR: NG GREEN 'exe"™* WA | | kills everyone! COLOR SHOW OF SHOWS -- FAMILY eG) SP asl MURRAY Guy YP cnsmenvel "ABBY barn SSD iglt PANGAN Eee oon PH. 723-4972 DRIVE-IN 6: You'll Enjoy This Spy Romp ! "BANG, BANG, YOU'RE DEAD" In COLOR with TONY RANDALL-SENTA BERGER BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 P.M. Show Starts ot Dusk BLINDFOLD (Adult) $250 FINE A Toronto University student pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and was fined $250 and costs, or one month in jail. His licence was suspended for six months. PAT & MIKE FISH & CHIPS "Generous Servings HALIBUT, SHRIMPS, SCALLOPS 723-1951 Robert Leslie Whiteford, RR | 668-2692 FREE IN-CAR 839-3621 HEATERS $22. RORFOP, a You Are Invited To Meet The POLAROID CAMERA GIRL at JURY and LOVEL * FRIDAY, SEPT. 30 from 7 to 9 * SATURDAY, OCT. 1 from 10 to 5 The Polaroid Camera Girl will demonstrate the new Polaroid Color Pack Cameras. Come see color portraits in 60 seconds, black and white in just 15 . The most fun in photography. FREE DEMONSTRATION JURY + LOVELL =. 8 KING ST. E. TERRY - THOMAS ahs "A MAN | Added Romantic Fun ! "THE GIRL GETTERS" Starring OLIVER REED JANE MERROW COULD GET KILLED" « ODEON | STARTING TOMORROW Aho -z for the heist Fram the novel by JACK FINNEY Proteced by WILLIAM CoerT 'rected by JACK DONOHUE «tee unt cumcron TECHNICOLOR PANAVE PANAVISION? 723-2245 Last DAY ELIZABETH TAYLOR SIZZLES IN "BUTTERFIELD 8" and "CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF" Adult ee 7 There's Something NEW in OSHAWA A Famous CHICKEN HOUSE Is Here To Serve You ART ESSERY'S Plantation Fried CHICKEN Plantation Style Fried Chicken "It's Delicious" Treat Yourself Gnd Friends toa "New Taste Treat" TODAY You Can Order It By The "BOX", "BASKET" or "BARREL" THIS IS THE NEW CHICKEN TREAT THAT IS SWEEPING AMERICA AND IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN OSHAWA Large pieces of tender young chickens are placed in a mixture of fresh eggs and milk, then tossed lightly in the finest pastry flour which contains 14 different savory Plantation Style herbs and aromatic spices. It is then fully cooked in minutes in our special patented equip- ment to a tasty, golden brown, "IT'S DELICIOUS". WE RAISE AND PROCESS OUR OWN CHICKENS AT PLANTATION FARMS AND WE GUARANTEE THEM TO BE LARGE, TENDER AND "FRESH" THE Crtscinnues HOSE No. 1 "Solo Dinner" 3 Larae Pieces Pffiritation Style Chicken Golden Brown French Fried Potatoes Savory Summer Cole Slaw 1.25 No. 3 "Lil Barrel" 13 Large Pieces Plantation Style Chicken Golden Brown French Fried Potatoes 4.95 2.95 7.50 To complete your Plantation Style Fried Chicken Dinner, We also offer the Famous Chicken House Salads, Old Fashioned Potatoe Salad ... No. 2 "Picnic Box" 8 Large Pieces Plantation Style Chicken Golden Brown French Friend Potatoes No. 4 "Big Barrel" 22 Large Pieces Plantation Style Chicken Golden Brown French Fried Potatoes beceaereas« so0 DiOotOG Ot Macaroni and String Bean Salad -.--....... .45 pt.-- .85 qt. Savory Summer Cole Slaw 00 pt.---1.00 qt, Plantation Baked Beans . Golden Brown French Fries eoeeeee Picnic Pack of French Fries (for six) «+. ..ceceeeceesecs TERAT YOURSELF AND FRIENDS TO A "NEW TASTE. TREAT" TODAY THE CHICKEN HOUSE PLANTATION STYLE FRIED CHICKEN PHONE 728-4771 577 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA AS 6 bbb wae ce seo Dheee GOO ate oesent* ease sao Der order 1,00 PHONE 728-4771 + RS S Sw SS eee eae