Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Sep 1966, p. 30

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PANO Ee 30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, September 28, 1966 re Purr iia 5 carat 20--Real Estate for Sale A For Sale or Rent 20---Real Estate for Sale H. KEITH Ltd. REALTOR POSSESSION Tenney ALL ELECTRIC SPLIT-LEVEL HOMES IN OSHAWA, Seopa 3 by 4 room, easy terms. North-west Whitby, Call DOUG CAR- MICHAEL, 723-7463. BROILER and BEEF FARM tg ¢ allt conveniences. Town Any offer considered. fall IDSO WIERSMA, 728- 5683. LESS THAN RENT -- AJAX yor room large bungalow. rec room, low taxes. tad $11,200 with easy terms, Call IDSO WIERSMA, 728-5683. 165 ate halen Here ise exoctly whot have been looking for. Noxt to Oshawa Shopping Centre. Snow white bungalow, new automatic furnace, rec room, mony extras. Only $11,900. Terms. | Call MICHAEL, 723-7463. ily-room, 'attached ye yt and doubia aoranes. Urive tast on Rossland Road Eest, and South on Central Park to Arnhem Drive, or Phone 668- 5853 for further information. OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE LTD. 515 Brock Street South Whitby, Ontario. 23 SUITE APARTMENT Building, 2 years old, fully equipped and leased, balcon- jes, lots of paved parking, located Simcoe Street North, ug details call Jack Apple- ry. 723-3398 728-5123 eee FRANK | "REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West, Bowmanville KIPAAAOA Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board FREE APPRAISALS -- ANYTIME NO SALE -- NO.CHARGE MORTGAGE MONIES AVAILABLE. WE CAN REFINANCE YOUR HOME SO [T WILL SELL FAST COTTAGES & HOMES $1,500. -- Lake Ontario, Bowmanville West Beach. Furnished 3-bedroom cottage, screened porch. $2,500, -- 6-room cottage at Pontypool. Flush toilet. Lot 50' x 125'. Terms. $11,000. -- Maple Grove, 8-room home on No. 2 High- way. Lot 178' x 125'. $2,- 500. down. DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED REALTOR 333 King Street West 723-1168 "FAMILY HOME" Excellent older home in cen- tral area. The mony extras including modern bath, new furnace, paved drive and gar- age and LOW taxes make this home most desirable, phone now. "RETIRING?" Or just looking for an invest- ment? Then exchange your house for this modern TRI- PLEX. Good area and com- pletely equipped. Phone for complete details, 723-1168 Member of O.D.R.E.B. AFTER HOURS CALL Dick Mason 728-4991 John Howson 725-9152 TWO ELEVEN-SUITE § apartments, oe Fauay ae yo -# wit Bay ntl come pr as payment. Clare Mecultog, Wir Ww. Frank Real Estate. $1,200, DOWN, a, three-bedroom bun- galow, Bipot AA from Bowmanville on paved road, a bog Mey of smeall- er prope ing down ment, coh Gi Clare McCullough, "i W. Frank Real Estate, $3,000 DOWN buys this og which has goed rental income ai ries for. only $125 per gg ei bel $15,900, aa an Johnston, 728- fleid-Aker Ltd. TWO - BEDROOM brick bungalow, We place, recreat! let, Paige, close te. all schools. Harmony Reed North ors. Immediate possession. Tele- phone 725-0852. $11,000. -- Taunton Road, 2-bedroom bungalow on 2 acres of land. Terms at 6%. CALL 623-3393 After 9 p.m. 623-5055 623-3077 723-5787 723-7843 723-7900 728-0196 728-1005 Orono, 321 der -- 655-3853 Ken Hockin Pat Yeo Joe Barnoski Clare McCullough big ta hy egg -- Lot, over 500 ft. attractive 5-room "Port hin, 985-2987 private drive tind. geraee. This is @ good Owner. very anxious boy 'a, Sah now for inspection and a: for Charlie Rankine, st 728-7576. Sibbyss peal Estate Lid., 46 King Street West, shawa. lous |22-----Lots for Sale 25 Acres PRIVATE -- Bag Lai older style home. double' lot lot in igo awa. Needs some foving care. Sewers, water, bus service place. Extra a ghee rents for $60 monthly. Paymen bot | $95 oes taxes. Own- er leaving Oshawa. 728-7162. MELROSE street -- 'Attractive lx: inside and out. All the landscapl is by even @ garden. Swings for ?! Penile dren, <iee Sos Seon Shorea, of fine home: ir leaving for England. Priced to Soll eke quickly. call Don Stradesk! Real Estate. 723-4651. BROOKLIN -- older two-storey coe home consisting of five rooms downstal: 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW IN BOWMANVILLE Down payment and terms to be arrang- ed to suit buyers bud- get. For information call 623-2970 NO AGENTS PLEASE four bedrooms and bath oy x paar ts large 208' lot with plenty of i grown Near Oshawa Rolling land, nicely wooded, near Highway 7 and 12. Tre- mendous investment potential at only $400 per acre. TERMS ! CALL 725-0353 ANYTIME shade trees, situated in Ry part of town. List price sa J. B. MeMulitan Real Estate. 668-620 SIX-ROOM, 2 a le family or duplex nes 77 varevery's. Schoo Close ya "downtown: oniy $14,900. Me $3,500. down. Home is in wareenete con dition. Call "Mr. Gower 005. W. Frank Realtor, 623-3393. 3 STREET -- Nest bungalow. Lrg extra large bool ideal for re- ment home. r cent Quiet area. Sv pei moraeae, Don Stredeskt" Realtor. ™- SEVERROGA frame house In Whitby. bad bay $8,000. cash or best offer. Good condith Apply Box Times, Whitby. FOUR roomed ha ag Bh = hay Avenue. Also four 40 trave, Bed heat, stants water supplied. Phone 728-7288. ADELAIDE STREET -- 5¥a-room home ayy garage. New dea © x 10+foot , $11,500. Telephone 725-1053. my RIDGES -- $1,000 down, five rooms, [ three ne kitchen, four-piece Asphalt driveway, aluminum storms and screens. Possession Immediately. Open to ~~ J. B. McMullen Real Estate, 668- | ----. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE! Large six-room brick bungalow with attached -- oversize kitchen, living and dining three spacious bedrooms with dovpie closets, built-in stove and oven, fireplace in basement. For appointment to Lie af bpd Murray Boyle, 723-4270 or 726-7377. joseph Bosco, Realtor. a PRESS! Anxious owner wishing to leave country, drastically reduces price of three-bedroom ee wes Lig' 4 and garage, in north BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED NORTH WEST 7 room, 2 storey brick home, good size kitchen, seporate dining room, 4 bedrooms, oil heat, poved drive, garage. Priced for quick sale at only $16,900. Immediate posses- sion, Ask for Roy Yeo. Even- ings -- 725-2217. OWNER SAYS TAKE OFFERS Oshawa Blvd. 6 room, 2 stor- ey brick with garage, fire- place, very clean, only $3,000 down. Must be sold. Call Jack Appleby -- even- ings -- 723-3398. 101 Simcoe Street North Member 0O.D.R.E.B 728-5123 SAVE & & & $500 W. W. BONUS @ 3 bungolows left! @6%4% NHA mortgages @ Terms to fit the workingman's pocket @ Move inon approval @ Many, many features @ 2 choice locations FOR APPOINTMENT TO INSPECT Call Joseph BOSCO ' Realtor 728-7377 FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES READ AND USE THE MARKET BASKET section. only stad down. weston. Ww. 0. aartin, Realtor. NORTH-WEST Spacious five-room brick home plus two finished Spon in the basement, large family room the main floor, many extras, oe0. will put you into went Peicgiaiel Sibby's Real Estate Ltd., 728-7576. -- weacks LOTS, Whitby Township. 10 Acre Lots Near Columbus Scenic beautiful view Jes paved highway Reasonably 'priced, By terms available. 723-0353 12 Large L ots 2 miles from city, in attrac-. tive area. Some treed lots. Paved street, Close by public school, new high school and bus lines. PRICED TO SELL Phone 728-5579 ac psc " POU N IN PO SOS IOS 25--Houses for Rent BS Ur OF Uy Nee EL NE \26--Apartments for Rent wy Se ae he 26--Apartments for Rent Ya pe ye ee tar er Sy |27--Rooms for Rent 30--Cars for Sale NEW THREE-BEDROOM we for rent,| Ch alah ar. ss at Frat ea Realty eet ae WaURE, very clean, oll heat- Shalt a and store. Telephone 928-1707 pad a FOURRGON furnished oo lor rem November to April. Adults only. Telephone 725-2661. FoR ENT 'OR SALE -- = thi toam sere storey area, available mber |. + icone 725-5438. One AND ONE-HALF storey, five-room, Trvewt vy ¥ ice FSi ai. 0, Cenireny iweareu, two cnuarsn "St SMALL HOUSE sult three adults, South end of Oshawa. Telephone after 4 p.m. 723-6349. THREE BEDROOM bungalow, referenc- required, Dundas Street pie Phy Whitby, S125. 5 monthly. Reply Box FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT AT Grenfell Square TWO-BEDROOM house for rent. mae dlate_possession. Telephone 720219 TWO-BEDROOM house, with all appil- ran' rethon Sti Net CAVALIER VISCOUNT | DIPLOMAT a 1 and 2 bedrooms @ @ refrigerator. @ breadloom. e halls @ inter- cam @ @ Raleonies 2 fiesta rs 728-4283 Apt. 111 340 Marland aivekeou brick low in good residential 1 and 2 bedroom suites in Oshawa's finest apartment buildings. Immediate occu- pancy. SUNSET GARDEN COURT 945 Simcoe Street N. Two bedroom apartment -- ilable Oct. 1. One bed- Only $145 oomthty with nanebe lease. in m ¥ Phone for appointment to see. 728-2342, ONE - BEDROOM iment, centrally located. Available "immediately. Tele- phone 623-2609. FOR SALE OR RENT: Four - bedroom modern bungalow with two baths and two fireplace. Large, well treed, attrac- tive lot. Private sale, No agents. Tel phone 2786. SEVEN-ROOM farm house, near three miles east of Oshawa. Oli bu Call Grenfell Square Rental Office 723-5111 380-385 GIBB ST. ener, re plumbing. Apply 351 King Street ast. TWO-BEDROOM bungalow, etel pore Pnnggs 3 bee jae ory in advance. -- son. Simcoe North area. Ma-2019, mp- SEERA Rr Re eee aN NEED HELP IN A HURRY? Place 2 Help Wanted ad now by dialing 723-3492, 26--Apartments for Rent GRENFELL SQUARE Immediate Possession Features 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites @ FREE HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA ly re- two} ° The WENTWORTH MANOR 275 Wentworth St. Oshawa You will enjoy living in Wentworth Manor, con- veniently situated for those who work in and around Oshawa. Within easy walk- ing distance of stores and schools. RENT INCLUDES: @ Dropes @ Heat and hydro @ Stove and refrigerator @ Parking A few choice 2 and 3 bed- room suites still available, Rental Office and Model Suite Open Daily from 1 - 9 P.M, TELEPHONE 723-8701 room apartment -- available Oct. 14. @ Free Services @ Quiet Building @ Bus Service At Door 725-9872 @ FOR RENT @ Apts., Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Tues. to Fri. 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m, Sot. 'til 3 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 REGENT ARMS Immediate Occupancy 2 bedroom apartments close to Oshawa Shopping Centre. Adults only. TELEPHONE 723-6455 Between 6.00 and 9.30 p.m. |Neer uth cit waruing 18 ase de 15 furnished, Lakeside fired Very 'entra one or 8-BEDROOM apa to bl New building. Pertiy farmehen, Telephone 668-5645 after 7 ONE-BEDROOM x ig rent, Main floor ont second' for heal, hot a! stove, 75. 1 » Whitby ool rive, Work Kage northeast section, private, orefer- red. One chi Dee te Available Oc tober 1. Phone' 7385590 after 6 p.m. a ehasr mene Poeeer Farning, _svaiivein, «teers ioe Feineneny, terrane See, trivareet ee ROOM apartment. ee "ineluded, unturnished, Telephone < banal furnished room. Near| immediate possession. $10 week- 728-5040, FURNISHED ROOM gentleman, quiet home, 5 minutes aur corners, fear iene. 723-3356. TWO two > bedroom able October 15, hoenae tks Apply avall- $iis monthly. Maple Grove Road South, im- mediate possession. 620-2182, Rk LOOR, thi o dong J ' ae oF Br ce Mi ww A "7 BYRON STREET NORTH, veeet| bt apariment with bath. Avaiiab ONE AND TWO-BEDROOM ene In new buliding, hgh Pd witern aor West. Telephone 725- or 728- Crayden Road, Whitby.| parking space. Private feat" hydro. Apply 345 Gohawe Bivd, $./C! LARGE furnished bedroom th nig man, kitchen and ey Hp mond . Apply 574 THREE at) TaBROONE ar Gentlemen TWO-BEDROOM apartment, heated, pd north GM and downtown. only, 340 Athol St. &, 725-2076, FURNISHED recreation room ar fire- 'ate kitchen, le parking. 'ing Gistance General Motors South plant. pvaline for 7 person. 728-1750, 462 Cromwell Avenue. for rent in clean, wit home. ad from south GM. Tele- nits | ROOM Waiki phone SINGLE furnished rooms, central loce- 668-2466, two » BEDROOM Pe thas peering, Apt, 4 or 371 Phibert Strei TWO-ROOM furnished 725-9385, Stove, acl ies. "available stl Avenue, ana $70, ROYALE APTS. 119 NONQUON ROAD 1 and 2 bedroom suites available. TWO - BEDROOM apartment, tion. ROOMS for rent, weekly rates. Amy Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street No! TWO large furnished rooms, private en- Wesgys s, priyete commode, decor- Sultable for married couple or or two nace: 723-3541, 214 eee f& parking. South end. Utilities mediate occupancy. Apply 175 Piidrny Bive| Fone SHED housek: -- bath, private joad South, Telephone 723- » three. net ru Wilson TWO + ROOM apartment for one or two hae ge gan Utilities paid. 235 View anytime. 728-5282 1 . er apartment in four- Land available October 1, refrigerator, | _---- ove, laundry facilities, recreation children Street, THUNDERBIRD TERRACE One Bedroom---$125 & up Two Bedroom--$135 & up Laundry facilities and lock- ers on each floor, large ideal with utilities and drape: 190 Nonquon Rd. 728: 9726 STEAM ROOM @ SWIMMING POOL @ FREE HYDRO @ OSHAWA'S LARGEST SUITES @ FRENCH PROVINCIAL AI i CAENS @ #NDOOR PARKING AVAILABLE @ OUTDOOR GUEST PARKING Rental Information CALL 723-5111 380 - 385 GIBB ST. Paved road, close to town. Call W. Schetamann Realtor, 668-3338. Evenings 668-3253. TW NEWCASTLE, lot 55° x 150', In reai- boot eres. Telephone 'y07-4217, New- caste 23--Real Estate Wanted WANTED 2 split level or bungalow homes-in Whitby or Pickering area with one acre lots. 3 bedrooms, close to schools. 3 to 4 yeors old. $16,000 to $24,000 range. Mr. Craw- ford 942-4535, Oshawa. H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR NORTHWEST, brick bungalow, $16,900. Require substantial down payment. Ad- dress 246 Trent Street. Call Bill Johns- fon, 728-1066, Schofield Aker Limited. $1,300 DOWN and $75 monthly buys this north central country. Call hofield = Aker two bedroom cottage lr part of city. Owner leavi Bill Johnston, 728-1066, Limited. $1,500 "DOWN will buy | buy 'this large two. store an Str: monthly, <i carry "ne ot marian oe. Johnston 728-1066, *Sehotleld Aker HOME AS WELL AS COTTAGE, modern five bedrooms and garage, near Bonnie Brae Point-on-the-Lake, private beach. Cail Real Estate, 723-8123. THREE BEDROOM brick bungalc bungalow, like like new, near schools, good area, newly de Corated, floor sanded. Immediate posses- sion, call Perry Real Estate 723-0123. VERY CENTRAL estate, fate, beautifully treed 1 acre lot, fifteen: rooms, 4 bathrooms, 3 fireplaces, 3 car garage, suitable for clinic. Call Perry's Rest Estate 723-8123. HAVE MOTHER LIVE in this 3 room room apariment with bath trance in this large 3 bedroom brick SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD. 46 King West 728-7576 for A-C-T-I-O-N call Charlie Rankine 728-3682 Tony Zakorow 725-4366 Nick Siblock 725-5701 Anthony Siblock 725-4362 Jerry Coady 723-6356 $$S$SS$SSSS5 § $ Buying -- Selling a home can be pesky. If this : your prob- lem. Call DON STRADESKI Realtor 723-4651 $$$S$S$$3$ PAPHAAAAL and private en- bungalow, fireplace and gari try. Perry Real Estate, 123, PRIVATE age thoy three bedroom brick home, large lot. pay- ment aporeximatey $2,200. balance one py, mortgage 6% per cent. Telephone MR. EXECUTIVE! A prime property in Brookside Acres now availeble. Former model home. usually low down payment if you qual! Three -- bedrooms, Pied baths, attach. ed gare: enclosed breezeway. Trades secepteds $23,600. Joseph Bosee, Realtor, 728-7377 or 728-4353. CHOICE NORTH AREA. Weil kept bun- galow on large fenced lot, three roomy bedrcoms, large living room, bright 10° x 15' kitchen, many extras. Carries for Su7 per month with low down payment. Con: tact Joe Crawford, 723-1021 or 728-7377. Joseph Bosco, Realtor. 20e--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent FOR SALE -- ideal family cottage just 110 miles from Oshawa on Lake Baptiste. Large screened verandah, living room, dining area, modern kitchen, bathroom end two. bedrooms, swimming water. Well treed lot with large dock and sat -- Can be financed. Telephone corte -- SAPS, SANDY beach. All chattels included, 50 minutes from Whitby. W. Schatzmann Realtor. 668-3338. Eve- nings 668-3253, SELL! BUY! TRADE! any property Call os) CLARE McCULLOUGH Oshowa 723-7843 W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. IN NEED A COMPORTABLE or 1¥-storey home horns now fore cauh taver, lis ee Johnston, 728-1066, Schofleid- Lors WANTED in city for single family home, duplex, noe' or tool prefer- ably In A haga tiugo lon. Phone 728-0194 after § "par eee Offices, Storage STORE FOR RENT, central location, 600 square feet, we ony any line of bus- peed heated. 728- 22 Sieve Street STORE FOR RENT -- saa end. indus- trial zone. Telephone 72: COMMERCIAL Sone 4 square feet, Fa "urs storage, sign painting etc. monthly. Call Mr. Martin' me 103, a arte 25--Houses for Rent WHITBY -- three-bedroom, newly deco- rated house, split-level, stove and wees 408 SWITCHES The avera: oh Bgl can expect switch jobs ot times. In many cases the change will be to @ totally new career. And the place to look for the best J the "Help Wanted" column in Times' Classified Section. Whether you're unemployed or looking for @ better lob, check "Help Wanted" now! 7 + $135. monthly. Telephone FIVE room epariment, downtown area, refrigerator, electrically heated. Stove, hot water Included. 728-3546. Sfp FOR RENT. Three 'Ol! heat, modern kitchen and bathe: $125.00 menthly. Apply Box 39641, Oshawa Times. Os Lathe STREET NORTH, Whitby. bathroom. Ges ly. Available Oct. 1. T TO BUY PROPARTY check the real marketplaces, Classified Ada, Presenting LA CONTESSA A distinctive apartment residence FEATURING Prestige 1 and 2 bedroom suites, Electric Heating. Individual room heat con- trol. Pressurized corridors, Free Hydro and parking. Recreation room with kit- chen facilities. Swimming pools Saura-batn Mail der livery to every suite. Closed circuit T.V. controlled en- trance for your protection. Large dining area in all kitchens. Convenient to shopping and churches, Transportation at door, Landscaping architecturally designed. Beautiful ceiling to floor drapes. ADULTS ONLY Rental Information 725-1481 140 NONQUON RD, SHELDIAN MANSIONS 885 OXFORD STREET PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS INDOOR HEATED YEAR ROUND POOL BROADLOOMED SUN DECK Oshawo's largest apartment building offers the best fea- tures. Sauna Steam Bath, 6'x 18' Balconies, 20'x18' com- bination Living and Dining Rooms, 4 quick elevators, 2 Olde English Decor Lobbies. Bus stop at door. Model Suite Furniture by Cherney's Furniture World. Broadioom by Angus-Graydon. OPEN 2-9 P.M. DAILY 1221 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-9934 ONE-BEDROOM located jog General oon Rent Tneluges hydro and setreening pool. No dam- aig: Imm after 7 p.m ONE BEDROOM APT. with electric heat, hot and cold water, hydro. Stove and fridge supplied. $110 per month. No damage deposit, Call 725-3933. eda 2 during day snd ité occupancy, Tele-|and 723-0900 374 Poplar Apariment 4, after 5. 723-0945, ONE - BEDROOM apartment, electrical- ly savinped, heated, centrally pa FM music, Intercom, balcony. 330 Gibb it, Apartment 211 or office. General Motors, $118 monthly Includes heat and hydro. Telephone 723-1632 for BOWMANVILLE =~ One bedroom Ne ment on floor, refrigerator stove ur ies Avaliable October 1. Tele ONE THREE OOH penriners, at $70 two-room = fu' partment $60, fest and hudro Roly 123 + BEDROOM apartment near South}GM a FURNISHED ROOMS for co with kitchen Bsa and laundry facilities. Sitting room television. Close to weet poopitel a nd downtown, Telephone 728-3719. room,|ROOM FOR RENT, board optional, Tele phone 728-3350, ns Page CLEAN Ste ae suitable gentlemen or house: -- if hoe err anny claus JA tana end ONE "EURNISWED bearenrn close to hospital, no meals. Call 723-7293 or sooty 315 Mary St. FURNISHED ah age Bh ye nl Fld a and stove. Apply LIGHT TaUsaNaaP iio room. Close to Seceitel and downtown, Suitable for girl. Telephone 723-0734, A LARGE FURNISHED quiet room in vate » for . Close e school, Breakfast avaliable if desired. 725-5890, Elgin West, ONE BEDROOM ment, 7 MINUTES from south General Motors, kitchen, For two with refrigerator and stove. private bath and entrance. Close to south General Motors, 725-4328. ONE-BEDROOM apartment Simcoe North near Shopping Plaza. Phone 4 p.m. 728-4145, THREE-ROOM upstairs furnished apart- ment private bath, $85., also two-room 1 $70. Ii Pos- ONE oe apartment. Telephone te ~ ROR upstelrs apartment, edults tn 'elephone 728-2764 between basement mn eon session. 728-5040, SELF-CONTAI ment, Private entrance. Suitable for business couple or teachers, Avaliable October 1. Telephone 725-9881. ONE, TWO AND THREE bedroom apart- ments with refrigerator, stove, intercom controlled Si eee elevator service, swimming fenced-in playground. 622 Glen Street or call 723: 2347, NICE CLEAN UNFURNISHED heated three room upstairs apartment. ser. ne Couple preferred. three-room apart. ED, retrinerater and steve sunotiad.|4 nm WHITBY -- One - apartment he Fig bei cto sement mt bung sgt able Octohe: Telephone S937 | HOUSES AND Port Perry and Oshawa. 1070 or 55 Bruce Street. FOUR - ROOM apartment, self contain- ed, two children welcome. $90 monthly. Phone 725-1468. APARTMENTS, Whitb) Telephone or § ROOM self-contained apartment, » Hah decorated. Walking Gatence from uptown. Immediate possession. Cell Mr, Martin 728-5103 of 728-9714, :|ing: room, su phone 723-780. rooms, wi men, stove, ey sink, shower, Private entrance. Bus at door. 208 Bloor St. West, 728-9940, ag ROOMS FOR RENT. May have let new vate room in with fe children, Close to transportation. Very le rent. 723-0544, (OOM apartment, partly ed, stove, fridge included, suit gentie- men or couple, $15. week. Telephone | 726-8353. LARGE FURNISHED housekeep for one or two, Tele- ve LARGE FURNISHED er for gentleman, In quiet home. Lodrel Telephone 723-9225. 1. Ramblers 9 Ambassadors 6 Classics 6 Americans - BIG. SAVINGS RIGHT NOW! | For Example 1966 American Was over $2,500 $2195 1966 Ambassador 990, 2-door hard! "Higa equipped, over hts $3175 1966 Ambassador 990, sedan, 327 V-8 outo- matic, power steering, power brakes, radio, white walls, wheel discs, individual front seats, head rests, seat belts, 4-way flasher, padded back-up perk - $4, 300. $3195 WE HAVE 30 NEW CARS TO SELL SO SEE THEM NOW, NICOLS MOTOR SALES | torr ieee On Highway No, 2 (just west of Thicksons Rd.) WHITBY 668-3331 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for Apply 410 King Street East. 28--Room and Board ately. Telephone 728-5683. THREE OR FOUR room a; fur nished, heated, ete Soppiiea. 2 Avail- able now. Telephone 725-6304, THREE ROOM cata apartment, privet entrance, stove and fridge, Bus- ness couple preferred, ate No vember Ist. Telephone 725-1754, pad MONTHLY for three room basement partment, heat, fridge included. Adults only, Possession October 15th. Telephone 728-2949. WYNDBROOK APARTMENTS 97 Colborne St Phone 723-8771 or 723-8426 ONE MONTH RENT FREE FOR A TWO YEAR LEASE FEATURES 1. Apartment controlled en- trance, . Electric heating. . Private balconies, . Refrigerators and stove in each apartment. . Next door to General Mo- tors plant and office. . Television and telephone pre-wired, PHONE NOW 723-8771 or 723-8426 Only bill you pay is your tele- phone bill. All other costs ab- sobed by owner. FOUR ROOMED apartment fenced in play-yerd, paved drive-way. Apply 204 Drew Stree. THREE-ROOM APARTMENT, private entrance and bath, available October 1. Telephone 725-2849, Two BEDROOM apartment, $100 mon' y includes heat and hydro, avellable 'ownline north, phone 728-7680. BRAND NEW bulldin Port Whitby; two room West Hill 784-6813, FURNISHED, newly decorated, three room basement apartment, private en- trance, centrally located, sulteble for ree couple or two girls, 728-6036 after now renting Call suites, laste | Rooms $15.00; 3-room suites, $10, each person, motel suites to share; $35. Parking, Telephone ti: S28}, Whitby, ONE-BEDROOM baseme apartment. ear ite entrance. Apply" oH wikon Road iro, water, stove, N THREE-ROOM apartment paid furniture: downtown Oshawa, $80 monthly, includ: Ing heat and hydro, Adults ee, ay medi- ate possession. Telephone 728- TWO NEWLY DECORATED See, three rooms each. Parking. Aduits, ab- stainers. Tele- ROOM AND gene single and double. Apply 38 Brock E ROOM AND SOANE available for one girl, fiveday week. Lunches packed. any done, North cahewe area, 723- phone 728-2798, lake, ein iy. Telephone Sas. 6715 or 92.0983. TWO - BEDROOM apartment, floor, Newcastle, $75 monthly. 668-6715 or 942-0953. reund 'elephone FURNISHED BED-SITTING room, large|@ kitchen, ROOM AND BOARD. Central location to end plants, Lunches packed. a Rhee hn lk neo 668-|/SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 25 Division Street. ACCOMMODATIONS avaliable male boarders, wie f to share, five dey week. WHITBY -- TWO-ROOM, partly furnish- ed apartment. No nog Total abstainers. ih-| WHITBY = SHESeDROGN unfurnish- apartment in small apartment build- ainted, steam Lesa Ing. Clean, just late re possession, fireplace, im monthly. 668-2900, @ Mgt + ROOM apartment and bath, So round floor, Children welcome. Close to poring are and school. it and hydro inct |. 725-0586, TWOREDROON al nished, private ba oad. rtment, kitchen fur- Ih, Apply 382 Verdun 16 | stop. noon AND BOARD for lady man, Close to yet north elephone 725-2305. egg betel BOARD, bo veut rady. savendey ag a on ae Soar done. 728-3577. ee STREET BAST, 57. Room) fy board for gentleman, willing to| offe: sare, Close to north GM., central to 32) sank coal penis © A.M, ® "Your RAMBLER Dealer" NICOLS Motors Limited On Highway No. < Just West of Thickson Whitby 666-3331" USED CAR PARTS, tires, wheelty spindles, spr to make tral arc welding egy ey 509 soe, id SAVE DOLLARS! Several tl -- aye accepted. "« CHEVROLET Super Sport con 7 gp horsep vertibie, teepower, feurepeeds brakes. oad extras, jexcellent wring 728-5947, ist CHEVROLET, 2-door' standard Tenwueolen, will sell for cash or trade ices, /for smaller car. Pickering 942-3406 even- Ings or anytime week Hd pone bil automatic, Monge 4s ay om lipped, unser, varrenty, SLATS or 'elephone 725-: 1960 oe Carta 6 cylinder, R AND BOARD for gentleman, parking, close to bus stop. Also two-room ished apartment for rent. Telephone| THREE - ROOM furnished apartment, sultable for young wil no Penitaren. Apply 606 Bloor Street int, 'eceneg| condition, $650. Felephone 165 MERCURY Parkiane. Four = door hardtop, fully equipped. Only $2,395. ROOM AND BOARD for Lunches packed, fiveday week. Tele phone 723-6258, ONE, TWO AND vee Saree apart: ments, refrigerator, stove, FM_ music, and refrigerator, and two-bedroom apart- ment lose to §«6downtown, Parking. Adults. 221 Arthur St, CENTRAL -- THREE ROOM ment, refrigerator, stove, etc. Available Immediately. Mey be seen af 26 Mc. Gregor St... shaw. THREE-ROOM apartment In new private entrance, parking. wey, poss Cromwell Street. Telephone ONE-BEDROOM apartment, partly fur- nished. Heat and hydro inctuded, near ONE-BEDROOM apartment with stove! swimmi entrance, twin Rae bed play First ing pool, monet rent free, Telephone 723- FOUR ROOM, two bedroom, self-con-| se tained upper apartment, trance, unfurnished immediate sion, Between 92 p.m. 723-7! vy. private entrance, suitable jadies. apartment, for | wo protesslnal it Central. Tele- THREE-ROOM apartment, near north hospital. BN RUPMIEGMER spacious d-ranm | Nort ROOM AND BOARD for two gen' ities fo share room with si ie or teat days, Telephone ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, ven-day week, single Bi near Shop. ping Centre. Telephone 72! ROOM AND BOARD for ox ~f gentle- man. erate five-day week. 'Garane Private. 723-7688. Pe Swede two-door co tea "65 DODGE Polare V-8, loaded, loaded, $2,195. Jb Bong CHEVROLET. een -- sixe shun re on aie « | Thickson's. Road, sone, 724-1496. ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen, nea south GM and Lr Parking facil --. Rigs yada e . 863 Ritson Road General Motors and October 1. One Modern Apartment 1350 Dundas Street East Whitby between Whitby and Oshawa TELEPHONE 668-4321 AVAILABLE OCT. 15 Parking, hot woter, private entrance, washer, dryer, stove, fridg. Bus at door. Ap 195 Albert St. wil pd giy pan') newly decorated, three- irtment. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, avaliable immediately. One child welcome. Apply | 799. 16 Elgin Street East. Within Walking Distance South General Motors @ No damage deposit required @ Swimming Pool @ FM Music and Inter Com. @ Two Bathrooms in all 2 bedroom suites @ Free Parking @ Free Hydro @ Model suite furnished by Wilson's Furniture Store MODEL SUITE QPEN 1-9 P.M 728-7942 MODERN APARTMENTS PREMIER 321 Marland Ave. PHONE 728-6722 or 723-1401 One and two bedroom. Now available. Broadloom corri- dors. Steve, Refrigerator. Drapes. F.M. Controlled en- trance. Elevator. Intercom Balconies and Laundry facili- ties on each floor. Free Hydro. apai Close to hospi. ultable for couple, no children. LARGE TWO-BEDROOM apartment ii partment buliding, ary central yet pli and dignified. Adults only. --"! November 1, $120 monthly. 723-1408. FOUR-ROOM apartments available im- apartment te sublet in Soon ind board for gentleman with TV. Apply ne Clarke Street. Phone 728-7798, ROOM AND BOARD three _gentle- to south Ge Motors. Lakeside Street. new apartment Duitning, across from Motors south plant. Telephone 29--Wanted To Rent General 18. FIVE-ROOM apartment in Brooklin, between Pesaro. Apply 68 Wayne Street, Apt. or October 1. 6 and 7 p.m., 655-3763. YOUNG BUSINESS couple with apart- 4 child ires two bedroom ent none 728-4161, Mr, Fry, TWO AND 4HREE bedroom apartments, central, stove and frig, twin al elevators, | ment, parking. Avaliable . No children under ve, Phone ant9a) or 725-88) en eee, unfurnished apart- Heat, hydro, stove and supplied. Available immediately. Central- 76. |located. Telephone 668-2775 after 6 p.m. THREE-ROOM apartment, private trance, bath; near South GM. Ideal for 27--Rooms for Rent xGOM AND" BOARD "Tor thiee gentle: men. Single = Willing i te share Close: Rad Rivas veeaene -- Licence Mmyize7, $50 down, * monthly. 'Nicos 5 motor Sales Ltd., fy 2, just west of Thickson's Road, 668-333) 1964 MERCURY Marauder, A- tion, $2,095. Telephone 623-5097. LIENS PAID OFF. We Wrae down, Choose over 60 cars. No down ment. Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 728. '6) CHEVROLET two-door ha lo, Very pet, We Noha ~-- Campin Motors, Osha' 19%3 PONTIAC ag i dition, economical, six new tires, brakes and Ted immaculate con- inder, radios Telephone 1961 CHEVROLET BEL AIR. Four-door, six-cylinder, automatic. Very good con- Wait -- Three -- - house, a College Hill area preferred. Call 728-3317, Tree : BEDROOM house, "Oshawa fo equ country 5 ponsibie amity win three school woe Phone 942-1760 8 to 5 pm. couple with one child. Parking. Phone 5-8305, FURNISHED BACHELOR utes shopping Contre A A Rs 40 Ki to in Street Wi . ONESEOROOH apartment, available lately, Tel or apply 623-2609 76 Liberty 'treet Scuth, Bowmanville. THREE-ROOM furnished, bool) apart- ment, In_ duplex. Close to South General Motors. Telephone 655-4726 5 p.m. mediately with electric heat, hot and cold and fridge at only $110 monthly. No damage deposit. Sibby's Real Estate Ltd, 46 King Street West, Oshawa, 728-7576. THREE-ROOM apartment, private wash: room, parking, available immediately. Apply 841 Simcoe St. South. COMPLETELY SELF-CONTAINED, low. low- duplex. Private entrances, plus bathroom = in apartment. Hardwood floors, heavy wir- ing. newly decorated, heat and hyaro included, $85 and $95 monthiy. Apply A Albert Street. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | ONE-BEDROOM apartment available Im- | gi49 each| ("9 tet, WHITBY, bays furnished room to & e \ suitable for rly lady. Whitby, 30--Cars for Sale 1964 CHEVROLET SUPER SPORT Private. Excellent condition, low mileage, V-8 automatic, ful Bur. 668-6262, 1958 Laid bee - cionnce 27a foure pee! sedan, th. Nichol's otor Sales ite. on 2, lust wank of Thtcon's sey he . 1965 OLDSMOBILE Jetstar, 4 door, hard- top, rakes and mist tive car, Best offer 723-6803 or 728-0884. power steering, brakes, radio, rear speaker, fully equi Priced to sell. 723-6635 COMFORTABLE room for gentieman only. Apply after 4 p.m. 323 Athol East or telephone 725-0536, LARGE furnished room, new furniture, Privfogte, 'Cleue "Se "heiphet tne "oper privi 0 ala wn Town. Telephone 723-3684 or 728-7983. FURNISHED, light houeehoneieg room for rent. Private entrance, within walk \ of Oshawa $ s bought and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137. KING STREET W. OSHAWA 723-6322--723-8311 On the Spot Financing 1959 erighhersd poe age 6 cylinder, ig 'adio, $375 or nearest wane Whitby 1958 MERCURY HARDTOP -- 84456. Nothing down, $22. month, 'Nicar's Motor Sales Lid., just west of Thickson Road on Highway No. 2. 668-3331, 1964 BUICK Bases two - door ha except power. This car is in |. $295 cash, balance "aa Simcoe Street 'FORD aailen wagon, V-8, automatic, $100 cr best offer. Telephone 723-4364. 1983 a PONTIAC Laurentian, six cylinder, Lady preferred. 728-3690. MAIN FLOOR, double room, suitable for two persons. Near hospital. Free parking. Télephone 728-7130 after 6 p.m. TWO - BEDROOM apartment. Large rooms with extra large closeis. Drapes, sliding vega war swimming 9 sauna bath. Si NEAR WHITBY -- Housekeeping room for girl, kitchen and living room privil- Rie laundry room, phone and TV availl- 668-4912 after 6 p.m. Available relegrene mean after 5. hie thee TWO FURNISHED rooms with stove and refrigerator, for gocd clean couple, at s -- now room apartments, close 9 free hydro, stove, rapes, FM musi:, controlied en- balconies and laundry facilities floor, 349° Marlena Avenue. fridge, trance, on each 725-2227. 24 Ritson Road South. Apply 214 Arthur Street for information. DOWN--$30 MO. 59 - 61 models your choice! BILL BENNETT MOTORS 484 King W. 723-0371 GENTLEMAN, preferably ----. worker oe 723-1840. Call between 5 and THREE ROOMS plus bath, refrigerator, Fommmnw ROOM for single gentie- men. sore. very private, central location, Sim- and -- Streets. Available now. er 156 Simcoe Squth. Cooking privileges. Telephone 668- 6365 between 8 and 3, 859 Dundas St. W., MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 'adio, rear seat speaker, snow tires. Best offer. Telephone 723-1330. 1965 CUTLASS convertible, power equip- ped, like new, low mileage. Telephone 728-3685. ROLET Bel Air, $125. Tele 655-4859, Brookl 1956 CHEVROLET, re six cylin- der, Wyre oN running condition. Tele- phone 668: 1958 aaTaoR Stationw [or elllad tires and body, $: 723-8222. 199 Ch phone > Va, radio, or best offer. 1958 PONTIAC, six cylinder automatic, reasonable, Telephone 728-4440. *97 MELAUGHLIN BUICK, good running order Collector's item. Contact Mr, Paimer, Bad Boy's Store, 728-4658. 1962 PONTIAC, two-door hardtop, V-4, standard eee oe Telephone 623-2074 between 3.30 and 6 p.m. *

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