THE FAIR SEX? at ergy ns Klein, left, and M pe ym Blumen- feld sacrificed glamor for pe A mee today as they passed out a health bulletin, "A Woman's View of Air Pollution," infront of Kiel Auditorium in St. Louis, In- members of the East- West Coordinating. Council side, were holding a hearing on air pollution in the Metro- politan area. (AP Wirephoto) 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, September 28, 1966 May Control "PORONTO (CP) -- Scientists ceptive, an American gyaecoiv- gist said Tuesday. Dr. Alan F. was speaking to the Ontario chapter of the College of Gen- eral Practice of Canada on con- traception and world population problems. The former professor of ob- stetrices and gynecology at Co- lumbia University said experi- ments with guinea pigs show it mal against its own sperm cells, causing infertility for about Decume women against their sperm or As the {blood diminishes, the immunz; would drop off and they would ition ae be able to become preg- Reversible Male Sterility Birth Rate gynecologist said that |jare increasingly turning their| within 10 years there will be attention to the male in theirjnew methods more acceptable than those existing ---- It -- Pomme w husbands' ainst fetal products. an level in their} Improved birth-control or twice-yearly iipociond pee bag are being sought, he Dr. Guttmacher said nian. tions may be an answer for pig sng in oa or Af- ica where, even remote is possible to immunize an ani- areas, people are accustomed to the idea of injections, ht months. retically, he told the an- nual convention, it is also pos- sible to use drugs which 'pre- vent formation of sperm cells. MAKE ATTEMPTS Dr. Guttmacher said attempts Presbyterian Medical Centre, male sterility with plastic plugs carries sperm from the testes. Severing this duct is simple surgery, he said, but is not al- ways reversible. might accept the procedure if it could be reversed at will. versity's injected into the duct which atom smasher today, Atom Smasher Goes Into Action TORONTO (CP)~--Dr. 0. M. .|Solandt,. chancellor of the Uni- are being made at Colombia versity of Toronto and chair- man of the Science Council of New York, to create reversible! ooiada will inaugurate the uni- new 45,000,000 - volt The smasher, a linear accel- erator, was made in England More men and cost $500,000, It will be used by scientists to study the nu- clear structure of atoms. eemaeaiaae at SPROULE'S Specially Selected - Value Checked -- Red Brand -- Canada's Finest -- Expertly cut and carefully prepared. STEA KS Ww Fran Wy RUMP ROASTS u. 95° IDEAL for BURGERS or MEAT LOAVES -- FRESH MINCED RED BRAND GROUND BEEF CHUCK ..69° HEAD CHEESE IDEAL fer BAKING -- ALL MEAT «. NO WASTE -- END PORTIONS PEAMEAL BACON PORTERHOUSE SIRLOIN WING 93: FOR LUNCHES er SNACKS -- MILD SEASONED TASTY 1 a : 49 ¢ IT'S THE CONSISTENTLY LOW PRICES THROUGHOUT THE STORE THAT MAKES IT WORTH YOUR WHILE TO SHOP and SAVE ON ALL YOUR FOOD REQUIREMENTS AT SPROULE'S SUGAR GRANULATED 10 - Chain "A" 3% Pa 9 -- 48-02. tins Tomato Juice 3 for 89° Chain "A" -- 4 for 556 Heinz Assorted ----- 4%-0x. Jer Strained Foods 4 for 45° Paramount Faney Red Sockeye Salmon mm 59° Chein "A" Chain "A" -- 2 tins 45¢ Ni Green Giant iblefs Corn 14-0Z. 79 TINS FILLETS of HADDOCK SUPREME MIXED @ Frazen Food Specials ©@ REG. 59! -- HIGH LINER -- 1-LB. PKG. 0d VEGETABLES 49: COMPARE 2 for 25¢ GOLD RIBBON -- . BAG PARKER MAIL-IN OFFER FAMILY SIZE TUBE MAPLE LEAF ... 20.02. TINS PUMPKIN 2... 25° DOG FOOD 12... 89° REG. 1.19 VALUE! -- MARKED 99¢! GLEEM Toothpaste PEN ond PENCIL SET 79° TALL TINS Carnation GOLDEN HOUR POPPING DONUTS JAM or LEMON FILLED COMPARE 2 for 35¢ SAVINGS IN QUALITY BAKED GOODS! Compare at 29¢! -- 4 Varieties Milk 2... 29° CORN <:.:, 15° SUPER SAVE 2 02. 49° 12 TO PKG. 45¢ ONTARIO POTATOES 10-LB, BAG 29: STORE HOURS: SPROULE'S @ Ample Off Street Parking @ UPER AVE SUPER SAVE MAR Open To-Nite, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nights till 10 o'clock Se ae | c | 4 | u 99F | (Grade 13 end Ach OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION NIGHT SCHOOL PROGRAM For 1966 - 67_ WHEN TO REGISTER AND WHERE . University Gourses ore. courses are ss under way. 4 Technicel Svening These courses are already under way. oe for esd -- Do Cl. for demic subj palscoran é Vi Hi for shop subjects during the week. of fst 3 to 7, during school hours in the daytime, or between the hours ef 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. on Monday, October 3, and Wednesday, Classes will commence as follows: Shop subjects -- Saturday, October 8, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Academic subjects -- Wednesday, October 12, from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. and classes will run Monday and Wednesday for two weeks on and two weeks off. If there ore igh for ic subjects to be given on Saturdoy every week as the rag subjects 'ore given, every stfort will be made to provide such classes. an Other rp * gt ; pective schools on Tuesday, October 11, ot Weta, Gouna 12, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Short Courses ' Short Courses for the fall Term will be registered at the same time as the Full Courses. Short orang for the Winter Term will be registered before December 15. Short Courses will be of six to ten week's duration. Courses INFORMATION ON INDIVIDUAL COURSES Detailed information on the subject matter of each course is available at the school where the course is being offered. In- structors will be available on registration nights for consultation. GUIDANCE Personnel are on hand in each collegiate on registration nights and throughout the year to be of assistance to students making decisions on an educational program, whether the problem be in the academic, technical, or commercial field. FEES -- Payable ot time of registration English for New Canadians --~ no fees are charged. Ryerson Business Administration Certificate Courses --+ Account- ing | and II, Correspondence $30.00. Society of Industrial and Cost Accountonts -- $60.00 per subject plus $10.00 membership fee, payable to the Society of In- dustrial and Cost Accountants of Ontario. All other courses, $10.00 per subject, payable at.time of regis- tration, There will be no refund after the°fourth class in the subject. For certain courses in which special materials and texts are supplied there will be an additional charge to cover the cost. CREDIT CARDS Credit cards will be issued to students who meet the required staridard of proficiency. TERMS Grade 13 end A.T.E.C. First term: September 19 to December 15,1966 Second term: January 3 to May on 1967 Shift Workers' Courses on Soturda 'First term: October 8 to Gecasber 17, un Second term: January 7 to April 29, Shift Workers' Courses of Night First term: October 10 te December 14, 1966 Second term: January 4 to May 10, 1967 Queen's Courses Firet tarm: S 19646 her 20 ta D her 17. Sscond term: Jonuery 4 to Anril &. 1967 All Other Full Courses" First term: October 17 to December 15, 1966 Second. term: January..2. te. Merch 23, 1047 WORKING OFF A GRADE 12 DIPLOMA Adults who did not complete their high school education may do so by attending night school. Persons whose maturity and experience indicate the possibility of success, regardless of their previous education, may be enroll- ed in the Grade 11 and Grade 12 classes with the permission of the Principal, Consultants are available at the schools if « stu- dent is in doubt about his qualifications. REQUIREMENTS FOR A GRADE 12 DIPLOMA OF THE FIVE- YEAR PROGRAM Obligatory Subjects: English -- Grades 11 and 12 History --- Grades 11 and 12 Optional Subjects Offered: (Four are required, not more than one of which may be from the "'practical" grouping). Academic Subjects -- Mathematics -- Grade 11 and 12 Science -- Physics 11, Chemistry 12 Geography -- Grades 11 ond | French -- Grades 11 and 12 German -- Grades 11 and 12 Practioal Subjects -- Commercial --- Marketing k -- Any trade Siterad in Grades 11 and 12 The course will be offered two evenings per week along with the other "Full Courses'. The requirements for the diploma may be completed in four years. Credits previously earned may be claimed for applying towards the 'diploma. 1966-67: See timetable for Academic Courses English 12 at Central C.I. Mathematics 11 and 12 (new) at O'Neill C.V.I. Physics 11 and Chemistry 12 at Donevan C.I. REQUIREMENTS FOR A GRADE 12 DIPLOMA OF THE FOUR- YEAR SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND TRADES PROGRAM Obligatory. Subiects: English -- Grades 11 and 12 History -- Grade 11 Economics --- Grade 12 Mathematics -- Grades 11 and 12 Science --- Grades 11 and 12 Technical Shop Subjects The course will be offered two evenings per week for three hours per evening for twenty-five weeks. The requirements for the diploma may be completed in three years. The program for the Four-Year Science; Technology and Trades Diploma will be offered at McLaughlin C.V.1. 1966-67: Drafting or Electricity or Machine Shop Two of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry NEW COURSES Other classes will be offered if a minimum of fifteen persons apply for a subject, provided of course that a suitable instructor can be obtained. Suggestions for other desirable classes will be welcomed, and promoted as circumstances permit. Classes may be cancelled if the enrolment is fewer than fifteen. The night and the hour of some classes may be changed ofter Registration, because of the demands upon the facilities or to suit the convenience of the students. SYMBOL C Central Collegiate Institute, 240 Simcoe Street South, Telephone: 723-4678 Mr. H. E. Murphy, Principal Donevan Collegiote Institute, 250 Harmony Road South, ken 728-7315 Mr. A. B, Woods, Principal Eastdale Collegiate & Vocational Institute, 265 Harmony Road North, Telephone: 723-8157 Mr. R. V. Sheffield, Principal MeLeughlin Collegiate & Vocational Institute, 570 Stevenson Road North Telephone: 728-9407 Mr. S. T. Finbow, Principal O'Neill Collegiate & Vocational Institute 301 Simcoe Street North, Telephone: 728-7531 Mr. A. M. Dixon, Principal Most courses that are offered twice weekly are for two hours each evening. perhauen longa tet Courtes are given twice Seen 7 --- per evening. Short courses (marked SC below) are given once weekly for two hours per. evening. 'A' means the choice of evening is to be arranged after registrar : tions ACADEMIC E $e English for New Canadions -- Basic ~---- Intermediate . -- Advanced --~ Grade 12 -- Grade 13 ..cececees isan es -- Practical English felelamelsla) -- Basic ~-- Conversationol -- =~ Advanced -- Grade 13 Geography --Grade 13 History -- Grade 13 Mathematics -- Grade -- Grade -- Grade ~-- Grade -- Grade ae: -- Grade 13 Trigonometry -- Grade 13 Biology .... ~~ Grade 12, 13 Chemistry ~-- Grade 11, 13 Physics . ~-- Spanish Queen's Degree Course -- Commerce 111 (63) ......005 -- Art 650 -- English 024 -- Pschology 012 French felons B-H-Melelalone) non' S3zzPtatss ss AezAtyeez zsz Science £££ sHH5gH SE FRER €EEEE< COMMERCIAL GENERAL --- Bookkeeping -- Business Correspondence -- Business Machines -- Merchandising ---- Office Practice ---- Stenography -- Basic --- Advanced -- Typing -- Basic .....-50005 -- Advanced Ryerson Business Certificate -- Accounting | & il .... -- Correspondence and Report Writing Society of Industrial ond Cost Satsang (RIA Courses) Accounti Oo Tu 0 Tu i == Flower Arranging (SC) Home Ec. -- Commercial Food Preparation ---- Creative Dress Design -- DLressmaking . --- ressmaking . 332 nFocoss a -- Millinery ... -- Sewing -- Bas ca i o°o >>>>>>>eBezzressg> > soz = Advanced a#32 Industria! Management -- Interior Decoration (SC) . Minor Home Repairs for Housewives (SC) . Personal Development (Women) (SC) Photography Physical "eitness (Men) . Speed Reading (SC) ..... Voice Improvement (SC) .....0:00. TTOomESEE 3° 3 > . Electric Fundamentals Electronic Fundamentals ......0eeseeee English | General Chemistry ....eccecceccecccesses Mathematics | Mathematics II Mechanics | Physics | ESSSTTSSESTTZ ffFSEES EEE APPRENTICE TRAINING PROGRAM Drofting, H. ..avses tae een & sa oak ewe whe « Electricity Il ..... English Hydraulics Industrial , Control Mechanics | s ath of) TECHNICAL = Auto Mechanics -- Basic ---- Intermediate ........% -- Advanced .....s..00. Blueprint Reading ........-..0e8 ven seve ' Building Construction .......seeeeeeeses Drafting -- Architectural -- Mechanical -- Basie = ~-- Mechanical -- Advanced Electricity -- Industrial .........-..008 ses Electronics (Radio and T.V.) -- Basic <= = -- Intermediate . Graphic Arts -- Letterpress ~~ Lithography Heating and Ventilating -- Basic Lawnmower and Outboard Servicing Machine Shop -- Basic -- Intermediate ---- Advanced Welding -- Basic mE mEZZmmE mmm mF mFmMEZmEmzems de> << t>>A>>>S>F>zE>Sz>S>2>zZ -- Advanced CLASSES FOR SHIFT WORKERS English : --~ Grade 10. cc ccceccccunecess -- Grade 11 -- Grade 12 Mathematics -- Grade 9 <<<<<<<<F Blueprint *Nebding re EleGtHONNGS sis sce ccs dhtbees ues s obo oe Sedkondouewk G wvevrerrzzzzZ English and Mathematics classes may be arranged Saturdays, if the demond justifies them*# OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION G. L. ROBERTS Superintendent of Secondary Schools S. E. LOVELL, Chairman ik J. R. BACKUS, Business Administretor orner oF KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA_