2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey abe wr 26, 1966 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Former CCF Leader Hits At Diefenbaker Se ehab! VV (EP OO ae nton a de, Detesbabee '8 "rath the 1961 Her bert case de- scribed Saturday rehénsible' by M. J. Col former CC¥ national leader. - branded him a Communist, Nor- man committed suicide in 1957 after the U.S. charges were re- peated. "T was disturbed when I read that Diefenbaker tried to group' Pearson's attitude on this (the Munsinger affair) and that of Herbert Norman," Mr, Coldwell said, 'They are not compar: able." Mr, Coldwell was in Wood- stock as guest speaker at a din- ner given by the Oxford New Democratic Party. 8T. THOMAS (CP)--Calling for replacement of the 'worst government this country ever had," the Progressive Conserv- ative party's national director Saturday urged Elgin County PCs to pick a candidate now for the next election. Dr. James Johnston of Ot- tawa, guest speaker at'a meet- ing of 'the Elgin County Pro- gressive Conservative Associa- tion, described the Munsinger investigation as "a witch-hunt to destroy the Conservative evi one big waste of time." aid it was a "great injus- tice" that the Supreme Court of Canada was involved. No Rescue Yet LONDON (AP) -- An RAF search plane beng with- out 'success Sunday the reported sighting of a boat resembling the missing 15-foot Puffin, in which two Britons set out from the United States May 26 to row the Atlantic. The sighting was reported by an American military pilot about 150 miles northwest of the Bay of Biscay. The search plane reported after seven hours, however, that it had spotted nothing in the area. wid Iohnetane. Hoare, 29--left Norfolk, with 87 days' supply of food and water aboard and got pee mgr supplies from passin; hwy ed early stages of They have not pe x: poried for 42 days, when they were sighted about 1,000 miles off Britain and reported in good -- and confident of suc- "The rowers estimated the journey would take them until November. Talks Unscheduled RAWALPINDI, Pakistan (Reuters) --Deputy Foreign Minister Nikolai Firyubin of Russia arrived here today from New Delhi on an unscheduled visit for talks with President Mohammed Ayub Khan. Firyubin, on a tour of South- east Asian countries, flew im- mediately to Peshawar on. his way to Saidu Sharif, 130 miles northwest of here to meet the Pakistani leader in his vacation home. A Soviet embassy spokesman in Karachi said he could not commen5 on suggestions that the visit was connected with Viet Nam or mediation be- tween india and Pakistan; who have failed to convene a sec- ond meeting since the Soviet- sponsored Tashkent declaration in January, which ended fight- ing over Kashmir. HERE AND THERE) OFFICER CADET J. G. Gillespie of Oshawa is} one of 569 Canadian youths who have achieved university entrance standards and has been selected to be an officer cadet of the Canadian Army, under the regular training pro- gram of the department of na- tional defense. Mr. Gillespie will attend Carlton University Ottawa, this fall. 2% ACCIDENTS Oshawa city ambulance an- swered 10-routine house calls during the weekend. City police reported 24 damage--only ac- cidents. City fire department dealt with 10 miscellaneous calls, none of them serious. $51,127,000 in June, 1965. News- nie to second place at Novak, former Nazi SS (elite Two British journalists--Da-|guard) captain and an alleged 34. and John -- of Adolf Eichmann, Va,,|went on trial here today ~ charged with organizing the transportation of thousands of psjcast tor the area today should M.. J, COLDWELL Exports Rise | OTTAWA (CP)--Exports dur- ling the first half of 1966 were 19.6 per cent higher than the first half of 1965 at $4,663,840,- 000, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics reported today. The increase over last year narrowed in the month of June to 16.3 per cent when commod- ity exports were valued at $834,- 501,000. The exceptional increase in exports to the United States con- tinued in June, although the 22.5-per-cent improvement over une, 1965, was lower than the 25.9-per-cent gain for the six- month period. The month's exports to the U.S. were valued at $520,245,- 000, compared with $432,237,000 a year earlier. New wheat sales to Russia brought the June export total to $43,002,000 compared with $2,- 349,000 a year earlier. A sim- ilar deal increased exports to! China to $15,663,000 from $6,- 814,000. Wheat was the largest export eegeng ny! in June with a va- lue of $90,002,000 compared with Goes On Trial VIENNA (Reuters) -- Franz aan during the Second World War. Novak, 53, was sentenced in 1964 to eight years' imprison- ment for "actions and commis- sions which endangered the lives of Jews sent to the death camps." He appealed and the Supreme Court ordered a re- trial. The jury at the first trial unanimously acquitted Novak, Eichmann's transport officer during the war, of complicity in the murder of millions of Jews. Eichmann, captured in Argen- tina by Israeli agents in 1960, was hanged in Israel for crimes -- humanity two years ater. Woman Killed MOUNT FOREST, Ont. (CP) Mrs, Annie Jones, 69, of Owen Sound was pronounced dead on arrival at hospital following a two - car crash Sunday night about 18 miles southwest of here, She was a passenger in a car driven by her son, Fred Jones, 48, of Owen Sound. He was re- ported in critical condition, A ger of the i car, "Mrs. Marjorie Ries of Kitchener, was in satisfactory condition with leg cuts. New Rocket Seen PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia (Reuters) -- The Soviet Union iparaded a new tactical-opera- tional rocket in public for the first time Sunday during a march-past of four Warsaw Pact armies at the close of week-long military manoeuvres. The manoeuvres, code-named Viatava and said to be the big- gest in Europe since the Second World War, have been held in the last week. The Czechoslovak news agency Ceteka said guided ground-to-air and ground-to- ground missiles were hauled through the streets of a south- ern town, and added: "A new kind of tactical - operational rocket had its world premiere." The agency gave no further details. NOW THAT YOU'VE DECIDED TO DANCE... LEARN ALL THE NEW STEPS... BRUSH UP ON THE OLD FAVORITES AT your ARTHUR MURRAY FRANCHISED STUDIO SPECIAL AUTUMN OFFER PRIVATE ; ---- ONLY PLU: DANC 2 PARTIES 16,00 READY WiLL GT you WINTER FUN iT. $. OPEN 1 TO 10 P.M. DAILY CALL 728-1681 Pa Pa ee | Canaua uLonUMY LANGLEY, B.C, (CP)--Can- ada should take steps to start buying back segments of her economy now controlled by American capital, says T. C. Douglas, New Democratic Party leader; Speaking Saturday to the Chamber of Commerce of this Fraser Valley community, Mr. -- said Canadians should con ig loan capital in the U.S. but should try to pro- vide as much of their own equity capital as possible. He said a Canadian develop- ment corporation should be set up with $1,000,000,000 of govern- ment money to provide loans for such purposes as expansion of Canadian industries, and Ca- nadians should be encouraged to invest in the corporation. He said this system is used in Sweden, West Germany, Is- rael and other countries, "Eventually," he said, "the corporation could begin to buy back shares of Canadian com- ee now owned by Amer- cans." Four Killed VAL ALAIN, Que. (CP)--Four persons, including two members of one family, were killed Sun- day night when a Canadian Na- tional Railways train collided with their car on a level cross- ing here, 40 miles southwest of Quebec City. Police identified the victims as Arthur Cote, 49, his daugh- ter, Lucille, 17, Mrs, Geralda Labonte, 34, and Dennis Tur: geon, 17, all of Joly, Que., seven miles north of here, The train was the east-bound freight and passenger service from Montreal and Mari- time points, New Changes Latin Rite Proposed LONDON, Ont, (CP)--Roman Catholics have come to see the church liturgy not as a one-man show, but as a great team ef- fort, the chairman of the Na- tional Liturgical Counoll said Saturday, Rev. L. L, Sullivan of Regina, Sask., in an address to 1,200 parish representatives in the London diocese, urged lay par- ticipation in the masses such as commentator, Jay reader, can- tor and other duties. Father Sullivan was the first major speaker of the two-day convention which seeks to em- phasize the new role of the laity in the worship and administra- tion of the parish. "We stand on the edge of a new world, Not since the fourth and fifth centuries have we been asked in the Latin rite to reshape or reform our liturgy." CRITICIZES INEQUALITY Saturday night, a Roman Catholic priest criticized in- equality and discrimination within the church. Rev. Robert Hovda, chairman of the national liturgical confer- ence in the United States, said Christians have imprisoned Christ within the walls of their churches, "We are so inescapably mid- die-class, propertied and afflu- ent that we have denied cathol- icity in terms of economic class as well as by our color and sex complexes, "We have imprisoned Christ and the Gospel in our cultural ghetto and we know very well that the poor in our rapidly- gtowing urban centres are never going to come to our big stone churches," He said the church is "wedded" to white skin and af- fluence despite the Vatican council's pronouncement that priests and bishops should wipe out every kind of separateness. SINGS AND DANCES Judy Carne, star of TV's Love on a Rooftop, began her thea- trical career as a singer and dancer in English music halls, WEATHER FORECAST TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts issUed Gy the weather office st 5:30 a.m.: Synopels: Sunny skies fore- are likely to continue Tuesday. Cloud will reach Lake Erie late Tuesday and rain should spread into southwestern Ontario Tues- day evening or Tuesday night. Lake St. Clair, southern Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Wiadsor, London: Mainly sunny and not quite so cool today. Tuesday Little Warmer Tuesday, Down To 42 For Tonight Mount Forest ..... Winghes Hamilton .....s0005 St, Catharines .... TOFONIO ...6.ceeeus Peterborough «4... Kingston ....ss606 Trenton ossccoseees Killaloe ..ssecseves Sudbury ... BATON ocvccvecces S. S. Marie ....0.0. Kapuskasing ...... White River ....... Timmins ......0.55 By KENNETH L. WHITING SAIGON (AP) -- The curtain rises Tuesday on the next act of Viet Nam's political drama, A 11?-member constituent as- sembly will meet to draft a new constitution and, they hope, lay the foundation for a return to some kind of democratic rule. Actors in the drama are mostly unknown, the plot is nag a the end of the play fn dou! One Veadiian is that real power in this war-torn land will remain with the military a foreseeable future. Diplomatic sources see a rr, chance that the constituent as- sembly will turn itself into a legislative assembly, is possible, they say, if a new con- stitution is produced _harmoni- ously and if the. military ap- proves. Several members of the as- sembly clearly hope to stay on as legislators after the assem- bly's six-month life span. Others feel the voters picked them in the Sept. 11 election only to draft a new national charter. ARE ILL-INFORMED Associated Press reporters in the field say the average Viet- namese in provinces outside Saigon seems to expect nothing from the constituent assembly. This is because they know little or nothing about it. Western observers in the cap- ital foresee little difficulty in casting a constitution unless the assembly allows itself to get sidetracked on fringe issues. Speculation about the consti- tution is focussed on a presiden- tial system with a strong execu- tive branch rather than pariia- mentary government. The recent experiences of South Korea and Turkey in welding military and civilian rule have received special atten- tion. A two-man Vietna- mese delegation visited Seoul recently for a closer look. The constituent assembly will be about as representative as NEGOTIATION NEEDED RED DEER, Alta, (CP)-- Ambassador « at - large Chester Ronning said Friday he has not been asked to make a third peace mission to Hanoi. De- scribed Thursday in the United Nations as "the only channel that's open" to North Viet Nam, Mr. Ronning said in an inter- view negotiation is the only so- lution to the Viet Nam war. CALL OR SEE DIXON'S OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER SO YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 sunny becoming cloudy in the afternoon and chance of rain by evening. Winds light. Northern Lake Huron, Niag- ara, Lake- Ontario, Hamilton, Toronto: Mainly sunny today and Tuesday. A little warmer Tuesday. Winds light. Haliburton, Killaloe, Georgian Bay, North Bay, Sudbury: Sunny with-cloudy periods and hi of a few sh s today. Tuesday mainly sunny and a little warmer, Winds light. Cochrane, Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie, Timagami, White River: Sunny with a few cloudy periods day. Sunny becoming cloudy with showers in the afternoon. Winds light. Ottawa region: Sunny with some afternoon cloudiness~-to- day and Tuesday. Risk of frost in low lying areas tonight. Con- tinuing cool. Winds light except west 20 and gusty this after noon. Forecast temperatures Low overnight, ~, oe Windsor ... St. -- eoeses London .... Kitchener . seeeeee PLANNING A+, © BANQUET © CONVENTION and brief showers today. Tues-|* IN RESPECT TO THE DEATH OF MRS. HERB ROBINSON Herb, Robinson Automotive Ltd. will close Tuesday Afternoon from { P.M, In Whitby, Oshawa, Port Hope, Trenton. New Constitution Looms In Drama Of Viet Nam Viet Nam could hope for under present' conditions, Every significant in Viet Nam except the Viet Cong is included, Average age is just under 40, The assembly includes teachers, professional people, civil servants. local political fiz- ures and one woman, Mrs, Tran Thi Xa, mother of eight, COMMUNISTS OUT e original list of 530 candi- dates was laundered to of Communist or neu- leanings. 20 army men, none of the as- wash out Communists or those] the can With the possible exception of times. They seem more likely to debate and criticized than find meek agreement, On religious lines, there will be 30 Roman Catholics, 34 Bud- dhists, a Protestant and an as- sortment of Confucians, Hoa Hao Buddhist, Moniagnards and Cao Dai, South Viet Nam's last consti- ogee died with Ngo Dinh Diem The country needs a funda- mental national charter to set sembly members is expected to parrot the regime's views at all rebel movement has fed, DONG HA, South Viet Nam (AP) -- American officers be- lieve a four - nation blocking force is the best way to stop North Vietnamese troop infiitra- tion across the demilitarized zone into South Viet Nam. U.S, sources say the idea is being considered on the highest American levels but the three other governments must also approve. The force would include Ko- rean and Australian troops as well as South Vietnamese units and U.S, marines already de- ployed in the northern part of South Viet Nam, Communist infiltration across the demilitarized zone has be- come a major problem and mil- itary sources indicate an ef- fective blockade force would need to total at least three reg- iments and possibly four--be- tween 10,000 and 16,000 men. The Ameriean, Korean and Australian units would not cross into the buffer zone which flanks the river that is the act- New Plan Mapped z: On Infiltration ual dividing line between North and South Viet Nam, But Com- munist intrusions into the zone would give the South Vietnam- ese an excuse for occasional sweeps along the south side of the river, High military sources also fa- vor large + scale defoliation of dense jungle areas along the zone to permit closer aerial Mae Tie Ohio (AP Mrs, Al Szuch is that Lake Erie may run out of snapping turtles. So she's hatching young ones in her home, Any day now she'll turn loose 150 or so baby snap- pers, "It'll take quite a few waave fahaut ORY far thease little turtles to 'grow up, but at least they'll be there, said Mrs, Szuch, whose a band runs a bait shop and store where he sells turtles and turtle meat, Mrs, Azuch started raising JUDGES POLISH UP WINNIPEG (CP. total of 56 country fair j ded two-day courses in. Winn and Brandon to sharpen up their critical faculties, Am "We're not getting half the turtles we used to have," she says, 54 i aa NORTH --Tuesday and Wednesday Specials- IF YOU ARE NOW TAKING A iAAALIVE OnUE, TwieEe > THREE TIMES A WEEK soe THEN YOU SHOULD BUY BR TODATE the Laxative Tablet with the Tak geneacng Me Natur singe ea uncomfortable Li ot an all-vegetable laxative. paced has been Fn chee font cone tomorrow alright! poiab 0 nev and look beter! scrutiny of infiltration routes, Good Names To Remember When Buying er Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker ~~ President Bill McFeeters -- Vice Pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, 723-2265 Now Is The Time To Order Your Winter Fuel .,,...... C GAL Save vv" DX FU : Serving Oshawa - q been touched or replaced in it," he wad. "Well I'll be darned," said the tourist, "Their landlord must be the same ene @ Roxy Verlety, Resslynn Pleze @ United Texi, 143 King St. test Gillard. CLEAWIT SERVICE" 725 Mig S5 A quide was conduct the bg EL OIL Whitby - Ajex and District his usel tour le and ited structure wos yeors "In all this time not a@ stone hes enyiswne altered or ancient casi hove,"* STORES: @ 92 WOLFE @ 170% MARY ST. @ 12 BOND £. @ 924 SIMCOE N. AGENTS: GOOD AND FINISHED MANY © MEETING First Class Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced Staff RESERVE YOUR FUNCTION NOW! 723-4641 | neers ~ Because we ere require meny more ments of our buyers. CONVENIENT NEIGHBOURHOOD (OSHAWA) REC-ROOM EXTRAS INCLUDED IN FINE CONDITION INSIDE AND OUT an EXCLUSIVE LISTING with Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation selling properties end we listings te meet the require- ba attrect more listings of good marketable rties we are offering atill Financing For Purchaser Is Available Immediately . . . ARE YOU CONSIDERING SELLING ? You may Win A Golor T.V. SKINLESS Wieners _ LEAN MINCED BEEF FRESH CUT SHANK LEAN AND TENDER CLUB STEAKS -- C 65 49 39 69 PROPER SLEEP 1S ALWAYS IMPORTANT can be helpful. But, or we will deli = jay we compound yours? 373 Once | hile lid home ce in @ wi pti remedy Wit fou cosuntlons, 1: ly oot tee (Oey he needed. teeta toncien, fotowe, diene ich senior, citizens often get use they may sleep less than seven hours eech for sleeping ve Gasp Oo eemeny consult your physic medicines he your problem, YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need @ medicine. Yo ae your prescription iver promptly without ¢« many people entrust us with Po pbb 4 if nearby, A EASTVIEW PHARMACY King Street East Oshawa PHONE 725-3594 Fast ---- Free --- Motorized Delivery | P. B. Frencis, Phm.B, -- J, R, Steffen, B.Sc. Phm, Not only will eur FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE likely help te bring you more cosh, but furthermore you will be eligible te reason why YOU, if YOU plen te sell should have us handle the sele, 1 you Het with us Between September 20th, 1966, tn @ contest wherein YOU may win @ Coler T.V. 18th end December Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation Reel Estate Department Phone 723-5221 19 Simcoe St. North Oshawe Alten Mery weal HY Reiph Schofield 725-5067 Tom Houston 668-4416 Cheries Cheyter 668-2291 Do you know the name of your insurance company? Don't be surprised if you find it's the "Royal", . After all, it's the largest general insurance group in Canada. Chances are you didn't know that! You see, the Royal does not have salesmen, It deals through independent agents, like us, We are neighbours to you; we're impartial--: the best kind of insurance men to know your needs. It's an arrange- ment that works well for you, ROYAL INSURANCE crour GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT John Kosteniuk Handli AUTO - FIRE - OSHAWA 723-4666 All Classes of Insurance DS - BURGLARY - CASUALTY AJAX 942-3310