Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Sep 1966, p. 23

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MICKEY MOUSE we'd BETTER QueEsS ELECT A PRESIDENT MAN !f-ris car NOT PERMITTED TO, SINCE GRANDMA 1SN'T AT HOME... LET'S SURPRISE HER BY CLEANING UP SKEETER... HIM TO THE VETS. TAKE _ THERES NOTHING ASK THEM TO GIVE HIM ¥ A BATH WHILE HES THERE... © King Festares Syndicntn, ine, 1966. WSeid rights riserved. te THE LONE RANGER at ee Scturdey, September 24, 1966. THE OSHAWA TIMES, 23) SECRET AGENT X9 Channe! 11--Hamilten Channel %--Toronte Channel &--Rochester Channel 7--Buffaic i 6Terents 4--Buftalo 2--Barrie 2--Buttele 'sree ma SATURDAY EVE, 6.00 PLM. nN--M 7--W of Sports 36--Frankinstein, Jr. 5.90 P.M. 1i--Fiipper 34--Buggs Bunny 6:00 PLM. N---Littlest Hobo 9--Thunderbirds 4--News, Weather 3--Lost In Space 6:3) P.M. 11--Man from Interpol 9--Flintstones 8--Movie Favorite Martian World 7--Conversation é--Summer Sounds 4--News 2News 7:00 P.M, li--Polka Party Jackie Gleason 7--Storm Over the Stadium 4---Round Table 3-6--Beverly Hillbillies 2--News 7:38 P.M, i--Dance Party 2--Flipper 7--Shane 6--Tarzan 4--Jackie Gleason 3--Tarzan 8:00 P.M, 9--Academy Performance 2--Please Don't Eat the Daisies 6:30 P.M. 7--Lawrence Welk 28--Get Smart 4--Pistols 'n' Pettl- coats 9:00 PLM. 4--Mission: Impossible 2-4--Movie 9:30 PLM, 'Great Music 7--Hollywood Palace 10:00 P.M. 9--Combat 6--World of Wooster 4--Gunsmoke 10:38 PA, li--Movie 7--Movie 346--Malka and Joso 1:08 PLM, 9--News 4-3-6--News 11.15 PLM, 2-4--News, Weather, 9--Movie SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. N--En France 7:30 A.M. Hi--Mademoiselle De Paris J--Herald of Truth 2--Agriculture, U.S.A, 8:00 A.M. 1i--Sacred Heart 8--SHHHI Children 7--Christopher Program 4--Word of Life Ve--This is the Life 8.30 A.M. {Oral Roberts 4--Comedy Capers 2--Funny Company 9:00 A.M. ky Pig 9:30 A.M. Italien Journal 7--Peter Potamus 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 2--Church Invitation 10:08 A.M. i--Carasellio 9--Stingray 8--Faith For ToDay JFRocketship 7 2--Lamp Unto My Feet The Answer 10:30 A.M. 9--Cartoons This Is The Life 4--Insight 11:00 A.M. 11--Bible Stories 9--Mete 8--Christopher Program 7--Bullwinkle Show 4--Camere Three 3-6--Church 2--Faith for Today 1:38 AM, 11--Anonymous li--Instrument of Change 9--Wish You Were rere @--Social Sécurity tn a] Action are "66 4--Pattern For Living 2--Orthodox. Faith 12:08 NOON 9--Itallan Album 8--Football Highlights 7--Superpal Club 6--Music rail 4--News, Weather 3--Hymn Book 2--Sum and Substance 12:15 P.M, 4--Congress 12:38 PLM, 1i--Father Meehan 4--Living World 3--Herald of Truth 2--Movie 12.45 P.M. 4--Amat: Hour Thh P.M. 11--Continental Miniature 9--Spectrum 8--Pro Football 4--Pro Football %--Living Word 1:38 P.M, 1l--This Space Age 9--Platform | 3--Spectrum 2:00 PLM. 11--Dialogue 9--Movie 3-6--Pro Football 2:30 P.M. 11--Discussion 7--Issues and Answers 2--GE College Bowl 3:00 P.M, 1--Spectrum 2--Buffalo Bills Preview 7--Dialogue 2:38 PA. 1--Canada 7--ABC Scope 2--Pro Football 200 PLM. 1l--Dennis the Menace 8--Meet the Press 7--Chalienge 3-6--Sports 4:30 PLM. \1l--Tiny Talent Tine 9--Daniel Boone &--Rainbow Theatre 7--First Name Only ports 5.00 P.M, | 7--Movie | &3--Country Calendar 4--To Tell the Truth 5.99 P.M. | 9--Brand New Scene 8--GE College Bow! 6--20-20 4--Law and You 3--Flipper | 6:00 PLM, 1--Lost in Space 9--Voyage 8--Tom Decker and Company 3-6--Walt Disney Presents 4--Twentiety Century 6:30 Pim. 7--Man Who Never Was 4--TBA 2-4--Bell Telephone Hour 7:00 P.M, 1--Walt Disney | 9--Nonkees | 7--Voyage To The Bottorn of the Sea 5-3--Hey Landlord | 4--Lassie 7: PM, 9--FBI $2--Disney's World of Color 9--I Dream of Jeannie 3-6--Flashback | 4--It's About Time | 7--FBI | 643--Ed Suilivan Show 6:30 P.M. } 2-8--Hey Landlord! 9:00 P.M, 8-6-3-2--Bonanza 4--Garry Moore 10:00 P.M. | 28--Andy Williams 4--Candid Camere 6-3--Galapagos | 10:38 PLM, 1i--Detective Diary 4--What's My Line 3-6--Disordered Mind | | TELEVISION LOG 1:08 PLM. 2, 3, 6, 4, 8, 11, 9--News, Weather, Sports 1.15 PLM, &--Johnny Carson 1:38 P.M, 4--Movie hog PLM, ja 1 Pm, Mt en Mind 7--Movie &--Johnny Carson 11,35 PLM, 6--Movie Veve.e? P.M, 9--Insight 12.30 a.m. 1--Joe Carlo MONDAY 6.00 A.M. Captain Kangaroo 8.30 A.M. limAlbert J. Steed 9--Romper Room 6:85 A.M. 7--Dialing For Dollars, Girl Talk 9.00 AM, l--Ed Allen 9--Uncle Bobby 8&--Smile Time 4--Bonnie Prudden 2--Boro's Big Top 9.3 AM. $--Dialing for Dollars Bonnie Prudden | 4Love Of Life | 3Ontarlo Schools | 2--Jack La Lanne 10.00 A.M, i--Its a Match 9--Fractured Phrases #2--Eye Guess 6--Ontario Schools 4--Candid Camera 10.30 A.M. 1--Morning Time 9--T.V. Bingo 8-2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3--Time Out 11,00 AM, 11--Marriage Confidential 9--Mr. rs. $-2--Chain Letter 7--Supermarket Sweep 3~Ed Allen Time 4--Andy_ Griffith 11:38 A.M, li--Mike Douglas 9--Magistrate's Court 7--Dating Game 8-2--Showdown 4--Dick Van Dyke 3~Ernie Lindell 12,00 NOON 9--Toronto Today @-2--Jeopardy 7--Money Movie 36--Luncheon Date 4--News and Weather 12.90 P.M, 3--News, Weather, Sports | &2--Swingin' Country 4-6--search for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M. 6-4--Guiding Light 1.00 P.M. 1i--Theatre 9--Movie &--Dialing For Dollars Girl Talk 7--Ben Casey 6--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 3--Movie 2--Merv Griffin 1.30 P.M. =--Let's Make A Deal ¢4--As The World Turns 2.00 P.M. 8-2--Days of Our Lives 7--Newlywed Game 6--Hancock 4--Password 2.30 P.M. 9--People In Conflict 8-2--The Doctors 7--A Time For Us 6--Coronation Street 4Linkletter's Party 3.00 PLM. 9--Words and Music 8-2--Another World 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth 3-4--Take 30 3.25 P.M, 3-6--Bonnie Prudden 4--News 3.30 P.M. 1i--Little People 9--It's Your Move 8-2--You Don't Say 7--Superman Show 3-4-6--Edge of Night 4:00 P.M. 1i--Funny Company o--} Love Lucy &Match Game 4--Secret Storm | 3-4--Canada's Story 2--Mike Douglas 4:30 PLM, }1--Fireball XLS 9--Movie 8--Yog! Bear 4--Movie 7. Traveler's abode 8. Principles of a 17th- century religious sect 9. Keats, for one 11, Makes glossy 18, Re. volve 15, Moist 18, US, presi- dent pepvie 21, Three, at cards 22, London river 23. Dawns 24. Friar's title T Ye 27, Enemy 28. Constella- tion 29. A lumber camp hero and a author $3. Missouri: abbr, 34, Flower 35. Cry of & cow 36. Mistakes 38. Not to'pass a test 89. Fry lightly 40. Dark dlue 41, Looks at YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: Within the last year, I had two strokes a month apart. I recovered quickly from the first. With the second I was not 60 lucky. This one affected my speech and my left side. I think I could cope with it if I could only talk. When you can't talk, people have a tendency to treat you as if you were simple-minded. I am so lonesome. I feel like I am not making progress. I am 39--Mrs. B. J. What needless pain we some- times cause our fellow crea- tures! Some of us do not know, and some of us forget, what a stroke usually does. An arm or a leg or side may be paralyzed, de- pending on which part of the brain is affected by the stroke. Or at times muscles of the face and throat may be paralyzed so that speech becomes impossible. As a rule a stroke does not affect hearing, Vision or intel- ligence. A paralyzed leg or arm we can understand. But when the power of speech is lost, for some reason we jump to the false con- clusion that the patient cannot hear or cannot understand, and the consequence is unconscious cruelty. ANNOYS PATIENTS I have seen stroke patients begome annoyed and upset at Disability Pains Victims Of Stroke By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD their inability to express in words what they want, how they feel, or where they may be un- comfortable. It is. painful to watch their struggles to ex- press themselves. How much worse for them! And how much still worse when, as with Mrs. B. J., the situation is completely misunderstood and the patient is condemned to loneliness, In most rehabilitation centres there are speech therapists trained to help stroke patients recover some degree of self- expression if the paralysis is not too extreme. There are also cases in which patients can speak, but because of some cross-circuiting of the motor control system, they try to say a certain word but a quite different one is spoken, to their utter frustration. Yet the patients hear and understand, People should remember not to condemn such sufferers to a cell of lonely ostracism. Dear Dr. Molner: I work until 1l p.m. five days a week. When I get home I can't sleep and I stay up until 3 or 4 a.m, Is this harmful? -- Mrs. B. J If you get adequate sleep (about eight hours for most of us) it doesn't matter when. It's reasonable that you would want to relax a few hours before go- BRIDGE | By B. JAY BECKER East dealer, North-South vulnerable, o55 @AK10856 AG 765 WEST K1098763 @4 632 Q 872 a vert 5 ry AQJ10942- ee ee Opening lead--six of hearts, Fancy plays are often ic tical plays. It can't be it to exclude an unusual play from consideration merely because it's unusual. For example, take this hand. which requires exceptional treatment declarer for the contract to made. West led a heart and South could see difficulties ahead, Two losers seemed certain -- either a spade and a club, or two clubs. While it was obvious that the hearts could be estab- lished if the suit was divided 4-3, the trouble was that there would be no ready entry to dummy to cash the hearts. But declarer saw one ray of hope. It was clear from the lead, as well as the bidding, that West had no clubs. There were also indications that West had a large number of spades headed by the king. So, to take advantage of the situation -- and since normal Play was bound to fail -- South adopted a rare method of play to make the slam. He cashed the A-K of hearts, and on them discarded the A-Q of spades! He then ruffed a heart. With both opponents fol- lowing suit, thus' p that the hearts were di 4-3, business began to look good. Declarer next led a diamond to the ace and ruffed the fourth round of hearts high, This es- tablished the 10-8 as tricks, The rest was easy. South drew two was aaicu w B n i king and return a spade to the jack, and this, in turn, permit- ted South to discard 'ail three of his clubs to make the slam. The hand indicates that some slight ingenuity applied at the right time and place can do no harm and may occasionally do some good in a tight situation. The apparently impossible can sometimes be accomplish- ed, Never give up! Forces Lose Men As Veterans Quit - OTTAWA (CP)--The armed, forces had a net manpower loss of 851 personnel in July, biggest drop since demobilization after the Second World War. The defence department said ~~ Thursday armed forces strength at July 31 was 105,335 com-»: pared with 106,186 at June 30. :: The manpower loss in May + and June combined was 920. °° The present defence ment establishment calls for" 109,000 military personnel. The department said the drop "* is due mainly to the large num- ber of Second World War vet-"* erans who are reaching normal retirement age. nad SALLY'S SALLIES "gomehow, I: can't get over the feeling that I am being watched in this room." -- Dear Dr, Molner: My 19-year- old daughter has a growth un- der her foot. The doctor says it is a plantar wart. She is taking x - ray treatments. I never heard of this. Can you . explain it? -- Mrs. N. 0, Plantar means it's a wart that grows on the plantar or sole portion of the foot. Such warts can be quite stubborn and, be- cause of their location, painful. Treatment varies sharply among medical people. Some doctors prefer to pare them down; others prefer x-ray. The warts are believed to be 'caused by a virus, so the pa- tient should wear slippers or clogs around the house, and not to go barefoot over rugs or. bathroom floors. This will pre- vent the risk of passing the virus on to others. Plantar warts are a nuisance ing to sleep, : but not dangerous.

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