Greta Garbo is pictured with Robert Taylor in a romantic moment in a scene 'Garbo"s Life 'Secluded « HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- She travels through a shadowy svorld of her own making, slip- 78 in and out of airports, Trenchcoated, with a slouch hat pulled down over one eye. " Sometimes an alert photog- rapher spots her behind the dark glasses and steals a quick 1 shot. She manages a smile, then waces to a waiting limousine "pnd vanishes. - She is Greta Garbo, born Greta Gustafsson in Stockholm BO years ago Sunday, (Some sources say 61.) She has not 'jneted in films for 25 years. Yet amost critics agree she remains 'the screen's greatest actress. . Garbo lives today, in New "York, much as she has durin her 40 years in the Unit States -- alone, Her aloneness has long been a worldwide joke, but she is not amused, from "Camille." The film was one of her greatest successes. She has not acted _ in films for a quarter cent- ury, yet most critics agree she remains the screen's test actress, ' ae? (AP Wirephoto) TONIGHT JACKIE GLEASON -- The first of 10 musical programs planned for Jackie's new sea- son, For openers he co-stars with his Honeymooners pal Art Carney in 'The Politician" Mayor Big Jim Finley's rugged campaign for re-election, (Ch, 9 at 7 p.m, Ch. 4 and 7 at :30 p.m.) MYSTERY MOVIE -- Long time stars Spencer Tracey and Pat O'Brien appear in 'The People Against O'Hara", the story of a man on trial for a murder in which he was not involved. (Ch. 7 at 10:30 p.m.) SUNDAY TELEPHONE HOUR -- The season opens with a documen- tary approach to the music bill of fare. The first Bell Telephone Hour will present Gian Carlo Menotti's Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto, Italy, Cam- eras will present out of Spoleto, "T never said, 'I want to be " she Onde complamed te & fiead, "2 oniy said, 'i want to be let alone.' For the most part, she is. Oldtime fans often observe her on the long walks she takes on Manhattan streets, but they respegt her Garbo has lived for many years in a co-operative apart- ment on 52nd Street overlooking the East River. Her trips have gtown more infrequent. She makes a rare return to Europe, neually staying at some se- cluded place on the Riviera, or on the yacht of Aristotle Onas- sis, She comes to Hollywood once a , visiting a few old friends Katharine Hepburn, hair stylist Sidney Guiklaroff and director George Cukor. But most of the time she Jeads the solitary life. How did she get that way Her biographers have sug- gested that Garbo was a shy, sensitive girl who was thrust into a life for which she was temperamentally unsuited. The make-believe of being a motion picture actress appealed to her, "but the confusion surrounding her status as a movie star shote of rehearsals and cover- age of interviews win Mendis at the festival, (Ch. 2 and 8 at 6:30 p.m.) AWARD-WINNING MOVIE -- "The Bridge on River Kwai", the. moon © picture which captured seven Oscars stars Alec Guinness and Wil- Ham Holden, (Ch, 7, 9 and 18 at 8 p.m.) MONDAY THE SAINT -- Roger Moore as Simon Templar solves the problems of a Russian professor who is intent on defecting to the West. Tem to his assistance Switzerland. (Ch, 3, 6, 10, 12 at 8 p.m.) TUESDAY RED SKELTON -- The old redhead is scheduled to have the one-time child star and now character actor Jackie 1] and singer Nancy Ames as his guests, In his popular Silent Spot. Red will referee a prize fight. (Ch, 3, 6, 10, 12 at 8 p.m.) ON TELEVISION WOJECK -- The Canadian hourlong series from the life of a coroner concerned over society's shortcomings will have Kate Reid as guest star this week, She'll play the role of a therapist working with young: aters who is addicted to nar- cotics, (Ch. 6, 3, 10 at 9 p.m.) WEDNESDAY ANDY WILLIAMS -- A star- studded hour of variety enter- tainment has been arranged for the Andy Williams Show. His ests include Al Hirt, Bob ewhart and singers Peggy Lee and Jack Jones. (Ch. 9 at 7:30 p.m.) BOB HOPE -- In a situation he finds ideal Hop is surrounded by such lovelies as Lucille Ball, Madeleine Carroll, Anita Ekberg, Dottie Lamour in his search for a leading in this first comedy special of his new season, (Ch, 6 at 8:30 and Ch. 2 at 9 p.m.) THURSNAV TELESCOPE-- Fietcner Markle presents a film profile of Arnold Smith the first sec- retary general of the Common- w weanization, The shows tiied 'Canadian for the Commonwealth." (Ch. 6 at 9 ba) DEAN MARTIN -- Another long list of guests is billed for Dean's hour this week. He'll have Liberace, Carol Lawrence, Gene Krupa and Bob. Newhart -- (Ch, 2 and 8 at 10 p.m. AY MILTON BERLE -- Uncle Miltie's return to television this season will be highlighted this week by a visit from Bob Hope. Other guests will include the boys from F Troop, (Ch, 7 at 9 p.m.) fi O'SLOCK HIGH--Gallagher joins British troops on the ground in their attempt to wipe out an enemy anti-craft estab- lishment. 1 seeneamnserninaret SHOW TIMES MARKS -- Now playing for the first time in a motion pic: ture "Batman." A full length movie about the two-fisted crime fighters Batman and his right hand man Robin, As an added feature evenings only 'Do Not Disturb" starring Doris Day and Rod Taylor, in color. A love story and a comedy, Showtime Saturday continu- ous from 12.00 and Sunday con- tinuous from 2.00 p.m, Starting next Thursday for the remainder of the week "Mall Order Bride" starring Buddy Ebsen, Roddy McDowell. A comedy in color, Also on the same program "Curse of Frank- enstein" with Peter Cushing. Shown Thursday beginning at 7.00 p.m., Saturday continuous from 1,00 p.m, and Sunday con- tinuous from 2.00 p,m. PLAZA~Now playing a story of adventure and intrigue in the Foreign Legion, It's "Beau Geste" in technicolor, Starring Guy Stockwell and Doug. Me- Clure. Shown daily by 1.20, 3.20, 5.25, 7.30 and 9.40. Last complete show at 9.20 p.m, REGENT--Now playing Eliz- abeth Taylor in 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" and 'Butterfield 8'. Lig sizgles in the two pictures that made her famous. She's Maggie the cat, who turns a bed into a cage In "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof' with Paul New- man, Shown daily at 1.00, 4,35 and 8.15. She's a hot number in her academy award winning per- formance in 'Butterfield 8" with Laurence Harvey and Eddie Fisher. Shown daily at 2.50, 6.25 and 10,05. Last complete show at 8.15 p.m, Both of these fine pictures are in color. NEW ODEON Thursday for one week James Garner, Melina Mer- courl, Sandra Dee and Tony Franciosa sharing the intrigue and the killing suspense in 'A Started it's AT MOVIES Man Could Get Killed." A spy comedy. They are after 5 mil- lion in smuggled diamonds with thrills and danger for every gem, In color, Weekdays shown at 7.20 and 9.26 p.m, Saturday continuous from 1.00 p.m. and Sunday from 2,00 p.m, Starting next Friday a hilari- ous comedy "A Fine Madness" with Sean Connery, Joanne Woodward and Jeun Seaburg. Weekdays shown at 7.00 and 9.10, Saturday continuous from 2.00 p,m. HORSE TRIALS OPEN WINNIPEG (CP) -- Valerie Johnson of Saskatoon led 20 other riders as the Canadian championship horse triais opened Friday. David Sonshine of Toronto, Ry Hyllis, placed second among riders fréim On- tario to British Columbia, SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN Dance to RUDY VELTRI RED BARN AND HIS NEW TORNADOS Toronto's Most Versatile Group New Secret Agent Story Looks Like 'Patchover" NEW YORK (AP)--Jericho, CBS' new secret agent series looks as if it was patched to- gether with leftovers from other spy shows, The iroubie iay foi With tis)s principal actors. They are tree qouns fellows who have not much previous TV expo- gure, The problem lies in the story department, In the first episode shown veer eee? niget, the three agents--an Ame and one who was supposed to be French but spoke with a marked Italian accent were assigned to get an electronics expert into a secret radar sta- tion in Nazi-occupied Holland during the Second World War. can, a Briton a hard time of ft, and two of them were captured. act i peop . kooky heiress who tries to shake EEN BEFORE loose from her estate--which is Fortunately, the dumb sol-|'/¢d up--vast sums for worthy diers overlooked a fountain pen|°auses. Thus Thursday night ce bg Pah ater a ttt ee ay und oH it rate em da nso} it with her. * on Most of the humor was pretty primitive, with the characters running around aa empty sume =~ wate hn aaa IMS) MVUBT, GM & WYUIuNNS Ewen cuer scared om when 1 The American is played by Don Francks of Toronto. The station was built in the top of a windmill and the job to get the expert /past of the dumbest German soidiers tis sige Gf mugaie Heroes. The good guys still had we were hardly surprised to find it wasn't @ fountain pen at all but a little bomb. There was the usual quota of fighting, and even an attempt at comedy. But it all seemed rather forced and imitative ana ne ee ht up with|Was mistaken for a ghost as reviewer caught up ir two comedy series that had|she hid under a dust cover. their first shows last week at/ Miss Grimes, a fine stage times that conflicted with other|comedienne, has a. distinctive to new shows. le but it does not The Tammy Grimes Show on'adapt Itself well to television, neulninh ANoRews || ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S 'TORN CURTAIN' (TEGHNIGOLORS) ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ALSO ROCK HUDSON in "BLINDFOLD" PAT & MIKE FISH & CHIPS "Generous Servings" Helibut, Shrimps, Scallopes 723-1951 688 HORTOP 639.3621 668-2692 1 FREE IN-CAR HEATERS sw enener TODAY AT: 1:00 . 4:35 end 6:18 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLAY THESE WOMEN! TODAY AT: 2:50 . 6:25 end 10:05 For the First Time In Oshawa At The Orange Julep Drive Int The New. York World's Fair Discovery end crowd pleaser THIS WEEK If You Haven't Got 25 SHILLINGS oR 50,000 RUBLES OR 100,000 YEN We will settle for $3.50 For All Three Plays 66-67 Membership Tickets Now Available, Phone =~ 728- 1292 -- 725-8185, 725-4661 OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE STORE HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 4:15 P.M. 1 AM, Fri, and Set, 12 Noon -- 2 AM. Hq Sun, 12 -- 12 Midnite NOW TWO LOCATIONS Please Order From Your Nearest Store PEPI'S PIZZA PALACE 134 Simeoe $. 728-0192 PEPI'S PIZZA PICK-UP 64 Rossland W. 723-0241 © ADDED * DORIS DAY ROD TAYLOR | DONOT 4 DISTURB « "on 600 Cinamabenpe Color by DE LUNE + » » +0 0° NOW SHOWING! THE SUSPENSE I$ KILLING! JAMES GARNER: MELINA MERCOURI oeeesteseeseree® "A MAN COULD GET KILLED" TECHNIGOLOR® PANAVISION®> a UNIVERSAL PICTURE SHOW TIMES: Sat, Con. From 1 Weekdays 7 & 9 Sundey From 2 THE NEW ODEON THEATR S503 £8 Il 39 KING ST. E, hldiy, DRIVE-INS All Color Show FLAME OF ee FIRE UA GOUOR by Be Rlened tow UNITED ARTISTS \s Last Day: "TORN CURTAIN" Adult VicTIM Uncle" ys © WIN © WIN ¢ WIN STARTING UNDAY LARGE PIZZA Courtesy Robbies Drive-in WET CAR WASH --~ Boyd's Esso Hwy. 2 DRAW ON TICKET STUBS TONIGHT "CLUB ESCAPE! WHITBY ARENA (UPSTAIRS) SAT., SEPT. 24 PAUL HAMILTON AND THE TEE-KAYS! TICKETS AT DOOR 8:30 -- 12:00 P.M, DRESS CASUAL Dancing Every Sat. Night @t the Conadian National Exhibition, hed ae a P] UNCLE VAN"S : : Belaian Waffles <= © SATURDAY..* . | | Come on out and meet the -- more than she could en- | "~ re. | THE STROLLERS ANDMISSION: -- 75¢ DRESS: -- Shirt & Tie MEMBERSHIP CARDS NOW ON SALE NEXT WEEK -- introducing MISS RED FEATHER CONTESTANTS OSHAWA ESE DRIVE-IN PUBLIC SKATING ® WEDNESDAY ¢_._.. SEPTEMBER 28 - 8:00 p.m. ADULTS ONLY... 75¢ "Ballroor Dancing" ing the igion Waffies with generous servi | with your fovourite fruit, nothing § ( watering. e @ Special note te Grandmoth = hay S whe comes te the dulep on her motereyele, gets « int Belgien Weffle FREE, THE ORANGE JULEP DRIVE-IN 1569 Simcoe St. N. atom N.O.W.H. OPEN | HORSE SHOW Sunday, Sept. 25th © Nine Exciting Events! ¢ os 0 WHR So THREE ADDED ATTRACTIONS © WILD STEER RACE © CALF ROPING © CALF SCRAMBLE FOR KIDS UNDER 14 Oc (5 Doller Prize To Winner) Continuous from 11:30 A.M. to approx. 5 P.M. Morning Classes 11:30 © Afternoon Show 2:00 Located at the Five Points Arena Taunton Road at Ritson Road REFRESHMENTS ADMISSION FREE "AD gerry REIT 5 | and his orchestra could be more mouth Reservations--7 23-2143 725-1348 & Couples Only | | Featuring: -- | ST. GREGORY'S Young People's Club Presents AND LYND ;.. CHANCELLORS Sunday, September 25 8.30 P.M. @ 18 AND OVER @ 728-4071 © FRIDAY ¢ SEPTEMBER 30 - 8:00 p.m. TEEN SKATING... 50c R.CS.C.C. 'Drake' OFFICERS DANCE FRI., SEPT: 30 Kinsmen Hall - Oshawa If it's The Big "M" Drive-in, Of Course It's McMurray's -- for -- COUNTRY STYLE Fried Chicken FISH 'n CHIPS McMURRAY'S DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Simeoe St. N. of Taunton Rd. Phone 728-229) PHONE AHEAD FOR PROMPT TAKE-HOME SERV ¢ SUNDAY ¢ OCTOBER 2nd - 1:30 p.m. FAMILY SKATING @ SUPERVISED ATTENDANCE @ AREA FOR BEGINNERS ADULTS--50c CHILDREN--25¢ Accompanied by Perent UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN . 35¢ SHPTHLTSOSESESS ECC EL ERE SER SESH LES REE e sete eee? eer Bernard Tierney Orchestra DANCING Sin 1 = ANS $3.50 Per Couple -- Bar Privileges Proceedsin Aid of Band Instrument Fund Tickets Available Phone 723-3320, 725-6480 Evenings, or at The Oshawa Novel Club ENJOY ICE SKATING EVERY WED. EVENING AND SAT. AND SUN. AFTERNOONS. =