Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Sep 1966, p. 7

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Sa BE et BM OL TITITITITILILELELLLLLLLI pH A A 0 8 A A a TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Chrysler M4 404 40% + Ye ~ cP Eleittone 150. Some 10M : Toronto Stock Bs. 23. | «Columbia 100 $614 6% "ha Me e e e Quotations in cents marked $.| Columbi p 100 $2114 214 24+ 4 : 2-Odd lot, _ xd--Ex-dividend, | xr--Ex- 300 $35% 35% 35%4-- WI1V ee gH ms Ss : ' ; Wom previous Sosra-let poy sale, 3 toy = -- i Cosmos oo ' Yo 20% 28% 100 $ 10:40 ser smn wi Can Cope With Mar kei Accra 1000 2}: $18 Advocate 125 35 375 -- 5 Aetna inv 1200-80 80 80 --20 Am Moly $00 S15) $1 Falcon 145 88% 88%! MONTREAL (CP) -- Most; The Australian-born' woman)worked at selling securities in Nee ie te si | Eom Ply, 3 Base Be 2 + considerably| Toronto before moving to on, Ang U'Bev $400 102 102 103 +} Fanny 218 $30% 30% 30Ve women who invest in the stockjsays women are ig Area 5700 242 736 240 --8! Fleet Mig 400 66 66 66 --3 almer and more sophisticated|real this summer. I Bemore fam ty tn | fraser nin @ a se at ot i Sass about, their investmeats than is} Her husband is director of the : : ; concern. the: nature of the run ANC Cop 300 3 113-*113 Gocayear 15 $150, 150 Mrs, Emily McWhinney, the | commonly believed. Air and Space Law Institute at NEW SPORTS COUPE IN PONTIAC LINE through the U.S. and "'the spe- * Bernim is om +0) ee Be sn only woman stockbroker with| 'Most of them are efficient in| McGill University, cial obligations of the govern- er 750 $1)¥2 N1¥2 live H' Wood» 200 4 a ad Iyt'| Nesbitt, Thomson and Co, Ltd. |looking after household finan- The Grande Parisienne sienne has a new, distinc- developed ehergy-absorbing |ment to ensure that the main : Bunker #1500 20" Tom 0+ %4l Hamer $1200 0 re, é irs, and more women|"EARN IN THE FAMILY - tive, silhouette, . | pipeline is exclusively in Canae j "Tung «190 SS 1S -- S| Heme AS 1080 S20 0% 20% + vl here, cial affairs, "And the job of f ti sport coupe (above) exem: ». graceful sil steering column which tele in ¢ 27S 148. N47 108, Home B 200 $2], 21 21 + 4! "Many women are already|--especially among newly-wed 'amily finan- plifies the new elegance in The Laurentian and Strato- i: lachea dian territory. C Faraday: 144 275 275 WS | Bay Co 100 $15 Tove IS4-- le nitiar with the market and|couples--are doing this," cial manager is excellent: train- styling achieved throughout Chief series feature deep, 5°°P@® UP 8Y% . The prime minister said he Condere" seo Hts a ae | Ne eo ales eS others apply themselves quickly} Mrs. McWhiney received her|!98 Prim the wife ever be left 1967 Pontiac line, which = massive wraparound bump- © Depending on model chos- | hopes to have the energy Sprain tah ta amt | ime ON Ml Seite Site 1 "4)to the job of finding out about|economics degree in Australia, "ir Whi po includes a brand new ers, curved side windows en, the Astro-Six 155-hp and |board's report on the changes Chesirvile 4000 22 22 22 In Wire 200 405-405." 405 it," says Mrs. McWhinney, who|did postgraduate work at the Ts, McWhinney says many) series, the big and power- and over-and-under head- Strato - Flash 195-hp V8 jnext week. After that the cab- oeire eh oe tet ek 100 37% 7% 7% \says she finds women clients|London School of Economics ee hee ae couples feel) fyi 2 plus 2, with an inter- lights. A wide choice of standard on Grande Pari- |inet will consider it, ar ae a a a at eee Gh Gm oe erceptive. © ljand Yale University, and a definite investment pro-| national sporting flavor. _color-keyed interior trim is __sienne are standard engines Ceniagas 000 56 Int Nickel 2105 $86 85 agreeable and perceptiy : m i rthwhil g Sol RM ie A 81 25 $26%% 26% 26% + Ve gram is & worthwhile project.) Tuxurious Grande Pari- available on all Pontiacs. for 1967 Pontiacs. Optional, ee ET. tit De OS Stim ae Te + She says such a project should) sienne has a completely re. | Many important new safety extra-cost engines are an eCaliinen jae if hou -% abla B- se 1 10s +" Ut C 0 or ation 'Takes Le a ami she 10 or 20 year] designed front end, "hide- features are standard > ones Ue V8," an TORO: (CP) A ; E Me eS ee a ge ah UP as-an-even- ee r _ equipment on all 1967 Astro-Jet NTO -- A peace € Mogi" amp Soo eo io 7 | Jette CY AS Go do. ao +10 Ip aaa roofline. Popular Park. ~~ models; including. theGM- Jet Flame 386:np V8. vans setiing the Viet Nom € Mrsn 11000 243 «237 «247 +6) (Labatt 100 $174 17% 174+ VM retirement comes, Ex 1h fe | ROM Cem 100 49 430 430 . ¥ Career women should follo conflict spurred an € Rambler 350 196 195 196 LO Cem w 900 30 3 30 Ww e e € Red Pop 1000 19 19 19 -- '| Lay Fin m 6 er s C ral Of U M the same practice, as they gen- rally on the Toronto Stock Ex. : Cop Fielés aan "n'a Wey t?| Lew", 2100 slave le 14h ontra! ranlum ine erally enjoy a Sigh standard of | urner rges egis ation peocn plas g we wiped out | Coulee 2100 z ns -- Al Lob CoB 225 $912 9% 9% ving , rning losses, Cowich 2000 --1) Loeb M 135 $122 124 12% TORONTO (CP)--Federal Re-jsales were more than $50,000,- "They should plan ahead ti-| The industrial index gained f peat = sti i it n| MB Ltd 210 $247 24% 2470 f Utah will take! 000. '19 to 145.46 it had a Cstland 1000 -* Mm El 300 40 475 475 --15 | Sources Corp. 0 _|nancially for the future so that e been So eee ee cae ee a iG ani "Ha XC oP at aol mae "Ty Bead Off Labor Crises fm" Elda 13700 7% 75 75 --1| Molscm A 225 $15% 15% ae | '\interest in the Fara y! 's roti air me ee, {cal blow that comes if retire-| @) ' Royal Bank paced the main a ein ree oom shiae save samt le) Melon 8 100 sé 16 tee [nium mine at Bancroft, Mi sinenaitueee'*'t the mine| Ment also involves a change in list higher, rising 1% to 69, Fal- _ Dome 250 $44%4 44% 44% Montex"" 700 300.335 40. 415 |_. The mine is owned by Meta lead red '8 be a tion, | tHe. Way of life." | TORONTO (CP)--New labor) "There are other labor crises)Dean H. D. Woods of McGill|conbridge added 1% to 88% and i Dunraine | 200 & 3 is 11} Mont Loco 100 $15% 15% 15% |Mines Ltd., which made the at and mill for renewed operation. The stockbroker says women|legislation to regulate the set-\looming ahead," Mr. Turner|University would head a task|Massey- Ferguson % at 24% : SOrenede $00 284 29% 254--%4| Mone x us ste 7m 12 |nOUNcement jointly with Fed- should be prepared to. manage|tlement of disputes in essential|said in a speech to the Spadina|force being set up to recom-|after dropping 154 Wednesday. j Al i a =¢ Morse B 120 $16% 16 16% -- s4leral Resources. ion) Companies Seek estates and to recognize good| public services and to protect|Liberal Association. "We must|mend changes in labor laws. | Chrysler slid % to 40 on Te- Gnt Masct 7200 9% % 9% Nghe Ma se ie et %4| No details of the transaction Pp advice when it is given. In|workers from adverse effects of|have special legislation to reg- CALLS FOR CHANGES ports of strong government Glacier §--§ 2000818 Bh BTN) Noronda 51 49% 4 a + | Were given, but the joint state- Def C many cases, the business of /automation was advocate dlulate the settlement of disputes! "tyr. "Tumer said some changes|Pressure to narrow the price jm 100 Ba 1 | cee ge sm TN fe "/ment said that if Federal Re-| Defence Contract Personally settling financial af-|Thursday night by John Turner, |when the essential public inter-|,oodoq were: gap between Canadian and U.S. F, } Gortdrm 100 i a a0 Overind pr 10 39 9 9 | sources exercises all its es Wrraws. (cP i Moen fairs in an efficient manner is| minister without portfolio in the | est is involved." --Ginedvtannes kalba Seas autos, Bell Telephone eased %4 i if cow mn es 2 Pac Pete 1600 $97 $7 9% Jit will have a majority interes! ; ACF) cf _ vliush!a mental lift when it is often|federal cabinet. A special task force now be-| jf, ik 4 th ble | 10,4844. a ) ich 10000132 Price Pe sta ta see and a majority on a board ofjconsortium of companies and| most needed | He said the recent railway|ing established by the federal| {0° Workers and those unable| Goiqe dropped 1.85 on index is t Hastings 1800 v0 iso i --9 Qh as" 5 ye 20 a ti | dinetars, i, #. new stand gerd ir a af og ey SEE MA - NGL \strike made it clear that nor-| government would look into this ewe of joint in to 167.29 and base metals .53 bt ; be Rank Org 200 40 formed to own and operate the|firm are competing for a ° NY ANGLES a i . pe ' 17. tee Yar ieee aa 90 te Ve fats cm te "oie and its mill. 000,000 contract to supply the| "Many things must be con-|™2! gr gon ge nc gs 9 Pearson an-| uSstry = labor - government Mabe iy ocr poe TSE 3 € i" SS We ie te +3] Remteia 200 95, 94 95 +1) "While it is not the intention|gas turbine engines for the Ca-|sidered when giving advice on|cuplie i te aa ae involved. {nounced early this month that councils in every industry to|;, 139.05. Volume was 3,084,000 ; delex 0 3 BI iin ee RG HH Sag Ag ag "| to lace this property into pro-|nadian navy's four new destroy-|the suitability of investments, » | Pu ic interest wa : : exchange ideas on problems ' Sayvette 250 340 340 340 Pp P y shares compared with 3,323,000 Joliet =F Ria or a shell Can 20 $204 20 201% we | duction at the present time, thejers, officials disclosed Thurs-|says Mrs. MeWhinney. pe ri ten Pen ni ae Wednesday. : kam Kotla 2450 $0.30 15 | es 1 existence of the reserves and day, | These include details such as . Provision of continuous bar- 5 Kerr pas 250s rae 1% ott Ye) Steel" én i $28 i, im |the condition of the mill are; No Canadian company is com-|the ag: ef the client, the in- toc ar Ta Ing trong gaining rights on major is- ta aa 8 | Ster, Trust 250 597% 97 3' | such that it could be 'put into|peting. American companies|come, the 'ax on that income sues such as automated work La Luz Suptest. od 250 $20% 20% 20% tang Hy oo Zz Bot 5g | Texaco $57¥a 57¥2 572 + Ys operation within a matter of|will provide the anti-aircraft/and personal preferences. methods, Louviers 1600 24 MoM tM) Teco Ww ie i jee ii4_ y,|months," the companies said.| missiles and the helicopters for| "A stockbroker advises, but - --Special funds in each indus-| TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale precyee ei ay. tect | apehen 200 480 430 480 +5/| Faraday was shut down in/the destroyers. ' clients make decisions, It is me rices ncrease try, contributed by manage-/to retail carton eggs yg 24 Mattern 150 $1334 134 to fb o's me Sr uk unk \,| 1964 after its contracts to sell) Officials said no decision has|their money which is involved ment, to protect. workers| weighted prices quoted by ' Oe nye ie oe Tr Can Pw $50 715 700700 +20 /uranium to the United States|yet been reached on the engineland consequently their respon- , : Repl b dattle: Gosd whose jobs are adversely af-|department as of Th A { moe oe is F Trans Mi 310 $16% 16% 16% + "el and Britain expired. Its total/bids by United Aircraft Co. of|sibility for it." TORONTO (CP) -- Trading ' a » ora ntact i "ke | tected by automation, large 66.2; A medium 62.8; A Min-Ore 1000 tom to A+ Wh atone uaa amic sia ae * Montreal, a subsidiary of Pratt} Mrs. McWhinney 'is in the re-|0Pened actively for all wen oni "g* o * nadbee bs ie --Possible elimination of|small 45.7. Munna; 900 1p4 1M oH v4 tee. ee oe . . and Whitney of Hartford, Conn.,|tail sales department of the|@"4 grades of slaughter cattle|calves 28-33, good he' court injunctions in labor dis-| Eggs: Wholesale price to Neal : Vereen as * | | ESP 0 ] D ll r i i : : with ingj.jat prices strong to higher at/calves 25-27; common and me- tes. Nealon '14500 Versstilc 225. 319% Te 19% 1 Tlie and the British consortium led|company and deals with indi- : . ai tosh 20-26: h putes. country stations fibre cases Ne Cal 1000 3 y i F | VieG Tr 1215 $16 | by the Bristol-Siddeley group. | viduals rather 'than corporations |"@ Ontario public stockyards hort-keep steers 23-26, > |, Mr. 'Turner said it also is time| quoted by the Toronto Board of Kee, fag we 7) Noa a i "ys 2 Denies Pollution | 'Tenders 'or the ships them-lor institutions. She advises lis week. in broad) Calves. 2,690: On offer this|{9 "72,80, effective Canadian| 'Trade from wholesale egg dest " yee a abs 266 266 --¥| Webb Knp 6000 x ee selves will be called in January|ents to build up portfolios based| Choice dry-feds were in broad burg 2.608: lack 'weak Rash: 66 bill of rights into the constitu-| ers: Extra-large 59-60; ae MN imperei ssp isp ts as Er gtar: ae am be ed TH | SARNIA (CP) --.A_shapely|with contract awards expected|on planned investment pro-|demand until mid-week when in 1968 T7987: to Gate 108 tion and said a federal commis-|medium 55-56; small "9; B 40; Pie we sss Weste'st 275 $U% 24% 24% night clu singer whe drills forlin August, 1967, grams. the interest narrowed and 94,600; this 'week 1985 2,890: sion of civil liberties should be|C 35. Netund | mm ey 8 Weston A 225 Si7la i" iv + u4/8aS. by extrasensory perception| It is understood that the ship- She is noi interested in giving! prices eased back. Replacement| 81,000: This week with odd ogee as a watchdog for} Butter prices: Agricultural vB te ae ee | Weston, B 200 $187 1834 18% + vuldenies charges that her project|builders will be asked to bid on|*'tips'? and does not believe in{|cattle traded on a meagie sup sales t5' 43: goed a civ rties in Canada. stabilization board tenderable Norpex 150032 - 2 2-4 Zenitn 200 190 ee may pollute the Great Lakes. two destroyers and Mo conse-lany "rich overnight" theory. (ply. diums 26-29: ine *g0'95, Ba Soe de his speech Was is- ies naga 40 score -- Nertnost x oa "Never in a million years didicguently, only two shipyards in| "pyt 'there is always an ele-| Hog prices were unchanged 5-0 25; | 5 press. buying score 58; a Norsp A w 2200 "30 "30 '30 "| S#l68 fo 11:00 a.m: 067,000 I think I'd cause all this contro-|Canada' will get the destroyerjmeni vi spoczistion in anv in-\with heavy daily carryovers. mary fe boone ir tat my Opemska » 1210 955 955 955 ----10 " 1¢: Il, 28, in i aspen Hogs mn r week : -- FOREIGN TRADING versy," said Ton! Carrol business. vestment. Lamb prices weae tight. 3085) te Orchan ae 095 393 98 | Agnico 100. 157157. «157 3 a tor € fleet P 3,085; lest week 9,253; to date Osisk Wome 8 75 4 +I | Cohdore 3 3s as an interview. i i Tenders for two more fleet) Once money is taken out of Slaughter cattle 9,900: On of-|19¢6 284,527: to date 190. sav EXCELLENT } coun | on ieee ore 14 | Cowichan 1000 27 2 27 The Canadian-American Com-/supply ships--the navy now has|a bank, there is only one com- ter this week 9,758; last week|o33- this week 1965 8.768: Grade ' Poe Expt $000 23 23 + mittee on Pollution and five cityjone, the Provider -- will be|pletely liquid and. safe invest- 8,486: to date 1966 364,579: to 33.25-33.80; he: 'sows 21.30- ; --_ fern "ea gy On H 1 ewe 6 eee ment--Canada Savings Bonds." | date 1965 309,848; this week 1965|21.49; stags, 19.0519.50; boars |{ CAREER OPPORTUNITY 4 : Pacer, (0 oN ae am tario ospita Fawe intend io, Lake, Tent 11,388; choice steers 27.50-28.501 15 95.15.60 a a live weight ba- ela losed down, claiming it a ser' 388; i 0) 15.25-15. Frasane'SS sin Bn nw with sales to 29.95: good 26-27; | sis. PH ARMACISTS Free A ee ee +t Nurses Take Vote ie eemeghigedroa ce ge | 'Denison DIVIDENDS mediums 23.50-25.50; commons| Sheep and lambs 1,550: On of- Q Matigmi 5400 97 2 BL +1| WoopsTocK (CP) -- About so far as to urge Governor R By THE CANADIAN PRESS |19-23; choice heifers 25.50-26.50/ fer this week 1,524; last week Rediore 1005736? +2100 nurses aides and attendants|ney of Michigan to "use his in| Wil dc a ¢ Zeller's Lid, common' 15|With Sales to 27.80; good 24.50-11.968;' to date 1966 45,357; to|¢ Male or Female for Ontario Cities for work in DIS- Rey com 'gio sa aa ae welfrom the nearby Ontario Hos-|fiuence" to halt the drilling. cents; pref, 56% cents, Noy, 1,|2:0) mediums 22-24; commons) date 1965 47,246; this week 1965/ PENSARIES ONLY with a large and fast growi i sn' '| 18-21; choice-fed yearlings 26.50-|9,.842; good lambs 21-23.50 with hain O: Top Sal P ind Ris Alg'c'w 100 Siti 11m t4* ipital voted Thursday night to! But Miss Carroll isn't terribly] record Oct. 3. 18-21; choice-fed y 842; gi J chain Organization. Top Salary, Pension a Bix nee ee 17s 10 133 2 book off sick Sept. 30 if de-|upset, She plans to have two ss Crush International Ltd., com- IB, gel aged ge Ba bg a re ne to ae --_ = Benefits. Apply stating full details and remunera- io Hi Ui" ~ uimands for a $1300 acrosshe: more weil dred "tar avay in] Copa tirnyyeg --|imon 7s cens, Oct. 14, recora| MSGi? wilh, sales to 2280; according to weight and ua tion expected to, Box Number DI4GE Ryonor yen u MB aM z P| board Salary increase are not|the backwoods where nobody Sept. 30. callers 144: shelly sills erg Y; yearlings sold up ; b pom 110 480 480 480 met. cares." meee ELLIOT LAKE, Ont. (CP)-- Texaco Canada Ltd., common| 54. good heavy bologna bulls 21- ~ 100-490 490 490 +18 The workers, members of the} A night club career in New s : » Ont. (CP)--|45 cents, Nov. 30, record Oct. 22 with sales to 23.50; commons Ak C a ar vii a |hospital's tuberculosis division,/york, says she drills by extra-|More than 500 workers, mem-|9 - re es lea, Tron ompany Sil Stand 1090 8558s =} \voted unanimously to support|sensory perception and God's|bers of local 5762 of the United a teak Lee and mediums 17-20. ; +» common 5 S, Steep 350 4 520 520 +5/workers in North Bay who uidance, she calls her drilling|Steelworkers of America, voted 'ge ' as Makes - Promotion ines!) Mat --' \Sooked' otf sick Monday in a|Caremnny Poslve Mental Atr(Thursday night to continue acta, Oct 28, record Oct 14 BOND MARKET } Torbrit 1000 4 | similar protest. tude Gas Explorations Ltd. wildcat strike against Denison| " y n AKRON, Ohio (AP)--Dr, Rob- Tormont 1000 OM oh "nt " "finan-|Mines Ltd., the world's largest ada, common 10 cents, Oct. 15, ert V. Yohe, president of B nan . ' : i Trin Chib 500 'tanta 'ta lnoeplial tn Aurota voted Tass Hea | epiritwelty"" le Ayn producer of uranium ore. record Sept. 30. Pie sas sa bh cane F, Goodrich Canada Ltd., has tema: 'ae Ws it-- we\day to book off sick Sept. 27 if st i doctor who, she claims, is) Local President Jack Patrie| Bulloch's Ltd., Class A 25|dian bond market closed up 4 been elected vice - president, \ y Ura "Pore 1500 it id |the $1,800-wage increase is not| yey hic and practitioner of ex-\Said 60 per cent of the member-|cents; Class B 20 cents, Noy,|t0 % of a point in a session o marketing and materials ser- Upp Can 1000 179170170 -- 5 | Onto, br ae tion ship voted in favor of continu-|1, record Oct. 14. moderate trading Thursday. vice, of the B. F. Goodrich W Beaver $00 Ue Mat r| bas rles Darrow, SRI ni moi owen ing the walkout which started} Maple Leaf Gardens Ltd.,|,S#ort-term Government of}, White Star 2000 31% 3131 Pearly spoken Canada bonds closed with the = \4|for the Woodstock workers, said Wednesday night. common 15 cents, Oct. 15, rec-| 4) Earl D. Gunn will succeed Wilco 2000 39 oo OY ; 4Y%-per-cent Oct. 1, 1967, issue Sie a2 d= Sie mcsoe deatean| BUSINESS BRIEFS |"* sss ctrnen ei ue|0r 2% Serres to a Mean: ek eee MONEY! e lalso want an increase to $600 men left their jobs because of} General Bakeries Ltd., com- Long-term Canada and pro-|eral sales manager of commer- OILS, GAS | from $100 a year in tuberculosis By THE CANADIAN PRESS i el pe orp mon 6% cents, Oct. 31, record vincial issues were also up %4|Cial products for Goodrich in ' jor f'risk" bonus. | payments. Mr. Fatrie s& elOct. 15. int with the Gov-|Canada since 1961, Almi 200 0s 408 ws -- | | FORM NEW COMPANY trent union contract does not to % of a point with the Aasmere 000 335 335 | Hawker Siddeley Canada Ltd. lexpire until 1968 ernment of Canada ah gy Peter B, Mason, director of Banft 450 A 13M "ave land United Aircraft Corp. have) : | Sept. 1, 1983, issue quoted at| manufacturing for the Canadian = Fag so 1s HH oO ius + ba | Importers Seek formed a new aircraft engine) got nated pris Res od bd NET EARNINGS 86 bid and 86% asked. 7 pro-|companies_ in ts gp Mle = Grisol, 300 Sas sas and industrial turbine COMPANY. |inwed ta enter Denison property| BY THE CANADIAN PRESS vincials, the Ontario Hydro 6-|Welland, has been appointed Esn'sup '200 S26 23% ii : 4 Contaminated Oil : To be called Orenda Ltd., it) ,oor this town 80 miles west of} Quebec Telephone, six months|Pet-ceut July. 5,-1988, closed -at|vice + president. manufacturing. Shater 0, 1 F.) 2 F4 73 TORONTO (CP) --A Toronto| will be formed from Oe Geese udbury. ended June 30: 1966, $1,052,466, |98% bid and 98% asked, of B. F, Goodrich Canada, * Com 20 5 85 #5 --§ it Division of Hawker Siddeley Sent 53 cents a share; 1965, $1,127,- b Dome Pete 1975 $24 \73Vs Vi + 1 Me ae he eeneting firm) which will own 60 per cent of| cuppuRy (cP) -- Members| 285. 61 cents, ' y Byraric oe ms 2 gs + sue hundred ene-gatlon = "Wil be Tocted at Malton, local 598, International Union| FPE - Pioneer Electric Ltd.,| | By Sete, te SS 21} Jot vegetable oll which can cause|Gyy,"™ '" N* 'Jefe veiod Wotneatey to orks |TanseS an S sbanc, 196, $12 someone q Mill City 1900 215 215 215 nausea. 8 237.651. $1.34 spate: Net Pete 200 163 163 163 --9| SALES ADVANCE their negotiating committee the | 237,651, $1.34. h N Cont = 2300 4444 . | Primo Vegetahle Of tree poe | Department store sales in Au-| Power to call a strike if negoti-/ Bethlehem Copper Corp. oa who Numec wt 2100 47 7 "47 laged by Primo Importi |gust were 9.8-per-cent higherjations for a new contract with six months ended Aug. 30: 196 bed Numac wt 1100 8 © Importing and |Falconbrid kel Mines Ltd. | $2,900,000, 56.7 cents a share; | Permo 500 25 25 25 |Distributing' Co. Ltd. and sold|than in August last year, the|Falconbridge Nickel Mines Lt nows Petrol 1500 60 60 80 8 are not fruitful. 1965, $1,200,000, 23.6 cents. ' the T to- H < bureau of statistics reported | 3.6 ce | Pence" 'So wo wo 'wo --2 mie fs. oe ns "aaa eat | Thursday. Bob MacArthur, local presi- a vein Prov G 38385 440 430 435 19 | 48478 areas, ident, announced Thursday that , Prov Gr vise 2 2 9 || It is understood that some| INDEX DROPS members had voted 1,902 to 121, IF YOU ARE ' Spooner ary 2 1 | 4.090 gallon aie were contam-| The index of residential build-|"in favor of striking Falcon- THINKING ABOUT Races Wt' the secret? It's the BOAC or Air tried Ol iw wm woe +o gat lathe Mpg have noting material prices, based onjbridge if a satisfactory agree- Canada jet to London at 8 o'clock every eS a BM By | 1935-39 prices equating 100, de-/ment cannot be reached. LIFE INSURANCE single night of the week , . . the most convenient and relaxing Un keer p io 43°23 3 4. Primo Polionato, president ot | clined one full point to 345.7 in| The local represents about Worstes am) 430 450 0 415" (the firm, said Thursday he| August from 346.7 in July, the|2,400 workers at Falconbridge. W Decaita 800 320 310 310 +5 doesn't know how the oil. had| bureau of statistics reported|Talks are currently at the con- | INDUSTRIALS | {become contaminated. Thursday. leiliation stage. Abitibi 700 $10% 10% 10% | . Alta Gas T 200 $3344 33% 33%4--% Algoma St 1223 $264 25% 25% $2070 26% way to Britain. Enjoy the luxury of an in-flight dinner. Then settle down for a relaxing nap. (BOAC provides comfy seats, fluffy pillows and a smooth-riding Rolls-Royce 707 to encour- age you). Seven hours after take-off, you'll arrive in London's early morning bustle, refreshed and ready to go, Not to bed, Take it from a professional penny pincher, "Save but about your business, Or to Piccadilly. Or Park Lane. Or "er +} Atma te is atte the Palace. London's really a wide-awake town. We call it Dollars Macdonald", the Times Want Ad Depart- mS, ae ee | London-a-go-go. So it would be a pity to waste even a moment ment can help you sell almost anything for cash, Argus B pr 15 $442 At 44% on sleep-sleep! ; A Ai Soper 8 He and we could all use a little extra, especially at Ve Bathurst» i in 2 Beh | > at Bo AC this time of year. Want ads are easy to use, and athrs! aes he +0 | BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION WITH AIR CANADA pleasant too -- a staff of courteous writers are Beaver & 210 $28 8B | e ar" mn ae et at your disposal, Complete Travel Arrangements and Travel Information Call or See Why Not Call FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL Call Now For The Times OSHAWA--WHITBY--BOWMANVILLE--BROOKLIN TOM FARQUHARSON | 57 King St. E., Oshawo--728-6201, 728-6202, 728-6203 SUN LIFE | | @achi | Assurance Company Call Now for Complete Travel Arrangements of Canada = | MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE | BC Forest 200 $19%* 19% 19% -- % BC Frest p 100 $50% S02 Si2+ BC Phone 300 $5834 58% 58% | Br inti Fin 7210 $6% 6% 6% | CAE Ind 225 $8 8 8 Calgary P 100 $22%4:22% 2% | Can Cem 200 $35% 352 35% Can Perm 210 $114 11% 11% } | 1 CSL pr 225 $5% Si 5% Cdn Bri PR 600 $562 S62 5612 + 4) | RESIDENCE; BUSINESS: - eipelotn ae shits tie Wn | beeen 725-ases (25 KING ST. E. OSHAWA _ PHONE 723-7001 723-3492 Chermecell is $i3% 3% %+ | " i

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