Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Sep 1966, p. 21

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ee aces aoa and bathroom, Telephone 723-0287 GENTRAL -- 'Large room. com, Bull one, two Te Pig Bere apm: or a after a ae p.m, hy ine ra a viele Tank Hop ot Apvr central, Bus finerss pentiemen pre: Min" private|ne Cinema parte Five min 726-8706, bus 'stop, a te se ral, qu dren, gentleman only. all 725-0782, SINGLE ROOMS and boerd. Apply poh Street, to be rented separately in mean. a to share first floor; bee or a peterres Apply 51 pea ter § p.m nee a, nar fs north end, furn peal wont At "aie? bath, worn heat, ate dehum ir, quiet pa gentieman only. Telephone 7 5-01 aad FURNISHED ROOM, suit amar or lady, $10 J five-day week, Ample park- Ing, 723-9695 or apply 576 Harmony Road South. tan a, BRiGH' shed room, Near Fitth 7 ings. fameaetd hp $10 week» Telephone 728-5040. 7 gentleman, quiet flour corners, near N pov 5 minutes to +} 743.3356 north GM and office, Telephone ONE ROOM for two gentiemen, entrance and bath. rking facilities, | -- Telephone 720-1 ER RS R RENT, board _ epltlonal, |; a 1 ekeepng ~bedroo two - Laieren why te north om and hospital. Telephone 725-78 On! two gentlemen Near soulh_ GM. Parkin. 'Apply Ritson Rd, South, 723-036 28--Room and Board GENTLEMAN BOARDER, vse of tele vision, recreation room, Lunches packed. Parking, Apply 1084 Caroline Avenue, ore from Grandview Golf course, 723 als 863 ROOM AW Apely 9 Br in eelaniigealaticn ROOM AND BOARD available for one irl, five-day week, Lunches packed, uewey, done, North Oshawa area, 723 JARO, single @ 'and double oat Tarnished Bedroom with single bade h suitable. for jentieman willing to included, Telep 668: Board 30--Automobiles for Sale Private 660-4724, <tr ind "good a payments, Telephone. 7 ey naa, 49 RAMBLER, 15,000 miles. *lapare room with, a Times' Ad. ik ie ee i wep COU OUTS ~~ NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT R.S.C. 1952, Chopter 193 THE HYDRO «ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO hereby in notice that it has under Section 7 of the said Act deposited with the Minister of Public Works, ot Ottawa, and in the Regis- try Office for the Registry Division of the County of Ontario, ot Whitby, Province of Ontario, description of the site and plan of the nuclear- electric power station pro- posed to be constructed In the Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario, in the Province of Ontario, being composed of: 1, Part of Block "A", Re- gistered Plan 578; , Part of the Water Lot in front of Lot 21 Range 2, Broken Front Concession; All of Water Lot HY76, being port of the bed of Lake. Ontario in front of Lots 19 and 20, Range 2, Broken Front Concession and Blocks "A and 'BY, Register- ed Plan 578, AND take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of the publica- tion of this notice THE HY- DRO ELECTRIC _ POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO will, under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Min- ister of Public Works for ap- proval of the sald site and plan, DATED at Toronto, Ontario, this 8th day of September A.D, 1966, i965 Mi hardtop, MERCURY Parxiane, Pour - doo iy, ow equipped, Only a5, 23-7 oe, ul dy lob, good trained, a) Pe condition' Oy a good body. Mechanically good, 72-054 'M6 FORD Coach, radio, In good soot cont iva eva ROLET LaT Tinpale, two + door naraiohy Catia Pacailant condifign, 01/200 ce best ae aie oF 4 pum, 720-6873, eyo. snga autor cay an Cierertor "ike new, pRiVATe © 63 Yd ater ES. seeuene Low 6 "mig six le wanders: jon, Telephone 72 xle, four-door sedan, car condition, Apply Wa MERCURY Mar eee, mei tion, $2,095. Telephone 623-507 LIENS PAID OFF. We rae up, down, Choose from over 60 cars, No down pay: ment Gus Brown Motors Ltd, Tit 375, ay CHEVROLET "Fwo-door hardtop, Radio, Very good, Lic, Fann: $995, Ted Campin Motors, Oshaw: m 1957 CHEVROLET, red ot White, red heater, signal lights, S006 condition. ea offer. Apply 1457 Oxford § 1965 CHRVELLE, two + door h 436, four-s , positraction tac, over . Telephone 723-7436, i950 CHEVROLET, four-door, phone 725-1075, iva CHEVELLE convertibie, Va auto: matic, radio, whitewalls, @iscs, 17,00 miles. Phone 723-8233, eee, Immaculate Cor: x cylinder, radio, ch, phone i condh- isd PONTIAC 'economi ole Bow! offer, Telephone z7) BUIeK, in 196 PONTIAC statlonwagen, V-0, radi wheel discs, A+} condition, $1,600, "Tele: phone Newcastle, 987-4223, ranty, Phone 942-1604, from 4:90 a.m E 1961 PONTIAC four matic, radio, Caen yi 5693 between 5 and 9 ee i949 RAMBLER four - 7.73 sedan. Auto matic, radio, white walls, chrome discs, Excellent condition. Licence H82-559. lephone 942-5693 between 5 and 9 p.m, 1944 PONTIAC two-door. Automatic, big excellent condition... Musi M Licence 115134, an-s093 be- Goer hardtop, Auto Telephone 942 oy renting ha Action Want 23-3492 and put one to 7 AWAY » 'icy sum b E, B, EASSON Secretary 6M ANG BOARD, Central location to| ge end vor . Lunches packed, a Prormerion call 729-4056. work | or ye THE HYDRO - ELECTRIC 31--Compact Cars for Sale POWER COMMISSION OF 1OOMS and board, Aoply 5 Bivision Street. SUnRy, rer eee couple willing elderly lady or eet take full senate "eg! - hoe will tal , Ne Se Box "goae, Write and give particulars Oshawe Times. ACEOMMODATIONS aveliadie tor male peorders, es By to share, five day week, ONTARIO FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned. up to 12:00 ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Deoler Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 7 51 noon on Monday the 3rd day ROOM AND | BOARD for park: . close to bus stop, Also two room ished apartment for rent. Telephone ROOM "ORR 'and board, Ladies red, aoely \s4 "Mery or telephone ROOM ANG BOARD man, ee, fe ion hata non atop. Ti wie. in pion ROOM oe BOARD for Tedy, | boven! te downtown and anh rty atten, week, good meals, laundry * VOLVO & PEUGOT of October 1966 for the pur- ee ee ek ee ee oe ee ow "Mes Bess thd Ti diets lin 37--Auctions OBITUARIES MRS, JANET HOWARD The death occurred, Sept. 22 sonlat the Oshawa General Hos- pital, following a lengthy sick: ness of Mrs, Janet (Jessie) Howard, 506 Brock St. &., Whitby, She was in her 85th year, gughtier of ine iste Ge and Margaret Morrison, the deceased was born at Grayen- hurst and was 'married Dee, 11, 1911, at Nokomis, Sask, A resi- dent of Whitby for 24 years, Mrs, Howard had previously lived at Timmins, : A member of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Whitby; Mrs, Howard was active in the, work of the church, She is survived by her hus- band, Preston George Howard; DEATHS HOWARD, Janet yy | na 6 Auction Sale SEPT, 24, 1966 1PM, at Cherrywood, Ont. Six miles west and north af Pic Furniture and garden tools a Mrs, Emily Tweedie, Many antiques, a riding garden tractor, plow ond cultivator, Terms cash, 'ot Hospital, Thurs tember 22, 1966, Janet Morrison 0! rock St, §,, Whitby, beloved aie of Preston re, Gorge Howard, dear mother of Mrs. t(Boroiny) Kirke fand one Willie id Bens I Sener ee, ee f Mrs, % Mason ( ain fer 85th yi @ wie . At day \ ertown nape! Salurday, --Sopte 1130 pm, interment Lakeview Cemaiory, Gravenhurst, approximately 4 pm, arrival of fore, Minister the Rev, wl J, $ McClure, (Visitors commencing 2 pm, Friday.) PRENTICE, Marguerite G, Entered into rest at Ajax and Picker: ing General Hospital, on Thursday, Sep: tember 22, 1966, Marguerite G. Green lard, beloved wite of Alex G, Prentice, of 556 Rouge Hills Dr., West Rovge, and ~|loving mother of Margaret Go. (Mrs. Patterson) of Oshawa and the late Wits tlam and Rebert Prentice, killed in action in Burope during world war 2, (RCAF) and doar sister of sh ,ils, (Mrs, Beebe) of Fort Wiillam) Grace, of England, and Leonard; Re Ap lng aati At lg | a daughter, Mré. W. A. Burgess A @, rothy ¥ ihn Rd Wi Pickering, Funeral; (Dorothy) of Kirkland Lake and |service In the chapel on Saturday, Sep. two sons, William George How- tember 24, af 1.30 p.m. Interment Mel-) and or iiliot Lake and Donald |ville Prosbyterian Church Cemetery, | ar : AARC . \West Edwin Howard of Stewart, B.C, | | Also. surviving are a_ sister, Mrs, A. Mason (Mary) of Tors Hin reach. ofall onto; nine grandchildren and NTE Peal) SEs seven great-grandchildren, GERROW The funeral service witl be held at the W, C, Town Funeral FUNERAL CHAPEL | Chapel, Whitby, at 1:30 p.m., 390 KING STREET WEST |Sept. 24 followed by interment in Lakeview Cemetery, Graven- Telephone 728-6226 hurst. Rev, W, J. 8, McClure, minister of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, will conduct |the service Clarke Prentice Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE Property of CLOVER BAR LUNCH, 580 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28 at 6:30 p.m. Moffatt 24" grill, Moffatt deep 'dryer, McClary Easy double door refrigerator, Philco air conditioner, Heinz soup kitchen, General deep freeze, Smith Corona cash fegister, garbage bin, glass show case, chairs, dishes and cutlery, Terms cash, Myles King, auctioneer, 725 3039, Oshawa, Kindness beyond Price, yet | | IN MEMORIAM MeINTYRE. don loving memery of a|Herbert MacDonald, who was) dear husband and father, Donald Me-\chief organizer of this j tatyee who passed away September 2%) British Commonwealth 96 A NIZER RESIGNS IN, Jamaica (CP)-- ORC KINGS BINGO Over $500 in Prizes SAT., SEPT. 24th | AT 8 P.M, ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE ST. NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS All Prizes Doubled on Admission Ticket sad passed Since you were called awa The shock that we received. 'that morn No one can ever say God gave us strength to meet It, And courage to boar the blow, But what It meant to lose him No one will ever know. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by wife Kathleen and sans Ralph and | Jamaica' Glenn | Oly mpi ~~ WOODBINE RESULTS TORONTO = (CP)--Thursday's bine race results | First-Purse $2,100, |2yearolds, 7 furlongs | Homecom'g pay (C'bs) = In loving memory of aiMy Maura (Barroby) dear mother, Anna O connor, who passed | Tudor sae cory) away September 23, 1964 : of Jamaica's National Stadium and chairman of Na:| tional Sports Ltd., the group | that oversees international sport in this Caribbean island nation MacDonald, 64, has managed a's teams in three world \director In memory of my mother, Anne O'Connor, who away September 23, 1964 in @ quiet country graveyard, Where the genre vreezes blow, Lies one who | loved dearly, That | lost two years ago. 1 offen sit and think of her When | am all alone, And what It meant to lose her, | Few will ever Know | Always remembered by Eva, } O'CONNOR | | Wood: claiming, maiden 6,20 5.10 2.90 11.90 4.40 O'CONNOR ud Busy Man, Golden Victor, Sure to chase of the following. proper- ties owned by the Public School Board of the Township School Area of Clarke: 1, Real property composed of Part of Lot 17 Broken Front Concession of the Township of Clarke of the County of Durham having ao frontage of 82' more or less, and o depth of 264' more or less, subject to the purchasers agreeing % MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electrie Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd., South Oshawa 728-0921 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. rrerereuy and eave nity fey message. ' Volkswagen Sales and Service j New and Uséd a 334 RITSON RD, S. 723-3461 and covenanting to demolish and remove the building pres- ently situate upon the pro- pert within a time to be spe 2. Real | property composed of vit WRN NOR, O04 muttier one brake job: Telephone 30----Cars for Sale Cors bought and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W. OSHAWA 723-6322--723-8311 On _the | Spot | Financing DOWN--$30 MO, . |r 59 - 61 models your choice! BILL BENNET a Macagd 484 King W. 723-0371 MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars Trade up or down, Liens paid DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-942) © A.M. @ "Your RAMBLER Dealer" NICOLS Motors Limited On Highway No, 2 Just West of Thickson Rd Whitby 668-333 | 1964 ACADIAN Beaumont, two-door hard top in god condition. Telephone 723-0364. '6S PONTIAC, six cylinder, heavy duty rad, Drakes, transmission. Like new, 12,000 miles, Private, Apply 106 William West, Wa) CHEVROLET, cylinder, automatic, geod condition, Must phone 668-2084 Wid LAURENTIAN PONTIAC, six cyi- Inder automatic, four-door, radio, white walls, snow fires, 346,000 miles, Private. Telephone 725-4670. *@ PONTIAC, standard, complete motor eb three weeks ago, top shape. $495. lephone 720-0109 between 12.) am USED CAR" PARTS, tires. wheels, spindies, springs fo make trailers also arc welding on trailers, 80? Bond E SAVE DOLLARS! Several used cars, S33 up, Trades accepted. Terms ar ranged. R. 8. Motor Sales, $0? Bloor & 1999 PONTIAC Parisienne station wagon Six cylinder, automatic, power steering tm good condition, $550 cr nearest offer 725-9754 after 6 p.m. "9 OLDSMOBILE, A! interior and body radio, 2 speakers, 2door coach; motor) needs some work. Bes! offer over $100.) Must sell. Phone 725-0118 afier Spm. | "3 FORD XU convertibie. 390, four » radio, Bucket seats, new tires sag =e warranty, $2,900 or best offer y | " best offer. T Belair, hardtop, six radio, whitewalls, sell, $800. Tele. " 'enevnocer Super Sport convertibie, n 300 horsepower, four-speed, power e earing, brakes any excellent condition, 728-947 49 CORVAIR, <door, automatic, | cellent condition, Best offer, Bowm witle 623-3716, ist" CHEVROLET, "Saoor, standard | ¥ tranamission, will sell for cash or trade for smatier car. Pickering 9420406 ever ings oF anytime weekends. ose PONTIAC, cylinder, siandara shift, Fair condition. Telephone 725-4456. 1968 PONTIAC, automatic, economical 4, fully equipped, under warranty, $2,075 or offer. Telephone 725-2879 1960 PONTIAC Laurentian, extras, 6 cylinder, automatic, new paint, excellent condition. $48. Telephone 723-564? 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian Stationwagon. Almes? tike w, Many extras, A third seat available as well, Call 448.0047 163 OLOSMOBILE Siarfire, deautitul condition. Fully equipped. $1,800. Tele) phone 723-7157 1945 OLOSMOBILE Jetstar, 4 door, hard power brakes and steering, mist 2 A-} condition inside and out; also) @achanically A-}) low mileage, execu . Best offer eround $2,450. power steer. | ec. one-year-old, 2: 1989. 1846 PONTIAE, Fione seaan, sutomatic, radio, new whitewall tires, Good clean condition, Phene 725-48 us Only | $165. "Felephone _TAS-94 ww VAUXHALL for sa dition, $90, Telephone 728-2829. is ENVOY, Good "mechanical condition, new tires, Phone 7: 44 VAURWALT Viva Geluxe mod condition, | 668-87 _jneavy duty springs. jend, 133. " WANTED Part of Lot 25, Concession 4, of the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham having a frontage of 99' more or less ond a depth of 165° more or less, subject to the purchas- ers agreeing and covenant- ing to demolish and remove the building presently situate upon the property within a time to be specified 3. Real property composed of Part of Lot 18, Concession 7, of the Township of Clarke of the County of Durham con- taining one-half acre more or less together with building thereon 4. School Bells 5. Two Oil Space Heaters 6. One 200 gallon oil stor- age tank 7. One deep-well pump Inspection of the said proper ties may be arranged by con- tacting the undersigned Hor ace R. Best, Phone 320W Orono, Ontario Highest any tender necessarily accepted aon $200 jar strip boat, 41 ENVOY, Very | Alto fr ced. Telephone 723-7877, Running con 5) je!. Good reasonable price, Telephone eT it) © you do not tind the want in the Want Ads, place a ad and get iti Dial 723-3492 tem you "wanted" '32--Truck s for Sale ai FORD | ith. racks, }very good condition Telephone Orono, 580. «M4 or Hampton 263-2616. TRUCK, '5? Chevrolet Apache 38, 1 ton, Less than 3,000 miles on complete motor overhaul. Good tires, body. Telephone 723-1059 or 440 Elizabeth Street 56 G.M.C., model V-552, ftive-ton, long wheel base dump truck, Combination box and hoist, V-8 engine, 18,000 pound D.P, axle, five-speed, Clarke trans mission, 10 x 20, 12 ply tires, Best offer Telephone 723-5387, 1) a.m. - 4 p.m, Wee «CHEVROLET Fieetside half-ton pick-up truck, radio sitraction axle, four months old, $2,095, 232 Athol East, GET A JOB with work "wanted" ads in Classified, Olal 723-3492 now and have an adwriter help. you phrase your lob getting ad. - or w CARS WANTED buying Sell your used cor to Talk "Cash" to the Car Dealer and "Save" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res 725- 5574 SMALL CAR WANTED, 4 cylinder, mileage, only, 725-8233 KERS want! orices oald | perenne A *, A "Ted" New CITY OF OSHAWA TENDER FOR BASE AND ASPHALT SURFACE OF LA CROSSE BOWL ANO TENNIS COURT Sealed Tenders plainly mork- ed as to content, will be re- ceived at the office of the City Clerk, Civic Administra tion Building, Oshawa, On- tario, 11:00 AM (E.D.S,T Friday, Sept. 30th, 1966 for the supply of materials, labour and equipment, neces- sory for the construction of the sub-base, base and as phalt surface of a Lacrosse Bow! to be located in the Lake Vista Park area, and a Tennis Court to be: located in the Radio Park area low ry cars tor wrecking. High mr Wentworth Easy 725! OSHAWA AUTO PARTS-- Wanted cars for wrecking, Tires and parts for sale 178 Nelson Street Telephone 725-2162 wrecking, No 728-4549, Cars for towing. Nichols AUTO WRECKING CO, parts for sale. tron and m 8 Bloor Street East, 725-23) 34--Automobile Repair FRED STONE Brooklin Phone 655-3653 Motor Rebuilding Cylinder Reboring Pinfitting @ Resleeving Automatic Transmission Crankshaft and Valve Service TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS. missions are our onty business, coe North. Phone bei) 7339 W. J, Crompton 35--Lost and Found CITY PURCHASING AGENT BEAGLE HOUND ok wedi, brome. and RAYMOND J. WOGHES, Olive white dog with white tip tall, Name, Avenue, Oshawa, will not be responsible Bugle, Lost Wednesday near Stevenson pa any debts contracted in my name by | Road North. 728-0019 myone on or after this date, September -- In 1964, without my written consent. "| (signed) Raymond J. Hughes. |}, CHESTER KLAMAN, 97 Wilson Road }South, will not be responsible for any/ idebts contracted in my name by anyone jon-or after this date, September 21, Lis. 9 jwithout my written consent (signed |C. Klaman. 408 SWITCHES Tre average can expect to switch times, In many cases t to @ totally new career, | And the place to look for the best fobs jis the column in The Times for until 'harge Telephone Rover! SHAW bought, bought, Cars Specifications, drawings and Tender Forms are available at the office of the undersigned. The lowest or any tender wit not necessarily be accepted | Trans 1098 Sim) FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES READ AND USE THE MARKET BASKET jobs six or seven change will be "Help Wanted" junemployed or locking for @ better job. jeheck "Help Wanted" now! For RESULTS TIMES Classified ACTION ADS 723-3492 Call} | | Children Under 16 Not admitted not | man ocetween 20 and 4) Classified Section, Whether vou're| What would | give if | could say Hello Mother, in the same old ways To hear your voice and see your smile, Or just to visit tor a little while Ever remembered by daughter Anne, son-inslaw John, Vicky and Jack |Piease, Simmering also ran Second--Purse $2,000, plslining: lyear-olds and up, 6 furlong Cecilita 6 (Gomez) o 3.10 2.70 Lady Dot (Ftzsimmons) 4,60 3.60 Saucy Question (Robinson) 4,20 Time: V:14 35 Circular Street, Navy Grand, Champ Sis, Warren Road, Gray Band also ran Daily double: (5) Homecoming Day jand (7) Cecilita 8 pale $15.20, Thra.- nity 8, 000, 6 s. griel (wees om) Sky Spark {Lanoway) Select (Bel!) Time: 1:13 oS act' Alexina, Con-jo, vbal Khalil, Recent 3 COME and DANCE at "The Wheels" Y mile North, | mile East = went turday, Sept. 8:30 p.m. to a well known Get-Together Orchestra Old-time squore and round dancing, Adults 75c Students 35c under 12 Free |ORANGE TEMPLE | SATURDAY, SEPT. 24th 7:30 P.M, 20 GAMES $8. Share The Wealth 4 --- $40 Jackpots to go 1 -- $150. Jackpot' to go [Children Under 16 Not Admitted TO-NIGHT Holy Cross BINGO 7:45 PLM, ar Gertrude's Auditorium 690 King E Snowball Jackpot $200, in 56 nos Reg. Jackpot $200 in 52 nos. O'CONNOR -- In loving memory of @ dear mother and grandmother, who pass: | ed away September 23, 1964 Her memory is our keepsake With which we'll never part, God has her in His keeping-- We have her in our hearts. ~eLovingly rememveres 8 son-in-law Seab and dermniy. 4s mont dyear- 6.80 3.00 2,40) 2,80 Hey 24 A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suaaest. MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please Visit the Park Office. 723. 2633 ~ LOCKE' S FLORIST ond gil Park, ran Bedford Years also | | i" | Rourth-Purse $2,000, |yearolds and upward, Wee Lassie (Gomez) Andrea Inez (Kornblum) Tanwood (Dittlach) Tre! WS 15. Yancey, Tudorstone, Great Promise, Humber Broom, Balakiair also ran, ciaiming, 6 furlongs. 11,40 6.20 §.20 3.40 3,30 2,50 Fifth-Purse $3,000, 4 furlongs Gay North (Ditttach) Detinitely Right (Gomez) | Judge Burns vpowent | merit t:12) 15 Rullahs Image, d year-olds, 600 2.60 2.20 2.4 2.10 20 Funeral floral occa OSHAWA CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 arrangements arrangements for ions Echo Lad also ran SHOPPING North $10.80, Exactor: and = (2) | Definitely Sixth--Purse $2,500, olds, ¢ furlongs Third Rule (Gomez) }Nursewood (Dittfach) {Ether Or (Barroby) Time: 1:18) OS. Leelover, Star Glow Princess Tok! also. ran. Late scratch: Aberfoyle. {$) Rant Gay paid claiming, 2-year: 3.80 2.70 6.20 30 2.50 4.90 Stormy Linda, | CARD OF THANK LUNN felt' thanks Seventh---Purse $2,800, and 4-year We wish to extend our heart vp lth gE aha and appreciation for th@ing Reasoning (McComb) /numerous acts of Kindness, messages of rickieg Silly (Ditttach) }aympathy, the generous donations to the Tme: 1:43 | Muscular Dystrophy Fund, and the beau Winning Shot jt floral offerings received during OUr gark also ran recent bereavement in the loss of our yy |heloved mother, Emma Lunn, We espe claily thank Dr, Cronk, the nurses and 4 Istaft of Bellevilie General Hospital, Or: /Xathve™ Gar | Cones) McKenzie, Rev, Long, Barlow Funeral Wabush (Fitzsimmons) Home, Quntena Rebekah Lodge No. 133 Those Who Walt (Harrison) members and past grands of the Orono 1:48 25. Heather Rebeks.! sige and members of Kasha the immediate family who helped also ran. much during her Hliness Late scratch: ernice, Marion and families, | ¥ Attendance: 3.60 3.40 2.80 2.40 3,40 dty Pile Lake, Purly | % ery 2.50 3.20 20 Bighth--Purse $2,500, claiming, 4,20 Linebacker, Shuswap + Chance Encounter 5.815; Handle: $423,680 ST, JOHN'S PARISH BINGO EVERY FRIDAY AT 7:45 P.M, Corner Bloor and Simcoe Jackpot 56 nos, and $160 20 Games $10 and $15 Two extra games at $125 | Jac kpot_and Share the Wealth EMERGENCY MEETING 17th Oshowa Gys Comm. ST. PAULS CHURCH 7 P.M, SUNDAY, SEPT, 25 This is for all. porents cubs and scouts BIRTHS ALPIN - Daddy |s proud to announce the arrival of His third daughter, 7 }pounds |} ounce, on September 14, 1966, at the Oshawa General Hospital. Many jthanks to Or, Stanley, Or. Doherty, Or Morris, 4th and Sth floor staff. Happy | parents are Jim and Eleanor Alpin | (nee Wotton), | FORMOSA -- Frank and Jacky are} jhappy to announce the arrival of thelr json, Frank Gordon, on September 2), 11966, at Oshawa General Hospital, weight @ Ibs. 3 ozs, brother for Joanne, eee, + vay Father and mother on e | | POSTER -- Leonard and Latentord) Joan (nee proud parents announce. the jsate arrival of a son Russe! Bay 8 js, 4 of8, On Tuesday, mer 20, 1966 at the Oshawa Gen a Hospital. Many thanks to Dr. King and the fourth floor nurses PETERS -- Eddie is thrilled to an fovnce the arrival of his twin sisters, Debbie Lynn born on Monday, Septem ber 1% 1966 at 11:5? Bm, weighing ¢ > and get ae born Tuesday, September at 12:20 a.m. weigh ing 4 ids, 3 iy ye parents are Gene and Virginia (nee Kroll), Special thanks to Or. Blair and nurses on the 4th floor, | ROCKBRUNE Willlam and Donne } (nee Eggert) are happy to announce the) |birth of their daughter, Thursday, Sep [tember 22, 1966 at Oshawa General Hos. pital, A sister tor Todd and Tracy. A somewhat shy nose-bdit- ten, Richard Jakacki, 4, of Allen Park, Michigan, sporting a bandage over his wound sounters "Pete the Penquin" who bite him on the nose Saturday at Mi- chigan tate Fair, Richard was patched up at State Fair's first aid and at the WAGG -- Arlene and Donna wish to lannounce the arrival of thelr baby brother, Wayne Edward, on Tuesday,/ ernoe 2, 1964, at the Oshawa Gen | Hospital, weight 9 Ibs, 8 ozs, Proud perenta ere Lorne and Marlene. redone and lonely 'five years havelis stepping down as managing | jy 'BAH, TO YOU, MR. PENGUIN' G These girls, dressed up in their Friday -- the Mos. lem sabbath -- best, stand outside the Sudan's presi- EVEL P ELA GIMME IN TTI LIEI OF CPTI OY TIT # THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 23, 9966 2a IRLS IN FRIDAY BEST western dress on weekda, and traditional garb in deli- cate blues, greens, mauvées and yellows on special .occa- sions, (CP Photo) dential palace for an an- nual garden party. and ba- zaar tn ald of orphans, The girls are nurses, They wear | | GARDEN CITY | WOODBINE ENTRIES | RACEWAY THURSDAY, SEPT, FIRST RACE -- $800 (8) Dixie Wick, Geisel Jr, iMighty Chance, Hicks Michael Kirk, Fritz Also Started: Colonel Wick, Noteorthy Pick, and Queen Reine, SECOND RACE Purse $900 (8) 4-Diller a Jollar, C'bell 1Kit's Kid, Osborne 4.80 SKelly Tod, Curran 770 Also Started: Local Gossip, Ringo Star, suey Song, County Rondey, and Haul Onley DOUBLE, 3 AND 4, PAID $35.20, ae RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace), $a00 (7 SJean 'etre Geisol Jr. 7,00 4,50 3,10) $00 3 Northwood, Beaver, Gemmill Also Started: Mit 9.90 4,10 3,00 4,60 3,00 Vanessa Wick, Cole, Volant 1 Mile (Trot),} 3,40] 6.50 4,00 6.20 Purse "Wasty Widow, Nama Byrd, Lincon's Champ, and Bonnie) & 40) Burns, Mile (Treat) 7,10 2.90 2.80 oan 210 5.10 Phyllis) FOURTH RACE = 1 Purse $600 (7) 2Ottaa Duke Aatncone Bab Maureen $, Habkirk Also Started Jimmie Mac, Marie, Givis, and Press On, Stirton FIPTH RACE Purse $800 (8) dLochinver 4-Adios Al, dPenny Chief Also Started: The Great Jean Third, Lady's Pride Mark, and Stormy Grattan, ~ 1 Mile (Pace), Tony, Hill Hicks Bolly 25.80 % 90 6.50 7,60 : 40 3.20 Renius Jr, H, - Superior SIXTH RACE - Purse $2,500 (5) Betsy Herbert 5-Cadenta, Claments 3:Dany Song A, Galbraith Also Started: Protector Ardee. EXACTOR, 1 AND &, PAID $18.20, 1 Mile. (Trot), 2.20 a 20 2,40 Donledo and Herbert 7.40 3,20 2.70 SEVENTH RACE = 1 Mile (Pace). | Purse $800 (7). %D'thy M G'tan, Madill «Peter W Grattan, Coke VNancy Dillon C, Arthur Also Started: Mighty Lady L, Patsy € Lookout, Eclipse. BIGHTH RACE Purse $1,100 (7) QLady G, Wellood 2Noral Gale, Campbell 1Ronny C Grattan, Madill Also Started: May Trust Uncle Davis, and G M See 32.20 11.50 5,40 6.30 §.00| 4.10) Stein, ilanty | and ! "se Mile 5.90 420 4.90 340 3,50 9.90 NINTH RACE -- |} Mile (Pace), Purse $800 (8) Star Johnston, Troy Unique Richard, Crowe Mighty Midnight, Geisel 5.40 Also Startedy Tommy Direct, Mistie Way, Tonka G, DH--Armbro Coesar and DH--Jermite DH---Dead Heat for 7th position, Attendance 2,474, Total Pool $150,280, 8.20 460 3.90 7.10 4,20 2 1 Mile (Pace), Purse ong (Pace) Joe Johnston, SATURDAY, SEPT, 24 Our Ricky, Robinson 119 CLOUDY AND MUDDY ue nayereen Barroby ay jornins' FIRST RACE ~~ Purse $2,000, Claiming} mene Magic, Wall 114 three-and four-yearolds, 7 Fur! |G 108 jongs (17) Phantom Flyer, No Boy 115 Miss. Marianne H., Harrison 103 | Zerotasto, MacKay 110 Magic Queen, Barroby 11) Glen Francis, No Boy 107 Chopmer, No Boy 108 Grand Manitou, No Boy 113 Awe Smuggler, No Boy 113 ledall, Hernandez 108 | Aceaten Flirt, Steve X102 Kenteek, Coombs X108 Canacia, Kornblum X100 Miss Telso, No erty ve London Wise, Wer Also Btigible: idle senoter, No Boy 10?) Panta, Noire, Roninert 108) 'Tony's Count, vm BR ode RACE wo Purse $2,000. Claim: 9 (3000), three-year-olds. 6 Furlongs (8) Wicrleane Bessie, Coombs X10? Dans Flight, Gordon A-ll4 Tinkie Jay. Marrisan 107 Sweetly Packed, Harrison 107 Bameraida, Walsh '0 Champ, Steve X10 Mainly Cloudy, No Boy 12? ib val Out, Dittfach A-117 vel) Krever and Mrs W Woods entry THIRD RACH -- Purse $2,000. Claim Ina (3000). th. ce and four-year-olds (Divi- | sion of Ist), 7 Furiongs (ies wn singe, No Boy 110 firahni, No Boy 11) be Trine Male 113 Nonie B, Good, Werry X100 Vichalma, Coombs X00 Able Ruler, No Boy 108 Northern Miner, Dittfach 108 Prince Bunty, Grifto X105 For Wyn, Lanoway 1l4 Naramata, Boweul 110 Northern Wind, No Boy 108 Josephine G, Werry X04 Jacket O'Bive, Dittfach 111 |Beech Time, Werry X17 Sweet Gina, Gomer 115 Last Stand, Gomez 119 Also Eligible: Milady's Choice, No Boy! Royal Doctor, Steve X114 }107) Myseinna, Gordon 112. urse, W! FOURTH RACE --- Purse $2,500, Claim: Forty Car ing (9000), three-year-olds and up. 6 Fur-|Galanx, B liongs (9) |Paleun, Rs) Boy May Berry, No Boy 111 3 AAC? Nite? tbe AAC? naam 110 My Sropetteke No Boy Asil4 hws Post TIME 2 PM 'OSHAWA TIMES tig allewone: twovyear dts led in ada, | Mile and Py yards a Cool Reception, Gomer Up The Ensign, Fitzsimmons 117 Nuower A Gira ANS jweet s Boot Hill, Ditth ses db | Fortitude, Reninaan ja Aum Bill (exatro py at if ounine AGERING) SIXT ACE ~- Purse $15,000 "Princess MaNeabemn shakes," twoyea 1 tiNieae foaled In Canada, | 1-16 Miles Fleur, Barroby 119 | Jemmed Lovely, Fitzsimmons 119 All We Have, Gomes w Zacata, Robinson iy Marron Glace, McComb A:\i? Cuamax. Dittiaeh 119 a Ne Runs, rdinge and @ a Reed ne 4 > r Lt en ba suvenrn RACE -- Purse a add- ed "Seagram Cup ie tresveatar a aed A foaled. in Car te | Native Victory, "Dittfach 118 iMr. Brass, No Boy A? |Victorian Era, Gomez 127 | Titled Hero, eitzsimmons m4 |Canaditiis, No Boy Grand Gatlop, No Boy 17 |Nearetic Heir, No Boy AY Mu {ing ae three-year-olds and Up, 16 | } PRIZE WINNER | aha hex a worn). TR THE SWING! Beautiful to look at, praise | By ANNE ADAMS and cozy to use! Win and prizes with this quilt, | Make a snowflake quilt -- in, Look on 'the bright side' of white on solid color back-/going back to schoal -- sew this ground, Two patches used for/Swinging princess in a blithely complete snowflake. Pattern) brilliant color to put you right 7286: chart; pattern of patches,|up front, Sew-easy, and it has THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)/a band neckline for each pattern (no stamps,! Printed Pattern 4364; please) to Alice Brooks, care of Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, The Oshawa Times, 60 Front/takes 1% yards 45-inch ' Street W., Toronto 1, Ont, On-| FIFTY C } (30c) in cains tario residents add Yc. sales/(no stamps, please) for each tax. Print plainly PATTERN pattern, Ontario residents add NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. /Xc sales tax, Print nrg! SIZE, 910 MOST BEAUTIFULINAME, ADDRESS, STYLE Girls' Size; 10 | Knit, iTwo | request of took another the penquin cident, photographers chance with with no in NEEDLECRAFT .DESIGNS in}/NUMBER. new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog} Send order to ANNE ADAMS, corchet, fashions, afghans,jcare of The Oshawa imes, embroidery, toys, gifts.|/Pattern Dept. 60 Front Street Free Patterns, Send 5c,/ West, Toronto 1, Ontario, FALL'S 180 BEST DESIGNS 12 remarkable heirloom/-- lively school, sport, career, quilts -- complete patterns injglamor: styles, all" sixes, oh color in Moun Quilt Book 2./features in new Fall - Winter Quilting motifsr*Send Gc Pattern Catalog, Clip couponin Send also tor Quilt Boek 1 --/ Catalog -- choose one free pat: 16 complete patterns, 60c, itern, Send 500, quilts today

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