Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Sep 1966, p. 20

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& ~ - i - a " a alee i . 6g ' o , hi " j Te, hk ee hh am 4 PA bas vy pS we ae Ves - Poa Pd alte ealhe iateal Di ia PF PONG ETO GS PPO Oe r rw eyes i ee ee ee re Rie PMO % eee. 40 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 23, 1966 20---Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale |20a--Summer Properties |23--Real Estate Wanted |26--Apartments for Rent 26---Apartments for Rent "| $3,000 DOWN buys this -duplox home For Sale or cee a i PRT 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale D. Ww. Fes oly Ais per monih Ful price \ The 3 Courtesy, Integrity, Service mainte ALOE on OPEN HOUSE MODERN rs Ge é by Mc Q UJ ay ne #887765, Pert Perry. thane SIBBY.S ae vk APARTMENTS ROOM brick bungalow, fire- 275 Wentworth St i place, tion room, extra toilet, ga- Live oll Year for A-C-T-I-O-N call ut ' Bhs re nished i H. MILLEN REALTOR -- |i'acuremedon'omitad Nos] ot Chore Rankin 738 9682 Wi PREMI fr Wes : f e723 Ph SE t] 4366 ER ; * aeeapen Real Estate Ltd. Reol Estate Ltd. 519 Brock St. South -- | rwo = spre i house with smal ( Nick Siblock 725.5701 vin a ' Maton : vane store. Must sell, Bor further Information! 1, Emerald Isle nianned ree Anthony Siblock 725-4362 You" will enjoy living in 321 Marland Ave, 1 BOWMANVILLE, JUST LISTED athe call 723-721 : kad dene oom AMROAY O18 ws y ' he ila . rd a " Coad 72 VGNIWUrIN fywriwiy aay 14 Frank ite Smart modern bunga- 668-5868 low, covered with aluminum 'siging. uni] munity. Only minutes from ek a ER cts Veniently situated for those PHONE 728-6722 low on x 108° lot. price only #111900, Cell, eu Jehnston, 728-| Peterborough, Ont, on all- h k | d Hollyw kitchen 1066, Schofield-Aker Lid,' | _season. roads. Lots. of good Buying -- Selling a ms hove. Wein poe eek or 723-1401 623- 950 with Soins stove and i LARGE SEV' neighbours. All services pen home can be pesky. Colored bath WHI TBY pa Bea pd and garage, Located on Park this weekend -- ai! slertric * pri rn oven If this is your prob- ing distance of stores and ae wie Meare irate lh ae a ane eg oa fixt ith separate lem: Goll schools, One and two bedroom, Now afer 6 p.m, xtures w se A available, Broadloom " corri- Selener tk ever its BAWMANVILLE Sracuncés Vestn Gasial Beautiful 3 storey older brick Schofield rAker Ltd. sq. ft. Designed for spacious DON STRADESKI RENT INCLUDES: dors, Stove, Refrigerator, fants i 4 etaaat ata: 1 Seis vary bedroom: Stone front} home ina cio ae log CM |LARGE BIGHT ROOM house for saie.| living with patio doors open- Realtor @ Drapes Drapes. FM. Controlled ene |St en 3 re and oon, Bae! all with aluminum awn-| © large we! eco ge onde |e fe al area, Apply ing for extra large Wing $3 Sere ab $3 @ Heat and hydro trance, Elevator, Intercom, | 0! ine fram gevth Plont, : form ng. oom! scoped. lot , turn nutes outh Plant, i Storms ing, over tiving ri 'oped ue oun cae ; Balconies and Laundry facille iietabere Patra Asking $12, 500, window, Carries for ee |leranys a | Arepioges eat fe 7 = cay ae ron em) views over wooded lakeshores r) Parking dieu ties on each floor. Free Hydro, | ae ui 'iinet gee 'erms 136 PIT; Call 728-| --sunroom--large living room 1 land, Several pine 1 lands, SELL! I. ? a ihe sg ~--large dining room--most nearing timber size, This well' construct: pl germ a $s. BUY! TRADE! A few choice 2 and 3 bed- = |-- periment iti tor, for two" Pn yoters Star are Searoomy could be whet vat Ca 235. ony prperty baa ste still available, CAVALIER ONE; TW AND THREE edraon spar ' : a enta ice ants inter tervien, $12,900 for this 4] living room to. side porch-- |8. b. | ALSO OPEN CLARE MceCULLOUGH ond Model Suite Peek ena sive er . Wall to wall floor fiadrosm home In Cole attached garage. All com- Two ACRES: routes cprage" nd bern, : Oshawa 723-7843 Qpen Daily Sien'3 Street or es) M0 Heeenes "eovering in tiv vey 0 lege Hill area, Corries pienaly reine libol aoe, Gunner hives. Fecal 3 Bedroom Ranch W, Frank from 1-9 P.M, VISCOUNT " Big fen apartment Tor 4 mn - . Pla halter pan thy Agidlggle ana $105 PIT. Excellent WHITBY -- ranch style home, three Plank Cottage Rad! Exete Lt a Sed patio. -- tower, Asking ; and oil heating. . inn TELEPHONE wea CLEAN UNFURNISHED -- healed heeled pa starting home for bedrooms, separate dining and $6,233 Plus services, in {NERD A COMFORTABLE bungsiow| 723- 8701 DIPLOMAT fy ree pl praered Avulbie TY oe a 726 18,500. Terms, : ; 'ooms with fireplace, Double ga! ~ $18, young couple. Call! Asking only $60,000 with [fore en replete. to achoo Cab Il. Johnston, 7241066 Schofield-| lately, 5683. THICKSON ROAD 728-1656. , } freed lof with patior $25,000, Phone 681 DIRECTIONS--from Bridge- Wo BaOR No Split level, 3 bedroom with | pupLex terms to suit purchaser. |i north cross Causeway orn! BE, | LOTS WANTED In city Tor single tamily | @ 1 and 2 bedrooms @ We SebRe: i pecan * spericne Inclus _ double gorage. All modern Inspection by appointment only! |$2300 DOWN -- . Carries tor ¢ 8123.00 prin) low signs. 'For advance infor. _|ome, duplex, triplex or larger, preter. SH ELDIAN stove @ refrigerator @ etrlgerator and broad Secwsmsences, Twindow win- -- IMMACULATE c Call fee eo oer auathea, © Glee mation and inspection call H, alter im ihn ithe a 1 broadioom in halls @ inter. Available October. 15. *elophone ms dows. Finished rec. room, etc. | -- CONVENIENT Keith Lunney heat, Huge bedrooms and loads of cup! McGrath, B. Hawkins, or K, com @ FM. @ Balconies | aie eas soar "Price reduced to $17,900 This is. probably what [peer Sees are te ote hater tan|. Falrbolm. 24--Stores, Offices, Storage, MA NSIONS @ Immediate possession, sparimont Bullaing' evchiecle octtor with $2500 down. you have been looking 668-5868 | George Twiates at 723-1133, evenings bi svons (FOR RENT, central lacatfon, $00 72 8 2 Retrigerater, a rt ver laundry tee My 3 '* WHITBY for -- spacious cozy {Sire peice a ee eatal "| Bowes & Cocks ints heated. 728-1901. 182 Simcoe Street] 885 OXFORD STREET -4283 fi a ce aml Apartment 4, 'eet, living absolutely rent! 4 LTD ou! | Apt. 1 .5 roomed brick bungalow in f ids ¥ | |iMMEDIATE POSSESSION, large three- i t, V1] terest on om bungalow,' Wit Walking Distan nice locetion. All der ree, plus in M $ bedroorh gato Fa i Ao Fal cons. . Telephone 725-0150 | ithin Walking istance 340° Marland your investment. This Trees "your home now. WO. Merits Peterborough A ali ------| South General Motors |_. it iv be Bobo a) BE 'asics conceal (PARSER j STORE FOR RENT -- Scuth end. Indus:| conveniences. School handy. j Trade your home now, W. ad is too small to des- R ae. door. : Realtor, 728-5103 gage artic po ge «aati LAnee TWO-STOREY brick "home situ: 742-4234 in om br za io) @ No damage deposit | @ FOR RENT @ : BROOM sparimen|. decile HAMPTON perly, There a 2 jated in the §. J. Phillips ype apes Single furnished room pu a ris | mith Sarita A R Vv cette brent fale: . eparate apts. Seein: Three, good-sized bedrooms, modern . . require ts,, Roo sion, Tel Ace sty te i gy is. believing, This| UNIQUE BUNGALOW | chon private 'rive and garage, Call|21--Farms for Sale hi MPN eeard Sitice Hours: Tugs, teens [eee at "street. Centre hall plan, Oi! Pecan eid | George Twaltes at 723-1133, 723- MODERN THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, Swimming Pool Ve atchiati bde el FT mB pyr ernie yer heoted with 3«pe. bathroom. home will handle for with 2008, Carl B. Olsen, Realtor, 20 Rey recreation room, walk-out basement Way "hg 10:30 a.m, to 7 pm, ment, in good residentiel area. leahers : "Loundry tubs, 60' x 30' barn. $8,500 down to | SWIMMING POOL. [tM LINDSAY AREA Available November 1. One child wel Tie Bothroomme' in 720-254), 'Aluminum st ind screens. mortgage at 714%. |PRIVATE SALE -- Sieroom house in : etal aaa eda aie eda - : jnum storms a For appointments or| Home consists of eight rooms. age, Reason. If you are looking for a [l¥. 720-5034. EL: all 2 bedroom suites In new building, Children welcome, Avail: Ya Acre lot. Priced to sell, 1 728.| Broadloom in tiving room and {abl . 0 vd, For! farm in immaculate condi- |iMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- seven |__95 Bruce St, 728- 1070 able October ty, Telephone. 725-6396, PORT PERRY ire beh avy "| lower level, Master bedroom povesitige i telephone 720-1900. NO! tion -- plan. a visi to this Seems Goven Wf; Meare. Rivet, Telephone Free Parking | SOWMANVILLE --"Gne bedroom a FOUR. ROOM apart Fment in aulat Rome, Tn quiet heme, 4 | agents, pleas See Nichi oe sn OO A | y ment on main floor, retrigerstor "oo Three brand new 5 roomed 21 ft. long with adjoining | \mmep, POSSESSION: Altractive we| One he han agua Re TWO-STOREY HOUSE, Very coniral, hol | Free Hydro slove Supplied. Avaliable October 1, Tele Be" est tar A Hog ows with all modern MONTHLY bathroom and walk-in shower, | built S-room brick rancher on a iarge lot} OF pave ignway. \ water heating. Garage, $190. monthly |Phone 725-8876. side facilities, bungel Attractively landscaped, pav- | Living room with book sheives, ful din-} brick dwelling --- hydro --- [Vacant October 1, References required. | FM Music and FIVE. ROOM, | Ups ariment, Adults | Please " conveniences. Hardwood ond Inspect these NEW) 44 tae | 'jostg, | (99 room, family room 20 x 11 off living] conveniences. Spacious: well | Telephone 723-9128 | a ee |preferred, Telephone 728-2764 between &| GRO Neen tile floors. Nicely located. homes on Waverly St. Selling for $6,000 down, with Pong thor extras, Priced st only] treed lawn -- et barn WHITBY -- three-bedroom, newly deco- Inter Com |é_p.m ment, Priv S inctodes. " ; 7 5 }and many other extra's, Pri oO age -- os i al, stor ne na | aa Priced to sell. south of King and just one payment for balance |$20,000, North west area, Sibby's Real modern =~ cement - floor T reaseas 4tGh. Geant Teleco iiss A one snnue, pROOM "apartment, af $70 heat hydro, 'poi bt 'Ssnawe Bivd, $, 10 ACRE PARCELS west of the Oshawa [Estate Ltd, 46 King St, West Oshawa! throughout, Water bowls -- |6495. ' e Me wal suite furnished by [2m pre, he hve Weetne. ania FOUR-ROOM epariment, self-contained, Shopping Centre. ert clean fertile soil crop to ac- |FIVE:ROOM bungalow, close to south| Maon's Furniture Store JElgin_ West Telephone 735-1466 ceieeries 90. moninly, We have about 19 parcels of From $14,995 with Phone BILL MILLAR |FOR SALE--SEVEN-ROOM older hou WNT siaie land for sale, consisting of 10 $1,827 down and the Three-plece bath) hot water heated.) comodate 50 beef cattle. ay aoe oe 1, 'Telephone 725: | MODEL SUITE OPEN 1 ;uReee yea APARTM svete UNFURNISHED, "Tireeroomn a ; Mt crt ! " Final ANd a 30 Pm, : entrance ath, available Ostover 1, Q pariment, Sik 725-2557 or 725-1 186 | Double, sarage. Close to schools. For in- Good farm" price $29,500, FHRNWBEDROGA Toots torent aNi3 | 1 1-9 A ae | Telephone "725.24 e r private ent nea and | hydro i ocres ot ye ogg af eval balance on | formation call 725-4205 In a.m. only, Terms. fb ; * : monthly. Very spacious, very economical .. iT mortgage. Coll 728 |NORTH AREA -- WELL KEPT bunge- alt Wenace, Coll 723-8079, loli | WO BEQROOM apartment, $100 'month:| HURWISHED bachelor aparimeni, Beds % 8 Pat cay | ly includes heat and hydro, avaliable rem a. W. T. LAMSON [Sicinltts nt 'stenf*@"] MURCHISON, SANGSTER lroun-seonooi cer hams Wr 28-7942 Towne' norhy_phone aban" "n* sing cam, dine, shale, tam |15 kitchen with plenty. of cupboards, and FOLKES LTD., cast all conveniences. Call Newcastle ee ---------wwmem| BRAND NEW bulidin 7 now renting inj m minutes to Oshawa shopeina Centre, 987-4217, |Port Whitby; two room suites, Call|Apply 460 King Street Wes! After hours please call | san ___REAL ESTATE. LTD. arth Pict Call Murray 'Boyle 720-4870. REALTOR NEW THREE-BEDROOM home for rent.| "| West_Hill 204-6813, THREE-ROOM apart i FURNISHED |ONE" AND TWO bedroom apariments |baIN. separate enfant. etigr afr ng Donald Mountjoy 623-3614 | }month P.1,7. Call Murray Boyle, 723-4270, Guy LeBlo 'apariments available immediately, stove refrigerat: pod rangette, ne pirat 24h, eae 'oRan sae Realter. ii barons FENELON FALLS giilidren atiglcame, clone 1s Shopping Thomas Donnelly - A Wo == $18,900, 3 rooms, 887-2014 re, monthly, Telephone Leon th west district, 6Va ort. Manitius 723-5281, Guide Realty Ltd | lor, drapes, int . ele 'g 9877. Pyle McRobbie 623-7159 LY) ' OPEN HOUSE {gage Earle. Allen 725-7782. Keith. Peters FOR SALE OR RENT: Four. rearoom| ANPARTMAENTS Jana faunary on 'every iso a te i cu Inger Jorgensen ; |Really Limited Realter, 90 ACRES -- No. 2 HWY, | modern bungalow with two baths. and pply 349 Marland Ave. Telephone 725 avail bie' Immediately. Re Bavidensthony yora | REAL ESTATE LIMITED '20c--Summer Propertios ge "TR Re atl, Ne 'ae a Te 'qanremyteamar at a --, ive fot, Private sale. No agents, Tele TWO-BEDROOM aah Shon pee a Ross Davidson Bethany 30r: 323 King Street West | In Westview jHeights sub- For Sele or near Pig, broiler and beef farm. | phone 668-2706 : iS FOR i brator, pe Rg "Aveitable fone Cray ee a 'nr a | division, Newcastle, new three Red painted bars. 2 houses. |26---Apartments for Rent [Ante d or 37 Albert street sve AV#™™®) MODE a co entbarimment, RENT FURNISHED, newly decorated, three veve r partment von Celina. and | bedroom brick bungalow A | CENTRAL 728-6286 | built by ALWOOD HOMES, | PIGEON near All conveniences. Town water . FURNISHED. newiy one with 'N.H.A, 64%4% fin- | in all buildings, Very anxious GRENFELL | trance, raorvels, feenean vate cat pe and hydro = included, __ ONTARIO 2 Ste, ieee Wa ancing. Quolity craftsmanship | PETERBORO to sell. Oniy $32,000 with | AT | working couple or two girls, 728-6096 after after 12 p.m, only, rooms, e --$! iown y 3 $16,000, $4,700 doy terms, Call... | Grenfell |ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments, | ment, TWo-OH, cn a { Sat, 'til 3 p.m, LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION SUBLET --"Two bedroom apariment rooms with all the usual This weekend 2 - 4 P.M . | : th Reto .M, | h L | Large suites, utilities Stove,| couple, Abstainers, no children, 725-0507, RUST Samdene only $102 P. and \A | Cottage wit ot IOSO WEIRSWA SQ UARE reclgerair 7 Grapes, 190 Nonauon) TWO," THREE-ROOM 9 pool ORD KRU! : A / £0 A Ni K tral, close to buses and schools, and VV PR AIN 728-5683 Private Rooms $15.00: I-room --auites, | Stove, separate bath, fenced: 'od var d, one 1, Call this office now. me oguare RS gach Person. motel suites to share; /enild' welcome, 973° ana ari. ree and PH HOFIELD Real Estate Ltd | fy ay f ¥ 35. Parking, Tele Y ig mais saree | Mama | DODDS | rer kam va Immediate rE contadsallan tien SUPERVISOR ' ; Situated in the north end BOWMANVILLE s 4 OOM basement ae sii ae | = t in private home, heat, REAL ESTATE DEPT. ind with @ | lot 60 : SOS 197" yr ive. room nie 623- 3393 | Realtor ish Possession 2 bedroom suites in TS ER, Nat, Levies Giiv, toe waren anu nyury evr 10 ACRES -- law piety aurea: Pears end 2 inejinnstoeci $50 DOWN SPLENDID BUY a aid S baltding sncdicte. occas | | ONE:BEOROOM basement apartment: | ADELAIDE WERRACES ba 5 bedrooms hos recreation [~~ | Features 1, Separate entrance, Apply 11) Wilson Reed Mesrard Read Norn of Ross." | [00% Phone Tonight ond in RAE R Hy "tdeeetiy ~ $23,000 bedroom ie tins ren Se Wen Wd eee, land -- excellent investment | P<! PAYMENTS START 100 acre farm with lorge "na rerieratr, end two-bedroom apart |aniy. Apply 327 AGSuide Wet, Apartment for future development. A | OWNER TRANSFERRED JONES NOVEMBER 1966 barn, steel stanchions ond ras [men lose "fo ""downfom *'Perking | built up areo in line of de- _. MUST' SELL ; water bowls, 7 room house @ FREE | Grenfell S sine | Adults. 221_Arthur_8t, rouR ROOM Spartinent,~ two velopment ------ annexation Realtor IMMEDIATE -- POSSESSION! with all conveniences, Easy Rental Office sth General". Makara' Mae Ieee al Saar den 19 schois likely in near future: Asking This beautiful 7 room side | LOT 75'x200' surveyed with terms! Call | ests hycre and swimming eek ie ome fe split hes built in stove and | ge HEALTH LUB eo de ! Fai y AVRO SYREEY WORTH, Whit, ently $18,900, Gen, corlon in kitchen, OSHAWA NORTH family-sized cottage, 3 bed- IDSO_ WEIRSMA CLU 723 511] phone Sti-012" auring' day "and "ia0-000 | & ny a7 BYRON STREET WORTH, Whitb SOUTH OSHAWA broadioom in living room, $12,500. Five roomed. olde rooms, erected. $2,995. 'cash 728-5683 49-9 aC ee ee , ' omed. older 0 dge n n . With electri po LE ASRS ER tes Full Price -- $16,900 | dining room and hall and one | frame bungalow in excellent Bak ater, "ane Rep. H a Ltd. @ SAUNA 380 - 385 GlbB ST, eR ge he ils GWE AND |TWO-REOROOM" searinania room, rug in master - 4it 41 locatic "om vy : ' ea nd 'frid ii 1 4 in ING, NtOwn, iam leungauiens & Sedteom burg room, T.V, rotor and controls, pte pga cab bea November, 1966, Limited | ssa SoWN BUYS 100 ecres with buld-| aa - damage deposth. fh a nt ee alow, nicely finished rec-room backyard fenced and patio od: beth ¢ Fi sg number. Year round activities. | ings, good hunting, near Peterborough. | STEAM ROOM |MODERN two and three bedroom @parl> walks out to specious bock closed in, Must be seen --~ This is + a9 Pst eee PRACTICAL Quner fae My to sell! Call W. O, Martin PRINCESS ;ments, Two bathrooms. Close to south Two nA ag peranes, roma, spe ng . ' u 20 au --_ immed! Dy _ phone now and arrange for t : : FOR RETIREMENT rom man i Brooklin area, Rolling land | ~ [Pelagtevie Mebbaay. ene candi suit wg two men oF working "Couple. Teles Tele- FULL PRICE $20,900 mepection, After five call Mr, Jones at | 6» PERMANENT HOME. |with a wooded valley and stream. Housel | @ SWIMMING ANNE |ONE- and two - bedroom aparimente Tor | pewrereaere 8 k spli Sha 668-4003 to suit small family, Small barn for / rent, Apply 291 Marland, Apt. 104 or FOUR-ROOM, two-bedroom, upper aparl- rand new back split, id PAYMENTS $129 jesisithichislissichatare " 'i Good roads, open year round, |horses. Must have references and be POOL a telephone 728-9094, ment perote entrance, heated, On room bungalow with car-port. ; : ; steadily employed. Apply to Box 43798, A Pp AR i AENT S a Counten Road East, One iciesl child wels Situoted in a lovely crea neor INCLUDING TAXES Hydro, telephone, swimming, Oshawa Times. "AT. | VAC suater, one, bedroom ; apartment on ome, Telephone Miso J %2 Rossland Rd. This quolity A Ox room Gack spilt: with | A MODEL peur: seal i on 22--Lots for Sale | INDOO [Ber monty hyoro Ince. Telephone ave | aarti thr Sireet i built modern home must be built-in stove and oven, close | to : ng, eating, hunting, ete, AR | NDBOOR wal . wr Street, i uit Winter Ski-to by. EN« "f Soper ger com teppei. | ena ar tare tn : OV"ral Wine' | 25 Acres o FREE HvoRO HEATED SSSR ea ose ams: ha END of SEASON room, Full price $18,500, @ EVERY TASTE | Summer @ OSHAWA'S LARGEST hib [TWREK:ROOM. veistara CARGU" bes-liting roar Kini s and BARGAIN ! Sgt Sek @ EVERY BUDGET @ MEET @ Near Oshawa x ihies | ents [ment private oe "aan twowtan | Winitoy Sees "Boobs Weonae : ; : ' me ) asement apartment, immediate pos. a Serer toshes price to $4 | Open 9 a.m. -- 9 p.m. | @ EVERY FAMILY Beside 'Toronto' 'Dorninion | Selling lend, nicely waded, @ FRENCH PROVINCIAL =f on 738s TWO:BEDROOM apariment. 8110" monte t lage on Rice Loke ra ke eal rial neor Highway 7 and 12. Tre- KITCHENS | B LOOMED SUN DECK |SUBLET co one "bedroom, around Heer lv neteing hydro, heat, Private en (1 hr, from Oshawa), 74' lake ofter hours call: CALL alike 5 enk In lemee, mendous investment potential ehnibeta *lebbiebat aegis apartment, all Y trance, ing, stove, fridge, washing frontegs. Partly furnished L Highway 7 on the Peterboro at only $400 per acre. © «NDOOR PARKING sahil ' session, Telephone 728-2641, One smal ghd. Available Oc Frank Smith 723-3533 to Lindsay High hd : i ' t fe manner |tODEF 1, Whitby, 668-5958 and many mony extras. Taxes Kan Hann 723-7963 J B McMullan © Lindsay Hy vey eac 4! ' AVAILABLE | thing veiled pags N | BED: SITTING ROOM, kitchen and bath. A . . this week-end a m, an . sangha: . : vit' col Adult: ly, Telephone 'oneal Eg re TIMES, We, tn OF Dick Barriage 725-6243 | ' Bo TERMS! @ OUTBOOR GUEST 8° Bale DO x18" come | shal GQuple Adults only, Telephone 62:/27-----Rooms for Rent : Glen MacKinnon 728-6750 REALTOR eteary PARKING |. binat Living sand Dining | TWO-BEOROOM partments "heated, Ws ATTRACTIVELY ae ee y P | 4 | ee month: a : _ COUNTRY LIVING ieee 28-5513_| 725.3557 _--_ 668-6201 =p OR ve Call ciel Williston Ie English, Decor Labeler. {mediate possession, GREE FURNISHED ROOM » Good 10 acre lots (and larger) 54% Carr be seen Monday "to Fris Lea 2) | Bis wien re ' ; MONTHLY -- private entrance, pati! Available i ' * from $5,000 ond up. Loca- LLOYD | H day, day or evenings, by spec FIs 0353 K ; nd floor, three rooms, tiled bath: ailable in private home, y tiene ebout 8 miles from Osh- ncome ome ial eppointment onl CALL Aodel Suite "Furniture by . celt-contelned... xpariment._stOv% Call between 5 and 7 p.m. al appo only. anytime. | call Seeeetiaihes oR fridge, ample, parking, near Civic Audi 82 PARK RD N wo. Modern 3 bedroom bungalow | with 2 2-room basement | 723 5] ] ] oadloom by Angus-Graydon. //tWO-ROOM od apartment, 870, "THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE etca eaaciients; Which wood 11 . was so bu any) nie omen OE 728-8671 OF ge | | + T S $50 EGER FOOT | cela , plies |PURNISHED bachelor apartment, In jaiter 7 pm 3 p.m, No appointment. nec- NTRAL ONTARIO TRUST or han morte WILL HELP YOU StL of Buy; REAL ESTATE LTD. payments. Akko big.23" > 380 - 385 GIBB ST, 1221 SIMCOE ST. Ni. - |sremenr Ot cnt nlite wan eiiganan, Miarsam, Oc, geal : cn nae an TESCO one o One le WITH 40 King St. E. double garage. Low down 7 newly registered building 725- 9934 URNISHEO FWORGOM soar ing space. Apply 574 Cra Avro . Coe a. w bungalow, suitable or | FURNISHED single and LIST payment, easy terms No : ; "CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST agent By Whe HOMES AND lots now available on Garrard Presenting |two girls, Simece South, ty . hag available at the Oshawa Motel Louis lease appc PHONE 723-5221 NEAR DOWNTOWN ment only. 723 2013 ' COTTAGES LTD, Road. These lots are close J "Yaak \le_and south plant, Telephone 720-7990| PRINCE ALBERT -- Twobedroom Wy NDB ROOK NICELY FURNISHED kitchen and bed- rem, available October 1. Neat In Inchided, Spacious 6 room brick home aie to schools and shopping M 5 jsifting" room, suitable. for business per-| Telephone 985-7310, Port Perry, COBOU RG, ONT. Building permits available, APARTM ENTS son, Private entrance, electrically heated, a =~ ROOM cioeea Plane SS ¢tiay a gure Pg just 4 blocks from 4 corners. R ¢ 'om Houston ~ Huge rooms with fireplace, etirement = or ommuter Charles Choytor 668-229) renovoted kitchen ond at- $1500 down or trade for new ' 372-9494 - Builders terms, L | Gah parking space, Meet iat: alba, tor and stove | Ralph Schofield 725-5067 | tached garage. Ideal for three bedroom hor ; 97 Colborne TWO-BEDROOM Unfurnished "apartment, | THREE, > ROOM paparimment. 29 Elena Allan Thompson 728-2870 | roomers or boarders. Asking wood kitchen" ¢ { HUNTING CAMP FOR SALE, south of fully equipped, "Adults only, Simeoe N. sree. teeenere 2 eas PP Back oe hl soars 16.900, vig ay slack, (Witney. good hunting, Phone aa673 or | ea tor hor area, Telephone 725-3388 SINGLE, CLEAN wer hed rooms basement, electric heat, Am eon CONTESSA | 723-8771 3-8426 ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT In apart|((Qht, hovsekeeping, refrigerator, close 16 LAKE SCUGOG -- Several very attrac: ment building, Available October 1. Quiet |rospital, bus stop at door, private en- $1,500 DOWN ple space for extra rooms [tive lakeshore cottages, modern rac | 725 5625 | cs a bc et trance, 'Telephone. 728 If you have this much or in the basement it : bing, Priced to sell, W. J. e on ONE MONTH RENT REE couvainas a BROTHERS LIMITED | slighty lear" you can be 0 | fom Onhows sn pov si gto Po ar. | | POC AONE' ESE SAPONINS emer ag eee tare ete a i Clore Sat -pulsit ' EATURES . table f ren. Consleting landlord and live almost rent Call Clare McCullough PAUDASH LAKE -- Two-bedroom, tur 10 Acre Lots A distinctive apartment . Apartment controlled en- | fouple pie of teachers, Avellab No October hos Srv rete ati, Teach I Faeiies she TAUNTON ROAD EAST free. Two three bedroom | 7843. W. Frank Real Estat cott age with boat and motor. Tele Telephone 725-988) Won ala RANCHER = OSA 6 Se "= phone 725-0 Near Columbus residence bh TWO APARTMENTS, a6" Westmount wouser PING ROOM a for rea sulk | ; neddee wth OSHAWA REALTY Scenic acreage, beautiful edtig Pid irelits F750, Green eee ethan aia, amas icentre. Apply te. W Westmount" Street, forge room Investment Properti | ' f i R a we : nciudes heat, hydro, Adult Pine| THREE DOUSLE BEDR zx ge adn view. just off paved highway. FEATURING Refrigerators and stove in |avenve, TASSMN ee MO PN reante ae a | 2¥4 acres land. Attached en- ' Resales N. } ~-- New Homes ; . en ---- closed breezewoy and over- REDUCED FROM $18,500, Seen Voksatlons | Reasonably priced, with terms act artment [two ROOMS and kitchen plot prtvate pal hrm & | in quiet home, Suitable for couple, | ROOMS FOR RENT, weekly rates. A 1% year old stone and brick owner anxious to move. At- , » --_ poston joes tractive 6 year old brick and PE i rap Fe YOU available. ---- an Bg ro Hoe & eo Mo- {No children, Apply ~ Currie Avenue | Queen's: Hotel, 6? 'hore Street North, H stone bungalow th large we ' me hs g m_Road soul evenings, ROOMS RENT. forge, oll electric heated. Now 9 wi rg 725-9592 Individual room heat con- Television and telephone |CENTRAL, two: rbeitoom, 3 second-ficor | in Port wae tne a as s fi 5 | Se en wt. faking DO down At ~ egglin 25 Bond West (Bond St.) LTD Are One of the Thousands trol, Pressurized corridors, pre-wired Q ont, One child welcome, -- $90/6 p.m. $45,000. Owner says take ¥ St sotisfY [THREE-YEAR-OLD RANCH bur ngalow Free Hydro and parking, |} ' ¥. Telephone 728-1876 from 2:30 WHiTey, 1 room to share for youd: Mm mans offer. Call Jack Appleby your curiosity before it's sold. [15 minutes from Oshawa, veacre lot.) Who Read R tion room with kit. | PHONE NO Se after 4 pm, 668 | Many features, close to schoeis and shop 12 Large iL. ots "ada khe : 23-877) : 2 8426 |THREE-ROOM apartment, newly 2685, chen facilities. Swimming 29-6/ or 723 rs separate entrance, venty 'ten CHURCH STREET T7--Singie furnished evening--7 23-3398. NINE ROOMS |ping. Excellent terms. Contact Joe Craw ¥ 2 miles from city, in attrac. | pre INCOME HOME suid beet lect & bedrooms j ford, 723-1021, Joseph Bosco, Realtor pool, Sauna bath. Mail de f desired, Telephone 728-459: heareana, Hema Could be at least 5 bedrooms, |ASK ANY GOOD BUILDER Ihe cos! ol TIMES tive area, Some treed lots livery to-every suite, Closed | _ Only bill you pay is your tele- | PRIVATE, (umised of Unfurnished aparte| ferred. ley see ee $2,000. DOWN absolutely immaculate 6 room | building @ 1,200 sq. ft, brick bungalow te. | Paved street, Close by public circuit T.V. controlled en- bill; All other costs ab- Be » ki a | ONE CARON Gauls teak aie les brick storey and a-half home day, then cali me. Y ake a te iti d er | Just listed, 6 room, 2 storey SiS colnet came, 1 ee cal mm Cou connate 8 ter. Classifie school, new high school and trance for your protection bec owner | close to bus and Shopping centre. single, Central. Light housekeeping income home. Main floor hos garage, poved drive, bhvaiead jin desirable eastend location and save bus rey E Large dining area in all Appiy 306 Pacific Avenue or telephone | %e® 720-0402, aR eae Sone trtk teeni: | pete' ond coup lnced gerd: [Sm men anett' sae, en) ACTION ADS pag kitchens. Convenient to REGENT "ARMS aaa pres nett Manton sarin Ne ae pose nf siege hg Pose en, Listed at $18,500 Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377 or 728 asi, sae Phone 728- 5579 shopping and churches. ai lanveasies Jere ae ne private rooms, kitchen ~ Reon: patho g fees aoe cone, | itchen, PRIVATE -- FOR SALE--1 os EVERY DAY acre Transportation at door, ne upaney Ths $48. per month, Neat and waner| Avaliable Now. 74 Oshawa Bive," South, room, 3 piece ., Separ- brick 'bungalow, Four-plece cole \ 0 ACRES, Harmony Road North, some Landscaping architecturally t m apartme lose Iso, stove, fridge, contrat with | 722-0882, u OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE jpat " | bush, excellent stream, Stan McCormack of ote meters. Located close to jbath. Close to school and churches. on 4 . dealavad,' Wasunttd callina | to ay ping Centre. tf airest 'parking, 668-3877, tes SEPARATE bedrooms. iene ng downtown. Reo! value at only Di | 75 | Central Park South. New vacant, For in 455-4558, Kei Peters Realty Limited lesigned eautiful ce | : avackapescn * ns kitchen privi $12,500. To inspect call Roy 1a 8-4678 |formation phone 725-6380 To Place an Ad Telephone pa er, ' to floor drapes | fk Jequianed, heated, Sparirwants elacilealy Sry sree _vety_central, Telephone SAe720N., Yeomevenings FIEaaI7." | Bebloryon 725.9345 |MERTENEN Ane BENS] 79.940 PRR | TELEPHONE 723.6055. [ghar O88 Bua RE eA, rat . | -bedroom bungalow, Clos to choo! si | B en 6.00 and > "30 . AP o L retriger 'arking, own vate Eldon Kerr 723-9178 | and shopping. Calt Morris Fogel mer 34 2 wee scenes, Carl _Ctetn. Rewrer. ADULTS ONLY __Between and 9.30 Ff p.m _.| SuiaaT GAROEN COURT. 369i ne $12 weekly. "het Cox Gens 28 101 Simcoe Street North John Osborne 728-5836 [don Osborne Realty, 728-5157 5 LaRon Lot, 7 75 17S dust six miles ROYALE Oetete Wr che tedtoamn mained coat AS. sult youne rom Oshawa. Octover 1, ene bedroom apartment avail | THREE LARGE ROOMS, sult Member O.D.R.E.B. « Jack Hogan 728-1554 [HOUSE FOR SALE. $7%. down , | 2 aa $750. : ' new home, Pri y 4 fo ve Jabie Oct . 728-5123 Jom Mage aPI9l |NF wesl*onca"imtin atte! 500 mm. and 5:00 pum. 1ekie Rial eens rome foe] ema Information APTS. See hue Ge ac lee Rane th Eee ession.. . Car' sen, Realtor, - I; -- wht lhe MEMBER 0.D.R.E.B |TWELVE ROOM brick 'house, attached! Soturday t It 12:00 725- ] 48 ] |! 119 NONQUON ROAD Es BEDROOM upstairs apariment, prr|FURNISHED room fer two gentlemen, inngh vou wh need toe Shot en eS. reeset | eee so sw TOON | eee0 X LOT, asking $7,200, also 1 ond 2 bedroom suites k lephone AR SaRe en Me MOMENT eteokene bn aner -- vou 1 | loskin Avenue VO-acre lots. and acreages, ©. Martin | sti ae ier ~ an ad-writer| GET SPOT CASH WIT |TWO-BEDROOM FRAME he " Realtor. 728-5103. ee , availab APARTMENT, large bedreom, kitehen| TWO laige furnished rooms, B H "9 140 NONQUON RD, | w onvtime and bath, stove, table and chairs sup-| entrance, tage 3 Boge newly ecerivate } a TIMES ACTION ADS [acre land, east of city, asking only $8,500. it A WURRYV? Pree ana My ©. Martin Realtor, 728-5103. ye ¢ plie 0. Available now, 10? | Suitable for rtin Realtor, 723 i Sep Wanted ad now by dialing 723-3492. > Caber Street, sisted ie a Cadillac, Street _ si

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