ew ee ee oe vw' 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 23, 1966 ie te a ae Be a www ee 4 Wiha eee ee Pa! eS 2a 'and was too wet. | 'fornia had too many people and 'Montana didn't have an 'people. Altanta was no - cause he couldn't understand what the matives were saying. 'Boston was no because the natives couldn't understand 'what the natives were saying. * Our children have adjusted to these moves beautifully so that _is not the problem. Tt's just that I am sick of pulling up stakes every time my husband gets it into his head to move. Last night he started to cough and said, "I know I'd feel better in Phoenix." He's a first class, machinist and can make a good living wherever he goes. Is there any chance that I can get him to py | put this time?--Mrs, No- mai Dear Mrs.: Probably not. So be thankful the children haven't suffered from the repeated up- rooting and go along with the loon. I don't believe in egging people on to fight battles they can't win. Dear Ann Landers; Our oldest son is in. his third year of col- lege. My husband and I are having a serious disagreement over how much financial help we should give the boy. Nick has always been a hard worker, a saver and very' inde- pendent. He and his father do not get along well. The first two years my husband paid Nick's tuition and offered him a spend- ing allowance which Nick re- fused. This year Nick says he does ANN LANDERS Nomad Husband Fails BH To Consider Family ee errr ewrrer veer ee eee the better off they'll be. So for' heaven's sake, mother, leaver him alone. He sounds like a winner. Dear Ann Landers: I sympa- thize with the woman who was terrified whenever she had to go to a funeral home and look at a dead person. I have the same horrible fear--but I know what caused it. When I was a child (40 years ago) I overheard some adults talking about a man who had been pronounced dead and taken to a funeral home. He was actually in a coma. When the mortician saw the "corpse"' move, he almost had a heart attack. A physician was sum- moned at once. He rushed over and revived the "dead" man man who lived five years after that. A few years later my grand- father died. When I went to the wake I was petrified. I was sure grandpa would come alive at any moment. The thought of it made me physically ill. From that, day to this I have asked my friends to excuse me from going to funerals and I tell them why. They all understand.-- Count Me Out Dear Count: If you haven't been able to overcome the fear after 40 years, you might as not want any financial help at all. He insists on using the self the agony. Cross - Country Hopping Doesn't Faze Female Centennial Director' By MARILYN ARGUE OTTAWA (CP) -- Marianne Linnell, the only woman among 12 centennial administration di- rectors, is the kind of person who gets things done--whether she has to do them herself or enlist the co-operation of others. For example, on one cross- country air trip she had the cabin crew and passengers cut- ting out pink satin rosebuds and black lace for a gown she de- seigned for a centennial ball. The Vancouver native feels right at home on planes these days. In the last push to Cen- tennial Year, the directors meet every two weeks in places as far apart as Ottawa, Charlotte- town and Yellowknife. "T have the typical feminine problems with hair styles and clothes but other than that the travelling is wonderful," the tall 51-year-old widow said after a board meeting in Ottawa. A former Vancouver alder- man, Mrs. Linnell is also one of three woman partners in a real estate firm. "It started out as an all-girl operation, but we had so many applications from men we decided to stop discrim- "inating." ' RAN FOR PARLIAMENT A distinguished - looking woman with greying chestnut hair in a Mme. Vanier upsweep, she was born in Calgary, the daughter of an independent member of the Alberta legis- lature. She herself was an un- successful Conservative candi- date in Vancouver-Burrard in the last federal election. A home economics graduate of the University of Alberta, she was married in 1942 to Lloyd Linnell, an RCAF squad- ron leader. Two years later he was shot down over Berlin, where he is buried. Her only child Robert, 22, works on docu- mentary films at the National Film Board in Montreal. Mrs. Linnell's favorite among the centennial programs is the youth travel project. "One girl I know from Van- couver was disappointed be- cause her trip was only to Wey- burn, Sask. Naturally she would have liked to come all the way east, but after she came home she admitted she was delighted with the Prairies and the hos- pitality of a small town. For a city child, who had never seen the wheat fields, it was a won- derful experience." IRVINE SELLARS, » 28- year-old owner of three mod shops on London's swinging Carnaby Street which cater to the young, By EDDY GILMORE LONDON (AP) Carnaby Street -- that narrow lane of swinging youthful gear -- held its first big - time fashion show today, and it was new, brash and even elegant. Staged by Cockney-born Ir- vine Sellars, 28, who owns three shops on' Carnaby Street, it churned up admiring "'ahhhhs," applause and cheers from an in- vited audience of 250. "With this show," said Sell- ars, who had advanced from an east-end pushcart to a chauf- well stay home and spare your-/feyr - driven limousine, "I hope to impress the pundits of high fashion that Carnaby Street can be professional." What he showed could turn inio a reai Chalienge to the makers of conventional clothes. His clothes -- or gear as he prefers to call the raiment -- could have repercussions in the aera omees e oa call lh al sits on orchestra platform and watches a model wear- ing a silver lame outfit during his fashion show to- day. The show, staged to New, Brash, Elegant -- Describe British Fashion Show For Youth , carpeted haulls of haute couture as well as on Savile Row. To the throbbing rhythm of a pop music group, Sellars pres- ented a chorus of very young female and male models wear- ing his dresses and suits, They did not slink up and down the catwalk as do the models of the big fashion houses of Paris, London and Rome. They danced as they showed off their gear. While three. shapely teen-age models wore mini ~- kilts six to eight inches above their knees, the general hemline trend on Carnaby Street is down. At least 20 skirts were two} to four inches above the knee. The prices of girlie clothes ranged from $25 to $170. The men's suits were from $28 to 5. For late 1966 and early 1967 Carnaby Street offers double-| and single - breasted jackets on| the longish side. ON CULTURE SNOB She is also enthusiastic about Festival Canada, which will see drama and opera companies and orchestras from Canada and abroad touring the country. "It will include all kinds of arts --I'm not a highbrow and I think folk singers and Don Messer are just as much a part of our culture." She keeps a housewifely eye on the centennial budget. "We try to make one dollar do the work of 20." The whole blast will cost more than $20,000,000 but she says that's quite in scale. It costs $60,000,000 to run Vancouver for a year. During 1967 Mrs. Linnell will be busy making speeches. She addresses a different group every week on her present schedule, Once she spoke to a luncheon in Charlottetown and another in Vancouver on the same day. After the year is over she may go back to the comparatively small world of civic politics, or perhaps take another run at the House of Commons. Man's Place Is In The Home, Too QUEBEC (CP)--Man's place is in the home, Dr. Wilder Pen- field, president of the Vanier In- stitute of the Family, said Thursday in an address to Le Cercle des Femmes Canadi- ennes. "I am of the opinion that the mother's place is in the home when children are there. "But where does the father come in His place is in the home, too. But the man who only sleeps and eats at home, with his mind forever on the outside world and on himself or his work, is never in that home. KEEP IN TRIM Poor Posture By IDA JEAN KAIN If your hips jut out rearward, try this eye-opener: Stand side- ways to a mirror, preferably in a blouse and a tight skirt. Take a critical look at your silhouette from this side angle. Suddenly you see that posture shapes your figure. Now, to streamline in nothing flat, try this experiment: Pull up and in forcibly with the brace of abdominal muscles as you contract strongly with the rear hip muscles, pulling down and under . . under you. Don't throw your shoulders back. Square your shoulders, keep them down and relaxed, and hold your head high. So many of you lament a figure fault that doesn't really exist. "I am constantly teased he- cause I have a fat rear end," a teen-ager writes. "Tt have round, fat buttocks, if that's what you call the area inflated balloons and spoil my shape," a career girl writes. All that is needed to correct this problem is to get on the beam. In properly aligned pos- ture, the bony segments of the body mutually support each other. With posture in plumb- line instead of zigzag, there is less strain and stress on bones, muscles, ligaments and organs. SEE IMPROVEMENT In out-of-kilter posture, one curve compensates for another. When the small of your back Cause Bulging Derriere in the rear. They stick out like) | Habits sways in, the abdomen pro- trudes, and hips jut out behind. With corrective exercises, you will see a marked improvement in a single week. Position: Lie on back on a mat on the floor. Bend knees, have soles of feet flat on floor. To get shoulders in line, place arms out on floor at shoulder level. Bend elbows and rest ~ Sa Aileen Ain Mie di Meal wwe Vv wwe re nw ee eee Oe ee oe ow a oh a aah | we THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW You may experience some de- lays or disappointments now, but take them in stride. By the early part of next week you can solve whatever problems are involved. During the p.m. there ten gece chonse that van will receive some heart - warming news of a personal nature. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday you are currently in a cycle where it would be well to press major objectives vigorously, using your innate foresight in planning long-range programs. Whre financial, job and (or) business ventures are con- cerned, planetary co-operation will be fine for most of the year ahead, but ent plans must be practical. is is not a year in which to pursue the visionary. Best periods along the afore- mentioned lines: between now and Oct, 31, the first half of February, late April, the first week of May, the last half of June and next August. Creative i ca ww Fr ee Ye ewe well between now and the end of January; also next June. Personal relationships should prosper throughout most of the year ahead, with emphasis on travel and. social activities be- in January, April and the weeks between June and late August of next year. For most of the year ahead you should have clear sailing' in domestic mat- eke, wus-we tty ore 2ved fete. tion in close circles in late Oc- tober and early January. A child born on this day will be highly inuitive and creatively inclined, but may be unduly sensitive at times. WILL FLY KITES BAR HARBOR, Me, (AP)-- Two Columbus, Ohio, men said Wednesday they are preparing to fly kites across the Atlantic Ocean on the assumption it has never been done before, Ben Blin and W. H. Scott said they will board an unidentified ship in Halifax for Suffolk, England. The two kites, anchored some- how to the vessel, will fly over- tive ee tween now and late November,|: head. the rhythm of a pop group called '"'The Thoughts," fea- tured very young female and male models wearing Sellars creations. In the main, his hemlines were lower and the men's coats longer. (AP Wirephato by cable FROM London) Loses Both Kidneys Gives Birth To Son LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Last July 7 Mrs. Donnie Glidden had both kidneys removed and received a kidney from her brother, Stanley Workman. Tuesday her son was delivered, by natural birth, after 17 hours of labor. Mrs. Glidden named the baby after her brother and said she considers the seven - pound, three-ounce boy '"'a miraéic,"' On hand at the University of California Medica! Centre was her husband, Marvin, a Marine Corps second lieu- tenant. "He's certainly our mir- aaln hahy ? eald Mrs. Glid- den, 36. workers should do excep*'tonally Family Cleaning IS OUR SPECIALTY SAME DAY SERVICE) -- ot -- CLEANING CENTER Country Club Guality et neighborhood prices VKING PARK PLAZA '2: ; 723-0961 Custom-Made or Ready-To-Hang Draperies os Aide el @ SLIP COVERS @ BED SPREADS @ DRAPERY HARDWARE OSHAWA'S INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE WARD'S -- SINCE 1919 -- Simcoe St. 3, et Atte! ® 725.1151 Do-it forearms back' on floor. Your arms now form the letter L. | Action: First pull. up and in| snugly, flattening the small of} your back against the floor. | That feels wonderful! Hold the} up-pull as you bring alternate knees toward chest. Five times with each knee will do. Follow by hugging both knees to chest as you relax, Now, -rock-a-bye-baby, . | rock right up to a sitting pos-| ture, This action rounds out the small of your back and strengthens the abdominals, It's | a fun exercise... . To see what'is back of sway-| back, sit in a chair, again side-| ways to mirror, in your habi-| Model SHOE STORE will be CLOSED FRIDAY NIGH Sept. ' and all day SATURDAY, SEPT. 24th SHOE STORE 55 King Eost OSHAWA OSHAWA LOCKER ie Low Rental Rates by the Month or Year Expert Meat processing and Custom Cutting Save on Wholesale Meat Buy in Quantity and Save Complete Locker Service FUR AND STORAGE 81 William St. West "PHONE 723-3012 tual posture. C, oe ONLY CARLTONS CLEANING CAROUSEL -yourself Dry Cleaning 6 Convenient Locations in Toronto. IN OSHAWA OSHAWA Offer-Expirss SOc SHOPPING CENTRE 0c. 2204, 1966 CIPI OIOOD OLD SPECIAL OFFER! 8 ths, of DRY CLEANING worth $2.50 CARLTON'S CLEANING CAROUSEL SPECIAL FOR $9.00 (WITH Othe ONE LOCATION COUPON) atl Ne B.)© YEAR AROUND Keep Trim! Have Fun! Enjoy a GRENFELL SQUA GIBB ST. 380 to 385 Enjoy Your Private SAUNA AND HEALTH CLUB Any Time You Wish Life of Leisure When You Move To RE APARTMENTS at GRENFELL ST. Convenient To Oshawa Shopping Centre Facilities Free Hydro Hw a Speed Elevators Softly Carpeted Corridor Floors Beautifully Landscaped Entrance Ultra-modern Kitchens include 30 inch Electric Range and New Refrigerator Intercom Connected to Lobby Bathrooms Equipped with Large Mirrors and Built-in Vafities. ONE and 2-BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENTS NOW AVAILABLE * 3 FLOORS RESERVED Double Sinks Night Drapes Throughout One or Two-Balcony Suites Available Second Washroom Suites Available Oshawa's Largest Suites ' Rental Includes TV Antenna Service, Parking Space and Additional Locker "poe et Private Sauna and Health Club Facilities; Swimming Pool and Sunning Patio. FOR ADULTS ONLY RESERVE YOUR SUITE NOW -- FOR RENTAL INFORMATION Phone Rental Office at 723-5111 11 AM, TO 9 P.M. DAILY ee ne ensneeneerehnetereanenan Mw ee Ore OF ery > ABOUT TOWN y THE R, H. CABINET COMPANY are specialists in the monu- fociuning ws tw hearde and hath _ Whether French Provincial, Danish Modern, of knotty pine Colonial, they may be obtoined in beautifully grained noturol wood, or Vinyl, Arborite or Formica finishes in a marble, mosiac or d-grain effect, Med nts are taken of your kitchen or bathroom area, the cupboards completed at their factory' occord- "ing to your specifications, then delivered and installed in your home completely finished, without muss or fuss. Phone 668-6911 for further details, ~ : : * * * If you've never tasted delicious "Dixie Lee Fried Chicken" then you have @ytreat in-store for you. Just like the "old time" southern recipes, 'Dixie Lee' uses only Grade A chickens, fresh milk and eggs, and those delectable spices that bring out the flavor of distinction which. only "Dixie Lee" kitchens have per- fected. This brand famous across Canada, is sold exclusively here in Oshowa ot the MODERN GRILL, 345 Ritson Rd. S., where meals from snacks to dinners can be enjoyed on the premises or taken out, for home parties or club groups; Phone 725-3887, * * * All owners and fliers of private planes will be interested to know about the RON POULTER FLYING SERVICE at the Oshawa Airport, Here your plane is sheltered and maintained yeor round, Services include body work, painting, mechanical repairs and replacements, And for complete Contuliets in the oir, your tadio is checked constantly to assure perfect working order at all times. When travelling by air on distant flights you can be assured of prompt, complete service by making a stop-over ot the Oshawa Airport where RON POULTER serves you well. Phone 728-6135. * * * Now's the time for motorists to give some forethought to the domage wet snow ond winter slush can do to your car, At OLINT'S TEXACO SERVICE STATION, 245 Wentworth St. W., Oshowa, you can have your car undercoated to prevent corrosion and premature rusting. Have it done in advance before the cold weather rush begins, R ber, nothing depreci the value of your cor more, when trading in, than extensive body rust and corrosion. And don't forget CLINT'S bargain offer... a free "wet wash" with every grease and oil job. Hours 7 a.m. to 7 p.m, except Sundays. Phone 728-5811. * * * The OSHAWA FURRIERS et 463 Bond St. E., in Oshawa, is o comparatively new Solon in this area, but Mr. Sluiter, the proprietor, carries with him a long history of fine craftsmanship in the fur trade. His quality furs and up-to-the-minute styling will surprise you considering the very reasonable prices for coats, jackets, stoles, etc., mow being shown for late fall and winter weor, Besides new furs, he caters to all your remodelling, peg iy repeirng og ra ew er Stop in and treat yourself ) luxurious ond comfort that oni nuine fur: offer, Phone 728-8322. -- wes atl * * * Mrs. Hughes is owner of not one but six establishments in the Oshowa, Whitby and Ajax districts, devoted to the practice of beauty culture for women of all ages. Her headquarters is the BEAUTY CLINIC HAIR STYLISTS, 301 Byron St. S., Whitby. You may phone 668-3061 regarding the beauty clinic nearest you, and make an appointment for any one of their specia: services from the slenderizing course to the correction of dom- aged hair or the creaiifig of G Socullfu! Shin with proper moke-up. After several treatments at any of her salons, you can emerge a beautiful woman confident with the knowledge thot you are looking your best for any occasion, * * * \ The ROGER APPLIANCES & FURNITURE STORE ot 50 Bond St. E., Oshawa, is a fine, reputable establishment to deal with, Liv- ing and dining room suites, and kitchen and laundry appliances, in the best name brands, are all available here. And for your listening and viewing pleasure o fine choice may be had in color or regular T.V. along with Stereo and Hi-Fi console models. Long- wearing broadlooms are available in any color or quality, as well as clocks, pretty lamps, and myriads of other items that can give a house that homey look. Phone 728-2151, xo e. The beuotiful new CAROUSEL INN, located on Hwy. 401 at Park Road, Oshawa, is one of a chain of Inns located in various parts of Ontario, such as the CAROUSEL INNS at Ajax and New- castle the CAROUSEL MOTOR HOTEL in London, the TOPS MOTOR HOTELS ot Peterborough and Belleville, and the TOPS MARINA MOTOR HOTEL at Smith Falls. Reservations may be made at any one of them through the Oshawo branch. Appearthg in the "CAROUSEL LOUNGE" at the Oshowa Inn nightly for the week of Sept. 19th through the 24th are the "Barry Phillips Duo" with Sandy Scoville, vocalist. Phone 723-5271. ee PEL is the name to remember for all your laundering and clean- ing neéds, Located at the Blair Park Plaza (off Hwy 2,) Whitby, you will find their 24-hour LAUNDROMAT service a great work Saver tO modern home makers. You will also-find- the while-you-wait CLEANING SERVICE located at the rear of the LAUNDROMAT. And for the PEL DIAPER SERVICE, just coll 668-4671 for prompt. twice weekly pick-up-and-delivery in your area. Diapers and containers are supplied, with diapers numbered for each baby's individual use. Call soon and take advantage of this convenience offered in your Whitby or Oshawa district, tonvaniant XK eS A 6-plex apartment. building offered by OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE, 515 Brock St. S., Whitby, provides an excellent monthly income. Five 2-bedroom apartments, plus one bachelor apart- ment, are each equipped with stove, refrigerator, garbage dis- posal unit, drapes and private balcony. Located in a good district of Port Hope this five year old building is in fine condition. It has Terazzo tile flooring in main hall, and paved driveway with parking lot. The selling price is $57,500, For further particulars on this and other exceptional listings, phone 668-5853, x ek If you haven't tried out one of the new Ramblers yet, you should at your earliest convenience. Just go to NICOLS MOTOR SALES LTD., located on Hwy. 2, between Whitby and Oshowa, and become acquainted with the Rambler American. (the economy king), the practical Rambler Classic or the Ambassodor luxury car. These cars and station wagons ore unusually roomy, econom- ical to run, have gorgeously sleek lines and beautifully styled interiors, plus mony other fine features too numerous to mention. See for yourself and you will be convinced that Rambler is for you! Phone 668-3331. xt BETTY HAYDL ot 15 King St. E., Oshawa, gives free consulta- tion on decorating your home in the most appropriate manner as to color schemes, furnishings, drapes and floor coverings. In her shop you can see examples of her exquisite taste in the selection of unusual items, many of them imported from Europe and other parts of America, to give that exclusive touch to any room in your home. Draperies, of imported and. Canadian fabrics at popular prices, are made on the premises according to your specifications, Phone your inquiries to 725-2686. KK SHORTY'S today for your various needs. Phone 668-8361. in Whitby, has just about everything you need in the variety line. As well as smokes in any brand you desire, he's got reading material . . . newspapers, magazines, paper-backs, etc.; gifts, gift wrappings and greeting cards; sports equipment for/golfing, fishing, hunting and camping; men's and women's toiletries and earenes: and food items such as bread, milk, pop, jce cream ind candies. And to change the subject, there's even a\ tester for "T.V. tubes with a complete selection of replacements. See SHORTY'S today for your various needs. Phone 668-8361. Shee Se ee Seo eng te gl om 5 ms