THE LONE RANGER You'd A®K ME THar! I WA® HOPING SECRET AGENT X9 MICKEY MOUSE SSORGRSIOILY Saetaster ret. eS aSo5s .. Por a a GRONRON EN et ioral gi Moments later ina Special jet 2 impact sitem tal tal ll Side Heat 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, ridey, September 22, 1966 BRIDGE By B, JAY BECKER Opening lead -- five of clubs, All important championships, whether sectional, regional, na- tional or international, are played in duplicate form im or- der to reduce the element of luck which might otherwise de- termine these championships: However, despite this precau- _|tion, luck cannot be entirely eliminated because of other sig- nificant factors sometimes take over. Thus, the succession of oppo- nents you meet may or may not play well against you, and this will have an important bearing on how you fare, Or you may get the fine contracts and go down because of foul distribution, or get to bad con- tracts and make them because of good distribution. I am reminded of this by the accompanying hand played in the Blue Ribbon championship two years ago. My partner (Mrs, Dorothy Hayden) and I gr to three notrump on the idding shown. Her three no- trump bid with the singleton king of clubs was both bold and imaginative, and. was well re- warded when she succeeded in making the contract after West had made the normal lead of his fourth best club. Mrs. Hayden took the queen with the king and cashed six diamond tricks, thereby caus- ing West severe discard troubles, West followed twice TOO oByious. I WERE A MAN WHO WANTED THE POLICE TO THINK IT WAS A FEMALE WHO'D KNOCKED OFF PAVANE, 1/7 PICK OUT SOMETHING LIKE THIS, SAD. MY EYES OPEN ap he: TELEVISION LOG Channel 11--Hamiltes Channel 9--Toronte Channel &--Rochester Channel 7--Buffale Channel 6--Toronte Channel 4--Buftale Channel 3--Barrie Channe! 2--Buftaloe ase THURSDAY EVE, 5:00 P.M, Hi--Family Theatre Superman 7--Laramie 6---Summer Camp a--AtTom Ant 5:30 PM. &~Leave It To Beaver Ss 4--Country Style 3--Mister Ed 2--Passport Two 4:00 PLM, J--Twilight Theatre 6--It's About Time News, Sports with Chuck Healy 3211's About Time 6:38 PLM. 11--Pierre Berton 4--News 43-9--News, Weather and Sports $-8--Huntley-Brinkley News 7:00 P.M, li--My Three Sons 9--Balman 8--Small World 2--News, Weather Sports 6--TBA 4--Littlest Hobo 3--Musical Showcase 7.20 P.M, T--News, Weather, Sports 7:3 PLM, 1l--Let's Go To The aces @-2--Daniel Boone 7--Batman 6--Hero 49--Jericho 3--My Three Sons 2:00 P.M, ll--Jr, A Hockey 7--F. Troop 3-6--Man From ULN.C.L.E 8:30 PLM, 9~-Pjstol 'n' Petticoats 8-2----Star Trek 7--Tammy Grimes 4--My Three Sons 9:00 PLM, 9--Ii's Mennening 7~Bewiiched 4--Movie 63--Telescope 9:30 P.M, 9--Dean Martin 8-2----Hero 7--That Girl rbd, 4 Heroes | 10:00 P.M. |11--The Merv Griffin Show 8-2--Dean Martin 7--Hawk 6--Film Feature 3--Run, Buddy, Run &--Reluctant Nation 3--Rat Patrol 9--T.H.E. Cat 1:00 PLM, 11-9-8-7-6-3-2---News, Waathar, norte TS PLM, 6--Viewpoint 4--News 2--Johnny Carson 11:20 PLM, 4--News, Weather, Sports 1.25 PLM. 1--Plerre* Berton 11:38 PLM, 8--Johnny Carson 7--Movie 3--Movie | 1:4 PLM, | &-Time Tunnel 9--Wild, Wild West 12.00 A.M, |ll--Mystery Theatre | 12.30 A.M, 1--Joe Carlo FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. |4--Captain Kangaroe 6. AM. li--Albert J. Steed 9--Romper Room 8:55 A.M 7--Dialing for Dollars, Girl Talk 9:00 A.M, 1)--Ed Allen 9~--Uncle Bobby |t--Big Picture | 4~You and Your Family | |2--Boz0's Big Top 9:30 A.M, 11--Education 8--Dialing For Dollars, | Bonnie Prudden | | 4--Love of Life | 2--Jack LaLanne 10:00 A.M. 1l--It's a Match | 9--Fractured Phrases | | 8-2--Eye Guess | 4-1 Love Lucy | 10:3 AM, 1l--Morning Time 9--TV Bingo |§-2---Concentration | 7--Denna Reed | 4-The McToys 3--Time Out | 36--Take 30 1 Love Lucy 1:00 A.M 1--Marriage Confiden- tial 9--Mr. and Mrs, | 8-2--Chain Letter 7--$upermarket Sweep |3--Ed Allen Time j4--Andy of Mayberry 1:8 A.M, jl1----Mike Douglas | 9--Magii Court | as en Dating 4--Dick Van Dyke Show |}~Erme Lindell 12:00 NOON | %~Toronto Today 0.4 lannardu | T-Money Movie 3-6--Luncheon Date | 4--News and Weather: | Sports | 12:18 PLM, | 4--Speaker of the House 12:3 PLM, 3--News, Weather, Sports | @-2---Swingin' Country 6-4--Search For Tomorrow | 12:45 PLM, | &4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, l--Theatre 9--Movie ®-vialing For Dollars, Girl Talk t--Ben Casey 6--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers | 2--Mery Griffin | +-Movie +4--As The World Turne | @Let's Make a Deal | 200 PJ 7--Newlywed Game | 6--Hancock | 4---Password | @2--Days of Our Lives | 2.30 P.M. | %~People in Conflict 8-2--The Doctors 7--A Time for Us | 6--Coronation Street 4--Linkletter's Party oP 9--Words and Music 8-2---Another World 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell the Truth 4--News 3:38 P.M, li--Little People It's Your Move 7--Superman Show 3-6-4---Edge of Night RA--Yau Dan's fav 4.00 P.M. 1l--Funny Company ACKOSS DOWN 15, Con- 1. African gealed antelope dew 2.Those ina 18, Knocks 9. Stability 10. Copenhagen car pool 3. Beast of can burden 21, Ameri- citizens 4. The: and 12. Concludes 138, Quiet 14, Mature, as wine 15. Greek letter 7. American Indian falls tribe 25, Small 16. Sympa- thizer; Pp. 6.A close friend ship 23, Famous Old Eng. polar 5. Farewell: ex- 8) plorer 22.0n a suffix 8. Orthodont- swim- 17. Trucks ist ming 19. Supervisor: 9. Sound, as place abbr. 20, Identical 21, Foundation 22. Indefinite article 24. Full of a bell 28. Plays 11, Cubic meters of 13. Enclosure a for lambs cereal 30. Seed admiral FRIAIG] OINIATR] ti RIV] IR INJESIE IN|] Gi Vv Ge Gwwoewe FI roar <[zio} [omy ol--|z[-- | ra ir rey Ppimzrirrs im] To) Yesterday's Answer 32, East Indian trees 33, Flowers 34, Asterisk 39. Tear 40, Exclama- tion 42, Book section: abbr. life i. Gu 7 Ts V YZ, 26, These are Za usually crossed % Offers 29, Eating utensil 31, Rowing ph t 32, Muses 35. Moslem title 36. Not 42. Gladden 43. Vipers 44, Dutch painter SON-IN-LAW! D Kin Pentupae Spndicite, Ine. 1066. Workd rights soxm ee : Wi 9-24 Dee I LEFT MY GLOVES IN THAT to diamonds and discarded a heart and a spade, but then, in order to protect the king of spades, he discarded two clubs. Mrs. Hayden thereupon play- ed a heart. West took the ace of hearts and cashed his three clubs, but then had to play a spade so that Mrs. Hayden wound up making three no trump. You can call the hand abril- liant success if you want to, but, Just the same, there was a lot of luck attached to it. Thus, at a different table, South got to three. notrumn on siffiliar bidding but ran into a storm when West made the in- spired lead of the ace of clubs. As a result, East-West scored six clubs and the ace of hearts to defeat South three tricks. SALLY'S SALLIES YOUR HEALTH | Heart' Block Can Slow Down Heart By JOSEPH ©. MOLNE Dear Dr. Molner: Please ex- plain a heart block. Can any- ~|thing be done to prevent black- outs from it? -- Mrs, R. T. A heart block is some inter- ference with the impulses caus- ing the heart to beat. There are different types of this, they be- have in different ways, and have to be treated differently. One type involves faulty con- duction, through the tissues, of the impulse to beat. The result is that the heart slows down. If, in consequence, blood circula- tion is sufficiently impaired, a blackout can result, Such a blackout is caused by insufficient circulation to the brain, and there are causes, other than heart defects, which can be responsible. An ordinary fainting spell, sometimes from an emotional upset, is an ex- ample. If a person faints, when he lies down circulation to the head is quickly restored and the "'Tblackout ends. Or a blackout can result when a.peron is sit- ting. or lying down and then stands up suddenly. When, as in your case, it is a result of heart block, certain medications are effective in treatment. They are prescrip- tion drugs, however, so youl} must see your doctor. USE PACEMAKER In more stubborn cases, in which .the heart remains at a low rate, the use of a pace- maker is the answer in an in- creasing number of patients. there has been steady improve- ment in the design of these batter - operated pacemakers, and I have no doubt that they will be still further improved Another type of heart block is known as "hundle branch zn, MD block,"" and is identified by electrocardiogram. It does not cause -blackouts and requires no treatment. The foregoing discussion of heart block has been consider- ably simplified for the sake of brevity. The main idea is that heart block can be treated suc- cessfully, but it is not a prob- lem to be left to home reme- dies, You need careful examina- tion by your doctor, and often by a heart specialist, to deter- mine the type and degree of the trouble. "Cure" is too strong a word, but one method or an- other of helping the heart to resume a normal rate of beat- ing is very much possible and practicable. Dear Dr. Molner: Do 'you have any suggestions to help break the habit of sucking thumb or fingers when a child becomes tired and sleepy? -- Mrs. J. D. No, because I'm not sure from your letter that anything need be done. The habitual sucking of thumb or fingers should be curbed because if can change the alignment of teeth jand jaw. When it happens only oeca- sionally, a child usually sheds the habit by himself long before any harm is done. A tired child may get some comfort from the practice when he's small, but unless he turns into a chronic, daytime thumb-sucker, I'd give Nature a chance to correct it. Note to Mrs. J. B.: I see no reason why chronic colitis should impair your ability to have children, "I was gol to put a pan under that leaky bucket, but it leaka, too." introducing the barefoot comfort 'ee «». the softness of carpet ++. the toughness of vinyl . +» now combined in one revolutionary new floor covering, never needs wax- ing. See TAPIFLEX today at: | SHEWRING BROS, Floor Fashion Centre - Gibbons St. at Bond 728-3980 nee ture a