a hina mere te Se dees has ale rameter THE PRESIDENT of the Lions' Club of Oshawa, hands the gavel to Mrs. Jack Anderson, president of the Lionettes at their in- Oshawa Lionette Club Officers Installed By Lions' Club Prexy The Lionettes 16th anniver- sary dinner and installation of officers was held recently at the Genosha Hotel. Lion president, Mr. Ray Stephenson installed the offi- cers as follows: president, Mrs. Jack Anderson, for a second term; vice-president, Mrs. Ken- neth TLoverock; secretary - treasurer, Mrs, John Zaparo- chan; penalty officer, Mrs. Edward Skinulus; past presi- dent, Mrs, Gerald Hudson. Mrs. Anderson gave a brief summary of the year's activi- ties and thanked her past ex- ecutive for the help which they gave during the year. stallation ceremonies in the Hotel Genosha, recently. Looking on are' from. the left: Mrs. Kenneth Love- rock, vice-president; Mrs. Lionette, Mrs. Ray Stephen- son, cut the traditional Birth- day cake and wished the club a prosperous year ahead. Lion- ette, Mrs. John Kent, presented Mr, Stephenson, of the Lions Club with a 'gift, in apprecia- tion of installing the officers. The president thanked Mrs. Peter Andrey and Mrs. John Kent for the excellent job of arranging for the dinner and decorations, It was noted that the next meeting would be held on Sep- tember 26 at the home of Lionette, Mrs. Kenneth Love- rock, DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of sennrt John Zaporozan, secretary- treasurer, and Mrs. Gerald Hudson, - past-president. --Oshawa Times Photo "SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs, Orvil Wind- over, Buckhorn, wish to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Evelyn Gertrude, to Edward Ernest Cherry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cherry, Oshawa. The ceremony is to take place on Friday, October 14, 1966 at 7:00 p.m. in Calvary Baptist Church, Oshawa. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. John - Phillip Davidson, North Bay, wish to announce the forthcoming mar; riage of their daughter, Phillippa Jane, to Arlen Hugo Dalby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dalby, Oshawa. The ceremony is to take place on Saturday, October 15, 1966 at 3:00 p.m, in St. John the Divine Anglican Church, North Bay. FORTHOOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Zam- doneili, Oshawa, announce the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 19, 1966 |] By JO ALDWINCKLE After a long, long summer of enforced idleness, one "'tur- tle" is out of her shell; one will be out in a few days and one must still wait until November, Mr. D. K. Stiles started call- ing his twin daughters, Lor- ra! and Marjorie, his "pet turtles" when they came home from 'hospital wearing casts that encased their bodies. The third "turtle" is Janet Orr, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, R. J, Orr, Oakes avenue. The three girls have all under- -- surgery for scoliosis, any egree of curvature of the spine sideways. They are well, happy and optimistic as only teenagers can be. By next sum- mer they will be swimming and playing golf and tennis and after two years their backs will be stronger than the average. NO AFTER-EFFECTS Their surgeon, Dr. John Hall, has assured them that after two years nothing can damage their backs; there will be no after-effects in later life and when the time comes to have babies they'll be as normal as any young mothers. They will never be able to bend over and touch their toes, but how many adults can? Mrs. Stiles explained scolio- sis as something that happens to the spine, mostly in. girls, during the last 'year or two of their fastest growing stage. In less than twenty per cent of the 'cases there is no known reason for the development of the curve. "It is just that the spine grows faster than the rest of the body and develops a curve because it is outpacing the rest of the frame. The twins were not born with scoliosis, but it is idiopathic which means that if one daughter has it there is a strong pos- sibility that other daughters in a family will follow suit. "Lorraine and Marjorie are not identical twins. They were 16 on July 26. That was a birth- day they will never forget, Lor- rie was already in a cast and Marjorie went into hospital, to get hers, three days later. "The discovéry Of wie curvy: es was almost accidental. Lor- Long Summer Spent In Casts Nearly Over For Oshawa Giris |which was performed on the girls by Dr. John Hall has been employed by surgeons for only ten years, Dr. Hall, an orthopaedic surgeon has spe- cialized in the operation and is known all over north Amer- wa ior his skill and achieve- ment. He is now performing ap- proximately three of these op- erations a week. Ninety-five per cent of the cases are girls between the ages of 11 and 17. The procedure is tc straigh- ten the spine by fusing it to a rod, or rods, of stainless steel to form an inner brace. Bone chips from the hip are used to fuse the rod into the spine, The operation takes four and a half to five hours, The patient is then strapped to a board on a Stryker frame which permits her to be flipped over fairly frequently. Then, when the incision has healed, the body is encased in a cast and the horizontal hviiday be- ins. STRETCHED TO FIT SPINE Both Marjorie and Lorrie are two inches taller than they were before the operation and mother has had to watch their. diet. The cast was roomy at first, but: Lorrie's was beginning to get tight before it was taken off Thursday, "Television has kept the girls entertained by the hour," Mrs. Stiles said. 'They've had a te- lephone between their beds and all their friends have kept in touch with them. They've done jig-saw puzzles and painting by numbers on the floor and they've had, plenty of time to read and play cards. Now, their classmates are helping them do their home- work. The Stiles Twins are in Grade 12 at O'Neill Collegiate and Janet Orr is in Grade 12 at Donevan Collegiate and they are all determined to "make the grade" this year. PILL SLOWS 'PEGGERS WINNIPEG (CP)--Birth con- trol pills may have contributed to a decline in Winnipeg's birth rate, thinks Dr. Roper G. Cad- ham, city health officer. He said 5,222 live births were re- corded in 1965, 321 fewer than As The Leaves Turn In Autumn SoA Woman Can Tint Het Hairs "Nothing except love at first sight can instantly make a wo- man younger, more attractive, more. vital . looking than the right change of coloring for her hair." The lady who. says this should know. She has changed the color of thousands of heads ing Marion pas Hair Institute of an internation; al cosmetic house, Autumn couldn't be a. better time, she believes, to do some- thing about your hair. It's a new season, a change of tem- po from the casual ease of summer, New clothes are com- ing up, new schedules. What better time to do the best pos- sible things for your hair Mrs, Rennie says the. first thing to decide is just how deep into hair coloring you want. to go. If you will, settle for no- thing less than a bleach, foll- owed by a permanent tinting, then settle also for these facts: it takes time; it is expensive; it must be kept up. Nothing is more distasteful to the eye than a honey - blonde with roots sprouting jet black. Such permanent tints are strictly for professional ministrations, Don't try them at home, says this expert. In the less-than-permanent category, there are two choices First, temporary ritises, which give slight coverage to grey, do burnish and polish and deep- en color, but which wash out with the next shampoo. MORE VIBRANT HAIR For the person who wants the.same shade to maintain for approximately a month, the semi-permanent foaming creme hair coloring which can be eas- ily shampooed into the hair at home, is by far the most satis- factory type, This creme hair coloring will not make drastic changes such as brunette into blonde, but it does produce a richer depth of color, a_lust- rous glow of polished highlights that make for younger, more vibrant hair. In the case of graying hair, semi - permanent creme hair coloring will cover -- and cover well -- up to 25 per cent grayed hair; often more, de- pending on the shade of color- ing selected, If you want to emphasize gray, there is a choice of shades -- silver white or pearl gray -- to do this, and do it beautifully. So suppose you decide on a semi . permanent creme hair coloring that you will do your- self, 'Pick a shade that flat- ters your skin coloring." says Mrs. Rennie, "and remember Rennie, Aivectes at the Maranta MRS. MARION RENNIE It's.simple to do, and the pre- caution is a sound one. If any irritation arises, don't proceed. Try again at a later date-- you may not get a reaction at that time. Always take a patch test before applying any permanent or semi-permanent tint. It is possible for regular users to build up a reaction over a period of time, This the patch test will promptly disclose, "Hair can be made any color there is no limit to the range without harm, if the technician knows her work and the hair is in god condition." Good con- dition means frequent hair con- ditioning treatments which are simple to do at home with a hair repair product. "Tf your hair is now damaged don't expect instant recovery even with this wonder - work- ing hair repair. It will take several treatments -- given re- gularly and once you've got your hair in good condition, at least one such treatment each month," Mrs. Rennie says. "You'll never believe this--but some women have used ordin- ary household detergents and household bleach on their hair! They say they want to make sure it's clean. When there are creme shampoos and creme rinses that do the job far better -- and safely -- how silly can some women get" queries Mrs. Rennie. If you need a permanent, it should be given before hair col- oring, says Mrs. Rennie. This is to avoid loss of color, What's more, permanent immediately followed by hair coloring -- since both are softening agents -- is a double - barrelled load ag ee a ic) i i : Fei Fl H Ha 0 - g ey i i ip _& coke Si tara , but. Precis hb . For gray hair, or i woman, a sug; ion of soft wave and curl recom- What sbout hale coloring at col for father? "There's the comer," says . Rennie, Men's hair styl- ing shops in metropolitan areas are flourishing with hair color- ing the big deal. If it will help to win a budget battle in your home, men pay far more for tonsorial services considering the time, materials and labor E Fee Pes i s8g¢ F le : & HE ze zB iy : I i a i | = 5 # F ; z z F & 2 & F fi BE Ege i ii é Hey involved than women do, says Mrs, Rennie. She's an expert on this field of coloring, too. Not so long ago she did con- sultant coloring work for a -- and for how much! CHARLES of the RITZ Cosmetic Company Wishes one exclusive account OSHAWA Department Store Pharmacy Womens Specialty Shop Gift Shop PLEASE CONTACT: PAUL A. LONG CHARLES of the RITZ 2160 Mountain Street, Montreal 25, Quebec. ee oe that could cause scalp irrita- (8 Pe dim se ions as Gd from Teports Oshawa women's org oniy daughier, Jeanneiie Maria,jrie's clothes didn't hang right io Mr. Jonaihan Hugh Kiigour,jand tugging here and there re- son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.|vealed that the fault was not the year before, and ifie b tirithat as you grow oider, skin = S2u.e BSE > tones are dif S you had in y BETA SIGMA PHI welcomed the members back (Ontario Gamma Epsilon Chapter) The first meeting of the new season for Ontario Gamma Ep- siton Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi was held at the home of Mrs. Donald Armstrong, Ross- mere Street. After a short business meet- ing, Mrs. Thomas Corby intro- duced the speaker, Mrs. Barry Hooper. Mrs. Hooper's topic was "Definition of Happiness". She pointed out that true hap- piness must be achieved by a balance between personal free- dom and responsibility. To at- tain personal freedom, one must have security, independence and self-respect. Security of employment could be helped by furthering education or skills which in turn could give finan- cial independence. Acceptance of personal res- ponsibility was also important. The Golden Age of Greece end- ed when the citizens' only goal was to avoid responsibility. "A happy person could be a force for good, for inner con- tenment reaches out to others," she said. Mrs. Hooper was thanked by Miss Eleanor Horrigan. Refreshments were served by the hostess. ST. MATTHEW'S ACW The first meeting of the fall season for St. Matthew's Ang- lican Church Women was held recently at the rectory. Mrs. Alex McAllister, president, pre- sided. A prayer was said for a sick member, Mrs. Harold McCabe who is in the hospital. Mrs. Frank Moore read the lesson from the Bible. Various reports were given. Roll call showed 23 members present with Mrs. James Kirk, Mrs. Charles Cobbe, Mrs. Maurice Fraser, and Mrs, Allan Dodds welcomed as new mem- bers. Mrs. Ronald Sharp, edu- cational secretary, announced that the name, Women's Aux- jliary, has been changed: to Anglican Church Women. The members decided to. sell candy treats for Halloween. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Bayward Parsons' home at 211 Wilson Road South at 1:30 p.m., September 27. Refreshments were served by Mrs. W. R. Mitchell, Mrs. Robert Oattes, and Mrs. Ron- ald Sharp. KING STREET UCW 1 Members of Alice Jackson Unit 1, of King Street United Church Women met recently for a tour of the Museum in Bow- manville, located in a spacious house built in 1861 on Silver street. In 100 years the house has had only two owners. Mr. David Fisher to 1901, then Mr. J. H. H. Jury to 1961 when it became 2 museum. On display was the wedding dress worn by the grandmother of Mrs. Murton Walter, a member of the unit. Returning to the home of Mrs. Lawrence Millson, Miss Margaret Pellow, unit leader, for the fall season. Twenty-four members answered roll call, also one visitor, Miss Pellow announced that helpers were needed for the Christian Education program; that chocolates were available with Christmas labels and to contact Mrs. Herbert Portor for them. It was stated that Miss Muriel Wilson, a former member, now a civil servant at Ottawa, was Kilgour, Gertrude's Chureh, Oshawa. of Adelaide, South Australia. The ceremony is to take place on Saturday, October 8, 1966 at 2:30 p.m. in St. Roman Church", mentioning several that were in the United Church Hymnary and their origin. The visitation committee an- nounced that Mrs. William Hen- ning and Mrs. Clifford Hamman leaving at the end of Septem- ber for a year in Moscow. It was announced that the October thankoffering meeting would be at the home of Mrs. Bert Martin, 894 Regent Drive. Mrs. Murton Walter led the devotional period, opening with a poem "Helping Others." The scripture was read by Mrs. Lorne Knapp. Mrs. William Bradbury gave a reading 'The Life You've Lived Today." RITSON H-S Ritson Home and School Asso- ciation for the 1966-67 season was held last Monday night with Mrs. Rex. Kennedy presid- ing. The meeting was opened by Mr. John Evans playing 0 Canada. Mrs. Howard Shaw, convener for the bazaar which was held on June 8, gave her report. Mrs. Kennedy introduced the new principal, Mr. Donald Peel, who spoke briefly ex- plaining that he wanted to work with the parents, children and the teachers as their co-ordin- ator. Mr. Peel introduced the teaching. staff for °€6-'87.. Miss Bigwood's class won the prize for the best parents' atten- dance. Refreshments were served by the H. and S, execu- CEDARDALE UCW Cedardale United Church Wo- men held their regular meet- ing on Wednesday afternoon Cc. L. Gunter, presiding. Mrs, Gunter welcomed all the members back after the sum- mer holiday, and mentioned the delighful luncheon held at the Georgian Motel in June which concluded the summer activi- ties. Opening the devotional por- tion of the meeting Mrs. C. L. Gunter-read a poem "God an- swers Prayer' -- which was jfollowed by a talk by Mrs. | Earl Hoy on "Hymns of the were confined to hospital, but improving ni¢ely. A discussion was held on two wedding re- ceptions being catered for dur- ing the month of Octber. The members. were reminded of the Thanksgiving services and asked to decorate the church with fruits and vegetables as in previous years. Friends of the church were asked to bring their offerings to the church on Saturday, October 8. Mrs. Guner suggested that an executive meeting be called | 'The opening meeting of the|about the coming bazaar. As an example of the type of goods to be sold at the coming ba- zaar several pairs of embroid- ered pillow cases worked by Mrs, Frank Singer were on dis- play. Thanks was expressed to Mrs. Frank Singer for the gift of three serving trays for the use of the UCW. A lengthy letier was read from Miss Muriel Bamford, from Banswara, India, telling of her work in the hospital and cheque from Christmas. NORTH FOR ADVENTURE like a re," says Ruth El- len Rosenburg, so she started teaching this fall at Destruc- tion Bay, 130 miles west of with the vice - president, Mrs. | 1 Your '66-'67 Whitehorse in the Yukon, Pay is high in the two - teacher school but so ar living costs. Do You Have MEMBERSHIP TICKETS 7 See Page 15 OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE SUNN Sele! Sale! Sele | iliiiti Full Length Formals AND BRIDESMAIDS GOWNS BRAND NEW FALL ARRIVALS == 463 RITSON RD. 8. SARGEANT'S RENTALS *19.95 UUACERAAAAUONUOUOATNNAAAAAAAAUANUIT 725-3338 it was d was decided to send er a ty in' the clothes but that Lorrie was out of line. X-rays reveal- ed the curve and she was admit- ted to Toronto Hospital for Catholic/Sick Children, May $31. "Nobody suspected that Mar- jorie was also developing a curve until she acquired a bi- kini for summer tanning. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Marjorie's back, but there it was and Marjorie took the trip to the operating room July 29. Marjorie 'who had been a member of the gymnastic team, had a 55 degree curva- ture." SLOW DEVELOPMENT Janet Orr's case was not quite as sudden. Mrs. Orr no- ticed her daughter's uneven hips when making her skirts and dresses and the change came gradually over a period of two years, After physiothera- py and treatments the family physician recommended surg- ery, and Janet went into the Or- thopaedic and Arthritic Hospi- tal, Toronto, May 19. She star- ted. sitting up August 13; then walking a bit and soon she will exchange the cast for a brace. The "Harrington" operation WAVE BLADDER IRRITATION After 21 twice as many as men wetaty women are made miserable by common. irritation caused by HELP PARENTS TOO EDMONTON (CP)--About 60 students and their families have been picked to participate in a pilot project for counselling in elementary schools, The school board and city family service association want to try easing school progress by eliminating problems at home, twenties, A good rule to follow is to lighten your hair coloring a little with each birthday -- but let it be a 'soft' lightening. Above all, never go darker with the years," adds Mrs. Rennie. THE PATCH TEST For semi - permanent hair coioring, as well as permanent tints, a patch test is necessary twenty-four hours ahead of time, oo Sn ecm oe. " a We ayy eee rs wee: aie HOWARD'S DRAPERIES 926 Simene a. 725-3146 ie CARLTONS © CLEANING CAROUSEL Do-it-yourself Bry Cleaning «><> VALUABLE COUPON <>< 8 Ibs. of DRY CLEANING worth $ CARLTON'S CLEANING CAROUSEL SPECIAL FOR '2 ixpiras 6 Convenient Locations in Toronto. ONLY ONE LOCATION IN OSHAWA OSHAWA Offer E AD! SHOPPING CENTRE = 2and,, <4"AS> ~ SPECIAL KP KPA Hs PEPE DE r CHE Prepay OFFER! 2,50 50e! (WITH COUPON) OTI6 Bh 4 > <>< wid >< De PD USE YOUR CREDIT @ No Interest @ Ne Cerrying Chorgee for a man in any position... these are the comfortable slacks Even when you're relaxing you want: Slacks that don't lay down on the job of keeping you looking your best. That's why we recom- mend these handsome slacks, They perform as you like . . . keep their press and resist wrinkle, They're comfortable as a pair of old shoes, too. Come in and choose the color 7.17 PERMA , CREASE™ 2 LOCATIONS DOWNTOWN . OSHAWA 36 King St. E SHOPPING CENTRE OPEN-PRIDAY 6 TO 9 P.M.