EE I Oe ee @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 17, 1966 ae age tae = GARDEN GUIDE Perky Blue, White, Yellow Blooms By A. R. BUCKLEY Plant Research Institute weeks 2 B Es el z FF S the toughest plants, let alone slender little bulbous plants e are a few lesser- known types of small bulbs that will give you endless delight in early spring. They should be se- lected from the catalogues and stores early, for they must be in the ground before the end of September. Glory-Of-The-Snow -- These have sky-blue flowers that ap- pear about the same time as the Siberian squills, from which they are distinguished by their centres that face upwards in- stead of nodding. re is a rose-colored form that provides bol age of color and it is inamed simply "variety Rosea" (Chionodoxa luciliae Rosea). The glory-of-the-snow. grows from little pear-shaped bulbs, which should be planted three inches deep and two to three GaGhes Bpari, wis ssivis: sees + sunlight and plant near early- flowering shrubs such as golden bells and early daphne so that when they are in bloom their flowers and those of the shrubs will complement each other. Winter Aconite--These showy little bulbous plants will delight you year after year with their very early, yellow, ball-shaped flowers arising from, a green Elizabethan ruff. They thrive in the shade of shrubs, where one must guard against hoeing them out of the ground, for soon after flowering they seem to disappear and will be forgotten until they bloom very early the mo} KITCHEN | 5 1wxf20--# DINING PLANTER 7 10% 120 LIVING 18? «13? spring of the following year. These are not actually bulbs but are tuberous roots, which, if you are not careful will soon dry out. As soon as you receive these tubers, open: the package. If they seem dry, cover with moist peat moss or sand over- night before planting. Plant them three inches deep and three inches apart in groups of 15 to 20. Make sure they are in a place where they can be larger flowers with pure white As Snow Melts From These Bulbs | Snowdrops -- These small, white, bell-shaped flowers with inner corollas that show tips of green are so precocious they may often be seen flowering through the snow during a mild period: in early April. They should be planted away from the walls of the home, other- wise they might be forced into flowering in February and be frozen, These small bulbs should be planted as soon as possible after receipt. So order them right away and plant imme- diately. Set them three to five inches deep and three inches apart in a moist peaty soil in light shade such as the shade of a tree, but not directly under the tree. Snake's-Head, or Checkered, Lily -- Thése quaint little bulb- ous plants have nodding bell, shaped flowers, checkered or spotted on the inside, on slen- der stems. They have gained considerable favor in recent years for pianiing in tie shade of shruks, waete their graceiui fant-hioh enikes of feware shaw to best advantage. The white, light-purple and soft-violet var- = show up best in the gar- Grape Hyacinth -- These are very easy-to-grow hardy bulbs with white or blue flowers, which appear as clusters of watered during very dry spells. The common one is Heavenly| Blue, which flowers with the! daffodils and makes a splendid contrast with the golden trum- pets of these flowers. white bells, striped with blue, quite similar to They should be planted three inches deep and about three inches apart in a well-drained soil. Squills -- The Siberian squill is the hardiest and the one most commonly grown. It is early- flowering and has deep-blue, starlight, nodding bells. Tuber- gen's squill (Scilla tuber- geniana) is much larger in every way and lighter-blue in color. Plant the bulbs in masses under shrubs, in rock gardens, near walls, or on bare banks under large trees. Plant the bulbs three inches deep, 12 to 15 in a group, with a large num- ber of groups to provide a show the first year. Mierallananue Gent! Bleke _. Other bulbs in this category are the cyclamen - flowered narcis- sus, which includes Peeping Tom and February Gold, very large versions of this group but hardier than the common spe- cles, and miniature daffodils and the odd hooppetticoat nar- cissus, all very small daffodils bells around a central stem. with unique appealing flowers. Canadian Scientists Study Siberian Permatrost Work By JOHN BEST MOSCOW (CP) -- Two Cana- dian scientists from the Na- tional Research Council are do- ing permafrost research in Si- beria in what could be a cur- tain raiser to a comprehensive program of Canadian - Soviet co-operation on problems of northern development. Roger Brown and G. H. John- ston of the NRC northern re- search group came to the So- viet Union Aug. 12 and are scheduled to leave for Canada ment that Canada has been seeking with the Soviet Union. HAVEN'T MADE PACT As far as could be learned, no long-term agreement has been concluded. It is understood, however, that the current venture is the direct result of last year's visit to the Soviet Union of a Cana- dian delegation headed by Northern Affairs Minister Laing, and a return visit to Canada by a delegation from Puschkinia -- These are little| bulbous plants with agent the squills. |smooth out many gouges and ; 49-4 Design No. CH=1040 1362 Sq.Ft. | Blueprints include complete details for building in BRICK or FRAME The Building Editor, | Oshawe Times, | Oshawa, Ontario, (0 Enclosed please find $ of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE". Mail requests 10c extra, (Please make remittance | payable to The Oshawa Times). 1.00 for which send me Book FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE QUESTION: I got a good buy jon an older house. It is very solidly built, but I have a lot of work to do to the surfaces. Be- fore repainting, I would like to dents in plaster walls and fill jbroken corners. This will be an jextensive job, so I'll appreciate jany tips as to the quickest and leasiest way to do this. ANSWER: Spackle is the word, friend. This plaster-like material is one of the greatest dent-smoothers ever invented. Available at all paint and hard- ware stores, easy directions right on the box. You merely mix it into a paste, fill the dent, smooth it off with a putty knife; you'll pick up the knack in no time. COLD FLOOR QUESTION: Last' winter the floor over the crawl space was aimost Unvearabiy coli ai times. My husband and I vow- ed we'd do something about tiis before another winter arrives. Can you tell us what should be done and how ANSWER: Cover the under- side of the floor with aluminum foil, to act as a vapor barrier, to keep dampness from rising up into the floor. Over this, staple blanket insulation be- tween the floor beams, to keep out the cold. If you use the type of insulation which .has an aluminum foil surface, you'll do both jobs at once. Staple chick- en wire over the bottom edges of the floor beams, to keep the insulation from falling out, in case it should tear loose from the staples (not likely). Besides making your house much more comfortable, you'll probably save so much on fuel that the frost line, or at least deep| enough so it won't be affected by considerable amounts of ac- cumulated water. Suggestion: | If there's a back hoe doing any} work in the neighborhood, sub-| sidize it to dig the ditch. | CLEANING DINGY HOUSE | QUESTION: Although the paint is still in good shape, the house looks somewhat shabby and dingy. Is it possible to wash a house ANSWER: This is perfectly possible -- providing the weath-| er is reasonable. One vitally important thing: Do your wash- ing in sections, and work from the bottom upward, while keep- ing the washed areas wet. If you attempt any other way, dirty water dribbling down on dry siding will leave streaks virtually impossible to remove. This js equally true when wash- ing walis ind COFFER-STAINED MARBLE QUESTION: Some _ coffee (black) was spilled on a nice marble top. The brown stain has already worked in so deep- ly that any washing method I know hasn't been successful. Can you give me an idea ANSWER: First wet with clear water. Then soak white blotting paper or clean tissues in hair-bleach strength hydro- gen peroxide and add a few drops of ammonia. Place over the stain, cover with a sheet of glass or clear plastic to retard evaporation. Leave this alone for two days, by which time the stain should be drawn out. Old- er stains may take a few re- peats. This will undoubtedly dull the marble. To restore lustre, polish with putty pow- insulation will pay for itself in only a year or two. | WATER-SOAKED GARAGE than mine, and it slopes my way. As a result, when the snow melts in the spring, or during a heavy storm, water) really floods my garage. What | | QUESTION: My neighbor's | }lot is about six inches higher|there be a loud gurgling noise | lder (oxide of tin) available at }monument yards. NOISY SINK DRAIN QUESTION: Why should | J NELLIS' OPTIONAL GARAGE ceemmemetn Linesman ah jnest ae LA ei CAR en 20° 2 CAR 20% 20° MANY STEPS ARE SAVED at meal time; by 'using this cart which les easily from kit- chen to dining area. It also and is Pattern % gives ac- tual ~ sizes guides, illustrated steps and material list, is .50c It also is in Home Equipment Packet No. 67 with three other full-size patterns -- all for $1.75. Address orders to The Home Workshop Editor, Pattern Dept. The Oshawa Times, 86 King St. Ex, Oshawa Ont. A most attractive brick veneer Ranch home with pleasing stone and vertical board accents. Colonial small pane windows add to its very charming appearance, Rooms are larger than usual for a house of this size which, with- out garage, could be built on a 60 foot lot. Blueprints in- clude complete instructions for building in Brick or Frame. Also details for either a one- or two-car garage are included. 1,362 Sq. Ft. Standard Blueprints for this Design No. 1040 cost $20.00 for the first set and $5.00 for additional sets. Blueprints comply with the National Buuuing Code of Canada, and are obtainable by return mail. (Ontario residents must remit 5 per cent Sales Tax.) The new 1966 Design Book en- titled "101 Selected Suburban and Country Homes designed for Canadians", price $1.00 tax free is now available at this Newspaper Office (or from the address below). This information on the Cost of Building in | Heating, | | Insulation, Constructional De- | out- | standing new Ranch, One and | Half Storey, Split Level, Two | edition includes Canada, Financing, tails, etc., plus many Storey Colonial and Duplex Designs. Full details on how to orcer Blueprints are also in- cluded in this book. Order Books From: Homo- | graf Company of Canada, 40 Jarvis St., Toronto, Ontario, when the kitchen sink drains ANSWER: The vent stack may be clogged, which will in- terfere with suction of air when ety pat Sa eat nm Gye pours down: "Any ~dira's up there? It's also pos- SiSis tie ivap is becoming ser- jously clogged, and a good cleaning-out is in order. Mister ANY HEIGHT TO 100 FT. ATTRACTIVE ADDITION ONLY TWO CLAMPS ON THE HOME EASILY MOVED "GFD' SPECIALLY DE- SIGNED FOR BEST COLOR TV. : : from COMPLETELY INSTALLED Phone 723-9525 and let | MISTER | | TOWERS Your Towers Specialist Give You Tops in Tower Recention | Evervthina on Displey ot i | 378 KING ST. WEST | | ig Save time and buy potted roses. Start bet- ter, bloom freely, strong and healthier, all root pruned, easier to plant and they come in assorted varieties and colours. | POTTED ROSES | | For All Your Gardening Needs See Rundle Garden Centre Lid. | EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN 1015 KING E, . 725-6551 Big Sale on All One of a new, exclusive series BARNDOARD a weathered woodgrain pre-finished wall panel that gives any room a charming rustic accent The beautiful deep-grain effect of this new pre-finished panel gives you the popular barnboard look at a very low cost. It is the perfect panel for the relaxed, casual atmosphere of a family room. BARNBOARD may be used to panel a whole room or to set off an area as a feature wall--behind a bar or fireplace, for example. SPECIAL MAR-GARD FINISH This process, an Abitibi development, is a pre-finishing technique in which the surface finish becomes an inte- gral part of the panel to provide pro- tection for a lifetime against scuffs, scratches and stains. The Mar-Gard surface never needs wax or varnish and is easily cleaned with any house- hold detergent. ¥ T.M. PENDING s s = SEE NEW BARNBOARD AT YOUR " LUMBER OR BUILDING SUPPLY DEALER'S ,+" ¢? Available in 4' x 7', 4' x 8' and 4' x 9' panels, ¢ with color-toned score lines in a random plank effect providing easy naifing on 16" centers, BARNBOARD is only one of the attractive and economical Classic and Prestige panelboards made by Abitibi. ABITIBI PANEL PRODUCTS LTD, ass Toronto, Montreal, Ora Winnipeg ct ro ¢ .) . <P 2° arg? eS ee ee ee ee JOHN BALLARD LUMBER 159 CASIMIR, PORT PERRY 985-7335 BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD: 419 DUNDAS ST. £. WHITBY 668-5818 ERNIE CAY LUMBER LTD. 53 ALBERT ST. 725-1121 HOLLAND LUMBER LTD. 257 NONQUON RD. 725-4709 - MITCHELL BROTHERS BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. BROOKLIN -- 655-4991 Your .Allont Dealer for Abitibi OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. COURTICE 728-1611 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1617 PEACOCK LUMBER CO. LTD. 328 | TSON RD. N. » »5-4744 KINGSWAY LUMBER CO. LTD. Lumber & Building Materials 1270 SIMCOE STREET NORTH 728-4687 the Soviet state construction agency Gosstroy. Gosstroy is intimately con- cerned with development . of building techniques in the So- viet far north. In the Canadian view, both countries would stand to bene- fit from a program of ex- changes in the field of northern | i ° development, where each faces) Buying or Selling! the same towering problems, | | AT Canadians are interested in| GUIDE REALTY ! r a 2 a " aga Meviek ental 6 4 % bullaing techataues in the per, e LLOYD ell rsaideat | "All Work Guaranteed" shawa warden service mafrost zone--areas where the @ DICK YOUNG, Vice-Pres. || For Free Estimates Call, ..-- 1259 Simcoe St. N. Phone 723-1161 : ground is permanently frozen. On their side they feel the Rus.|| © LUCAS PEACOCK, Sec. Treas ee 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA 728-2061 OPEN 9 A.M. 'til DARK a sians can learn something from PHONE 723-5281 Canada in the finer points of ONE PIECE CONCRETE isteps can I take | ANSWER: If you can't talk | him into some type of drainage | ditching, I suggest you consider | a low retaining wall along the | boundary. It can be poured con- | crete, block or brick. Be sure | to have the footings below the | Oct. 7. Currently they are in Yak- utsk, on the Lena River in east- or: ther HOME IMPROVEMENTS end GENERAL REPAIRS NURSERY STOCK 25% -- 50% DISCOUNT NOW erm Siberia, site of the Soviet Academy of Science's principal permafrost institute. Two Soviet scientists are ex- pected to go to Canada later on a reciprocal visit. Canadian sources here cau- tioned against interpreting the present mission as necessarily the start of continuing ex- changes of specialists and in- formation on northern develop- Diplomat Arrives In Ottawa TOKYO (AP)--Osamu Itagaki brings 33 years of diplomatic experience in a half-dozen for- eign countries and his own to his new assignment as Japan's ambassador to Canada. He looks forward eagerly to taking up his post in Ottawa, ex- plaining in an interview: "This is a desired post. It's an impor- tant job in an important coun- @ Roofing | @ Eavestroughing @ Remodelling northern construction. 728-6218 728-6218 ROSS E. MILLS 25 YEARS SELLING AND INSTALLING BROADLOOM, LINO, CORLON and TILE NEW ... NEW SEAMLESS EVER-GLOW NEVER WAX FLOORS Plastic Underlays To Level Concrete OSHAWA Itagaki arrives in Ottawa next Tuesday. He succeeds Hisanaga Shimazu, who has become am- bassador to Formosa. Canadians will not find Itagaki a stuffy person. He makes a visitor feel at ease and has a warm, hearty laugh. He does not care much for formality and ceremonies, he admits, but ac- cepts them as part of his duties. Fluent in English Itagaki ts 59, his dark hair thinning but not grey. His height is five feet nine inches--taller than the ave- rage Japanese. @ FOR YOUR NEW HOME FOR OLD @ REPLACEMENT STEPS @ NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS AND PLATFORM IVERY N ALL PHONE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. 655-3311 : | 80 Simcoe N. 728-6218