Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, September 17, 1966 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Red Leader Attacks Chinese 'Split Policy Walter Ulbricht, East German Com- BERLIN (Reuters) -- Peking's "splitting policy" is tragic for the international Communist movement and for ST. ALBANS, England (AP) er Webb, one of Brit- ain's most prominent artists has died here at of 80, it was announced . Webb created the Shakespeare memorial window London's Southwark Cathe- . Local newspapers claim ashore at night. Cuban Defects ISTANBUL (Reuters) -- A young Cuban officer swam to the Turkish shore Friday after jumping from the Soviet pas- senger ship Russia as it passed h Bosporus Strait, po- Grateful To Women _ YOUNGSTOWN. Ohio (AP)-- U.S. Re pr ¢ seniaiive Michaei Kirwan says. "Thank God for women drivers!" The 80-year- old Ohio Democrat said he ran out of gas here Friday and sev- eral male drivers passed him by as he stood near his car. Finally, a woman driver stopped and drove him to the nearest service station. HERE AND THERE SPECIAL CROWN Ontario County Crown At- torney Bruce Affleck has been appointed special Crown prose- cutor in a jury trial that opens at Brampton on Sept. 19. On trial are Paul White and Thomas L. McDermott both charged with possession of burgulary equipment and pos- session of stolen goods. LAKE VISTA The Lake Vista Ratepayers Association will hold a meeting at St. Phillip's Church on Sun- day, Sept. 18 at 8 p.m. A tro- phy will be presented for the best kept house and lot as well as a special trophy for the out- standing backyard. DRIVER HURT George Judd _of Ashburn was reported in satisfactory condi- tion at the Oshawa General Hospital following an accident early Friday at the intersection of Albert and Jackson Sts. Stephen Simkins, 76 Brock St. BARRY GOLDWATER Fears Bankruptcy LAS CRUCES, N.M. (AP)-- The total debt of the United States--private and government --now stands at about $1,300,- in} 900,000,000 says Barry Goldwa- ter. The 1964 Republican presi- dential candidate told a fund raising dinner Friday night that the debt compares with the country's over. all assets Of $1,400,000,000,000 and such spending and borrowing '"'in business means bankruptcy." Guards In Conflict MOSCOW (Reuters)--Pravda, the Soviet Communist party newspaper, said Friday China's militant Red Guards are com- ing into increasing conflict with Chinese party and government officials. China's surging proletarian movement is going forward "without the participation of the Chinese working class." Pravda reported from Peking. The organ indirectly warned Chinese leaders that their scornful rejection of European culture "'may do great harm to the cause of socialism and dis- credit it In people's eyes." RON W. TODGHAM Ruto Prices Stay Up TORONTO (CP) -- Ron W. Todgham, president of Chrysler Canada Ltd., said Friday auto- mobile prices in Canada will al- ways be higher than those in the United States. "However, I predict that Ca- nadian prices will not increase to the same extent as in the U.S.," he said at a press pre- view of the company's 1967 models. Mr. Todgham said price equality is impossible because the Canada-U.S. auto trade pact includes Canadian content reg- ulations. The trade agreement speci- fies that Canadian automakers must-maintain~-60-per-centCa- nadian content in their prod- Floods Take Toll | DACCA, East Pakistan (AP) Nearly 50,000 persons have been W., driver of the d car in- volved, was not injured, said police. "QUIET NIGHT" City Police this morning re- ported a "'quiet night" for the preceeding 12-hour period. dur- ing which there were only two arrests, MEET SLATED The Oshawa and districk his-| torical society will hold a me- mbership meeting Sept. 20 at 8 p.m. in the Council Chamb- er, fifth floor, city hall. Donald S. Webster, Jr. curator of the Canadian Gallery, Royal On- tario Museum, Toronto, will be the guest speaker. ted from a section of this city flooded by 42 hours of rain totalling 12 inches. The bodies of a woman and a child were recovered from one flooded home. Half of the city was left with- out power when three electric substantions were flooded. Schools, shops, transport and of- fices closed down. Truce Asked SAIGON (Reuters) -- Influen- tial Buddhist monk Thich (ven- erable) Tham Chau today called for a temporary suspension of the Buddhist campaign against the South Vietnamese govern- ment. Tam Chau said in an inter- OPEN NORTH EAST AREA Be sure to come, it's open this weekend, starting Soturday ot 2 2 p.m. through to 5 p.m. 73 D'ARCY ST. Big house, large kitchen, combined living room: and dining | room with fireplace. Divided basement, garage and large lot. 3 Vendor will consider low down payment. Priced within your budget. Owner transferred out APPLY GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 SIMCOE ST. S. HOUSE of town. Early possession. PSE SSS, a PE CES ROE 723-5281 '\sions, businessmen would not view that the struggle against the Saigon regime should be halted until national Buddhist conference could be called to discuss | heed wified church's te- Summit Date Set CAIRO (AP) -- The Fourth African "summit" conference has been set for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, next Nov. 5, the au- thoritative Cairo newspaper Al Ahram said today. Al Ahram said the date was fixed by the Organization of African Unity after it had re- ceived endorsement from 24 of its members states, the two- thirds majority required to make attendance compulsory for all OAU members. The summit will be preceded External Affairs Minister Martin (centre), for Cana- da, and David A. Morse MINE AGREEMENT SIGNED (left), director general of the International Labor Office, sign a 31 - year- old international convention forbiddingf employment of women in mines, Watching SARNIA (CP)--A Canadian- and Mar Bebe Po Haag shiny ing-operations on Fawn Isl pion hee ie fl if : l DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY them is Labor Minister Nicholson. (CP Wirephoto) by a meeting of African for- eign ministers in Addis Ababa Oct. 30, Al Ahram added. Mandy Marries LONDON (AP)----Mandy Rice- Davies, star performer in the Profumo sex-and-politics scan- dal of 1963, was married today to Rafael Shaul, 26-year-old Is- raeli airline steward. Mandy, 21, was smuggled into St. Marlebone register office by an underground passage from the neighboring town hall. About 15 friends attended the cere- mony. Mandy, now a cabaret per- former, met her husband while singing at an Israeli night club. Dialogue Call Made QUEBEC (CP)--R. M. Fow- ler, president of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Research Insti- tute, said today he believes an "intelligent dialogue' between the state and businessmen would have a beneficial influ- ence on the Canadian economy, Mr. Fowler was addressing delegates to the annual congress of the Quebec provincial chambre de commerce. He said that if governments explained their economic deci- TORONTO (CP) -- Employ- ees of Brewers' Warehousing Co. went back to work Friday after the company agreed Thursday night to raise the age ceiling for hiring permanent workers to 45 from 40, Members of Local 326 of the International Union of Brewery, Flour, Cereal, Soft Drink and Distillery Workers of America U.K. Auto Workers Strike In Protest LONDON (AP) -- About 1,000 workers in a key auto factory staged an unofficial strike today against layoffs caused by Brit- ain's economic freeze. The strike halted production at a firm making carburetors for the British Motor Corpora- tion, Britain's biggest car pro- ducer. About 20,000 BMC workers will go on short time next week be- cause domestic sales have bes cut by the government's credit freeze, The corporation has said at least 5,000 will have to be laid off by November. WEATHER FORECAST Mainly Sunny W Predicted, ie Win TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts] Peterborough .,.... 42 -- , the weather office at|/Kingston . 45 Trenton ip Ahan Mainly sunny con-| Killaloe .. ditions are expected today and/ Muskoka ... again on Sunday. However,|North Bay some thin high cloudiness will|sudbury . jlikely sprea d into extreme Earlton | southwestern areas Sunday. Sault Ste. Marie .. Afternoon temperatures should Kapuskasing . be near 70 in the south and 60 4 i in the northern regions. ; as trong ee Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Weatne Windsor: Sunny today. A few clouds Sunday. Not much EXHIBITION | Sept, 19 - Oct. 3 change in temperature. Light| winds. | Lake Huron,. Niagara, Geor- gian Bay, Lake Ontario, Lon- don, Hamilton, Toronto: Mainly The outstanding paintings on pgp) will be from artists of the 15th-20th Century. Rembront, Ven Dyke, Aenoir ere some of the masters repre- have the useless and negative attitudes they too often have eather eesere eeeeeeeese seeee seeeee a sunny today and Sunday. Not much change in temperatures. Light winds. Haliburton, Killaloe, Tima- gami, Cochrane, Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie, White River, North Bay, Sudbury: Sunny with a few cloudy periods today and Sun- day. Cooler. Light winds. Forecast temperatures Low overnight, ~-- Sunday | Windsor ...... 70 | St. Thomas ... London Kitchener .. Mount Forest ...... 45 Wingham Hamilton . St. Catharines ... Wea will be given « cross-section of humanity shown in the foce of man os shown in these peint- ne selection nad potion is on lean courtesy The Art In- stitute of Onterte. CANADIAN AUTOMOTIVE MUSEUM 99 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA The 5th '"C" Of Saving COMMON SENSE: meaning that now is a good time to be setting aside money just in case. At present, conditions generally are unsettled, to say the least and people who have money on deposit at 412% (Like OUR saving depositors) ore realizing the full benefit of the first 4 C's of savings as well. THESE ARE COMFORT: that feeling thot comes from knowing that you have cash available when you need it. CONVENIENCE: Longer saving hours daily and all dey Soturday, CONFIDENCE: Knowing that you are receiving the best rate of interest paid more often. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST: dealing with a COM- MUNITY Trust Company, local savings invest- ment growth. Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 SIMCOE ST. N, OSHAWA, 723-5221 23 KING 6T. W. BOWMANVILLE 623-5221 went on strike in Toronto Mon- day night to protest the com- pany's hiring regulations. Specifically, the union com- plained about the case of Anth- ony Mycat, 44, who has been on temporary staff since the be- ginning of this year. The agreement cleared the way for Mr. Mycat's transfer to permanent staff. EFFECTS WIDESPREAD The dispute between the com- pany, owned by the Ontario breweries, cut off beer supplies to licensees of the Liquor Con- trol Board of Ontario, closed several retail beer outlets in Toronto and affected more than 30 other provincial centres. However, the union plans to continue fighting the age limit. Norman Wilson, executive secretary of the provincial council of Brewers' Warehous- ing locals, said any age ceiling is a violation. of Ontario law prohibiting discrimination in employment because of age. Brief Beer Strike Ends Workers Return To Jobs Mr, Wilson said the union will|Act now taking press its complaint with the|Volved searches of homes of di- pene | employees in the Pres- investigation under the Customs Ontario Human Rights Com- mission. Gold Smuggling Ring Uncovered BOMBAY, India (AP) -- A vast gold smuggling racket-- possibly the world's biggest ever--has been uncovered by police with the arrest this week of some top members of Bom- bay's high society. One of India's leading race horse owners, a prominent jew- eller and a woman, were among 15 persons held follow- ing the discovery of $1,000,000 worth of gold in three fashion- able apartments. One of the men was said to have told police that nearly $10,000,000 worth of gold was in- volved in an international racket. : ADULT EVENING CLASSES | from the Ryerson Polytechnical Mel (1) Accounting First year students. (2) Correspondence First and second yeor students. Accounting || -- Second yeor students. (3) (4) (3) (6) Economics courses will be given next year. Registration --- At McLaughlin 26th from 7:00 - 8:00 P.M. or at classes. Fee -- $30.0 subject. Classes begin October For further information Ryerson Extension Department (EM 8-2631 A course leading to the Certificate in Business Administration ughlin Collegiate and Vocational Institute. Entrance requirements --~ Grade XII or equivalent experience. Six subjects, preferably two per year, are required for the Certificate, though single subjects may be token. Business Statistics Business Management During the 1966-67 season from October 3, 10, 1967, subjects 1, 2 and 3 above will be offered. Alternate Institute will be offered at the 'a and Report Writing -- 1966 to March Collegiate, Monday, fal 3rd. write or telephone the SERVICE STATIONS and RCMP esmen firmed on ae the investigation began last week and ieetvas employees 'at the Prescott port of entry, some of them living in Brockville. SS Custom, RCMP Searching Homes OTTAWA (CP) -- Customs 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JAMIESON DRUGS SHOPPING CENTRE 728-5101 MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 SIMCOE ST. NORTH TAMBLYN DRUG STORE 241 KING ST. EAST 725-1169 reports Friday that an place has in- tt-Brockville area, "The division spokesman said UNEMPLOYED MEN AND WOMEN FREE COURSES AVAILABLE PLUS LIVING ALLOWANCE The Federal and Provincial Governments, in conjunction with the THE OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION WILL CONDUCT TRAINING COURSES AT THE CANADIAN VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE 26 ALBERT STREET, SOUTH, EASTDALE COLLEGIATE AND VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE HARMONY ROAD. NORTH, OSHAWA. TO START MONDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 1966 € Mos. 10 MOS, 6 MOS. 4 MOS, 10 MOS, 10 MOS. 4 MOS. 4 MOS. WELDING MACHINE SHOP SMALL ENGINES AND WELDING POWER SEWING COMMERCIAL 'STENOGRAPHIC COMMERCIAL CLERICAL BASIC TRAINING, GRADE 7 AND BELOW TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL UPGR. 8 - 12 DAY OR NIGHT DAY OR NIGHT DAY OR NIGHT DAY OR NIGHT DAY OR NIGHT All courses are conducted Monday through Friday for six hours per day. REMEMBER -- 90% of our graduates get jobs -- WHY NOT YOU ? VACANCIES ARE AVAILABLE NOW APPLY AT YOUR LOCAL NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE. S. E, LOVELL, Chairman, Oshawa Board of Education W. G. FAWCETT, Co-ordinator, Canadian Voestional Training. OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. R. J. TUMEY'S SHELL STATION 962 SIMCOE STREET NORTH ALEX NATHAN'S SUNGCO STATION 215 KING STREET WEST COOPER'S TEXACO STATION 56 BRUCE STREET WHITE ROSE STATION 38 PRINCE STREET T. GOCH SUPERTEST STATION 437 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH WINDER'S ESSO STATION KING and RITSON ROAD SOUTH ROY ALLAN'S ESSO TATION 288 BLOOR STREET WEST BROWN'S SUPERTEST STATION 340 PARK ROAD SOUTH CLINT'S TEXACO STATION WENTWORTH and CEDAR PROVINCE OF ONTARIO IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA AND THE MUNICIPALITY OF OSHAWA REQUIRES TEACHERS FOR RE-TRAINING OF THE UNEMPLOYED Teachers with good training and experience, with. or without professional qualifications, will be required for the training program for the unemployed commencing October 3rd, 1966. Both day and night courses will be conducted 5 days a week, 6 hours per day. INSTRUCTORS WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS: 1. English, Mathematics, Science: Grades 7 to 12. 2. Welding, Machine Shop, Small Engines, Power Sewing, Typing, Shorthand, Drafting. W. G. FAWCETT, B.A., Co-ordinator, Program 5. R. S$. McLaughlin Coll. & Voc. Inst.