20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale (20--Real Estate for Sale \20--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 17, 1966 7 YOUNG MAN 18--Male Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale 'WE NEED SALESMEN! to , five-da week, 7.30 a.m, - 4 p.m; Blair - Pa |. 668-8339. La sesary Saton, 10 Sim- @ Top Pay. @ Experience Not Necessary. @ Training Provided. @ Pleasant Working Conditions. MOTOR COMPANY ROUGE AREA DEARBORN, MICHIGAN Has Many Openings for: DIEMAKERS TOOLMAKERS ELECTRICIANS Must be graduate of bona-fide apprenticeship programme or show proof of ten years experience. LOCAL INTERVIEWS Mr. Elmer Lane, Dear- born, Rouge Plant repre- sentative will interview at the Seaway Towers Motel Telephone 763-4521 2000 Lakeshore Bivd. W. Toronto, Ontario. on Thursday, Sept. 22, 1966 Hf uneble to apply in person, eal! collect Area Code 313, 297.2840 Or sand letter of epplication to FORD MOTOR COMPANY APPLY IN PERSON NICOLS MOTOR SALES LTD. Highway No, 2 Wust West of Thickson Road near Whitby) ORDERLIES We have several vacancies for experienced ordérlies or we will train suitable appli- conts . --Age 25 - 50 years --Grade 10 or better --Must have good command of English. Please apply in person to... PERSONNEL OFFICE OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL OSHAWA, ONTARIO. BODYMAN We require the services of one first closs man. @ $2,80 per flat rate hour @ Full company benefits @ Clean, bright, well- equipped shop APPLY K. M. McGARVEY MOTORS LTD. 723-4634 REQUIRED For full time Junior Position, in Oshowa's finest men's wear store. Experience not neces- sary. Reply giving full par- ticulars. to BOX 42966 OSHAWA TIMES WANTED JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER Highest Wages Lorne B. Goodman 725-1044 BAUM FOLDER Set-up man. $3.25 an hour. All Employee benefits. Telephone HO 1-0726 GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-528) BRAND NEW 1. @ 7 room brick bungalow with completely finished recre- ation room and walk out base- ment, 2 complete 4 piece bath- rooms and a carport. The 644 Fo N.H.A. mortgage carries tor $131 principle interest of the xes, JUST LISTED: Il. @ 6 year old brick bunga- low in the north west area, situated on a lovely ravine lot. Fenced back yard, nicely land- d. Home has been very YOUNG MEN As management trainees for large Canadian Theatre cir- cuit. High School education desirable. Apply Box 43374, Oshawa Times. I Machinists and Toolmakers Excellent Rates Harmac Industries WHITBY __ 668-4981 - JANITOR Man required 7 a.m. to 4 p.m, Six day week, Apply MR. CAMPBELL, GENOSHA HO- TEL. No Phone calls please. ~~ | FOOL AND DIE MAKERS -- Good work- ling conditions, union, overtime and all |fringe benefits. Contact A. Urech, Trim Bs Canada Ltd., '2-0430, SINGLE MAN for seed making opera- }tion, and general work on mink ranch. Must be reliable, Free room and board. | Call Hampton 263-2032, _evenings. WAITER for "beverage r room. \. Steady em- em- | ployment, must references. Apply ine gge er Lan- caster, 7 King St. W., Oshaw | MAN | TO WORK at Stan's 5 Barsaaine od and | Rental Ltd. Steady employment. Must be | mechanical and willing to learn, We will teach @ good volume of work |equipment, etc. Apply 223 King St. West. wai | canvassing. Experienced only. Top com: THE CLIFF MILLS [te tines \3 | Seteph work with cleaning contractor. | 137 Yonge St. Toronto 1, Ont. BUSES & CARS have 100 ready-to-go! all western cities Gas Allowance AUTO DRIVEAWAY CO. We 362-1391 Ajax. Telephone 923-2230 and evenings 942-' 2087. have good character you saw sharpening, repairing NTED. Salesman for door to door sion agg Write to Box 44186, Osh. ANITORIAL | DUTIES, ni nights only, only, 725-4774 74 between 8 4 8 ams "5 p.m. MAN required to work es s 468-2380. TA IBRIEVAA ANI ELECTRICIAN REQUIR FOR PEDLAR PEOPLE hetrvit st ae Must be experienced in ce maintenance with basic nowledge of electronics. Steady days shift, with all company benefits. Wage rate is $2.59 per hour and up, | YOUNG MAN required for sewing ma- and store Shite A A 2 tenance. Good_working ae any employment. Telephone 725- for pointment. EXPERIENCED quired. Apply Harry 0. Perry Ltd. Comp. experience preferred. Permanent position to suitable accordance with cow 5119 between 9 and pply Les MacDonald. 534, adiuetmante main- FUEL OIL driver re RESSMAN--Heldelburg, 10 x 15 Piaten. man. Wages in ma aaneaiey 72% CE STATION. 623- \TTENDANT FOR | SERVICE Telephone well kept. Don't hesitate to call us as this is a bargain and won't last long. Just a few blocks to school and shopping. Call to- day. INCOME PROPERTY lll, @ This attractive large brick bungalow is located in the preferred section of the City. Six extra large rooms with garage. Large beautifully land- scaped lot. There is a two bed- room basement apartment with private entrance. Many more extras. We will be very glad to show you this excellent home. Call to-night for on appoint- t. é NORTH WEST IV. @ We have just received authorization to see this lovely 8 roomed home which has been well taken care of and is sur- rounded by a beautiful land- scaped yard, Some of the fea- tures are L-shaped living and dining room, There is a large finished recreation room and fourth bedroom down. stairs. Call to-day. JANE STREET V. @ Lovely 2 storey, custom built, brick home with breeze- way and attached garage, four large bedrooms, seporate din- ing and living room, family kit- chen and finished recreation room with natural fireplace. Call for appointment to inspect. JUS LISTED Vi. @ Compact home one large lot 99 feet x 121 feet on out- skirts of town, garage, all con- veniences, school bus at the door, Call for further details, HIGHWAY 2 FRONTAGE JUST PAST K MART Vil. @ Ideal location for set- ting your business plans into action. Large lot 150 ft. front- age. Ranch style home situated on the side gives lots of room for business use or living quart- SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century of Service CPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M, PRESTIGE AREA eo mttenmbioe £ anne low with attached garage. Three lovely bedrooms, recre- ation room with fireplace, 2 bathrooms and a large kit- chen. This is a home we'll be proud to show you, call to- night for an appointment to inspect, NORTH WEST Seven year old brick bunga- low with double garage. Spa- cious living and dining room; 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, finished recreation room with built-in bar, Many, mony extras, call to-night. WILSON AT ADELAIDE 5 year old brick bungalow in better than new condition, Has a large living room with dining area, hollywood kit- chen, a finished recreation room and the bedrooms are @ very good size. Very well landscaped grounds, plus as- phailt drive. Reasonable down payment required for this beautiful home. EXCELLENT LOCATION 3 bedroom bungalow, close to schools and churches, With Recreation Room, Asking price $16,900.00. Call for further intormation. INCOME HOME AGNES ST. Very central --- older home now converted to a duplex, in excellent condition and oc- cupied by good tenants. List- ed $16,900.00 with $5,000 down, $12,900.00 Three bedroom older type home which is very clean and has been remodelled. Double car garage -- close to down- town, OPEN HOUSE IN BEAU VALLEY DAILY 6:00 -- 9:00 P.M. SAT. & SUN. 2:00--5:30 P.M, eee Armstrong Homes Offer you more ay your Dollar, See us ot... Southwood Park ~ AJAX from $18,5U0U Downpayments from $1,500 (if you qualify) Open 9 A.M, -- 9 P.M, daily GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 942-3310 Ye ore cordially invited to inspect our newest sub-division of the Armstrong Homes FOREST GLEN ers. Owner will take the mort- gage. Inquire now and arrange} for inspection. | TRIPLEX VIL @ In immaculate condi-! tian in Narth East section of the! city, Paved driveway ond park- ing. Immediate possession, Call to-day for full particulars. SURBURBAN LIVING IX. @ This lovely 6 room Ranch style bungalow is situated on a well landscaped lot 100 ft. x 150 ft. just outside the city. Semi-finished recreation room, 3 large bedrooms, 1 two piece| For full particulars 723-2265 Irwin Craikshanks Mike Belmonte Eq Lrumm Maible Boudreau Mel Dale 728-5205 725- 8300 725-3345 728-2233 623-5638 728-1066 725.2R467 723-1358 Bill Johnston rome Brown Mart Hall Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Member of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board. HARMONY RD. N. ALL NHA DETACHED HYMAN REAL. ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street West 728-6286 NORTH-END $13,900 This attractive bungalow on a 60' x 177' lot. which is nicely landscaped, Lis priced , nm oe uaa 7 eid Lm ts set. Tiv vour offer on this one. Phone for details now. APPLE HILL 1% year old back-split with built in stove and oven, alu- minum storms and screens, walk-out basement ond recre- ation room. 614% N.H.A. mortgage. Phone today for full informetion. OPPORTUNITY Once in a lifetime for this $16,500 duplexed home, two bathrooms, two kitchens, se- parote meters. Don't miss out on this -- call this office ot once. NO NEED TO QUALIFY $1500 down --- 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms low monthly payments of $102. H. Keith LTD, REALTOR Photo M.L.S. 4-BEDROOM NORTH WHITBY Perfect and modern, charm- ing almost new ranch type brick, with attached garage. Immediate, péssession of this an wt haiN Becta Guts nome. Call' ERNIE GILROY 723-8429 SPLENDORED BUY AX Owner transferred and must sell this bungalow immediately. Large - any rec room. Close to ping and everything. Only $11,900, with easy terms, Call 1IDSO WIERSMA 728-5683 BALDWIN ST. SACRIFICE 5 room modern brick close in residential neighborhood, Just a spacious livable bungalow, well built, near schools, shop- ping centre, churches etc. Call DOUG CARMICHAEL 20--Real Estate for Sale -@ GOING FAST @ Whitby and Oshawa 3 bedroom bungalows is Loaded with extras NHA 6%4% Mortgage | £72:96 = $1,709 DOWN LET'S TALK BUSINESS ! ! Haven't you heard that you can trade your present home') or farm on a new better built. "ECHO HOME". * ie Ee oe tonight ond ., see why on "ECHO DEAL" is...) the very best guranteed -- trade and purchase plan any*" where. DIRECTIONS: 23 " 723-7463 You can't afford to miss this one. Call now while it lasts. LOTS One beautifully treed --- one treed ravine lot --- one com- mercial lot outside City one acre in extent, Phone for de- tails, Open 9 a.m. -- 9 p.m. after hours call: Frank Smith 723-3533 Ken Hann 723-7963 Dick Barriage 725-6243 Glen MacKinnon 728-6750 Les Hall 728-5513 $18,700 $1,500 DOWN (if you qualify) 18 DIFFERENT MODELS featuring clay brick aluminum siding, mohogany trim, built-in range and oven, storms, screens and doors, garages and carports. SEE THEM TODAY AT . Harmony Road North, across from Vincent Massey School. Open 9 - 9 daily or coll GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 723-6461 or 723-8144 Head Office woe Ww. Cie AN CAA NK REAL ESTATE LIMITED STAs --| Courtesy, Integrity Service H. Millen REAL ESTATE LTD. MISSED THE BOAT? You can still catch the boat with this 1 storey brick home located S. E. Oshawe. Large city lot. Paved drive. Broadloomed. 3 bedrooms. Immac- ulately clean. Action wonted os owner wants to move. Call 728-1656. 36 - 26 - 34 HARDEY! ! meen 2 mart deci won Ss x able city lot 62° 124' with modern 4 bedroom electrically heated home. Priced right and: carries for $138. per month, Act fast to avoid dis- appointment, Call 728-1656. SAVE' *& *& o* 1 block North of 401... on Wilson Road at Dean $500 W. W. BONUS @ 3 bungalows left ! @6%4% NHA mortgages @ Terms to fit the workingman's pocket @ Move in on approval @ Many, many features @ 2 choice locations FOR APPOINTMENT TO INSPECT Call Joseph BOSCO Realtor 728-7377 3 - 9 DAILY INCLUDING WEEKEND Split level bungalows with at- tached garages. Electric heat. OLIVE AVENUE EAST of HARMONY ROAD W. O. MARTIN Realtor Call Collect Oshawa 723-0321 L. N. BIRD Real Estate Limited OPEN HOUSE NORTH EAST AREA Be sure to corge, it's open this weekend, starting Saturday at 2 through to 5 p.m. 73 D'ARCY ST. Big house, large kitchen, BOLAHOOD. BROTHERS LIMITED STORE PLUS) + APARTMENT $10,000 a Port Perry. Vacant store plue - 3 room apartment. Located in main business section, Asking - - $10,000 with low down pay-~** ment and one mortgage for ges. fd er +a all ti 725-2217, Ann nets NORTH WEST SPECIAL Attractive 5 room brick bun-|* galow. s__ hollywood-:- kitchen, new broadioom in live' es, ing room, 3 good size bed-... rooms, 4 piece bath, haere finished rec. room, oil heat, , home is spotless. Asking $18,- 500, N.H.A, 6% mortgage, To inspect call Roy Yeo even-... ings 725-2217. 101 Simcoe Street North Member O.D:R.E.B. 728-5123 » 7™ AP A OPEN = REAL ESTATE SALESMEN make more money in well organized smaller office. The busy season is just starting. We'll be glad fo train you. Contact our sales- manager for confidential interview. 728- | 5103 or after hours, 728-7083. W. O. Martin Realtor. bo You WANT TO MAKE MONEY, part or full time? Sell "'Capri-50", the all purpose hand cleaner that removes paint, ter, grease, carbon, efc., without U . Box 147 $117 MONTHLY Have you seen these brand new homes on Waverly St. south of King? Only $14,995. with $1,827. and bal- ance on NHA mort- gage. Take o@ look this weekend. Cal! 728-1656. combined living room and dining room with fireplace. Divided basement. Garage and large lot, Vendor consid- er low down payment, priced within your budget. Owner transferred out of town. Early possession. HOUSE 2'- 6 P.M, Split levels and bungalows. Starting ot 17,000 Dollars, * 500 Down depending on experience. TELEPHONE 723-4613 for appointment MR. R. ALLEN EATON'S Oshawa REQUIRES A men's clothing salesman. Experience preferred. @ All company benefits. @ Age 25 - 40. APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE UPPER LEVEL TOOL ENGINEER Medium size atomobile parts manufacturer in the Toronto area, requires a too! engineer. Experience should include at least 3 years in the automo- bath and 1 fou bath with| Vanity, suvdorerana atte anal «WE MIST EXCLAISIME AND MLS. exterior electrical outlets, Call | now for further information on| MORTGAGES ARRANGED the excellent buy. | ONE YEAR OLD | 360 King St. West. Free, easy, safe parking. GRIFFIN bedroom all electric home, His REAL ESTATE LTD. and hers closets in master bed- 155 SIMCOE ST. S. room, mahogany cupboards in 723-8144 the kitchen, coloured fixtures in bathroom with vanity. Situ- $13,900 FULL PRICE Spotless frame home, with ated on beautifully landscaped large garage and paved drive. lot in eastern sectors of the Close to Bi-lingual school and city. Garage too TUNE IN ON. THIS AD Oshawa Shopping Centre. Con XI. @ For the sum of $6,000 you may be the proud owner of be yours for $i; 500. UU Vown. Call Margaret Lee. a 4 roomed bungalow close to shopping centre. Call to-day on STATELY FOUR BEDROOM EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 3001 Miller Road, DEARBORN, MICHIGAN An Equal Opportunity Employer M&F 21 KING STREET WEST BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Member Oshawa & District Real Estate Board FREE APPRAISALS -- ANYTIME NO SALE -- NO CHARGE MORTGAGE MONIES AVAILABLE. WE CAN REFINANCE YOUR HOME SO IT WILL SELL FAST. $35,000 150 acres Blackstock. Choice land. 7 room home. Barns 30' x 90', 30' x 54'. Estate Sale. Terms. . 6%% Interest, APPLY D as GUIDE REALTY LIMITED] _Dirttlons King St & 40 Kee. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 NORTH WEST 4 BEDROOMS 7 room, 2 storey brick home. Spacious living room, separate dining room, bright cheery kitchen, 4 bedrooms, oil heat, paved drive, Home is imma- culate. A pleasure to show. Asking $16,900. Early pos- session, Call Roy Yeo. Even- __ings 725-2217 BRAEMOR GARDENS TELEVISION REPAIR MAN wanted. Telephone 725-0500 or apply 511 Dean SaPaRENEED waiter wanted, Apply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe St, N. |AMBITIOUS | MAN with car to sell and service the product of pvc d atl oy ada Limited. Full or _ part-tim perience not necessary. 723-4163. "Ask o Mr. ._ McNally. |SEVERAL TRUCKS needed for hauling | Cheistinas trees all local work, from approximately Maud 10 to December }10. Phone 263-2359. |LEARN THE / ART of professional sales- | urge you to investigate this --| wonderful opportunity. Your sole invest- ment Is 15 to 20 hours @ week. For fullest details, telephone 723-4163. AJAX INDUSTRY requires an experi- enced turret lathe operator or good machinist. Hejn-Werter of Canada cid: 942-6100. TOOL and DIE SUPERVISOR Established business grow- ing steadily, 27,000 square feet of new plant space be- ing added. Supervisor re- quired to direct the work of 30 tool and die makers, do- ing a diversity of heavy mochine work. Experience on large dies desirable: Brand new 3. bed- room bungalows in the east end of the city, Immediate pos- session. Call 728- 1656. OSBORNE REAL ESTATE this as it won't last. HIDEAWAY RETREAT XII, @ Just west of Pontypool. Compact three room cottage on one acre of land. Well, large picnic table, nicely wooded grounds and stream. Immediate possession, Priced to. sell, $2,000 DOWN XIII. @ This 3 bedroom home located on St. Eloi Ave. has liv- ing room, dining room, BEFORE YOU BUY SEE SARICK HOMES 10. OOf O77 FULL PRICE $45,000 210 scenic acres near New- tonville. Good stream, 7 room house, 2 barns. Excellent value. SIBBY'S: 728-7576 " Real Estate Ltd. ESTATE SALE This position will be of inter- est to @ supervisor who wishes to improve his earnings over $9,500. per yeor. PUT AWAY a 'ay sum by renting thet spare room with @ Times' Action Want |Ad. Telephone 723-3492 and put one. to $55,000 All replies will be held in strict confidence. Please tive industry, with consider- able time spent on tool place- ment and vendor follow up odes for you. 19--Male and Female large kitchen, 3 piece bath and gar- age. Priced at only $13,500. Better than new. Beautifully decorated interior featuring built-in range and oven, slid- 135 acre dairy farm south of Peterboro, 9 room solid brick home with 2 bathrooms; oil Stevenson Rd. N. at 300 Acre Farm with 12 room :- brick home and large L shop- ed barn. Madoc Area, 100 You can't find a better home for the money, so call to-night for your inspection Call 723-5281 for full particulars Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. | GUIDE REALTY LTD. | REALTORS write giving full details of experience, training ond other qualifications to: Dave, Spence "AND Associates Ltd. Management Consultants Room 1419 44 King Street West, Toronto 1 CHIEF ENGINEER An Ontario parts manufac- turer for the automobile in- dustry requires an executive to head its engineering de- portment. This position offers on out- standing opportunity for an engineer experieaced in the design of tool and methods required for the efficient manufacturing and assembi- ing of ports for the automo- bile industry. The man we are seeking is an engineer with experience in the monufacturing ond as- sembling of small parts who is looking for a true chal- lenge with a progressive com- APPLY pany where his personal con- tribution is recognized. and ICURRAN & BRIGGS! rewarded accordingly. | The salary is pote ll ond | READY-MIX © full range of benefits are 991 Simcoe St. South included. Location in Toronto orea | pn in complete confidence. |SIMPLE MONEY TALK: Classified Ads| sell things you don't need for SPOT | . BOX M43478 Excellent salary and fringe Help Wanted benefits. No age limit. Reply in confidence to BOX M43477 ing glass shower doors, extra bath. Price of $22,900 in- cludes attached garage and nice lot on quiet court. See this home today and make an Offer. Phone George Val- entine for appointment, furnace, Large born, silo 20' x 50' with automatic unload- er arid automatic feeding system. 1,400 Ib, milk quota. Stream. Good terms. Call 623-3393 After 9 P.M, Roy Foster Orono 321 Rod Kruger 723-7900 Clare McCullough 723-7843 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Doug Gower 728-1005 Andy Keys 728-0196 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Howard Forder 655-3853 Brooklin 985-2987 acre workable, 100 acre pas-. ture and 100 acre of good... bush, pienty or water, Fuii ; asking price only $13,500. 50 ACRE FARM Hastings: Four bedroom home. with barn, Good investment for only $8,640.00. Buying or Selling call Jerry: Coady ot 728-7576. OPEN FOR INSPECTION ELECTRICALLY HEATED BUNGALOWS 3-9 DAILY Olive Ave. East of Harmony Rd. W. 0. MARTIN, Realtor 199s DOWN TO ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE Annapolis St. er wt. "6VaM% Beautiful three. and four bedroom homes for im- mediate possession. With the increasing interest in the reliable news reports published in The Times from Ajax and area, the Hometown Newspaper of Ontario Coun- ty requires additional CORRESPONDENTS The Times is interested in further expanding it's cover- age of Ajax and area devel- opment, service clubs and other community activities. GROCERY CLERK @ Experienced preferred but not essential. @ Rapid advancement. @ Usual Company benefits, APPLY 114 Dundas East STORE MANAGER SALES SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Large International Company has opening in Oshawa -- } Bay Ridges Area for a man | under forty-five. Four months training period at $100.00 per week followed by salary plus commission. Average first year income $7,000. Gener- ous group benefits. Reply giv- ing details to Box 42853, Oshawa Times, Our own trained personnel are on the site to assist you. Browse in comfort ---- no obli- gation -- no sales pressure. VISIT OUR BOOTH at the Oshawa Home Show THURS, -- FRI. -- SAT. 15-16-17 September see how ARMSTRONG QUALITY HOMES are built better for you Exclusive With GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTO. 723-8144 Just 2 Homes left Model 639 Athol St. East low down payment or trade your present home OPEN this weekend Starting Saturday 2-5 p.m. MODELS ON ADELAIDE AVE. E. -- AT CENTRAL PARK BLVD, BUILT @ BACKED and SOLD -- DIRECT -- To You By SARICK HOMES 723-8201 A MODEL to Suit @ EVERY TASTE @ EVERY BUDGET @ EVERY FAMILY CALL J. B. McMullan REALTOR | 725-3557 -- 668-6201 OPEN DAILY 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. H. MILLEN Real Estate Limited 9 Bagot Street Those interested in working with The Times in publicizing and promoting their commun- ity are invited to apply in writing to: THE EDITOR THE OSHAWA TIMES TAX! DRIVERS Part or full time. Minimum age 25, MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER with| knowledge of payroll for small office.| George Beaton Port Perry | 267 LABRADOR DRIVE OPEN HOUSE This Weekend @ Financed under N.H.A, 6% % @ Electric Heating @ Oversized Rooms @ Unusual Value King Street East over Hart's } Hill, past flasher light, turn |] right at 2nd Street (Athabaska) to Labrador Drive Model Home | GUIDE REALTY LTD. DON'T LOOK ANY FURTHER. We have just listed an attractive 2-bedroom home on a large lot 75' x 175' and situated ot 82 Town Line Road North. Only 2 minutes from King Street, this home is immacu late throughout. Private drive and garage. Listed at only $11,900 DO You need a 3 bedroom home in a better than average dis- trict. We have several ond they are priced right. ry Would be a shame not to look at this lovely 2 bedroom bungalow en Keewatin Street, near Seventh Day Adventist Church, Call now for infor- mation or inspection, George Twaites 723-1133 or 723- 2008. Carl B. Olsen, Realtor, 20 Roy Street. 23 SUITE APARTMENT. Building, 2 years old, fully equipped and leased, balcon- ies, lots of paved parking, lo- cated Simcoe Street North. For details call Mr. Appleby. 728-5123. Evenings 723- 3398. BOLAHOOD BROS. LTD. PRIVATE Owner transferred, must sell, Spacious 4 bedroom home, finished family room. Excel- lent residential area, Terms arranged. ase 4082 PRIVATE SALE of property consisting of var-~ iety grocery store with living quarters for the owner. Turn- over $30,000. Substantial down payment required. Write box 42213, Oshawa Times. SELL! BUY! TRADE! any property Call CLARE -McCULLOUGH Oshawa 723-7843 W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. OSHAWA REALTY - Investment Properties Resales --- New Homes Free Valuations 728-9466 OSHAWA REALTY 25 Bond West (Bond St.\ LTD, FORCED SALE 8 years old, 3 bedroom brick bungalow in North Section. Many extras include fireplace in living room, T.V. aerial, paved drive, recreation room ond play room. Priced to sell at $18,900. Owner leaving City. 6% N.H.A. Mortgage. Down payment flexible. Ask for Jack Sheriff. WE LIST AND SELL M.L.S. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. MEMBER 0.D.R.E.B. WANTED Ready-Mix truck drivers. After Hours Call: Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Evelyn Cassell 725-3710 Leonard Bissell 725-2070 Judi O'Donnell 725-6713 Bob Cooper 728-4923 Italo Bortolussi 723-6329 Jean Peacock 723-1121 Jack Graham 723-5281 Leon Manitius 728-2754) Steve Englert 728-5581) El Ann Thompson 728-4731 George Nymeyer 728-424] Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 723-1121 Dick Young 723-7183 Apply in own handwriting to Post Office! | Box 235, Oshawa. EXPERIENCED clerk- typist, , _knowledg of bookkeeping for small office. Apply in jown handwriting to Post Office Box 235, | Oshawa. iw 4c 'Want. Ads Don' t Cost- They Pay WANT ADS reach tousanas or interest- ed prospects every day. Take advantage + Feagd vast audience by telephoning 723- |HOW TO GET IT: 1 you do not find the item you want in the Want Ads, place a -- ad and get iti Dial 723-3492 now, }CASH. Dial 723-3492 for an staid now