1G THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 17, 1966 EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH 'FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS Call The Direct Classified Niiynhsat 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday. to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. | BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY ne gee NOW! SIX Ss. pale Havel el Yoong" 14--Business Opportunities TAX! BUSINESS 3 cars 'and other related equipment necessary to run business, Situated on main Whitby, $25; plaid travel bed, $8. Telephone 668- ag eg sats hi wi UY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used furniture Pa Conmee i have. The City e sk Tradl Store, "446 'Simcoe. Street WHEEL ALIGNMENT. SPECIAL inataate ". ibeadlemars! it Chev, Doda. Ford, Ply- |SRMINGTON. anal BY ak wheel 'alignment, inspect and correct castor and* camber, align toe-in .and toe-out to correct condition . . . 6.88 @ Ports, extra if required @ Torsion bar adjustment extra, e. BRAKE SPECIAL » Most popular cats. First Quality Royaline, © For information phone J. B. McMullan Realtor 668-6201 SHELL CANADA LIMITED has 8 nune ber of service stations for lease on busy arteries, Better than average income, For in- $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton formation J, E, Van Zant, 728-6421, Road East, lust east of Ritson Road, PLUMBING SUPPLIES, new toilets, tubs, EE | Ne ee 7 FE ~ . Apply to Box 43429, Oshawa Times. | COMBINATION DRESS and snd beauty pare 8 for sale. Fully equipped elephone 725-9356. 15---Employment Wanted SINGLE LADY, late torlies, stea employed as receptionist, must > gg ae Ripa Berg ag) r rou Mv even 42997, Oshawe Times. satel tex LADY WISHES to - housework. Tele- phone 725-0434 after 5 p.m RELIABLE Woman will care py 'chil Anci-TOR GUITAR - A perfect be for the student, way chriings gift! Brand new Kay otter with nae ey strap.. Complete, $80. Phone 7; 6 p.m. STANDARD TPaWATTARS $20; eee able, $35; electric standard, $55; electr! adding Bat $20; ae iby ate cash register, $40, Phone 723-4434. LIGHT ALUMINUM = mows cellent condition, 820; Telephone TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- oe ge 4 tower structure, all-channel ahten {Plumbing and Heating PLUMBING MART Sold direct, 20% off cop- per pipe, pumps, 3 piece bath, @oinless steel sinks, vani- ties, plastic, black and gal- vanized fittings and pipe. - 668-6601, 149 Brock Street North, 8:30 a.m. --- 9 p.m. feb ag Li bed BA spn and "Reosonable Gardening ond Supplies TOP SOIL, SOD Fall Sale of NURSERY STOCK HARDSAND LANDSCAPING 55 Glovers Rd. 725-1721 Not Just 'Nursery Sod" But 100% cess SOD | Building Trades Residential Commercial Industrial Repairs ---- Alterations Additions --- Remodelling For all your Cénstruction Needs -- CALL JAMES ALLEN & SONS 725-6126 QUALITY CARPENTRY & GENERAL REPAIRS For all your home improve- ment problems, call us first. 725-8576 Then have a talk with our customers. --|CARPENTRY -- New and oy bie: and cement work. Free estimates. YOUR LOCAL chimney cleaner. neys bullt, repaired, gas linings roofs repaired. Free estimates. 723-2997 EAVESTROUGHING Murray Holll- day. Guaranteed work, Free estimates 725-9404. NEW PLATERING and repairs, stucco, sidewalks, re-modelling, rec-rooms. Free +: gael A. C. Wood, 728-3420 or 728- JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun- Lconged Trusies 17 Bond Street 723-4833, 'Accountant. ts King Strest Best ' ng 5 Phone. Oshawa 254599. Phone Tc gge'nn Hd vice, perviess, ae Lg co het her citer 'oa Recouot, ie 08 Oshawa Shop- ping Centre, 725-9953. HOSMAR, Chartered Accoun- 4 Prince Street, Suite 4, Osh Ontario, Telephone 723-1221. , MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14¥a King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. WAC Peta FR IEDLANDER AN AND ara Char: Licensed stees in Bonar spicy Mice aan simess treat North, HOPKINS, BEADLE AND BG. cha Charier: Sater eee, Lit Oshawa, 7, Hooking, CA; H. &. Beadie, CA; CA. E. Lukow, Barristers t RED a JONES, LLB Solicitor, 86 King Street 72-0137, Residence 725-095), KELLY, Barristers, beat 114 King = Street Piagrea toon Residence Phones: J. rd QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, QC, 728- 5332; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, 725- 2662. SNES MACOONALD, BA, LLB, fen cor rei Bulling, 2 Ring me a West "oshewe Ontario... Client Parking avaliable, TSari6 or 725-4717. pales edna AT harem JOHN BD. MCLAUGHLIN, B. Comm., LLB, barrister Hay solicitor, 22% King St. &. 723-2231 723-0944, Hump ea BOYCHYN end HILL-lexpeRT PAVING, Free estim MAN, Barriste Sollcitort, 36% KiNG | cludes grading and fill, two-year Ray , Osh R. D. Humphreys, tee. Eleven years in business. S. Boychyn, QC, BA, LLB. Office Paving, 723-5841. 725-4604; Whitby, | peasaes | * 725-5133. eM ATLANTIC PAVING. 'und concrete, "at mort: nds avallab! your driveway pav y experts, cents sacl ae ~ sq. ft. All work guar, 3 years. 723-0281. DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS BA t-sosive ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- ~ a na ooggins 4 ee etn roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire- laces. masonry. Gord May, Whitby, id on any given weekday. Li "That's, wh Y ifs smart business to ad-| 668-2774. vertise in in the Times' Classified Section . Ws to geil it's the one place look your ad. To get your offer low ex- 85840. WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per bc each 1.95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES DOMINION TIRE STORE 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH 'TELEPHONE 725-6511 pumps, plumbing supplies. Call us for prices. Free lay out service. Also we can ai range Installation. 668-6601, 1 Street North, 8.30 a.m, -- 9 p.m. ore SPECIALS--beds $16., fridges $30., table and chair sets $19., dressers $10., cribs $10., stoves $19., washers $15, 16 Bond Street West, 25 Bond Street East. Valley Creek, 728-4401. 10 CHROME COUNTER fools; one Sweden soft-ice cream machine; one deep-fat fryer and grill, Priced for quick sale. Phone Colborne 355-2625 or 355-2649. CRIB AND MATTRESS, good condition, $15, Telephone 723-0480. |dren in own home, five-day week, Har- SINGER sewing machine, industrial. | Mony district. Can ilanytime, 7 728-6337, | Telephone 728-5311 or 723-9583. {MOVING? CALL + RoBcO. Reasonable ROLLAWAY BED, like new, 23" tele: | rates. Free estimates. Also specialize in |vision, console model; table with arbor-/!@wn maintenance, handyman services, ite top, dressers, odds and ends. Apply | 23-6030, 726-2882 any time. | 235 Eulalie Avenue. | RELIABLE WOMAN will ce Care for child HEAVY DUTY RANGE, 22", cil space|'" her home, near North General Motors. | heater, 4 to 5 rooms, manual cash regis-|APPly 261 French Street. jter, Tax key, Smith-Corona, lady's f3ll| WOMAN WILL GIVE day care to oung | coat size 18, never worn. 723-6686. child in her_home. et, Park ae In School. --------=|and area, Telephone 723-2361... GIVE THEM THE '9--Market Basket CONSCIENTIOUS " MOTHER will give BOOK of KNOWLEDGE FOR CHILI SAUCE tomatoes $1.50 per Cn', care'0,,0ne child, ike s 2-5, Lake |bushel. Telephone 725-2213. Vista, Sten... Teeymrs _7ia-tae FRESH VEGETABLES, tomatoes, corn, EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL NURSE cabbage, onilons and others. Walter Hu- is nian Alex gg free to travel. Tele- Iron Farm, V2 mile west of Oshawa on hea ae BS ils |401 north service road. TRUCK AND DRIVER available, for | POTATOES FOR SALE, 75-b, bag, $2.50| "OV" deliveries, etc. Telephone after | delivered. Telephone 726-1306, TA ened MOO DPE ES |CRABAPPLES, WEALTHYS, Meibas.| nc ABLE experienced lady will take |Free recipe for crabapple jelly with every wit live Lege a i808 children. order, 75¢, per basket. 173 Garrard Rd. 7 P AND HEATING sup- plies, Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark td., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255 Simcoe Street South, Rug, Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS re-vpholstered and re-styled, Free estimate. See our mate- rial tor recovering. Slip covers made is order, Nal Upholstering, 73 Charles reet, RE: apascaveNy by experts, Establish- ed years. Workmanship guaranteed. j \ Free estimates, Credit terms. Mattresses Townline N., Ya M,N. of re-built, furniture refinished. Oshawa Up. Taunton-village OSHAWA holstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311. | ua 725-9674 Sales and Service ; NURSERY SOD APPLIANCE Now cutting, choice Ken- REPAIRS tucky Blue, Also some No. Expert repairs to all makes 1 field sod. Pick up and save, of washers, dryers, ranges, We also deliver and lay. Telephone 668-4965 _After 6 o'clock Al tant, awe, WHA 16 MADE OF TANTALUM ? 'WANS USED YW BONE SURGERY, GRASS PICKED UP OR DELIVERED Visitors Welcome "ALL GREEN" NURSERY SOD GROWERS ie KANAKA BELLE | SMILES SHE 15 FAIRLY GOOD LOOKING: HERTEEM ARE BLACKENED With HERBS AND S{AINED BY CHEWING BETEL. ( MICRONESIAY U3 MINUTES, (PUEBLO, C020, YMCA 4 as ad ITV-----Radio Repairs COLOR T.V. OR BLACK AND WHITE All work guaranteed ne R.1.0, TELEVISION 728-5143 etc, @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ |GET A JOB with Ww work "wanted" 2 is mn A 38 A N |Classified. Dial 723-3492 now and have FURNITURE and APPLIANCES [Sting Magis' "ele You phrase your leb- 452 Simcoe S, -- Oshawa | justo Telephone 723-0011 Well | Drilling --Diggirg |WELL DIGGING by machine special- Rent A Piano 6--Marine Equipment "EXTRA LOW COST on this SPECIAL BOAT PURCHASE 14' x 64" x 29" FIBREGLAS RUNABOUT 7 windshield, steering, lights --- complete $545.00 with 33 H.P. Evinrude elec- tric start, controls, battery and box -- complete $1150.00 above with 600 Ib. trailer -- complete e- $1285.00 EXPLORER TRAILERS 600 Ib. capacity $179.50 Sale $135 $214.50. |e Genki ihe "a6 St SU | Telephone 72804171: or 728- 3521, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ATTENTION PARENTS ! Help Your Children Win High Marks tors, efc., 723-2278. REPAIRS, FINISH, rec rooms, painting. Telephone 723-591 ROOFING, a HME, all types of cement work, sidewalks, feng Soaps, Frank McCann, RR 3, Os 5-306), SMITH'S TREE FARM @ Cedars for Hedges @ Cut flowers and plants @ Manure (cow, sheep or horse) @ Rough lumber (cut to suit) @ Posts and poles. Call collect Newtonville 786-2283 CHAIN LINK FENCING, highest quality material and workmanship. Low prices, ROOFING, hot tar od ae wingiens free estimates, 723-5377. eet. corps, be aoe '|NURSERY SOD. Now cuTti Rooting Gad Construction: 725-4037, quality Kentucky Blue, Pr NeW asvatine and repairs, stucco,}on any amount. Phone after 6. 668-4965 lim, or and fi repairs to equip- ~y r TREE TO TRIM? C Vi cut ment. Call Pickering Pabst. inane: (free cotimaten sesaild: ot Home Demonstration -- No | Obilgotion Local Representative G. HOWARD Write or Apply : 945 SIMCOE N. OSHAWA izing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chest- nut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 468- 3809, N. Telephone 723-0379, WILL GIVE loving care to child In ~~ ene | home while mother works. Near BARTLETT PEARS, small size, S0c., six) jephone quart basket, Pallock Orchards, one mile b+ Motors' office, Te jnorth Whitby, east side No. 12 Highway.) 17--Female Help Wanted CLERK-TYPIST | PEARS--Clapp's Favorite, by 1 the bush- jel, $3.50, Bring soa 339 Malage For Office of Superintendent of Public Schools, joes or phone 728 |TOMATOES, S0c, six-quart basket. Pick your own. Bring containers. H. Townsend, Highway No, 12. Training ond experience in typing and shorthond requir- ed -- Grade 12 Special Com- mercial standing preferred. '1--Women' 5 "Column EARLY FALL SEE HEINTZMAN & Company Ltd. 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Telephone 728-292] SEWING MACHINES, repairs to aii SPECIAL makes, work guaranteed. For home serv | ice 'phone 725-3286. | ARC and ACETYLENE wetiding and cut- ting. Reasonable rates. 50? Bloor East. | Phone 723-2281. Professional PIANO ACCORDION FOR SALE This is the very best model made by Scandalli; in excel- lent condition. Seen by op- pointment only. Phone 723-3244 SUNDAY: AFTERNOON All "types of lumber, pipe, windows, doors, stairs, toilets, sinks, tubs, overhead garage doors, steel windows, steel beams, wooden beams, cup- boards, furnaces, panel box- es, boilers, rads. Anything in the line of used buildina ma- running Choice Y delivery before m0) } subscriber- readers at cost, just die! 723-3492. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS Cash Insertion of 24 words, $1.08; \ ave. each) 9 con September 2]st to 24th $15.00 Perm for $12.50 $12.50 Perm .. for $10.00 $10.00 Perm .. for $ 7.50 For beauty ah i eg CORN, 25c. a dozen, Pick our own, Bring own containers. Also tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet corn. R. U McBurnie, Harmony Road North, 2% miles north of Taunton Road, 10--Farmers' Column TREES WANTED for transplanting A large number of 12-15 ft. Maples and 6-8 ft, Spruce, Pine and Cedar, Telenhane 772.1905 feminine PHONE DOR MAR Beauty Salon WHITBY 668-3992 truly 728-0610. ee Ee DARLINGTON GARDEN SERVICE REMODELLING, trim work, cupboards,|Free estimates. Phone 967-4754. Ever-)_"_"™ CORRS Cen Kee ae recreal rooms, and stairs, Free esti- ens, Sods, , patios, fencing. GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer) mates, Telephone 725-7044. , FIELD AND NURSERY -- Free}"ashers and ranges. Free estimates. Call! '| Denti Prompt delivery. 7253325 or| 728-1747 or 723001, CAREFOOT, OR. JOHN M., "Denk wr ; 7 : Septic Service Y acaitional eharge | surgeon, 172 King, street Messi, Oshawa. Instruction SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, Phompt service| For 71. ee. on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street} Fae pala = ge i -" Apply in handwriting, stating age, quolifications, and ex- perience to: | Surveyors | H, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land| ae i Surveyors, 112 Elgin Street East. Phone|LADIES! ! Is vour "pleno in tune? Any! z moths? queen ed repairing. Sebastian! Method of Counting -- Less than 24/BIALEK, DR. &. me Dental Surgeon, West, Whitby, 660-2563. words counts as 24 words; each ¥}112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For ay cases or abbreviation counts @$/ appointment, 728-5842 or Res, 728-8441. number counts two Dressmaking . pave your way to @ 'PAY-RAISE The Conadian Institute of Science and Tachnalaay home the Cc. M, Elliott, Superintendent of Public Schools, Oshawa Board of Education, 585 Rossland Rd. West, __Oshawa, Ontario, BIRTHS--DEATHS-- 700 Ib. capacity $48. per insertion. with 38 cents eddl-| ons slip ms $a one tat cal wtitin' & devs [Specialty Mrs. DRESSMAKING iN MEMORIAMS for ning and $2.25 for the oes %& FA ogel gt ee Telephone 7 each THRIFTY DRESSMAKING, re-styi- Verser 25c. additional charge it not Paid! ing, alterations to ladies', men's and within 8 days. children's wear, Fast, accurate service. Mrs. Van Den Berghe, 287 Currie Ave.,} 728-1823. PLEISHMANN; OF study courses give you ad: J 4 ei cial vive | DEAD AND CRIPPLED | farm. "stock pick _ up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tone. iwepigie \ _ Fempion as wn. Licence 4-C-66. T1--Pets « and Livestock CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES a, SALE, male Call after 6 p.m., 7 WANTED -- good home f ria =a year-old Belgian sheep dog, fémale, all needies, also two puppies. 723-0734. BALED HAY for seie. Pick-up or "or will deliver. 728-5221 COZY-J RANCH Kennels, Reg. German shepherds, males, 4 mos., 9 mos., trained, Shots, stud servs. "\inoarn 655-4662, eve. BEAUTIFUL 8/ BUDGIES, ready for training, talking st . Apply Mrs. T Broad, 114 Elgin E Ea: HORSES | WANTED to board, box + good fencing, good riding S0." phe month, 623-2790 after 6 covers; drapes, Firing Toms, Whitby, 448-2272 A ann ALT children, Iprints, 11 Ontari TV--Radio Repairs T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a_ better tower for Less Money OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. TAUNTON RD. E. $252.00 Sale $189 1100 tb. capacity $304.00 Sole $225 '2--Pertonel 850 Ib. capacity reasonable. jobs Pi o real future. cist courses use step-by-step met- hods, and you study at your own speed in your own time. Send for your free prospec- tus. 100 pages describing over 260 courses, and packed with solid advice on how to get ahead with your chosen ca- reer, Choose your own sub- jects. Removal of superfluous heir Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Oct. 3, 4 and 5. Phone Genosha Hotel on these days for appointment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 CAR LEAVING OSHAWA for Toronto, | arriving Teachers' College, 8 a.m. and) University of Toronto, 8.30. Please tele-| | phone 723-5717. Two Greeting Card Stands with lighting Good as new. A real borgain. SHOWCASE COSMETICS Ladies Earn Extra Money 1300 tb. RD OF THANKS for the first 35 words and Sc. each ard with 25¢. charge If net peld within 8 days. coats, Work done profes- sionally, Mrs, McNamee, 668-8756. oe. EVENTS inch (Glepiay)? 9.78, tor, the Sa oe 'ncranee|Gardening and Supplies (Word Ads) KING, alterations. Suits, dresses, etc, WE ARE APPOINOING REPRE- SENTATIVES TO SELL SHOW- CASE COSMETICS IN THE HOMES OF YOUR COMMU- NITY.SHOWCASE !I§ A CAN- ADIAN COMPANY MARKET. ING ALITY, GUARANTE- ED, ODUCTS THAT YOU WILL BE PROUD TO SHOW YOUR FRIENDS. IF YOU / WOULD LIKE TO BECOME | THE SHOWCASE REPRESEN- TATIVE IN YOUR COMMU- NITY APPLY BOX M1000 OSHAWA TIMES | 3--Sportsman' 's Column pe LICENCES, guns, supplies. Valley Creek, 728-4401 DEALING IN SERVICES? An ad in the Qust East of Ritson) @ Journalism Business Service Directory brings extra customers at moderate cost. Telephone 723-8131 - 723-8132 @ Mathematics | 723-3492 to place your ad, | @ Metallurgy persig a | © Meenanical TELEVISION-- RADIO 4--Motorcycles $id 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES SACRIFICE by ELECTRONICS @ Prof, Eng For Prompt Service Coll @ Radio and TV _Whitby -- 668- 5679 @ Forestry @ Geology @ Heating @ Industrial Eng. And Management ®@ Accounting @ Aeronautical @ Air- conditioning Architecture Automation Automobile Building Chemical Civil Eng. Computer Programming Diesel Draftsmanship And Design Electrical Eng. Electronics Transistors PER INCH PER INSERTION. DEADLINES RD ADS Whim DAY PREVIOUS AND FOUND eke DAY OF PUBLICATION pag AND DEAT! ; a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION N_MEMORIAMS and CARDS OF THANKS Spm. DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column -- 4 p.m, day previous; 3 col umns or targer -- 10 a.m. day previous CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECT 9 am, may ron PUBLICATION Any adve een cancelled before pub- Tiestion will be charged on day's insert- ton. AUCTION SALES 92.4 Fall Gardening Superfine Grass Mix No. 1 Fine Grass Mix Parklawn Grass Mix Timothy & Alsike Suburban Hay-Pasture Individual Grasses So-Green Fertilizers C.1.L 10-6-4 Evergreen 6-9-6 Golfgreen 12-6-6 Milorganite Bonemeal Peat Moss Cooper-Smith CO. ae 16---CELINA ST. 723-2312 -- 723-1139 Delivery Service Closed Wednesday P.M. gd WANTED NOW! Teenagers --- Mothers -- Grandmothers --- to start at once showing luxurious Chrit- mas cards to friends and neighbours. Earn plenty of extra cash for Christmas this easy way. No experience needed. Our catalogue does the selling for you. Over 300 items beautifully illustrated in full-colour. Write today for Christmas cards on approval and free catalogue. Monarch Card Co,, Dept. 22, 217 Can- non, Hamilton, Secretary-Typist Fast growing company re- student who is returning to Like new condition school. $150. 723-8878 "MOTORCYCLE SALE -- Used scooters, trail bikes, bridge stone NSU Jawa, Hon- das' Suzuki + . . $99. and up. HONDA SHOP 199 King West, 728-4242 Open Evenings | One | Wilson's Furniture, 0 Church Street. VACUUM REP. 'all makes, hoses, brushes, etc. Pick- UP delivery, 942-0213, Fleming Vacuum hte Main 'Street, Pickering. WATER FOR Ace, a 575s. MATTRESS jeer a All types of mat- tresses, all reduced. Smooth-top mat- tresses, $29.7 erib mattresses, $9.88; mat- tresses for bunk beds, $16.88; roll-away cots complete, $19.88. Wilson's Furni- ture, 20 Church Street. FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual- ity furniture, only $299, inc. complete Ty omg a bedroom, living room, kitchen heb WANTED 'TO 8 suy 24 wie Tie In bles. Pay only $3 weekly. | good values! Barons' Home Foralshings, 424) WANTED: Twin c carriage, a fai con- Simege S. Ne au _|verts into a strolier, in good condition quires competent girl for one GUARANTEED USED wringer washers, |and priced. T 723-| giri office. Requirements SEND for your. free prospec- tus today! No obligation. No salesman will call CANADI AN. INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. LTD., 275 156 Garden City Building, 263 Adelaide St. W., Toron- to, Ont. @ Refrigeration @ Sales HOT DIPPED | GALVANIZED _ | Monagers TV TOWERS |: @ Shipbuilding POY wal eke ol ARE-BEST | WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! | | T.R. 1.0. TELEVISION Corner Bond and Division 728-5143 CITY "TV tele televisions, ~ radios, service and repairs. Service dept. open 7 days a week. Also T.V. towers, color and black and white T.V. Anten- | nos, rotors installed. Sales | and Service 9 a.m. to9 p.m. | 306 Kitchener Avenue. Call | 725-0500, 728-6879. All | | work guaranteed, | T.V. Rentals New Sets ALCAN FURNITURE AND. APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe S. 723- 0011 SMALL CAR WANT mileage. Call after 5 only. en. ED FURNITURE. What have > Valley Creek "6 Bond Street west, bp. 4401, GOOD USED furniture wanted, etc. High- est prices. Call anytime. MacNells' Furniture. 668-5481, 668-6526. WANTED -- Oid coal oll lamps, exam- ple: parlor lamps, hanging lamps and parts. Telephone 723-2648. BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 while endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as Les gpd we ac cept no lability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through either pain af or_delay_in_forwarding.such ts piles, however caused whether by negli- gence or otherwise, The Times will not be responsible for replies uncalled for in 20 days. NAME ..... REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors in advertisements submitted) -- otherwise than in writing not for more bi one insertion of any advertisement the price charge for a single invertion which error occurs. ~ The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification. in the cases of display advertisements The Times will not be held responsible = more space than that which the actua! error to reproduce al! advertising matter cor- rectly, but assume no liability of adver- tisement if any inaccuracies in any form are contained therein, "7S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS \--Women's Column 2--Personal 3--Sportsman's Column 4--Motorcycies ADDRESS capochty $349.50 BIRKS JEWELLERS Sale $260 Oshawa Shopping Centre COMBINATIONS Me sp A fi ' m 1967 3KI DOO SNOWMOBILE by Bombar- prs pt es 14° Mus dler, world's largest producer of soft soil tang with steering, wind- |vehicles and McCulloch chain saws, shield, upholstered seats, run- | World's largest toh gt chain saws 7 " jnow on display United Rent-All Marine, et Soe ys Yori {555 King St. E. at Wilson, 728-5565, x . vinru ge | snd . TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40 ff. s structure, electric start, 700 Ib. Explor- all channe! antenna, $50. TRIO Tele. u ammunition; er trailer -- for immediate | vision, 728-5143 $ Bond St. W.) delivery. OLIVETTI , divides. Lease with no money down, $4 weekly, Paymaster cheque writers, like new, fa . |$129. while they last, $53. Two dolla ppaeromes acerragnrae iectesneie cr jweekly. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. Paina aes Must sell. 9-year-old Pal mino |ber you must be satisfied 100 percent, |Gelding. Western saddle, No reasonable 14' Lapstrake Aluminum with [MODERN DESK" with swivel" armehair,|ore"_retused- Phone 720-3099. sleeper seats, flat vinyl cov- Feeding are @ bookcase with $50 / DOGS me gr , een 4 ace r worth of ks plus a set of E | our years o white indard pood' ered --_~, anand -- | wer Telephone rT ae scaiteni one veer i st, Bernard. one year old; ing, pus utton controls, VIKING" FOUR-BURNER also St. ernard pups. irom cham- i tock, Call aft .m. battery and box, 40° Hi.P. |condition, $30. Teleprone 64hs607.. "lends, please, santos. ™ vintude Lark with generator. | Wew. usED = vacuums, polishers. Re-/ REGISTERED LABRADOR Retriever For immediate delivery. pairs to all makes, New hoses. Phone| pups, C.K.C., four months old, training Jack Lees, 728-6958, led on ia t pe ea started on land and water and needied $] 486 00 FABULOUS August Pu "ture sale, every|>Y veterinarian. Telephone 728-7765. stick of furniture mus) Ww. Chesterfield | ip ND p 4 , suites from $99, bedroor,, suites from mace es oe ney. : $99, five-piece dinette kit $34.88. Many, manville 623- 3430. With 700 Ib. Explorer Trail- [many more mendous savings. )_--__ er. $1646.00 15' --Crestliner--Fibregias -- Demonstrator sleeper seats, windshield, © steering, controls, battery and box and |"66 SUZUKI, 50 C.C., 600 miles, perfect| '00 H.P. Evinrude -- speeds | condition, $280. 228 Farewell Ave. Tele-} up to 48 M.P.H. a real ski | Phone 723-4429 boat |1966 SUZUKI 80 c.c. KIIP model, used three months, only 1,700 miles, Must sell. Best offer! Alax hist 0973, . . MANY OTHER BIG BARGAINS CONVENIENT TERMS CITY BALLET, BATON Twirling. Register| 47 p.m. daily, Harvey Dance Academy, Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-6122. TUITION in Hign ) School subjects. A tew lessons may set you right in your grade Telephone 668-3866. PIANO-- Classical, popular and theory. For information contact Patricia Tuck, 74 Burk Street, Oshawa. Dial 725-4587, Mortgage iS LAWNMOWER ALE Drastic Reductions Also Complete Sales and Ser- vice On Gardening Equip- ment Toro, Lawn Boy and Yardman Lawnmowers Wheel Horse Garden: Tractors RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE LTD. 1015 KING ST. E, Mea: 6551 5--Trailers TRAILER CLEARANCE TRAILERS. HEATERS. RE- FRIGERATORS. = Authorized Service on trailer heating and refrigerntors, MILLER HEATING 9 Tudor St., Ajax, 942-3491 RAMBLER TRAILERS SALE -- RENT Open Sundays 2-4 P.M. BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE Lot at 401 and 28 sone "TAG. A- LONG" Lt LUGGAGE trailer, or boat overtop, factory made. Directionals, 8" wheels, tarp. Apply 399 Pine Avenue. \6--Marine_ Equipment heer. ALUMINUM BOAT with new Evinrude 3 HP motor, Atlas Juicer, | Muskrat fur coat, size 18, Phone 668-3560./TOILETS, TUBS, vanity basins sinks in cabinettes, pressure systems,| septic tanks, laundry tubs, piping and) fittings. H. _ Chinn, 288 Hillside. CABINETS with sinx or vanity basin $39.| =| TYPEWRITERS Laundry tubs, bath tubs, ftollets, pres jmoaaits a ioogeendl rea el outboard, windshield, controls, trailer,| SUre tet Voge He geo Fg tanks! We will not be 'undersold. "Bilt Hamition,| } tarp. New 1964, Excellent condition, | P'P®_ an egg yh yeh add | Raglan | $800, 728-9978 garden tractors, H Chinn, corner Hillside) le da ecpsiaasies seach =e Park South, 723-7088, |CONTINENTAL BEDS, mattresses, half J MERCURY motor and boat, excel-'!-- |price, Finest quality Posturpedic. Head- lent condition. Apply 371 Verdun Rd. Tele-| | boards. Factory outlet. » 723. 3889. | | phone , 723-1809. ; -- saiapenterincianindnetaiih MAN'S SUIT, 42, tall, | ever et worn, | 1° LAKEFIELD [molded plywood boat \nalt-price. 'Telephone' 2.2708. Lan fond tral boftom, 25 horsepower IMPORTED FROM m a net, olor and trai, $550. Telephone 723-1409 England, etc., sults and dresses, size 11- \\8-FT. DOWTY fibregias boat haul with 16, almost new. Telephone 723-4402. and fitting = © ag 7 Fcoeanp oe oe [CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS clearance of floor models, 2 pc. suites with foam cushions from $138. Modern 4 seater sets from $158. 3 pc. sectionals from $188 Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- ipliances. Call Elmer, tampton 283-2084 | Now at the OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. Harbor Rd. off Simeoe St. 723-8186 1|7--Swap and E and Barter MORTGAGE - LOANS Moneys available for and second mortgages. Open mortgages. No bonus. First mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur- chased M. F. SWARTZ ged King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 FIRST and SECOND MORTGAGES -- All Classes -- -- City, Rural, Vacation -- SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers 112 Simcoe St. N. -- 725-3568 FIRST AND SECOND mort ages, , sale agreements purchased and sold. Hennick/ and Hennick, Barristers, 21 King Street| East, 723-7232. FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avail- able. W Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock Street North, Whitby. 668-3338. first NO. F NURSERY sop Up to 100, 30c¢ sq. yd. de- livered 100-200, 28¢ sq. yd. delivered. 200 yd. and up 26c sq. yd. delivered. NO. 1 FIELD SOD 200 yd. and up 20c sq. yd. delivered. We maintain a Landscape Service. BETHANY LANDSCAPING Phone 623-7594 Ss. Rust t. V. TOWERS Proot COLORED TV or black ond white 24-Hour Service 723-0065 or 668-5830 _RAE"S RADIO & TY, TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA SEAT RONG :|14--Business Opportunities FOR RENT Large Commercial Lot Guaranteed trouble-free winter if your purchase from | Western Oil Co., 725-1212. | AUTHORIZED "BURROUGHS, ¢ Olympia and] dealer. Cash regs., adders, typewriters, | file cabinets, your choice, $2 wkly. No money down. New, used, rentals, serv-| lice, trades, Bill Hamilton, Raglan. | for. students, -- office! |"STARCRAFT" Grew Tra boats |Evinrude motors. Open evenings and | weekends. Marine Storage and Supply |Ltd., Breoklin, 655-364) |14' FIBREGUAS Cadoretie, 25 HP "Viking o--Marke? Basket 10--Farmer's Colurnn complete liePets and Livestock si Located on Dundas East Whitby with modern bedroom bungalow. Fireplace in living room, ganage: Rent $275. Suitable for any type of business. Wanted 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted 1%--Male or Female Help Wented 20--Real Estate For Sale SPRING CLEAN-UP @ Planting @ Sodding @ @ Top Soil @ Seeding @ @ Evergreens @ Grading @ @ Marion and Kentucky Blue- grass @ Complete landscap- ing @ Fertilizers. 723-9020 HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING Bloor St. East stella: lbs For RESULTS TIMES Classified CONTACT BILL WHITTICK auRoPa -- Paris, SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION television, refrigerator, etc, $34.50 and 1696 between 1 p.m, = 5 p.m. | tt telephone voice, sev- up Alcan Furniture and A eral ors experience in of- Simcoe South; 723-0011, |13--Articles For Rent 'i ye panei '4 PIANO, Heintzman, | upright, $225, Fea | sie routine, ability to_ wor : F with figures and a self starter Risch $99. Morse $250. Phone Piano| Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- uners_MF,_Caves 9425517, 9422689.__| es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee gular daily office duties. WEDDING GOWN, Empire style, bro-| Reply to Post Office Box 71 ; . veil, $50. Girl's bicycle, excellent condi-| Wear, Menis Formals, White giving age, marital status, tion, $20. Phone 725-4129, Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. experience and references. MARCONI FOUR-SPEED port portable se record J ¢ : player, two years old. Excellent. condi- SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 BUY ANG SELL -- Good used furniture] ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred ances, One location only, Pretty | people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. | quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, WHILE YOUR CeteenOne rkin wed CHILDREN SLEEP ea ! space heaters, good shape| CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church Eorn er hour, demonstrat- 15.00 each. Ol! heated hot water tanks|aisie runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 in Rid - To ; Chest': ike new $0.00 each. International sall| Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2614. ig Far-tee toy Cnest s un- P.O. Box 1, Pet a WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, coaces a buster St ah telephone J. reducing machines, sick room supplies.| ond gifts. No deliveries or 57-8513 after 6:00 p.m. |Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice. 725-1644 collections. Car necessary. Call Now Mrs. Hartwig 723-3568 Fully experienced. Shorthand oa must. Public relations of- fice. Must be able to work on her own. Apply OSHAWA TIMES JOIN the wonderful worlo of cosmetics! Beauty Counselor will train mature women, Full or part-tl time. 725-6816. cook, Telephone 723-0761. Lansdowne Plaza EARN EXTRA MONEY Show Can- ada's 'finest line of Christmas cards, jditioned, new keyboard. Mason and who can handle all the re- Urs, Punch Bowls, Bridal cade, size 9-10, matching headpiece and| tion. Call 725-2954, MOTH ERS PETERBORO cedar skifts 14 foot used|Parking. 723-2140 evenings. boat. Best offer will be considered. Apply usual and unique line of tays Box M44317 | WAITRESS, -- Must also be short order wraps, novelties, etc, Over 300 items. 723. 5894 } | JOB SWITCHES The average man petween 20 and 24 can expect to switch jobs six or seven You ore one of Thousands who read The Times Wont Ads Doily. |Optometrist lr RICHARD BLACK, "OD, 136 Simcoe! | Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone 723-419) estate marketplece, Classified Ads, TELEVISION 728-5154 9 an to 9 p.m " |SOMETHING D DISAPPEAR? Place a lost| TO BUY PROPERTY "check the real --& in Classified to reach the finder, Diai |unemploved or looking for @ better job, 3492 for an ad-writer now, times, In many cases the change will be to @ totally new career. And the place to look for the best jobs is the "Help Wanted" column in The Times' Classified Section. Whether you're check "Help Wanted" new! ACTION ADS 723-3492 i< 263-2695. | | BABY CARRIAGE, good condition, girl's| | two-piece suit, size 8. Telephone 725-4440, BIKETIME) Summertime! New, used Repairs all makes. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Street East, MOTORS LIMITED 1250 Dundas East Whitby, 668-5871-2 For free, beautifully tilustrated cata- logue, samples on approval and the fast- es! service, Jeandron Greeting Card, Co, Ltd., 1253 King St. E., Hamilton, Ont. BABYSITTER to live in, to do | light household duties, $25 weekly. Apply 486 Shoaipoint Road, Pickering Beach.