Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Sep 1966, p. 13

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a. Viwint se iwe mz ted aun THE OSHAWA TIMES, Gotirdey, September 17, 1966 1F Dixie Town Needs Medic LOGANSVILLE, Ga. (AP)-- Strangers driving through this small town in north central) Georgia are generally startled by a big banner stretched over U.S. 78, It reads: "This town needs a several appeals citizens have made for a physician in the last six months. Logansville once had five doc- tors. Population has doubled in 10 years and now 5,000 persons live within five miles of the business district. The town ts 28 miles from Atlanta. Logansville has a clinic built 13 years ago by the American Legion at a cost of $50,000, It has 14 rooms, an x-ray ma- chine, all the necessary furni- ture, but no doctor. Gardenview United Church . Members Welcome Pastor thew's United Church, Rich- mond Hill, where he had the distinction of being the first Sunday. The members accord-| minister. During his minis- ed a warm welcome to theirjtry there -- the congregation Gideons International Work To Be Outlined : new minister, ; Rev. Williamlerected a new church building. A: The " ork being carried on. by day at the Christian Science recording artists from Stock-| > ti his fail hi ] 11:00 A.M. oscar tisternational in|Church in Oshawa. 'The Golden|holm, Sweden, will be featured, ie ibstvion i Pahioesiee Ave,|{his, area as minister of New. "God |s Canada will be expiaineu wyjacas wan Se 22om tot: IGant 9%. at the Simeone Street| public School. He will also be We a Revealed" Denzil Dale at the morning|'Truly "in vain is salvation|Pentecostal Church. Two of tne} service this Sunday in St. Camping and_ particularly Fs Luke's Presbyterian Church. hoped for from the hills, andi : church camping has held a large UNITED SPIRITUALIST A Lesson-Sermon on "Mat- group are singers and two in- from the multitude of moun- strumentalists. tains: truly in the Lord our *\place in his interest and atten- tion, He enjoys reading, writ- CHURCH OF ONTARIO ter" will be presented this Sun- Orange Temple, God is the salvation of Israel." ing and growing a garden. :| Mr. and Mrs, Patterson, who Bruce St., Oshawa (Upstairs) | NEWS FROM THE CHURCHES HARMONY ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 226 Harmony Rd. S. Pastor Wm. J, D. Lewis The congregation of Garden- view United Church, Whitby, marked two innovations last The Right Reverend George Boyd Snell is to be enthroned as the Eighth Bishop of the Dio- cese of Toronto at the Cathe- dral Church of St, James, King and Church Sts., on the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, Sept. 29, at 8 p.m. Since the bishop's throne was the earliest emblem of his office, his enthronement signi- fies his becoming chief Pastor of the Diocese. The central part of the serv- ice will take place when the Metropolitan, the Most Rev. W. L. Wright will conduct the Bishop to the throne and for- mally declare his enthrone- ment. This will be followed by a fanfare and a Solemn Te Deum, after which will be the presentation of the Bishop to the people who will speak on his hopes for the church dur- : 'ling his episcopacy. bad | Special music has been com- \posed for the service by Dr. Godfrey Ridout, of the Faculty Cycling Bishop « Music of the University of Gets New Steed "7". part in the service tunity to meet the Sunday } will be the Gabrieli Brass En- School teachers and become|/REY., WILLIAM PATTERSON | CHRISTCHURCH, N.Z. (CP)--|semble, Robert Oades conduct- better acquainted with this |A report that the Anglican |ing, the choir of St, George's year's courses of study. jin charge of Myrtle United|Bishop of Christchurch, Bishop|School, Toronto, and the choir |Churech. |W. A. Pyatt, regularly wentlof the cathedral, under the Mr.. Patterson, who was in-\about his business in the city |direction of Norman W. Hurrle, ducted as pastor by Oshawa/on a decrepit bicycle was taket\organist and choir leader. Arsh June 30,. came to\as an affront by- the Cycle! -~ Whitby from Smiths Falls | Traders' Association. They ; | where he served for three|promptly presented the pishop | US old bicycle as an unsuitable years. Prior to his going there|with a modern black and white|conveyance. The bishop is 9:45 AM. 'RALLY DAY doctor." acuaat al CHRISTCHURCH, N. A black heetle | an unpleasant smell when ais- is known in New é as the Maori bug. But a com- mittee of the Entomological So- ciety, which has been reviewing common names, thinks the beetle has a "rather offensive" title, at any rate to the Maoris, . the New Zealand native race, So it is -recommendii a change of name--to " black cockroach." Some crit have remarked that: this also is "rather offensive," at' any rate to the bug. ie A Rally Day Service will be held at 9.45 a.m. this Sunday at Harmony Road Baptist Church: A revival crusade will be con- ducted by Evangelist Bill Me- Pherson, of Jansonville, In- diana, Sept. 21 to Oct, 2, at the Byng Avenue Pentecostal Church, are living at 205 Byron St. N., have a daughter, Mrs. James Piper of Oshawa and four sons. Their son, John, is studying the- ology at St. Andrew's, Scot- land; while another son, David, is attending Trent University at Peterborough, Two sons, Steve and James, are students at Henry Street High Sct ] GIBBONS ST. EVANGELICAL CHURCH 230 Gibbons St. Oshawa ' The new Christian Education directors will be introduced during the morning service this Sunday at Simcoe Street United Church, The special speakers at the 7 p.m. service in the Oshawa Spiritualist Church will be 7 and S: Leask, Rev. E. E. Oje, Rey, H. Scott and Rev. W. Pin- nington will be the speakers at ja special service Sept, 22. Sunday 18th September 2:30 P.M. HEALING & OPEN CIRCLE George Telfer, of Toronto, will be the special speaker at oly p.m. service in the Gospel Hall. ; 9:45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11;00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 p.m EVENING SERVICE The Pastor Speaking at both Services WE EXTEND TO YOU A HEARTY: INVITATION HEAR The Back to the Bible Broadcast DAILY Mon. to Set. 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. 7:30 P.M. DIVINE SERVICE MR. JIM BRIGGS MRS. FITTON All Welcome Remember--Bring a friend. SEC, 728-5643 ---------------------------------- | REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS | (World Headquorters, Independence, Missourl) A brief coffee hour will fol- low the morning service at St. Andrew's United Church when parents will have the. oppor- Ministers from Bowmanville will be the speakers at the iChristian Reformed Church this Sunday. Rev. A. VandenBerg will speak in the morning and /Rev. J. Nutma at night. | The Swedish Gospel Singers, Census Bureau Considers ALLIED CHEMICAL CANADA LTD. (Manufacturers of Sulphuric Acid) PLANT AND CONTENTS To be Sold by AUCTION on their Premises Af Sulphide OFF HIGHWAY 37 - VILLAGE OF TWEED, ONT. WEDNESDAY, SEPT: 21 10:00 A.M. Inspection on Tuesday, Sept. 20th, i trained PRACTICAL NURSES URGENTLY NEEDED For DOCTORS' OFFICES, CLINICS " NURSING HOMES PRIVATE DUTY NURSERIES | Whitman sug: ORANGE TEMPLE SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA ne » SUNDAY SERVICES 10:00 A.M. -- CHURCH SCHOOL for children and odults 11:00 A.M. -- MORNING WORSHIP 1350 RADIO | ion About Religi Question About Religion NEW YORK (AP) -- Most|sentative sampling, using @ yol-jhe_ We= minister of St. Mat-|sports model and confiscated pleased with his new model. church bodies would like to find) untary question, lout the exact religious makeup} However, Dr. lof the U.S. population. jgested a way of including the} ater 00 But there are differences of| question on the full-scale census, | opinion about whether it would| and at the same time, avoiding) be right to ask people about) compulsion. | H T ] t ca? or ' te de.| Poem 0 AS 'NO' | as a en e U.S, census bureau is de-| "Although response to the cen-) |ciding whether it should include} gus is einer" he said, "a| iS aacica ome tata Ont. lin the 1970 census a question] refusal of information on re-|(C ) 7 Mere ination of new jabout religion, a subject it has) ligious preference would be ac:\n aarp ey and ee oberg |heretofore avoided. | cepted as a response and coded| Men' of scitars pe at other uni- | Religious organizations recog:| as 'no answer'." yn les van given He ps | nize that their methods of gath-| Roman Catholic Bishop Paul| ce gig niversity a freshman lering statistics have yielded in-| F, Tanner, general secretary ote ity."" om ida academic complete and disparate results,|the National Catholic Welfare| ost vin president, Dr. Wil- and would like the census bur-) Conference, favored inclusion of| hia aume, says. sh eau _to pose the question. the religious preference ques-| >, ..+ out 40 Bas Rye of Ph CHURCH "There is no way it can be} tion, | eres - Aaa udents were given OSHAWA SPIRITUALIST collected except through DA! He suggested two questions:| Cage 3 aiming, bt2 6 : y n sus," says Rev. Lauris) « igious) @r2ee i STORIE PARK HALL' -- MILL STREET Siilse' ted or ihe tae aaaee" aie to a religious !said Thursday at the annual department of the National pody?"' sae conference of faculty members. igebcliaeg eve So far, none of the maior 4|.cyonl "averages that. ranged Branch of Toronto Spiritualist Temple 1.S.A. Pestor: Rev. Roy F.C. Stoddard 2:30 P.M.--HEALING and MESSAGE 7:00 P.M.--DIVINE SERVICE Speokers: Mr. J. Leask, Mrs. $, Leask. Snacial Service a, Cons 99 Sept. ae Specie Messages by -- Rev. E. E. Oje, Rev. H, Scott, Rev, W. Pinningron. FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Branch ef The Mother Church, The First Chureh of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts. | the |"considerable sociological, cul- Nevertheless, misgivings ex- ist. Morris B. Abram, president of the American Jewish Com- | mittee, noted that answers to la person to profess his re- | ligious affiliation or lack of af- sua sould "denrive him anteed in the U.S. constitution. Ou ue viner and, he said, information would have tural and practicai uses." ic | suggested an alternative repre-| 000 Jews with church nominational conventions has taken official positions on the; issue. Before the 1960 census, how- \the religious question. At that ltime. Roman Catholics and same Protestants favored it, of religious freedom," as guar-| while some Protestant and Jew- th |ish groups opposed it. Almanac figures indicate the U.S. population of 195,000,000 in-| cludes 68,300,000. Protestants, | j 2e,08V vee Vee ah affiliati from the high 60s to the 80s. They are all A and B students." Because provincially assisted universities have had their leensus questions are manda-| ever, there was sufficient op- holiavatl : = \tory, and said that to "'compel| position to prevent inclusion of scholarships curtailed, "we thave attracted the largest nurit- ber of scholarships students in au. eotare ?? . 60s have been admitted, but there was no reem for students with averages of 56 or 57 who in other years might have been 'accepted. Waterioo Luthern University ON. |i mits its undergraduates to 2,-| 400 to provide for smaller eo students with marks in! | | INDUSTRY GRANTS FOR QUALIFIED APPL TRAIN NOW FOR A SATISFYING AND REWARDING FUTURE # AGE REQUIREMENTS 17 to 55 ® STUDY IN SPARE TIME HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION. NOT NECESSARY From 9:00 @.m. to 4:30 p.m, MINING CONVEYOR, 2 NAPANEE BOILERS, POWER STATION, SINTER PLANT FANS IN, STEEL, 3 LARGE pein lig rd (IDEAL ING, STONE QUARRIES NATIONAL LOCOMOTIVE KS, TIMBER OF DUCER AND RA DITION), GEAR KINDS (IDEAL FOR COTTAGES ANU 'si7e6) 9 QUANTITY 8 BIDE (ALI CARS, 3 OVERHEAD STORAGE HEAD CRANE (MORRIS, 4-TON), pi MACHINES, MOTORS OF ALL KINDS, maim Aur SAS eee ASBEST: EQUIPMENT, STAND BY PUMP, FENCES, MISC. OFFICE STEEL, TELEPHONE POLES CENT LIGHTS OF ALL KINDS, COMPLETE STAINLESS FOR' MIN- CEMENT , INTER. (GASOLINE DRIVEN), 13. BUILDINGS, WOOD - LOCKERS SYSTEMS, WOOD OF | ALL TUMibe), ber | 2 PANWAY TANK TANKS (18° x 35°), OVER- INDUSTRIAL GR puMee, seserRics OS. SHEETING, FIRE YARD LIGHTS, STEEL LUCTURAL AME EQUIPMENT, STR TRANSFORMERS, FLUORES- Dolphin Is At New Home io scans, At Vancouver Aquarium 2 "ricsacs: ling in Ontario, but accepts stu-| VANCOUVER (CP)--After ajfour that will cost $600 each, |!'8, lungs. SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. @ MEDICAL BOOKS AND EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED ""NAATTER" Wed. Service (incrudes testimonies) 8 PLM, READING ROOM--CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS. Monday to Friday----12 noon - 6 p.m. (Excepting Holidays) Listen to: The Bible Speaks To You CKLB 9 A.M, Every Sundey (TERMS CASH) The Auction is to be conducted by CIC pe swe ourny LIQUIDATOR Tel. 478-3137, Tweed 20 Years Experience end Service Owners and Demolishers - $. Kroch & Sons and A, Bergeron Montreal, Qué. AGE .-00s [dents of all denominations. |) MAME ....sesssseeeersrreseneeseneneress L ; lungs 19-hour trip by air and truck,| 'The dolphin travelled in alyoet' when we. pec gh a customs inspection and a lot plywood box lined with foam|Vince Penfold, aquarium assist- of hypodermic needles, Can- : : ada's first captive dolphin plastic and plastic sheetingjant curator. "In fact, he sur-| vived the trip in better shape} guelped a few fish and settled which had to be kept damp dur- down in his new $90,000 home|!"8 the entire trip. It had to be|than I did, Later he ate a few at the Vancouver Aquarium rolled from side to side con-|fish, which is a sure sign that Thursday. \stantly to relieve pressure on he's well and happy." ' The journey from a Santa \y i ' |Monica, Calif., pool to Seattle | |was accomplished by airplane. The 150-pound Pacific whiteside |then was loaded in the back of a jan aquarium truck and driven | 4 ADORESS ..cccsecceeesecccse eoes ces PHONE ..-ceceees | GOSPEL HALL 40 NASSAU STREET SUNDAY 9:00 A.M.--- THE LORD'S SUPPER 11:00 --Sunday School & Family Bible Hour 7:00 -- Gospel Service SPEAKER: MR. GEORGE TELFER of Toronto Wed. 7:45 p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer Meeting ALL HEARTILY INVITED For full particulars mail this coupon todoy CANADIAN SCHOOLS OF PRACTICAL NURSING 2 BLM ST., TORONTO 2, ONTARIO, PHONE: Area Code 416-362-1907 REGISTERED AS A TRADE SCHOOL ender the Trade Scho! Act, Ontene Dept. 34 ito Vancouver where .it was"in- | |oculated against various dis-| eases. | The mammal is the first of | was nm Grace || CANADIAN RED LUTHERAN PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Rev. Philip Fleas, Minister Ronald A, Jansen, Vicar On September 16th, 1939, the Oshawa Branch received Its charter from the Central Council d thet: the Weter Safety Committee wos faced with @ brome to met this challenge by conducti for leaders and instructors in all boating, artificial respiration, ete. ' , : se0i, I, A recent lysis of our E CROSS SOCIETY OSHAWA BRANCH up its education prog' Fi phases of Water Safety such os swimming, *| would like to extend my deepest thanks to the Red Cross for their Blood Bank as | am a living example of whet it means to h ity". This ¢ is « portion of @ letter received from an Oshawa citizen who received Blood Trans- fusions et the Oshawe General Hospital, In @ very reel way it points out just one advantage of the Red Cross Blood Trans- fusion service. There has been an increosing focus fe the problems end needs of our elderly citizens and the fact emerged thet fone- liness is one of the most common problems fecing old people today. By combating this loneliness end providing « service ener elderly people to stay in their homes. The mental es well es the physicol health of our older people can be im- proved. The Senior Citizens C with Its prog! dents of Holliday Manor and Westmount Hell, A great many of our new Conedians use the Tracing Service and Reunion of persone located ere p d through the Osh Ricuch Balubives aal'Git Hungary, and Czechosiovekia. Some her under I ei mentioned, The work of the Individual Emergency Aid © is to lessen the need and jety through gency obtaining information, and giving advice. It does not attempt to give long term assistance of any type. Volunteers of oll ages participate in Red Cross work. The Junior Red Cross hes a great many groups operating in the elty through the schools, Their funds are raised by membership fees and are used solely for the treatment of Lendicapped children and mobile dental clinics. Approximately $2,500.00 was collected for the recent campeign for the Crippled Children's Fund. This amount was reached by the children donating their pennies and ni els. The Homemaker Service, one of the major departments of the Oshawa . Pi p who will care for the family while the mother is ill at home or hospital. She gives help to all regardless of race, colour, creed, or income, and permits the father to continue with his work, assured that his family is well cared for. The Home- moker Service assists in keeping families together. The fees are adjustable and are set according to the family's financial circumstances. A Loan Cupboard Service is of friendly visiting, tuck shop et Hillsdale Monor, entertaining the 'resi is providing just this type of needed service in the city. Families Service. Requests to have --_ R ds have been found in the U.S.S.R., Poland, of these poopie were seperated through the wars and some lost contect with one Oshewe citi have been loceted for relatives and friends living in the countries tee. REV. RICHARD J, BARKER, Minister 9:45 A.M. -- Sunday School SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 A.M. "Revival Through Worship" from Malachi 7:00 P.M. "LOST, WITHOUT GOD" - from Romans 6:30 P.M.--PRAYER FELLOWSHIP "ROSSLAND ROAD FREE METHODIST Rev. R. H. Jomes 725-1280 R. he 3 bi, taal i Le, Pastor 9:45 a.m. -- Library Time 10:00 a.m. -- Sunday School 11:00 am. -- "'Infilling'"' THE SALVATION ARMY 133 Simcoe Street South maintained with such items as hospital beds, wheel chairs, walkers, crutches, canes, and vorious sick room supplies, All articles may be borrowed without charge. The Women's Work Group is composed of the women who sew, knit, and make quilts in the Red Cross rooms and their homes. It is these loyal women who keep the cupboards at home end abroad ever ready in time of disaster, The Disaster Committee works closely with the Fire Department. The chairman is notified of fire victims in need of i A dation, clothing, bedding, and groceries are some of the items provided to help victims get rehabili- 7:00 p.m. -- "'Overflowing" Monday 6:30 p.m. C.Y.C Wednesday 8:00 p.m Prayer and Bible Study The Friendly Community Church 9:45 A.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. MORNING PRAYER 7:00 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP TUES. 2:30 P.M. -- Ladies' Home League WED. 8:00 P.M. -- Prayer Meeting "A Welcome Awaits tated. The object of the First Aid Committee is to bring First Aid to the citizens of Oshawa. First Aid courses are conducted by qualified instructors at no cost to the participants. Greduate Registered Nurses conduct the Home Nursing closses. The classes are open to all women free of charge. The courses enables one to help their family, neighbours, and others, in time of illness or emergency. Ninety percent of Red Cross work is done by vol The y Service C is. resp i for all itt A panel of volunteers is available when needed. Volunteers ond the Greater Oshawe Community Chest dollars are partners in Red Cross work. to the Community Chest, the result is "people helping people." The Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society appreciates your support. GREATER OSHAWA COMMUNITY CHEST ROBERT J. BRANCH, Executive Secretary TUNING & REPAIRS All Makes Piano, Reed-Pipe and Electronic Organ Electric Organs Rebuilt (Also the Obsolete Halimen, Min- shall end older Wurlitizer, Baldwin, Allen, Hemmond Orgens). JOSEPH HIDDINK AJAX 942-5510 for recruiting Vel v Through your donations 11 ONTARIO STREET HAROLD E. PIERSON, Pres, You At the Army" PHONE 728-0203

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