Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Sep 1966, p. 5

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'WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Ontario Ladies' College Names Piano Teacher The appointment of Gordon) was announced this week by Dr. McLean to succeed Gordon Hal-|§. L. Osborne, college principal. lett as senior teacher of piano| Mr, McLean began his musi- at the Oniatio Laaies' Collegejca! studies in Winnlpee and conunued in .0renw, VireeRy, Edinburgh and London. He has performed regularly on broad- casting networks in Canada and in England, and has given re- citals in both countries, During the last eight years he has taught at the Conserva- tory of Music, Regina Campus, in Saskatchewan, and has ap- ared with Howard Leyton: rown in recitals of the com- plete works of Handel, Brahms, Grieg, Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert for violin and piano. A little later this year he will be appearing in recital at On- tario Ladies' College. Dr. Osborne said _ slightly more than 100 students, about the same as last year, have en- rolled at the college. Most-of the students come from a 150-mile radius of Whitby. About 10 per cent are the children of Cana- dians who are working in Trin- idad, Bermuda, South America and other countries, GORDON McLEAN Groups Unite For Pot Luck Supper. St. Mark's United Church|some of the beauty spots and Women, Unit No. 10, were|the customs of the people. ests of Units 1 and 2 at a pot} Mrs, Paul Irwin thanked) uck luncheon, Sept. 12, in the| Units 1 and 2 for their hospital- church hall. The delicious lunch| ity, The two groups separated was enjoyed by all. jfor a business meeting which Two films were shown, one|opened with a worship service, entitled 'Almost Neighbors", | then dispersed carrying with which gave members much to/them the thought that by en-| think about regarding friend-|joying fellowship with each) ship with others, especially) other and working together as| those of different races, | Christians hope is brought to a The other film was on "Trini-| world filled with hatred and dad" and "Tobago", showing! trouble. | Two Appeals Dismissed By Municipal Board TORONTO (Special) -- Thejture servicing costs" and dis- One of the highlights of the Wednesday night meet- ing of the Whitby Kinette Club, at the Spruce Villa Hotel, was the presentation WOMEN AID KINSMEN SERVICE WORK of a cheque by Mrs. J, Ontario Municipal Board has dismissed appeals against the committees of adjustment of Whitby town and Darlington township. The township committee had rejected an application by Ken- neth E. Maguire for consent to # conveyance of Jess than an acre in Lot 5, Con. 5. A town- ship subdivision contro] bylaw iemits residentis! development in the area. Maguire wanted the convev-! ance to allow his daughter and son-inlaw to build a_ single family home. It is a mile from Tyrone and 2% miles from) Hampton. The township's official plan does not anticipate urban resi- dential development in this agricultural zone, | missed Maguire's appeal, The Whitby committee of ad- |justment rejected an applica-| \tion by Ronald Bernardi to di-| | vide three lots into four parcels) to enable the building of four {single family dwellings. The town argued before the |OMB that the Bernardi pro-| posal should properiy be the) | subject of a plan of subdivision| lor as an alternative the de-| jveloper should construct a sewer system in keening with! municipai standards. Bernardi) pumping station is adequate to meet his needs and those of an adjoining triplex. The town engineer argued| against septic tanks, because of low land, and against a sewage system on private lands, The OMB did not think that] council, plans: of which Announce Land Purchase For Detention Centre Site LINDSAY -- Acquisition of a 97-acre site on the south side of |Highway 115, west of Highway/|death cells and a hangman's!the argument on behalf of Port struction of a $1,784,000 Ka- |wartha Detention Centre, wasjactivity room are included, announced Tuesday by Victoria County Clerk Frank Weldon, liegt gh «oe Peteruotauan Ciiy and Peter- borou County are to bear argued that the existing private| So 48'ter cent of the cost. North-|is. $1,560,000; umberland and Durham Coun-' cost |ties are to pay 31.52 per cent fees $94,000, and Victoria - Haliburton Coun- thes 18 per cent, The two - storey structure, were shown will comprise 52,000 The OMB ruled that indis-\the granting of Bernardi's ap-|8quare feet, There will be a criminate development could|peal would be "desirable for) capacity for "create an. untenable financial|the appropriate development of position for the township in fu- 'the land", | | | Rap Ontario Government COBOURG -- Tourist camp operators at a directors' meet- ing of the Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council this week ac- cused the provincial govern- ment of being unfair. Representatives of the tourist industry in the Lakeshore-Rice Lake area reported they had one of the best summers ever but they had also had more problems than other years The--department. of tourism and information was. accused of discriminating against the private operator by setting up government-run camps. One director said the govern- ment is acting in direct com- petition with the private camp operator, Provincial camps have numerous signs in both directions giving -- directions. an effort to solve problems," he said, | They must organize the com-| plaints they. have and tollow| them through. This is where! many fail, he said, } FACE PROBLEMS This summer tourist opera- tors faced problems of algae and weeds on their waterfront properties, Because of the |warm sunny summer, weeds) were worse than they have) been for years. | An instance of tourists who jmake eight or nine reserva- jtions at different resorts and jthen select one when they thelr own were told many operators are considering imposing a $10 de- posit with reservations. 108 men and women prisoners in maximum and minimum security cells, The women will be housed in |the second storey, There will) burton, $166,860. Tourist Camp Operators | | be no facilities for juveniles, Mr. Weldon explained the cen: Fraud Charges Follow Ad. TORONTO (CP) -- Peter MclIsaac, 40, of Pickering Township and Peter Higgins, 42, of Toronto were arrested Wednesday night after a_raid on a downtown motel and charged with attempted fraud. Police said a classified adver- tisement published in Augustin a Toronto newspaper asked for men to work in Southeast Asia jin a country bordering Viet Nam. A letter sent to applicants arrive was cited. The directors |#8ked for the deposit of a $300) certified cheque to ensure ap- pearance at the port of depar- ture. abieanadiianmenttemenintedoeteaaietatamane otaiaiatnniemmaen cette: THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 16, 1966 § Ward Bylaw Defeated BROUGHAM -- The first skirmish in the battle of the Taft yee anu oe leat for ylaw ai pro- posal No. #, making the rural ward in the north, and the other four urban wards in the south, part of Pickering Township, Reeve C, W. Laycox, Depu Reeve Mrs, J, uiPheees, Councillors seh § Spang and Donald Beer vote inst the bylaw, Councillors John Wil- liams, John Campbell and Ron- ald Chatten supported it, In proposal No, 6, the ee lation figures would be: Ward 1, 4,703; Ward 2, 5,504; Ward 3 6,188; Ward 4, 4,048, and Ward Another frsreeal, No, 1, In which a line steals up the middie dividing the rural area into two wards, is likely to be the next bylaw placed before council, . Population figures in this arrangement are; Ward 1, 5,092; Ward 2, 8,175; Ward 3, 6,188; Ward 4, 4,048, and Ward 5, S117, In each case about 2,000 are eer to be added to Ward : eas Helps Host Visiting Group Russell Honey, Liberal MP for Durham Riding, will spend the next 10 days in western Canada where he will act as 'lone of the Canadian hosts to a group of Commonwealth Par- liamentarians on their visit to the west, The group will meet provin- cial. leaders, and representa- tives in each of the four west- ern provinces, Mr. Honey is an executive membet of the Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth | Citizens Protest Parliamentary Association, The Telegraph Change Association holds its annual conference in Canada this year. PORT HOPE -- Russe! )| conc : = Gartshore, 1965-66 president ceeds of Kinette projects of the club, to James Mc- during the year. The money Teague, president of the is used by the Kinsmen Whitby Kinsmen Club, The Club in its service work, che s an annual dona- tiont representing the pro- Oshawa Times Photo \tre is not designed for long-|Honey, MP, (U---Durham) said) iterm prisoners although tw0/today he will personally present One-Stop brary, workshop, day-room- an 128 in Cavan Township for con- trap as well as a chapel, M\/ Hope ahd dik cldbehe when | DECORATING | public meeting concerning tele-| Minimum security prisonersigram facilities is held with of- will be housed in is-bed Gorti-iricigis of Canadian National SHOP itovtes : Tele-communtontione here ant Detepgt ent Maen Esiimaied consiruction cost | 9, : baad furnishings . will) Broadioem $100,000 and architect's CLL. Paints end Varnishes Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD, 107 Byron S&. $., Whithy PHONE 668.5862 Mr. Honey has requested that jany Port Hope industry, busi- The province will pay 50 periness or private citizen con: aa' ste Ge po cerned about the announced! maining $892,000 to be paid by|transfer of telegraph facilities \the participating counties andjto Cobourg, write to him in {the City of Peterborough. |care of the House of Commons, | |Breakdown is: Counties Of] mitawa. eee1@e \Northumberland and Durham,|-- ESE. | $202,190; County of Peterbor-| cigh, 9190,000: city, | $956.008; BROCK Evening Programs et 6:55 & 8:25 WHITBY Last Complete Show at... 8:25 |Counties of Victoria and Hali- Peterborough County has agreed ta pay both the city and county share, with the city re- imbursing the county. Warden George Finney ob- served that plans contained no luxuries, "The hangman's trap is a frill, .. not a luxury," he said. Reeve Jack Campbell of Woodville said the trap was not needed, "It should be elim- inated from the plans," he said, "You have no need to worry, | | Lester Pearson won't let any- lone hang,' confided Lindsay | Deputy Reeve Leslie Neil, mY) TECHNISCOPE « EASTMAN Begins 6:55 & 9:55 Shown 8:30 Only! fi: ~ | eavyry g DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL 53-PCE. Imported Dinner Seis Service for 8 4 lovely patterns to choose from, a» \alauen , BOMB Giant HOLLAND Asst. Evergreens 2.77 Asst. Shrubs 83° BULBS & Hyacinth, Tulip, Daffodil, ete, ) RAWwrey '4 DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL 100% Cocoa FIBRE DOOR MATS 14 x 24" Asst. Designs One complaint with the de- ahe advertisement read: | one /Partment achearaee overworked Mhgg sem ont age Ppp sign giving the' location, secretaries and clerks. "The|) Paha ae eo Suche, properietor of Stenographers' pool at Queen's physically fit, Marine or cargo a motel-restaurant in Bowman-|Park is belabored with paper Handling experience helpful but ville charged that the govern-| Work." said the operator. 'oo gl recess eamual ment is co-operating with the|¢Tators are tired to asking the| Meee . : oil companies . department about problems and| Police said hundreds of appli-| ey not receiving answers." icants answered the advertise-| SIGNS MISLEADING A three-member committee, ment but they don't 'know yet Signs on the Macdonald was formed to investigate the|Whether any cheques were Cartier Freeway which read/complaints and report back to|handed over. "last service centre for 40/association directors. hee wena miles" or "last service centre Fluorescent DESK - LAMPS A must for students 4.17 However, private camps permitted to have only COLEMAN FUEL For Lemps, Stoves, Heoters 128 Fl, Oz, RaVire"sry, DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL No smooth whisky selling at any price delivers as much rich rye flavour as Adams Gold Stripe. H : ¢ A | On the committee are Charles) ALPHABET IS BRIEF | before Toronto' are mis-\clay, Bewdley, James Burke,|. Hawaiian has the fewest let- leading, he said. Bowmanville; and James Kerr|ters of any.commonly used lan This is not true. The motor-iof Campheliford. lguage: 12, ist will probably make just as} -- ----_ ee good time if he leaves the freeway at a town or village." he said. James Auld, minister of tour- ism was accused of "'sitting back and producing brochures | when he should be stepping in te help the tourist operator." Past president of the Great Pine Ridge Association, E. R Haynes of Cobourg, argued that the solution to problems lies directly with the operator "The operators must' make ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION | BRANCH 112 WHITBY DANCE -- AT -- LEGION HALL -- WHITBY BI-WEEKLY DANCING STARTING SAT., SEPT. 17th DANCING -- 8 TO 12 P.M. DODSWORTH ORCHESTRA MEMBERS AND INVITED GUESTS REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE Humpty-Dumpty © POTATO CHIPS Large family size twin. pack 2'-1.00 On Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Whitby You're paying for rye. Shouldn't you get to taste it? Council Gift Appreciated BROUGHAM -- A letter from Pickering's Beverley Boys was read at a Pickering Township Council meeting this week/| thanking members of council jf for the civic reception and presentation of a gold watch 'It's the greatest," she wrote. | The bronze medal! winner for diving at the British ont | ADAMS GOLD STRIPE Canadian Rye Whisky. TMOMAS ADAMS DISTILLERS LTD. TORONTO > brown Urn §8 Games said. "I will continue j to try for Pickering and * Canada."

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