ERATE SETS NINN FRC 2 THE OSHAWA Times, Friday, September 16, 1966 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE - Special Mission Force Captured By Cubans ' HAVANA (Reuters) -- Cuban security forces have captured a Ep ae Bl counter-revolutionary and spies believed to rhave come from the United ) States on a special mission, re- 'Hable sources said Thursday i t. 'alg sources said the group ' was captured last week near 'La Esperanza, on the northern | coast of Pinar del Rio province {100 miles west of Havana ' shortly after landing, allegedly. ' from one of the Florida Keys. ; Security forces also seized two boats in which the group 'had come, The sources did not Honey the number of men cap- asad Grounded HONG KONG (Reuters)--~All 34 crew members of the grounded 10,240 - ton British cargo vessel August Moon were reported safe and well today after a massive four-nation res- cue operation in the South China sea. . British, American, Japanese and Australian ships took part in the rescue operations after the vessel radioed it was begin ning to break up on Pratas nye about 180 miles southeast re, Develops System ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) -- Ford Motor Co. Is developing a battery - powered system for automobiles that could help solve the problem of air pollu- tion from car exhausts, the firm's president says. Arjay Miller disclosed tha @lectric power system in a ne at the University of chigan Thursday. "We now have in the early stages of development a new battery power system that we expect could offer tremendous improvement in range, perform- 'ance and cost,"' Miller said. ' Blast Postponed PAPEETE, Tahiti (Reuters) Unfavorable weather has 'caused # postponement of at 'Teast 48 hours in France's next 'nuclear test in the Pacific, offi- 'clals here said today. The test. fifth in a series of aix, was originally scheduled to take piace last Wednesday. Buses Hit Head-On BURGGS, Spain (Reuters) -- 'Two drivers were killed and several passengers were injured when a bus carrying a ang of 44 Italian pilgrims was in head- on collision with a Spanish bus here Thursday, police said. pilgrims were on their way PLANS TO BE Karl Lendl, who has just retired as an _ engineer, packs his stethoscope, medi- cal books and clothing as he prepares to leave for Vienna -- and medical school. Lendl already has 'lthe Anglicans, the report of a By NEIL LOUTTIT WATERLOO, Ont. (CP) -- Union with the Anglican Church was considered by commission- ers to the 22nd general council of the United Church of Canada as the most vital question. put to them during--the -nine-aay meeting which ended Thursday. The principles of unions -with joint Anglican - United Church commission on unity, was over- whelmingly accepted by the 400 policy makers of the United Church, Its acceptance was consid- ered a major step toward union of the two churches which have been - unofficially speaking of union for the last 20 years, In a press conference at the close of the council, church moderator, Rt. Rev. W. C. Lock- hart of Winnipeg, said the next step toward union is finding a better way for joint commis- sions to work together. Dr. Lockhart felt a major con- cern-is to insure commissions are well-established and organ- ized in such a way they can work efficiently. DEVISE NEW IDEAS "We must devise different patterns and strategy for com- mission meetings,' the United Church leader said. 'Commis- sions must get together and work for days at a time, not a day here and a day there as they have in the past." United Church Officials Face Close Union Talks In the resolution approving the principles of union it wa: stressed the principles are no' a formula for a new church bu! a basis to negotiate, Most church commissioner: agreed there were several ob- SUBUICS. teaver aaak shaw don't expect a union will, 'be achieved for at Jeast 10 years. The Anglican Church ap- proved the principles of union last. year. Union with the Canada Con- ference of the Evangelical United Brethren Church was also approved during the coun- cil, There are about 10,000 EUB followers in Eastern Canada. It will be the first major church union in Canada since the United Church was formed in 1925 when the Methodist, Presbyterian and Congrega- tional churches united. CATHOLICS ATTEND Dr, Lockhart said the ecu- menica! atmosphere of the council was further marked by the unprecedented attendance of two Roman Catholic clergy ob- servers at the sessions. The general council also/w asked for revisions of Canada's abortion and divorce laws, ap- proving the idea of therapeutic abortions. A break-down of marriage was endorsed as the sole grounds for divorce in Canada rather than additional marriage violations. This broadened term WEATHER FORECAST AN MD AT 70 already has some years of pre-medical study behind him. He hopes to be back at Torrence, Calif:, in five years to begin medical practice, He'll be 70 then. (AP Wirephoto) Rirliner Crashed MADRID (Reuters)--A DC-3 airliner owned by the Spanish national airline crashed into the sea off the Canary Islands to- day. A Sompany spokesman said oe -8 we sheerd were ao Gs os passsagsrs Sssars & rescued by fishing boats. One passenger, believed to be}... --|Spanish, was drowned. The twin - engined aircraft, with a crew of three, was on an inter-island flight from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to the island of La Palma. Ten minutes after takeoff, one engine failed, forcing the the shrine of Fatima, Por- to Lourdes in France. pilot to comé down on the sea. The plane hit the water gently close to four boats fishing about three miles off the Tenerife coast, the airline spokesman Brief Warm TORONTO (CP) -- Forecast issued by the weather office at 5:30 a.m.: Synopsis: Warmer air now is moving into southern Ontario and for the time being frost poses no further problem. To- day should be a pleasant sunny day with temperatures rising into the mid and upper 60s al though increasing winds from the west will be quite notice- able this afternoon. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, southern Lake Huron, Windsor, London: Sunny and warmer to- day. Sunny with a few cloudy/| said. The sea was calm. First reports said all the pas- Trawler Peieas Dawn .. BUENOS AIRES ((Reuters)-- The cheering suddeniy s.oppea at the launching of the Argen- tine trawler Alborado Thursday as the vessel slid into the water and immediately sank. The eight men aboard escaped with only a dunking. Three Convicted FRANKFURT (AP) -- Three former members of the Ausch- intervals and slight chance of| a brief shower or two Saturday. | |Winds light becoming westerly| 15 to 20 this afternoon. Niagara, northern Lake Hur- 3th a iGa, Suu Lake Ontario, Heuiies, ante: Sunny and warmer today. Variable cloudiness with chance of a few showers late tonight and Saturday. Winds light be- coming -westerly near 25 this! afternoon. Northern Georgian Bay, Hali- burton, Killaloe, Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury, North Bay: Sunny with a few cloudy inter- vals today. Variable cloudiness Saturday. A few scattered show- St. Thomas ........ vty an ace! 3 Tor: I ing Trend Some Showers Likely day. Mostly cloudy and cooler with a few showers Saturday. Northwest winds near 15 be- coming northerly overnight. White River: Sunny with a few cloudy intervals today and Saturday. Not much change in temperature. Northwest winds near 15 becoming light tonight. Ottawa region: Sunny with a few cloudy periods today and Saturday. A few widely scat- tered cht showers tonight. Con- tinuing cool. Light winds except westerly 15 during the after- noons. Forecast temperatures Low overnight, High Saturday Windsor 68 68 && Wingham ' Hamilton St. Catharines . Toronto ..... Peterborough Kingston .... Trenton . Killaloe ... Muskoka ., North Bay Sudbury neludes adultery and several zrounds. The council urged the Cana- Yan government to make further statements opposing es- calation of the Viet Nam war and decided to send food and medical aid ta the neonle af noth North and South Viet Nam. The 23rd general council will ga in Kingston, Ont., in 1968. DIFFERED IN VIEWS Dr, H. W. Vaughan, secretary of the United Church's board of colleges, blamed a difference of opinion over a stained glass window for charges of heresy against Dr. Arthur Ebbutt of Mount Allison University, Sack- ville, N.B, Dr. Charles Johnson, 89, a re- tired minister now living in Mer- ritt, B.C., drew a geometric de- sign representing the Trinity which he wanted made into a stained glass window for the chapel at Mount Allison, Dr. Vaughan said, He said Dr, Ebbutt, head of theological studies at the uni- versity, had doubted the design was valid, Dr, Johnson laid a complaint WIVES DROP BAKING CHORES PHO: , Ariz. (AP) -- be pa read boycott crumb- 8 After two weeks at the oven, making their own bread in protest to the high price in su- permarkets, several thousand housewives are giving the baking chore up. They decided it didn't really save any money. "They still had to buy flour, one of the main reasons for the high price of bread," ex- plained Marlene Kresse, Mrs. Kresse heads house- wives organized for better liv- ing, which claims 2,000 mem- bers. In a letter to members | Thursday she urged them to buy bread from small indepen- dent bakeries, not large chain markets. Elsewhere in the Phoenix area, a larger group called the Housewives' Voice for Lower Prices, vowed to carry on the fight. Almost daily, the mem- bers get together in small groups over homemade bread to discuss the fight against in- flation The boycott was having its effect on bread sales, although spokesmen for major bakeries admit only that a movement TAKE ALONG A BATTERY The modern commercial' yA electricity to erman can use they can be cy some su- |. + bakery bread was se! as low as four loaves for He in contrast to between 35 and 45 cents loaf a short time back. ~ round up fish so "ret or to kill them in the ne Pres | EXCELLENT CAREER OPPORTUNITY PHARMACISTS Waie or Femuie tor Sriari 1 Cities sae Weite a wie PENSARIES ONLY with a large and fast or chain Organization. Top Salary, Pension and Benefits. Apply stating full details and remunera- tion expected. to Box Number D1466. S Aetetatetindntndintaadindaetindindttintdintndnddadedd hhh OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! Take advan' of It! 24 hour sere vice; and ra worey trucks elways on the ready to serve you. Fuel Oil Budget Plan evailable. NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL McLAUGHLIN cons 723-8481 ites. ----=== against Dr. Ebbutt on grounds of heresy while both men were members of the Moncton pres- bytery. The presbytery execu tive committee dismissed th: charges and an appeal by Dr. Johnson before the Maritime conference was also dismissed. The United Church's general council agreed Thursday that Dr. Johnson had until Nov. 1 to file a complaint which could be considered by a judicial com- mittee of the council. In Sackville, Dr. Ebbutt said jas far as he was concerned the Maritime conference now is the defendant because it threw out the earlier charge. CRIME TAKES IT EASY LONDON (CP) -- A gang broke into a West End store on Saturday night and slept in four show beds before departing with more than $30,000 in clothes and linen, ALCAN SIDING Gucranteed 100% By Alean Of Conade Permonent Decor Finish Maintenance Free 26 Y, ral eee ree 16a) Guerainee Aga Paint Chipping = Year Suppiy- of Alcon Foil e a > Price with no obligation. Brad Ls Registered deal for ALCAN SIDING OF CANADA Call Anytime PROVINCE OF ONTARIO IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA AND THE MUNICIPALITY OF OSHAWA RE-TRAINING OF THE UNEMPLOYED Teachers with good training and experience, with or without professional qualifications, will be required for the training program for the unemployed commencing October 3rd, 1966. Both day and night courses will be conducted. 5 days a week, 6 hours per day. INSTRUCTORS WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS: English, Mathemotics, . Welding, Machine Shop, Small Engines, Power Sewing, Typing, Shorthand, Drafting. REQUIRES TEACHERS FOR Sriance: Grades'7 to 12. W. G. FAWCETT, B.A., Co-ordinator, Program 5. R. $. McLaughlin Coll. & Voe. Inst. 728-8606 Earlton ... Sault Ste. M rie +. 38 Kapuskasing ers this afternoon and evening. Warmer today. Winds westerly near 25 becoming northwest late witz concentration camp staff were convicted today by a West HERE and THERE LONG COURT The Thursday session of the magistrate's court at Ajax was the longest on record in the area, The court did not adjourn until 8 p.m. There were more than 100 cases on the docket, most dealing with Pickering SCOUT FUTURE NEWCASTLE (TC) -- The fu- ture of the Boy Scout move- ment in Newcastle depends on the outcome of a meeting to be held at 1 p.m., Sept, 17, in the Lions' Room at the town hall. There are two Wolf Cub packs German court of having had a part in mass killings, Former SS (elite guard) Set. today. Timagami, Cochrane: Sunny with a few cloudy intervals to- White River . Moosonee ... Timmins .....++0++ Josef Erber, 68, was to life in prison while former SS Maj. Wilhelm Burger, 63, head of the camp administra- tion, drew an eight-year term and former SS Sgt. Gerhard Neubert, 57, was sentenced to DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH PLUS Low OSHAWA ESSO SERVICE CENTRE Township cases. STOLEN AUTO An auto, stolen in Brampton, was recovered by the Whitby detachment of the OPP Thurs- day on Highway 7, west of Brooklin. The vehicle was stop- ped by one officer and two oc- cupants disappeared in the bush. They were later appre- hended by another officer and returned to Brampton. LAMB KILLED A spokesman for the Whitby Idetachment of the OPP said today one lamb was killed and three others quite badly torn by dogs Wednesday in Whitby Township. An officer made a search of the area and shot at a dog he found. The dog, which lie believes he wounded, dis- appeared in the bush. 3% years. Presiding Judge Emil Opper | said the court would credit Burger for eight years he spent in a Polish war crimes prison. | $8.00 PER DAY autace cuarct 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST, hewe and two Scout troops. Unless a group committee can be organ- ized the movement will fold, said a spokesman. DREDGING A $91,850 contract for dredg- ing the Port Stanley, Ont., har- bor has been awarded to Mc- Namara Marine Ltd. of Whitby, the works department an-! Bounced Thursday. ( no * HISTORY iN ACTION O SATURDAY SEPT. 17 Come and see pioneer days recreated. See horse powered --steam powered--gasoline powered machinery actually working. See demonstrated many of the crafts men used to clear the land, sow and harvest, build their shelter, furniture and furnishings, as well as those used by the women to make the home and feed their family. Grounds and building open at 10:30 A.M. Grand parade at 1:30 P.M. led by the fa- mous Claremont Village Band. Refreshments, Souvenirs, "Wagon rides, Sale of Home Cooking etc. Don't miss this exciting show! General admission 50¢ Children 6 to 12 years 25¢ PICKERING TOWNSHIP BROUGHAM #7 at BROCK RD} GOOD NIGHT Peter Newell, 539 of New- castle, involved in a car-truck collision Wednesday "spent a good night," a hospital spokes- man said today. Mr. Newell was rushed to the Toronto General Hospital from Bow- manville Memorial Hospital suffering from facial and chest! /burns and scalp lacerations. amas a | RR Se CAREER OPPORTUNITY NEW AND USED CAR SALESMEN For Ontario's Fastest Growing FORD DEALERSHIP The Men We Are Looking For Must Be Top Producers Capable of Earning $10,000. to $20,000. Per Year To Discuss This Opportunity New Home Recipe Reducing Plan lose bulky fat and help regain slender more graceful curves; if reducible pounds and inches of excess fat don't disappear from neck, chin, armg, abdomen, hips, calves and ankles just return the conte bottle for your money Follow this e: 'way en- dorsed by many who have tried this plan and help bring back alluring curves and graceful slenderness. Note how quickly bloat disappeara--how much bet- ter you tel. More alive, youthful appearing and active. John T. Markovich is pleased to invite you to his new - TT: MN SIMCOE ESSO SERVICE 88 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH - Opposite Memorial Park Sr =e aa ea pe tisk Seewaal ts Chk eae STORE SPECIAL GAS ISLAND SPECIAL Fine Service and Attention Auto Auto at this Second Location es DOOR BUMPERS WASH MITTS You already enjoy et the Reg. 1.29, Reg. 79¢, Oshewe Esse Service Centre. SPECIAL 49° SPECIAL 29° ALL SPECIALS ARE AVAILABLE AT BOTH OSHAWA ESSO LOCATIONS OSHAWA ESSO SERVICE CENTRE ## FREE TANK of TIGER @ Winner of the 1966 Herry ©. Perry Trophy for well kept grounds. Come in and fill up ! Guess the amount in dellers and cents, in advance, what your tank will hold, © Vet oe oes Se Sores ores te pee wih If you guess correctly you drive away at NO COST! "TIGER" FREE! NOW TWO LOCATIONS OSHAWA ESSO SIMCOE ESSO SERVICE SERVICE CENTRE 89 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH KING ST. W. AT PARK RD. Opposite Memoriel Park It's simple how quickly one may lose pounds of unsightly fat | right in your own home. Make } this home recipe yourself. It's easy, no trouble at all and costs little. Just go to your drug store and ask for four ounces of Naran| e Concentrate. Pour this into a pint bottle and add enough | grapefruit juice to fill the bottle. | Take two tablespoons full a day as needed and follow the Naran Plan. If your first purchase does not show you a simple easy way to === a Oshawa Board of Education Secondary Schools SUPPLY TEACHERS There is o need from time to time for teachers for periods of time to supply in the Oshawa secondary schools. Persons interested should write stating their name, address, telephone number, qualifications, and subjects interested in teaching to G. L. ROBERTS, Superintendent ef Secondary Schools, 555 Resslend Road West, Oshewe, Ontario. J. R. BACKUS, Business Administrotor Coll... Mr. Stu Macintosh at 623-2534 MACDONALD FORD SALES "Showrooms In Beth Oshewe end Bowmanville" S$. E. LOVELL, Chairmen