Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Sep 1966, p. 22

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eSATA Ni SAAD ASEAN SCAN TA RSS ATTEITR pisinjaped oF emi Jowsh ATON'S in OSHAWA /-\ | CLEARANCE! TV. But the accident had been between Chisholm, the r of a motor bike and a woman. BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE On a further charge of driv- NEWS IN BRIEFS Bad Cheque Artists Tear ssn wr chin being fined $75 or seven days, Earn Terms In County Jaillitesneo onivie i James Ravey, 583, of But police evidence gave the|Brougham, Ont. was fined $100 late of the offence as June 10.Jor 15 days and barred from Assistant Crown Attorney Ed-|driving for three months after vard Howell's plea that the|pleading guilty to impaired o late be changed on the charge |driving. PPOSE passing bad cheques--on a tota | siieet was turnea aowi. Ravey was originally cnargea mOMOWTO (CP) Roger d| Acre oN CRASHES. tie Chrgerwn fit" |" gage 0 rts. the| wih rk, fae tte the Drug 'Transport Conference,|von Hassel, West German de- Michael MacDonald, 46, 172'|,mendment," Magistrate Jer-jcrown allowed the charge to said 'Thursday the group sent/fence minister, has given the oe er B gpcrn, Babe aces myn said. be reduced. a telegram to the Quebec Trane. Luftwaffe more 5 power over cl + pan a icths tedatiatie a Seam to pe these things Leonard Jove, 34, 1, i. Commission objecting to aj vilians in his istry in a move ab ght." ar St., Oshawa was pe fils wife Frances, 46, was im-) 1 ine second case John|or 20 days after pleading guilty roposed increase in interpro-|to cut the alarming crash rate ereial trucking rates. Thelof the Starfighter jet fighter- proces ix se poet pre-|Humphreys won a dismissal|to leaving the scene of an 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 16, 1966 . BOY Thursday he will present a res- WOODSTOCK (CP) -- Janres|olution to the national Liberal 12, of Woostock, died] party conference in Ottawa next night when he was|month calling for the retention) AJAX -- A man and his wife a CNR passenger|of the separate designations ofjieft court here Thursday--bot! a bridge he had|the army, navy and air force|headed for the county jail. with separate uniforms for each; The couple were convicted b; service. Magistrate Harry Jermyn 0 one climbed "to catch a pigeon. RATE HIKE truckers applied to Ontario and) homber, ' Quebec transport authorities) Thursday. Since 1961, 61 of the . 22 to increase minimum os. to between $4.50 and $6 from $3.50 for goods carried by truck between points in the two! lots, provinces. SENTENCE CHURCHMAN it was announced Luftwaffe's fleet of 700 Ameri- can-designed starfighters have crashed, with the loss of 36 pi- HEELS COULD HURT SYDNEY (Reuters) -- Stiletto viously for similar offences, the court was told. Defence counsel John Humph- reys said MacDonald had an alcohol problem. "Tt's all very well for you people to come here and hope to wipe out your record with for his. client Frederick Chis- holm, 17, 207 Morningside Ave., West Hill because of incorrect information on the charge sheet. The charge stated Chisholm, in court for failing to remain at the scene of an accident, had accident, } ; A charge of having liquor was dismissed against George Leyzac, 43, 4040 Wilcox Rd., Port Credit. Larry Beatty, 51 Beatty St., Ajax was fined $25 or 10 days in absentia for having liquor TORONTO (CP)--John. James)heels could cause arthritis of liquor and tears," Magistrate|collided with another vehicle.tin a public place. Gooding, 42, a warden at St./the hip, an Australian expert on Jermyn said. Luke's Anglican Church, was|rheumatism said Thursday. Dr.| The magistrate allowed both sentenced Thursday to 30 days|Naomi Wing, honorary medicaljterms~to be backdated two in jail for assaulting his minis-|director of the Royal South Syd-|week to the time of the couple's ter. Gooding pleaded guilty/ney Hospital's rheumatism arrest. Wednesday to beating Rev.|clinic, described the extra-high Hope Surdivall, 38, with ajheeéls as "the most disastrous DISTURBANCE microphone in the church last| fashion of all time." A Scarborough man who ad- July 6. MET MAY GO mitted following a 14-year-old irl and propositioning her ob- WILL ACQUIRE CHAPEL | NEW YORK (AP)--A judge|s TORUNTO (CP) -- Wolford|declared unconstitutional Wed-lgone' Wes "ned $100 oF 20 Chapel, the family chapel andjnesday a New York state law Dennis Daley, 28, 47 Lyon burial place of John Graves that has prevented demolition Heights Rd pleaded guilty to Simcoe, founder of Toronto andjof the old Metropolitan Opera) nausing a disturbance. y ernor of Upper Canada, will)/house. Justice Arthur Klein of ; fe formality turned over ca " pnd -- we ig y bina said| INFORMATION people of Ontario Sept. 27 at|designating the 83-year-o the-| * . Devonshire, England, with Pre-|atre as an official landmark inci' ae = yoni we mier John Robarts and Tour-| would have provided a constitu-|.ases were dismissed because ism Minister James Auld pres-|tional basis for forbidding its|of incorrect information on the ' demolition. But since the city ent charge sheets. WRITER DIES landmarks commission refused) 1, one case Larry Martin, to so designate it, the law KITCHENER (CP) -- Hef-\amounted to taking private| erred' on 3 ao nag edi- Ct J. Boe property without just compen-| naired driving, June 11. torial writer for the Kitchener- sation, Klein said. Klein or- Waterloo Record, died Thurs-| dered the city to issue a demoli- 1966 Edition day at Toronto General Hospi-|tion permit, but temporarily tal. Mr. Helm served a total of] stayed an order to permit ap- . ct as 36 years with The Record until) neal of his ruling. [i YY eo See STEREO SETS PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (PLEASE NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS) Custom-Made or Ready-To-Hang _ Draperies -- Ako -- @ SLIP COVERS @ BED SPREADS @ DRAPERY HARDWARE OSHAWA'S INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE WARD'S -- SINCE 1919 -- Simcoe St. $. at Athol 1 Only... Save 100.00! CLAIRTONE Combinetion AM-FM Stereo, Model 634. Fruitwood finish. Reg. 749.00. SPECIAL, each..... 649.00 725-1151 erevore 1 Only . . . Save 100,00! CLAIRTONE Stereo AM-FM Combination. Model 631. Oiled Walnut finish. Reg. 599.00. SPECIAL, each 499.00 1 Only .. . Save 80.00! VIKING Steree AM-FM Combination. Model RCS691M. Reg. 699.00. SPECIAL, each. ......-+00- 619.00 1 Only . . . Save 176.00! CLAIRTONE Stereo AM-FM Combination. Model 541. Oiled Walnut finish. Reg. 675.00. SPECIAL, each 499.00 PICKET PAPER : rt gre oes sheaeal 1 Only... Seve 40.001 RCA 23° Consote . «9: Television. Walnut finish. Model 3567. per delivery boys. A company| Milk Subsidies Reg. 299.95. 90 OF spoxesman said all inursday's 5 . oP Sgypettecin eo 'isi 'aici P : . : _ = SPECIAL encn.. avesvy le company no TORONTO (CP) -- The On-| n edition of considerable interest and value to both : know ea ana Contos torle Federation of Agriculture readers and advertisers. Editorially, the section will con- oy tain Timely Tips For Home Improvement . . . News For fs agp from the pub-|is not in favor of provincial The Home Gardener . . .Real Estate information for and sell them at a set|subsidies on milk prices, but price. "under the present circum- % stances" there is no other al- prospective buyers . . Ideas for Home Remodelling . . « -- ae eat ne. pre Arg 2 ze ah por amp Stories on Home Furnishing, appliances and redecorat- Py Scotia Liberal leader,| statement Thursday. ing plus Dozens of Home Owner Check Points says he opposes the unification) The cost of goods and serv-| of Canada's three armed forces.|ices used in the production of| his semi-retirement in January JOINS COMMITTEE -- CHATHAM (CP) -- M -- Mayor OFA PLANS PROTEST (Garnet R. Newkirk has eon TORONTO (CP) -- The On-| named to # seven-man national terio ser ge . -- commnittes which will study Pied ~agy a rec ada's pollution problems. cent announcement by CP and point crease fre! rates by per eee dectire Oct 6 it sail sg Heke laatiap mat in a statement Thursday. F Charles G. Munro of Embro, Ont., first vice-president of the hin ie shear "eres al creas transportation costs. Wednesday for a meeting with his Ontario counterpart, Wil- liam Stewart, Mr. Vincent's of- Thursday by about 25 newspa- tts eeeeoee 1 Only .. . Save 40.00! VIKING Console 23" Television. Model TCE756T. Reg. pol @GCh. ..ccosscces 299.00 3 Only ... Save 35.00! VIKING 19" Port- eble Television. Model TPF665. Reg. 259.95. SPECIAL, each.........+-- 224.95 1 Only ... Save 49,05! VIKING 23" Con- adle Television. Walnut finish. Model TCE- 696T, Reg. 319.00, Sales ae 1 Only ... Save 76.00! VIKING 3-Way AM-FM Combination Stereo. Model TRPSE- 769MT. Reg. 695.00. SPECIAL, each peeeues 61 9.00 1 Only... Seve 80.00! VIKING Steree AM-FM Combination, Model RCS681MR. Reg. 399.00. Save on Seconds ! WOMEN'S PIGSKIN WALKING SHOES If First Quality, Price Would Be 10.95! We therefore invite the building trades and retailers to take advantage of the excellent opportunity avaiable through the medium of the Times National Home Week He told a news conference| milk increased more in the first six months of 1966 than in any Writer, Priest ' Vildae dieadin samek ennai Section, to tell their sales story, with an advertisement an immediate increase in the! that will reach thousands of ready prospects.: other period in the history of | Gain Awards |price of milk used for manu- DEADLINE -- SEPTEMBER 19 Lucky:you ! Here are the shoes you like for work, for shopping, for comfortable all-day wear, at the savings you've been waiting for. Minor imperfections, such as irregular stitching, should not affect wearability, Brushed pigskin uppers are treated with Scotchgard, stain- and moisture-repellent . make them a smart buy for fall. the industry, he said. OTTAWA (CP)--The coveted) facturing purposes or be forced) Molson Prizes, each worth $15,-|.out of business." 000, were awarded Thursday, A provincial subsidy should| night by the Canada Council to|be in effect "only for the bal-/ Montreal novelist Hugh Mac-jance of the current dairy year Lennan and Very Rev. Georges-| which ends in March." Henri Levesque, a renowned) "Subsidies are a federal mat- | Quebec social scientist. ter and it is the duty of the The awards~were announced] federal minister of agriculture at a sumptuous black-tie dinner)' Come up with a realistic) for about 50 guests by Council| "airy policy before the begin-| Chairman Jean Martineau. a of the next dairy year." | MacLennan, 59, has won al-|, Members of the OFA, meet-| most every major honor Cana-| '2 in Toronto Wednesday to| dian literature can award. He) "'Sc¥Ss a recent meeting with) has taken the Governor-Gener-|'%® federal minister, J. J.| nls Priva for fiction three times| Teene, agreed that a tempo-| and for non-fiction twice. raiy suusidy "should be paid)s 7 . 2-Eyelet Tie with self-covered heel in riverbed brown, camel beige $ or willow green. . Step-in Pump with perforated design on vamp, simulated stack heal: In camel beige, riverbed brown, cinder grey or paleface beige. Call Now .. . 723-3474 Display Advertising . T-Strap Pump with simulated stock heel. perforated design on vamp. In sagebrush green or camel beige. Sizes 7 to 10, narrow width and 5 to 10, medium width SPECIAL, Father Levesque, 63, founded Laval University's productive) faculty of ~social sciences in) 1938 and helped develop Que-| bec's trade union movement. Two years ago, the rotund! Dominican went to the new Af-| rican republic of Ruanda to} Dulid its state university. j As deputy chairman of the! Massey royal commission on) the arts in the early 1950s, he) jonly on top quality Grades 1 and 2 milk, Mr. Huffman said. Enjoy Your Private SAIINA AND HEALTH CLUB 4.99 2 pairs 9.50 State second style and colour choice when ordering by phone or mail. pair HATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 238 PHONE 725-7373 SPECIAL. each 1 Only ... Save 110.00! VIKING 3-Way Combination AM-FM Stereo. Model TRPSE- 703MT. Reg. 709.00. ole. 1 Only... Save 30.00! RCA 19" Portable Television. Mode! TP9581. 214.95 1 Only . . . Save 20.00! PHILLIPS 19" ir sees 1 Only .. . Save 50.00! ZENITH 19" Port- we Sree rec a 249,95 1 Only .. . Save 40.00! VIKING Steree AM-FM Combination. Walnut finish. Model SPECIAL, geek Coos... OOOO was an architect of the Canada | ; 244.95 c | Reg. 244.95. SPECIAL, each. -- | --Z a4 : SAVE 40% to 50% on YOU ARE ane ALMATEX PAINTS LIFE INSURANCE SALE ENDS GRENFELL SQUARE APARTMENTS SATURDAY, cee eal ea i 380 to 385 GIBB ST. at GRENFELL ST. SEPTEMBER 17th! Console 'Televisions. Walnut finish. Model onvenient To Oshawa Shopping Centre Facilities hue ok See ? © SPECIAL, each. ......cc0e% . FURNISHED Buy Now and Save! SSS Keep Trim! Have Fun! Enjoy a Life of Leisure When You Move To Why Not Call aes TOM FARQUHARSON Softly 'Corpated, Corridor. Floors Q VY Londsceped Entrance H rmodern Kitchens include 30 inch Electric nm and New Refrigerotor LIFE itercom Connected to Lobby ' Bathrooms Equipped with Lorge Mirrers end Built-in Vanities. Double Sinks Night Drapes Throughout One or Two-Balcony Suites Avaliable Second Washroom Suites Available Rental: Includes TW. an ental Inc! $ Anten i i Space and Additional Locker Seare™ ene FURNISHED APARTMENTS NOW AVAILABLE s 3 FLOORS RESERVED FOR ADULTS ONLY Swimming Pool and Sunning Patie. RESERVE YOUR SUITE NOW -- FOR RENTAL INFORMATION Phone Rental Office af 723-511] ¢ oan EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 260 - Assurance Company of Canade RESIDENCE: BUSINESS: 723-4563 | 4371 668-437 % P.M. DAILY

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