18--Mole Help Wanted 19-----Male and Female Help Wanted Machinists and Toolmakers Excellent Rotes Harmac Industries WHITBY 668-498) TAXI DRIVERS Part or full time. Minimum age 25. MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 JANITOR Man required 7 a.m, to 4 p.m. Six day week. Apply MR. CAMPBEL! GENOSHA HO. | TEL. No Phone calls please. BUSES & CARS have 100 ready-to-go! all western cities Gas Allowance AUTO DRIVEAWAY CO. 137 Yonge St. Toronto 1, Ont. We COUPLE to act as large apartment puliaing. ae time oe Stat A Ino moet be bendable, Box am, Osh- awa fo" gg cl nd bestia * supervision a ny Pasa "oiitees, Living quarters avail- able. Write Box 43443, Oshawa WANTED. -- Farr-rime girls for Oshawa mean area. Tele EXPERIENCED hpet N hes yin own Toa nal fo 'al lee Box 235, Oshawa. ED clerk-typist, crepeokteelng ft MH inal aftice App Apply "4 own Pangeriing to Post Oshaw superintendents ro Mrs, Lee, knowledge of 362-1391 20--Real Estate for Sale WANTED JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER Highest Wages Lorne B. Goodman 725-1044 BAUM FOLDER Set-up man. $3.25 an hour. All Employee benefits. Telephone HO 1-0726 YOUNG MEN As management trainees for large Canadian Theatre cir- cuit, High School education desirable. Apply Box 43374, Oshawa Times. DO YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY, | part or full time? Sell "Capri-50", the all py hand cleaner that removes| paint, tar, grease, carbon, etc., without SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century of Service INCOME BUNGALOW Charming 5 room brick bun- galow with professionally fin- ished basement apartment situated close to transporta- tion and school. Large lot with hedge and trees. List price $15,900.00,, For fur- ther information call now, VARCOE"S RD. NORTH 6 room frame bungalow on lot 40' x 150'. Asking price $9, 800.00 with down payment of, $2000. Toxes only $178.80. Don't wait on this 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sole THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 16, 1966 19 | IMMEDIATE POSSESSION | Beaconstield by Rob't. W. McEwan Ltd. HAVE YOU BEEN DREAMING OF A MOME UF TOUR Own? WE CAN MAKE YOUR DREAM YOU 5 COME TRUE! Can Afford Rent LIV Then You Can Afford LUXURY NG in Beaconstield A QUIET SEDATE COMMUNITY @ Public School -- 4-5 minutes away @ Shopping Centre 15 min. (walking) 8 - 10 blocks in close proximity @ Underground hydro @ Storm and sanitary sewers @ Fully sodded lots including boulevards @ 25 minutes from Toronto. @ trees @ 10 minutes from Oshawa @ High School -- @ Churches @ Parks for children in immediate area @ Paved roads @ Winding streets 10 minutes from Arena. @ Curbs and Sidewalks @ Lots of @ Little traffic GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 155 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-8144 NORTH-WEST LOCATION Attractive three bedroom ranch bungalow, separate din- ing room, large living room with cozy fireplace. Attactied for ti beoutifully landscapea is home is immaculate. run we EaaeEnenee seen ones $4'560.00 "down, » George Valentine today for appointment. COUNTRY LIVING 13,995 $13, THICKSON RD. NORTH Four-room frame bungalow with @ detoched garage is perhaps exactly what you ere looking for. Extra large lot, Carries $95.00 monthly, low toxes. Two blocks from a call today Shirley Mos- al, RIVERSIDE 3 bedroom brick bungalow with garage, corries $105.00 monthly, includes taxes, 6% N.H.A. Mortgage. Appoint- ment to inspect call Vince Jarvis. VISIT OUR BOOTH at the Oshawa Home Show THURS, -- FRI, -- SAT. 15-16-17 September see how ARMSTRONG QUALITY HOMES are built better for you Exclusive With GRIFFIN | | KEITH PETERS REALTY LIMITED 728-7328 103 KING ST. EAST REALTOR HAMPTON -- Modern brick, hme with livina ond dining room, one bed- room, large kitchen and bath- room on main floor, 2 bed- rooms and bath on second floor, large nicely landscaped lot with garage. Inspect this lovely home tonight. $15,500.00 --- 3 bedroom brick home on Sommerville Ave. broadioom wall to wall in living room, Inspect this one tonight. $13,500.00 -- Elgin St. bun- golow excellent condition with garage. $12,900.00 --- 3 bedroom home near Columbus, $11,900.00 Bungolow with room in the basement $1500 DOWN, $10,900.00 ---- Newly ploster- ed 6 room village home on VY acre lot. $10,500.00 -- 5 room bun- galow on 4 acre lot close to Oshawa. $1200.00 DOWN rooms $8,900.00, $8,500.00 -- 9 room village home, small barn. / LOTS FOR SALE 66 x 165 -- $1900. 2 ACRE LOT -- $2800. enaciquse -- § HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street West 728-6286 HARMONY ROAD Low*down payment -- 2 peor room home on a large weil A tat ult traee upstairs not finished but room for 2 more bedrooms with very little expense -- large living room with fire- place and a second fireplace in basement --- paved drive --~ wired for dryer ---- water softener -- T.V. oerial. Call now for an inspection. BUNGALOW 3 bedrooms -- newly decora- ted -- fenced back yard -- private drive -- wired for dryer. Owner has purchased ~ home and is anxious to sell, SIDE SPLIT 4 bedrooms -- 2 bathrooms -- built in stove and oven -- wired for dryer -- T.V.. aer- ial and all controls ---- broad- loom in living room,. dining room, hall and one bedroom -- situated on a large lot professionally landscaped and fenced. Owner transferred is the only reason for selling. Call now. SPLIT LEVEL Close to schools, shopping and bus ---- carport ---- 4 pc. bath with vanity. -- large living room and convenient dining room well landscaped. Phone for your appointment to inspect, Open 9 am. -- 9 p.m. 20---Real Estote for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sole. H. Keith LTD. REALTOR Photo M.L.S.. - 4-BEDROOM ' NORTH be ar brick, with ettached garoge. Immediate possession of this beautiful home. Coll ERNIE GILROY 723-8429 sideia = 9%" BUY -- AJAX Owner transferred and must sell this beautiful bungalow immediately. 'Large mahog- at rec room. Close to shop- MS ong everything, Only 10, with easy terms, ie IDSO WIERSMA 728-5683 BALE YIN ST. SACRIFICE 5 room modern brick close in papers neighborhood, Just Bk gost livable bungalow, I! built, near schools, shop- ping centre, churches etc. Call DOUG CARMICHAEL 723-7463 A MODEL. 2 ae Suit @ EVERY TASTE @ EVERY BUDGET @ EVERY FAMILY J. Be McMullan REALTOR 725-3557 -- 668-6201 OPEN FOR JNSPECTIC ELECTRICALLY HEATED BUNGALOWS 3-9 DAILY W. 0, MARTIN, Realtor » 25 = Olive Ave. Eost of Harmony Rd. ~ ae Sel eb ae PRIVATE SALE iety grocery store with iad quarters for the owner. oe $30, 000. Seanuantion down ent enon 3 Write box 42213, Oshawa Times. of property consisting of vor- : SAVE * & * $500 W. W. BONUS @ 3 bungalows left! @6'1%4% NHA mortgages @ Terms to fit the workingman's pocket @ Move in on approval @ Many, many features SELL! BUY! TRADE! any property Coll CLARE McCULLOUGH Oshowa 723-7843 W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. OSHAWA REALTY Investment Properties Resales --- New Homes Free Valuations 728-9466 OSHAWA REALTY 25 Bond West (Bond St.) oe water. Write: Lemille Inc. P.O, Box 147 Station Youville Montreal, TELEVISION REPAIR Telephone 725-0500 or apply 51) one. FREDERICK ST. 2 storey brick home close to See for Yourself the Finished hospital and school. Six large | Models Now on Display bright rooms; modern kitchen | and modern new bathroom. | FEATURING: @ 2 choice locations : SLIDDON AVENUE -- séven-room FOR APPOINTMENT _ |garane'onarne, with. private Noes" ae and: TO. INSPECT REAL ESTATE LTD. 723-8144 140 x 215 -- $600 DOWN, 60 x 320 in Whitby -- $5000.00, Ya ACRE lot -- $5000.00 between Oshawa and Whitby. after hours call: Les Hall 728-5513 Frank Smith 723-3533 Ken Hann 723-7963 Dick Barriage 725-6243 Glen MacKinnon 728-6750 MAN wanted. Dean MAJOR SEED COMPANY requires full Foul ae te wee eee ste or raed time sales Ph pied for Big Rea rt area. Highest commission. nan wi ar yf treet West, nity tor retired farmer or man wi farm GRIERSON STREET Call Carries $80.00 monthly, 6 room brick bungolow featur- background. Apply Box M42807 Oshawe Times. ERIENCED walter wanted. Apaly » 67 Simcoe St. AMBITIOUS MAN with car to aii "and service the product of Electrolux Can- oar Big! oy Full. or part-time. Ex- ce not ReCmOEEY 723-4163, Ask for ba McNally SEVERAL T TRUCKS needed for hauling Christmas trees ali focel work, from gh npr October 10 to December . Phone 263-2359. TEARN THE ART of professional sales- manship, | urge you to Investigate this | opportunity. Your sole invest- ment is 15 to 20 po a week, For fullest details, 23-4163. AJAX THOUSTRY Yon oie i experl- enced opera' machinist. ein Werner of ay fh Ltd. 942-6100. WE WILL TRAIN one man in 8 sales position with above average eee tential In this area, Requirements age to 35, Gr. 10 minimum, rellanle and ire to get somewhere in life. st he anewarad and kent con- fidential ite giving full detalis to Box M-41781, Oshawa Times, Asking $16,200.00, Coll for an appointment to see. WILSON RD. NORTH Five year old brick bunga- low in A-1 condition, Holly- wood kitchen with eating orea, plus large living room with dining area, bedrooms are all spacious, There is o finished recreation room, and the grounds are well land- scaped, plus asphalt drive. A reasonable down poyment is required for this beautiful e. PRESTIGE AREA Very attractive 6 room bun- galow with attached garage. Three lovely bedrooms, hathrooms. a large kitchen and @ recreation room with "for asbestos and 'Will train man if nec- Sear Ti shennan A TOOL AND DIE MAKERS -- Sees eis E 923-220 and "evenings 942-2087, ng MAN for seed making opera- and general work on mink ranch. Must be reliable. Free room and board. Call ) eveni Ings. APPLE PICKERS NEEDED for the isth September, Apply E. Mostert, Newcastle, ws No. 2 Highway, south-east of subway. A054. WAITER for beverage room. Steady em- ployment, must have good character references, Apply Manager, ag Lan caster, 27 King St, W., Osh MAN TO WORK at Stan's anets ning and Rental Lid, Steady employment. Must be mechanical and nage eo to learn. We will teach you saw sharpening, repairing equipment, etc. _Apply 723 King St. West. WANTED. Salesman for door ao door canvassing. Experienced only. mission paid. Write to Pye "ule oan | awa Times. FIRST CLASS TOOL AND DI® maker i This is a home we'll be proud to show you, call to- night for en appointment to $26,900 6 Room brick bungalow with double garage. Professionally finished Recreation Room, spacious Dining Room, 2 fireplaces, 2 bathrooms, spac- ious kitchen with emple cup- boards. On deep homesite close to schools. Fast posses- sion if you need it. Call right away for oan appoint- ment. LAKESHORE PROPERTY Sound business opportunity for the right party. 1" ocres right on the Lakeshore. All details available on re- quest. Call to-night. Two piece bathroom off master bedroom All homes are oil or electrically heated Two piece washroom downstairs Fireplaces Beamed ceilings Four bedrooms Family room Large kitchen All homes have attached garages All homes have walls plastered All homes ere built of burned sley brick Twin kitchen sinks Shower door Indirect lighting bathroom in main Interiors all decorated Use of interior decorator free Old English, Colonial, French Provincial, Swiss Designs ing attached garage, family room, picture book bathroom, award winning kitchen, se- parate dining room. Owner anxious, Phone Margaret Lee today. $7,900 FULL PRICE Only $1,200.00 down will buy this eleven room house with two kitchens. Income from the rooms could. be enough to make the payments and give you free rent. This is your chance to get started. Phone George Valentine now for appointment. $1,995 DOWN One open Mortgage for bai- ance. 4 room house with naved drive. broadioom. ete. Caii Pauiine Beai for op- ' pointment, WE LIST AND SELL MLS. Open 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. MEMBER ©.D.R.E.B, | | pire security. Loyalist Inspired by the traditions set forth by the United Em- Loyalists, ist' portrays the architec- tural flavor of the period. The rustic use of available materials and the theme of gentleness blend together to give flowing lines of quality which in turn quietly radiate the The "Loyal skirts, eee) jon with todays in family living. Virginian "Virginian" displays the charm of de- sign found only in Colonial Williamsburg, Just as hoop coach-and-two, mint julips on o warm sum- mer afternoon, the "Virgin- emits the authenticity of the period. Combine this conveniences and we offer you the utmost expertly and CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD SUPERVISOR REAL ESTATE DEPT. 10 ACRES -- $5,500.00. 7 ACRES -- $5900.00. 10 ACRES -- $6900.00. Coll 728-7328. List your home, farm or __vacant land with this office. JOHN F. DeWith REAL ESTATE LTD. 14 Frank Street, Bowmanville 623-3950 APARTMENT BUILDING SITE " Suitable for 24 units, Located in Bowmanville. Priced to sell, HAMPTON 9 roomed home on Main street. Centre hall plan. Oil heated with 3 pc. bathroom. Laundry tubs. 60' x 30' barn. Aluminum storms and screens. Ys acre lot, Priced to sell, SERVICE STATION, LUNCH COUNTER On Highway, south of Port Perry, Modem living quarters. 6 acre lot. All equipment in- cluded, Very anxious to sell, THICKSON ROAD LLOYD Metca REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King S&. E. 6-ROOM SEMI Could you pay $109 «a month, P.I.T. If you have $3,000 we have o | year old electric heated home for you, this home is available on short- notice. LARGE BUNGALOW 5 good sized rooms, large kitchen, quiet. street close to all schools. Owner has pougnr a mnaiier home. Open to offers. Paved drive, gorage, fruit trees, garden, fot 50 x 160. 1% STOREY Brick veneer home in lovely condition, 5 room plus sun room, newly decorated, fully stormed and screened. Carries for approximately $112 a month. P.1.T, Owner moving to new home. 4 BEDROOMS Located in south Oshawa, 50 x 212 lot, close to all schools, carries for: $99.60 P.I,T. Ideal family home costs nothing to look, SALON One beauty salon, fully equip- ped, modern, give us a call. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Joseph BOSCO ee ee Realtor 728-7377 OPEN § HOUSE | - 9 DAILY pet toe WEEKEND Slit level bunaalows with at- tached gorages. tiectric nest. OLIVE AVENUE EAST of HARMONY ROAD W. 0. MARTIN Realtor iowa cone well decor; out. low sion. Call. OPEN HOUSE NORTH EAST AREA Be sure to core, it's open this weekend, starting Saturday et 2, through to 5 p.m. 73 D'ARCY ST. Big house, large kitchen, combined living room and dining room with fireploce. Divided basement. Garage and large lot. Vendor consid- er low down payment, priced fen mi hy east lent' hunting and fishing, kitchen for, 18' x 175, Olsen, Realtor, re Raa inten "Gomer, Ta Real Estate Limited ee n PRIVATE SALE -- perl a and neat as Large Gry fea vate drive and rat te 20 Ray Street. »- sere ee Twaltes Rog eg Rady? $6,200 wo he PRI peta I, rg hod a td woken ae =H =~ Wilson-Ollve "area. oi' "Tolanat fee at de fas cel lose to pyc sand 7900, W. "prank Real Este a ti PRIVATE SALE -- four bedroom, and fi mortgage. 7d Quick. possession, on@. decorated, partially finished southwest Whitby, tea room, down, 668-6495. home on extra large lot. Tasker recreation room, extra large carport, paved Ih shoal close to separate, pet lookit 7 Hi or will accept -- on crime! tell nse ve th Fai THREE-BEDROOR Split, ewe LAND 0° LAKES -- large mevenrente frame poe inside ind Salmon mon River, Keledary Ontario. Excele, 728-8283. TRIPLEX, with extra la storage arom all tous age nie to oshewe on No yg $3,000 down and ease fan $16,000 HA eg Trade accepted, 2¥2 acres of land, Call Gower, 72 ore "g Fr Real Estate Limited, ping THE HOUSE of your dreams built. n this bergen located lot, size 100 x 150. CMHC approved. 723-9503. INVESTMENT ar RTY, four Good income. "ipely Albert ona ave: == six-room brick, aaa | hele be seen, a So 4 offer. Mr. Appleby, 728-5123. ings" Vass, Botahocd Gres. Ete. ATTRACTIVE split bert be with ate tached garage, on 100 x ft. lot. Three. wanted. Jobbing shop experience, top excellent benefits. Write Box | M4460, Oshawa Times. COTTAGE LOT Beautifully treed lot with 100 foot frontege on Bass Lake near Port Carling, Muskoke Good swimming, fishing and boating. Asking only $2,800. SCENIC TEN ACRES Pond and hardwood bush -- superb building site for Coun- try Home. Schoo! bus past within your budget. Owner transferred out of town. Early possession, APPLY GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED NORTH WEST Split level with double gar- age. Oil heated. 4 pc. bath. Twindow windows all around. Finished rec, room. etc. Only $3,000 down. WHITBY 5 roomed brick bungalow in nice location. All modern conveniences. School handy. Bus at door, Priced to sell, PORT PERRY Brand new 5 roomed brick bungalow with all modern Dial 728-4678 728-1554 725-9191 723-9178 OPEN HOUSE JANITORIAL L DUTIES, nights is only. | Steady work with cleaning contractor. | IN Telephone 725-4774 between 8 @.m.-5 p.m. | | Royal BEAU VALLEY | Coachman Again we have the essence of hot buttered grog and warmth of hospitality por- trayed in the "Royal Coach- man". This home is in the best of British tradition with all the features of the "Eng- lish Squire'. Loy clay pipes may one day adorn the liv- Jack Hogan Joe Maga Eldon Kerr Bob Johnston 725-9365 John Osborne 728-5836 MEMBER 0O.D.R.E.B. We list exclusive and MLS J. B. McMullan English Squire The warm ond cosy "Old English Squire" has com- pletely coptured the charm and elegance so well known For full porticulars in Tudor homes, With -- 723-2265 ed~ceiling, panelled and floor to ceiling fire- Marg Holl places, one can almost smell Irene Brown nutmeg in the hot buttered RELIABLE MAN required fo work "as | kitchen _Dorter. Telephone 668-2380 YOUNG MAN | required tor pony ha. DAILY 6:00 -- 9:00 P.M | chi adjust it id it i ' - | fenance. Good working conditions, steady|| SAT. & SUN: 2:00--5:30 P.M. || employment Telephone 725-5443 for ap- | pointmen: i9--Maie and Femoie Help Wanted from unos in Raglan area, Custom designed homes avail- able from Oshawa's outstand- 723-1358 725-3867 CLERK- TYPIST With ot least two yeors re- cent clerical and typing ex- perience, Grade 10 and above average typing speed, requir- ed for three to six months in busy Salary $66.50 per week. Apply in school office, person to the office manager, ONTARIO. TRAINING Mel Dole Bill Johnston Ed Drumm Maible Boudreau trwin Cruikshonks Mike Belmonte Reg Aker Bill McFeeters 623-5638 728-1066 725-9345 728-2233 728-5205 725-8300 725-0201 725-1726 Real Estate Board. WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND MLS. MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West. Free, easy, safe parking SCHOOL FOR BOYS, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. With the increasing interest in the reliable news reports published in The Times from Ajox and area, the Hometown Newspaper of Onterio Coun- ty requires edditional CORRESPONDENTS The Times is interested in further expanding it's cover- age of Ajax and area devel- opment, service clubs and other community ectivities. Those interested in working with The Times in publicizing and promoting their commun- ity ore invited to apply in writing to: THE EDITOR THE OSHAWA TIMES DEALING IN SERVICES? An ad in the Business Service Directory brings extra| customers at moderate cost. Telephone 723-3492 te piece your ed. TIMES Classified ACTION ADS for RESULTS Telephone 723-3492 ing room beams end brass | fi, constantly kept by an nglish hearth, warming heerth trays the rustic | DIRECTIONS: TURN EAST ON ST. LAWRENCE, Member of the Oshawa & District | } for all other departments | 723-3474 Open Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m Saturday 1 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m, 2 BLOCKS NORTH OF 401 OPEN ALL WEEKEND TO SUNSET Sales Ladies on Duty at IN WHITBY. Beaconstield Rob't. W. McEwan Ltd. "CUSTOM BUILDERS OF FINE TRADITIONAL HOMES". ~OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE LIMITED 668-8981 668.5853 ing quality builder. Plan now to enjoy privacy and spoci- ous outdoor living, 10 acre porcels $5,000., $2.500 down. SUBDIVISION LAND Good level parcel of ten acres adjoining built-up area, Gar- rard North in Whitby Town- ship. HORSELOVERS ESPECIALLY ! Magnificent modernized man- sion of squore-cut stone, set in 105 glorious acres two miles from bustling growing Oshawa, Splendid barn and stables for 30 horses. Also other auxiliary buildings, stream, pond, ete. An unique opportunity for exceptional country estote with lovely views over Lake Ontario. Soon e 'natural' for beautifui subdivision yeilding remark- able profit. BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Dream of making a living from 10 acres? We have the one spot for you! 10 acres mew orchard including some peers all professionally plant- ed and tended. It hos to be one of the best in whole area, Steadily growing in- come. Most attractive house beautifully located, storage shed and office plus 2 acre stream fed pond. Even oma- teur can do well here. You ean too! Call us! THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OF CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST WILL HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST PHONE 723-5221 AFTER HOUSE PLEASE CALL Charles Chaytor 668-229; Allan Thompson 728-2870 Tom Houston 668-4416 Ralph Schofield 725-5067 conveniences, Hardwood and tile floors. Approx. 1200 sq. ft. living space. Priced at $17,000. Terms orranged. BOWMANVILLE Well constructed and well kept brick bungalow with alli modern conveniences, Finish- ed recreation room. Extra plumbing in basement. Very anxious to sell. After hours please call: Donald Mountjoy 623-3614 Guy LeBlanc 623-3715 Thomas Donnelly 985-7264 Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 Inger Jorgensen 987-4491 Lyle Mason 392-3964 Ross Davidson Bethany 30r2 'SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd. 728-7576 FOUR BEDROOMS $15,900 for this 1% Storey Brick with full basement, gar- age ond large well landscap- ed lot. Home in very nice condition. BUSINESS and HOME Near Simcoe St. at Rossland Rd. Two storey brick build- ing with grocery store and epartment for one price of $23,200. Excellent equip- ment included in this price, iliness forces sale. BUILDING SITE Frontage of 345 Ft. on Hwy. No. 2, corner property. Ex- cellént five acre parcel at the asking price of only $8, 000.00. Thinking of selling? Call SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd, 728- 7576, for fast and personal- ized service. REALTOR 120 Dundas W. Whitby 668-6201 ANNES STREET $2,500. -- $3,000. down 3 .bedroom brick bungalow. Living room, large family style kitchen with plenty of cupboards, 4 pc. tile bath with 2 pe, bath off master bedroom. Landscaped lot. Aluminum storms and screens, many, many extras Open to offers. LOTS! LOTS! ALL $1,000 DOWN EXCLUSIVE SUBDIVISION-- Level 83' x 181'. Lots of shade trees. Terms can be arranged. List price $4,200. QUEEN AND JAMES ST.-- 3 lots all services. 70' x 3% ACRES-----One mite from Whitby. Utility building. List price $5,500. $3,000. DOWN 2 bedroom brick bungalow on large lot 73 x 150 with plenty of shade trees. Kitchen, living room and dining room. 4 pc. ceramic tile bath. Gorage. List price $14,900, OLDER FRAME HOME Kitchen, living room, 3 bed- rooms. Zoned R4. Large shaded lot 83 x 115. Sale price $5,900. "Call for all Your Real Estate Needs" 668-6201 4 BEDROOMS bright Large kitchen gining. 7 room, 2 storey brick home. Spacious living room, separate dining room, bright cheery kitchen, 4 bedrooms, oi! heat, paved drive. Home is imma- culate. A pleasure to show. Asking $16,900. Early pos- session. Call Roy Yeo. Even- ings 725-2217. ' 101 Simcoe Street North Member 0.D.R.E.B. 728-5123 ment, more features. yoy Oshawa. Call Murray Boyle, high $2,600 DOWN Bi READ THIS !! 006 "'pi¢ Ajuo 'uolssassod Ajin3 *aB01Dd "BAP ayDALId apIM 'yoy padbaspun) ¢zZ| xX OS 'awoy 424q Wool 9 jNyIn ~Dag "PO ay} jo 1Sa) ayy poe @sDajg 'U0ONjUaRID ANOA aADY am 304) MON "UMM 006'1$ H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-1656 rage. 23 SUITE APARTMENT Building, 2 years old, fully equipped and leased, balcon- ies, lots of paved parking, lo- cated Simcoe Street North. For details call Mr. Appleby. 728-5123. Evenings 723- 3398. BOLAHOOD BROS, LTD. | SIMPLE MONEY TALK: Classified Ads sell things you don't n for |CASH, Dial 723-3492 for an ad-writer now! SPOT PRIVATE Owner transferred, must sell. Spacious 4 home, finished family room. Excel- lent residentie! area, Terms arranged. 723-4082 RENT THAT V VACANCY 1 through Peat Ads. It's EASY. Call 723-3492 for a writer today, room brick wi |finished basement apartment, close to and livingroom " plus Many W. ©. Martin Realtor, BEAUTIFULLY KEPT bungalow, close to including, Yaxes, 7208108? school. Ex carries: for $117. juding 'W. 0. Martin Realtor. shh garage, well = ageme 'com home, oll heated, lon or 728-3108. w. 0. Martin Ri ia ealton Delightfully ee oie for ticular person. Cal jen Real Estate Ltd., 728-1456 al loom, natural fireplace, walk-out base --s ARE SES CRC mem a ONE HUNDRED ACRE beef farm, L-. UYS rancher, with at- three-bed- taxes, terge, $2,900, DOWN -- rt try courtesy. One acre, country ranch come basement apartment Large fireplace ag bien! brick. Finished in- . Attached ga- he most pare 1 Dick Pocock, H. Mile 2"-YEAR-OLD custom built bu: 1200 sq. ft. of gracious living. Ki Broadioom, patio, Joe Crawford, Me, J MR, EXECUTIVE! i prime Brookside Acres ed avail: model home, can purchased for usual low down payment if tng? bone, quellty, Three large rooms, Lcd olan & heaton eT ot 15 ft. by 22 ft. Large bath and vanity. exhaust INCOME BUNGALOW wn ak to tran: and trees. Hall of Schofield-Aker Lid. at 723-1358 or 723-2265. $915. DOWN -- three-bedroom home. kitchen, Near a Shopping Centre. H. Millen Real Newly decorated. Huge Oshaw: Estate. Litd., 728-1656. fan and are just a few of the many items. Call joseph Boscor <enclooed ao wae Seaway 728-4353. five- ly Large with hedge List price $15,900. For further information call Marg 20--Real Estate for Sele (Continued on Page 20) For RESULTS TIMES Classified ACTION ADS 723-3492