el THE OSHAWA TiMes, entey, SeptemBar 16, 1966 EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH 'FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS -- Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. z 8--Articles for Sale 14---Business Opportunities |18--Male Help Wanted 1967 SKI-DOO SNOWMOBILE by Bombar- | BUSI NESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | "gm: coe ccsieece= MI BUSINESS) ree Tv Towers SPECIAL -- rr} siruclure| equipment necessary to run ' all ch channel fgntenna, $90 TRIO Tele-| business. Situated on main CAIPOCAAPA ; auivern cai muliteg divide, at eee ; VAALLYVIVILIV ' \ $4 weekly. For information phone [Building Trodes Gardening ond Supplies (Sales and Service 103. while cea was Tg 'dollars for Ontario's fastest ; * GUARANTEED REPAIR to aii r week! Bi Hamilton, lan. Remem: ' tow See! Residential TOP SOIL, SOD |samavannmape Prev wine ea 4 AS snaps aa See J. B. McMullan | growing Fora Dealership. c. wide, mmercial Fall Sale of Septic Service : f Py ie use McClary: refrigerator, @ cu, ft., 24" Realtor for must be top produc- Co ' NURSERY STOCK | gePre*vaut-sesor-Fiomar seats Bioons ot FONE HODERN D5SK Wih_gival-aml 668-6201 ers capable of earning Eames eam. tt Industrial on, calls. Walter, Ward, 204 Chestnut Street ai Included area, ookceae, with $9) $10,000 --- $20,000 per coe "North THEO. Res. TNs. Ripete ~-- Alterations HARDSAND 'SCRAPS. ala Telephone 723-9588, ccc ols ay imeetes stations M tor tonne ip bury year. A General Additions ~~ Remodelling LANDSC APING jurveyors \ ' NER stove, in good|arteries, Better than average income, For oll Weg mn For in| To discuss this opportunity H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land 7 formation J. E. Van Zant, 728-6421, 55 Glovers Rd. Surveyors, 112 Elgin Street Bast, Phone . | 3 Gg WaW, we, iE" = vacuums, "Pata BEAUTY SALON FOR SALE, good dlen- Coll STU MacINTOSH, a / pairs to all makes. New hos JAMES ALLEN & SONS 725-1721 DONEVAN AND FLELSHMARR Or. suaULOUT topat brie" Abby Box <4, Oshawa Tes 623-2534 725-5632, FABULOUS August Niu prints, 11 Ontario. street, CLPZ - stick of furniture mun %o., we, erent cOMERRTION DRESS and beauly pa 725-6126 Not Just "Nursery Sod" But . ers : suites from $99, +. suites from , haa heyy Fully equipped and central TV--Radio Repairs a i $99, five-piece dinette suites $34.88. Many, 725-9356. UALITY CARPENTRY 9 eens Pn Tanase Wilson's. Furniture, 20 chureh' Street, 15--Empl nt Wanted MacD N ALD GRASS mployme: 'a GENERAL REPAIRS FO0D§ fo CAN AND WISDOM |VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses,| single LADY, lale forties, steadily rr ll eur imran | rrcxeD ur on oeuvened | TV. TOWERS | yet ; 2 |eatiae lpm eseense, oat, Maa lives azul or] FORD SALES ment eg sar 6 first, Visitors Welcome "BUILT. IN OSHAWA" re secabe Gat Peifo, mca Pe ee ran "sinaal nvining | considered. if > Geaiiaiolinsl en | , shawa mes, ¢ 0) Then ha > ith "ALL GREEN" NURSERY Nee te, | ALMOST BEARDLESS. 'gates vont eg WRATTRESS BARGRINE- AI SST STE LADY WISHES fo do housework, Tele- Sa ee SOD GROWERS We give you a. better | Low CuK tresses, all reduced. Smooth-top mat-|Phone 725-0434 after 5 p.m OSHAWA -- BOWMANVILLE customers. Townline N., % M. N. of | 6 Rae Peer Syne Iams 145, Wed ts tamed tresses, $29.7 crib mattresses, $9.88; mal-| RELIABLE Woman Swill cabo for catT, Tor chil- ; tower for Less Money tresses for bunk beds, $16.88; roll-away CARPENTRY -- New ang repairs, block! -- Taunton-viliage OSHAWA cots complete, $19.88. Wilson's FUTn! | mony Mites eo anytime 3 wae and cement work. Free estimates. 728- ture, 20 Church Stri ene TOUR LotR ciineee ene thee 725-9674 OSHAWA T V ' = nnn | WORK WANTED -- as receptionist, clerk-| DO YOU WANT A JOB OR inses balls Vopaleaes oul, iniees netatien, : 4--Motorcycles 8--Articles for Sale Siyiok! cont ge Nigg self Tyblst,, sparthand and: boakkeeniny .ekpert: CAREER? eh a Ms all SUPPLY LTD a a, {bedroom ving: room, Ritchen ender: away GALL WOBEO. A Reasonable Sc; [CUPBOARDS made To order Trim con] NURSERY SOD paring SACRIFICE ATTENTION PARENTS ! [tito baron Home Eornanings tats. ee entmaes. Als apeciaie in| We woud like to. tolk with Kay, 654 Gristeon 7 IN ee : H mcoe ') you. IF you w 1) r aNd | SAVESTROUGHING Murray Holll.| Now cutting, choice Ken- Qust: East of Ritson) Help Your Children ONE MOFFAT range, 10 years old, good| 7270030 728-2882 any time, | bilize your future with a fost day. Guaranteed work. Free estimates.) tucky Blue, Also some No. One 1965 Honda owned. by Win High Marks oven, good condition. Telephone 668-8683, |WHITBY -- Day care for small child in| moving all Canadian com- rsa 1 field sod. Pick up and save. 723-8131 - 723-8132 student who is returning to In School, Wivioy. AEC ye i sas ooh ee baie ons pany, You may have the cap- M. bl is toteae and aay cee. We also deliver and lay, Thre Like mew condition Give viet. Tee CDARANTERS, WEED 'Wieaer Mashors, RELIAGUE WORAR wil care fo Giia| obilities required to join our 725-3368; Tore v. Kelly, QC, 728- estimates. A. C. Wood, 728-3420 or 728- Telephone 668-4965 < up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452|in her home, near North General Motors.) organization and place your Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, 725+ 717, , TELEVISION--RADIO 723-8878 - BOOK of KNOWLEDGE | Simcoe. South. 723-0011 Apply 261 French. Stree. | gelf into an income bracket auaS KE DOWAU GOA, ULB, | BE Sr Lie;| REPAIRS, FINISH, rec rooms, painting. After 6 o'clock br ae ps ~ ° 'nen oa "er BAY CARE for small cid in-myWome] You never thought possible, aiMlter "and Solicitor. and' Notary pub-| Telephone _722-S98. 24 HOUR SERVICE MOTORCYCLE SALE Home Demonstration -- No teed Bc Telepnone 725-044." *"| through generous advances ce lic i Rateticee Con teen, tiie tee SMITH'S TREE FARM Used scooters, trail bikes, Obilgation FOR CHILI SAUCE aie oes 11.80 Perl WOMAN WILL GIVE day care To youne| and commission, If you ore 1 sidewall slabs, stoops. ' bushel. é x Frank Mccann, RR 3 Oshawa, Wssei. | © Cedor for Hedges HOLMES bridge stone NSU Jawa, Hon- Locol Representative FRESH" VEOETABLES, Tomatasn carn (OM? "t* eae TOO | Sn ae Sl er West, Oshawe Oe Si, youn t % ; EXPERT PAVING. Free estimate, in- flowers and plants i- \ would like to deal with ND. MeL AUSHEIN, B. Comm. LLB,| EXPERT PAVING, Free Beige 3 in| @ Cut das Suzuki: . . $99. and up. cabbage, oniions and others. Walter Hu me peo- and 22% King $f. E./ cludes grading and fill, aran-| @ Manure (cow, sheep or horse) ; ron Farm, Yo mile west of Oshawa on|CONSCIENTIOUS MOTHER will give le at a financial sales level rao res. roe ig fee. Eleven years. In Mevnae Yorrens @ Rough lumber (cut to suit) ELECTRONICS HONDA SHOP G. HOWARD 401 north service road. az | Vista area. Telephone 72 eee Oe Sein tne aolleet for. @ confi« ® Paving, 723-584 i % Write or L u i ; . DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS Posts ond poles, 199 King West, 728-4242 Apply Cigs eapars eet pan, 'c,_ pound | ExreRienceD SRACTICAL"WoRse| dentiol interview, eit Serene 20 len, Sapte na| your a ving by experi: cents Call collect Newtonville 786-2283| For Prompt Service Call saa Open Evenings __|_945 SIMCOE N. OSHAWA __|10"5" more: Telephone 128-5291 rc eraorment es fe trav. Te) ss CANADIAN GROUP weekday. 8a. quar. 3 years. :_|CHAIN LINK FENCING, highest quality ' '66 SUZUKI, 250 Hustler, $695. Call All workoar "FOR SALE, 75(b. bao, "Fi | That's tlt mort business to 0¢-|AL1 TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS ~| materiel and workmanship. Low prices,| Whitby --- 668-5679 |atter 4 om. 723-1795, s ee gerd rhe delivered. Telephone 728-1306." [TRUCK AND DRIVER qivallabies for Bs DISTRIBUTORS LTD, resting, chimneys, seventrouating: ue, aes Somat. eee 166 SUZUKI Hustler, 250 Cc. 3,000 ; : ' '- |W VEORIMLES CO Toi fore nin oO 2901 Bayview Ave, so popular. W's the one plact/piaces. masonry. Gord May, HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED [| miles, showroom conditien. $650, Tele-/ sinks, tubs, overhead garage ad. To get your Gonzria, nieaty Kenieeky. bs: ronat asieary TV TOWERS enone 7250108, | doors, steel windows, steel. [hott peter becte copbenen bome, [RRLIABLE experienced iedy will fake Willowdale ROOFING, hot ter and gravel, shingles,|on any emount. Phone after 6, 668-4965. "té SUZUKI, $0 C.C.. 600 miles, perfect| beams, wooden beams, cup- | Reasonable prices. Willlam Sack, Thorn. |care Raley nag Bg Me iad children.| Mr, N. H. Ross 222-6565 Pow sg perpen om 'and aoe lees be and H. hilt TO Taine Cal Stir, eit et ARE BEST condition, $260. 28 Farewell Ave. Tele-| boards, furnaces, panel box- 'Wrdre Subeataons ne Bh sa south of ™ eer hem down, ; boilers, rads. Anything in ¥ : 17--F. le Hel; 'anted WEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, Tan o6i0. | 1986 SUZUKI 80 cc. KIIP model, used| ©5 Dovers, bh Adve | CRABAPPLES, WEALTHYS, Melbas. 'ema P and f ir mechanical cuney? to equip- DARLINGTON GARDEN SERVICE -- WHY SETTLE FOR LESS ! three months, only. 1,700, miles. Must a the line of used building ma- | Free recipe for crabapple jelly with every SALES ment. Call Pickering 942-617 Phone 987-4754. Ever- Best offer! Ajax 942-0973. terials. For sale year round, order, 75c. per basket, 173 Garrard Rd. WANTED. NOW! con- pene sods, patios, fencing. T R | @) 6 DUCATI 250 c.c., excellent =I conaiten: Telephone 725-4171 or 728- |: Telephone 723-0379. REGISTRAR Carpentry $0D, FIELD AND NURSERY -- Free Telephone 725-7913, or apply 311 Orange) 352], from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. BARTLETT PEARS, small size, S0c., six) Teenagers --- Mothers -- Pi deli 725-3325 m. Crescent after 6 p.m. quart basket. Pallock Orchards, one mile} Grandmothers -- to start et a os rompt delivery. or TELEVISION in ; ~ Tee: Gromiras Card north Whitby, east side No. 12 Highway.) Cree showing luxurious Chrit- Well established Canadian mates. i ion Corner Bond and Division PEARS--Ciapp's Favorite, by the bush! no. cards to friends and musical firm requires young |, $3.50. Bring containers. 339 Malaga 4 19-29 for the 728-514 Stands with lighting Road or phone" 728-3819. neighbours, Earn plenty of mon apes Dentistry BALLET, BATON -- Twirling. Register 20-5143 TRAILER CLEARANCE | Good'as new. A real borgain. |FomATbES wie aieaiart Bama Pick| extra eash for Christmas thie | | above position, CAREFOOT, OR. JOHN Dental|47 p.m. dally, Harvey Dance Academy,| CiTY TV televisions, radios, TRAILERS. HEATERS. RE- BIRKS ur own, Bring containers, M. Tewveend, Must have late model cor, Surgeon, 172 King. Street toc" Coteros. Centre. 725-6122. . ' ; JEWELLERS yo 9 easy way. No experience ri ger 1, service' and repairs. Service FRIGERATORS. Authorized Oshawa Shopping Centre Highway No. 12. needed. Our cotalogue does willingness to work, previous 725-3511 TUITION in High School subjects. A few pes ee k. i i ti d : ! ience helpful, BIALEK, ae ee a aa leon 'may set you right in your| 'ept. open jays a wee Service on trailer heating an 10---Farmere' Golume the selling for you. Over 300 ie Bg ge i haya oad Simese Street Morth, Gehews. Sor lorade. 448-2846. Ales T.V. towers, color and refrigerators. : t tifully illustrated in 2 Simsos. Sires? North, Sshsws, ent ri rerun a Awe TY P : SPPOINITHENT, 125-9662 OF Nis, sa8-600i Piano Classicei, popuiar sie erie Write -* en MILLER HEATING atid et SSHSts, tats a Write today for oeeery, good references. ax bark Streets Orhews. bre a 5 = gam. to 9 rey 9 Tudor St., Ajox, 942-3491 plumbing basing Pumps pee, ome TREES WANTED Christmas cards on approval ver er ive alning ven i PAMRIFER TRAILERS "Tellation = ce "Ta Brock for transplanting ond free publ Monarch program at company's fd ting «|Mortgage 725-0500, 728-6879. al | PAM! cet_Herth =9 targe umber =f 12-15 | none Homilies | paras, Salary end commis Toe tite, work guaranteed, SALE -- RENT COTTAGE SPECIALS--beds $16, fridges it "Moples ond. 6+8 ft. [ooo sion. company ORESSMAKING ine ALTERATIONS ' $30,, table and chair sets $19., ¢ fi for women and children, reasonable. 0) G G Open Sundays 2 - 4 P.M. ? Cr ereraees , Pi id Cedor, ' its. Telephone 720-8666. M RT A E T.V. Rentals BUDDY TRAILERS 1s ona Stree Wen 35nd Sree Bes ye one 728.1995 tary- Replies in strict confidence. THRIFTY ORESEMAKING, realy. LOAN New Sets a oe Valley creaky Te felephone 728-1995 _ rela I WRITE BOX 42861 alterations + men's LLOYD baby caries: navy and white,| OAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick- i OSHAWA TIMES children's wear, Fast, accurate service. @) S q ; ;| Fast growing company 're- Berghe, 287 Currie Ave, ALCAN Lot at 401 and 28 see plald travel bed, $8. Telephone 668- rene Proreny pt oo a ciulves competent ain 40k nm aio or telephone Moneys available for first FURNITURE AND TRAILER HITCHES made and Installed,| wa auy, SELLAND EXCHANGE oneal 277 Licence 4C-6, girl office. Requirements WESTON 247-4952 _ : and second mortgages. Open APPLIANCES ee eS aan furniture gr anything you have. The City! 11__Bets and Livestock pleasant telephone voice, sev- slonaily. Mrs. MeNamee, 668-8756, mortgages, No bonus. First 452 Simcoe S. isFOOT HOUSE TRAILER, Ice box, onal Soutne date. oe incon Street) GHUANUA PUPPIES FOR SALE,| C72! YEOrS experience in of. Gardeni nd Suppli mortgages, second mortgages 723-0011 stove, new tires, sleeps five, $750. oF make] ee MINGTON automallc shotgun) |male Call atter & pum, 728.3604 '| fice routine, ability to work ORDER | ing @ upplies and agreements for sale pur- offer. 304 William East, 723-8073 after 6.30. guage, lke new. Telephone 655-3815 atter| wANTE with figures and a self starter Sg erg ere WANTED -- i home for 14-year-old chosed. TENT TRAILER, toam mattresses includ-|6 p. Belgian = peed | female, all En who can handle all the re- T.V. TOWERS Ft, Si Suse ae ol, | las BEAVER lepelied suit, brown|also two pupples, 723-0734, gular daily office duties. We have severel vacancies 7 M. F.. SWARTZ TV In color, and black winter coat with fox/BALED HAY for sale. Pickup or willl Reply to Post Office Box 71 for experienced orderlies or Fall Gardening 26% King St. East COLORED "4 6--Marine Equipment Collar, sizes 1213. Telephone 720-2670. _ ideliver, 728-522), 'einai prsest 'eae, octal ph we will train suitable appli- Oshewa, Ontario or Black and white TWO-PIECE BE B aed chesterfield, one cof-|COZ¥.J RANCH Kennels, Reg. German experience and references. conts ' 4 a 1-FT, ALUMINUM BOAT with fee table and one end table, good con-| shepherds, males, . 9 mos., trained, gt to ts 723-4697 revingeag regs Evinrude. 3. HP. motor, Atlas es Gtilon,_"Yempnong 725-2 shots, stud serve, Ashburn GsSa662. eve. --Age 25+ 50 years : ' © 668. BIRTHS AND DEATH No, 1 Fine Grass Mix FIRST and SECOND RAE'S RADI ETARCRAPT" Grew 'Traveller boats| 98teS- $12, complete, Telephone. 725-3720.|for training, talking strain. Apply M MOTHERS --Grade 10 or better 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Parklawn Grass Mix MORTGAGES $ 0 & TV. Evinrude motors pL pvince nA and LIGHT ALUMINUM push mower, ex- = |% " uteaa 114 Bite Bath ee Must: Nave ecbd sored CARDS OF THANK: Suburban Hay-P -- City, Rural, Vacation -- E-Vicing | Semone TORO. each CHILDRE Y PREVIOUS uburban Hay-Pasture p , , 2 sat hc DREN SLEEP Spm. Of Individual Grasses SUMMERLAND DAY OR EVENING wesc winnie co Pe Water S DRESS, real WALKER" WOUND, «ye 4 years old. Good on} Earn $$ per hour, demonstrat- Please apply in person to. . CLASSIFIED DISPLAY i SECURITIES LIMITED 728-5286 tarp. New 1964, Excellent condition.| Brownie uniform, brawn wool dress,|(err_Telephone 6559000 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous) 9 col So-Green Fertilizers Member Ontario Mortgage $800. 728-9978, hand knit white sweater, Telephone 725-|HORSES WANTED to board, box oF! Usal and unique line of tays PERSONNEL OFFICE CANCELLATIONS AND Posted ansey tye 112 Simcoe St. N. -- 725-3568 ELECTRONICS phone. 723-1809. aa rilldonsne i. 8 iewey an te the 'college Puseencormiem. |__| collections. Car necessary. OSHAWA olfgreen ~6- FIRST AND SECOND |1# LAKEPIELD molded plywood boat |Cnrisimas gi rand 'new Kay guiter # 4m, DAY OF PUBLICATION 9 Mee anit Bi [winavi balig 28 harem 8 Aes come aCe western suse hy emnnabe 723-3568 GENERAL fheation 'will be charged on day's insert Bonemeal FIR ~ ST AND SECOND morigages, sale : | toaster, Oshawa Obedience Association. Cl pedi Peat Moss agreements purchased and sold. Hennick Fast T.V. Service |windshield and fittings, Best offer! | Veet Thies forhomecoltage. ana aoe saring Paces age Doge mos eee Work "ie ight but am aaa Saeny, OSHAWA ONTARIO gl DOMINION 5 nates . STANDARD TYPEWRITER .|D0GS -- Dark brown 'ovided and remunera- Cooper-Smith Optometrist TELEVISION Treen we eee por Moet electric. standard, 55) eciric|four years. old) white standard ode tion, Apply to "The Times, Bex 1001 In raTAAC ' 723-0065 or 668-5830 Muskrat fur coat, size 18. Phon BABY"S PLAYPEN, | ree and folding BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready IN _MEMORIAMS and Timothy & Alsike -- All Classes -- TV SERVICE wepkense. | aries crceee OF ferry | intl Cnaitions ies ane Bungie and THREE SIAMESE KITTENS for sale, #15 WHILE YOUR of English. controls, ftraller,|velvet, skating costume, sizes 8-10; ; ing Par-Tee Toy Chest's un- 1 a.m. day previous. RY moter and bast, excel.|7ose standing stalls, good fencing, good riding 5 oe ee wig C.1.L 10-6-4 Brokers OSHAWA 80 HP MERCURY motor and boat, excel- area, $90. per 'month. 6252790 after | and gifts, No deliveries or MOVING. Must sell, 9-year-old Palamino Call Now Mrs. Hartwig rtisement cancelled before pu' Milorganite Street North Whitby motor and trailer, $550, Telephone 723-1409 after 6. & Rhein A oaths SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50. |[icpe--saeey fibregias boat haul with|SEOS, CHESTS of drawers, | "fable, chairs,|D0G TRAINING CLASSES, sponsored by|A MATURE type of who will HOSPITAL BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 and be Barristers, 21 King Street 723-5894, den. T elephone 72 ledge of cooking 1s er, one fear old; Si. Bernard, one year on; rages cranes 1ViLETa, 1 UBS, vanity oasis ena - a rl pte , % Be F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe} 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. [sinks in cabinettes, pressure systems, ister, $40. Phone 723-4434. also St. Bernard pups. All from cham-|Perience, age, etc., as possible. LAIUIN JS Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. T septic tanks, laundry tubs. piping and CHESTERFIELD BARGAIN pion stock. Call after § p.m. or week-|JOIN the wonderful worla of coametics! CO. 723-4191. fittings. H. Chinn, 288 Hillside of floor ont 2 per tutes with foam wagittedad- taadabOn -- hifi apes Figg 0 Fy IN ry' rom ern seater sets etriever jor replies uncalled for 16. CELINA ST. Plumbing and Heating COLOR T.V. cas NETS wi or vanity hasin $ov-lfrom $158. 3. pc, sectionals from. $188./ PUPS, C.K.C., four months old, training | WAITRESS, -- Must also be short order Oshawa ' OR BLACK AND WHITE sure systems, flushomatics, septic tanks, Wilson's Furniieres 20 Church Street. storied: an) lend and water = pene cook. Telephone 723-0761. Lansdowne rian, REGULATIONS 723-2312 -- 723-1139 PLUMBING MART All work guaranteed Burden tractors H Chinn, eorner Hilisl|pliences, Cal 'Elmer Hemoton® ace-need ws honey x ua need homes. ee IMMEDIATELY "a mature REQUIRES Big Oshawa, Times wifi not be responsible Dalivecy. Secvies Sold direct, 20% off cop- T.R.1.0, TELEVISION [and Park Sout. 723-7088. or 263-2695. Healthy, and trained, Telephone 725-2744.|lady to be sekeeper for elderly . errors savertisements, suberied ry per pipe, pumps, 3 piece bath, rg BIKETIME! Sommerlimel New, used, 12 gentle tive "in, Privale room, Wort] A men's clothing salesman, einer than in o pad advertisement Closed Wednesday P.M. a@lainiess steel sinks, vani- 728-5 ] 43 ce. ee pay i se aha Centre, 204 Bond] 12---Arrticles Wanted Box 453%, "Oehewa Fires. house. Write) Experience preferred, per beyond the price charge for a single). aac ties, plastic, bleck and gal- oy NOWEAT SSBOIA OSS ism SMALL CAR WANTED, 4 cylinder, low @ AW benefits, Insertion in which error occurs. vanized fittings and pipe. |Well Drilling--Diggirg NOW! SIX ECIAL -- 4-foot tower| mileage. Call after 5 p.m. only. 725-8233, om; live In. tight duties, all conveniences. | @ Age 25 - 40. ¢ lephone 668-4864 after 7 p.m. LAWNMOW structure, all-channel antenna 'The Oshawa Times reserves the right to N ER 668-6601. 149 Brock Street |WeELL DIGGING by machine special: SERVICE BAYS $50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton wT ain Gal a ke ee ee ee ew S A L F North, 8:30 a.m. -- 9 p.m. [izing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chest. For Auto Service Road East, vet east of Rt BABY SITTER to care for two children, APPLY St p ' } nan, up ada five-da ya Apply 729 Cedar Street, or ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling:| guy, tt West Whitty, 668-2563 or 668 BrAnO, Halotarien, veriah 235, recon. GOOD USED furniture wanted, ic. High. telephone. 723 aed . PERSONNEL OFFICE & in the cases of display wort besate 8 R . new and used materials. Reasonable | ae | | est prices, Call anytime. The "Times "wil not be" held Drastic Reductions rates, Estimates free. 728-1191, J. Foley, WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL 'IBlch 99. Mette S278, ere gas.. ("| Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526, EARN EXTRA. eat cee UPPER LEVEL fi " 5 ponsible 1--W ly- = ------ for more space than that which tie ecient! Also Complete Sales and Ser- |ALt PLUMBING AND WEATING sup- omen's Column Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply WEDDING GOWN, Empire sivie, bro-| WANTED -- Old coal oll lamps, exam-|wraps, novelties, etc, Over 300 items. |SALES SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE "n : vice On Gardening Equip- plies. grelephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark|LADIES! | 1s "our plano in tune? Any| 'mouth, Pontiac, We correct ple: parlor lamps. hanging lamps and|For free, beautifully Illustrated cata- ps but saeatia fo liability of edver- ment. os Shen ag ym} and ing, frathat Tuning and repairing. Sebastian} wheel alignment, inspect and vel. $0. Girt' eye sunien cond. parts, Telephone 72 logue, samples on approval and the fast-| Large International Company tisement if any inaccuracies in any form Toro, Lawn Boy and ° correct castor and camber, | tion, $20. Phone 7 WANTED TO SUP = ogni piano, I in| on service, Jeandren: Greeting Card, Ce.| has opening in Oshawa -- ere, contelned therein, Yordman Lawnmowers Rug, Upholstery Service |2--Personal align toe-in and toe-out to | MARCONI FOUR. Saas a portable record| 900d condition. Telephone 623-2697. ~ snd enbaagen Bay Ridges Area for a man 17S BASY TO PLACE A Wheel Horse Garden Tractors HES TERFTELOS eee 5 correct condition . . . 6.88 Pokal ase old. Excellent condi- WANTED: - Twin carriage, one that con ifate Nanay employment" Apa Must yaa under forty-five. pty eee, ee . @ Ports, extra if required . verts into a see in good condition | 0 er, Motel Li ter, 27 King Street; training period ot TIMES ACTION WANT AD : RUNDLE re-styled. Free estimate. See our mate-| Removal of superfluous hair M 9 BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture) 2"? riced. 7 elven " siee per week followed by salary 1 Direct rial for recovering. Slip covers made ; ; @ Torsion bar adjustment d appl 1696 between 1' p.m. = § p.m. ERR dese Oe tee : Call Classified to order. Dalton Upholstering, 73 Charles} Marie Murduff will be in extra, ; Furntaras aan" Simcoe South, 7283071. Sea vORTGE to live in, to do light' plus commission, Average first 723-3492 GARDEN CENTRE LTD. Street, 723-7212. _______| «Oshawa, Oct. 3, 4 and 5. ACCORDION SOPRANI 130 base, 3 cour 13--<Articles For Rent household duties, $25 weekly. Apply 486) year income $7,000, Gener ® RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish-| Phone Genosha Hotel Road, Pickering Beach. i B 1015 KING ST. E. ed 20 years. Workmenship "uareniees. jam di i cenaatins, BRAKE SPECIAL dig Hg uP onary me be Pes : : CAPALBE GIRL OR WOMAN to care 930 aoe bene Rory Ry INDEX TO 725-6551 tain' tarcins ence Oeue te : Most popular cars. First a Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish-. |for one pre-school-aged child and two| iN details to Box re-built, furniture refinished, Oshawa Up- ELECTROLYSIS i i PETERBORO cedar 'skiff 4 foot used] es Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee |schoohaged children. Some Oshowa Times. CLASSIFICATIONS holstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311. a, Royaline. 14.08 | Wag0 G8 Ot space heaters, good shape! U4." Bunch Bowls, Bridal |*uNes. Telephone 724-8085. Semen Coley Sales and Service 723-4641 beac ay oS = like new. $0.00 each, international sail] Wear, Men's Formals, White |RELIABLE WOMAN to babysit, fiveday ; 2--Personal BG. pnt SOD CAR LEAVING for Toronto daily at 7.15) WiiEEL BALANCE SPECIAL |P°s" Ba an weet be centtgered. 4 Apply! Fox Furs: Mink: Stoles. Pe ae ort ee Bar Tee ip to ic sq. yd. de- a.m. Also house for sale, low down pay- p , : . Ms rr ek livered: 100-200, 28c sq. APPLIANCE tment, Brick, three bedrooms. Telephone ee weights per br Simian Buckhorn 657-8513 after 6:00 SARGEANT'S RENTALS EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER, 20 eatery » Repentyareyg 200 yd. and up REPAIRS CAR LEAVING OSHAWA Yor Toronto, SHOCKS, 'MUFFLERS, FREE! Furnace cleaned, 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 _ person, The Vogue Beauty Salon, MO sim: Ready-Mix truck drivers, free. 2 Guaranteed trouble-f inter if _upstairs. sq. yd. delivered. arriving Teachers' College, 8 a.m. and FRONT-END WORK AT oaks 'ram' Western Ol avert your ENTERTAINING? cig on wore SOLE cae WOMAN WEEP Ta APPLY o--Markel Basket NO. 1 FIELD SOD Expert repairs to all makes uae ear Toronto, 8.30. Please tele- COMPARABLE PRICES opie? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- North Si Rossland nil th. arcs Gets 200 vd, ond up 20e yd, | ewes, der, rngen, [RE Tee SuTNOUER URE, Or Rati cate, tr eS tyke ate Ga Wee CURRAN & BRIGGS ies ai ile cabinets, r choice, wi oO 1" er 30. Tscarticies. for Rent ange ; @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ teense cnn DO MINION maney down, New, used, rentals, serv:|EHAIRS, card and oanguet Tables, ChUTCh| WOMAN AS A COMPANION To relired| READY-MIX Landscape forvies -- sona ater Sas Wand He ae dem, roses. SHI Henin Ramen. _ iret Neth cen sme Srgy rae lege na duties. | 991 Simcoe St. South . supplies, Valley Cr W., TYPEWRITERS f dents, offi Ox , Oshawa. Times, BETHANY LANDSCAPING ALCAN a TIRE STORE model portables, "recond nation ve WHEEL CHAIRS, houpital beds, walkers gg et age ed Phone 623-7594 per ae. "7 Ltn we uk ger be Saairesta, "ant tiaaiiton Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice. 725-1644. ete rep be YOUNG MAN imcoe S. -- wa P. SOU Raglan. REQUIRED Telephone 723-0011 "TelEeHiont 72s: roe MUSKRAT BACK % coat and stole, like For full a oe Junior Position, SPRING CLEAN-UP P new, Two new fire doors. Two boys' bi- } ia ?, . @ Planting @ Sodding @ sucesnsitsttetisitiamatcasiabmaesidaasiaasieientujsaus| CHC AO Cie, Dae terking helt, For in Oshawa's finest men's wear @ Top Soil @ Seeding @ Rent A Piano and Professi | cre alata age el aetecuchiae persia Eases ag ye © Evergreens @ Grading @ SEE ae ee THREE nerve ann} RESULTS CLERK kh a it @ Marion and Kentucky Blue- PIANO ACCORDION ar grass ® Complete landscap- HEINTZMAN VEGETABLES FOR SALE SGHTTOENTRC HOR raiiraasea es, half- TIMES e Experienced preferred but couiain vines ing @ oo & Company Ltd. price, 'Finest quality Posturpedic. Head- not essential. fae <" 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawe READ AND ET ee con Rosh enn ifi : ' tenes se Telephone 728-292 Bolts | sale Dolan toe RAS, ST, 2 al rae, a) ees bs <tew Gebers , oor St. East SEWING MACHINES, repairs to all MARKET lent condition. Seen by op- | WATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC magazines, in Want-Ads Don t makes, work aia For home serv pointment only |good condition. Reasonable. Telephone APPLY GET A JOB with work "wanted" ads in| 'S* Phone 725-3286 Classified, Dial 723-3492 now and have | ARC and ACETYLENE wellding and cut BASKET | Phone 723-3244 <= Teanga = Paris, 723-3492 114 Dundas East Cost- They Pay en writer help you phr th Ri x mi ou phrase your job-/ting. sesonable rates. 60? Bloor Mast SUNDAY AFTERNOON Tevatmnet new. Tuleehene Tn4a. " STORE MANAGER