er WT WP NO RORH RE YU ne CHILD GUIDANCE hs MR. AND MRS. AMBROSE NESBITT 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, September 15, 1966 By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD Most parents who write to me of the child slow at learning in school seem to be striving Conscientious Parents Strive | To Help Backward Child Cl WI tee ee I We? be ful that dad spends much time with him and goes places with him only. As you can see, he and his little brother cant » ale i fa want fant NACG Ww way Mae Goes e: they reveal worries that they Jean't do more and get better results. I wish I could do more to ease their worries and to help them feel more adequate, A mother writes: "My son 'Gary will be eight next month, He is a good- natured boy. He is tall for his age, enjoys. sports and _ his friends. He takes everything 'seriously and is quite critical of himself. "He is going into Grade 2 next year after repeating Grade:1 this year. He took it quite hard having to repeat. He does not express himself well and has difficulty with his speech, He is oy ting speech help in school. His co-ordination is improving after being poor. He had a hearing problem which was corrected. "He is an average student now in school. The teacher says he is nervous and feels inade- quate. He tries hard, but if he finds something difficult, he gets so nervous that he is un- able to perform or solve the problem. Under this condition he cannot perform on an aver- age level, which we are quite worried about, HARD WORKER "Our son will ask the teacher if he doesn't understand some- 5 Oshawa Times Photo Oshawa Residents For 50 Years: tne, basics ner to come Celebrate Golden Wedding Residents of Oshawa since 1916, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose W. Nesbitt of Rosehill Boule- vard, were honored by a large circle of friends on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniver- sary. An evening reception was arranged at their home by their granddaughter, Mrs. Richard Stata. The bride of 50 years re- ceived, wearing a jade green silk crepe dress with a beaded neckline and a corsage of gold| Albert Gilders, baby roses and carnations. A|Black; from Whitby: Mr. and/ three-tier cake flanked by crys- tal candelabra with gold for extra help. He doesn't like me to talk to the teacher. He sucks his thumb when he goes to bed. He has worked hard a diamond ring and the bride gave him a diamond tie-tack. Guests from out of town were a daughter, Mrs. William Pope, her husband and two daughters, Darlene and Louise, Kingston; from Bowmanville: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Colwell, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thomp- son and Beverley, Mr. and Mrs. David Preston and David, Mrs. Stanley Preston, Mrs. James Houston and Shaughn, Mrs. Mrs. Norman Mrs. Norvil Fleming, Mrs. Wil- fred Cyr and son Terry. |in school. | "Y have another boy, four. I try to be as calm as possible. However, after not being well for nine months and then losing a baby, I was more nervous myself at this time. My hus- band belongs to a. father-and- son club with Gary. We spend time with him taking him to interesting places. We do com- pliment him. He is such a good boy! I do hope you can help }me." | My reply in part: | You seem to be such an earn- jest mother. No doubt you and child needs many, other play- mates of his own age. READ DAILY ty - Read to this every day. Tt is encouraging if the younger likes to listen then sometimes, But the elder should feel he is first in his choices of what he likes to hear. Sometimes one of you parents may read to one boy and the other parent to the other boy, even in the same room. Whether this boy stutters or fails to'enunciate some words distinctly, your reading to him will be helpful. Since you say he sucks his thumb only at bedtime, this should not worry you. He might be willing to have you put mitts on him then or devise a kind] of a thumb-stall of rough cloth to. wear at night. As he comes to feel more grown-up and worthy, he may choose to solve this. problem himself. Surely you should not rebuke him for his offending thumb or use any corrective measures he will con- sider as punishments, Explain things to this boy. Answer all his questions kindly. Make him feel you like to hear 94 talk and to converse with m. ANSWERING QUESTIONS Q. Is it possible for some children to suppose nobody dies a natural death? A. Yes; there is a scattered evidence that some children un- der seven or eight who have been exposed for years to many TV programs portraying mur- der, do come to this conclusion. Some of us have actually heard children ask, when they have learned of a person not being alive, '"'Who killed him?" FOCUS ON SCHOOLS WINNIPEG (CP)--The Mani- toba Catholic Women's League, numbering 4,400, spent $22,500 last year on education, one of its main interests, Mrs. L. E. Dion said most of the money went for parish scholarships and scholarships for seminary can- didates. Pe OVO EV OOK Y OC err candles and gold carnations) Mr. and Mrs, Nesbitt were|dad are doing better as parents) bs = wl an den oe > Pret ~ than you think you are. I hope rs, ata a came to Oshawa to live. Mr.|you keep heart and go on in the guests and Miss Darlene|Nesbitt worked in General ies a ways. I fike your he nog lark gyooe grape Pope, a granddaughter, kept|Motors until 1963 when he re-/sympathetic appreciation of|i¢ the serving dishes are ice- the guest book. Presiding at the|tired after 47 years. The couple/your son and his problems. ood as well tea table was Mrs. Alsi Browi,;iave cnc dauchter, Mrs. Wil-| te f+ Whe svoning wax anent re-|liam Pope of Kingston and four| CHE¢n eslline many happy times and| grandchildren, Mrs. xicnara) oa noeens oars nnn a buffet supper was served. Stata (Donna), Oshawa, Mrs.; ¢ gains in that boy's co- Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt re-|Peter Brooks (Deanna), New-|rdination and in his learning. ceived many beautiful gifts and|tonville, Darlene and Louise|Do have your physician check floral arrangements. The' bride-| Pope of Kingston, also a great-| periodically on his ears and groom presented his bride with| grandson, Danny Brooks. {general physical constitution. HOUSEHOLD HINT BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS & PANTS nee Bisson Wool blend casual dress pants with adjustable eonti- nental waist. Two front and one back pocket. By *Daimor". A d colors. 8-18. aimor ssorted, colors. a 6.98 Right: Koratron®--treated for no-iron care, Long sleeves. Assorted colors in paisley and plaid checks, By "Starr Hollywood". 8-18. only 3.49 Three Fashion- Wise Ways to Greet Fall & Winter Weather Kasha lined thick set corduroy pants. Half boxer waist. Features double knees and three pockets. By "Peerless Textile", Navy, brown, charcoal. 8-12. only 4.98 same style unlined----3,98, help explain his earlier slow- learning progress. Be glad he tries so hard at school. No * |doubt you can hope for great Not All Figure Problems = mn ee» Can Be Cured By Di e ured y let sician to calm this child down. f | Limit his viewing of TV. Forbid By IDA JEAN KAIN ja strong up-and-in pull with|programs of violence and ex- If you are out of shape and|sirdle muscles. Repeat exer-|cjtement. Strive to help him flabby, but not overweight, ex-|cise five times,' then perform) fee] as worthy in the family as a lack of exercise. The expe-| In three weeks or less you|worthy approvals and compli-| rience of the homemaker in the|will look and feel slimmer. ments to your son. It is wonder-| following letter is enlightening. -- "After reading your column about the young mother who 6p é "On Jan. 1, 1966, my measure- ments were waist 30, abdomen 38, hips 41. I was not overweight but a Feed were flabby and I felt bulky. ; SPECIAL VALUE Try to provide your son with ercise can remake your figure.|With opposite leg. Always keep|his younger brother and to walked for slimness and more "Tl began walking between one FUR FABRIC These physical handicaps could KEEP IN TRIM mosphere. Work with your phy- ure problem that is created by/|flat against floor. Go on being generous with| tell you my experience. I took daily exercise to restore tone to the middie muscles. "Would you believe it? In three months I had lost four inches off my 'waist, four inches off my tummy and two inches off my hips! I lost no weight, but I toned up and now I feel so much better and look it too." This homemaker devised. the perfect exercise program, walk- ing plus calisthenics. Walking is a general conditioner. Calis-| thenics restore tone to certain} sets of muscles. Think of calis-| - ee i design. Burgundy, loden, brown. 7-14, thenics as shape-ups and you) 4 ' 1 get the right picture. | pe | on Ly i 4 | i s & FORM GIRDLE The abdominals are most in need of toning. When the mus- les that form nature's girdle strong, you feel more like pulling up-and-in through the middle as you sit, stand and walk. Toned muscles impart a feeling of well-being. The following exercises are designed to tone the girdle muscles: Position: Lying on back on floor, 'feet: elevated to low bench, arms down at sides. Action: Pull up and in with the lower abdominal muscles and press small of back flat against floor, and flex alternate knees to chest. Continue for 12 counts. Do this exercise slowly and concentrate on pulling up and in with the abdominal muscles. The above exercise helps to correct a swayback. The fol- lowing exercise helps to restore tone to the long front abdom- inals: Position: Lying on back on floor, right knee bent, left leg straight down. Action: Raise left leg to right) angle, then very slowly lower leg to within two inches of floor. Raise again and repeat. Keep right knee bent,-and maintain | FREE | SCHOOL BOOK COVERS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE |a calm and cheerful family at- Diet is not the solution to a fig-|One knee bent and small of back) huild on his strengths. joy in living, I am inspired to and two miles every day. Also, aN 2 WS wae Mle Filrae THE PILE LINERS a HOODED CORDUROY COAT: Fully pile lined to keep toasty warm. Front detailed with flap pockets and stitched welt trim at waist. Crested brass buttons. Attached hood lavished with pretend raccoon. A "Walker's" HEEKSUEDE DRESS COAT: Completely royal pile lined, including its attached hood. Double breasted with leather covered buttons. Dashing Jeather trim also outlines hood, front and flaps of inset T pockets. By "Junior Wear". Burgundy, blue, 7-12; nb 9 9, 9 8 e WOOL MELTON PEA JACKET: Snappy as a naval officer's salute. Gold braided and buttoned epaulets. Double breasted closing with gold crested buttons. Further detailed with curved welt seaming, slash pockets and double back vents. Designed by "Walker's". Navy, lined with red Orlon® pile. : my 14.98 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED INFANTS' PRAM SUIT caly: 7 98 Borg® pile lined jacket with contrasting color pile trim edging hood. Horse applique. Nylon and cotton pants, De- tachable mitts and boots, By "Kiddie Togs". White/navy beige/brown. 12-24 months. wy, TODDLER GIRLS' DRESS WELL-BEHAVED CLASSROOM KNITS only Stylish %{ coat in popular otter type fabric. Smart wedding band collar, full swinging silhouette. Brown, shale grey, beige. Sizes 6-20. "You may charge it". Baby cord pique A-liner, Embroidered panel trim at yoke and cuffs of long sleeves. Peter Pan collar, By"Tic-Toc Baby Wear". Pink, yellow. 2-3X. S OPEN DAILY TO 6 P.M. 40 OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED! OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4626 & 5 KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE 623-5451 PASHIONS SINCE 1867 FASHI (ONS SINCE 1867 THURSDAY & FRIDAYS TO 9 P.M. available et all | Fairweather WOMEN HCLD CASH « Some bank branches in India are staffed entirely by women. |