¢ THE OSHAWA TiMaS, September 14, 1966 WESTERN MEMBER S, Ronald Basford, a Vancouver lawyer, is Lib- eral member of parliament for Vancouver - Burrard. Mr, Basford, 84, was first elected to parliament in 1963, (CP Photo) BRIDGE SCORES The Oshawa and _ Brooklin Duplicate Bridge Clubs have commenced their fall and win- ter activities. Both clubs have played their first games and other clubs will get under way this week. The Oshawa Golf and Country Duplicate Club will start its season Sept, 14; while the Gen- eral Motors Club starts play Sept. 15. The winners and high scores in gases played last week were; OSHAWA CLUB North and South -- G. Adams and Kelly Adams, 168; Ken Moraen and Art Vaillancourt, 122; Mrs. G. A. Rundle and Mrs. E. M. Culp, 108.5; Mrs. E. J. Wadsworth and John Miller, 105.5; Hazel Kashul and Mrs, V. Silhailis, 104, East and West--Duncan Me- Cuaig and J, Willis, 126.5; Wil- Nam Sleep and James Drum- mond, 116; Mrs. Harper and Mrs, Wallace, 108.5; Mrs, M, E. H. Webster and John Condos, 108; Carl Olsen and Mr. Hall, 107, BROOKLIN CLUB North and South -- Mrs. V. Silgailis and E.. P. Coles, 72.5; Roy Morris and Mrs, E. Wads- worth, 67; Rene Niglis and John Miller, 64; Kay Morris and Mrs. K, Marden, 63. East and West -- Mrs. C. Chambers and Mrs. R. Bar- rand, 87.5; Mrs. E. Bovay and Mrs, E. Stewart, J. H. Winter and Roy Howe (tied), 79.5; Miss G. Bovay and Mrs. Wil- liam Haron, 72.5. The club will hold a Master Point Night Sept. 21. Seaway Traffic Tops Prediction DETROIT (AP) -- Growth of traffic on the St. Lawrence Seaway has begun to top pre- dictions and has caught even its greatest advocates by surprise, says J. H. McCann, U.S. ad- ministrator of the St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corp. 'My best advice is, don't try to outguess the St. Lawrence Seaway; you can't beat it--so join it," MeCann told the an- nual convention of the Amer- ican Association of Port Au- thorities, He predicted at least 48,000,- 000 tons of cargo will move via the seaway this year, com- pared to 43,400,000 tons last year, 39,300,000 in 1963 and 20,- 300,000 in 1960. He conceded the seaway is about $9,000,000 behind in acheduled repayments of costs. but said the seaway had paid the U.S. treasury $20,000,000 through 1965. The association devoted a short session Tuesday to a dis- cussion of container use in lakes and ocean shipping. COPLAND SIGNS ON American composer Aaron Copland has agreed to write a signature-tune for CBS Play- house. REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF ELECTRIC SHAVERS | & CLIPPERS Manufecturers Parte and Prices. TRADE IN ALLOWANCES ON OLD SHAVERS Electra Shaver Service & Supplies 728-4284 39 PRINCE STREET OSHAWA STEINBERG This week get EXTRA 'PINKY' STAMPS Clip and Redeem Bonus Coupons Below ut DIN : L a CANTALOUPES mre urn ura a B net 2 -- = i) 'GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 3 Ca 7...) RESON COTTAGE ROLL WF rman S/N 5 Beco POTATOES Couren exminet serreinee 1, ee * APRG OF PREG AnD meaTY Torkey Legs or Breasts Couran Exmnts ep TBUnER Tt, Wel 5 CUCUMBERS CHAS Ch lh os lal CABBAGE Chast OF ittiuse Easy Off OVEN CLEANER 7% : GRANULATED SUGAR CARNATION MILK 16-OZ, TIN ORCHARD KING FANCY TOMATO JUICE 5-LB. BAG :| BUTTER CANADA FIRST GRADE 22 48-0Z, TIN 58 HEINZ or GERBER'S - STRAINED © | BABY FOOD 4%-OZ. 2 ASS ¢ | ORCHARD KING FROZEN JUICE" or tb ALE ROYAL STEWART DRY GINGER 30-0Z, BTL. PLUS DEPOSIT 2-29' MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE = 79: | ome ne DRINK i BOX OF 200 - ASST'D COLOURS KLEENEX 33° ALLEN'S BREAKFAST Bag DUSTING YAK . 25 'EXPIRES MePTEMRER T, Hees avezrmer Dow - our OVEN CLEANER -.- |] 'Court Greets tertemece 1. ne % ancnonor Grand LIQUID DETERGENT 59 Apacrors Gated fate Kirly Kate Pads COUPON EXPURES SEPTRMBER Pt an Sea COMPS: ewe Steinberg TaMEDISHCLOTHS 88% a? stetmee Aérowax LIQUID WAX 9% $ Sere ame Bravo FLOOR WAX wee 7% nee. $1.99 concen taatte 7% Gouren txPibas serrenset m1, Hee