WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Public School Rolls Increased Slightly WHITBY (Staff) -- A total of eight whilby Public Schools ic is at the end of the first week of school. The figure compares with 2,309 when school opened in mber of Jast year; but a Grauee, Gt ae esuaene (G7 es sae enrolment at the end of March of last year. Howard Hempstead, superin- tendent of Public Schools, said Tuesday the small increase 'was due to the influx of stu- between the opening of school in 1964 and March of last year. The enrolment by schools \s: ' Brock St. School, 58; Col- borne St. Senior School, 301; Dundas St. School, 315; E. A.) Fairman School, 345; Kathleen Rowe School, 360; King St. School, 364; Palmerston Ave. School, 226 and R. A. Hutchin- 'there was only an in- Mr. Hempstead said there 'Is no classroom in the system which is severely overcrowded. The class sizes fall into the following ranges: kindergarten, 22 to 28 each morning and afternoon; primary classes, 26 ; junior ¢! to 35 He explained that to accom- plish the balancing of classes it was necessary to shift the boundaries between King St, and Kathleen Rowe Schools to include both sides of Burns St., east of Henry St. and both sides of Henry St., south of Burns St. in the Kathleen Rowe School district, A few parents of Grade 6 pupils voluntarily agreed to send their children to Kathleen Rowe as did some parents of Grade 5 pupils from the Brock fon School, 374. Schools To Mark Canada's Centennial) Plans for the celebration of) Canada's centennial are already) under way in the Whitby Public! Schools. During the current school! year the focus, at the senior! school level, will be on local) St, School area. Members of the Whitby Kinsmen Club, meeting ment of Whitby. One class at) Tuesday night at the Kins- men Cottage, Heydenshore Park, extended a warm welcome to Deputy District WHITBY KINSMEN CLUB INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS Governor Jim Pilkington of Lindsay who installed the new club officers, From a time will attend meetings of the town council and we hope to arrange attendance also at sessions of the Ontario County Council," Howard Hempstead, | superintendent of Public Schools, said Tuesday. Subdivision Pacts history and particularly the) Pupils will be encouraged to| democratic processes, ranging|contact older residents of the) from the local, through the}community to learn about the} BROUGHAM -- Donald Kitch- county and provincial levels to early sayy t3 the oF They len vice » president of Bay the federal government. |will also seek items of historic] ' ; p "We lee cinas to empha-/interest which could be dis-| Ridges Ratepayers Association, size the history of the develop-'played in the classroom. |was requested by Pickering |Township Reeve C, W. Laycox Schools Introduce New Report Cards |o remove 2 tape-recording Imachine from the council The parents of students at- in some cases deportment, ap-| Approved By Council 4 | 01 night, be- excuse for not knowing the| covered. amount of effort their children). are putting into their school|ing the parents, work and the progress they are|cards will not be making. ) A new type of report card is| Views with the teachers being used for the first time,|being arranged for the parents. Different colored cards are used for primary, junior and/held during the school year. is that intermediate students with the| The first will be late in Novem- junior and intermediate cards|ber and the second about the being more detailed than the| middle of March, The inter- primary cards. iviews mean parents will have The cards cover every facet) the opportunity to discuss stu- ef the student's studies; while|dent problems at first hand, One major difference, affect- the taken home \by the student. Rather, inter- are Two such interviews will be \fore the subject of a fiery de- |bate a week ago was resolved. Approval of subdivision agree- ments with Consolidated Build- ing Corporation, subject to the approval of the township engi- neer and solicitor, for the de- velopment of two parcels of land in Bay Ridges--79 houses in all -- was won by a vote of 4 to 3 in each case. AMENDMENTS VETOED | Councillors John Williams, Ronald Chatten and John Camp- bell were persistent in adding Bowlers Hold Gala Day Tourney A successful Gala Day tour-, nament was held, Sept. 12, by| the women's section of the! Whithy Lawn Bowling Club./ This was a doubles event with| a large number of visiting)den, Whitby, 51 plus 3. High) one-game winners: Hilda Kelly! and Nellie Allison, 48 plus 1. -- The winners were: igh three - game Winners: | Alma Cox and Clara. Martyn, Schools Planning . Following the opening of the|good results and prevent acci- Whitby Public Schools everyjdents on town streets not only effort is being put forth tojon school days but throughout | make students safety consci-|t ous. Teachers will emphasize care fn crossing streets in their talks with students in the class- U.S. Professor To Dr. Russell Stauffer, one of the foremost authorities in North America on the teaching of reading when a_ district) teachers' convention is held in Whitby and Ajax during the) first week of October. Dr. Stauffer, who is the editor of "The Reading Teacher," is a professor at a leading univer- sity in Pennsylvania. Attending the convention, which opens on the evening of Oct. 6 at the Carousel Motel in Ajax, will be the teachers of the Whitby Public Schools, and the teachers from the in- spectorate covering the south- ern half of Pickering Town- ship. The-couvention will continue throughout Oct. 7. Sessions that | day will be held in three Whitby public schools. The primary | teachers will meet at E, A.j Whitby Girls Win Series | Jan Norwood hit a one-out three-run home run in the last half of the eighth and extra inning to give Whitby Scugog Cleaners Girls the fourth game of their final series with New- castle as they defeated New- more stringent conditions for the developers, Seamer a v8 ., sult of a Public Utilities meet- Port Perry, 47. Second high|ing held recently, while Coun- three-game winners: Vi Norris| cijjors Beer and Spang, Deputy and May Price, Oshawa, 44. |Reeye Mrs. J. McPherson and High two + game winners: |neeve Laycox vetoed proposed Muriel Judge and Grace Iggles-|.mendments to the agreements. Debate, more es gn Roman |previously, but bitter at times, Markham, vsmbled steadily from 8 to 1i p.m., agenda not attended to. A meet- ing to consider the accumula- Safety Program MOVIES GET BIGGER A film is to be made of the he year, |Leatherstocking series of five Constable Stoneman of the/full-length novels by Fenimore Whitby Police Department will|Cooper. visit all the schools during the |-- weeks of Sept. give talks, show films and give rooms. This is expected to bring demonstrations. 19 and 26 to } One-Stop Address Teachers | DECORATING Fairman School, the junior} or Palmerston Ave. SHOP School and the intermediate bownrgad at Kathleen Rowe ators en on chool. } Taking part in the Oct. 7 pro- gram will be Phyllis Moore, a master at the Peterborough Teachers' College and Frances Poleschuk, reading consultant with the North York Board of| Education. Both will lead dis- cussions and give demonstra- tions with pupils on the teach- Broadloom C.1.L. Points end Vernishes Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 jeaving 56 items on thoy ing of reading. SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to $22.00 on your auto insurance. "JOHN RIEGER 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL c™ castle girls 4-1. | Whitby had to come trom | behind as they were down 1-0) going into the sixth and tied | 1-1 at the end of the regular! seven innings. | In the eighth Newcastle had! gone down under the pitching) of Pat Jewell, one, two, three and Whitby came to bat. Sandy Taylor singled and) went to second on a bunt by) Jen Doole. Debbie Majcher had flied out) before Doole's out so it was| one with the winning run on| second base when Norwood | came to bat | Agnes Thrower, Sandy Tay- lor, Jen Doole and Jan Nor- wood each had two hits while) Cathy Chapman, Judy Spencer and Jan MaGrath had one| single each. | Pat Jewell was the winning} pitcher going the distance for Seugog. She allowed three hits, one run while fanning five batters. | Miles was the loser allowing) 11 hits and four runs while having only two strikeouts. 728-7567 CANADA'S FINEST ALL ELECTRIC ----- HOME HEAT SYSTEM ------ @ SAFE @ CLEAN @ DEPENDABLE [~~ Installed First In Oshawa The Most Dependable Neme In by HEAT ELECTRIC Total or Supplementery Unite HPORMATION 728-461 CALL 50 PRINCE ST OSHAWA | tion of matters from the past two sittings was called by the reeve for Tuesday night. PACTS SUPPLEMENTARY Councillor Williams observed that the agreements in question in some instances did not meas- ure up to subdivision require- ments provided for after con- siderable study by a committee to draft an agreement for future subdivisions, Deputy Reeve Mrs. McPherson consid- ered the present CBC agree- ments supplementary to the original Bay Ridges agreement and, therefore, not subject to the new provisions. | Myma's Education) Fund Tops $5,000 education fund for four-year-old Myrna Blair, who lost both arms when caught in a hay mower on her father's farm this summer, has received more than $5,500 from donors across Canada, Tan MacFarlane, a bank man- ager in this village 40 miles west of Ottawa, said Tuesday that additional donations will be stopped. Created To Individual (Sy A Requirements Mr. Williams hoped that the) shortcomings of the previous | agreement would not be repeated. | S. Rumm, of Consolidated) Building Corporation, accepted| the terms which he claimed) were reasonable, and in the! item by item discussion, ex- plained the position of the de- veloper in detail. | STAFFORD BROS. | | LTD. MONUMENTS 668-3552 318 DUNDAS EAST BROCK Now Playing -- One Complete Program Adult Enterteinment Begins 7:30 Each Evenina at 7:30 PAKENHAM, Ont. (CP)--An|__ included although soliciting has| ee May Petition Split Township BROUGHAM -- A warning that his organization may peti- tion to split the township was voiced by Donald Kitchen, vice- president of the Bay Ridges Ratepayers' Association, at the Monday meeting of Pickering Township Council. : He teda brief as preva of a ward oar according to popula- ; and the northern part of the township would be one rural ward. Failing that he suggested an- other method would be to in- crease the number of pe bey - reeve and appoint one from the council members. Mr. Kitchen submitted a peti- tion signed by about 150 resi- dents to this effect. He said that if council did not consider it, residents would petition for a division of the township at the third concession, The Bay Ridges resident pro- tested against a petition by the Pickering | ratepayers some time ago who wished to have the township split at a boundary that would include semi-urban residents in their area. He said that if this pro- posal were accepted by coun- left are Jim McTeague, 1966-67 club president; Dep- uty District Governor Pil- kington; Douglas Winstan- ley, past president; Joe Ottenbrite, vice - president and Jack Hood, secretary. a Oshawa Times Photo WHITBY SENIOR CITIZENS' CLUB WILL RESUME MEETINGS on FRIDAY, SEPT. 16th AT THE ALL SAINTS' ANGLICAN CHURCH HALL ABOUT 1:30 P.M. For Information Phone: 668-2877 or 668-2862 TENDERS TOWN OF WHITBY ~ MUNICIPAL BUILDING - EXTERIOR PAINTING Sealed Tenders clearly marked as to contents, and addressed to the Town Engineer will be received a "mba Mr. J. R. Frost, at the Municipal Offices until, 12 NOON, SEPTEMBER 1th for the supply of all materials and labour required for exterior painting of the premises located at 405 Dundes Street West, Tenders must be sub. mitted on forms, which together with other inform- ation may be obtained from the office of the Town Engineer. A certified cheque or bid bond must accompany each tender in the amount of 5% of the Tender Price. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. D. @. Newmen, Mayer, R. &. Sima, P. Eng, Town of Whitby. la Town Engineer, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 14, 1966 5 cil places like Glendale, Dun-|Mr, Kitchen's brief. Ward boun- barton and others would be|daries is one of the many items "forced into an unhappy merg-|to be considered at next er with people to the north", |{meeting, or meetings, of coun- No comment was made onicil. © : y TREASURER'S SALE LAND FOR TAXES TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY, COUNTY OF ONTARIO. om thse _ ' By virtue of warrant issued by the Reeve of | the Township of Whitby under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date the 29th day of August sale of lands in arrears to taxes in the Township of Whitby will be held at THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS in the Township Hall, Brooklin, at the hour of two o'clock in the after. noon on the 15th day of December 1966 unless the taxes and costs, are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 3rd. day of September 1966, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Le gti office, this 12th. day of September A. ©. Craigie A ag OB ny WHITBY MEAT MARKET Choice Quality Meat at DISCOUNT PRICES KOSHER STYLE PICKLED we 4) 4 CHOICE T-BONE STEAKS SIRLOIN TIP ROASTS .. Ib, 98¢ SLICED-SIDE-RINDLESS No. 1 BACON ... Ib, 99¢ "89 FARMER STYLE - HOME MADE SAUSAGE 3 Ibs, 88¢ BURNS - Sliced oF BOLOGNA 3 ibs. $1 MeQuades MEAT PIES SPECIAL == MS Se, SLICED (BACON ENDS _,, 59° WHITBY MEAT MARKET We Speciclize in HOME FREEZER ORDERS -- Cutting and Wrapping . . . Ask About Our Price WHITBY PLAZA----WhRby--Phene 668-6941 @. All Meats Gov't. Inspected @ 2for 6 for 29° 89 why is electric heating so clean? Simple. Electric heating is flameless. Because {t does not burn fuel there are no products of combustion. It can't create dirt, dust, film or fumes. To find out more about the many advantages of electric heating, speak to your qualified electric heating con- tractor, or... your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 ~---- In Co-operation With -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ..... . . . TELEPHONE 668-5878 AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION ....... . . TELEPHONE 942-0500 PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. . . . . . . TELEPHONE 942-2930