: 30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 14, 1966 PN No at Pe lr aL A ee a - LiLiLil TT ta ia et BT } TIT LELL LLL LLL KK Busines SPOTLICHT 40 AM, STOCKS Faicon ain cebtmbeaiementon es 2 sue, Bee ee smn Ford "sa ww im * : - --SaeEP 14 | Ford 15817 127 «177 ° e -- ' _ Baseline inscni. ten mari F ums Won ' Pp le = Xd-Bxdividends xr--8x.| SMG gan 8 u C e 3 We EOWA change is} Gl Paper 300 $24 vr from" previous weordich closing sale. | OUP 375 $25Ve 25va 25) | ye 5 ae io' a th ' e egele ne MINES | aie Ce A. it So ioc 7 P I B Tr | Supplied by, THE OSHAWA WHOLESALE LIMITED ; : : 10% -- Ve ' ' MES aw eh ime Goqin Power In Business peers tad e+ oe aes "est sores re tome ye ee ae oe We ' PP : Acme Gas 1000 ee 3 Huron Er 7 eta i : Advocate == 100 wo +10) Husky Ol $80 818. 11% 110 Yo his 40s,) while an unspecified percentage . Ome Aetna - 17% INTO (CP)--The image;college educated, in his | wi hanes i ws tS iss "| Imp oi" St Se Be we car, in canada have taken| earns more than $7,000 a year|noted "'early retirement of pres- | J 8500 i M3 ite sal ine Kid is % wn wh a look at their own image andjand is a former 'newspaper a ement" would be the ; j m7 6+11'| Ind Wire 200 405 405 05 i they dre pretty. impor-| man. | . Arora 'mee R ii és im "94 b4 A aA a "sr " The survey, the first of its)' While most of those answer- Eater, "ap tah) eye Bee diet | Winther thoy call thamselves|ind in Canada, was a atom|ing thought of tembelves nnd eee. ee, ue | ie ublic relations. men or some=|questionnaire distribu ast|their ¢ u -work- , came i r Pr rr) +5 HH ont pr a0 Sasa ie is -- " thing fancier, the 'sharply-| October to 712. members of the/ ing, surges gto goa seg Ce NT al ater Elee ee be Sm --~ wldressed, case-carrying men say] society. per cent felt peop " fy Maal as mt sgh im ores 20 si0% 0% lov -- ai they have moved from toler-| John H.. Yocom, the society's|N€s* -- ed ny Pe ee nflu- bd ae Ty fore Whe | Jenene' w 100 $04 im wm lance in a back office to influ-/ national past president, said 272] were = Captain 1900 15 «S18 dockey ¢ 300 4 4% ence in a board room, a survey! replies were. received and.54 per|Perienced. Chater BB OB LM eam ti» 1@ MM te 84-4 by the Canadian' Public Rela-|cent said the public relations| Many thowzht the public rela- g pe Kay | is in Be iho yf CO ee ae ae ae tions Society Inc. shows, department of their companies|tions industry should do more ST a a bad eam A Sia i The composite public law agg had become more - important| work on ite ag behelf to im Con-Key alts > on man outlined in the survey is| since 1961. with 58 per. cent say-| prove sti and win w ' : esi: me eo 2 tf ne fox ri i m i, ing they reported directly to the} acceptance with the Canadian IT'S'SO EASY! This week you simply get DOUBLE the amount of your cash eon is = s + ize 4 sy satin atin alte + NET EARNINGS ween ge training course was register tape -- complete dollars only will be doubled. clean ' & ates is * none Me tig ge ti Pt da R ans of Pall Mall Can MORE TRAINING NEEDED | suggested by 18 per cent while This gives you additional tapes to use for items from the IGA Gift Cetoloque --- or Eaton Sin. Ni '00 Wa 14 Maritime $24¥ 24 y,|ada Ltd., year ended June 30;| . Satisfactory working 1 lati other m ship requirements Merchandise Certificates. © Rambler 1200 225 223 225 Mass-Fer $325 $2500 24% 25 Ma | 4 'with top management were re-|in the society should be univer- ' é rsield "000 iis 1% i +5 At wiee be So so 350" a9 2M coieeans near ©, See ported by 68 per cent. sity degrees with emphasis on IMPORTANT -- For easy counting ot the checkouts only complete dollars will be doubled, Couiee * pom 35 38 5 1) Molton A ms He 16 6 ey eee, Tees, Asked how management rela-|the social sciences, humanities for example: if your cash register tape totals $18.64 you will receive an additional $18.00 in rvan 17000 16 16 16 +2/ Mont Loco 100 $16 16 16 Brazilian Light and Power d. 28 a peveholo ohd exaraine- Craigmt 200 $12% 12% 12%-- 4) Moore 20 $784 774 774--higg Ltd. six months ended| tions could be improved, 28 per;and psy By Bonus Tapes FREE! Estland $000 Hee ise to) Morse A 250 Sime Ite 18% =| 80" toKe gig zag.oo9, gpicent said that public relations|tions before entrance in the| Er Tle hie ccs ea eas Genelia EI aero 2, npte MEOiin a0 Me 6 6 leents a share: 1965, $7,376,000, People should exert more effort! society was allowed. at Prices Effective Sept. 14, 18, 16, 17 -- : Jenison 135 $54Va Nat Groc p 50 $26Ve 26Ve 26¥e--- %) 4 : Pi tie "3 43 cents. (U.S. funds.) soe at ait ts Norvcn@ alt Stim 11% Itt Hudson's Bay Co., six months : : ts ' 4 \ igs ts Dunraine Ae de 4 Ocean Cm 210 $17 174 174 : 000: y buvan ate! Osive ms aia a 4 pen gdp le ea Ms tn TABLERITE CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF rm 27000 154 14Va_ 15 | Oshawa A 295 $244 24 24\4 + Ve 1965, $4,050,000. . . Germ, 'i ia dom tw BS Ett, A aff ai sina], Niagara Wire Weaving co.i! has business expansion Blade or Short Boneless Shoulder Giant 16 § se os tee te 16 lide year ends arc : : ' god we RB = 1| pe com mS i die i066, $826.00, $1.85 @ shere;)| depleted your working capital? RIB ROAST RIB ROASTS Sreneoe 80 ie 390. 390 --15. | Rank Org 350 425 425425 +5 1965, $822,885, $1.84 . tees pay as 70" Tn oat tl Royal ook 118 $000 ast fw F ie iii Set Sas oil aun" 'wie es | SLOGK MARKET C C is" Yio tas tas ius +9) Grell w'p 399 farm iu su "| TORONTO (CP) -- Prices ja 14500 Fi nn 9 ; hell Inv w 565 610 600 610 jadvanced for the third consecu-| th tb Bye a eee Bi] Sven ep (tive daily session on the Tor-| Kam Kotla 525 375 375 375 | Safer Sti. $00 $11 10% 1! --*lonto Stock Exchange Tuesday.| ' f Kerr Add 2125 $114 11% 1 -- Yi souinam 980 $31. 31} = | A total of 3,758,000. shares| SYSTEM ff OF FINANCING S FRESHLY GROUND "a Sas"Gn igo 3 | = serhak na top tome ae ome |changed hands compared with ee GP gbihy et ieee ee |MINCED CHUCK ---.69° | Lelteh 200 $85 $80 $80 15 | Texaco : ma Industrials have shown go ; : : Ss sera 82 Rat tea * | Teng < = sive Be is Gaarh announced kis' satldafie Oe eer ©. Wore mpimeniOn YOUF S) TABLE RITE SLICED -- 5 VARIETIES 8 raders " |Sharp announced his anti-infla- ; tall i 602. i mewat 100 hy a Bey oe hit me fa Ol m= 's\ tionary policy and the indust- expansion potential! RoyNat provides loans COOKED MEATS K 27° : Miri 003 Nis] Tran Pw aD Ft Mac w) iM, nde Foe FY te: 146.2 of $25,000 to $1,000,000 or more for PKG. MAE 200 188 188 «188 =| Trans sd i New York exchange also a . : . i Nealon gooros ob | Ut Ge mom ne advanced strongly. || increased working capital, refinancing, pur- ALPINE-PRIMROSE OR TRIANGLE a <3 = list, CPR climbed} rea ' 3 Newsy "Wo ast 1st as FT| Usa eB Hs aw ama Su wligt te sre Rene "ott Monreer | chase of land, buildings, equipment or buy BEEF STE AKETTES a 63° , tone 0 | Wanoco'O 0 200 2 200 -- 6 1% to 55% and Inco % 'o 81%.) -- ing a business. Flexible terms. For assistance vi je Ree | Walk GW 1480 $2788" 27% 27%--4) Stelco made a g spu ' : ' : . ' SRS: Se . tare mee 7! \ Weldwod , 2 a om mH after the company announced a with any industrial or business project call: ' me Nerpes sooo iN Wa 1 tv Westest 100 $24% 20% 44 + V4| Price increase in its steel Tues North ean 2600 190 178 181 +10. | Westeat 210 $20 24 2h day. The stock -- % at vet 8 RoyNat Ltd, at HALIFAX, MONTREAL, TORONTO, AVE 29¢ BEEF OR IRISH SAVE T?e ROSE SWEET MIMED | " Weston a a $17 7 7 : Es ' ] Norap A w zo a "a" | Weston © 50 sip tp ty | AMBOME Bie at ate andl 21% || WINNIPEG, REGINA, CALGARY, or VANCOUVER... SWIFT'S RELISH " Qperake fie he Eli Sat ' Sales te 1) am.: 930,000, Peel-Elder jumped 4% to. 14 or enquire through any branch of... 24 OF. C "ar : preren = 1p ie is +t a aa Hae ene eeeuty| | THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA --BANQUE CANADIENNE NATIONALE STEW TINS PICKLES ld Pine Polnt 2 459% Hm SINT YW! ga pp rere tee ee i {i Bae Folie te Oe. |] THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY -- MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY maton, 100 SA Tate at We) Roan, eee i |, On index, golds were up 1.50) | GENERAL TRUST OF GANABA Dears: isan on | Lelteh 200 620 6% 4% --30 |to 171.56, base metals .25 to Sumont am ms ms os tT | Mentor = 300 87.68 and the TSE .70. to 139.57, SAVE 35¢ LUNCHEON MEATS WHITE SWAN to Alsorn ne tava 'a 'am te Upp Can 500 190 190 190 Western oils eased .13 to 98.78. Cc Rio Al <? is 333 63 +h Lm Ricxvin fais iets +t -- 100 $14 144 14a + Ve @n 0 rw Set en s0 © @ +1 Sherritt #00 wo 9 +5 Si Goreke 20 127 17 17 --3 i a er a ee SH Miller 1000 16 16 16 fs. Sie et eo Corp imo. Sm sm so +8 tonto ee Tr 100 126 126 126 mY) 1800 270 246. 270 u a Un Keno 1900 635 630 «680 Upp Can: S00-'175«WS WS 8 wet oe o. Be Pees SWEET & 4 ' me Seat. JUICY 2 VALENCIA OILS, GAS Am edue 2500 2 ih M-- a yk BG ER il Calvert 1000 384 3 A+ 1 PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA'S CS Pete 500 188 184 184 6 i ¢ ETE SEEDLESS GRAPES ==. 25 Cc Ex Gas 30 425 4 40 ---5 . Senses 6° Bs a1904 "1986. 19% pe. BC. Sent De re CANADA.NO. 1 GRADE B.C, Scone "i ae "eet a mng Franc 'ae ce ae dg BARTLETT PEARS 6.39 pl ASH = a 104 194 ya i G Permo S500 ate 'BA CANADA NO. 1 GRADE BRADFORD GROWN Rao Se wh c , Provo Gas 4675 375 375375 ELERY STALKS Ranger 0. 197. 195 195 1 Scurry Rn 725 $21% 2M WM % Frise On "eo We Ws We ct Bran: By en GRR atau W Deceite 300 25 25 25 42 RRS Se Ne W Dect? w 30 145 MS Ms] S FR. VALE FROZEN INDUSTRIALS NABISCO wae ASER re Abitibi 480 $10¥) 10% 10% EA 2 69 Mixed my Be wt SHREDDED WH reas. xs. Alle Gas p 210 390) 69% Algo Cent 225 $10 100 HOSPITALITY Algoma St 170 $264 %% 2+ 9 LEMON FAMILY i. Sine ms Itsa ee | 59° Argus & pr 19 to ah Gay A i; ---- MERINGUE SIZE rgus or OW Wh-- a e e AN Suger 305 89% 94 9a -- ve 66 ll d ll MONARCH SOFT Oe miuiuon-doilar : ARINE +01. 7Q¢ eet Se 33° der". but 'reas. Ets Sin ao oraer , bUT nO IGA_FANCY 'sak vazitian mer BA 01 MS SHR Dh Dh Ww AP PLESAUCE 2 TINS 29° Ere, Gare ge one at your ponies dee Bruck 8B 250 $114 11% li e CAE Ind 25 $7 le Th ll YLMER J AM 24.02, 89° cr; gi es F lgpigt es hie ua "Me Can Com 105 S36 Me Ma d th SAVE 15¢ JEWEL ee oBee. houtif. SHORTENING vo. 69° ccm i ees bout it ae Pons eae aad as ~ ¥ fo free SE a s ote 16% bead bd Fe & + Eee ee a ooh -». until you tell them. (How can they do anything -- Eon Tire" Mao Shae Wen ten + | In business, nothing happens unless you fe// them ?) fan Tire a Go Ye 6 130 -- ve until someone tells someone. It works the other way 'round, oar ie ae W i That's why, in a word, business too. Customers, suppliers, Cleirone 30 A Te TOS = communication. clients -- anybody out of town DYL'S IGA MOTOR CITY IGA COLLEGE HILL € Savings 100 8174 Ts Tu -- And that is why the man who with whom you do business -- 166 Adelaide Ave. E. Ritson Rd. S. __Cubert St., Oshewe en eae Rs nen ean | communicates faster than others | they're as near as your phone Oshawa BECKSTEAD IGA Con Blog w * Re Re - get ahead of the others. for personal, friendly two-way LANSDOWNE "1G % See Sees ied by HE OSHAWA WHOLESALE LIMITED Mork a "i you've made & Sales trip out conversation. If you want to.get s BRAEMOR IGA Supplied by 08 08 pousmanens Crush ttt TIS S13 i 7 + of town, there's no faster way things done, call Long Distance. 120 Wilson Rd. 8. Lansdowne Stevenson Rd. N. See ) Cygnus, Bn?) 8777 | than a Long Distance call to let You'll agree ; it's the next best Oshawa Shopping Centre et Annepolis Ave. ieee time your office know the results. thing to being there. D Electro 225 316% WY 6% | Bem Sore sean ie | WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET A LITTLE MORE THAN YOU EXPECT ~? i, » 4 h le Tectia 30 ri a » _ | ae ui 2 & iaceteldien caeadh teaaabeteddae ee eigae oneness