RED LEADER Ho Chi Minh is head of the North Vietnamese gov- ernment, : (CP Photo) Senate Approves Living Cost Study OTTAWA (CP)--The Senate met for two hours Tuesday night to concur in a Commons resolution authorizing a joint committee of the two houses to investigate recent increases in the cost of living. Co - chairmen Senator David Croll (L--Ontario) and Ron Bas- ford, Liberal MP for Vancouver Burrard, are holding a meeting of the steering committee to- day and expect hearings to start in a week or 10 days. PONTIAC ff COLOUR TV [fil -" ; . Ne. I} ati ene re WINNER WINNER : on : , oe : lle i was adjourned untié The proposal to refer the is- sues to the committee was made | CFTO come 9 jl leet wet ty Paes Mine DAILY MON. to FRI. | |mons dealing with inflation, the 10.30 to 11.00 A.M. apa peren th 8 yale programs, Old Lighthouse Guided Vessels BONAVISTA, Nfld. (CP)--On a bleak, wind-battered cliff 150 feet above the sea, the Inch Cape Rock lighthouse guided ~ ships for more than a. century. VALUE aie : Built in 1842 and replaced by 4 r : j a modern structure only a few years ago, this nostalgic me- mento of the past now is to be 5 s Pie eae q a \ ~ = a ' wnad intn = trsy ion : MRS. J. M. FORBES MRS. K. TEAMS ere : : Lf 7 Se urned ints a tourist attraction, 00 : Va / P Its lights were kerosene of 200 TORONTO LONDON wld | Jame which Nal to ho Stan ' : ' / / j . and cleaned daily, and thi ARS. DENIS ~PORT HOPE ' f i : , Sy ste mechanism wound up by hi every 2% hours. The reflectors were hand-pol« ished everf day and any break- down had to be repaired with parts the lighthouse keeper could: make in his own work- shop. McKinnon Workers a Bee My Go Back On Job 2300" '200° '100° '100° $1079.85 PLUS Mittons STAMPS! | eB Che INCLUDING SERVICE CONTRACT 'most 1,000 workers, nearly the lant's full capacity, returned t¢ OARS. L.BAIN-TORONTO = MRS. MUNRO-STRATFORD MRS.D. YAKES~ LONDON MRS, ELTON ~ STRATFORD -- = their jobs Monday at McKiw > peep alla tesdeher 4 DELICIOUS WEEKEND TREAT! CHILDREN LOVE THEM! -- SPECIAL!_ IMPORTED -- SHORT SHANK non Industries Ltd. here-efter 6 & The plant, which manatees arnation tures automatic. transmissions C for General Motors passenger oe 16-0Z. C cars, laid off the men Aug, 31 nix TINS after the rail strike forced a S WHOLE shutdown during the changeover SPECIAL! POWDERED . or ve for 1967 model cars. BOLD « 89: size IN VITAMIN "A" : GARDEN CITY DETERGENT xc. FROM SUNNY CALIFORNIA! NO. 1 GRADE! RICH saneane? Swit' decane; Fally dhdenel: SPECIALLALL 134c VARIETIES --GERBER'S CANIALOUPELS eels f. Leon, Shank MOKED RACEWAY 4,00 2 COOKED SMO . : BABY e OODSs i -- GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA! CRISP, GREEN, FIRM HEADS} wiheis © sve ee ares pg i} if n's Jessamy, Ca SPECIAL! APPLE, FRUIT PUNCH, MERRY-CHERRY, NO. 1 for C HALF Also 'Started: Minnow. Jimmy. Ridgely PINK PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT--DEL MONTE GRADE or Eiselons NB Donzelli, "and: Cramp: Ber FRUIT DRibKs 4 aor. 99: GARDEN FRESH! HOME GROWN! SWEET & TENDER! "SECOND RAGE -- 1 Mile (Tras OZ. TINS CELERY ST ALKS NO.1 SPECIAL! VAC PAC Tehuekmer, tilliard . 18.00. §:10 3.80 Chocolat a SWIFT'S PREMIUM WENERS. ::57° SS Chocolate Grahams .:*:.. 35¢ . seat Re oes oe pan. ERR SPECIAL! CHOICE SPECIAL! SX BRAND --SLICED Cc ste Baal 1 AND 1, PAID $21.80, 1-LB, SPECIAL! get of PUFFS, LUCKY CHARMS, TWINKLES AYLMER pe AS 4 oli 5 5 ASSORTED COOKED MEATS en 5 jTHIRD RACE -- 1 mile (Pace). Purse BiG & CEREALS . SSwift Cavalier, Wdell 440 3.00 2.60 PKGS. SPECIAL! McCAIN FROZEN FANCY FRENCH CUT SPFCIAL! c 'Noble Dale, Kopas 3.90 288 Alphc 49:2 43 GREEN BEANS ....4 =: 85: CHoice SOLE FILLETS ........-- 3 99° =i = * 19 FL. FOURTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace); Alpha-getti re Tins © Mia oi' tke C SPECIAL! LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE Purse $1100, an 30 nyt SPECIAL! BILLY BEE LIQUID APPLE PIE ur BO dens ana cg ge : me 'sot ix HONEY tts BHe zn GBe Fe ere me ag ee Ue cae als : : 5 COCKTAIL MIXES apeey PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT. 14, 15, 16, 17 ABROSOL TIN wakpe : PSH co couren cxrum or. 11 PRRWOES aa let : | cere RACE -- | Mile (Pace). Purse |2-Timber Hal, Feagan 49 3.40 | }1-Leo M Wann, Fil 5.70 WITH COUPOM & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF , WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF | 3-Stoney C, Curran 380 Two 8-67. PKGS. "01 OME 14-07. AERO TIN ONE AUMBO 122100 FT, ROLL 'ONE 64 Fl. OZ. PLAS. BTLE. | Also Started: Scotland's Van, Captain CARNATION FROZEN bey - INSTANT BATH CLEANER MACLEANS: SARAN PYLMAR Dillon, Innocent Bob, and Agate. EXTRA TATER GEMS EXTRA MINUTE RICE rey SARI-FOAM aire TOOTH PASTE EXTRA = EXTRA FOOD WRAP rie ORANGE JUICE |sis00 tne -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse STAMPS badaseicerbractemdentibell = 480) : ESP ToT ct? couren exrines sarr. 21 BERET YT Sas G12 couron exrinas serv. 21 RERESTY ITT) 0 SE Tren Ste, COUT SSS ST. 31 RAL Tan Cue Courant Seress ows. | teed Stone, Crowe 6.70. 3.20 29 4Champ Tass, Waples 90 '8 PURCHASE OF ff 1 preg teed Boy, McKinley a3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF pee eh eget sgpporsy haga, : tarted: Ed Lester and Adam AMY ONE TA8. 160%. TIN AMY TWO PKGS. 7 HAMBURGER, | enever . CHOP 901-4 Dek oi WHAT komt HEINZ COUNTRY GOOD DOLE -- CHUNKS hcp | EXACTOR, 5 AND 4 PAID $22.70. iii ie SPAGHETTI DINNER EXTRA EXTRA SOUP MIXES PINEAPPLE EXTRA ae pach EXTRA RA paEVENTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot COUPON fs & Q2t COUPON ExPines SEPT. 21 G22 COUPON mxPianS Serr. 21 COUPON EXPIRES w ' P. 5 i 'urse $1,4 STAMPS . STAMPS ib stamps Bld bistdenhakba = STAMPS STAMPS STAMPS STAMPS Sing Along, Robiitard 340 270 398 . 4Dean's Pride, Wap! 2 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF | Honey, Dares, Kopas an > ONE 407, TIN ONE SFL. OZ. JAR . N Also $' Fanny Symbol, J \ GLENWOOD PURE CORONATION PLAIN 1 eee kaboy shag ef bs Wilanitred ' SLEWOeRLINE LACK 7 'a-Bou EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA LU PEPPER EXTRA QUEER OLIVES EXTRA * EXTRA EXTRA a , EIGHTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). ° STAMPS 5 STAMPS STAMPS : Fim) couron mxvines Sart, 21 BREST YT Tag O22 courons exeiess Ser7. 3) BERATED STAMPS ian STAMPS | Purse $1,300 (8). STAMPS 6Peak Pick, Feagan 6.20 3.70 320 srenepem ompmgurse arg wa i o WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 4 yd ewe Alexander 5.70 4 COUPON & PURCHASE ; mit, Waple: . ONE 127 OZ. TIN ONE 32 PL OZ. PLAS. TLE. btricstiad , Also Started: Larry Dillard, Robert a3 SENECA FROZEN FILMAR baLicioUs | McGreger, en Bh ebaigad Arthur Lady, | and Gentry Mc a fis techs GRAPE JUICE EXTRA Mirie «ORANGE JUICE EXTRA DUTTERCAKES EXTRA BANANAS EXTRA ear ywe VALENGIA ORANGES STAMPS : STAMPS STAMPS Cesidlibaadteitdeitimihekiiae = STAMPS : STAMPS FAMinsataalcamaenimam = STAMPS CouroN exviass serv. 3! BESET T Tag 013 couron exviass sary. 3) BARS TTUT TS Sac E Tes 0. COUPEN CANES SUE. 31 NINTH RACE -- } Mile (Pace). Purse jiaidnight A G'tn, Coke 6,00 3.80 3.30 ; ees brat Sultan, Hie O89 Shopping Centre Store Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri. till 9:30 - Downtown Store Open Thurs. and Fri. till 9 p.m. afer Ste, asta Bor Attendances 2-557. 38 B4,