» i By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Yesterday's slightly adverse | jinfluences lift now, and you should make good progress in all worthwhile endeavors, whether in the completion of oustanding matters or in the initiation of new enterprises. In the latter connection, however, oe sure that you understand all the angles. Don't go out on 2 limb. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, you may. look ahead to a year which should bring satisfying for past job efforts. and constructive ideas into effect now will have a ital effect on future progress, you will have to follow ag THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 12, 1966 . ANN LANDERS - Her Severe Criticism --Women seem to prefer elastic girdles to rigid or boned girdles about 2-to-1. It's 7-to-1 for elastic pantie girdles over rigid or boned pantie girdles. RELAZ... With Modern DInFus SERVIC. -- BASIC FIGURES | OTTAWA (CP) --Canadian | brassiere' manufacturers put padding and contours into eg of every eight bras they Foundation for this state- ment is the latest release of figures from the Dominion Bureau of Statistics which also disclose: ~That about half the women buying "regular" | brace pay lec than 99 ench | for them. ~--That the padded varieties tend to cost.a little more, al- though seven of every 10 t still cost less than $3. --Only one of every seven longline bras.) which in- clude all 'basque' gar- ments--is made with pad- Unmasks Resentment @ gE wanted to see samples of her washing and ironing and cook- ing and like that. Well, Bessie has been getting up at 6 am. to bake fancy things (butter is not cheap by the way) and she also rushes home 'from work to start cook- ing. The man is a regular eater at our house and he grades the Landers: Without a husband has. the habits in the sentence is con- "anda" and every an "ah" at the If he tells a two line at least seven "you i Twice a week delivery. 72 Diapers a week for only Depend on Us, Cell 50 d see 5 se F tid 8& H i ae F ure down i ite Ba t its . He looks up through rows to speak and ap- rs to have no neck. I have talked to him about this a cou- ple of times during 20 years of marriage and all he does is giare and tell me I am too erlitcal. "Phis man is a college grad- 1 38 his' job might be in jeopardy _| washing and ironing. nose is in line with| thin, meals A, B and C. Our dlectricity bill is sky high because Bessie is doing his Frankly I am good and sick of the whole! ig. Bessie has always lived at: home and never paid room and| board. She has $8,000 saved for) the day when she gets married. This is the first man who has asked her. What should I say-- if anything?--Tired, Mother 1 Dear Mother: Say, "Bessie, if you are going to give free dem- onstrations, please pay part of the grocery bill as well as the gas and electricity." Dear Ann Landers: Please because of them. -- Hartford 'Dear Wife: You really do de- Spise the man, Your hostility came through so loud and clear it made my skin crawl. don't tell me to mind my own business because if my sister, ruins her life and I don't do on my conscience forever. Dee is only 15. Last week she anything to stop her it will be! } '|stable, and you can plan on through if you would achieve the results possible, By mid-Febru- ary, your occupational and fi- nancial affairs should be quite expanding your interest in late June, with gratifying results coming your way throughout next August and September. Be very careful to avoid specula- tion between now and Dec. 20, however. Opportunities for travel seem slim during the balance of 1966, but highly propitious periods are indicated in 1967 -- notably in February and during the late- early - September Any lengthy journey taken during the latter cycle could prove advantageous in making new contacts--both of a personal and business nature. Best periods for romance and social interests: Late December rt 3 © Breadiocom (excellent days on all counts), April, May and August. Cre- ative workers will be the bene- ficiaries of fine inspiration--and profitable recognition --during the first six months of 1967. A child born on this day will be keenly perceptive and un- eaged és d in business mat: Ts, told me she hates living at home and will do anything to get away. Yesterday she an- nounced that she's going to marry Chuck--a divorced man whose wife walked out four months ago and left him with an infant son. Chuck is 24. His sister is keeping the baby till Chuck remarries. We have all talked to Dee) until we are blue in the face. She is of age in this state and doesn't need permission to | marry. Plase tell us what to | do. -- Desperate Cister Dear Desperate: If Dee hasn't| | gotten married by the time your} letter appears in the paper, | please ask her to wait one more f | | Get professional help and Yearn why you hate your hus- band so intensely. If you under- stood your feelings perhaps you could build a relationship that would be' tolerable, at least. I ¢ami tell you that your bitterness has nothing whatever to do with éither his posture or his speech habits. Dear Ann: Our daughter is 28 and going with a man 33. Nei- ther of them has ever been married. This man told my husband he is interested in Bessie but he doesn't want to buy a pig in a poke. My husband wanted to fight him for calling Bessie a pig. The man explained that he meant no offence -- he only @ Custem Meade Slip Covers HOWARD'S DRAPERIES 926 Simece St. WN, 725-3144 BETTER DRY CLEANING eS AT LOWER PRICES! Better dry cleaning because your clothes are always cleaned in fresh, elean filtered solvent. day -- and read tomorrow's column. has made successful guest appearances in Munich, Dusseldorf and other West German cities. caped from the East by record producer and band- leader Hugo Strasser. Since then, she has acquired her own band, with whom she to happiness sometime") was the highly appropriate title of the pop-song which was composed for the show- business singer who had es- BRIGITTE PETRY lis- tens to her first recording in the West. '"'Jeder, findet einmal den Weg ins Gluck" the way One Woman's Foresight Has Lead Western World In Birth Control * Last Tuesday Margaret Sanger, U.S. pioneer in 'birth control, died in a con- evalescent home in Tucson, *Ariz., only a week before eaching the age of 83. Bui he lived to see much of She world accept her view that --o, planning is a Lower prices due to elimination of pickup and delivery costs. Our cash and carry prices save you money. One hour service or drop-off and pick-up et your convenience, (Everyone finds Brigitte was constantly causing] That was in September 1965. them. Today, one year later, it is cer- To Sing And Be Free, Top Star - iy ig Bn - Beier tain that she will also be # suc-| Forsakes Wealth, Starts Afresh [tesasse'*in Bicharest, in tne) cost im the West: with her re Theatre in Prague, Alhambra 'Theat eynd|a. voice which has got some- she sang in Moscow and , i ku and Kiev,|thing, a five - language reper- swage ohe ad eta toire, her charm and her own jazz and folk-sengs, ! er | oe i very individual styie, which is a combination of a great deal lations wrought by a succes- sion of unplanned, unwanted pregnancies, Her career as a visiting nurse brought her to the slums of New York. She Witnessed deaths from pbor- tion and she saw babies aban- doned or die from neglect, All these things deeply af- fected a sensitive, intelligent woman. In 1912 Mrs. Sanger decided to devote her life to emanci- pating women from the servi- tude of unwanted pregnancies. She prepared for her career in 1914 by going abroad to study contraception in Brit- ain and Holland, which were more advanced in the field than the U.S. While working in the library of the British Museum she coined the term "birth control." In 1916 she flouted the re- pressive birth control statues of New York state by opening the world's first birth control clinic in the slums of Brook- lyn. A raid by the police nine days later and the closing of the clinic with the destruction of its records is an oft-told tale. Margaret loved a fight. She was a rebel with a cause, What this great woman ac- complished in her life can never be forgotten. The main accomplishments SUITS: Qe ORESSES: ieee cones Voee PANTS & SKIRTS... 60 TOP COATS, OVERCOATS.... 1.25 JACKETS, BLAZERS 70 EXPERTLY DRY CLEANED and PRESSED CASH AND CARRY eeeeseses the Party INB-Munich. Brigitte Petry's|music managers of ! hlind eye star rose in the asi. To be therefore turned 2 more exact, in East Berlin, | where Brigitte was concerned.|cshe sang in German and por where she appeared in public|Among themselves, they were|glish and French, Russian an Pe enn for the first time in March 1961. | agreed that she was "West-con-|Polish -- whatever was asked -s Riper gh ye 0 et deanna Today. she is singing in West/taminated", gave herselt star's|0f Nec. Ove toea%in Sine. beat/and a. litle wickedness: 8 Germany, and her star is shin- airs and graces, spent too much ha y pretty exciting mixture, even for connoisseurs. it too. Just as bright hotels, And then she threw ah eed te ia the East. aba money on clothes and os-/ali up and crept across the Her further plans? "TO sing In actual fact, she could not/metics and flaunted her "'sex-|frontier under cover of night. ea roneaiy eet Rae complain. She was recording/appeal' too much. But since|From Yugoslavia to oe pik we aoe tay sab ceniber:| be star No. 1 in the Soviet-occu- | she was successful and brought| where she arrived dirty and wi he fer ae thing: | oi ; | breathe the air of freedom". 8 acks | a 3 YORK (AP) -- There be other great women, never a second Margaret er. Lang impact on contempo- ry life is so great that thaps like an atomic ex- jasion it should be measured ins units of megatons. «It was she who convinced the United States and the World that control of human @onception is a basic human ht and like other human its must be equally avail- able to all. «It was she who defied the Phlice and persuaded the courts with a thesis, which pied Zone of Germany, a TVja lot of foreign currency, they|tidy, dog tired and completely star in a class of her own. The!swallowed the annoyance which! penniless. floor beside the chair and not on the interviewer's desk. expression and sit in an erect, alert position. Don't relax. into sags ti 4 7. As the interviewer Se - ou questions, be specific about | For only $2.50 we will dry clean about 10 skirts or 12 half asleep. Stand up when |¥ ' | dresses or 20 sweaters or 10 children's coots or 8 someone ames out to meet youlyour job aims and know your) men's slack or ony combination et clot p weigh for the interview. reasons for them. hay your YOUR €LOTHES : 6. When you face the inter-|qualifications clearly, Answer) i all queries directly without ex- ALWAYS CLEANED traneous explanations. When| IN: PRESH: CLEAN FILTERED SOLVENT 50 we voir FOR YOU § Pounds jthe organization to which you For Only |have applied for work, You can ldo this by asking questions of people who know the firm, studying its advertising and boning up on the work in which it engages by reading trade journals that cover that field in a public library. 2. Telephone or write for ap- pointments and arrive for them on time. 3. Take:copies of your resume, even though your po- employers like to see observed | tential employer has one. In ad-| during an interview. idition, take an attractive port- One step away from their pre-|folio of well-arranged samples| scribed path won't ruin yourjof your work, if this will help| chances, of course. But going/win a job. | too far out of line can spoil big) rorLOW INSTRUCTIONS {| opportunities for you; ° | 4. Fill out application blanks' REVIEW RULES aa tg neatly and completely and fol-/ You probably went to a great low instructions and directions | deal of trouble to get this far|to the letter. If you must ask | in your search for a job, so a/questions, be sure they are in- review of these interview rules|telligent ones. is in order. 5. While you wait for an in- 1. Before you go for an inter- view, find out all you can about Ignoring Routine Robs Interview Of Opportunities We have all beén told re- peatedly that rules are made to} be broken. But some of the rules that can shatter oppor- tunity for you whenever you break them too much are those We hand spot ol! your garments -- dry clean them in one of our new, modern, stainless steel dry cleaning : R ' cue to sit down. After you are ase ines end return them to you on hangers in plastic told where to sit, put your be- longings on your lap or on the FALL SALE Winter coming -- house need painting ?* You still have time with PRATT & LAMBERT apex HOUSE PAINT jviewer at his desk, wait for the you need answers, ask ques-| | tions yourself WALTZ THRU WASHDAY IN OUR ULTRA-MODERN SPEED QUEEN COIN LAUNDRY CASH AND CARRY Ed oe. Me 30¢ WASH 25 LB. LOAD DRY ........ 10 EXTRACT ... 10¢ COIN LAUNDRY is Open 24 Hrs. A DAY, 7 DAYS a WEEK DRY CLEANING HOURS: 9 A.M. TO 5P.M. DAILY w has gained full recogni- thn in a recent U.S. Supreme rt decision, that birth con- tfol is personal and not legal business. i "This was no ordinary woman. *To appreciate fully the im; pct of Margaret Sanger on her times one must first es- lish the setting in which spe began her work. Amer- i€an women did not have the vbte and were to wait another decade before they got it. WAS WELL QUALIFIED sMargaret Higgins Sanger was the first person in the World to devote a full-time career to the rather restricted al of democratization of h control. She was singu- larly well-endowed and pre- pared for the task--the bright, Witty, attractive, dynamic, ti- tipn - haired daughter of a tombstone cutter in northern York were: --She established the con- trol of conception as a basic human right that should be equally available to all. --She proved that the prac- tice of birth control was not a legal matter but a highly personal matter. he WASH AND DRY UP TO 6 LOADS IN LESS THAN 1 HOUR Breeze through the biggest wosh. Use all the machines you need. You will like our SPEED QUEEN top loading Automatic Washers, our big capacity fluff-dry Dryers and our Extractors which eut drying time In half. Try our big 25 tb. Washers for drapes, blankets and throw rugs. Always lots of hot seft water. terviewer in an outer office, maintain a wideawake, moni profession into the realization that conception contro] was a medical matter, a public health measure of first im- portance. The debt of the world to this great, courageous lady is beyond measure. She gave to all families the legacy of chil- dren by choice rather than chance bape ~ gave to the Ve over-populated, starving na- | fj tions of this harassed world s & ] hy the ray of hope that they can | V, Ail stem the avalanche of hungry : tes SS mouths before it is too late. -- <oGE HANDS DinrY One company alone--HFC--serves more - IN - ASHFIELD, HIH England (CP)--A Nottingham:| than 2% million people each year shire 'night-school is adding a course in car maintenance for One company women "for wives who want to alone-- is ri recommen: "'Never Borrow Money keep up with their husbands." Needlessly."" But if a loan is the sensible answer, remember you borrow confidently at Household Finance. BRO ROEALGEREE RE 5c FREE COUPON af | D) This Coupon is worth 5S0¢ On any 2.50 Dry & Cleaning Order. Red re 3 le Until Mon., Sept. 19 1? 50c argaret looked forward to céllege but since family fi- n§nces were meagre she com- promised by getting her nurs- i degree from the White ins hospital in New York. i) knew genteel poverty -hand from her own child- heod and she knew the tribu- Lasts fi ee > Fade resistant | minutes ies in @ Dries sat @ Blister resist MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS "| & | 20 | ee oaths | months | months months|months| month - | $6.12 | $9.46 18.35 | 28.37 32.86 | 51.24 58,11 | 91.56 Coin Laundry Dry Cleaning Custom-Made or 35) 90.18]... Ready-To-Hang 108.22 0 88,02 | 108.22! ... 101.01 | 117.37 | 144.30] ... 126.26 | 146.71 | 180.37 |... Draperies a 25 EAST MALL Seacrest ee es tp ean a HOUSEHOLD FINANCE/7>) GAL. COIN & DRY EDCAR'S =. || LAUNDRY CLEANING CENTRE CENTRE (The Do-It-Yourself Store) 600 KING ST, E. -- NEXT TO STEINBERG'S cay | eee @ SLIP COVERS @ BED SPREADS @ DRAPERY HARDWARE OSHAWA'S INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE WARD'S -- SINCE 1919 -- Simcoe St. $. at Athol Ask about our evening hours 2 OSHAWA OFFICES | Suite 208, Oshawa Shopping Ctr.--Ph. 725-1138 | (northwest corner, over Fairweather's) 64 King Street East--Telephone 725-6526 (next to the Genosha Hotel) AJAX: 66 Herwoed Avenue South (over The Advertiser) 3 Schecter tenia Sania taint ianicintioaiatinailit 725-1151 34 King St. West PHONE 723-7351 Telephone 942-6320 |