Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Sep 1966, p. 2

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6 { ah gs eae en i FE RO PE Re ET EN NE A lena GE IE oo 00 an Ser OomAwA, Yom eetite, Aephhir 105 1 é 'Lume MODI TH Coy : 3 ® F i i 2 | it over TOKYO (AP)--Premier Chou En-lai of China has 22) school authorities in Tuscaloosa ership had demanded the dis- patch of the activists to inves- tigate many schools and organ- izations whose leaders were suspected of straying toward capitalism. Chou added: "These activist squads did not fully know their mission and policy -- --" @ universal mis- take. John Glenn Sr. Dies NEW CONCORD, Ohio (AP) John H. Glenn Sr., 71, the fa- ther of the United States' first orbiting astronaut, died Friday of cancer. HERE AND THERE! APPOINTMENT The Ontario government has appointed Mondeau Benjamin Beachamp, 33 Churchill Road, Ajax, as a justice of the peace for the province of Ontario. PARK GRANT The Ontario government has approved a grant of $12,500 to Cobourg to cover 50 per cent of the cost-of land acquisition and development of the town's Victoria Park. The grant will assist in the development of Victoria Park as a provincially approved park. BIRTHDAY Congratulations to Rolls, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rolls, 1293 Sharbot St., who is a his seventh birthday today. David T. C. DOUGLAS Legislation Date Set TORONTO (CP) -- Legisla- tion that will require organiza- tions with expropriation powers to prove before a judge that they really need the land they want, is to go into effect Jan. 1. Attorney - General Arthur Wishart said Friday the effec- tipe date was extended from Oct. 1 to avoid confusion of ex- propriation procedures already in progress. Immediate proclamation of the law would produce the prob- lem of deciding if expropria- tions already under way have te comply with the new rules, he said. Coun Pg vl CP) -- Chief Ji for court injunctions is leading "'obvi- ously. and necessarily to an- archy."' The chief justice. was speak- ing at a ceremony here mark- ing the end of the Superior Court vacation. Without naming him, the judge attacked the 'fantastic interpretation" of a Quebec journalist who wrote in a news- paper article that the judiciary bends before the will of the legislative power, that it acts a¥ its 'loudspeaker and execu- tive," and that this was par- ticularly the case in those court injunctions issued against the workers in the August hospital strike in Quebec. Will Seek Money | TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario will demand more money at next week's federal-provincial tax talks despite the postpone- ment of medicare, says Pre- mier Robarts. "We want more help from the federal government and we will put this position at the confer- ence," he said in an interview. "T thought this was a matter to be discussed at the confer- ence, but apparently the deck | sion has been made before we| get there." Season Is Off TORONTO (CP) -- William Graham, chairman of the GEORGE WALLACE Governor Orders MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP)-- School boards which have as- signed Negroes to teach white pupils have a warning from Gov. George Wallace elegy to remove them or he may invoke oy state's "police power" to do That could mean the deploy- ment of state police to carry out the governor's ultimatum. Wallace used them three years ago to block temporarily initial integration of Alabama schools. His warning was directed to and Lauderdale counties and any others which may have de- segregated faculties without a federal court order. The governor said_ those} boards have violated the newly| enacted state law which nul-| lifies agreements to comply) with the desegregation guide-| lines drawn up by the federal | health, education and welfare| department. He called on them to take immediate action to reassign] teachers to schools of their own| race, and at the same time to "make a re-examination and re-evaluation" of pupil assign- ments. ' Ice Troupe Tours | MONTREAL (CP)--The Vi-| enna Ice Revue Friday night opened a one-and-a-half-month|--"~ tour in four Canadian cities in Montreal. The 60 - performer troupe, boasting that it is the oldest ice show in the world tour. The troupe plays here un- til Oct. 2, Ottawa Oct. 5-8, Cal- gary Oct. 11-15, and Winnipeg| Oct. 18-23. Siamese Twins Die NICOSIA. (AP) -- Siamese| twin boys joined along chest, lived 10 hours, a hospital | announcement said Saturday. Their mother, a 22 - year - old Greek-Cypriot woman, is recov-| ering normally from a. caesa- rian operation, they said. ATTENTION FARMERS ! WHY PAY MORE? SAVE * Gasoline - Diese! and Motor Oils Tanks And Pumps Available Out of Oshawa, Whitby and District a hee ogy o> ¢ OIL «+ » PREMIUM QUALITY | newly - formed Canadian Crest Canadian Players Foundation ' Theatre. Players Foundation, said Fri- day the group will not stage any productions during the coming theatre season in an effort to regain financial stability and thoroughly plan its future. The foundation was formed Aug. 22 by the merger of the and the Crest Mr. Graham said even a short season has been precluded be- cause the foundation is $260,000 in debt which must first be re- duced to manageable size. The debts were carried over from the two groups' liabilities before the merger. Fairyland Returns Shp PGI a NRE Bh OO - {pec Superior Court said Friday|} that current disregard THREE OF Three finalists in the Miss America Teen Ager contest pose backstage at Palisades Park last night during judg- ing. They're among the 70 young ladies taking part in the contest, with one slated to be named Miss American Teen Ager at the finals to- night. From left to right are the Misses Central Penn- sylvania Teen Ager, Sharon Fetter, 16, of Lancaster, Pa.; South Carolina Teen Cheer Fair Lady BERLIN (Reuters) -- More than 1,000 East Berliners! cheered, clapped and stamped their feet in a rousing welcome Friday night to the musical My Fair Lady. The applause at the end of the performance in the Metropol Theatre lasted 10 min- utes and the orchestra played) several encores. | TORONTO (CP) -- Fairyland, a children's display of fairy tale toys and models, returns to Casa Loma this Christmas. The West Toronto Kiwanis Club, which last year cancelled the project Secause a bylaw was violated when a public rela- tions firm was hired to operate it, announced Friday night they will run the display this year. In two years of operation, fairyland drew 550,000 pisitors, 400,000 of them children. New Prime Minister CAIRO (Reuters) -- xen | med Sidky Soliman has been appointed prime minister of the United Arab Republic in suc- cession to Zakaria Mohieddin, Cairo newspapers reported to- y. The newspapers said Presi- dent Nasser accepted the 1l- month-old Mohieddin cabinet's resignation Friday and would swear in the new government Sunday. Movie Actor Dies LOS ANGELES (AP)--Char- jacter actor Nestor Paiva, 61, seen in motion pictures and tel- evision shows since 1937, died Friday. Paiva, of Portuguese descent, appeared in some 400 films and played the villain for road years in the play The Drun- Crash Kills Five ST. JOVITE, Que. (CP) -- | Five persons were killed Friday night when their car plunged jinto Riviere du Diable, near this community 75 miles north ANNOUNCING Mr. Earle Allen Hos recently completed suc- cessfully a six months course by the Ontario Association of Real Estate Boards in his en- deavour to extend to you o greater service for your real |) estate requirements. CALL EARLE ALLEN et 725-7782 728-7328 Keith Peters REALTY LIMITED REALTOR 103 KING ST EAST of Montreal. eva ALUMINUM OSHAWA FREE PARKING e SC Frame and Walls For bodies of Trailers and Pickup Trucks STORM SCREEN Windows @ COMPLETELY GLAZED @ ALL HARDWARE FITTED @ READY TOINSTALL AND THEY SAVE YOU MONEY NASH PRIME AND ALUMINUM REENED PH 95 ATHOL ST. | Showroom & Factory : | ONE 728-1633 EAST -- OSHAW/ le Me i a Ub ae rR ae aR SEVENTY Ager, Susan Gaylord, 17, of Charleston, S.C.; and West- ern New York Teen Ager, Valerie Stabins, 14, of Rochester, N.Y. --AP Wirephoto Ba ce shea, Pom tok eos Sunny With Some Cloud Temperatures Will Drop TORONTO (CP) -- Forecast, and cool. Winds light. issued at 5:30 am. ... ... «++ Synopsis: Clear weather with aye hen winds, 'orecast temperatures a tonight High ane | Windsor St aw sneeeeenes senceecnee SD assagaag aeeneefessunsasaeane Ottawa: Clear and cool with DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. KARN DRUGS LIMITED 28 KING ST. EAST PHONE 723-4621 JURY & LOVELL LIMITED 530 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 725-3546 OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM BUILDING FUND BALANCE SHEET AS AT MAY, 31, 1966 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES: Accounts payable and accrued chorges FUND BALANCE: Appropriated for Centennial Pool .....eseeees OuEDRa OS OKs Oe Unappropriated balance ........ Sedsuigaeess ah es eee Keke Gee Total fund balance STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE PERIOD FROM MAY 15, 1963 (DATE OF CAMPAIGN COMMENCEMENT) TO RECEIPTS (Note 1): Genero! Motors of Conade . General Motors | payroll deductions Other payroll deductions Other MAY 31, 1966 a $ 250,000 375,953 125,394 183,552 133,501 5,529 13,319 $ 934,899 Swimming Pool Project eash donations .. Total receipts EXPENDITURE: Operating expenses of campaign Payments to City of Oshawe .. Glecoff property option (Note 2) . Tronsfer to Centennial Poo! Projec' Total expenditure ... +e EXCESS OF RECEIPTS OVER EXPENDITURE . 1,080,552 $8,027 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MAY 31, 1966 1. Due te the noture of the revenue, income hes been reflected on the basis of cash received, The estimated realizable value of outstanding pledges receivable os at May 31, 1966 amounted to opproxi- mately $16,800. These omounts will not be reflected In the fund until they are collected, . Glecoff property option -- $200: This amount represents an option te purchase land immediately south of the present Civie Auditorium for $22,000. The option wos exercised on August 26, 1966, To the Directors of Oshawa Civic Auditorium Building Fund: We have examined the balance sheet of Oshawa Civie Auditorium Building Fund @s at May 31, 15, 1963 (date of campaign commencement) to May 31, 1966 and the statement of receipts and expenditure for the period from Moy 1966. Our examination included e general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of the accounting records and other supporting evidence as we considered appropriate in the circumstances; as to cash donations, it wes not practicol for us to extend our examination beyond the Fund's accounting for. recorded receipts. In our opinion the accompanying statements present fairly the cash position of the Fund ond the results of cash transactions for the period ended on that date. August 29, 1966. Deloitte, Plender, Hoskins & Sells. Auditors CAPITAL COST Land Site Development Building .. Design. and Supervision FINANCING Government Grants September 10, 1966. OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM Treasurer's Report on Capital Cost and Financing Civic Auditorium Campaign, Contribution Community Centres Grant ..... = Winter Works Subsidy ¥ Department of Highways Subsidy .. *Forgiveness under Municipal Works Assistance Program * In order to obtain forgiveness under the Municipal Works Assistance Program the City obtained @ loan from the Provincial Government of $806,853 of which $605,140 principal plus $32,526 Interest will be repaid March Ist, 1967. Funds representing the proceeds of the principal amount due are invested until the maturity date, as at May 31st, 1966 $ 3,852 18,445 1,242 201,713 225,252 9,951 $1,284,203 |, F. Markson, Treasurer. NAZI WEEPS NIGHT SCHOOL TEACHERS THE OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION Requires, from time te time, teachers for its evening & qalcvien. courses pls Dy GRADE 13 art ge Bites. nlem Char! ua Bralich Franch. Gacoranhy. Geometry. ssn ABYANCED TECHNICAL Ses, Se ee "Faaiotay ede ADULT -- poo gates, Batam ERE Practice, biggie tore, Bung oct, Dai, " Welding. \ Flower A Interior ; Retail dising, Voice teaching f mate aatan ar jal Food Prepar Music, Personal Di should SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION 67 KING STREET WEST, 723-7322 CLEMENTS SUPERTEST STATION 102 SIMCOE STREET NORTH LAWLESS SHELL STATION 227 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH MEADE'S SUNOCO STATION 588 KING STREET EAST BRUCE'S WHITE ROSE 478 PARK ROAD SOUTH JIM CROWELL'S B.A. SERVICE STATION 265 KING STREET WEST NOTICE TO ALL EX-SERVICE WOMEN and DEPENDENTS All ex-service personnel and their dependents ere invited to take advantage of @ FREE LEGION SERVICE W. R. BUCK Assistant Secretary, Service Bureau, Toronte LEGION HALL, BRANCH NO. 43 Wednesday, Sept. 14th From 2 p.m. to Completion of Business To give skilled advice on Veteran's Benefits. Any- one with questions on War Disability Pension, War Veteran's Allowance (Burnt Out Pension) . . . Treatment or Hospital Care is urged to call or write to MR. C. A. BRISEBOIS, Business Manager of Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43, 90 Centre Street, Oshawa, who will arrange on appointment. nero siiiaaae The Oshawa Board of Education AND ITS ADVISORY VOCATIONAL COMMITTEE ANNOUNCE THE 1966-1967 PROGRAM FOR ADVANCED TECHNICAL EVENING CLASSES R. S. MCLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE and VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE 570 Stevenson Roed North Telephone 728-9407 Monday, Sept. 12 or Tuesday, Sept. 13 Classes will be held at Mele CV. on Mondey end Wednesday & starting 19. These courses ore equivalent to the pa rg ztegs offered at the aries of Technology and are recognized by Association of Cer- tified Engineering Technicians and Thenocan PREREQUISITES yw ADMISSION The requ to the Ad Techni Certificate ore % the Secondary School Graduation Diploma Le i Ontario) or its equivalent as determined by the Principal of the hoo! 7:00 - 8:00 p. 8:00 - 9:00 p.m, TECHNICAL DRAWING ENGLISH I MATHEMATICS It ENGLISH protp pore ge] t ELECT! See MECHANICS 1 FUNDAI GENERAL CHEMISTRY TECHNICAL NDRAWING PHYSICS | cst Other courses will be offered providing there is sufficient demand. FEES: $10.00 PER SUBJECT The following credits have been approved and may be presented in lieu of the subjects indicated: Grade XII Chemistry for Chemistry |. Grote Nill Alasore, eens d Ti recinnee tee ' le Ig le etry an rigonom: Grede Xl! Physics and Bae ocay wig for pepe " or Physics 6. ional for Technical Drowi for Applied Electric: 1 REGISTER IN PERSON R. 8. McLAUGHLIN Pain poner TE & VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE 570 STEVENSON ROAD NORT' MONDAY, sePTEMBER 12 of TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Vocat! Grade XI Vocational thee BOARD OF patie Neg -- OSHAWA G. L. ROBERTS $. Heats Chairman Superintendent of 4. R. BACKUS, Business Secondary Schools Administrator

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