Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Sep 1966, p. 13

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L HARMONY ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH "226 Harmony Rd. $. Pastor Wm, J. BD. Lewis 10:00 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. "The Word We Need lo meec ROSSLAND ROAD FREE METHODIST Pastor: Rev. R. H. James 725-1280 9:4 10:00 @.m. -- Sunday School 11:00 em. -- "A Foithful 7:00 p.m. -- 'Stewardship Wed. 8 p.m. Prayer and The S$ a.m. --- Library Time Steward" Blessings" Bible Study Friendly Community Church NEWS FROM THE CHURCHES Local Churches Plan Rally Day Services Following close on the heels of the reopening of school this week. i ui of Oshawa churches will 'hold their annuai Rally Day and Church School Promotion Services this Sun- day. The Church School Promo- tions at Knox Presbyterian Church will be held at 9.45 a.m, The children will attend the 11 a.m, service when a Rally Day service will be held. The Sunday School Rally Day will be observed at the 11 a.m. service in Albert Street Jnited Church. The minister, Rev. H. Dyck, will speak on the theme, "The Meaning of Work in an Age of Automation." | A Promotion Service will be HEAR The Back to the Bible Broadcast DAILY Men. to Set. | | 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. 1350 RADIO GRACE LUTHERAN Lutheran Church -- Canada Mo. Synod) PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister Ronald A. Jansen, Vicar SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL - 11:00 A.M, MORNING WORSHIP | UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ONTARIO | Lutheran Church Bruce St., Oshawa Orange Temple, (Upstairs) Sunday 11th September HEALING & OPEN CIRCLE 2:30 Christening Service Rev. Gertrude Leivers 2:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. DIVINE SERVICE conducted by FAITH (Eastern Canada Synod) The Rev. Henry Fischer Postor -- 725-2755 MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG. 91 Centre St. 9:45 AM. sic tie awe A.M, Greetings by Mrs. Lagont SEC. 728-5643 THE SERVICE COME WORSHIP WITH USI lat for the younger children service following the mornin Cc urch, at St Andrew's Uni ane theme oi Keys dunn ies sermon at this service will -be "The Secular City" -- "How to live in a booming city in a secular age." x A service of considerable in- terest will be held this Sun- day morning in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, when the newly redecorated church will be reopened. The interior has been completely changed. New carpeting and new pews were installed during August. Solomon's prayer for 'an understanding -heart" rather) than riches will introduce the, Bible Lesson on "Substance" to; be read at the Oshawa Chris- tian Science Church this Sun- day. Correlative selections from minister of Knox Presbyterian Church, Oshawa, has been elect- ed secretary of the Knox Col- titnwe Alumni Acaariation. pene maa eh Farewell Services will be held at the Oshawa Salvation Army Citadel this Sunday for Major and Mrs, Gordon Holmes, who have 'been in charge of the local corps since July, 1965. Major and Mrs. Holmes have been appointed to the staff of the Salvation Army Training College, Toronto, The corps will also say farewell to Cadets Jim and Marie Alex- ander. Rev. L. W. Herbert, minister of King Street United Church, will conduct the Sacrament of Infant Baptism Sunday morn- ing. The service will be held in the College Park Seventh-day Adventist. Church, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures' by Mary Baker Eddy will include the! statement that "Truth, Life,| and Love are substance, as| the Scriptures use this word in| Hebrews: 'The, substance of things hoped for, the evidence} | of things not seen'." Rv. Gordon W. C. Brett, | Rey. Frances Cooper of Eng- land and Montreal will be the special speaker at the 7 p.m. service in the Oshawa Spiritual- ist Church, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. N. F. Swack- hammer, at the morning serv- ice in First Baptist Church. At the 9 a.m. service in the ERIE STREET FREE METHODIST Off Simcoe St. (next after Bloor) ~Minister -- Rev. C. M. Beight 725-3872 Junior Chureh Up T 10:00 A.M. -- FAMILY 11:00 A.M, -- "NOAH 7:00 P.M. -- FAMILY Tuesday 7:45 p.m. W.M.S. Wednesdoy 8:00 P.M. Prayer end Bible Study. "A WARM WELCOME AWAITS You" 'eo 8 Years Provided. SUNDAY SCHOOL -- A TYPE OF CHRIST" GOSPEL HOUR s Polish Town ,*:: Hall the Sacrament of \the Lord's Supper will be cele- |brated. A. Burley, of Deser- osts jonto, will be the speaker at the |7 p.m. service. WARSAW (Reuters) -- More| Fee ; : than 70 "thinkers" from 22 coun-|_ The i ae. ci Lt tries meet in the Polish seaside| ™unister of First Pres y : resort of Sopot this weekend te] Care, eee a pres. discuss world arms problems eee church, Ge. ait ; = | , ' . , od leg? A gpalauan of gov conduct the "Church of the The scientists, scholars and possi kag thee dhe oun Me politicians, including men influ- pwr : m1 ential in the fields of strategy |" », SOP. at and weapons, form the 16th) Wie seceibere 0 Chal Me. Pugwash Conference, openin§) morial Anglican Church will as ereinisive claim that past| "old their annual parish picnic conferences -- which take their| this Sunday rine 9 at Camp Iname from Pugwash, N.S. hese greg we Ag: oa have influenced government| ducte 8 - ch sa tutration thinking on disarmament, no-/SCrvire Ble tte Rp pers tably toward achieving the 1963 |e oe pret g oP..58 Moscow partial test-ban treaty.| r The conference cuts across) aya ' the -lines of official hostility.| "A Pare oprcatnd gy te os lThere are men from Israel and| COnGuc'e ' 4 id ar #078 |Egvpt, which still are nominally | i. f the United 5 irituatist t war, and from both East and) <~ |" P i W t G |Church of Ontario, Mrs. Lagont | Peace ae ae wical is experts | Vill convey the greetings of the from China, but the other taro | meennert big powers, the U.S, and the So-| viet Union, have impressive groups attending. Pugwash, which began in 1957, takes its name from the small hometown of industrialist Cyrus Eaton. The first gathering, at Pugwash, included British phi- losopher Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein. Although East-West relations have been increasingly paraly- sed by the war in Viet Nam-- and by Chinese charges of "'col- lusion"" whenever the Russians talk to the West--the Pugwash organizers hope the conference will continue to be a place for |the floating of trial balloons on ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 409 ADELAIDE AVE. EAST PASTOR: REV. D. N. H. ABERMEHL, B.A., M.Th, 10:00 A.M.-MORNING WORSHIP NURSERY CARE Redic Ministry Chr. Ref. Church: each Sunday at 9:15 P.M. (Beck Te God Hour), every other Sunday at 11 A.M. CKLB (churches in the area) ' 7:00 EVENING PROVIDED P.M. SERVICE |diarmament, which can later be \tested by respective govern- ments. Leaders Plan Electioneering | |. TORONTO (CP) -- All three }provincial political leaders an- nounced plans here today to jelectioneer for candidates in the | Sept. 22 provincial byelection in |Kenora. Premier John Robarts of the Cneion mil Pastor J. William Bothe, of Oshawa, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada, announced today that Pastor William E. Kuester, of Mission City, B.C,, had been named as secretary of the Lay Activities and Sabbath -- rec- the appointment also involved membership on the National Executive Committee, the high- est administrative organ of the Adventist Church in Canada, Pastor Kuester is married to the former Theda Rose Iles and they have one daughter, Sheila, aged nine. Mr. Kuester was born in Stewart, Iowa, and graduated from Andrews University in 1932. with a BA, majoring in commerce with minors in relig- ion and education. He has served pastorates in Florida, the Bahamas and Windsor, Ont. As well, he has held adminis- trative posts in the denomina- \tion in T Ve i Rdventist Church Appoints Social Service Director PASTOR W. E. KUESTER British Columbia Conference, residing at Mission City. | The Kuesters are expected to| move to Oshawa by the end of) ber when he will filll fill) |and New York City. | From 1955 to 1960, he held the |post of Lay Activities and Sab- lbath School Department secre- | tary for the Alberta Conference jwith headquarters in Calgary. | From 1960 up until the pres- lent posting, the vacancy created by his im-| mediate predecessor, Pastor) William G. Soloniuk, of Osh-| awa, being elected president of the church's Manitoba - Saskat- chewan Conference with head- | quarters for the twin province Pastor Kuester| conference in the city of Saska- held the same position in the toon. Artificial Limb Development Could Mean Free Hand For All OTTAWA (CP) -- Artificial limbs developed for amputees may eventually be used to give healthy persons an extra arm at work, a Toronto engineer said Thursday. David Lewis of Litton Sys- tems, Rexdale, Ont., said his company had used volunteer students in an experiment .tap- ping seldom-used muscles to control an artificial hand, "but it's too early to tell yet how different individuals can adapt to the process," ' Mr. Lewis, one of about 100 delegates to the inaugural con- ference of the Canadian Med- ical and Biological Engineering Society, said in an interview the project was an offshoot from control systems developed for artificial 'limbs where muscle and nerve ends provided direct control of the limb. But in his project the muscles used for control purposes had regular jobs to do and the per- EST FOOD HRICES MORE POWER TO YOUR FOOD DOLLAR (20 sons in the experiment had to train the muscles to do a second job. SUCCESS VARIES Success varied from person to person, he said, but it has reached the stage where volun- tary control of the muscles in- volved becomes automatic after a short time. "Our hope is that within a reasonable period of time a per- son can control and use the ar- tificial limb as naturally as any other." Controls for most of the ex- periments involve use of mus- cles in the head -- including those used'to operate the jaw-- and surface electrodes on the skin to detect and amplify the signal from the muscle and pass it along to the artificial limb as an electronic order. One of the biggest problems involved is retraining muscles( that normally serve one func- tion te adapt to other jobs, Mr. Lewis said. OSHAWA | Progressive Conservative party will visit the riding Sept. 12 and 13 and will take in Kenora,-Dry- den, Red Lake, Sioux Lookout Ve) ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BAGOT AND The Reverend Canon F. G. Ongley, M.A.--Rector The Reverend R. G. Brooks S.Th.--Assistont CENTRE STS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th--HOLY COMMUNION--10 o.m SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER. 11th. -- TRINITY XIV 9:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A.M.--MORNING PRAYER 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER Young People's Group will meet ot 9:00 a.m. and Church School begins this morning at 11:00 a.m. Nursery Facilities evailobie ot the 11:00 am. Service CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH (Ang! and Hudson. Donald C. MacDonald, New Democratic Party leader, will visit Sioux Lookout Sept. 14, Dryden the next day and Ver- million Bay, Ear Falls and Red Lake Sept. 16. He will be in Kenora and Keewatin Sept. 19 Wed $ C4 78 e and 20. | Liberal Leader Andrew! Thompson will tour the riding Sept. 18-20. Three candidates filed nomi- | nation papers Thursday. They were; Liberal-Labor W. Luke Francis, 44, mayor of Keewatin; Pisa od Velte Mp | Progressive Conservative -- Leo \Bernier, 38, of Hudson and | ican) Marry and Hillcroft Streets 8:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A.M.--FAMI LY SERVICE AND CHURCH REGISTRATION NURSERY CARE AT 11 A.M. SERVICE 4.30 p.m. -- Evensong at Camp Samac Parish Picnic at Camp Samac in afternoon. WEDNESDAY 10.00 A.M.-- HOLY COMMUNION |NDPer R. A. Clark, 35, of Long: | |bow Lake. | ¢ The byelection was called | a jafter the death of Liberal Rob- ot lert Gibson who was elected in|f ™™ |a 1962 byelection and re-elected | lin 1963. if | | GIBBONS ST. | EVANGELICAL CHURCH | 230 Gibbons St. Oshawa 9:45 am SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 am MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 p.m. EVENING SERVICE The Pastor Speoking et both Services WE EXTEND TO. YOU A HEARTY INVITATION Abner brealin FRESH CANADIAN LEAN kk O:rN y) en eae Galehy neymedy i Hy Noted Leader To Speak _ Toronto will be the scene this coming Sunday of the Quarter- y Stake Conference of the hurch of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter-day Saints, commonly known as the "Mormon Church. The conference will be held at the Toronto Stake |Centre at Rathburn and Mel- bert Sts. in Etobicoke. Speakers will include Elder William J. Critchlow and others from the church head- quarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, as well as local church leaders. Elder Critchlow holds the ition of assistant to the élve Apostles of the church and is a noted speaker on Gos- pel topics, The first session of the con- ference will begin at 10.00 a.m. and the second session will begin at 1,30 p.m. All interest- ed persons are cordially invit- ed to attend. Transportation may be ar- ranged by calling 725-8969, 668- 8632 or 728-4397. HOUSES STANDARD The international standard of weight is a kilogram object in Sevres, France. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September 10, 1966 73. Hyde Park Speaker In Oshawa On Sunday Rev. Dr. Donald Lord Soper, MA, PhD., of the West London Mission, Kingsway Hall, Eng- land, will be the special speak- me thin Ges dinar oT tae ounuey coe pireev Uniued Unuesn, au informal coffee hour will be held in the church parlors fol- lowing the service. One of Britain's most articu- late and controversial clergy-| men, Lord Soper for more than 40 years has engaged in the rough and tumble heckling and debate of open air meetings. During his Wednesday lunch hours he takes on the office workers of the City of London and the dock workers from the Thames. On Sunday afternoons he takes on all comers at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park. Lord Soper's day-to-day job is superintendent minister of the West London Mission, the Methodist Church's largest so- cial work enterprise in the United Kingdom -- employing more than 50 full-time workers and hundreds of volunteers. He is an active campaigner morning is Sim tor the Labor Party, a pactitat nd a socialist. id one a Wratand a phils: he 2a 2 casting of the United Chup and Donald Cameron, P<. he gave the Beecher on Preaching at Yale Di School. CATCH 'EM YOUNG TRURO, England (CP)--Da- vid Snail saw an army recruit- ing poster and wrote saying he wanted to join up, He was told he'd have to wait a bit because he's only eight years old. Tt hasn't dampened his enthusi- asm for army life. The Honeymooners will re- turn to television for the first 10 episodes of the Jackie Glea- son Show this fall. HOME SHOW OSHAWA Everyone Welcome! September 15th through to September 17th For new and exciting ideas in modern home living, don't miss the first Oshawa Home ond Manufacturers' Show. New and revolutionary ideas and demonstrations by leading manufae- turers and retailers. Spotlighting the heart of Canada's richest industrial city. Sensational exhibits, thrilling demonstrations and top-flight entertainment, ce) HOME SHOW Fabulous Prizes! Door prizes given out every hour on the hour, you will have @ chance to win anything from an electric toothbrush to one of the Color or Black & White T.V. sets, and a Mink Coat. Plus numerous individual exhibitor prizes, | t~ OSHAWA HOME SHOW ~~. HOME ~ OSHAWA HOME OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM OPEN DAILY FROM 12.30 TO 10 P.M. SATURDAY FROM 10 A.M. ADMISSION $1.00 BUS SERVICE AVAILABLE AND AMPLE FREE PARKING Nightly Draw for Free Trip to Bermuda! The highlight of every evening will be the draw for a FREE TRIP TO BERMUDA FOR TWO, yes all expenses paid, and there will be a trip given away every night. Nightly Entertainment! Two shows nightly starring Oshawa's own SHIRLEY HARMER and the popular master of ceremonies BOB FRANCIS and the Jimmy Dale Trio: See Oshawa by Helicopter Helicopter Service will be available for rides at a nominal charge. Thurs. from 1 to 10 p.m. & Sat. 10 a.m. to 10 p.m

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