Ci Hae RT Parte ' $3--Automobiles Wanted ae a map ogy Ape yh ya a Eg Hs 36--Legal Pi tanmtcncimeneinn nes BEA Sp Mp OEM AEE NIALL ELODIE A RIE LA LM A CARS WANTED Car? TED 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 auTo Wi > want paid '00 SF omwerts East ne gnaw AVIV wrmertre Soe Sars arts for sale, iron and metals Bought. 87 Bioor Street Gest ses-ce; 1: po rggen i hg FRED STONE Brooklin Phone 655-3653 @ Motor Rebuilding ° Cylinder Reboring @ Pinfitting @ Resleeving @ Automatic Transmission @ Crankshoft and Valve Service FRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS. missions are our only business, 1038 Sim- coe North, Phone 728-7339. 35--Lost and Found FOUND -- ef Avction Sale, August 27, Hh ree containing wallet, Owner Sor have same tds paying for this ad. Telephone 668-4514. (OST = Lacy's ginsses, brown frame it . Oshawa Shop- es lighter m ton ie Pree ten -- Silver grey, part Persian n male LOST sree months old, called "Dusty", Street West and Centre vant Reward. Telephone 666-8186. OST -- Blue Tick --, Tree. monte mar' Kart Shopping, Centre, ae August 26, Child's pet Child's pet. Telephone 728- 7024, 36--Legal a The CORPORATION of The CITY of OSHAWA Notice is hereby given thot the Council of the Corporo- tion of the City of Oshawa proposes to poss a by-law for changing the names of those highways or streets in the City of Oshawa nomed ond described in the first and second columns follow- Ing. to the respective names oppearing in the third column following, namely: Harwood Avenue, Plan 802, 803, & 747, to be changed Harwood Drive. Di Avenue, Plan 167 eburting Lots 212 to 217 in- clusive on north and Lots 254 to 259 inclusive on south, to be changed Dieppe Court. Keewatin Street, North of King, to be chonged, Keewa- tin Street North. Keewotin Street, South of King, to be changed, Keewo- tin Street South. John Street, between Simcoe Street South and Park Road South, to be changed John Street West. The J of the County a9 County of On- poi September 1966 at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the fore- noon at the Court House in the Town of Whitby, Ontario, es the day, hour and place for considering the proposed by-law and for hearing those advocating and opposing the change. A copy of the proposed by- law, stating the reasons for the changes, may be seen at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Oshawa, Ontario, DATED AT OSHAWA, ON- TARIO THIS 2ND OF JUNE 1966, L. R. Barrand, City Clerk 50 Centre Street OSHAWA, Ontorio IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LOUIE JUE (ALSO KNOWN AS LOY YEE SUE), LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, COOK, DECEASED NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims egainst the Estate of LOUIE JUE (also known os Loy Yee Sue) late of the City of Osh- awa in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 8th day of June, A.D. 1966, are hereby notified to send full particulars to the undersign- ed, on or before the 15th day of September, A.D. 1966, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. DATED ot Oshawe this 22nd day of August, A.D. 1966 LOUIE TOA MING, Administrator, by his Solicitor, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C,, 14% King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. TIMES Classified ACTION ADS for RESULTS Telephone 123-3492 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RICHARD HOLMES EYRE, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA IN THE Cg og OF GENTLEMAN, DECEASED NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of Richard Holmes Eyre, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 22nd doy of July, A.D. 1966, ore hereby notified to send full porticulars to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of September, A.D. 1966, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. DATED at Oshawa this 19th day of August, A.D. 1966. OHN EYRE ond FRED BULLIVANT, JR., Executors, By their Solicitor, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C., 14% cates Street East, CAMPBELLFORD-SEYMOUR AGRICULTURAL COMMUNITY CENTRE TENDER FOR ARENA CONTRACT 6157 Sealed Tenders, plainty mark- ed as to contents will be re- ceived by the Town Clerk until: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1966 AT 5:00 P.M. for the construction of an ar- tificial ice arena and audi- torium located on Front Street in the Town of Campbellford, The general contract includes the -site work as well as mechanical, electrical, and refrigeration trades, Plans, specifications and ten- der forms may be obtained from the Consulting Engineer. A deposit of Twenty-Five dol- lars is required and will be refunded upon receipt of the plans and specifications in good condition, A Certified Cheque for 10% of the tender price shall ac- company each tender. A 100% Performance Bond will also be required Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Totten, Sime, Hubicki & Associates Ltd., Consulting Engineers, 1A King Street East, Cobourg, Ontario. To: Eldon M. Ibey, oo Box es Ontario. 37--Auctions AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 Household Furniture, Property of Mr. John Duffton, R.R. 3, Pickering 1 mile west of Dunbarton High School. Studio couch, tables, lamps, 3 piece chesterfield, rose col- or telephone table and choir, utility table, dropleaf tables ond 4 choirs, desk, mirror, wardrobe, drayes, dishes, rangette, continental bed 39" mattress and springs, good, tea kettle, toaster, Astrol epartment Refrigerator, cab- Inet, garden tools, Teco Master lown mower, ladder 20 ft., sows, hose, stepladder, sows, many other articles. 1--1965 Chev. Impala cor, 2 door hardtop, 8 cyl, radio. Anyone wishing to put in a couple of articles may do so. Contact the Auctioneer, | 668-4271 | Sole ot 1:30 -- Terms Cash Auctioneer, Loyal Pogue &. J, POMERY, auctioneer, 66 Steven- i Road North. No sale too small or too large. Call 728-6810 or 725-8968 any- time. |38--Coming Events HOLY CROSS BINGO FRIDAY At 7:45 P.M. AUDITORIUM ~ FREE- | ADMISSION ot 20 Reg. Gomes--Total $300. | SNOWBALL--$180. in 56 nos. Reguloar Jackpot $200. in 58 Nos. $20. Con. Good Parking Extra Bus Service OUR NEW EUCHRE at Fernhill Park, on Friday evening, September 9, at 8 p.m } Business Service Directory brings -- customers at moderate cost. Telephon | 690 King St. East at Farewell lus $10 each horizontal line. Shore The Wealth No Children Please | DEALING 1N SERVICES? An ad in ¢ the; 72-3492 te place your ed. | ST. GERTRUDE'S | Central Council of Neighborhood Association AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, SEPT. 9 Over. BIRTHS « hace ge -- Ted vad 'Spos| are proud @ nounce the birth of thelr September 7, 1966, weighing 6 ibs. at Oshawa General Hospital, Seirsi grend child for Mr, and Mrs, Tony Esposito 'end grandchild for Mr, and Mrs, Joe Bar er MYERS -- Ronald and Susanne (nee are 5 heer to announce the birth of a bb dee ight 8 Ibs, 14 ozs. Mi Bll 1966 at the Oshawa Genera "Tos A brother for Thanks fo. yA fay ae Napby to 'are jappy fo an- daughter "0 cumin) 8 eral Hospi €. w. Yates, ' thy, Many thanks to Schramm, Dr, K, Hobbs, and Dr. jacelu. SEATON -- Brian and Joan (nee ell we proud to announce the arrival | Oyrg ee Ls ne ag Anne, welgh- ing 6 yr ber 7, 1986, at the bonne General lospital, $5,000.00 PRIZES $1,500 Jackpot $500. Snowball $150. Special Game $1,000. Escalator 20 He apl games 9 Early Bird Games 5 Late Games $50.eq. Admission $1.00 (receive one card for regular games.) All games 25¢ double card-- except jackpot DOOR PRIZES All games will be played on double cards. Share the Wealth---7:;15 p.m. Regular Games--8:15 p.m, BUSES Leaving Bond and Simcoe St. 6:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m, 7:30 end 8:00 p.m. ' Available After Bingo. JAYCEES Monster BINGO Admission 50c Two Jackpots NOS. 53 and 58 ONE MUST GO $500. IN 50 NOS. or LESS $200. In announced Nos, $25 Consolation Prize $15 per line both games $175. Jackpot $20 per line. $75 full card, 20 Regular $20 games pay double in 17 Nos. or less. Five $30 games Early Bird Game 7:45 P.M, EXTRA PRIZES Every Thursday at the Jubilee Pavilion BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 and 7:15 P.M. And Returning after Bingo \Children under 16 not edmitted SUNNYSIDE BINGO TO-NIGHT $2,300.00 IN PRIZES JACKPOT NOS 54 and 56 AT THE | RED BARN EXTRA BUSES 7 -7:30 P.M, " SOCCER SCORES LONDON (Reuters) -- Wed- nesday's soccer results: INTER-LEAGUE Scottish Lge 6 Lge of Ireland 0 ENGLISH LEAGUE Division I | Chelsea 2 Leicester 2 |Leeds 2 Sunderland 1 |Man City 1 West Ham 4 Newcastle 1 West Brom 3 | Stok 3 Man United 0 Division II Blackburn 2 Preston 0 Bolton 3 Carlisle 0 Cardiff 1 Huddersfield 1 Plymouth 1 Birmingham 1 Portsmouth 0 Hull City 1 Wolverh'pton 1 Crystal P 1 Division Tl Brighton 6 Bournemouth 0 \Grimsby 7 Scunthorpe 1 Reading 1 Bristol R 2 Division IV Chester 1 Southend 1 Lincoln 3 Brentford 1 *|Notts © 2 Wrexham 2 DEATHS CANNING, Isabel Marie At Oshawa General Hospital, on Wednes- day, September 7, 1966, Isobel Marie Wale, beloved wife of the late Morley mother of Mrs, Canning, and loving mot! of Kitchener. Resting at Mcintosh. Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King Street East. ice in the Chapel on Friday, September 9 at 2 p.m, interment Union LY At Belleville General pn ital, on Tues day, September 6, 1966. Emma Bernice Lunn, beloved wife of the late Robert Lawrence Lunn, dear mother of Marvin of Orono, and Bernice of Oshawa, aged 55 years. Resting at the Barlow Funeral Home, Orono, Ontario, until Friday merning, then to Orono United Church for service at 2 p.m. Casket will closed, Interment Orono Cemetery, Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 IN MEMORIAM BREMNER -- In loving memory of @ dear mother and grandmother, Janet Bremner, who passed away September 6, 1964, God takes the best for reasons divine, O28. | 2» Surry serine wee nae Larway, Toronto and John Canning|2-Lord But memories last untli the end of time, } No longer here our lives to share, But In our hearts she {s always there. | --Lovingly remembered by daughter) Dorice, son-in-law Harold and grandchil- dren Lonnie, Nancy, Paula and Jimmy, COLLIE in loving memory of @ dear son and brother, Wililam Walter Edison Collier, who passed away Septem- ber 7, 1965. One sad and lonely year has passed, Since my great sorrow fell, The shock that | received that night, None can ever tell, God gave me strength to meet It, And courage to bear the blow, But what It.meant to lose you, No one will ever know, it's lonely here without you, 1 miss you more each day, For life is not the same to me Since you were called away. You bade no one a last farewell, Nor even sald goodbye, You were gone Rega realized, And only God knows wh Sadly missed and jovingly rem by Mother, sister Foe sister embe oriides las, Dale and R CRAGGS -- in loving memory of @ dear son, Reg. Craggs, who passed away September 8, 1957, gave me @ wonderful son, His memory will never grow old, He fashioned his smile out of sunshine, He movuided his heart of gold. God needed @ Hew siar in Heaven, A beautiful light to shine, So out of this old world of sorrow He chose that son of mine, "Laney remembered Si ngs HALL = In loving @ dear mother and pith ads Pity mNe lie. fy Hall, who passed away September 6, 1965, The depths of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well. And while she sleeps @ peaceful a Her memory we shall always keep. quent, Earl, grandchildren Fesce'es ond KENT -- In memory of my dear par- ents, Elizabeth, who passed away August 31, 1925, and C. Peter, who passed away September &, 1964, A silent thought, @ secret tear, Keeps their memory ever dear, Time takes away the edge of arlet, But anery turns back avert ie Wine 'and Son- in-law Fite' grandfather, C. Peter Kent, whe left us two years hy today, September 8, 1964, And while Hes in peaceful sleep, His memory we will always keep, --Sadly missed by granddaughter Phyl- lis and husband Arthur Oliver, KENT -- In loving memory of a dear mother and father. Mother passed away poco u Lis Father passed away Sep- Their warner is 1 ae dear Bag oid As in the hours they passed away. ~Ever remembered by daughter Loulse, KING -- in loving memory of our dear Softly he save of memory fi Gently we gather them and , a horn all, Unseen, unheard, he Is always near, Stl i loved, stil! mis: and very dear. beso sunshine passes and shedows Love's remembrance outiasts all, ~Ever remembered by Mum and Dad, sister Lililan and femily. KING -- In loving memory of our dear oh Frank, who passed away sudden- September 8, 19: We cannot forget your amiling face, In those seyg oid "gore day: One of the be: World, "ould hold, ~~ 'oucwhen. cnles your heart of old, aiweye $0 good, unselfish and kind, What wonderful memories you behind, Deep a our hearts your memory Is ke We loved you too dearly to ever forget. --Lovingly remembered by one Muriel, sister Eleanor, brother + In - law Peter, jnieces and nephews. LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements ond floral arrangements for all occasions, mesa 8 aerrmn CEN 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-655 A_ LASTING aU For Permanence ond dignity we suggest. MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office, 723-2633 SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division Il Alloa 1 Berwick 0 Arbroath 2 Thd Lanark 1 Dumbarton 2 Raith 3 East Fife 3 Clydebank 1 E Stirling 1 Stenhousemuir $ Hamilton 0 Stranraer 2 Montrose 5 Cowdenbeath 1 Queen of S 7 Albion 4 } Queens Pk 7 Forfar 2 Morton vs. Brechin, ppd Scottish Cup | Quarter-final, second leg Morton 5 Brechin 2 IRISH LEAGUE Ulster Cup Cliftonville 0 Bangor 8 Ballymena 1 Glenavon 1 WELCOME TOURISTS Hungary welcomed 700,- | 000 tourists in the first half of /1966, many drawn by an inter- jnational camping rally and an |Esperante congress. | E | KENT -- In loving memory of our dear : GARDEN CITY RESULTS WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 7 AN RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace), Purse McF'n 2.00 2.20 2,20 Hicks 240 2.40 Coke 3,00 Also + Joan Attorney, Chief C Times, Van's Gift, and Queenie Blosson, Herbert R Hots HY AARC DNF--Pulied up, did not ser SIXTH RACH -- 1 Mile (Pace), Purse $1,500 (6) 6-Royel Elex, Crowe 10.60 - 3.00 Abbe, Walsh 4,60 » Madam Y, iawartna B finish = Pre. dg -- + Mile (Pace), Pilon Ollle, Hie 5.20 2.70 4 Te Breeze, 'ennesse Feagan 2,90 2.60) A4Harry Dillon, A 3.00 Also. Sti Arthur farted: Anita Dillon, Joanie Wile] pte daraady Mid Time, Miche Rivne She Almere Sy, mre mete ee nem ererw main ws RACE --~ 1 Mile (Trot), purse] 7.00 4.50 3.40 42 3.40 for erine, First grandson for Mr. cg Mrs. $1,000 (8). Dr,|7-Lochinver Bimbo, G'r G.|3-Fakir, K I-Lady Spring, Kopas r ng, iso $ coven Valley, Todd Reymond, and FOURTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace), Hy youd On. i. ). Armbro Ci aon iy 90 14,70 poral Chie Llewellyn 400 30 yy iS ee it / Dition 5, tlen's Flash, on Go, Shadow Stone, end Country rince. eh ~~ 1 Mile (Pace), Purse 20 2.10 2,20 pages ite, Feagan 3.10 3,10) Sth Dares, Caldwell 1-Arleen, Wellwood lettea 5,70 fried slvr Ronnie. Adios Ray ow Nos 46 AND 4, PAID $52.00 TH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace), p Hair re McG im iy Abe, and Started: Wally 8 Byrd, BIGHTH RACH -- 1 Mile (Pace), 1, t Scotch Liz ben Bi, Chief Wi NINTH RACE -- | Mile (Pace), Purse ah faze, Coke 17.90 7.00 6.20 1 8 2Deny Diamond, MacDonald 6.20 ie 'Sta Bh PAllon Wilmac, Waddell Al Pm ned Ms Pes gi A. "4 Boneryh a itarted: by yn Be Files mi, eieavelitied and placed for Interference, inte 20' Attendance, 2,636. Tofal Pool, $157,921, WOODBINE RESULTS TORONTO (C P)--Wednesday's bine race results: First----Purse $2,000, Black Admiral, and 4-year-olds, 6 ciairaing maiden 3 18.10 6.00 5,30 4.90 3.40 irlong: Sweet' Polly (F (rien) Kori 4 5.10 aooeee jum) Albi sunshine (Steve) Time 1:14 Noorlanda, Caballo Baha, Garten Girl, Susie Sweet, My Boy Richard, Glenlyvar, Fair Solastra, Hop Around, fGien Star, fBay Beach, {Good Sunday also ran, f--Denotes field, Second--Purse $2,000, ing, Syear-olds. and upward, foal Canada, 7 furlongs Greek Tar (Weurry) 9,70 7.00 3,70 Now | Wonder (McComb) 12.50 5,70 King at a (Maxwell) 3.40 Time 1:26 aDay's Best, "aBlack' Treasure, Cairn- arctic, Navy Grand, Red Lepels, Well Olied, Top Cadet, Lady Domain also WOODBINE ENTRIES rae': SEPT. 9 Clear and Fast FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,200 Claim- Ing (3,000) Maiden three and four year olds, 1 1-16 miles (11). Prairie Royal, Harris 112 Our Tom Boy, No Boy 114 Dear Joey, Werry X104 Sall Ahead, Barroby 119 Kingdom Bay, Gordon A-112 Phalanx Queen, Barreby A-119 Grand Manitou, Gomez 112 Currycomb, Grubb X114 Pepper Pipe, Griffo X107 Altona Miss, Robinson 109 Town Grove, Steve X107 A-- Mrs, R Smith Entry Ing (5,000) Maiden two year olds, 6 furs. ! Music Circle, No Boy 328 supartivous, No Boy 112 pa Goose, Hale 120 el Barroby 112 Tudor Liz, Pitsalirenone Wm Gambari, No Boy 115 Ruling Monarch, No Boy 118 Chimar, No Boy 115 This Year's Love, No Boy 17 Third. Attempt, Harris 112 Bia Phil, Robilierd 115 Glen's Brother, McComb 118 ing (5,000) Maiden two year olds (Divn 'of 2nd) 6 furs. (12) ptf il Kornblum X110 ne bey, one A) Redirect: Ks Boy Be A Hero, aien' Ms Raspberry Mush, Hale 117 reat Canadian, Turcotte 118 jush y 120 olden dive, Ws bunday Cruz, Steve of inclo's Git, Bell x07 Smoke The Grass, Serreny ne Yor Priority, No Boy 1 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,100, Claim: Ing (4,000) Three Year olds. @ furs, (11) pag Sheik, Hele 112 Broth Of A Boy, Harrison 110 E! Esmeralda, wo Linebacker, av 'ch Treat, Browne xX100 Champ, Steve Hit" The Line, Turcotte hs No Lb] Knight Oout, No Bi Re} Sliver Moontight, H Herrla. 1 A Roman Pride, No Boy 10? A~--Mrs. W Woods Entry FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,200, Claim- ing (3,000) Three Yeer Olds an- up foaled In CDA, 1 mile on Marshall Turt CSE {1a Piel age con xm Dandler, Comb 118 Roman Tribune, Sorrety, ne ah 's om, -- ay Pageant, Wer: Black Treasure, No Bari son, or. a & are away suddenly | Greek Tar, September 8, 1S Majestic Sal, Fitzalmmons ne me he sey Grubb ay 8 ao es yoy albewen ntry SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,800 "Venita Strome". Allowances, Three year olds about 1 mile on turf course. (4) Tammy's Ringo, z 118 pene Dancer, 'Maxwell m Hse" stor vas @ Burns, No (Exactor Wagering SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2,400. Seyi ON (6,500) Three yeer olds and p. (9) left | Dark Fairy, Turcotte 1 3 enadian Statute, Fitzsimmons 113 pishe Til, Mag u3 Leader' Lane, Bey na River Party, "No 'toy % pig orn * m1 Misty Bandit, Bowcutt A-116 Winkle, ALP y aged Man ad No Boy -- Gardiner Perms Bi Creek Stable Entry. BIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,300. Cla' ing ti He iran year ts eho ee 1 1ne m ran Harris. 120 Jay Flight, Gomez "7 Royal Staff, Harrison. 11 Ocean Pearl, Turcotte 110 Brilliant Needle, No Bey "6 Briet Wind, No Boy 11 Hoss"s Pick, Lanoway tad Gordon 116 coco Lest Stance YWerry ae -- Natural bs iy Rs Ibs. AAC: XX-7 Ibs. AAC: Post Time 2 p.m. ton "Kae: XXX-10 Connaught Boys Put Out Woodview Connaught Park boys de- feated Woodview Park lads 12- 4, last night at Woodview Park, to clean up their Neighbor- hood Assoc. Squirt League semi-final series, in the third and deciding game. Guy Miller pitched the win for Connaught. Woodview got single runs in the third and sixth frames and scored twice in the seventh. For the winners, was trouble for the first three frames as pitcher M, Mason held them off but in the fourth, Connaught staged a_ six-run parade to take the lead. They added two in the fifth and four more in the seventh inning. Ron Jenkins was their big batter, with John Halleran and Gary Sherban, with two homers, sparked the attack for the winners, it M Gatwick, etal ed injand Garden cit SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000 Claim- ' food-jran, e---Parkway Stebi J BD, Trinetti po ee eee Daily double; 5.20, Third--Purse $2,200, maiden 2-year-olds, 6 Lord vi (Harris) Come Anite's 'rand Time 3:1 Owen furlongs 10,50 4,50 4,00 z) = 3.30 _3.20 (Griffo) 15.00 Sound, aGrand Ret aCusmax, bArctic Flash, bFrozen Lady, Maple Beauty, Caribou, gad a, Green Stinger, ran, fF. A, Sherman Stable entry. b-Wind- ae Farm and Mrs, P, A, 8, Widener ry Fourth--Purse $2,400, Fox bre e S-year-olds, 6 furlongs Quick sponse (T'e'te) 9.70 3.20 2.50 Renal Ri (Gomez 2.70 iz h a6 crear (Harris) 2.8 Tim Awesome, Lad Harry's Dan, Hunter, Kasha, Wabush, arilyn also ran Fifth--Purse $2,600, en fillies, | foaled in Canada, 6 furlon aFieur (ritealrampere) 20 5 20 210 2.20 Clare (Walsh) aNew Strin 8 1 rd Te, ng | jordon) Victory Trip 4@--Widdifields Farm = entry, Bink * phantom, Sixth---Purse $3,200, 3-year-olds and upward, turf course, 1 1-16 miles Burning Luke (McComb) 2.40 2.10 Cambridge Fibeeurernene) 2.10 Time 1: Rhann also pli 9.10, Seventh-Purse $3,200, S-year-old fil- es, foaled in Canada, turf course, about one mile Hinemoa = (Harris) 3.00 2.30 5.20 2.50 2.20 60 Northern Minx (Pitzs'm's) ire? Har- Newey," also ran, Exactor: British 'Meld, Shenae age, Caledon Star also Eighth--Purse $2,200, Persian Gulf, claiming 3 and 4year-olds, one and' one sixteenth miles off 522 Silver Gus (Harris) 6.20 3.90 3.20 Those Who Walt (Gomez) 3.90 7. wild ciriig (Turcotte) Time 1: wre tae Kenteek, Sun Stage, Fi wel Smuggler, Short 'Attar, Pledal 'Aiirannis fMoon Base, (Mr, Es- helene im- tGalanx THIRD RACH -- Burse £7.000. Claim-|4 manntas ber of the nurses' 'and | association, THE ORHAWA TIME, handy, September 8, 196 a7 MRS. ISABEL es pga The death occurred Sept. 7, at the Oshawa ny tee Hospital, of Mrs. Morley L. Canning, 300 Mary St. The former Isabel Marie Walker, the deceased was a@ daughter of the late Frank and Ida Walker. Born at Brooklin, she received her education inj? #0|Brooklin and Whitby, She had|\' {/VOCR & reoMmcuy vi veoumWe ave 53 years. A mamber of the 1916 gradu- eral Hospital School of Nursing, y0|Mrs. Canning was a life mem- alumnae A member of Christ Me- morial Anglican begs she was also a member women's hospital allie 60|Prince Philip Chapter, Im- perial Order of the Daughters of the Empire; the Oshawa Historical Society and the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association, Predeceased in August, 1961, SPORTS CALENDAR TODAY WRESTLING Exhibition of professional wrestling, three bouts, at Osh- awa Civic Auditorium, 8:30 p.m, SOCCER Oshawa and District Senior League -- Hogenboom Rangers vs Local 222, at Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium, 8:00 p.m. Darlington Junior League Playoffs -- Zion at Courtice, 6:30 p.m.; 2nd game of 2-out- of-$ championship finals, SOFTBALL Oshawa City and District Assoc, Playoffs Brooklin Concretes vs Oshawa Scugog Cleaners, at Alexandra Park, 8:00 p.m.; 2nd game of 2-out-of- 3 "City Championship" semi- finals. OASA Intermediate 'A' Play- offs -- Oshawa Bad Boys vs Kingston Smart's Braves, at Kingston, 8:15 p.m.; 2nd game of 2-out-of-3 Eastern Ontario Zone finals, FRIDAY SOFTBALL of-3 semi-final rounds. Durham County Girls' League 6st p fra game of 3-out- Attendance 6,829, Handle 454,103, ating class of the Oshawa Gen-|the Kiwanis Bantam Boys League | Playoffs Lake Vista at Har-|/ man Park and Southmead at/> Storie Park; both games at/) 2.20/6:00 p.m,; Ist games of 2-out- |) Playoffs--Whitby Scugog Clean-|! ers vs Newcastle, at Newcastle, |) . Joan aio na and three grand- Union Cemviery, The Veneravie Avehdanemn Uarald TY Mawar. don, rector of Christ Memorial Anglican Church, will conduct MRS, ETHEL JANE BLAKELY The funeral service was held the |Sept. for i Blakely' who died Sept. 5, at Bowmanville in her 79th year. A daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Varty, the deceased was born in Belmont Township, A resident of Col- borne and Bowmanville for the past 12 years, she had previous- ly lived at Meyersburg. She had also operated the general store at Codrington, She was a mem- ber of the United Church, Predeceased by her husband, Charles, Mrs, Blakely is sur- vived by a daughter, Mrs. T, George Stone (Edna) of Osh- awa and a son, Howard, of Tim- mins. She was predeceased by a son, William 0, (Mike) Blakely, Also surviving are a brother, Edison Varty of Calgary, Al- berta; six grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren, The funeral service was con- ducted by Rev. D, M. Smith, Interment was in Mount Pleas- ant Cemetery, Campbellford. The pallbearers were Robert Stone and Sherman Blakely, grandsons; John Bowler, Doug- las Winstanley, Joseph Mc- Ewan and Donald Laing. FUNERAL OF MRS. ALMA MAY HOAG The memorial service for Mrs, Alma May Hoag, who died Sept. 5, at the Oshawa General Hospital, in her 86th year, was held at the Arm- sheyatvong_ Puneral Home at 3:0 service was by Rev, Dr, Lie A, minister United Church. : Oshawa Union -- Cemetery, Slots eT ee ena ata .| Reeson, Branston, "allan Bid mony puniwy, motor accident, 3, were held at 2 p.m. Sept. 7, at the Armstrong Home. The service was conducted by Rev, John Morris, minister of St, Andrew's United Church. Interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery, The . pallbearers for Mrs, Carnochan were Lawrence, James, Allan and William Car- nochan, Leonard Hazelwood and Morgan Hazelwood, The pallbearers for sane, Bailey were sn, Raymond Bailey, tad George Coeea Kinnel Lodge Ties Garden City Mark ST, CATHARINES (CP) -- Kinnel Lodge, owned by Dr, John Findley of Arnprior, po Tuesday. night equalled a Gar- den City Raceway record for one mile in winning the first race, The two-year-old trotter fin- ished in 2:09 3-5 and paid $3.90 for the win, combining with Timber Hal in the second race for a $17.70 daily double, BATAVIA, N.Y. (CP)--Horses entered by Strides Stable of Gansevoort, N.Y., won both ends of the New York Sire Stakes for two-year-olds at Ba- tavia Downs Tuesday night, 1S PLEASED TO of-5 championship finals, JOHN D. McLAUGHLIN B. Com; LL.B, ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF AN OFFICE FOR PRACTICE OF LAW A 222 KING ST. PHONE 723-2231 T EAST, OSHAWA butter, Fearman"s POLISH SAUSAGE 63: Roast Turkey DINNER Creamy mashed pototoes, buttered veg., hot roll and 75 ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY BETWEEN OSHAWA and WHITBY Fearman's BOLOGNA 39: BLANCHED PEANUTS SIDE BACON 1.17. FANCY ICED DONUTS ESSEX '58: