THE OSHAWA TIMES, ednesday, September 7, 1966 seat sone bared in : i AArrre As SAVE de Hf Bit os Even Folks Who Aren't | GGEFEE-MAATE " -..8 5. | erations but the Smith shop here 'fn the. Ottawa River valley is atl at work. | on, are ao oe AG DY SHIRRIFF GOOD MORNING Reg. Price jar 3% -- SAVE 4e ar tors ~ ° x ees Thriit Minded SHiOp at ASa MAR MALADE hipaa 5 5 ; signs of the Sie eae a ee vest, a mle anny at Ot YEN / SPECIAL SILVERBROOK N The Smiths cut their way 6 ; 9 through about 70 cow hides a SHREDDED I 1 BUTTER rsonally selected by 3 as 4 joe all 2 aot "oui ng er "ss . ing four to six Yat é ; Va : strands of hemp, impregnated " M PERATURE PRICE! NO, 1 GRADE with black wax, and rolling 4, ai iN ieein le \ pv together, between hand if ii Ni \ We, vals : 5 -- 'Moat of Suro orders c , me; . 'BS D>, ss a aeamees thrift-minded like to ¢ A . C Owners, although there is. 8 f Y 2am, | becaredabout. \ Ib a A small number of customers who i . 1 tng he gg to move lumber | \ Hi r § . / That happens at AseP-- "Today's farmer uses horses IH) " i only on special occasions and HNN Mee to everyone. yc HOUSE = Reg. Price $1.19---@AVE f "A SPECIAL he fixes his own harness with Hi 4 ma baling twine," says David. i | ati They like brand selection. INSTANT 6-oz 1 1 5 WHITE | By bere en by egg 8 t \ ; : i : e workmanship. Farm har- TQas, AY rae 3 p jor ; SCR A 9. VI egal AaP has it. COFFEE SUGAR 1] harnesses with four. "very time we make a set 8 q HR ' iF ee They like to shop ina Betty Crocker Reg. Price pkg 41e -- SAVE 4e of harness we try to make it Pp 18-02 pk ieee, aan. the last one, aad dependable store they can trust. PIE CRUST ROAR, sie A 5 LBS, 3 ; 3 that gives you a lot of satisfac- tion," says Walter. : That's AaP. \M ARG ARINE 2-Ib pkg 6&9: r Short Course They have a problem... what to Bold Rog. Price 980 -- SAVE 4e Macleans Rog. Price tube $1.19 -- SAVE 10 in Welfare Work dowith the savingsthey make, | DETERGENT -- suninc95¢ TOOTHPASTE meer 1,09 first graduates of a short course Robin Hood Celebration Reg. Price pkg 48 -- SAVE Te Sparkling Antacid Reg. Price bt! 890 -- SAVE 100 wiaclal.guvereient, begis 'Sir ' They just can't avoid it. CAKE MIXES (s varirts) 2 rts79e ENO FRUIT SALTS sion 79 vincial government, begin fill- ing vacancies in welfare agen- . Lancia, 5 Varieties Reg. Price pkg 480 -- SAVE 4e Mutt & Jeff, Ground Kidney or Beef ge ee in their late Are these good reasons for SPAGHETTI er MACARONI = 2-Ib pkg 39 PET FOOD 2 7%-02 tins 29 20s and early 30s have been shopping A&P? Bravo Plain FEATURE PRICE! Royal Crown (Assorted Varieties) tional Centre to fill the bap. be SPAGHETTI SAUCE 10:0 27¢ CANNED BEVERAGES 6 wform 5 3c tional Centre to fill the gap be- "y ; tween unqualified and profes- Vii » They're some of many! ee eel staff. oom | ---- ~ Uf 3 This Week's Best Egg Buy! -- Sunnyfield, No. 1 Grade pis own ag social service work- Yj sn ers, says @ government official, MEDIUM A&P Colombian COFFEE bn OF and handle selected families \ del Shadow Ban -- 40, 60, 100-Watt pkg of 2 B8¢ under. supervision. / \ \ LIGHT BULBS 25,40, 60, 100 Watt pkg of 2 aD The Canadian Welfare Coun- ell recommended such a short course several years ago, to , | \\\ A ; Re thie, te seca | -- Better Meals Are Made With - ae Right' Meats! -oaum eats, 'ts two claeses, 'starts | | WE WRAP OUR cin IN EVERY PACKAGE OF MEAT WE SELL training in October. cetse | Qea7 PORK ROASTS ( pack CORNISH Delin sa 3 FRESH LEAN | Fresh SHANKLESS traffie congestion, Lge ea oe a Frozen Food Vari ety! PORK BUTTS; SHOULDER ¢ A M E ( _ ' ( KEN S iadlicee? tae biaeakt o A&P. Brand Reg. Price pkg dle -- SAVE 40 Wine Br gy Rest PEAS & CARROTS 2+ poly bos 3 De ib C tb GRADE 'A' -- 18-02. MINIMUM tary for _ United nn gy a Merton's (Assorted Varieties) Reg. 4 pkgs 880 -- SAVE 120 } a po teaching in the MEAT PIES 5 tor pkgs 99% ' x ' ; Church of Christ at the Japan- Rich's Reg. Price pkg Oe -- 8ave ie PORK CHOPS /n yh pet ' 59° il Pah po Nakoso in an Prk ms CHOC. ECLAIRS pkg of AMO SUPER RIGHT QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF x * oR yet grote | by _ bere Birds Eye Orange Flavour Concentrate FEATURE PRICEl BLADE ROAST BLADE BONE . . Ameren cuties | 6 AWAKE 5 eitorsin 9Qe aro pe Sanh EACH Mr. Morris said delinquency BLADE STEAK BRAISING Phar we 3 9 -- > the & | » t * Gurr end is oart of "ae ages ae 5 ea f 0O d B U 7 S: _--e RI B ROAST mr-ore of adjusting to life in the mod- He said a school principal gare is senior students ques FILLETS FILLETS WIENERS «--«_ > twestens FQ \_ FREEZER tion "How much does the opin- your" Pe parents matter to 49 3 ° BURNS. VAC PAC, ; crete) rh eee fresh Fruits and Vegetables Ou; fiat uae Bo 9 per ( BEEF BULUUNA 8 9 sons, and the relations oe freedom an Pane WHY PAY MORE > \ 5 AUS AGE ME AT SCHNEIDER'S a: Cc Ontario Grown, White Table Stock, No. 1 Grade e A&P has not yet found it necessary to SIDE BACON wg a guont L.Ib pkg vice Increase beef prices. eta ; SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY SAVE Cie Check and Compare With what you've been paying elsewhere. 7 ieee 39 - 10-Ib ns 9. 29 BT okod For You by Jane Parker ti sou g ¢ THE HEINTZMAN CHERRY PIE BAR CAKE PECAN PIE Prana Nara nc 0 a full 8 inch PIANO RENTAL PLAN Here's a novel plan for parents full 8 inch New Crop, Crisp and Sweet.. Sweet, Juicy mn par -- 49. 3 § 9. _-- , s pmsconamperipd ce Reg. Price each Bfe -- SAVE 100 Reg. Price each 88 -- SAVE 280 Reg. Price each 680 -- SAVE 100 piano for 6 months--if you de- | mn" * (fo: iv cide to purchase it, the six month's rent and cartage will be 4ANE PARKER Reg. Price loaf M80 -- SAVE tie allowed on the purchase price, bd eo Heinteman's RAISIN BREAD y roves Me 5c ae ~ No. 1 Grade No. 1 Grade ines thee JANE PARKER Reg. Price pkg 27e -- SAVE 60 Support Cuan wva y ths 29. be toed 3 J ern world. A "a3 h: break with t ciecietame a2] || Trassem | meme \ BEBE LIVER "once 6G | stock t! ity." pect for authority PERCH CoD UP YOUR FOR $ e verb ' a Ac i SEER he Y nt' | | DINNER ROLLS ms 21. cen oe JANE PARKER APPLE-RAISIN riee each 890 -- SAVE 4e COFFEE f AKE each 3 5 All Prices In This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, September 10, 1966 -- Oshawa, Bowmanville and Whitby