PS OS St et ee ie acediemman September 7, 1966 : Show Rookies at Game's About os or ern Handra- nag Salmon each drove in who|two runs for Seg It was Charlot! seetel 2-1-8 innings without al- 2s 14th yietery uw 1 a hit or a run, but|losses. Rocky Colavito b ke out wathed Re ate hattine elumn with hie 90th . S homer and George Scott hit his | he Te a2 46 8 8 SYS other American League|27th for the Sox. : : ' , am > ig ey Orioles beat} Harmon Killebrew homered |» Tee lew York Yankees ~ Detroit |twice for the Twins, the second | | Tigers crushed Wi ob a ndlane time in the ninth tying the |) Senators 8-2, hg Mic game, but the winning blow bumped hey ar aye Sox 6-2 and| came from Rich meplins a run- : Minnesota Twins edged Chicago| scoring single in the 12th. White Sox 4-3 in 12 innings. ' CLAIROL "|tmougnt of asa goveman esol) WRESTLING -- TAG TEAM ACTION oe CREME FORMULA midst of the potent Baltimore attack, continued his hitting|f| Thuredey, Sept. 8th, 8:30 p.m. --- Oshawa Civie Auditorium 'with three hits and two ! ri at sea Deve etal ATKINS and SINGH HAIR COLOR BATH 8 al , - Sweet Daddy Siki a sik and Johnoon || f The Natural Looking Hair Coloring turn to f fter his post-All ' -- the rest of the Star Game slump. and' picked The Beast vs. Johnny Kostas x wae 1 3 a} a33 a ee McLain continued his the Athletics used 2 Stan Stasiak vs, Pat Flanagan American |three runs, both hitting two-run TICKETS for thove Exhibitions at the Casino Res tor 2 a nine-inning | homers. taurant -- RINGSIDE 1.50. -- GENERAL 1.25 -- Gary Bell threw a three-hit- DADDY SIKI CHILDREN 75¢. Patrick: Milosh, Promoter rai M ees | : ae ee a p Italian Knit ALL PURPOSE : ' SW EATERS HAIR SPRAY * 7) y f | Choose from V neck pullovers or cardigans in @ mee array of colors, in sizes small, medium and Keeps en ii Alive and Natural : ' large. one @3° | : | 7» 3-99 Seamless STRETCH TIGHTS Ideal for back to. school, in beige only in sizes 10 to 14, -- BRYLCREEM suit oressine Large. Size with Hair Comb S 7 ¢ HIP HUGGER LAVORIS || PANTS ANTISEPTIC « Choose from suedene or wool in all Mouth Wash and Gargle the latest fall sheds In sizes 8 Yo 1 Kills Germs Fast Low profile, wide tread pattern, con- fF ter . Extra : . S| 17 Suggested List Price $32.95. 4 on PRIGE SALE PRIGE || SALE PRICE i = \ || THERMOS Piss Sus atthe - ; Pore the old ttre BS nn sane Phus the old tire Whitewalls $23.05 ae Ry | Writewan $</.c0 off your car. Wimewans $30.05 Ow your var. SIMILAR SAVINGS ON OTHER SIZES SIMILAR SAVINGS ON OTHER SIZES SIMILAR SAVINGS ON OTHER SIZES se 70 dal A (otackwatt mS Mexts (blackwall \ y : - . \ TT Trsx14 PS] 7x1 N sxu ; S . BO LE Wonderful for back to school lunches CREST \ fairly wide mouth : ¢ . BRAKES WHEEL ALIGNMENT ; Reduces Cavities RELINED + wi ek fee ae ot Family Size Adjust steering ¢ Check bell og 'der arms and tie rod ends he Installed Completely Peek Frean's GILLETTE : =~ | = | Home Assorted FOAMY \|ccmil| BISCUITS SHAVING CREAM Mie) 162 KINGST. EAST § "22 ae 725-5512+725-9351 5 29° Operated by G. TAMBLYN LTD. Telephone 728-5651 =SSeNavauyn- | oP Ra es i SR BK