Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Feidey, September 2, 1966 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE PC Spokesman H ails Transportation Bill STTAWA (CP) --- Conserva. tive spokesman Alvin Hamilton said in the Commons Thursday night that the massive transpor- bill introduced Monday is "much, much better" than com- parable legislation proposed in = then shelved. he former agriculture minis- ter and MP for Qu'Appelle added, however, that legislators need much more information from the government before they can debate the measure intelligently. 'He urged the government to iter the subject matter of the bill to the Commons transpor- tation committee for detailed dy before proceeding with second reading -- approval in principle--in the House. 'Transport Minister Pickers- gill, who opened debate on the 24,000-word bill, said it will pro- tect. the public interest while| ermitting the railways to make operations more efficient. Some money: losing branch lines on the Prairies and else- where would have to be aban- doned to modernize and stream- line grain handling. The first Vines to be dropped would be those with the smallest traffic volume, Hearing Postponed 'ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)-- The strike of Avalon Telephone 06., workers threatened Thurs- day to become a drawn-out af- fair when the Newfoundland Supreme Court postponed until pt. 7 a hearing on an injune- be against picketing. : «Some 300 repair and main- tenance staff, members of International Brotherhood of ectrical Workers, have pick- eted -Avalon exchanges since Monday in defiance of an in- térim injunction. They are seek- ing higher wages, The toll oper- ators have stayed out in sym- pathy. ° - Ship In Trouble "NEW YORK (AP) -- A U.S. Navy transport stood watch to- day alongside the battered Ital- ian freighter tanker Alberto nnati, wallowing powerless h her 40-man crew on in rough seas off Bermuda. "Two U.S. Coast Guard cut- térs, their progress slowed by 35-foot waves and 30-to-40-knot winds spinning off the edges of hdrricane Faith, were expected tq reach the drifting vessel later today to begin rescue opera tipns. Strong Stand Urged 'OTTAWA (CP)--A Canadian tory professor recently de- perted from Rhodesia says Prime Minister Pearson must take a strong stand against the Jan Smith governmental or "the multi-racial Commonwealth will finished." Gerald Caplan, 28, of Toronto said Thursday Mr. Pearson sHtould demand assurance from Bfitain's Prime Minister Wilson at the Commonwealth prime ministers' conference in London néxt week that "independence néver be given to Rhodesia un- less majority rule is in | HERE AND THERE) ry ! BUY FARMS | @wo Oshawa District --resi- dénts have purchased farms in th® Roseneath area of North- umberland County. John Bax- ter, Oshawa, has purchased the farm owned by Harper Hinds; while George Halsey, Bgooklin, has bought the Bev- enly Robins farm. BANK MANAGER 'A. H. Crockett, formerly of Oshawa, has been appointed géneral manager of the Quebec difision of the Bank of Nova Seotia. Mr. Crockett was the first manager of the Bank of - Scotia in Oshawa and lafer served the bank in the Baitish Isles and in Montreal and Toronto. . * REPAIRS TO ALL - MAKES OF ELECTRIC SHAVERS & CLIPPERS Manufacturers Parts and Prices. TRADE IN ALLOWANCES ON OLD SHAVERS Electra Shaver Service & Supplies 728-4284 39 PRINCE STREET OSHAWA | | HON, ALVIN HAMILTON RFK Boosts LBJ WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sena- tor Robert F. Kennedy (Dem. N.Y.) said Thursday he will support President Johnson and Vice-President Hubert H. Hum- phrey for re-election in 1968. talk that he might be a candi- date for vice - president years hence. MacMillan Blasts issued by the weather office at 5:3 : HON. ARTHUR LAING Yellowknife Named OTTAWA (CP) Yellow- knife, the gold-mining commu. nity_on the Great Slave Lake, has been . recommended to Northern Affairs Minister Laing as the future. capital of the Northwest Territories, It was learned Thursday that the recommendation is one of several made by the three- member advisory commission on the development of govern- ment in the Northwest Terri- The commission, headed by tories. A. W. R. Carrothers of London, Ont. made its report to the|itime Component, is a five-mem: minister Tuesday. made public after it is trans-|by the Navy League, the Navy|with cloudy intervals today and lated into French. } It will be Under federal legislation, Ot- tawa now is the capital of the! it was felt something was wrong|morning. A little cooler. Winds Northwest Territories. Conciliation Sought TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario's chief conciliation officer, W. H. Dickie, met with United Steel- worker of America representa- tives here Thursday in an at- tempt to avert a strike by em- ployees of the International Nickel Co, of Canada Ltd, in Sudbury. Later he was to talk to man- agement representatives who were standing by. The talks will continue today. Union members voted in Sud- bury Wednesday night by 91.4 per cent to strike, after a con- ciliation board headed by Judge He would not speculate about} his political future beyond that} year but he dismissed as gossip! two J. ©, Anderson of Belleville made no recommendations for settling the dispute. Jury Rules Offered WINNIPEG (CP)--The Crim- inal justice section of the Cana- dian Bar Association proposed Thursday that prospective jur-| ors be required to fill out a} {form outlining prejudices and |previous contact wilh an ac-| . : cused. a homeowner in the riot- The resolution, passed by the shot sido Dayton, Ohio SHOT BY HOMEOWNER area. Boin boys were re- ing up and down the street ported in good condition causing a disturbance. The at St. Elizabeth. Hospital. homeowner who shot them While reports were un- said he believed the youths confirmed, it was' believed were threatening his prop- they hed no part in the erty. riot, but had been -parad- Authorities | question a youth identified as 15-year- old Richard Finley (on ground), one of two youths reported shot last night by (AP. Wirephoto) WINNIPEG (CP) -- Canada needs a water inventory before it can be determined whether some of the flow might be ex- ported. On this point, Mines Minister Jean-Luc Pepin Conserva- tive MP Davie Pulten were. in 'also agreed that should the export to the United States become a fact in the years ahead, it should carry the same price tag as any other export commodity. Mr. Fulton, member for Kam- loops who played a key role in negotiating the Columbia River Treaty with the U.S, as justice minister in the Diefenbaker ad- Art Collection Won't Be Seen OTTAWA (CP) -- The Hirsh- horn art collection 'won't tour of Canadian water|ti ministration, and Mr. Pepin were brought together at a Ca- nadian Bar Association panel discussion. Where they differed was in defining the outer limits of fed- eral responsibility in dealing with water resources. In Mr. Fulton's view, there was a wider scope for federal initia- ive. Mr. Fulton said there is no doubt, constitutionally, that wa- ter as a property--and Canada has ownership of perhaps 20 per cent of the world's surface fresh-water supply--comes un- der provincial jurisdiction. THERE'S STRONG INTEREST But in his view there was also a strong federal interest and re- sponsibility in fresh-water mat- ters, certainly in co-ordination and perhaps in the initiation of required legislation. The situation that is approach- ing, the time when the U.S. will come to Canada seeking water, Water Inventory Urged Before Exports Planned is a real demonstration of the necessity of developing a har tional water policy, Mr. Fulton. said, "We have to devise a Cana- dian water policy for whenever discussions with the U.S. take place," he said, 'and, as a mat+ ter af good international reiae tions, we cannot refuse the dis-. cussions."" he HISTORYIN- AS tions of 7 and skills. Refreshments, souvenirs etc.etc, Don't missthisexcitingshow! BROUCHAM BA KIORBRE -7 SEPT. 17 PICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSRUM Canada next year, it seems, be- cause no one has made a re-| quest and no one has made aj) formal offer. | A spokesman in the office of} [eons asked that the juror 'lh fied tine) WERTHER FORECAST Hot, Humid Weather Ahead Some Showers Possible Trenton ...++- Killaloe ....+. Muskoka . North Bay .. | Earlton | Sault Ste. Marie ... State Secretary Judy LaMarsh| isaid the whole matter appar- \ently arose after "plans were |pretty well set' for centennial jexhibitions. | | Mr, Hirshhorn, American) \mining magnate who made }much of his fortune in North- ern Ontario, was quoted last May as saying he would lend Canada the $50,000,000 collection \if requested. | Miss LaMarsh was quoted at) \the time as saying: 'We intend| \to take him up on it." On Wednesday the curator of ithe collection, Abram Lerner, jsaid in New York it probably ss too late now to arrange a centennial tour of the collection. is best equipped to provide you with clean, competent, guaranteed Heating Service, Lander - Stark and their own staff of fully qualified heating tech- ship with the accused. The form would also ask the juror's personal belief on the innocence or guilt of an ac- cused, and for an opinion on the jsentence if the accused is con- victed. Northern White River, Coch-; rane: Sunny with a few cloudy 15:30 a.m.: {periods and a little cooler today LONDON (CP)--The Second! Synopsis: Another warm and{and Saturday. Winds light. World War could have been|sunny day is forecast for south-| easily averted in 1936, formerjern Ontario as a high pressure Forecasi temperatures prime minister Harold Macmil-\area of fine sunny weather re-| Low overnight, high Saturday | lan said Thursday night. jmains nearly stationary over| Windsor Oil sanctions, if applied im-|the eastern United States south|St. Thomas...... oe 6 mediately, would have halted|of the Great Lakes. A band of| London ° Italy's attack on Abyssinia, he|cloud and scattered showers is|Kitchener .....++++ .63 said in a television interview.) pushing southward through the| Mount Forest ... The BBC interview dealt with|Algoma and northern Georgian| Wingham the years up to 1939, the period| Bay regions. This weather is|Hamilton covered by the first volume of expected to reach the Lake|St. Catharines Macmillan's memoirs, Winds of| Huron regions tonight and early | Toronto Change, which will be published|Saturday. Partly cloudy and) ---- Monday. slightly cooler weather is found} | 4 pA ad 2 mort Ontario behind! ithe band of showers. | Brief For Hellyer | Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, | SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont.|L@ke Huron, Niagara, Lake On-| \(CP) Robert| '@tio, Windsor, London, Toronto, | Com: or ' Hendy vhs pee dl Navy| Hamilton: Mostly sunny very} ae warm and humid today and officer, said 'Thursday night thai} ~ a rist belne loon is by ni Saturday. A few cloudy inter- group he is heading may "lose a. id chance "al € attered me a friend" in Defence Min-|* \«.showers th ing (0: ister Paul Hellyer night and Saturday, Winds gen-) . te jerally light. | : oo sig = oe Southern Georgian Bay, Hali-| soid the aeIng 1 Royal cane: | burton, Killaloe: Variable) Navy Association Convention Boke ne ak Be sil that the brief, calling for @lday Warm and humid today) "pause and examination of}, ; ¥orces,"" wilk be sent to Mr. ro ig ed or Winds} Hallyer in about two weeks. Northern Georgian Bay, Al- He said the group, called Mar-|goma, Sault Ste. Marie, "Tima: | gami, southern White River,} North Bay, Sudbury: Sunny! TORONTO (CP) -- Forecast . eee ALCAN SIDING fh " wer. Scrter' Guaranteed 100% By Alcon Of Canada @ Permanent Decor Finish @ Maintenance Free @ 20 Year Guarantee Agoinst Paint Chipping @ Free One Yeor Supply of Alcan Foil Price with no obligetion. Discount Aluminum Products, Registered deal for ALCAN SIDING OF CANADA ber committee formed in June Call Anytime 728-8606 Officers oe and the/Saturday. A few scattered show-| |Royal Canadian Navy becausejers or thundershowers this with the services. north to northwest 10 to 20. eau Var ey | ~ OPEN HOUSE You'll Enjoy high quality products a tion Homes. The Convenience of new "Beau valley Public School" right in Beau Valley. In 'Beau Valley' @ The Convenience of the workmanship which goes into Kassinger Construc- well planned, picturesque community, including the : Everyone is Invited To Visit "VERBENA COURT" A new, quiet Court in Beau Valley with homes ready for immediate occupancy. OPEN HOUSE HOURS At the "ANNA MARIA" Mode! Home, you will see a completely new concept in Electrical Heating ond Air Conditioning, 'Set it' and ' nd 6 to 9 p.m. Monday te Fridiey 2 to 5:30 p.m. Sat. and Sun, "Forget it'. An Electrical heating and Air-conditioning system which you just set the temperature you desire and leave it and it will stay lake <P Op constant all year around, giving you al] year around comfort. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 King Street West 723-2265 batts 5; en's, Fifty EMERGENT MEETING LEBANON LODGE AF & AM 139 All members are requested to attend a masonic service for our late Brother -- JAMES COLLINS Friday, September 2 -- 7:30 p.m. Melntosh-Anderson Funeral Home Masonic Clothing G. H. A, Suddard, Secretary nicians, Whatever you need to make your home more comfortable; any time of the year ... Air Conditioning and De-Humidify- ing in Summer . . . Heating 'and Humid- ifying in Winter. . . call in Lander-Stark for fast, reliable service. Just phone 725-3581, aaa 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 725-3581 P THIS LONG WEEKEN' ate with the Hi @ in bottles or in COM" etry 8S. Enjoy yourself: Take Five for Y ENJOY CANADIAN PRO FOOTBALL ON TV AND THE ALE THAT BRINGS IT TO YOU--LABATT'S 50 ALE! rel i ° fifty Or nga | niet vel