Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1966, p. 19

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sites Pm = ec ORE SA PRARY p THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 2, 1966 19 OE pep eee Ee ORE eB TLL i Ll Priviititiid ti ee) |S ome! i MARKET TODAY RONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Husky OW wo siz iz ie Ug Distributed by cP me husky Coe sf wy i e +1" 'erento Stock z Tee Mack tenons | Tn "gu fal i si i 200d Wot RdcEx-dividend,xr--Ex-| \™P ee te ae 20% Bova te r xw---Ex-warrants, Net change ls) in accept p 27 $78 78 78 previous board-lot closing sale. | ing Minerl 100 $8% 8% Inglis 200 $8% 8% MINES 1BM 799255 350 355 IMC $60 60 60+ 1 mi ha) i du! ot Bas aS He Stock Sales High Low a.m. ge} int Uti pay Accra 1000 13% 12% 1344+ v2] Int UM pr 100 $2 28+ Ges 150 33 32 22 intpr Pipe 103 $76 7% 7 --% Aetna inv 100 110 no intpr Steel 750 $6es6é 6% Mg 300 19 9 WY inv Grp A no $1) VW +h Am Moly 53 3 rson 860 $2774 277 7 + % A iy 1 168 165 (168 5 ho ~ ed 318% na ce jockey ang , ae 4 a Labatt 730 $17%4 174 1% ' aol) ocaeet ae e S em w . Bau ~~ 1000 i) BH iy +31 Cite invest 210 $5¥2 5% 5\ lack Bay 2 2 1 Lob Co B 425 S9% 49% I+ Bralorne 00 278 «278 «278 Loeb M 940 $12%4 12 «12 roul Reef 2400 16/2 16Ve l6\e we ii ad Se iS a bre a som ag hatin Mass-Fer 2893 $274 27V%e 278 -- Vo 200 400 590 590 5 590 + Camp RL 100 $24% 24% 24% + Vo ¢ Tun 200 139 «139 (139 ¢ Jam 2000 115 «115 15 +5 Cdn Keely $00 74 % 1% Ca 5 16 e 100 164 16 --1 Cent Pat 700 160 160 160 +5 imo 000 80-77 OO + 3 Met 150 2 2 2 © Halli z100 67) «667-- 67 ¢c Megul 100 355 355 355 +5 ¢ Morisn 100 208 28 6+7 € Rambler 204 204 204 +4 00 640 640 Conwest 1 640 Cop Fields 1850 122 12) 121 --1 2000 42 «42 «42 | Craigmt 750 $13% 13% 13% + V2) Kean | D'Eldona 2100 71 Denison 120 $54% 54% 54% + Ye! 70 Discovry 260 170 170 1 R_ Nodweil wo 135 #135 #135 +5 I pore S10 $48 47% 47M +1¥4| Relene | ae 6 6 --'wlcattle traded on a broad de- Donalde = 900 Mk | Royal nk 252 $4 60% 94 | RR Ee Seat Sull 280 700 700 700 Shell inv p 100 $252 v2 251 | H aa tiners. and cutt 14-18: Mar 1200 310 305 310 Shell iw: sce tn 6s to Ontario - bred trading at)ners and cutters : J A sa i UE A joo 215 25 23 +10 |Steady prices at the Ontario|heavy bologna bulls 21-22 with Slant Yk "800 $10% 10% 10% + 3¢| Simpsons 125 $27% 27% 27% + Ye\ public stockyards this: week. |sales to 23; common and me- Goldrm 16000 90 8 0 +1) Salen Si 10h Sie jou leur | Veal calf prices were strong|diums 17-20. Gortdrm 3400 200 195 200 +5 vee : eae 4 Be a a H G ee a ae | ee ee eee ee ete higher. Hog prices -- gen-| Replacement cattle: Good Granisie 100 465 465 465 -- 5 ed. Lamb prices | stoc 27.50: pita Too aes 05 aos +5 | Tor Won W 200. $30m 3M 39M hrataarg en L Pp |stockers 26.50. 27.50; good steer Gunnar WO 1) 190 190 -- 3) FO Pe ow io eV |were higher. jstock calves 28-30; good heifer ard Rock n n Trader 6s 'w 200 138138 138 410.| Slaughter cattle 11,800: On| stock calves 24-26; common and Menawey. 11 ms ae 1 La ee het wloffer thi k 11,357; last week i stockers 20-26; hh leath EEE Bg ae ng aR. TE I agli bod pelted oe a mage medium stockers 20-26; heavy High-BI 200M: OS Os 418) TC San Sk Oe ee 18,139; to date 1966 338,972; to|chort-keep steers 23-25.50. Hydra Ex 240 16 16 16 San Pw 100 ae 10 |date 1965 357,101; this week 1965] ¢, er We Vee Wee Noe i Se. A ee Gate noice. steers 26.50-27.50|. Calves 2,100: pion ye on sy i Ng Trang Prt 200 | $6 8% 8% + a berg fe gr Bole bind os ap.| Week 2:046; last week 2,189; to Joliet 1500 32 2 32 in Carbid 720 $23 27% 22% | WI $a. es -f0, &! od jdate 1966 71,002; Kam Kotla $00 355 in +8 |. Ue om 255 $10% 10% 10% |96.50; mediums 23-25; ComMONS|7¢ 957. this week 1965, 2,497: Kerr Add 250 $11% 112 1% UGes Bt ween ik 4. £ 4119-22: choice heifers 25-26 with]... ane K Anacon 26 187 187 187 ie eer ea ee" , choice yealers 35-39 with odd L Dutauit 325 Sloe 104 Wu-- vw) VIC > TT ae ee oe tet a ee = Ie ede RS Wel 1700 "S858 056 te iums 26-29: Langis 7100 45 45 45 witkue we ne diums 26-29; Leitch ens Oe 0 HS NO ae ae Seay Liberian _ € 225 $l1%¢ 11% 112 heat bd . Seenceee on * ve cove die I Weston A ot? sta 175 1734+ 3 Man Bar 2500 22% 22 22%a-t1¥a| Jinn iwi we oe Mayerun 1000 'Ie en ie _ -- ca |1966 271,850; to date 1965 301,- Me" Adem 2000 a of by +) Sales to 11 @.m.; 495,000. | gicuhid . re la Mt Wright 1000 32 32 32 | prove G FOREIGN, TRADING fo cae se Siscoe io 8 8 78 TORONTO (CP) -- Robert|21.70; stags 17.50-18.10; Neonex | w 400 19 169 169 + | _bangis 50 46 6S 4S +? | James Breckenridge, a Ke sold live weight 14-14.50. | ae 4 |stock broker, has been charged] gheep and lambs 1,750; On of-|for N_ Hesei 400 280 280 200 +1 ' 4 oe ; Bee ae Newiund 3000 20% 202 Wat = | with wash trading in the shares/fer this week 1,663; last week| barometer of N sensor ss a ew +] IWRW 1e lof Consolidated Golden Arrow/1,198; to date 1966 39,701; to|climate." Nick Rim 1000 12% 12¥2 12% |Mines Ltd. two years igh ' |date 1966 39,701; to date ae ae Mr. Breckenridge of, Breck-|49,674; this week 1965 2,213; Norbaska 1100 66 66 66 +1 irs y ty feast " Norbeau 1250 105 102 102 lenridge, McDonald Co., mem-|/good lambs 22-24 with a few ae mee et For German bers of the Toronto exchange, sales to 24.25; sheep 6-12 with Normetal 70 ao aa me , lis to appear in court Tuesday./yearlings selling up to 13. co ee 2 8 tM s Wash trading, an offence un-/ Opemska 4 m8 3 Ft Be! ] F r der the Criminal Code, is the B IEFS ie on a ™ 44 rg 4 I ce act of creating a oar or - BUSINESS R leading appearance of active Patino 250 $10%e 10% 10% : Peerless, 4000 14 14d) Ya BONN (Reuters) -- Lt.Gen.| public trading in a stock. By THE CANADIAN PRESS - 140 $56¥4 56% 56¥2 + Ys! Tohannes Steinhoff has accepted| Consolidated Golden AW IS} STUDY SOVIET INDUSTRY Placer TIS $234 23% 23% + Val ' : ; A | Preston 335 $14. 1414 jthe post of chief of West Ger-jreaded by Viola MacMillan,; a _ 4 j j - ' e 'ae ns + " Que man 200 2 ve |mMany's air force, it was an-|president, and her husband|from British Columbia arrived Q Matta 34631 115 106 106 --13 |Nounced today. | George. ; i ae a | Steinhoff, appointed 10 days| Mrs. MacMillan is already | study the Soviet pulp and paper |the Government of Canada 414- Rio Algom 387 $22%4 22% 22%4--%e\ago in the midst of a defence| facing s | age |crisis over the suspension of the|trading in Consolidated Golden | delegation sponsored by the 112 114 +2'|previous air force chief and the| Arrow. Similar charges against| pylp and Paper Research In- |resignation of two other leading|her husband were discharged at stitute of Canada, visits plants >} 5 | generals, had asked for time to Rio Alg ¢ Ww z50 $1194 11% 11% Rix Athab 2300 22 700 114 500 $13% 13% 13% 7 Satellite woo 7 72 --1 Sherritt 900 500 500 500 Silvmq 1500 57 «57 57 Siscce 300 350 350 350 Steep R 650 545 545 545 a C 19000 3 28 $+ 2 Texmont 500. 8] 8} 8 Tormont wo 89 9 9 Tribag 400 115 «115-115 Trin Chib 500 1 W n U Asbestos 100 270 270 270 U Buffadn 9000 6 SB 59 Un Keno 700 630 625 Un Macfie 500 Utd Porc 500 Urban Q 2000 + 630 + 17% 172 W7a+ Ve 12% 1% 12% nan 0D --h% 49a 492 492+ Va Vespar 500 West Mine 220 475 475 475 +5 Wilco 1000 4 423 Windfall 3500 "28 28 Win-Eld oo 3 SB BB Zenmac 1000 33% 33 332 + % Zulapa ooo 18 18 18 oO % OILS, GAS A ted 33400 --' 23 622 «(222 Banff 650 $11% 11% lla CS Pete 1100 195 195 195 C Dehi 225 195 195 195 C Ex Gas 800 45 405 405 C Gridoit 150 470 470 C Homestd 1300 205 202 Cdn Sup O 265 $19% 19% 19% Cent Del 100 990 99 99 +5 Chieftan D 100 800 0 800 --25 Dome Pete 525 $184 18% 184+ % Dynamic You "320 S15 "Sx g Fargo 700 283 262 282 -- Gt COlisds 250 $10% 10% 10% Int Heli 18575 280 277 277 --2 Mill City 199 =200 3 200 + N Amerim 1000 2 2 2% --1 Seurry Rn $21 20% 21 +% 25360 110 103 109 + Triad Oil 210 197 19% 19% --1 Canso 254 254 --1 400 254 W Decaita 900 285 280 285 INDUSTRIALS Abitibi 765 $10% 10% 10%--% Alta Gas T 130 $31% 31¥2 31% Ve Algoma St 835 $2% 2% 2% Alliance a 115 115 115 Alcan 1410 $30% 30% 3% + % Alcan pr 125 $37%2 37% 374 Alumin 2p 7210 $40 4 40 Argus 210 $16%4 16% 16% Atl r 35 $9 9% 9% Bank " 1S $55%4 $5% Bank NS 108 $65% 65'2 65¥2-- % Bell Phne 1098 $50%4 50% 50s Bow Viy w 150 825 825 825 BA Constr 775 $5¥ 5% 5% BA Oli 10 329 2 BCPh 484 200 $23% 23% 23% CAE Ind 750 $8% 8% 8% Calgary P 105 $22% 22% 22% pg | Pp 210 $% % % in Bred p 25 $50 SO 50 +2 Can Cem 5 $38 38 CCC Stone 200 $34% 342 34M + %4 jar 265 $20¥2 20% 2% 2: Va 10% Cdn Brew WIS $6% 6% 6%--% C imp Bnk 210 $57¥2 57\2 57'4 C Ind Gas 224 $112 11% 11% 100 +25 peg 18 & " = s 5 5 2159 $574 56% 567% y CPR Fd 290 $8 8 8 7? Cdn Tire Cdn Tire A 175 $12% 12% Chemcell 150 $13%e 13% 13% Chrysler 271 $4) 02 a Cominco 725 $3 Con Bidg p 150 210 210 210 --10 Cons Gas 2100 $i4%e 14% 142 130-130 Coronatn 100 130 +5 Corontn 2p 78 265 265 265 Crein RL 1000 $2 2 mR Cygnus A 100 405 405 -5 Dale-Ross 100 $139% 13% 13%4--% Distl Seag 925 $292 2912 Hia+ Ve D Electro 100 $15 1s 15 Dofasco 1605 $21% 2114 214sm Dosco 210 $10% 10% Ya?% Dom Store 495 $18% 18% 18% + % Domtar 37 7 D Textile 560 $292 294 294 -- Ve Exquisite 150 99% 9% 9+ Ve Falcon 746 $88 «68888 Fam Play 345 $274 27 ' Ford Cnda z5$132 132 132 Gen Baker 200 $6% 6% 6% GMC 184 $8) «681 0 =8] 1% GL Paper 210 $23 24% 23'2 $20 20 Home B 500 $20%% 2034 20% Huron Erl 10 9% %% % ® 554 + | Sie 3614 36% -- Ve! Met Stors p 215 $20%2 20¥2 20'2 Molson B 2740 $17 16% 16% Montex w 198 180 180 180 +10 Ment Loco 425 $17% 17% 17% 150 $782 784 78%4-- Moore Morse A 210 $19¥e 19%8 19% Murphy 700 $7 6% 6% Mrphy Pr. 30 $254. 25% 254 + Niag Struc 2) $262 26¥a 26V2 Nia Wire B 7250 $20 20 2 Noranda 105 $4834 ABY2 4812 Nor Ctl G@ 1226 $11% 11% 11% + Ve NS L P Z10 $10% 10% 10% Ogitvie m5 $14 14 (14 Pac Pete 490 $10 10 ui es 8 8 Pow Corp 225 $10% 10% 10% Pow Crp pr: "175 $402 40% 40/2 + '2 QN Gas 100 $1244 12% 12%+ Ve Rank Org 100 395 395 395 +20 consider the appointment. | The Second World War fly- jing ace--who bears the scars of }several crashes -- takes over |from Lt.-Gen. Werner Panitzki, jwho was suspended and then jsent into retirement after she \ly criticizing the defence mini |try's handling of a rash of Star- |fighter jet crashes. | Panitzki's comments, which 28 +1 also called for a reorganization} }of the ministry, sparked off a \leadership crisis in the armed forces. CRASHES KILL 35 The Starfighter controversy-- |61 of the U.S.-designed planes jin the West German Air Force Pag +5 |have crashed in the last five|Chrysler each lost 1% to 26 and years, killing 35 pilots -- was | only one of the issues in the de- jfence controversy. ae ie Main-underlying-i-s-s.u.e. has 6 : |been the role of the military in | post-war West Germany and the determination by the govern- +15 |ment that the armed force s|to 84% while Hudson Bay ad-| should be under firm civilian di- rection. | The two men who resigned were Gen, Heinz Trettner, in- | Spector-general of the country's jarmed forces, and Maj.-Gen. |Guenther Pape, a regional jarmy commander. They gave as their reason the | permission recently given to la- }bor unions to canvass in' bar-| | racks. Steinhoff was recalled from |Paris where he was serving |with the NATO command CLAIMS ARE BIG |for damages resulting from the sinking of the cruise ship Yar- %|mouth Castle amount to more jthan $59,000,000. The. figure, in jan order by federal judge David W. Dyer, was made public | Thursday as lawyers worked on |preliminaries for trial of the One of Canada's PROUDLY ~ |dium 62.4; MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -- Claims| MONTREAL (CP) nesses these days is seen in the industry in general. skilled and semi-skilled Basically, it is the type of un-jin 1962; BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT New Businesses Supply Industrial Manpower --One ofjadvantageous to set up indus-|crease 20 or 25 per cent annu- the newer and growing busi- "a egy oo Teka ae: ere are four in the Mont- agencies that supply temporaty|real area: Manpower Services'|UP 20 PER CENT help not only for offices but for|Industrial Division, established in 1958; Industrial Blue Collar, ' 4 | Overload| business is 20-per-cent Migher' labor| Division of Office Overload, in|than last year. Industrial lranging from the general la-| 1964, and, recently, Metropolitan | borer to the stationary engineer.| Employment Service, | Regular use of a flexible la- |help agency now is finding it'load. | 'In Week's Stockyard Trade|s!25:" tr se TORONTO (CP) -- Slaughter sales to 26.70; good 23.50-24.50; | sales to 42.50; good 30-34; me- cies lump sums. It is left to the| commons 22-25; | : boners 18-21. | Wash Trading | Hogs 8,200: On offer this week} fringe benefits that may be ap-| 7,583; last week 8,154; to date|plicable. "It's the business of the fu-|Clauses and a circus clown, The /bor supply is still comparatively |ture," says Keith Smith, local heaviest demands come from */new in Montreal but the office|manager of Industrial Over-|transport companies but Mr. "T think business will in-|Robert finds them "'unpredicta- Cattle Prices Rise Sharply|:.'s;? a siar 2: mediums 21-23; commons 18-20; | choice-fed yearlings 26-27; good|vantage . for |mand at sharply higher prices|24-25; good cows 20-21 with sales |occasional-labor service is the! lwith replacement cattle limited|to 22; mediums 18.50-19.50; can-|ability to get quickly the type | Charges Face |565; this week 1965 7,909; Grade |warned that anticipated expan-| A 33.55-34.65; heavy sows 21.05-|sion of business won'te come) good|of men they want, | On offer this|training the temporary workers. | to date 1965/ flexible help is less loyal than boars | about if there is a recession. | 1965 two charges of a preliminary hearing. icontinued Thursday for the margin of gain was modest. a 1.42 jump Wednesday. {32,207 shares, despite its jand research centres seven-member delegation| asked. lin Moscow Thursday night to|Vincial issues were up % with industry. The group, a technical|Per-cent Sept. 1, in Mos-|July 5, 1988, closed at 97% bid | ---- | cow, Riga, Irkutsk, Bratsk, Len-| and 97% asked. STOCK MARKET jineene, Krasnodar and Sochi. | TORONTO (CP)--A rally on ee re ee | ~ PRB | Municipalities issued building jthe Toronto Stock Exchange) omits for construction worth |third consecutive day, but ra paageres y og ane ie 1965, the bureau of statistics re- | The industrial index advanced ported 'Thursday. Gains in ear-|™mon 11 cents, Sept. 30, record jonly .30 to 147.04 compared with|jjer months more May's decrease and the Janu- CPR jumped 1% to 56% on\ary-May total of $1,388,190,000/class A common 20 cents; class in-| was eight-per-cent higher than a|B common 10 cents; \volvement in the country-wide | year earlier. than offset|Sept. 14. ally in normal times." John Robert, Manpower's in: | dustrial service supervisor, said | He gets calls for all kinds of help and has produced six Santa ble,"' 'At one moment they may or- cancel the order." It is estimated that the four ket at peak periods, The agencies say the big ad- companies using) SAVE ON COSTS Also, companies about the same regular staff at) all times instead of hiring and firing personnel as labor de- mand rises and falls. The com- panies also save in administra- tive costs and are free of the necessity of screening and| can keep One disadvantage is that the) regular employees. The companies pay the agen- | agencies to look after income | tax deductions and colenlates | One agency spokesman) "Then watch out. The demand | temporary help is the the economic BOND MARKET TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana- dian bond market was up 4 Thursday. \ Short-term Government of} Canada. bonds closed with the 4Y%-per-cent April 15, 1967, issue closing at $99.15 bid and $99.25 Long-term Canada and pro-| 1983, issue quoted at 8454 bid and 84% asked. In provincials, the On- tario Hydro 6-per-cent issue due Day-to-day money traded at 4% per cent. DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Investments Ltd., com- aire manu The Hughes-Ownes Co. Ltd., pref, 40) \railway strike. Fraser and Gen-| eral Motors also gained 1% each} to 23 and 79% and Investors | |Group 1% to 11%. | | Trans-Canada Pipe Line and }41. | Golds showed gocd strength jwith Dome ahead 1% to 46%) land Campbell Red Lake to} |24%4. Among base metals, Inco,| facing a possible strike, slid 1¥% | vanced 1 to 72. | On index, golds were up 1.21} to 168.86, base metals .91 to} 188.07, western oils .30 to 97.21) jand the TSE .36 to 140.22. Vol- lume was 2,536,000 shares com- | pared with 2,632,000 Wednesday. | Phone 723-1163 and Stretch Your Doliar Chambew. FOOD CLUB THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF Has Your Food Dollar Lost It's Punch? | | | | PRODUCE | TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale jto retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of Thursday: A large 66.0 A me- A small 4.. Eggs: Wholesale price to} country stations fibre cases | quoted by the Toronto Board of | Trade from wholesale egg deal- |. ers: Extra-large 54-56; large 53-|) © 55; medium 51-53; small 35; B| |39; C 34. l§ Butter prices: Agricultural | © stabilization board tenderable | carlots: Buying 40 score 59; | buying 39 score 58; selling 59. 3 Great Whiskies COUNTRIE DISTILLERIES L10 CREDIT MANAGER TRAINEE | Local Retail Firm requires an ag- gressive young man to manage cre- dit office. Preferred age 22-35. Ex- cellent opportunity for advancement should have Grade experience. On the job training pro- =| vided. Excellent pension plan, em- | ployee discounts, group insurance, holidays with pay. All replys strictly confidential. Our staff is aware of this advertisement. Apply in writing | to; 13 and office 41533 | EATO Natural Pastel Mink Much Below. Usual Price! Personal Shopping Only (Please No Teleph or Mail Orders) This is your opportunity, to have your longed-for mink jacket or the to 32" fleet coat ! It will be everything you've dreamed of . .. . AND, a high fash- new 29' luxurious mink . . . in.a gorgeous pastel shade . . ion design! Come and visit the mink in our Fur Salon for best selec- tion, best fur values ! Pastel Mink Jackets An artistic collection of let-out styles. SPECIAL, each 499.00 The New Pastel Mink 29" to 32 Fleet Coat. Marvelously flattering styles crafted with let-out ' 777.00 skins. SPECIAL, each and get a treasure in return ! REG. 299.00! SPECIAL, Each Wild Mink Stoles 25 only, of these sumptuous stoles in mysterious wild mink ! Save 100.00 on this sale of mink stoles, 199.00 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 248 Now Available at Eaton's ! LONG TERM SILVER POLISH: No rinsing needed with this liquid form tarnish preven- tive. Inhibits tarnish for months; comes in plastic bottle, Special, 334-02. bottle ...cseeses0 FF Speciel, TWVo-0z. bottle 2... .sccccccaneess 2.35 STAINLESS STEEL CARE: Sponges: away scratches and discolouration from dulle tableware. One product restores satin or mirror finish. Kind to your hands. Special, 6-oz. jar with applicetor, .. #8 SILVER DIP: Cleans flatware speedily, effort- lessly, getting between fork prongs, filligree work, embossed silver, Economical too! 1 jor cleans approx. 2,000 forks. Special, 10-oz, far .........seeees LJ SILVER CARE: Foam type action polish with tarnish-preventive ingredient sponges tarnish away, leaving long-lasting colourless shields. Safe for all antique or medern gold, silver, silver plate, Special, 6-oz. jor with applicator, .. ' ™ wa gag en Nia wane ant Mi ina pate PEWTER CARE: For antique or contemporary pewter, with 2 applicator pads for heavy tarnish removal; produces fine lustre, 1 95 Special, 6-oz. jor with applicator, .. L DRY CLEAN SPOT REMOVER: Spray on, let dry, brush off, Leaves no ring. Removes spots of oil grease, beverages, food stains from all artificial and natural fibres, including acetates, Good for ties, suits, dresses, etc, Safe for colour-fast materials, Special, 5-0. can .........seeeee w LONG TERM BRASS AND COPPER POLISH: Polishes to a long-lasting shine, and protects against tarnishing. Can also be used for bronze, gun-metal and nickel silver 1 25 . Special, 334-0z. plastic bottle, CABINET MAKERS' WAX: Helps prevent crecking and drying, as it gives your furniture a beautifully soft, clean, long-lasting: finish. Contains bees-wax to feed the finest furniture. Lemon, Sandalwood, Lavender 1 fragrances, Special 634-oz. tin. .... B8 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 MARBLE POLISH: Gives o hard lustrous sur- face, building up a lasting protective finish on natural and synthetic marble, stone, slate, ceramic, porcelain and Formicas, 1.95 etal, 634-02. tin ..........-005% LONG TERM SILVER CLOTHS: Special cotton cloth is impregnated with Goddard's Silver Polish; for lightly tarnished silver, and drying fiat and' holloware after washing--shining as you dry. Special, 1214" x 1744" cloth, ...... e GLOW BRASS AND COPPER PASTE: Easily- used cream for brass, copper, chrome, stain= less steel, aluminum and pewter provides lovely lasting sheen. Tarnish-retarding ingre- dient. Fine for brightwork on cars. 1 Special, 4-oz. tube, eile KAR ee SADDLER'S WAX: Not only an excellent cleaner for all types of: fine leather goods but also gives a fine polish all in one application, Superb blend of choice ingredients, including lanolin, and beeswox, Special, 6-or. tube. ..............: 1 WALLPAPER SPOT REMOVER: Removes stains; leaves wallpaper with clean surface, Free from tings--no rubbing or blotting. For colour-fast wallpaper, delicate fabrics, suede, carpets, lamps and window shades, etc. Special, S-ox. aerosol, ............+ " PHONE 725-7373 STORE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday, | OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9. a ou) Ere eee S

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