a GEE, TO VISIT MYSTERIOUS, FARAWAY PLACES ++: EAT EXOTIC, SPICY [WANDER THRU TEEMING BAZAARS:- FLOAT AIMLESSLY JUST THINK, RIGHT NOW HE'S PROBABLY SNORING HIS WAY THROUGH ttt #0, H0,HO! WE CAPTURE YANKEE NAVY FLY: Oy! BUZ SAWYER BIG REWARD! ©) King Features Syndicate, Inc. 1966 World rights reserved. WEY! WERE COMES YANKEE SWIFT BOAT, WATER. IF MANNED BY SOUTH VIETNAMESE WE SSX_iN TROUBLE. HMM! THAT I DO NOT LIKE, CAN COME INTO SHALLOW (T BY AMERICANS... HO, HO!,. 1 OUTSMART! QUICK, MIX IN: WITH OTHER FISHING BOATS. 50 THEY NOT SURE WHICH JUNK PRISONER 15 ON, --Henry Larsen [FoR Love TO TAKE A CRUISE AROUND FOODS OF FOREIGN AROUND LAZY THE SUEZ CANAL. pA "\\ T INVITED YOu OVER FOR ICE CREAM, AN' YOU WERE GLAD TO ACCEPT // uy ew NOW 4 YOU'RE DON! 1S COMPLAININ'? e NOS WHERE WELL....T'LL BE RIDIN ON,... INCE THERE BE | IT WAS, NO TREASURE ABOARD,/ HONDO. [| THS SHIP. THANKS For | I KNOW JUST WHERE GENERAL POMPOLINO 16 CAMPED . HE/LL PAY PLENTY TO LEARN WHERE HE CAN GRAB GENERAL PAZ/ R MEE PASSAGE » THE POLAR THE Ci BUT PERILOUS VOYAGE AS MER! TING TH CHALLENGE OF THE NORTHWEST| [ON JULY 2& LARS! v; UT REW OF THE ST. ROCH RECEIVES 4 wis Ne on eke Ware MEDAL. FROM SGT. HENRY LARSEN Po illese Th DARTMOU N.S. ON ANOTHER ™ 4 E 7 «|| ASSIGNMENT « "em At beta JO TRY TO MAKE THE ST. ROCH 7) VESSEL. TO_EVER TRAVEL THE NORTH PASSAGE BOTH ways 7 : RST WES' DOESNT MAKE SENSE/ THE DOOR WAS LOCKED AND THE WINDOWS CLOSED! , STILL, THE GENTLEMAN, WHO WAS IN HERE /s GONE THE LONE RANGER WE DUMP THIS NEXT TURN on SECRET AGENT X9 TUB AROUND THAT THEY TOLD ME TO KEEP AN EYE ON HiM/ ASHLEY WAS /N SOME HUSH-HUSH GOVERNMENT BUSINESS/ in THEN LIE LOW UNTIL I CONTACT. A BUYER FOR THESE PLANS! LATER, AS TONTO RIDES FOR SUPPLIES:+ ie By you HEARD ME! GET OUT EVERY MAN JA\ FAST! SOME GUY WITH A BRIEF CASE OF NAVY SECRETS /§ MISSING FROM A TR, ve GOT se © King Feataled Syndicate, Ine. 196 Wilt vighes emnee Channel 11--Hamilton | 9:00 P.M, Channel %--Toronto | 9--Movie Channel 8--Rochester 1 Honey West Channel 7--Buffalo | 6--Movie Channel 6--Toronto | 4--Gomer Pyle Channel 4--Buffalo 3--Movie Channc! 2--Sarrie hanns'! 2--Buftato Petticoat Junction 7--Farmer's Daughter 4--Smithers Brothers 2--Mr. Roberts | | 9:30 P.M, FRIDAY EVENING j 5:00 PLM, | li--Family Theatre 8--Superman 7--Maverick 6--Forest Rangers 3--Canadian Open Golf 10:00 P.M, |11--Merv_ Griffin §-2--U.N.C,.L.E } 7--Court Martial 4--Pro Football ; ' 11:00 P.M, {1-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News, 5:30 P.M, Weather, Sports 8--Dobie Gillis 6--Outlook 3--Science Fiction Theatre 2--Passport TwWo.. «+ «» «| 1:15 P.M, 2--Tonight Show 6--Viewpoint 11:20 PLM, 6:00 P.M, $--Night Metro 8-4--News, Sports witt Chuck Heaty 7--Movie 6--Mr, Magoo 3--On -Safari 11:25 ~PLM. 11--Movie 1:30 PLM, 8--Tonight Show 7--Movie | 3-9--News, Weather Rwy You SHOULD HAvE\ AA c STARTLED ME Ger. THIRTY M NUTES 2-2 AGO iC GOLLY, I SAW GRANDMA THAT'S A PRETTY GOOD THE JUMBO FOOTBALL.' COMING FROM THE SHOPPING CENTER WITH ONE JUST LIKE IT LAST WEEK,' IMITATION OF A FOOTBALL TI MADE OUT OF LEATHER-LIKE PLASTIC... sw AND SWELL CAMOUFLAGE FORA WATERMELON / ~ ws i. 11--Candid Camera Movie 11:40 P.M. fs | 6--Premiere Theatre Sperts 9--Movie 8--Huntley-Brinkley | 1.00 A.M News 14 News, Weather, ~--News 4 +. é--Let's Talk Musi¢ sgesbiy 6:30 P.M, SATURDAY 7:00 P.M, 8:00 A.M. 11--Mike Daualas 9--Pruitts of South. hampton 2--Cartoons 8--Mr. Roberts | 4--Captain Kangaroo 2-6--News, Weather | Sports 6:30 A.M. 4--People Are Funny 7--Rocketship 7 3--Combat 1)--Sonnitzel House 2--Funny Company 8--Davey and Goliath \\--Outdoors Unlimitea 7:30 P.M, 9--Smothers Brothers 8--T.B.A 7--Flintstones é--Addams Family 4--Wild Wild West 2--Camp Runamuck 9:00 A.M. 4--Field Trip 2--Fantasy Isiand 9:30 A.M. N--The Sonins 4--Paper Capers --He le: 8:00 P.M. ee 10:00 A.M. 9--Patty DUKe show 7--~Summer Fun 3-6--Lennie Breau Show 2--Hank 5:30 P.M, W--Man From UNCLE %--A Go-Go & 7--Addams Family 2--Sing Alona with: Mitch 63--Get. S.fRri 4--Hogan's Heroes 4--Lassie -F--SecretSavirrei 7--Popeye, Gumby 4--Mighty Mouse Playhouse 10:30 A.M. |11--Hobby Time | 9--Cartoon Playhouse 8-2---Underdog 7--Beatles 4--Cousin Bill TELEVISION LOG 11:00 A.M. -2--Top Cat 7--Casper 4--Tom and Jerry 1:30 A.M. 11--Mark Saber 8--Skipper Sam 7--Maailla Gorilla 9--Summer Fun 2--Fury | | | | 2--EA Allen T 12 NOON Your Home and Garden 9--Cartoon Playhouse ; 8~Gumby | 7--Bugs Bunny 4--Sky King 6--King Leonardo 3--Ernie Lindell 2--Bachelor Father 12:30 P.M, 1i--Movie 8&--Movie 7--Milton The Monster 4--Linus | 6--Tennessee Tuxedo | 3--Canadian Open Golf 2--Wells Fargo 1:00 P.M, 9--Thunderbirds 7--Hoppity Hooper 3-6--Championship Snooker 4--My Friend Flicka | 2--Stingray 1:30 P.M. 9--Rescue 8 7--American Bandstand 4--Rural Review 2--Sea Hunt 1.55 P.M. 11--Saturday afternoon al the Races 2:00. P.M. 9--International Bowling 2- 3- 6, 8--Baseball 4--Forest Rangers 2.0 P.M. 7--Movie 7--Highway Patrol 3:00 P.M. 9--Wrestling 7--Championship Bowl- ing 3:30 P.M. 11--Outdoors Limited 4:00 P.M, | 11--Protessional Wrestling 9--Atter Four 7--Amateur Golf, »S.G.A, 4: PM. 9--Wide World of Sports 3-4-6--Golf Tournament, England KUHN- YOU'VE BEEN IN THAT CHAIR FOR HOURS, JUNIOR! I THINK ITS Now!. k MY ay hee COME ON... UP! THE ONLY TIME YOU EVER SHOW ANY SIGN OF LIFE IS WHEN YOU HEAR THE REFRIGERATOR pee OPENING... ony 4 av pill) THAT SOUNDS LIKE / YOUR CUE NOW... J cK! agen SO IT WAS ONLY. GRAMPS OPENING THE CAR DOOR/.. WELL, THATS NO REASON FOR YOU TO SULK Same RAE wer! ay ie i) ' --S vita } iy | AE ocean } ' it ' Worr - Geowitt I HAVE STUDIED THESE PHOTOGRAPHS OF YOURS. THEY ARE ADEQUATE = FOR A FASHION MAGAZINE, FOR "HAMLET" -- SO YOU REMAIN ON MY STAFF ON SUFFERANCE, YOUNG MAN. WHEN I WANT YOUR CAMERA I WILL WHISTLE. UNTIL THEN, DO NOT ANNOY ACROSS 3. Trouble 1. Confuse' 4, Farm 6. Aspect feature 11. Inscribe . Hebrew 12. Goodfellow letter or Hesd - . Question 13. Trust closely 14. Facing . By what 15. Arabic means consonant 8. Arabian 16. Weep garments 17. French 9. Progenitor pronoun 10. Concludes 18, Part of 14, Spinning a bell toys 22, Eng. river Small 23. Mountain in barracuda Thessaly 19. Cripple 27. Absolve 20. Wrong 28.Egg-shaped 21. Wandered 29, Soft 16. 22. Tin coin . Ra- tional . Sports arenas . Roman 32. 33, 34. 35. 38 money , Copper, iron, tin, ete, . An age Tolls Ata distance Girls name Interlock . Bang Yesterday's Answer 40. Golf mound 41 Juice of | a plant \ 42, Wine receptacle 44, Author's copy: abbr, drinks 215 30: Spheres of 8 9 10 action 31. Moved rapidly 33. Inquire 36. Goddess of dawn 7; 37. Part of "to be" 39. Chinese gambling game 41, Biblical king 43. Sprite: Shake- speare 44, Nursery word 45. Values \ 46, Tic DOWN 1. Crooked 2. Broke through - 4--Quick Draw McGraw ime ». JILLY YOURE WEARING A | , I BROUGHT OUR CAR LAP ROBE, DEAR, IN CASE 97° YOU WANT oer | YOUR HEALTH Caused By Water By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: Please|your .particular case. If the write about dropsy. Is it heredi-|cause can be corrected, then tary and can a person who has|the condition of edema can be it expect to live a normal life? | brought to an end, In other in- How long does it last?--Mrs.|stances, it may be necessary to E.G. | accept dropsy as a chronic. con- The term edema is being used dition, and your goal ts to keep more often today than dropsy,|it under control. 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 2, 1966 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) OPENING LEAD QUIZ Here is an opening lead prob- lem presented by. the 'British Sridse Warldta's solant ornue of international stars. You are South, East-West are oA ghana and the bidding has en: North tnd Pass 1 5@ 5y Die Your hand is: ; OK743 YA 310064 4A82 Which card would you lead The panel voted this way: 8 for the ace of hearts; 3 for the ace of clubs; 2 for the three of spades; 1 for the jack of dia- monds, Alan Hiron, conductor of the panel, commented: After this lively auction, is seems a fair idea to lead one of our aces in order to inspect dummy before deciding upon the best method of attack. Unfortunately, it is possible that this will be too late and our releasing the ace be a fatal move. If the setting trick must. come from a ruff in partner's hand, then either the ace of clubs or a small spade lead looks better than the ace of hearts. Other comments were: LE DENTU: Ace of hearts. I want to see the dummy. I hope 1 will not be wrong to be so curious! - ; CROWHURST: Ace of hearts. Curious bidding this; somebody is bidding largely on distribu. tion. The defense must be di- rected onto the right lines as soon as possible and the ace of hearts surely cannot damage any holding in partner's hand, FILARSKI: Three of spades, We may well be able to come to a ruff somewhere. My plan is to lead a spade and when in ;with the ace of hearts try the jace of clubs. Perhaps I will then be able to judge whether part- ner wants a spade ruff or an- other club. NUNES: Ace of clubs. My first. instinct was to lead the ace of hearts, but. why not the ace of clubs retaining trump control. If I do set up a club suit, there are unlikely to be any discards that matter while I've still got the ace of hearts, COLLINGS: Ace of clubs, This will. defeat the contract if partner has a singleton ot doubleton club, or even a single ton spade (I can switch at trick two). The ace of hearts would be a disastrous lead, giving up control. PS. W ad I double? SMART: Jack of diamonds, All passion spent, all sublety abandoned. For the record, the ace of hearts would have been disas- trous, for partner had a single- ton club. Why then was the ace of hearts disastrous? Well, he had a singleton heart as well. SALLY'S SALLIES ae oS --e A "I hope you like the new love seat, dear, I bought it to refresh your memory." rent attacks which damage the heart--the big peril in rheuma- tie fever. Dear Dr. Molner: The 1964 records were lost and we do not know whether my eight-year- old daughter had a measles shot. Is it dangerous to give a second one?--Mrs, J. G. No, and it's much better to play safe and be sure she is immunized. but they signify the same thing) --accumulation of fluids in tis: HOLDS WATER : , hee | One example is the patient sues of the body. : fi ' |with heart trouble. who is put As you doubtless know, the/on jow - salt diet. Salt (the) Note to Mrs. J.B.: Vitamins will have no effect in curbing nearsightedness. body is made up in large part) sodium in it) has an affinity for| of water, Blood is. water with al water, tending to hold it, You) complex variety of cells and! know how soggy salt can get in chemicals in it. Water is con-| humid weather! If we can keep Stantly in use by the body to)the amount of salt in the body collect and then discharge im-| at a low level, then less fluid is purities. Water keeps food in a/ retained in. the body. fluid state as it passes through) piuretics, or drugs to release the digestive tract. And so On| water from the body, also are When too much fluid accumu-) ysed, But: as you can see, each Oi ic ane pi tiny ody. case must be judged by itself. 5 sy e 5 . are many causes--heart dis- . dropsy hergatary? Ne, , ease, liver or kidney disease,| Cam you live a normal. life accumulation of fluid in the Fhe tease ode te phlei asaussese © ull lane suitable controlled, the answer SETTLE SLUGGISHLY is yes, but you must have your If the heart is weak, circula-| doctor find out what. is causing tion of the blood is not as brisk| the. trouble before any logical as it should be. Fluid tends to| and effective treatment can be settle sluggishly somewhere, | instituted. - often in the legs and ankles. Or impaired circulation from some| Dear Dr. Molner: You ad- cause other than a heart 'ail- ment may, of course, do the same thing. Edema of the liver. Certain lung condi- tions may cause fluid to accu- mulate there. And all these are merely samples. There are many more, Thus you can see that I can- not answer your questions very vised long-lasting penicillin to kelp rheumatic fever. I have bad artritis and wonder if it the abdomen is| Would help me since. arthritis quite common with cirrhosis of| 4nd rheumatic fever work along the same line --Mrs., M. M. No, because while rheumatic fever can inflame joints, it is the result of a bacterial -infec- tion. The cause of arthritis is not known, and penicillin won't elp. | The purpose of penicillin for specifically without knowing| rheumatic fever isn't primarily what is causing the dropsy in! to prevent joint pain, but recur- IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT LIFE INSURANCE v Why Not Call TOM FARQUHARSON SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada RESIDENCE; BUSINESS: 668-4371 725-4563