16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 2, 1966 ~ --- 20---Real Estate for Sale _|22--Lots for Sole _--«'26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |28--Room and Board HAVE THE HOUSE of your dreams built E : STUDIO APARTMENTS, also one and) Ri AND RD for one gentleman Zeca Bel tte tor Sole 20--Reol tet fot Sel ere enews; BUILDING LOTS | GRENFELL | t™» REGENT ARMS jfartag eee arte merece Immediate Occupancy bi rey : athrcom. Newly renovated. Private oy ROOM AND BK Teacher BRAND. HRW hee Se "al ny Whitby. 2 bedroom apartments close Yeancgs $°5 monthly, But must be quiet/preferred. E Benepe) me eu all 723-6572. Exon ree Bae tai ome tat : to Oshawa Shopping Centre, | !enants. Apply 1184 Cedar Stree, WHITBY, cenirai_ location, shared @c- x West Hill 2846813. F i FIVE-ROOM upstairs 5 s | commodation _ () P E N ni eI ee on, $50 FT. __ SQUARE MANOR Telephone 723-6455 [Bar coh miu bomen «om lating Sch oe. Mampi 25-4344. Don Stradeski, Realtor, 723-465).| ' Between 6:00 ond 9:30 p.m. wae EDROOM apartment fo sublet Sep| 37 $7 COLBORNE ST... room "ang 'Board CUTE BUNGALOW -- three bedroom! Seven excellent. lots left -- lmamediate 275 Wentworth St alco freadeon $125 month. Tele- Siena cane tame Cane Jo McMULLAN " , im ! rn [J S F [pil i ty Ba ney all a prime. residential district ak Oshawa NOW RENTING 7WO-SEDROOM Sat ik re Be " | | Apply ee . s ese" he Is leaving the city. inspect and ; . Child wel REAL ESTATE BROKER make. your, otter and. Wown ment,| _ between Whitby and Oshawa. Possession EAE Frat te ROSSLYNN AR MS verve Reena. Aner' 317 eanwll Tl Roar nae mate : Various 'frontages -- extra et |---| irking ime . a Ree pgp ee ; - = b bite Wentworth Monor, - | Houta 1096 Si oe North TH! 3 tag A oh comely deep lots. Ready for fall build- Features 1, 2 ona 3 vendenithy siviarae ser these A ARTM ENTS- = Madera ol ze, See, sas H Aon 863 Ritson tans tee 725 3557 Staff On Duty p nice' family yard. $3:500/ ing. Call Wilson Realtor 725- bedroom suites GAs Greedy ane around Bei pi duits. Apply 25 Grenfell Street, GARRARD GAD yaa a rd Q . Withi k~ tt VON, unfurnished 3 . : $13,900 -- FULL ite for this three:| 5625. Oshowa. Within easy wa evenson Rd, N, Seo, moony a apartntord:| quiet' toca lunches 'packed shi) works rom ing distance of stores and 7 rnb ers welcome, PROPERTY bedroom semi situated on Lupin Drive in hool 28-9724 South or tel INCOME \ Whitby. Very reasonable down payment. : schools, wi aedROOM -- repay $10 AND 18, weekly. Private and seml- Live in one épartment ---- | ] p.m. to 8 p.m. |Meat nS! Saree! | 12 Large ots e FREE RENT INCLUDES: @ FOR RENT @ __|inmedatey Pte, ae ste get Se ae rent the other. Centrally loc- ' 20 Ray Street. 2 miles from city, in attrac- : nnes Street, Whitby, eted Fully contained. Sub- ow i ew |i MILES NORTH oF Oshawa, beautifull 'tive area, Some treed lots. HEALTH CLUB # \Deapes Apts., Rooms, Room & Board | TWO ?bedroom apariments, $75 and $80 iow fered. oe ae ee stantial down payment re- Invest on ge aie modern four-bedroom country home, 10/ Paved street, Close by public : sens poi esr 9 ti Office Hours: Tus. to Fri, Rook Sate ae waaldtnennie 8 i quired. home, before Prices In- |acres, barn, immediate possession. Tele-| ~ school, new high school and . ue refrigerator 10: 30 om. r 7 " p.m. t02 5 die 0M AND BOARD availa Tosa ; rtgeges ot the [meer = -- al CHEAPER THAN RENT! on oe ite S sg gy ly Figs gh? s line eo ee @ SAUNA 'A few choice 2 end'3°Hed- LANDLORD: § "ASSOEIATIOn sane oa 'Avaliable: now. Apply icone. wh Whitby Blair Park | Ploza, 660. 2 bedroom bungalow close to 5 show, good' return of investment. room suites still available. ruce St. i aa schools ond South General | 614%. to show. | 900d renin Fitzgersis, | Phone 720-5579 STEAM ROOM Beats) Ofte i Hater ity Ui. resieomiel ies, tires moon AND BOARD for seniiomen, six: Motors. Carries for $90. i SSNS Or) 728-5103, WO. Marti ROME ee a ' and Mode! Suite WHITBY bath and natural fireplace. Available im- ee Ss packed. Telephone PLT. Asking $10,500. with ' hese . goss Sones, ONLY $14,000, asking for ti modern, hada ACRES PARKLIKE LAND, sco pa Open Daily mann tebtag only. "Telephene Bow: | eoomn AND" BOARD, "five a aay > 'or 7 jave many " rozm bungalow with car- on 75x200' u 3 : corr $2,000. down payment. ond iol. Don't miss it. Cali_now. W. Schatz-|derful acres, clear land and bushy with) | @ SWIMMING from 1 - 9 P.M. | and:2 bedroom apartments, | SMALL furnished apartment, Clean and | tanmes, Packed: Scotch home, near . including 3 and 4 bedrooms, | e!. Don wide trout strea rontage 469 feet. all modern conveniences, | cozy, site Wworkiog mathe, oo fs Pree peruing 3 or pand Boy ot Centre, BUILDING LOT attached single and double mann, 14 ples Breet Hore Whitby. é Close fo Oshawa," As for ree Hhatcates POOL TELEPHONE swimming pool elevator available in same 8 ONY. ere arag : : fin 3 gan . 5 eg ae ' Telephone 728-0797. ' . K EAST-- Room and $1,200. N.H.A. opproved. Brive East on Adelaide Osh- eur. AWAY Mag y sum by Z[enting, rat punter eit ha 723-8701 en pom A ett og THREE ROOM apariment for rent, Tele-|ea, 'Close "e ingle bh unces pace $1,500. DOWN awa, and North on Central {fq /"rsiephone 721472 and put one Yo/ Cost "and area, only. 5 minutes on 01 sg bse phone 723-9921 or apply 202 Clark. Street. |726-2408, mer 3 bedroom storey and half Park Blvd. to the Olive Howe [work for you. | OT eae noiee NTA and VUA| @ "FREE HYDRO ; i aoe aos Ga ea eta Smnotel suites 10. shares [Hames ROOM Good meals, lunches pee y Ul a a el a Fick with rec' toom, ae Real Estate Signs. 20a--Summer "Properties financing: of vallable. Cell Newcasile Pett tag apartment, duplex, $25. Parking. Telephone 666-5201, Writby. tole for gentiemen" ply ad Cente 'i j | e a le 4 intown w. i malted tek North weet eee roe for | Don't buy until you have For Sale or Rent _| "ome 787-4265. Westview Heighis, New-/ @ OSHAWA'S LARGEST PRINCESS head, $110, moti, 'Avalole immed. BOWMANVILLE -- Fuaised apariment Aven prone Tbe Ps hed inspected THESE homes. ONE J0-acre lot, north-east, 7th conces- SulteS pA ck ad A hn ____|diately. Adults only. Telephone 625991, bonnes ha oy ll ¥e ; IGEON nhc es tel et deca @ FRENCH PROVINCIAL ANNE MICE, CLEAN, nari ed three. |ai7 BYRON STREET NORTH, Whilby.|'iome privileges," Simcoe "Street. North, SHOPPING CENTRE P near F ENS Pr UB ath ia cet a! gh * | Elveeroom apartment with bath. Available| Telephone after 6 p.m. --, Large 3 bedroom brick bung 23--Real Estate Wanted whet APARTMENTS mediately, Telephone Fase "| dune 1. ROOM AND BOARD for two a9 wy : 3-- preferably teachers." 'single dlow. Storms ond screens, 4 PETERBORO é @ INDOOR PARKING $75. INCLUDING: WERT, svar 27--Rooms for Rent rooms, central, parking, good heme. for pe bath with vanity. Custom : e AVAILABL | INDOOR Larne hb pAateas Useur gutted ie haa: -----------|right parties. Telenhone 728-9980 after 5. built cupboards. Call now and h | t Sell-ective @ OUTDOOR GUEST HEATED ernized farmhouse; five-piece bath, big| ATTRACTIVELY ROOM AND BOARD for two young make ofr Cottage with Lo seh YEAR Siesta" Shug Wvrateste!| FURNISHED ROOM -- [zee tee uate. tenes Teer in $3,500. DOWN REAL ESTATE LTD. and ROUND ould like garden enthusiast as tennants.| Available in private home, close to north GM. Phane Taemise, ne to 1 mortgage. Lerge 7 room 515 Brock Street South. Sell Your Home Rental Information POOL |ctean, THREE-ROOM apariment, "ai Call between 5S and 7 p.m. |29__Weanted to Rent ily duplexed. Cen- contained, refrigerator, stove, parking, | home easily IP BROADLOOMED SUN. DECK [near south General Motors and Shoppin RD. N WANTED by Sept. 30, two family house trally concorgg Call now for on WHITBY ge fd WS ae fwo two-bedroom apartments. Phone appointment. 18' Balconies, 20'x18' com- Lakefield or phone 728-3582, tional. Genial glee Eb ed Two min-|Monthly. 728-5738 or after 5, 728-77 individuals. Private. 133 Oshawa Blvd. S. | kitchen privileges, Lady preferred, Park-| Steady employment. Telephone . 723-6373. modern, in Apply ' : ii ed rec' room. 4 pc. and 3 Olde English Decor Lobbies, | tinental beds. Suit three or four working | COMFORTABLE furnished foom _ with thru CALL Oshawa's ar. c gest apartment entre. Suit couple, Available now, Tele- building offers the best fea- NO aRoROeM a | 728- 8671 eae Gace a Re ae NEAR FRENCH SCHOOL 3 $50 DOWN GRIFFIN 723-5] 1] tures. Sauna Steam Bath, 6'x : in scuth co taal ean a on BRIGHTLY furnished board op-|Geod barn, Oshawa ares. Will pa a song an hg lied ng on 668- 385 Real Estate Ltd | bination Living and Dining |VAGANT, CENTRALLY iocated, iaroe, ecaesse" OOMOW" Whitby. Telephone THREE BEDROOM house -wanted by : | $47 Monthly : 380 - 385 GIBB ST. Rooms, 4 quick Elevators, 2 |clean furnished apariment, single. con courte Ovi IG Senos sfillgren. Ree. aed tee call Gow the "BOLAHOOD ~ PAYMENTS START 723-8144 NOW RENTING Bus stop at door. ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT. cavinnea| "2,,'eluded- Close to schools and. hos- won't last long. WYNBROOK Model Suite Furniture by '|with refrigerator, stove, drapes pre jpltal._Phone_7asary2: 30--Automobiles. for Sale BROTHERS LIMITED NOVEMBER 1966 Cherney's Furniture World, |cony. Electric heat and water included, | ROOMS FOR roid weekly 1 rates, "Apply BLOOR STREET IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! APARTMENTS Broadloom by Angus-Graydon, |e er eee een. ee. | RURNISHED "BEDROOM oTin- hihchos Li H $2,000.. down. Large well STORE, LOT 75'x200' surveyed with 97 Colborne: Street OPEN 2-9 P.M. DAILY Park Ra. $ apartment. Apply 310/Fonuer It desires Central, parking, IG QUALITY treed lot. Easily duplexed. PLUS APARTMENT family-sized cottage, 3 bed- Corner of Colborne Street and 1221 SIMCOE ST. N. BED. SITTING ROOM. kitchen ond quiet ome, no children, gentleman only. Immediate possession. Call $10,000. rooms, erected. $2,995. cash REAL ESTATE LTD Mary St. Only 2 minutes walk bath, fully furnished, separate entrance| ei =~ wogas "ang" Gourd ADDI iE oe re oe Port Perry. Store with 3 room or Budget Plan. $50 down, | 46 King West 728-7576 trom Mary Street and King 725- -9934 ater Spm: en ne vide otMlt nc " LOW PRICES NORTHEND opartment in main business $47 monthly, payment start | for A-C-T-I-O-N call Street. : --------------|FiVE-ROOM apartment. Close to bus, COMFORTABLE ROOM for gentleman ' ial. Va- Novemiber, 1966. Limiited i k i FEATURES: Telephone 728-1720 or apply 881 Myers st. |O"lY. Apply 323 Athol St. E 725-0536, Oi, 414 cathe Finished ae' niga Ss A gg , i hg Wop inti rt RENA'S before 8 p.m. EXTRA LARGE. pleasant, comfortable) '66 CHEVELLE MALIBU ini ' mbe d activities. 1. Apartment controlled en- with 1% baths Finished rec cant. Immediate possession. number. Year roun Tony Zakarow 725-4366 . Apa ce , G ; TWO-ROOM urnished room, suitable for business la- Progitical for retirement. Good Nick Siblock 725-5701 trance, 2. Electric heating. 3. gentleman, priate fpariove. Sut | dies, ideal location, close to downtown,| Convertible Lic. 810019, room, Walk-out basement Low down payment. One 4 with a patio. $500. Winter mortgage for balance. Call roads, open year round, Anthony Siblock 725-4362 Private balconies. 4, Refriger- session. Apply after 5 p.m., 233 Oshawa |Private entrance. Telephone 668-6207, | guto., radio, whitewalls, al- Works Bonus. 614% mort- Roy Yeo. Evenings 725-2217. Hydro, telephone, swimming, Jerry Coady 723-6356 ator and stove in each apart- Biva. | TWO OR THREE furnished rooms, sui!-| most new. A Beauty! rik excellent fishing,: water.:skle [errr ment. 5. Drapes in each ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartmonts. france," Telephone pe ad by eialoaad at only $2 695 : hunt t : Large suites, utilities included. Stove, | ; re ABERDEEN ST. ing, besting, aint tg $ Ms $ $ $ $ 5 : ir yore eee rarriperstor andl drapes iO" Nesauas |CL@ANS larger Weer "room" aolable fe ji 725 3557 (AT SIMCOE ST. N.) inter 3 iomes, farms urgent- and bedro i) . 1350 DUNDAS STREET EAST | Road-_ 723-8422. one or two gentlemen, free parking. Tele] '66 CHRYSLER 300 A real executive type 4 bed- JOY Fall, Winter, Spring. $ ly required for cash 7. Living room and bedroom THREE ROOM apartment, with stove and|Phone 668-3008, z room, 7 room stone and brick | Summer. $ buyers telephone pre-wired. 8. Inter | WHITBY BETWEEN WHITBY [sere Sia iain. Avelble| OME, CLEAN, BGO, two, genera. jor ea a : hy : : DON STRADESKI com in each apartment. 9. ept. Is! elephone Private entrance and bath. Parking fa- "woy power radio, ite- Courtesy, -- Service t sa i ensennes @ MEET @ Realtor Broadioom in halls, 10. Hard- AND OSHAWA JQNE AND TWO bedroom | apariments, Cites. Telepnene 728-1059 walls, 5-year warranty, Re- spa es i i é iV price $4,895. Selling ot natural fireplace and all in , t paninia ; 63 King W. 723-4651 wood and vinyl tile in apart 43 \tHR kitchen and bedreom. Gentiemen oniy,| vt P . 9 spotléss condition. Must be a -- 'a Shanes. $ $8: 9°) 23S ment. 11. Vanity in bath- TELEPHONE 668-4321 [THREE ROOM ceniraliy" peste ae parking space. Apply 313 French Street, $3,600 ank, only . - rooms. 12. Sliding patio |refrigerator, sfove, washing to share, twin seen. Asking $31,000. Call = Jock Apne, evenings 723- Highway 7 on the Peterboro [WANT Garrard' Read: 1a enmity ond doors. 13. Bachelor, 1 and 2 One heated apartment. parking, $85 monthly. 725-7279. =| ve kitchen privileges; also use of tele] '63 MAORRIS 1100 n FOUR ROOM apariment, newly decor-| Vision. Telephone 725-0247, to Lindsay Highway each doy North 5 mile radius. Reasonable. Tele- bedroom -- apartments. 14, ; : 3398. this week-end at 1 p.m. and [phone 725-2900, Elevator service to each floor. Available Oct. 1. ated, electric heating, refrigerator and|TWO furnished rooms bedroom a Lic, H86132. Travel econo- stove, downtown. 728-3546. \|kitchen, suit working couple mically, 101 Simcoe Street North 3 p.m. No appointment nec- 4. 15. Next door to North Gen- Working GH. ABBR WOE Pacttio: Aven REAL ESTATE LTD. Member O.D.R.E.B. essary. 2 --Stores, Offices, Storage eral Motors Plant and office. Parking, hot water, private nls 3p oe sparimei, (Bachelor) | ide docr. seid ace Aven, $695 __ 728-5123 STORE FOR RENT, central location, 600} 16. Mail service to each kitchen. Furnished, Y it eis: t o * . ont - Washer dryer. che urnis private entrance. NICE DOUBLE ROOM for two clean $1 7 f ae --OR square feet, suitable for any line of bus- apartment. aibiaepioes 2! al Very clean, near Eastdale Collegiate. Av-|well behaved steady-employed gentlemen. 61 BUICK LaSABRE liness, heated. 728-1901. 182 Simcoe Street * stove fridg. Bus at door. rian September st. Telephone 728-| Breakfast, lunches packed. No supper. MONTHLY DEN | Can be seen Monday to Fri- ~ | South Be Sure of. an Appointment. ' 074 Parking 81 Park Rd. South. Lic. 589193, 2-way power, Inspect these brand) day, day or evenings, by spec- |FOR YEAR-ROUND BOAT and trailer PHONE NOW Professional tenants Pan two Foom apartment, $20./COMPLETELY FURNISHED modern ba-| uto., whitewalls. Black and new homes now being Bowmanville 623- 3203, weekly, everything' included. Suitable for|chelor apartment, private entrance and sleek! ial appointment oniy. 7 au 7232-8771 or 723-2132 two workin bile S abd SE bbe - a 'erred. Gg people. Available | bath, inti erected on Waverly St. Sea ; for Rent Only bill you pay is your tele- si |thly. Telephone 723-5964. ons | Seat, 1 in Oshawa's east end, $70 mon- south of King, Excel- i TWO, 2-room apart hed, | lent value a only| RURNISHED HOUSE for, rent, living Saretad te id agg pate one crcl haa ta ker tee | |FURNISHED ROOM. Suit "one raentie '59 CHEVROLET IMPALA room, three rooms, kitchen, refirger- . r ee aos cmmetnn oe (ECT She, el elephone 9695, $14, he i a or Jator and stove, basement, oil furnace,| © ONE MONTH RENT FREE BRAND RAW buliding "now scenting. in S76" Harmony Road South. 2-door, hardtop, Lic. 89905, 5 dea See a ee Ae eee FOR We WO VERN LEASE MODERN West Hill 284-6813. | LARGE BASEMENT room with bedroom,| Good condition, Balance on N.H.A. two years. Other terms to be agreed. ----~|two piece bath, separate shower, stove, mortgage. Fully dec- 3-9 DAILY | S$ AND | ROTO! Cr MIAME Oe 728 0h 8s ne -- --| SUBLET, one 'Bedroom apartment sie refrigerator, washing facilities. Suit bus- $595 sated: Lorecaned. INCLUDING HOMES A | THREE-BEDROOM house. Centrally io-| A TME T Per month, hydro. included. Telephone iness_ man or woman. 324 Cadillac $.| | BaaBMAA ¢on be OF. COTTAGES LTD. eee is FURNISHED 728-7722 SINGLE OR DOUBLE roti kit} '54 CADILLAC j | SIX. Use, sil conveniences, THREE-ROOM apartment available now |chen_ facilities. Telephone UPE-DE- ranged in 6 weeks. 3] WEEKEND COBOU RG, ONT. | 2vailabie immediately, Apply 262 Conant i THRICE ROOM. BRSTITIT AVRINN ne ee re ro arbre ; ic. ¢ adio, ful bedrooms. The designs | Street. ia Nest, fri ' o | ig. and stove, heat, hydro, TVjable for one or two girls. Tepe are refreshingly dif-| Split level bungalows with 94 | BANKER RECENTLY transferred to city APARTM NTS antenna, parking for $95. Telephone 723-| 728-7860 after 4 p.m. power. Sharp! Must be seen ferent. Call 728-| attached garages. Electrie one 94 requires three-bedrcom home, near pub 525. LARGE FURNISHED housekeeping 7 fi hool. Excellent _referen: Tele housekeeping room| to be oppreciated 56 heat. - SHE oc ig gle bp ag aa FOR KING STREET WEST, 630 -- Three-room|on Greta Street. Refrigerator, washing z dT BS Li 321 Marland Ave. apartment, stove and frig, available now. | facilities, Suitable for one or two, $10 55 Quiet adult couple. Apply above address. | weekly, 723-7800. CHEVROLET | | e ungalow for ren' fi OLIVE AVENUE EAST ~ OPEN HOUSE jew eee aetee Seat RENT PHONE 728-6722 TWO-BEDROOM apartment, sub-lefting, BLOOR STREET WEST, 208 -- Furnish-| 2 TON PICK-UP Wanna buy on a real) of HARMONY ROAD |FIVE- OR ~$1X-ROOM brick "home, inj hot water, lights, heat supplied, $145.!ed rooms with kitchen, refrigerator and i central location, $100. monthly. Adults! or 723-1401 monthly. Telephone 668-2389 for any 'ur-|stove. Bus at door, near General Motors.| Lic. Y31539. Reconditioned ? } pg hae ge | 'This weekend at Emerold Isle |Preferred. Write Box 41315, Oshawa AT ther particulars. Telephone 728-9940. motor and body, t ype i Buckhorn Lake only 60 ies ~-- ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments|TWO ROOM unfurnished apartment. 395 mortgage. Immediate on Bucknor Y A 7 ROOM split-level_with attached gar available immediately, stove refrigerat- Adults only. Private. washroom and $ 0. | possession as the} miles from Oshowa, 14 miles age. Close to schools. Prestige area One and two bedroom. Now or, drapes, intercom, elevator, lockers| shower. Telephone 725-791 sa home is empty. * | from Peterborough. Emerald Pi lptsc Pena Tee Douglas J. M. Bullied | ren e available. Broadioom corri- | ee EY ae eee ees ee SY FURNISHED single bedroom for gentie- Try Our Fina "vital | i ioe , - man. Very private. 74 Oshawa Blvd. $. Products and Service' tached bungalow. Isle is on ideol retirement } --_-- | dors. Stove, Refrigerator. 2 THREE BEDROOM home, kitchen, liv-| Ta fess : | 728-0852, bedrooms. Portial Ree| home. location. This weekend room, bathroom. Apply 597 Crerar Drapes. F.M. Controlled en- |+wo AND THREE bedroom apariments.| eaabe room, 2nd washroom REALTOR we are featuring a Medallion, TAvenoe or telephone 728-9318 after 7 p.m. | Uare trance. Elevator, Intercom. /s120 and $140. Refrigerator and stove on i on B . + iuded. Telephone 725-5085 after 5 p.m. arately to gentlemen, Lunches packed. in basement. New fur- 728-51 or all electric, brick bungalow, |MODERN brick bungalow. Newly dec Balconies and Laundry facili- _ | inclu leptons hed r Phone 725-6070, ; ac ne otors i ties on each floor. Free Hydro, TWO LARGE rooms on main floor. | EURNISHED BEDROOM, Suitable for ace. Lon 6 city loth 3 large bedrooms, kitchen |orated hardwood and tile floors, oil heat 9 y 9 'age, nice backyard. $135 monthly. | vate entrance. Stove and mpiarer | te lie gentiema Very central, 69 weekly. : Gar full price | with dining area, large front | phone 725.2539. | . cluded, Available now. Phone 725-6778.| 90° 9c! E cade | 1180 Simcoe N. $13,9 Coll 728- 1656. to back living room, patio |tweLve.ROOM brick bungalow, large || | | and 2 bedroom suites in |FIVE ROOM unfurnished apartment. Pri- |euahigieo-- Coe ee doors leading to sun deck with | tiving room, recreation room, four bed-|| | Oshawa's finest apartment vate entrance and bathroom. Central.!'itchen privileges, laundry ~ facilities, $2,500 wide view over the Lake. rooms, two basements, attached garage, | buildings. Immediate occu- |Available September 5. Two children} * i " SY 9 sittingroom with television, close to $8,000 to $10,000 down payment. Only welocme. Apply 417 Byron Street North, hospital d Tel DOWN Priced at $17,235.00. Di- | principals. 726-5264 pancy. | Whitby, fee phoapiial ann ele- Dp ' tions. from. Bridgenorth. SS we | : sad sa ATION AED SCRA Brand new 3 bedroom Real Estate Ltd: rections .... EHREE BEOROOM bunaalow, all _mod- ONE BEDROOM and kitchen, stove and aadieniouie. tinecadiatel Ontario; cross Chemong Lake [ern conveniences, for rent. Owner Wishes) APARTMENTS refrigerator, unfurnished. Telephone 728-|34 BROCK St. EAST --. Furnished room MORE CASH Ingalows. sd | r d fol room. and board and small remunera-| l ad 0042 cr' after 6, 728-3524. ; } ai 06 possession. Located in 728 7576 Causeway and follow signs to : i Call é Motors and hospital. Abstainers pre paid for "Good °Clean=-Gars; ; as tion, Write Box 42479, Oshawa Times. ; ; : the East End. Oil] Emerald Isle. For odvonte ap- | ae jodern bungalow fell S A; limmitedaiinber Of card: (rer tne Mei reNaie' Oe eeeee eee Trade up or down. Liens paid ie , | in new modern bungalow. r imi - room basement apartment, private en-| gingLe, i eds 4 heat. Full price) xia RESALE: Procticolly pointment to inspect call H. |three. bedrooms, $125. monthly. Electric| Grenfell Square fully planned one and two |trance, centrally located, ' suitable for! tymiched, bedsitting room tor lear cieee| CODD MOTOR SALES $17,000. Bal | ; a McGrath, K. Fairbairn or B. heat, No. 5 Highway, 28 miles from Osh- Rental Office : x working couple or two girls. 728-6036 after lalance On! ~ Woy with a 64% mortgage Hack Bites h 742 | was Ocolmaney. Ocieber "1; Call' Clare bedroom suites now available relat to schools, hospital and buses. Telephone 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 6%4% _N.H.A. mort-| 5 bi f h 3 Soe ee ~ |MeCullough, 723-7843, W. Frank Real for immediate occupancy or Tae i4 723-9421 goge Coll 728-1656,| ig ee uungalow ie cor | 4234 Estate. 723-51 ] ] fetbubtion de muD ROEM apartment, ps FURNISHED "bedsilting room, Kilchen BB a. dB Sa: Samat + t-in stove and oven -- aay SORE P . rance, newly decorated, for qui le " POs: Dense ¢ ; COTTAGE FOR SALE -- Buill on a three- TWO-BEDROOM house for rent. immedi Apply 195 Albert St Stet Ganneeie hue ca ee C h So LLOYD j is : abe kitchen asking acre istand, running water, fireplace, alll ate, Apply 549 Ritson Road South. 728281 380 - 385 GIBB ST FEATURING | ONE-BEDROOM apartment, in new build Sehaets eas Athol Eat Paieoel: Oak MORLEY STALIER } vendor leaving city | accessories; drive right to door, good! " ' HY " y rir trout fishing; 12 miles east of Sundridge. The utmost in modern living |ing, refrigerator, stove and drapes sup-| awa zs < i al and will consider your offer, |w. Nn. Kent, Sundridge, or telephone 384- 26--Apartments for Rent at moderate rental rates. | plied, swimming pool. No damage deposil. FURNISHED double room, suit two MOTOR SALES 5 | 723-4918 after 6 p.m. |gentlemen, TV, kitchen to share. 162 137 KING STREET W. call us for inspection, | $555. | C: | HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES for rent, on SH ELDIAN OVERLOOKING GREEN PARK |ONE-, AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments, | Oshawa Bivd. N. Telephone 725-9280. e a : modern building, good location, all utilities| ROOM and breakfast for wo | gentlemen furnished rooms to rent sep- LOW DOWN PAYMENT: We | Sturgeon Lake, for Labor Day weekend, Presentin L OSHAWA } , ocated on South Side have several, call us for infor- reasonable. Telephone 623- 2262. bd 119 Nonquon Road supplied. Please telephone 728-5282. _|to share in clean home. TV privileges. 723-6322--723-8311 mation re: price and location. |TWO-ACRE ISLAND with cottage, sandy MANSIONS LARGE, one bedroom apariment, "nice | Telephone 728-6747 after 5:30 p.m. On the Spot Financing REAL ESTATE LTD. |beach, Balsam Lake, Telephone 728-5482, Available for viewing any- Hitagy Or ce Tn ve FURNISHED bedroom, central, gentie- ing St. CLARKE ST: 2 storey home in |HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, electric,| 885 OXFORD STREET time. Please call 728-5282 hadley lt A i de |man only, parking space for car. Tele- ' ; 3 ; ase call , {phone 728-4257. phone 728-8644 DOWN--$30 MO excellent scondition, new fur, |iside facilites, ishing, king and swim LA tio 728-1582, 725-7981. [Fine ROD TasenmeT aT IORaI | > EARLY POSSESSION nace, paved drive, garage, Cott anes, RR 3, Sigh ort Within Walking Distance aR Le {an stove, hot and cold water. May be Teor: wih rar eeretae ys ens sloant, 57-61 models $23,500. 2 year old brick fiberglas covered back porch STONEY LAKE -- Beautiful, sandy beach| South General Motors [September 20. Street. Available | unfurnished, suitable fer gentleman. Call your choice ! nape egg anached gar. near schools, shopping ond ke 134 rat 320' deep, private road. | CONTESSA aackitia en Aas ee saa acaiafd [eae ; - : BILL BENNETT ey ay ; el rep) one 6: 02 | : for rent. Private entrance, cook- SS ane ye ' .. transportation before buying, | @ No damage. deposit CAVALIER apartment. Telephone 723-8387. ing end parkleg. feciiiiies.: 119 Brock MOTORS | } ! | ----- | see this. one 121 Fe | ired East. I t | Rae. o - _ arms for Sale | require ONE-BEDROOM apartment, refrigerator | 4B4 King W. ion teen ol hai | Open for inspection. Electri- and stove included. Apply 108 Frederick / HOUSEKEEPING room completely fur- | if | | | -- Gully, hanied. bungalows Stone Farmho A distinct tment Swimming Pool VISCOUNT |ONE-9EDROOM primer ea Pawlidten cers in culate Mh A f istinctive opartmer FURNISHED t hi Ch DOWNSVIEW PARK Olive Ave. East of Harmony | use aan ; vilding to sublet,. $115. menthly. Avail-|to North ye hie rakt in, brond new Road. Daily 3-9 p.m. includ- | perfect for Seas wo bathrooms in Wile OulObEr I; Valenone Taser atter vARGE "eon aoon Saraished © A.M. @ ; onc : at ished, i i Deine, ogee emrenenn, oil ing a and holiday | all 2 bedroom suites DIPLOMAT eALli ; pr |Sull_ one or two gentlemen, centrally! "Your RAMBLER Dealer" eat, fully decoroted, gar- naay | | Retirement or THREE-ROOM upstairs apartment. located, paved parking. 668-6039, Whitby, vtech ms. Caper, 64% mort- |pRiVATE SALE -- immediate posses.| c t FEATURING Free Parking He ee, re edlate, pomeion, LIGHT HOUEKEEPING room, turnisn-| NICOLS Motors Limited gages $500. winter. works sion, south-east section, three-bedroom | ommuter ; Immediate One and two bedroom apart- | Telephone 725-3947 or 180 Alma Street. {ed close to hospital and downtown. On Highway No. 2 menus: Gall now. jana M. Cem eat schetie ane Cael 95:ACRES --70 \ prestiga tse: Beery Free Hydro ments, Stove, refrigerator, | FHREE-BEDROOM apartment. Telephone -<o meee Just West of Thickson Rd. in 96 lose to all schools and bus. oe acres clear- suites Electric » Heating. drapes, broadloom corridors, 773-6912. LIGHT ~ HOUSEKEPPING room, close! Whitby 668-3331 984 , $2,300 DOWN ee ag , xi barns, buildings Pay mo- | Individual room heat con- FM Music and Inter intercom, FM, Immediate oc- | REASONABLE RENT to lady teachers, sion duane a same bt 128) Brand new 1,525 square ft. | Nonquon Road; eight By in| renbihcrd 'dibse oad {c , trol, "Pressurized corridors, Com. cupancy y furnlitind sesriinent, DAtKing. "OGNSEK:) Custer mii In BURGE Two 1988 BUICK Special, white, 2-door hard- of living area, large 2 storey | basement), very clean, nicely shaded tot, rontages, | mile from 401, | Free Hydro and parking. tb tld > entiemen cr married ccuple, Close to|top, fully automatic, low mileage, ex- semi-detached homes, elec- /65 froutage | by ng fest. 3. J. van} Newtonville area. 20 'miles Recreation room with kit- @ Modal suite furnished by Apt. 111 ONE bedroom "aparinueni' in" aodera boii: |SROPPIND. Centre, etc. Telephone 726-1439, | oon condition. $525. Telephsne 72% nm, Realtor 723-4471 ror ¢ i a -bedro! apartment in modern build turd, tric heated, $500. Winter wictind from Oshawa. Shode trees chen facilities. Swimming Wilson's Furniture Store 340 Marland ing, bullt-in' stove, refrigerator; broad. after 5 p.m. Saturday 'a DEE ada <b ral ics works bonus. What more |SLIDDON AVENUE -- seven-room brick,| Buildings all in excellent con- pool. Sauna bath. Mail de loom, drapes, Everything included. Free|TWO SINGLE rooms, gentlemen pre-|1962 "PONTIAC Laurentian, 2-door hard- could you ask for? |1% storey home with private drive and dition, Owner has other in- | : Closed washing, drying, $99, Available Sept. §.|ferred. Central to industries in Port|top, 6 cylinder automatic, good clean ' |garene, (Good fer income home, it i ratte sy ivery Peves sores Nes MODEL SUITE OPEN 728- 4283 728-3094. Whitby. Telephone 668-4894, or after 6) car, best offer. Telephone Hampton 263- 'wo klichens, home in good condition. eres) y. circuit T.V. controlied en- em ---- jP.m., call 668-8440 , 12 ACRES Full asking wRo : Le EE | nose I Si | price only $15,400. Sibb: OKLIN three-room Upstairs, pri- | Real Estate Lid, 46 Xone Sireea" Weer | trance for your protection. 1-9 P.M, |e tnivatce, Telephone' 686-3654 |ROOM for rent, central, fwo single beds, |'62 OLDSMOBILE jwo-door hardto ®, # good land, K 9 ; of a land, King Street | 25 7576 6 @) Large dining area in all Smoll modern four room ---|girls preferred, kitchen privileges, Tele- po ibatlah tg Power brakes and radi East, in the city of Oshawa u iy = ' 728-7942 ' TWO-BEDROOM apartment, good loca-|phone 723-6365 Phone 723-4933. 7 : kitch Convenient t bas i eas ae ould ke hal aa | MAPLE" GROVE -- jus! listed, five-year cnens vel 9 asement apartment in tri tion, drapes, washing facilities and refrig-| Fie wiewem nousek 1960 "FOUR: DOOR Chevrolet a woulg make a g subdivi- lola bungalow on '2 acre. Asking $9,500 CALL shopping and churches. plex. Close to hospital and erator. Available now. Telephone after % FURNIS jousekeeping room, stove vrolel, new s m ut tic, + s§ i sion, services bordering this with low down payment. Balance $80 Transportetion ot « door, : I 6. Mcnorth plant $75 manthe and refrigerator, central. Apply 204 Drew moior, oma' recent paint, radion p.m., 728-502 Stree free of rust, $750. 725-3744. land. Buy now as land is |month. Call Helen Braybrook, 623-7065 or 2 Tid ONE SOURS | 623-3341. P. E. Gravelle Broker CLARE McCULLOUGH Landscaping architecturally | ly includes built in kitchen, ALM 3 pedroom apariments with! simGLe™ private, furnished rooms ciose|"4? CHEVROLET, 327 block, heads, men: " io south General Motors, gentieman|ifolds, cam, six pistons, water pump, oll jetting scarce in th t - 63 ? a ity |ONLY $12,900! with » low down payment | designed. Beautiful ceiling stove, refrigerator, automatic entrances, elevator service, swimming| br hans utee Telaplicne PaceaT? OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE | for this immaculate 1¥2-storey home o-| W. FRANK to flosr drapes. washer and dryer, garage. |pool, fenced-in playground, 822 Glen|only. $7 @ week. Call 728-8353, pump, etc. Telephone 728- og oe off Simcoe Street North, be REAL ESTATE LTD: Separate entrance, Ideal for Street or call 723-2347. 2 ROOMS to be rented separately in 5 iy tet Marauder, A A-T_ condi- . low Rossland Road. Large living room f : 2 ES oer , ape bungalow. Tenants to share first floor;|tion, $: elephone 623-5997. Dial 728-4678 with new broadioom, new bathroom with |--------- D and young couple. No children, |THREE ROOM unfurnished |single gentlemen preferred. Apply 5161 i, ADULTS ONLY ; ai taonibly. Leche 8 Ads. Omewa 4 FORD Faicon Futur vanity. You won't find a home better | Available Oct. 1. 725-8880 |Wilson Rd. S. after 5 p.m. cared for than this one. A real gem! Cail Bivd. South. Apply at address. bb ed hardtop $1,795. Telephone 942- John Osborne 728-5836 [George Twaites at 723-1133 or 723-2008 For | ofter 4:30 p.m. __--___| ONE- AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments. [COMPLETELY turalaned Bedroom "and}3607. aero aan Jack Hogon 728-1554 {after hours. Carl B. Olsen, Realtor | RESULTS Rental Information A D T JOB SWITCHES Pe cir Partai Saat decorated. $100. Joutlet. 'Also furnished housekeeping room, 1956 CHEVROLET. Better il a Joe Maga 725-919} | 815900. -- EXCELLENT VALUE in this TIMES | READ AND USE THE The average man vetween 20 and 24 ~ ; |suitable_ for gentleman. Apply 237 Athol! appreciated. $150, Telephone 655-3202. Bob Johnston 725-9365 |immaculate two-bedroom bungalow with ) 725-1481 | can expect to switch lobs six or seven|TWO BEDROOM apartment fer rent.| Street East, 725-0803 " Siac tenes dining rcom, also eating area in modern Cl ssif d ltimes. In-many cases the change will be Apply 291 Marland, apartment 104 or THREE? laa ag wer CASH BARGAIN private 1956 Plymouth Eldon Kerr 723-9178 bright kitchen; recreation room 27' x 13 ACTION ADS |to a totally new. career. telephone 728-9094 Hao Vedios eictabrea Apehy room iteon [sedan. Excellent motor, tires. radio, ap iin bars Garage and - paved S | And the place to look for the best jobs|MARY STREET S31, complelely fur-|Rd. N. affer 5 p.m. pearance. Musi be sold, 387 Kingsdale MEMBER O.D.R.E.B. | "0 pears . Professional This} | 140 NONQUON .RD, | is the 'Help Wanted" column in The|nished, twin bed apartment, ait n- be de Ave. before 9 p.m. RNS | possess lon. Call' Mar erat Hallo Scho | 723-3492 | Times' Classified Section. Whether you're|veniences, television, abstainers, adults|SOMETHING DISAPPEAR? Place a lost|LIENS PAID OFF, We trade up, down. We list exclusive end MLS field-Aker Ltd. at Piss sc! "| unemployed or looking for a better job,jonly, parking facilities. Telephone 725-|ad in Classified to reach the finder. Dial Choose from over 60 cars. No down pay- check "Help Wanted" now! 5691, 723-3492 for an ad-writer now, ment, Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 728-7375,