NP a 18--Mele Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale Lansdowne) CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATORS Appliconts ore invited. from intermediote grade engineer- ing technicians with experi- DISTRIBUTOR REQUIRED NO SALES EXPERIENCE NECESSARY (We'll train you) NO INVESTMENT REQUIRED (We'll equip you) WE ARE an biggest of its kind i it of ji i -- no real com- petition WE OFFER unlimited market proven s plan complete training end a Company with @ future WE WANT two men for Osh- ewa, and Area who ere now in super- visory positions or self-employed ARE YOU 25 years old driv- international ing a cor interested - in moking $10,000 the first year not sotified with your present income or working conditions lf So -- send C. H. Phelps, Paymaster (Canada) Limited, 2171 Avenue Road, Toronto 12, Ontario for private and confidential interview. resume . to F26-127 ence in preengineer' esti- mating for municipa and jahway construction pro- jects. Some Gratiitig: aoriiy and knowledge of basic road design principles an osset but not essential. Applicants with junior level experience and ability to od- vance will be considered. Selary dependent on experi- ence. All usual fringe bene- fits. Reply in writing or phone for interview. Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Associates Ltd., eae Engineers, 519 Dundas Street East, Whitby, Ontario. 668-6821 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Electronic Manufacturer ree quires man to set up, main- toin and repair tools and fix- tures used © Mw production equipment. Prefer man with experience on milling machine, lathe, grinder, welding and air op- erated equipment. Permanent position, Hours 8 to 4:30. 5 day week. For appointment call Ajax 942-1540 CENTRALAB CANADA LTD. OFFICERS' MESS CREDIT MANAGER TRAINEE Local retail firm requires on aggressive young man to manage credit office. Prefer- red ege 22-35. Excellent op- portunity for advancement. Should have Grade 13 and office background. On the job at ins Monell, ie Pi pension plan, employee dis- counts, group insurance, holi- doys with poy. Al replies strietly Our staff is awore of this adver- confidential. tisement. Apply in writing to: Box 41533 SKILLED MACHINISTS WANTED We have operiings for ex- perienced operators: Turret Lathes Lathes Milling Machines Cylinder Grinders Bench Fitters Tool and Cutter Grinders Heot Treoter Excellent medical and hos- pitalization benefits avail- able. Excellent opportunity to earn top wages, skilled machinists $2.50 per hour ond up. Steady year round work in the pleasant sur- roundings of our industriol community with low rent housing available. Interested applicants capable of quality workmonship apply to: Employment Officer : BATA ENGINEERING __Batawa, Ontario _ WE ARE LOOKING for a young man between the ages of 19 and 21 who is in- terested in working towards a most rewarding future. The man we ore looking for will fill a position created by the promotion of people within our company. This person will be complete- ly trained in all phases of our business. The successful applicant must be interested in what he is going to be do- ing in five years time, as this opening offers unlimited op- portunity for the right young men A neat appearance and the ability to meet and deal with people ore of prime impor- tance. In your letter of application, please give your age, educo- tion, previous employers and a time most suitable to you for an interview. (Evening in- terviews can be arranged). Reply in writing to:-- BOX B. H, 194 OSHAWA TIMES STEWARD A vacany now exists for @ Chief Steward in the Officers' Mess; Ontario Regiment. This is an ideal job for a retired gentleman preferably with ermy experience. Hours: Mon. -- Fri. 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. evenings 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Contact: Major Wm. Clarke, 723-3889 after 4 p.m. of Officers' Mess, On- terio Regiment, 728-8321 after 8 p.m. Steinberg's Ltd. GROCERY CLERK Excellent opportunity for o bright mature young man, with some grocery experience, for our Ajax store. First class wages and com- pany benefits. in person to Appl STORE MANAGER, 190 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax! or to STORE MANAGER, __ King St. E., Oshawa ~ SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS Full time service station at- tendants required' to work in company operoted service sta- tions in the Oshawa area good starting. salary and full company benefits, excellent ohance for advancement, for ambitious person. Apply in person week days from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Ask for Mr, Shall- horn or Mr. Lytle. Apply 78 Bond Street West, Oshawa. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN We have an opening for one or two salesmen. We prefer someone with seliing experi- ence, but not on absolute necessity. Must be of good character and having an eagerness to learn the Real Estate Business. For confi- dential interview call: JOHN F. DE WITH Real Estate Ltd Bowmanville, 14 Frank Street Phone 623-3950 BUTCHER REQUIRED WITH SOME EXPERIENCE for a progressive independent store in town east of Oshawo. Young man 20 to 35 pref- erred. , TOP WAGES Apply BOX M-41303, OSHAWA TIMES ~ MANAGER TRAINEE Must be over 21. Excellent Opportunity for advancement with good starting salary and benefits. FOR INTERVIEW THE FACTORY WORK leading to sepecial- ized training in the manufeet- uring of corrugated contain- ers. Apply in person between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. 1170 Martin Grove Rd, Rexdale, Ont. C1. CONTAINERS Ltd. JANITOR Man required From 4 p.m, till 12 p.m. Daily, Apply MR. CAMPBELL GENOSHA HOTEL No phone calls BUSES & CARS have 100 ready-to-go! all western cities Ges Allowance AUTO DRIVEAWAY CO. 137 Yonge St.. 362-1391 We Toronto 1, Ont. COOK MUST BE EXPERIENCED | | | APPLY CHEF be ourteous, Apely Mintted Taxi, " King EXPERIENCED waiter v Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe wonderful opportuni ment is 15 to details, telephone 72: QUALIFI! clean permanent employ ant, aney L. and Toot Co, Lid, Ave. &,, manville or Sete Box 329, j manvili i \19---Mele and Female Help Wanted 'GENOSHA HOTEL (Fate ct Tine IME RIVERS WANTED. Must years or older. St. &. wanted. Appi 'Apply St. oN, LEARN THE ART of professional saies- {manship. | urge you to investigate this f ity. Your sole invest- 2 ners Bags For fullest 416: D Tool and Die Makers for jern plant. Top wages, lyr ta Bow- Bow. CARRIER BOYS and GIRLS required for GLOBE & MAIL PAPER ROUTES In all areas of Oshawa and Bowmanville. CALL 725-4473 | MIDDLE AGED 'couple. "No ¢ children for | caretaking in medium apart-! call | part-tim |ment be es 8 NOTICE TO ALL COMMISSION SALESMEN Rewarding busines need sin- cere sales personnel with en- thusiasm and interest to keep pace with increasing demand in real estate, Real drive o must. Full instruction and ex- pert guidance, Any selling ex- perience an asset. Limited number of openings. If you ore thinking of a move or ore not happy with your present income then contact the sales manager for a confid- ential interview at GUIDE REALTY LTD. 723-5281 Suaniiredie Food Market MEAT CUTTERS Full or Part Time GROCERY CLERKS Full or Port Time CASHIERS Port Time Ask for the floor maneaer. 114 DUNDAS ST. €. WHITBY TAXI DRIVERS Port or full time. Minimum age 25. MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 appointment | after 6 723-2563. | WANTED i | immediately "at Rainbow Res-| jtaurant, 163 Brock Street North, Whitby. | | good wages, experience necessary. Apply | jat Rainbow Restaurant. \20--Real Estate for Sale Southwood. Park AJAX Still Some Left At $1,600 DOWN | | if you qualify An Armstrong Homes Development | All homes detached ie i RANS-CANADA CREDIT | siding. Plus! Plus! Plus! CORPORATION LIMITED 728-4628 Experienced GET SPOT CASH WITH TIMES ACTION ADS | solory, Oil Burner Service Man Excellent opportunity, yood Write Box 42472, Oshowe Times clay brick, aluminum GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd, 942-3310 GET A JOB with work "wanted" ads in 13-3472 Classified, Dial now and have ba pd a help you phrase your |e> | | chen to please the discriminat-! GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 THORNTONS ROAD NORTH 1 @ Immaculate three bed- room bungalow on Thorntons Read North Good sized living room and fomily sized kitchen with double sink and ample cup- boards. Divided basement with semi-finished recreation room. Situated on a lorge lot 66 by 200 ft. Priced to sell at $16,- 900, Call now for further de- toils. LOW DOWN. PAYMENT ll @ To one N.H.A. mortgage. Four year old, six room brick bungalow for someone who would like to live close to all services and have monthly pay- ments of only $93.00 principal, interest and taxes, This home is in good condition throughout. WOULD YOU LIKE A NEW HOME ? WW ity in your present home? We do have the solution and sev-| eral models to choose from. We) will teke your present home in| trade with no red tape or woit-) ing for yours to sell, Call us to- day or come out to our office. TWO FAMILY HOME stairs and extra bathroom New furnace new wiring. Live downstairs and pay the mortgage from the up- stairs which rents for $80 per) month, Priced to sell at $11,- 900. COURTICE. AREA V @ This well maintained home hes two better than ay-! erage sized bedrooms, living room, dining room and a bright cheerful kitchen with ample cupboards, Bathroom on ground floor. Priced way below repro- duction cost ot $11,900. Call us now @s we ore proud to! show you this lovely home. IDEAL FOR A LARGE FAMILY @ on Cadillac Ave. South} services. vi close to all home is priced right with a reasonable down payment. Call to-night for full particulars. | CONVENIENT LOCATION | Vil @ Here's a home that is good solid value for your mon- ey, located on Cartier Ave. This home contains three bed- rooms, big living room, kitchen with lots of cupboards, and has extra bedrooms in the basement. Asking price only $18,500 for! this 3% year old beauty. | | BUILDER'S SPECIAL Vill @ 124 ft. frontage on} as $3,500 this builder's special. Close a . G.M_ South Plant, Zoned for B f ld duplex. Older house on the eacons 1e property con be rented until! ready to build. by DUPLEX Rob't. W. McEwan Ltd.| IX @ 2% storey home, con-) verted. into modern duplex.| Custom Builders of Fine Would have excellent return for the buyer looking for a good investment. For further porticu-| lars, call now. | OWNER TRANSFERRED X @ must sell three bedroom brick bungalow with attached geroge in North East oreo. All rooms spacious, living room has natural fireplace. Situated on good sized lot, easily accessible to schools, churches and shop appointment to inspect. Beaconsfield by Here at jost is @n outstand- ing residential community with all the fine features of today's most up to dote homes, plus the quiet, sedote atmosphere offered by our apple orchard setting. These fine homes are all designed on Old English, Colonial, Cape Cod and French Provin- cial lines which makes Bea- constieid @ pleasontly unique community. ey Public school -- 4-5 eB ec away @ High school -- 8-10 blocks, @ Shopping Centre 15 min. (walking) @ Churches in close proximity. @ Parks for children in immediate area. @ Do you have some equ-| | | | IV @ with extra kitchen up-} three piece! and) | This 4| bedroom home could be just| what you are looking for. This| Underground hydro, Paved roads. Curbs and sidewalks. Winding streets. Lots of trees. boulevards. Little traffic. 10 minutes from arena. about our homes Two piece bathroom off masiés bedroom, All homes are oil or electrically heated. Two piece washroom downstairs. Fireplaces. Beamed ceilings. Four bedrooms. Family room Large kitchen. All homes have attached garoges. All homes have plastered walls. All homes ore built of burned clay brick. Twin kitchen sinks. Shower door. Indirect lighting in main throom. Interiorsall de Use of interior decorator free. orated Old English, Colonicl, French Provincial, Swiss Designs. Bown payment as low Traditional Homes Turn Eost on St. Lawrence 2 blocks North of 401 in Whit- by. Open All Weekend to Sunset. @ Pauline Hobbs @ Audrey Moore @ Elspeth Hilts ping. Call this evening for on OLIVE HOWE GLENFOREST Xi @ Large, 3 bedroom bung alow with spacious kitchen and) living room, 3 piece tiled bath,! large well 'landscaped lot with! plenty of shade trees. Call for an inspection now. | NORTH WEST LOCAL Xi! @ We have just listed o lovely three bedroom brick| bungalow in a preferred areo pf the city. This spacious home| has many extros -- broadloom-| ed living room and halls, T.V tower, paved drive, large gar- age and well landscaped lot.) Coll us to-night for an appoint- ment. to inspect. ENGLISH STYLE XII] @ Complete indoor and} outdoor enjoyment for the whole/ family. Good substantial four| bedroom home with sycreation| room and nice lot on Highland | ideal family home with a kit-| ing housewife. Call now to see| it! | Coll 723-5281 for full porticulars. Open daily from | 9 am. to 9 p.m. | After Hours Call: 728-4923} Real...Estate_Ltd. 668-5853 668-8981 GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 155 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-8144 THIS IS IT AT 6%4% Act quickly for barggin pur- chase on this delightful split- level. Has a magic kitchen with built-in stove and oven, loads of cupboards and coun- ter space. Plus dining room with sliding doors to patio. Comes completely decorated in soft pastels. Act now! This is the last, priced ot only $19,200. Call Margaret Lee tonight. [BEAUTIFUL SOUTHWOOD) 64%4% N.H.A. RESALE Only 6 months new and min- utes to Toronto, We are proud to be able to show this lovely 3 bedroom split-level brick home with attached garage and professionally finished large recreation room. Rooms Gre spacious and tastefully decorated -- All this on an extra large completely sod- ged jot for only $20,500. For information call Thelma Bob Cooper | McMullen. Italo Bortolussi 723-6329 ' Jean Peacock 723-1121; WE wae oe SELL Jack Graham 723-5281 ash Leon Manitius 728-2754 | Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Steve Englert 728-5581 | _MEMBER OF O.D. R ic 8. El Ann Thompson 728-4731| Spgs ars Roy Flintoff 725-3454 For Evelyn Cassell 725-3710 Leonerd Bissell 725-2070 RESULTS Judi O'Donnell 725-6713 TIMES George Nymeyer 728-4241 Classified Lloyd Corson 723-2537| ACTION ADS Lucas Peacock 723-1121) Diek Young 723-7183] 723-3492 Rob't. W. McEwan Ltd. A QUIET SEDATE Storm ond sanitary sewers. Fully sodded lots including | 10 minutes from Oshawa, 25 minutes from Toronto, 20--Real Estate for Sale PRP yy een yey 20--Real Estate for Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 A Quarter Century ~ OF Service OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M, WILKINSON AVE, $1,500 DOWN Situated close to downtown -- six room, 2 store with taxes' only $175 per year. Coll for more details, AGNES ST. INCOME HOME older type home which has been duplexed and complete- ly re-modelled, showing @ good return. One bedroom apartments with separate kitchens, bathroom, etc. Try your down payment on this one GOLF STREET This large brick nine room home is Situated very close to General hospital. Has two complete bathrooms and hes been well kept in general, Asking only $17,700. FREDERICK ST. $16,200 Extra large brick home with large separate dining room and very spacious living room, completely modernized kitchen and bathroom. Don't delay on this one, call now. COURTICE AREA Dream home with plenty of privacy and most unusual floor plan. From the large airy hall, through 12 ft. slid- ing glass doors to a large covered patio with redwood siding; three spacious bed- rooms, broadioom, _ built-in stove and oven in kitchen, finished recreation room and many more extras. The large lot is completely hedged and fenced. This home must be seen, call to-night. BRAEMOR GARDENS Almost new 3 bedroom side split with attached garage in desirable North West loco- tion. All nicely landscaped pt decorated, Listed at $22- 0. ROSSLAND MANOR Very attractive 6 room bung- alow with attached garage in prestige Area, Three lovely bedrooms. Mony features' in- cluding @ recreation room with fireplace, 2 bathrooms and @ large kitchen. The floors throughout ore a wife's dream. This is a home we'll be proud te show you, coll for an appointment to in- spect. OPEN HOUSE in BEAU VALLEY DAILY 6:00 -- 9:00 P.M, SAT. and SUN. 2:00 -- 5:30 P.M. For full particulars call 65. Ed Drumm 725-9345 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Marg Hall 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 Mel Dale 623-5638 Bill Johnston 728-1066 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 Irwine Cruikshanks 728-5205 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S. MORTGAGES ARRANGED | 360 King St. West : Free, KEITH PETERS REALTY LIMITED 728-7328 103 King Street East Realtor $15,500 Rossland Road district, 3 bed- room brick home with wall to wall broadioom in the \liv- ing room, paved drive, nicely landscaped lot. See this lovely home tonight. $15,500 2 family home on Hortop St. large lot, Live rent free. HAMPTON Lots of room in this modern 6 room brick home with spac- ious living room and dining room, one bedroom and bath- room on main floor, 2 bed- rooms and bath on second floor, large nicely landscaped lot with garage and private drive, $18,500 Ranch bungalow with a double attached garage, about 5 years old situated on a lot 100 x 250 ft, With the large picture windows the view is terrific. CASH PRICE $8,500. Compact bungalow close to bus and shopping. BLACKSTOCK 9 room home in nice con- dition, small barn ond large lot List your home, farm or vacant lend with this office. easy, safe porking. Cordon Osborne REALTOR THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED CLIENTS OVER THE YEARS, WHY NOT YOU ? 2 LOCATIONS: 218 Dundas St. E., Whitby Dial 668-8826 48 Simcoe St., Dial 728-5157 NEAR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Two storey brick twin home with dining room, three bed- rooms and family size kit- chens. Clean decoration, mo- dest heating cost and low taxes. Neat fencing surrounds the play area of this 8 year old property, Monthly pay- ments only $88 including tax- es. Full price $14,500. 2 STOREY OLDER REDECORATED Whitby home with garage on close in street near shopping and schools. If you like the architecture of another day away from the crowded sub- division this may be worth looking at for $15,500, This 3 bedroom brick moy not last long, so act quickly. WHITBY HOME AND APARTMENT -- $17,500. Modern bungalow with income gives owner chance to pay for this home quicker, Why not investigate this 3 bed- room brick with recreation room and apartment, You will be pleasantly surprised with the clean decoration and be ready to move in. BAY RIDGES BEAUTY FOR HYDRO Employee, will not last long with 1288 square feet of liv- ing area in this solid brick split level home with 2 car carport, finished recreation room and lush green land- scaping. Extras galore here too with drapes, extra kit- chen cupboaids, TV tower ond antenna, aluminum -- storms and screens and others. Reasonable 634% interest on mortgage too! with asking price only $18,900. 5 ACRES AND HOME WHITBY TOWNSHIP On Cochrane Street just out- side Whitby Town limits. Clean decorated brick 2 bed- room home with land for fu- ture development. Present owner grows raspberries for profit on this land while he waits. Full price takes all for $35,000 with $15,000 down. MACKENZIE AVE., OSHAWA, NEAR" ADVENTIST CHURCH This immaculate 3 bedroom bungalow is just as nice in- side as outside with sharp, clean decoration and fine workmanship. A new owner will appreciate the thought- fulness of the present Amer- ican owner in planting trees for future shade and comfort. Finshed recreation' room gives thot extra living space for the entire family Why not drive by this neat pro- perty and make appointment to see. Owner transferred soys sell for $20,300. CABOT we OSHAWA $14,500, Eight year old 2 storey twin home in very clean condition with three large bedrooms, family size kitchen. Com- pletely fenced yard. Inspect this one and see what you _tan get for your good money. H-Keith LTD. REALTOR Photo M.L.S, POSSESSION TOMORROW Here is a real honest bargain situated in north residential Whitby area. Only $15,900 with small down payment buys this beautiful large 3 bedroom brick on largest lot close to schools. Call Doug Carmichael 723-7463, | SPLENDID BUY -- AJAX | Owner transferred and must sell this beautiful 5 room bungalow immediately. Lar- gest recreation room with bar. Close to shopping and schools. Only $12,000 with easy terms. Call Idso Wier- sma 728-5683. BRAEMOR GARDENS RESALE Owner leaving Oshawa and must part with this 6 room brick bungalow, many extras, Close to Separate school. A buy for cash. Doug Car- michael 723-7463. DAIRY FARM -- 150, ACRES Beautiful 10 room house, all conveniences. Large barns. Toronto milk contract. Poor health reason for selling. Easy terms to reliable buyer. Call Idso Wiersma 728- 5683 SCARED THE AXE MAY FALL ? Get peace of mind with this ten unit motel, nearly new, completely furnished, fabulous living quarters, com plete with 'service station and snack bar. Owner retiring with fabulous profits. Nome your own terms on this one. 723-7463 or 728- 5683. | DEALING IN SERVICES? An ad in the Business Service Directory brinus extra customers at moderate cost. [a fo place your ad, Telephone! Want- Ads Don' fT [HOW To GET IT: 1 you do not tind the | Cost- They Pay S. Oshawa | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 2, 1966 1§ 6--Marine Equipment 20--Real Estate for Sale OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE Cia be od od mY vir ewe 515 Brock St. South, WHITBY, ONTARIO x; 2 }a,D00, For this 7 year old brick bun- galow on a large lot 50 x 150. Home hos a lot of pos- sibilities. Low down payment, Call Pauline Hobbs at 668- 5853 or 668-8725. DONEVAN 3 bedroom bungalow with large panelled recreation room and bar. Panelled den. Nicely landscaped lot. For further information call Pau- line Hobbs 668-5853 or 668- 8725, BROOKLIN 3 bedroom bungalow on large fenced lot 75 x 110. Home in excellent condition, in- cludes storms and screens, storm doors, TV tower. (Ask- ing $17,500.00). For further information call and ask for Pauline Hobbs ot 668-5853 or 668-8725, 6 PLEX -- $57,500. 5 year old brick building in excellent condition. Includes stoves, friges, washer and dryer,, garbage disposal unit, balconies, terrazo floors in halls, drapes, large lot, paved driveways, and parking lot, and many other exciting fea- tures. Fully leased. For in- formation on income and ex- penses call and ask for Pau- line Hobbs at 668-5853 or 668-8725. Close to downtown Whitby, 2 storeys and 8 rooms, large living room with log burning fireplace, breakfast room with fireplace, one 4 pce. bath and one 3 pce. bath. This home could be used as a residence, duplex or offices. Nicely treed deep lot. Call to-day for inspections. Whitby 668-5853. This 6 room bungalow with attached garage features cop- per tile in kitchen ond mo- hogany cupboards, broadioom in living and dining room, beautifully - landscaped with fish pond and patio. This home must be seen. Call and 'ask for Audrey Moore, 668- 4088 or 668-5853. COZY BUNGALOW Just the right size for a re- tired couple, oil heating, gar- age, built on a nicely treed lot not too far from down- Ask. for Eleneth Hilts, 668-5853 or 668-5017, OSHAWA EXECUTIVE HOME Immaculate 3 bedroom ranch bungolow in a prestige North West location in Oshawa, This town | lovely home has a ravine set- ting, some of the features are two-way stone fireplace in a large living room, nicely fin- ished hollywood kitchen with built in stove and oven and refrigerator, A slate entrance hall, cathedral ceilings, ma- hogany panelling, attached garage, walkout basement and recreation room. Many other features not mentioned. Call for information and in- spection, Kathryn Armstrong, 723-1884 or 668- '5853. HYMAN | REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street West 728-6286 JUST LISTED Delightful 2 bedroom bung- alow complete with modern kitchen, dining -and__ living room and rec, room, located in best north end residential district. Very deep landscaped treed lot close to schools and bus for shopping, Priced ot only $13,900. to sell quickly as vendor has built another home. Call now for your appointment. EXCELLENCE PERSONIFIED 3 year old side split level with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, top quality broadloom --through- out, design-craft kitchen with built-in stove and oven. Professionally landscaped lot with patio and TV tower and controls. Owner transferred is reason for selling so act quickly on this excellent off- ering. Owner wants it sold very soon. Call now for de- toils 5 ROOM SPECIAL 3 bedroom brick bungalow all newly decorated on a nicely landscaped lot with all the desirable extras, Owners anxious as they have bought another home. Try $2,500. down and buy this gem to- day 2 ONLY 1% STOREYS Both value priced and well located homes must be sold quickly, Call now for all de- toils and-your appointment to inspect Open 9 am. -- 9 p.m. after-hours. call: Ken Hann 723-7963 Dick Barriage 725-6243 Glen MacKinnon 728-6750 Les Holl 728-5513 Frank Smith 723-3533 Bob Stevenson -- _728- 1903 CHARMING OLDER HOME IMMACULATE & LOVELY CENTRAL ONTARIO RALPH. SCHOFIELD SUPERVISOR REAL ESTATE DEPT, V.L.A.-- 2 ACRES -- AGLAN RAG! Full price $13,500. Immae- late bungalow with large liv- ing room, separate dining room and modern kitchen and both. 1,200 Spruce and Pine Trees. Set well back from highway with paved drive, Magnificient view over Osh- awa and Lake Ontario. NEAR HOSPITAL Full price $13,900. -- exe cellent buy -- exceptionally clean 1 storey older home in excellent condition --- sit- uated on beautifully landseap- ed lot with rock garden and apple tree in back yard -- large living room and dining room area -- bright spacious kitchen -- one extra large bedroom and one bedroom average size. This home must be seen to be appreciated -- act quickly. POTENTIAL PROFIT This duplexed: home in ex- cellent central Oshawa loca- tion on large lot will show a@ good return on investment and high potential for capital <r: Zoned R4 Asking $15,- WHITBY -- EAST END Asking $18,200. A beouti- fully built, spacious 3 bed- room buungalow on 'a large lot. 200 ft. deep. See this lovely home at once. Neor high school and public school, REALLY ATTRACTIVE 10 ACRE PARCEL Between Oshawa and Bow- manville, one mile north of Highway 2 west side of Pres- ton Road (10th line), 525 feet frontage. Nice knoll os attractive home site. Reptited- ly valuable deposits sand and gravel; Asking $8,000, with $2,000. down. Taxes under $9.00 per annum, THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OF CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST WILL HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL TRUST PHONE 723-5221 AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Tom Houston 668-4416 Charles Chaytor 668-2291 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Ralph Schofield 725-5067 JOHN F. DEWITH REAL ESTATE LTD. Bowmanville, 14 Frank Street 623-3950 BOWMANVILLE 5 Roomed, 10 year old bun- galow. Very clean with all modern conveniences. Ask- ing $13,500, Terms orrang- ed, BOWMANVILLE Well constructed and well kept 5 Roomed, brick bunga- low with all modern conveni- ences. Finished recrgation room, with extra plumbing in basement for shower, stool etc.' Aluminum storms and screens all around. Excellent location. Anxious to sell, OSHAWA, THICKSON, RD. Split -tevel; 8 -years~old-with double garage, finished re- creation room, Twindow win- dows all around, Many ex- tras, Only $3,000 down. NEW RANCH STYLE Brand new brick bungalow with attached double garage. 1381 feet living space. Broad- loom floor covering. Oil heat- ed with 4-pc. bath. On % Acre partly wooded lot. Priced to sell. ONLY $500, DOWN 5 Roomed home with 3-pc. bath and double garage Bewdley, Asking $8,000. | SOUTH OF PORT PERRY 5 Roomed, 12 year old bun- galow on 1% Acre lot. Oil heated with 4-pe bath. Low taxes. Asking $13,900. Terms. WHITBY, CENTRE ST. 5 Roomed brick bungalow. 7 Years eld, All modern con- veniences, Nice clean. Base- ment partly finished with bar, Asking $17,900. Terms. After hours please coll: 623-3614 623-3715 985-7264 623-7159 Donald Mountjoy Guy LeBlanc Thomas Donnelly Phyllis McRobbie Inger Jorgensen 987-4491 Lyle Mason 392-3964 Ross Davidson Bethany 30r2 item you want in the Want Ads, place a now, "Wanted" ad and get it! Dial sca | IT'S LATER THAN YOU. THINK ! Schoo! Starts Sept. 6, Call About One of Our Homes Today. We Have Listings In Most Any School Area. J. B. McMullan REALTOR 725-3557 -- 668-6201. ES ee URE a ao i ig