14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 2, 1966 a BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY fo, on Ne 167 King 'iret hon ere ae a "4 CA; E. tunow A. vate iD CO., Char- YALE, FRIEDLANDER ANI fi er re grass @ Complete landscap- Repoirs: --~, Alterations ing @ Fertilizers, 7 20 Additions -- Remodelling Weeds Repair fered Account For all your Construction Sinewe Heine ae ier rre | 61; TOWERS INCY'S ning. servic ery e. NS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" com, North, 7250097. mae AMES P6126 * SMITH'S TREE FARM AT OUR OWN. PLANT @ Cedars for Hedges SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK voscannemma Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Supplies {Surveyors MANN, Chartered Accoun-| f SPRING CLEAN-UP H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land ee aes Trustee, 17 Bond Street Residential @ Planting @ Sodding @ Cb eed 12 Elgin Street East. MOUNTAINS OF co, levee a Commercial bP Lal al pm nee Car, Sg commer soe ANE LOWLANDS OF popper de " ver, 'ommercia ' Financial Trade Bullé- Industrial | Marion and Kentucky Blue- {prints ft" ontarte WORTHERN SIBERIA SCRAPS- CHAIN LINK FENCING, highest quality your driveway paved by experts, 20 cents material and workmanship. Low prices, 723-8131 - 723-8132 years. GORDON R. DAY, re : mi i bett CAN ANE LOWEST Accountant, Suite le UALITY CARPENTRY @ Cut flowers and plonts We give you rv} er Aniaay rv ll ping Centre, 7255953. ERAL REPAIRS @ Manure (cow, sheep or horse) tower for Less Money ESS ie ALBERT HOSMAR, Aeceye| GEN L : A @ Rough lumber (cut to suit) LIGNT WW THEIR ¥ Fe Pag! Street, ah an 4 For all your ge improve- @ Posts and poles. OSHAWA rg V ENTIRE BODY SURFACES it prob , call us first. Ve 4 JOSEPH P.MANOAN, C," Solcar Call collect Newtonville 786-2283 é Money to loan. Office, 14¥ King Street 725-8576 cA kocslihelb SUPPLY LTD. YES. 4HE AMOEBA East, Oshawa, 728-8232. Then have o talk with our |FOR COMPLETE LANDSCAPING and 1 ONE-THAT HAS garden maintenance, residential and in- DE Aviad FACUAAY. Barristers customers, austrial. Expert work, reasonable rates. TAUNTON RI . E. BA LLB ATLANTIC PAVING ana concrete, Gei| Telephone 263-2934 or 726-6082. Gust East of Ritson) ARE OPEN AT THE REAR, $0 WATER MAY BE DRAINED FROM AHEM. THEIR PADDLERS MUST BE EXPERT BALANCERS. Gas Framer Sendhane. Inne 184 Weill sists ment By RJ, SCOTT 11--Pets and Livestock WATER FOR SAL' EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH 'FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12 &8--Articles for Sale 17--Female Help Wanted PUREORED 1 SECRETARY A ae a above aver- age hoy and shorthand is ired for the inator of "Baro 8 values! Barons' Home ornishings, 44 Simcoe S. vacuum REPAIRS, ail makes, hoses, brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213, pil del Vacuum Service, Main Street, ickeri rent U-Haul eae Kina te ast at wi CHESTERF: FIELD, 'end tables, lamps, bed room suite, sewing a pa chrome | est table and chairs, BS aad Nonquon e Sellers, 12---Articles Wanted GOOD USED FURNITURE. What have '6 Bond Street West, pond ou? aged Creek FURNITURE ra required for ¢ vate, 7 entire home ition, iso boat trailer. Pri- Mind Rental fe ra8 Ss Bas oo Canadian Vocational Train- ing (Program 5). Applicants with experience in filing re- cord keeping and prepara- tion of statements will be preferred, Minimum age 25. Apply in writing stating quali- $00 YSED furniture Wanted, eic. High- Prices. Call Poti Saacnelin' Furniture. 668-5481, experience and other relevant informotion Road, apartment MARCONI TV periect ee Hg $75 or Telephone 723-1634. 13--Articles For Rent to: W. G. FAWCETT, best offer. STANDARD TYPEWRITER, "$0; port- au by 10a $55; ttplion 4 Won Sager . mean 4 ches ib aie 8 sie easonabie. One year old. Neolnh eee: dition. Phone 723-90. egs. add typew! file cabinets, your choice, $2 wkly. No money down. New, used, rentals, serv- ice, trades, Bill Hamilton, Raglan, TYPEWRITERS for students, office mo- dels, portables, reconditioned, 1 yr. Guar. $39. File cabs, like new 4 dr. will not be undersold. Bill Hamilton Rag- < 5 sq. ft. All work guaranteed 3 723-0281. free estimates. 723-5377. NURSERY SOD. Now cutting. Choice 680| quality Kentucky Blue, Prompr gelivery on any emount. Phone after 6. 668-49 TREE TO TRIM? Cail Slim, or." cut or 725-4717. FRED R&. TONES. "an. Barrister and ly i fg Prd King Street ata Suite 307, esidence 725-0351 CARPENTRY -- New ano repairs, biock and cement work. Free estimates. 728-7 NEW PLASTERING and and factory, mechanical repairs to equip- stucco, TV TOWERS ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- 2662. HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME | HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED |2--Personal Removal of diac fuiolis hole |6é--Marine Equipment BOAT, motor and trailer. Telephone 728- 00: lan, WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator. working Condition, $35. Phone 728-741). HEINTZMAN piano, upright, good condi- tion, Telephone Port Perry, 985-2839 people? Oshawa Tennis quets, aes parking, | Good| WHEEL educing mi Aid Renta! Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear -Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Riston Rd. S. 725-3338 Co-Ordinator Canadion Vo- cational Training, R. S. Me- Laughlin Collegiate & Vo- cational institute, Oshawa _ Ontario, SWITCHBOARD ~ CHAIRS, card and vai tables, chur aisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2614, ENTERTAINING? Filly to one parties, weddings. Bar, 723-2140 evenings. jachines, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, 14--Busine s s Opportun es 40 hundred cup. for ban- kitchen, IRS, hospital beds, walkers, sick room supplies, 'ch OPERATOR Local company requires a full time switchboard operator. The woman we are seeking should have a neat opperance and personolity, pleasant 1e-FT. Low monthly payments in- clude text books and instruc- 'ete footings, floors and ad Mac- 'he| aye 68 654 Grierson Stri An average 300 million of 8,000) cy, dally newspapers are sold Sola Sarougheut tne HOLMES Paving, 723-5841, grade. _Telephone 668-3866. 0 rotors installed. Sales nos, world on sny given weekday. EAVESTROUGHING -- Murray Holli-| tions. P to achieve vt - Y Holli-| tions. Prepares you to achie vn tee Thee i eoaee. ei Lal Guaranteed work. Free estimates.| Ontario Diploma by means i's so aggeiel re the one place | /2*9404. of Provincial examination, ELECTRONICS people look To get your; NEW Monge aheide i and repairs, a ig Bhp Hawt fsubseriber-resders. at De we en: occ eel For FREE information--write, For Prompt Service Call 4717. American School, Dept. 8, Whitb 668-5679 REPAIRS, FINISH, rec rooms, painting. Box 784, Oshawa, Ontario | dre Telephone N ' ROOFING, THEE: all types of MO wwe eeeeers AGO oes levisi ios, CLASSIFIED RATES cement work, sidewalks, slabs, stoops. pil my pe vt on WORD ADS ahs s, $1.08; | Frank McCann, RR 3, Oshawa, 655-3061. PAGERS tcc ccc eee ssee ' service a She . ' Siiicnal' words, dvac. ach). 3 con-|EXPERT PAVING. Free Ine ib Baber Mad Be Peto secutive ,nsertions of 24 .88;| cludes grading and fill, two-y waran-| TUITION in High School subjects. A few so 1.V. ' * EXAMPLE: rf i ach tee. Eleven years In business. Terrano/lessons may set you right in your black and white T.V. Anten- Bis masonry. Gord" Maye Wily.) IN) SPARE TIME TELEVISION--RADIO |4--Motorcycles _ ea eerie eriten caste ot aeo| CURROAROE rade to order Ticon 24 HOUR SERVICE e ° | Big Jigs Motor Bike Center 765 ST. CLAIR WEST TORONTO LOW, LOW SUZUKI PRICES Brand. new 80 C.c. $349 with saddle bags and custom metal flake seot covers; no set up charge. NO DOWN PAYMENT Open 9 a.m.-9 p.m. free delivery PHONE 534-0252 Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa. First Pra cha it verser hg pei irge mortgages, No bonus. additional words na - > practi at popular and the- and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Charge -- 10 rer cent cnarge| COMPentry [Tuck Fol gurk Sirech Oshawa, Dist 725-|~ 306 Kitchener Avenue. Call if not paid wimin 8 days. Aj CARPENTRY, new and repairs. | 457 725-0500, 728-6879. All Method of Counting -- Less, than 4 jenn sad \Maiieens work guaranteed, words counts words z inl, figure, or sbaceaton Some gw |recretion-Teote and, stirs. Pree ea T.V. Rentals oar, sadth send mates. Telephone 725-7066. MO RIG Anr New. Sets penespen- Cartage | MUKIGAGE ALCAN $2.25 per insertion with 25 cents add-icarTAGE AND HAULAGE. Man and/ FURNITURE AND tional charge if not paid within 8 d8y3-|one-ton stake truck. Telephone 725-3334. | APPLIANCES s2sfor ira Vest 35 words and se,|Dentistry Moneys available for first 452 Simcoe S. Used scooters, hg pho] EAREFOOT, DR. JOHN Ma Dental] and second mortgages. Open 723-0011 MOTORCYCLE SALE trail bikes, bridge stone NSU Jawa, Hon- das Suzuki - . . $99. and up. SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED Member Ontario Mortgage Calcium Chloride LOST AND FOUN r Water Softening Salt ND 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION BIRTHS AND DEATHS Mix Canary Seed Brokers 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Budgie Seed 112. Simcoe St. N. -- 725-3568 |-- or 728-5103, W. ©. Martin, Real IN MEMORIAMS and Purina Dog Feeds |FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, saie| SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 |TWO-STOREY CARDS OF THANK: D Feed agreements purchased and sold. Hennick freclacs; warned, eleat Spm, DAY PREVIOUS Master Dog Feeds and _Hennick, Barristers,.21. King Street Fast T.V. Service staan ty Pht East, 723-7232. Purity Dog Meal CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ia SeeON teins oa FIRST AND SECOND morigages avail- DOMINION 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous: 3 col! Master Horse Meat abla: Wr debating Machen Ste Breck umns or larger -- aud Master Meat Stew Street North, Whitby 668-3338. TELEVISION three-bedroom home, CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled before pub- lication will be charged on day's invert: fon. Master Meat Loaf Purina Cat Chow Kitty Litter Rabbit Pellets Britannia Malt Extract 728-5154 9 a.m. COLOR T.V. OR BLACK AND WHITE All work guaranteed Optometrist _to 9 p.m. F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone 723-4191. Plumbing « and Heating in northwest location at secluded garden. Only se contact Walter Mittler, 728- For appointment: 726-517 mortgages, second mortgages T.V. TOWERS &*t HONDA SHOP CARD OF THANKS BIALEK, DR. E. P., banat Surgeon, and agreements for sale pur- o¥. Proof 199 King West, 728-4242 Fz oe aun asc, saationel charge | Ua eiem, See ee ag in "| chased. _ COLORED TV Open . Evenings piace Dressmokin, M. F. SWARTZ oF Dipek end white BSA 500 CC, completely rebuilt, $275. COMING EVENTS g Bhi 'Kins & Eek 24-Hour Service Harley - Davidson motor scooter, $175. $22 2 sorde and $e oath thereatier|DRESSMAKING-- "Sully, cons, aresses hive Onnee. ee a ae (Word Ads). Specialty. Mrs, Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. 723-4697 RAE'S RADIO & T.V. new, lust overhauled. Only 1,700 'miles. AUCTION SALE! "i Sie sina sist : all Ajax, 942-0973, anytime. SPER INCH PER INSERTION. |Gardening and Supplies FIRST ond SECOND TV SERVICE mie a nk a, oo twin, 20 MORTGAGE ( ORD ADS atc "This & That" -- All om PAY on Ever neat Back to school special $'Sim. DAY PREVIOUS -- City, Rural, Vacation -- 728-5286 | Brand new, $239. Used bikes, $149. Honda Shop, 199 King West. OSHAWA |$2000 MOVES You ~ into wot, ows ELECTRONICS line hime" t0, enjoy. the "beautiful patio, and Canadian trailer, ee, HUMPHREYS, BOVCHYR and WILLMAR, alll a i ll ee ARE BEST Marie Murduff will be in 12 FT. f Tibregiass boat, 7¥2 HP motor. | YOUTH BED combination" chest and Barristers, Solicitors, 36¥2 King Street/VOUR LOCAL chimney cleaner. Chim-| 728-0610 ' Oshawa, Sept. 12, 13 and'14. | Front controls, windeMeld,. padded seat.|wardrobe, white. Good condition. Tele- East, Oshawa; R. 1, QC; | Neys built, repaired, 923 linings installed, DARLINGTON GARDEN SERVICE -- WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! Phone Genosha Hotel on these _|$300. After 12 call phone 725-9313. G. §. chy, Qc, BA, ffl celroots repaired. Free estimates. 723-2997.|Free estimates. Phone 987-4754. Ever- ji 12 HP ELGIN aa a ow FREEZER -- fi-cu, fi. cheat type, & 75-1177; Resi Whitby: | FINISHING CARPENTER does kitch-/9Peens, Sods, patios, fencing. --__ T R | @) days for onpeitman. acd boat, power' manor, Glaciria puller|senatta, Phan Ose dass. pislloned ewes 726-4826; 725-5153, ys en cabinets, vanities, bar cabinets in|§op, FIELD AND NURSERY -- Free ¢ The Te Nhe ELECTROLYSIS and two bicycles, Apply 476 C SMITH-CORONA ible other first mortgage funds ava foams and trimmings. Tele-lestimates. Prompt delivery. 725-9325 or TELEVISION Avenue, Oshaws. Colom' coal * lephone PISOT9. wal GREER AND Katty, jarristers, Solici-|phone 723-1991, Joe Koazk. 723-9910. ee 723- 4641 USTARCRAFT" Grew Traveller boats| soon ree. tors, etc., te Street East. Dial ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles, Corner Bond and Division : ---- Evinrude motors. Open evenings and GRANDFATHER'S CLOCK -- quick sale! 723-2278. yas se hy has repairs, large and small jobs. L. and H./Instruction 728-5143 WOULD LIKE RIDE to Toronto, arriving weekends. Marine Storage and .Supply| $225. Phone Newtonville, 786-2925. Ge, 06 Terence V. BAY LLB, 725-|eefing_and Construction, | 725-6937. | a ae an Bhi pie ad ster 7 pm Streel.!itd., Breoklin, 655-3641. WRINGER WASHER, three years old, "TNBOARD - outboard electric. table top stove; large crib and Explorer, heavy duty tilt Full price $950. Telephone 728- GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY some experience helpful and typing obility a necessity. Good starting wage and usual company benefits apply. WRITE TO: mattress, porcelain basin and taps; win- ter maternity clothes, size 14, used once. 725° p and Barter CABINETS with sinx or vanity basin $99. Laundry _ tubs, sure systems, flushomatics, septic tanks,|' 5249. pipe and fittings. boats motors, trailers, ' garden tractors, H Chinn, corner Hillside and Park South. 723-7088. bath tubs, toilets, pres- STROLLER, in new condition, $12; bronze tone kitchen suite, $15; half-fon 25-4535. box type trailer, $25, 7: BICYCLES for Sale. Various sizes. Also medium size tricycles. Telephone 725- NEW, LARGE pool table. $75. Pool balis $10. Telephone 728-0429 or apply 1105 King Street East. ae Articles for Sale GOLF cLUBS -- og ogbps tao co col Ww ead 1 Most Quality Royaline. CWE oo oa 35 NOW! SIX SERVICE BAYS For Auto Service e WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL ev., Ford, Ply- Dodge, mouth, Pontiac. We correct wheel olignment inspect and rrect castor and camber, align toe-in and toe-out to rrect condition . . . 6.88 Ports, extra if required Torsion bar adjustment extra. e BRAKE SPECIAL popular cars. First HEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per val ch 1.95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES DOMINION TIRE STORE 7 PARK ROAD SOUTH TELEPHONE 725-6511 Please ask for Elmer Fredin, ab ayss Simcoe and Rossland, three bedrooms, fur- new oil down. 7083 or 198 5103. W. ©. Martin Realtor. 92 ACRES -- market garden with fine, garage, workshop, city limits. An exceptional opportunity at the low asking price of $28,000. For full particulars phone Mr. 8910 or 728-5103. W. O. Martin Realtor. 57 ROYAL ENFIELD 500 twin, $225 cash. Telephone /25-2549 any time. BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 ' 5--Tra lers while every, endeavor will be made to| Garden Supplies ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelli T.R.1.O. TELEVISION. |----____--__ forward les to box numbers to the new and used materials. Reasonab ptr Alla sn soon as s_ possible, we ac OPEN ALL DAY rates. Estimates free. 728-1191, J. Foley. 728-51 43 CLEARANCE capt notability. in oss oF oe a ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING + damage alleged to arise through either Monday-Friday plies." Telephone' 7253821;-Harolé-H.-Stark OF failure or delay in forwarding such re- plies, however caused whether by negli- gence or otherwise. The Times will not be responsible for replies uncalled for Saturday--12:30 DAILY DELIVERY Ltd,, Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, Well Asan me in | 255 Simcoe Street South. ging special- Ww. Ward, 204 Chest- Weil izing in 30-inch tile. Rug, Upholstery Service CAMPING SUPPLIES to make room for winter storage @ 5 only--used A-1 Quality in 2 days. nut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668- COOPER-SMITH CHESTERFIELDS ed and| 9809. Leckie Tent Trailers REGULATIONS restyled. Free estimate, See mel9 --_Sersonel $225.00 imes be responsible erial for recovering, Pp covers made . Poggio ro Bete A adben submitted CO fo order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles cai @ i only -- new Tilt Back, . reet, 723-7212. otherwise than in writing not for more Flot bed trailer (ideal for sno- than one Insertion of any advertisement RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish- j t - beyond the price charge ~ a single 16 CELINA ed 20 years. Workroanane guarantees. HAIRDRESSING Spee llc ide e149 50 insertion in which error occu 723-2312 723-1139 Free Satirnaies. ngs Phakic Med biigy rg BARG: S GALORE ' 1 Ti reserves the right to re-built, furniture refinis! shawa Up- A AIN' yoda advertising according to its kstnlicdaks. dined eee Seer Meccorioet SCHOOL Colernun large coolers -- sggaege 8 COMPLETE Sales and Service req. $18.95 Now $16.95 In the cases of display advertisements The Times wilt not be held responsible for more space than that which the actual 'SALES AND SERVICE pel ON GARDENING EQUIPMENT reg. $9. PRICES APPLIANCE Ist Quality sleeping Bags-- Now $7.95 error occupies. The publishers endeavor Lamérn Carrying Cases -- to reproduce ai saverta Cg gg eo Toro, Lawn Boy and REPAIRS reg. $4.49 Now $7.95 fisement if any_ inaccuracies In any form Yardman Lawnmowers Expert repairs to all makes AT Reg. $4.49 Now $3.49 are contained in. Wheel Horse Garden Tractors of washers, dryers, ranges, Coleman lanterns, jugs, stoves, 17'S BASY TO PLACE A etc. OSHAWA Air Mattresses, Tent Heaters TIMES ACTION WANT AD RUNDLE @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ KAMPING Gat Gian Cwrent UNLIMITED 723-3492 GARDEN CENTRE LTD, ALCAN BE AUTY TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH 1015 KING ST. E. | FURNITURE and APPLIANCES | (1 mile north of King St. East INDEX TO 7 | 452 Simcoe S. -- Oshawa | po A ald - } Teleph 723-0011 id CLASSIFICATIONS 5-655 --_e SALON CABIN end TENT 1--Women's Column Rent A Piano TRAILER RENTALS John Sandy, 725- fie phi fle: SP Ga er $3 poi "All es, the teri Tel Stoves, niture, Complete with Bell 60 watts per channel ampli- and T35 tweeter, over network and brilliance control speaker system oper- etes at 16 ohms impedence. Mcintosh test shows less than 114% distortion. Goo0D U CHESTERFIELD BA of floor models, 2 pc. sultes with foa STEREO HI-FI COMPONENTS Carillon r with built-in pre-amp for tape deck; with outlets for FM-AM_ multiplex, micro- one, etc. Two Regency en- closures folded horn bass re- x, each complete with EV 15 inch coaxial speaker EV cross- trard RC&S 4 speed chang- with Shure M7O dynetic cartridge and diamond stylus. Ideal for auditorium or large family room, components cost over $1,000. Sacrifice at 50. Can be heard by ap- ntment. PHONE: Mr. Prince at 725- -15 45 "lumber, of pipe, YP. windows, doors, stairs, toilets, sinks, tubs, overhead garage doors, steel windows, steel beams, wooden beams, cup- boards, furnaces, panel box- boilers, rads. Anything in line of used building mo- als. For sole year round. lephone 725-4171 or 728- 3521, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. frigs and MacNeil's Fur- Whitby, 668-5481. INS clearance foam USED FURNITURE, etc. Reasonabl 215 Dundas ------~|GAS CONVERSION UNIT with all con- --|FRESH VEGETABLES -- shaft, Cobra _gri ig, right hand. used little, $85. T phone 728-9677. TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tow structure, all-chani antenna insta' ited, $50, Oshawa TV Surely Limited, Taunton Road Bast, just east of Ritson Road, BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture and appliances. One location pice, erty, Eratty Furniture, 444 Simcoe CONTINENTAL BEDS, ali sizes. Mal- tresses half price. Finest quality, Pos- turpedic. Factory oufiet, Headboards. 723-3889. WINHESTER 12 gauge shotgun, se of drums, Broadway. Telephone 723-1714 or 87 Queen Street, beside Library. COMP STE SET pt igre Reterence Encyclopedia, set snevelopedio, oe set World BB ig Library. Phone 13-7265, cuanaaveea USED wringer, washers, television, refrigerator, etc. $34.50 and up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Simcoe South, 723-0011. NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re pairs to all makes. New hoses. Phone Jack Lees, 728-6956. Modern -15 unit motel with snack bor, AAA qualifico- tions. Only 4 miles from pro- posed 200 million hydro sta- tion, situated on busy high- way used as short cut be- tween Buffalo and Detroit. Enjoy year 'round "NO VA- CANCY"'. Only $20,000 down or trade your home, farm or mortgage. For appointment call JACK ZURBA 751-7333 GOHEEN REALTY LTD. Toronto, Ont. BOX 17380 OSHAWA TIMES WANTED NOW! Teenagers --- Mothers -- Grandmothers -- to stort at once showing luxurious Chrit- mas cards to friends and neighbours. Earn plenty of extra cash for Christmas this easy way. No experience needed. Our cotalogue does the selling for you. Over 300 items beautifully illustrated in full-colour. Write today for Christmas cards on approval ESSO SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE Stotina backaround and qual- ifications, apply to IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED and free catalogue. Monarch Card Co,, Dept. 22, 217 Can- non, Hamilton, . MOTHERS WHILE YOUR CHILDREN SLEEP Earn $$ per hour, demonstrat- ing Par-Tee Toy Chest's un- usual and unique line of toys and gifts. No deliveries or collections. Car necessary, Call now Mrs. Hartwig 723-3568 ne type gr August Pu. Nture ae. oy BOX 296 $ 'niture mus) %, je ins "ror ae 00h. om i OSHAWA s a ive-plece je suites $34, anys y wimere "tremendous. savings:| BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street, only. $2,475 PRIVATE -- Sar-U-Khan wool chesterfield, coffee and end tables, yal recorder, table radio, kitchen table, range, darkroom outfit, carpenter or handyman tools. 723-9075. DIVER'S COMPLETE AQUA-LUNG out- fit for me excellent condition, very rea- 725-1664. PIANO, | Geasent, Morris, re-condition- ed, tuned to concert pitch, $250. 8 * int., Cave, Piano Tuner, Brougham, 94; 12-5547. PIANO FOR SALE -- Used three years. $475. Call after 2 p.m., 723-7982. trols. Ready to hook onto furnace, $75. Also room svar mahogany, $15. Both like new. 623. Two heavy shee range: Apply 218 Church Stre MOFFAT GAS RANGE, 24", ful es, 30 and 24 inch. fully 2 Viking floor polisher. 728-6171. Operate from your own home, on a full or part time basis, No costly overhead or travel. Because of public demand, we are a part of one of Can- ada's largest industries, hence a financial opportunity un- paralleled by any other. We have some people who earn as much per month os they earned per year pre- viously. No experience neces- sary as we work closely with you. Without obligation write MR. _N. R. West Box M41696, Oshawa Times o-| SHELL CANADA LIMITED | has 8 nu matic, glass in door, like new, $125, Also|ber el service stations for lease on busy arteries: Better than averess COTTAGE SPECIALS--beds $i6., fridges $30., table and chair sets $19., dresser: $10., cribs $10., stoves $19., washers $15. 16 Bond Street yer. 25 Bond Street East, Valley Creek, 728-440 WRINGER Aaah McClary Easy Spiralator, $35. Telephone 728-5308. TWO BICYCLES, one boy's, one girl's. Also two single beds, one folding. Winter coat, size 12, girl's, with white fur trim. Apply 25 Grenfell Street, TWO ITHACA pare gauge with solid rib 12 gauge full choke. Whitby. choke. 'elephone 668-8364, | § phone number. --____.|FISH AND CHIPS exceilent {good turn over. counter plus t 74 | Newell ne, | OF 533-2367, Pickering," ¥4 ya2-1677. | BATH for rent. For in- formation operate sew process, with high publ demands. Earn up to $30,000 yearly. Tot Investment $5,000. includes stock, equip- ment and training. Write giving name and . Will contact in area. Deluxe Chemicals, 574 Rogers Road, Toronto 15. income, equired. For in- rs| formation J. E. Van Zante 7 728-6421, EXCLUSIVE CANADIAN manufacturer needs distrbutor in the Oshawa area to Opportunity Unlimited for TUPPERWARE DEALERS Experience unnecesary, Will train. Telephone 723-0377 _or 668-6806. ~~ RELIABLE WOMAN Required to care for two pre-school children. Assist mother, small house- hold chores, to live in prefer- ably. Telephone 723-6635, im WAI TRESSES UIRED APPLY MR CAMPBELL GENOSHA HOTEL NO PHONE CALLS ic 'al WAITRESS -- experienced preferred, Apply Megs Restaurant, 158 Harwood Ave., Ajax, 942-4281. EARN -- MONEY les, $14,500 Terms. al Broker, Toronto, AUNA STE phone 728-7007 or 723-2112. location, All. equipment, Sevier Wainut 3- 9513 beautifully illustrated cata- logue, samples on approval and the fast- est service, _Jeandron Greeting Card, Co. 80.5 4283-4 <ing SE Manittion; RELIABLE WOMAN to care for three children in my home while mother werks, 9--Market Basket 15--Employment Wanted pod to. 5.15. Crocus Crescent, Blair Park | 668-8900. </s= FRESH ROASTING chickens, 40c. pound. Large capons, 50c. per pound. Deliver on POTATOES -- delivered. Telephone 623- 27203. tomatoes, | Potatoes, Spanish and cooking onions, carrots, peppers, beets, cabbages, beans. Reasonable prices, ton's Road South, first farm south of Hydro Sub-station, west side. FRESH VEGETABLES--Tomatoes, corn, peppers, onions and others. Walter Huron Farm, Vemile west of Oshawa on 40] North Service Road. FRESH VEGETABLES--Tomatoes, corn, care LAWNS CUT. Oda jobs; also moving and --|hauling. Call 728-2882 or 723-6030. e tor ie 5 days week. For 'Y STORE, pari time, experienced JANITOR SERVICE for home or office.|clerk. Nights and weekends. References. Window cleaning, el etc. Anytime 10 or more. Telephone 728-5291. night or day. Telephone 668-3060. DUTCH LADY wants housework, four or five days a week. Whitby preferred. Tele- hone 668-3881. NORTHWEST AREA -- Will c children in my hom William Sack, Thorn- Information telephone 728-1871. Telephone 728-2536. JOIN the wonderful worla of cosmetics! Beauty Councilor will train mature women. Full or part-time. 725-6816. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED to care for two school-age children in motheriess home, live in, one child welcomed. Apply Box 41179, The Oshawa Times. A RELIABLE WOMAN or girl fo live in and look after four school aged child- WILL TAKE CARE of one pre-school child, over two years old, while mother works, south-end Vaistrict. Telephone 728- 6387. REGISTERED nurse will care for pre- i Telephone ren and do light housework while mo- ied works, Telephone after 5 p.m. 723 EXPERIENCED GIRL for general of fice work. Must. be accurate typist, ed up In field. Will deliver for additional charge. . 728-5221. dren in her home. Clean home, fenced) \ --_____.________.___| yard, $10. per week. Ritson Road DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick-| 725-2892. peppers, onions and others. Walter Huron familiar with payroll and willing to ac- Farm, 'a-mile west of Oshawa on 401 ie gy in her home. cept responsibility, Apply in own hand- North Service Road. me. ; " Tiki ; writing to Box No. -o wishes fo take care o ren In| RELIABLE + - saieapar baby sitter to 10--Farmers' Column Perens Ni: TOPO oatla faa after, one schooler and one pre- Rauar Whitby, I schooler, 6:30 a.m. to 4 pm. 146 Elgin PRESH CUT BALED HAY, 2c. It pick' /LADY WILL GIVE loving care to chil-|East after four. WOMAN, 25-40, required to care for three children while mother works, five-day 2--Per: 2--Spertenens Column ota Fae atl SOD SEE 15 KING ST. E. for August and September for' ip to , 20 sq. yd. de- OSHAWA Special Fall R Stra livered, 100-200, 28¢ sq. HEINTZMAN Since Combine Gate 7--Swap and Barter yd. delivered. 200 yd. and up & Company Ltd. next to MARKS THEATRE lida he Sarit oo eee _- ¥ fit sop 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa UPSTAIRS 9 TUDOR ST.. AJAX 10--Farmer's 'Col . Telephone 728-2921 942-3491 Ti--Pets and Livestock - 12--articles Wanted 400 ys and up 20¢ sq. yd. | SeWiN@ MACHINES, repairs "to al Phone 723-7011 : ha We mciniin @ complete |e shat itac "| ERs | Ep ef wanted Landscape Service ARC and ACETYLENE wellding and cul] including 'shampoo, eut and SALE -- RENT Iy--Female ap. Wantea BETHANY LANDSCAPING ine. Ressensble rates. S09 Bloor East.) so. s Open Sundays 2-4 P.M, 1e--Male Help Werte Phane 692.7804. 'WIeene Ba te chant doer a? "Ot Fe at _ Fae ee aes aet| TINTS a0) HO en ' Pgh ad fs 1 2 Seer f a cig Rhee wae oe, {ing sourals. 25 year's experience. *rele-| including shampoo ond set PORT HOPE arms |Phon ' | | Lot at 401 _and 28 --Lots for Sale DRAPERY REPAIRS, ALL tYPEs --| STREAKS $5.95 | ie oe ae %--Real Estate Wanted SOD : j fai et ' TRAILER HITCHES | id Installed, ee ee Storage a ' ramie. Praner WE Teme is including shampoo and set. also ail types of welding. done. Portable f isitors elcome 308) t for rent. Tel 2e--Apartments fer, Rent "ALL GREEN" NURSERY |GUARANTEED REPAIR to al" wringer T TIPPING Fer isk $5.95 |1966 TENT TRAILER two mattresses, 2%--Room and Board |washers and ranges. Free estimates, Call| including shampoo and set. spare tire, tiled floor, table, coleman 2--Wanted to R SOD GROWERS | 728-1742 or 723-0011. lantern, $375, 728-4194 30--Automobiies for Sele TOWLINE N.,-%4 M. N. of _ expiry date Sept. 30, 1966 '|STEEL FRAME, 4 x 6 box trailer, for Sale 2 1 . . | piry date ept. A * x 'aller, Ae fa Feat OSAWA Septic Service NE a Mo Mattie uCAvtomonl Repair eh See ' om '| lan calle: Walter. Ward 264 Chestnut Street You are one of Mig BOX TRAILER, $45, GE 21" TV, | ; J jon of power owers. Teie- te --_ SIMPLE MONEY TALK: Ciassitied Ads ashe bln! Meader j Thousands whe read |phone 942-5376 37---Auctions sell you don't need for SPOT|TO MEET THAT MAN < i 45 Riv - Calin 'iraller, ole %--Coming Events CASH, Sia 770-3492 for an yo writer; wants to rent your Mal omen he The Times Want ae eae ol Fe i sieece ces now! Ads. Dial 723-3492 now. Ads Daily. side mirror, extension cord, 728-7904, Pog ~ pol pli LLOYD baby carriage, navy and white, i 668- jaid travel bed, $8. Telephone east Oshawa, 728-3809. William Stack. FOLLaR BRUSH fir ia Durham, 723-0444 or .668-658: Seuth SAMOYED PUPPY, male, eight weeks, registered, temporary Innoculations. Kennels registered. Telephone ia oa 6 abe vad cleaned, said fr ee. Gu feed trouble-free winter if your purchase ean Western Oil Co., 725-1212. 100.00 like vision, WE B new 50.00 each. TV TOWERS SPECIAL--@ fi. all channel antenna, PETERBORO cedar skiffs 14 foot used each, Oil space heaters, good shape 15.00 each, Oli heated hot water fanks International sail boat. Best offer will be considered. Apply P.O. Box 1, Peterborough, telephone J. Simmonds Buckhorn 657-8513 after 6:00 ATE otters two male champion sited chihushui ppies, purebred, reg- istered, $100, all pepers supplied 'inctud- ing health certificate. Telephone 728-5723 evenings. 'GERMAN, shori-hair, Pointer pups. Par- ents are good hunters. Nice markings. Telephone Pickering 942-2665. REGISTERED, first calf, Guernsey heif- er. Good producer. Mr. J. Hamer, Myrtle. Telephone 655-4731. $50. TRIO 726-51 UY, SELL AND EX structure, Tele-| bi GE used eli QUARTER one saddle and [al idle. Telephone 723-8: BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for |training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. T. furniture or anything you have. The City, Broad, 114 Elgin East. Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street MA ~ me 7 SIAMESE KITTENS 'female, seaipoint, South, 723-1671. 2 ma * istered, spouse Two SMALL FUN SAILBOATS. Sacri- Makin $25 each, write Mrs. J. D. fice prices. Make offer. Also electri trainj Smith, Ontario or 861. 725-9854, § 107 p.m Brighton 475-0973. Required by progressive company located in Whitby area The applicant must ha @ minimum of Grade 11 education. Previous experience as Keypunch ond Verifier are prerequisites. Please send a resume giving full details to the attention of; -- Manager Data Processing, SKLAR FURNITURE COMPANY Whitby, Ont. cushions ey veg Modern 4 seater sets ms eae » light house work, ore of Simcoe from $158. sectionals from $188.jed up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm. |wouLo LIKE To Give am tare in my|Hall Boys' Club, 728-1056 Wilson's Furniture, '20 Chureh 'Street Fyrone, Telephone Collect Hampton 263-!home, by day or week, ai pge. Ritson) RELIABLE LADY willing "to" work eve BABY GARGAINS. eatrlones $29.95, Road oot ll and Ronson 'Reed 'ast are' inings and alternate Sundays. Apply 9 strojlers $7.88, mattresses $9.88, play 1. Pe d Li k Telephone 728- Simcoe oh Nee Marian's cn pens $9.88, chrome high chair si0.s¢,| 17 -- = and Livestoc een 5 Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. ce ae oo 17--Female Help Wanted TT Pe ckPTIONIST- = BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- tess Ply and Miniature. Also smooth manent full-time poate available in paige Call Eimer, Wampton 263-2294) T gl svefl to $50. delivered. Port KEYPUNCH He i good : salary on SB gacet or 2645. nefits, office experience pre' BIKETIME! Summertime! New, used.|BOARD your horses with us. Stable nd g's Pre ag se sd Repairs all makes. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond|accomodation and pasture, Lots riding R Bnd Oe eurday, | are Lpive tie Street East, 725-6344. roads. Lot 1, Con. 5, five miles north- OPERATO jo 735 (Ress. Street," Canadian "Gongervar fory of Music. TEEN-AGE babysitter for two school- age children, four days weekly. Vicinity whied Street East. Wilson-King Street atter school. 723-7641. RELIABLE WOMAN re req sit two school works. Vicinity phone 723-8918. A MATURE TYPE of person who will live in and take care of a small family. Work is light but an average knowledge cf cooking Is essential. Excellent accom- modation provided and remuneration. Apply to The Times, Box 1007 in writing, giving as much back ground experience, age, etc., as possible. BABYSITTER to care for children while mother works. Light hous duties. $25 weekly and Read es Apply 486 Shoai Point Road, Pickeri quired to baby jed children. while father delaide and Mary. Tele- ED WAITRESS, days only, no Sundays and holidays. Apply The Rose Bow! Grill, 24 Bond Street West. HOUSEHOLD HELP NEEDED. Three half. days or 1% days. panei helpful, Whitby area, Telephone 668-8185,