Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1966, p. 12

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bina Sane As eGR qeoreem gem + STEN tee SANE SAIS POR 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, September 2, 1966 SEEN em OCT, erst ait Spang tangnene weieedy RISING ACCIDENT TOLL COUNTY LINES Brooklin Horticultural Society Show Of Annuals Holds Flower BROORLIN GC)--Tis fisest show of annuals held by the Brooklin Horticultural Society drew a large entry and aroused much interest among the mem- bers. Mr. and Mrs. R. Van Horne, Whitby, judged the show. The prize winners were: Asters, double, mixed colors-- Mrs. Eric Green; Cosmos, mixed colors -- Mrs. C. Jones and Mrs. D. Hamer; Dahilias, pom pom, Mrs. McCulloch; Gladiolus, white Mrs. C. Wick, Mrs. McCulloch and Mr. Jones; Gladiolus, red -- Mrs. Jones, Mr. C. Jones and Mrs. Townsend; Gladiolus, yellow-- Mrs. Townsend and Mrs, Mc- Culloch; Gladiolus, mauve or purple Mrs. McCulloch; Gladiolus, pink -- Mrs, Jones, Mrs. Wick and Mr. Jones; Gladiolus, any other color -- Mr. Jones, Mrs. Townsend and ©. & Thompson and Mrs. Green; Roses in container -- Mrs. Green, Mrs. Healey and Mrs. Wick; Zinnias,. cactus flowering -- Mrs, Jackson, Mr. Jones and. Mrs. Townsend; Zinnias, pom-pom -- Mr, Jones, Mrs. Townsend and Mrs. Jones; any other flower --Mrs. Hamer, Mrs. Healey and Mrs: Wick, ARRANGEMENTS } Matching arrangement for buffet or coffee table -- Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. McCulloch; arrangement, using fall flowers -- Mrs, McCulloch; one color arrangement, Gladi- olus predominating -- Mrs. Marlow, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. By. BOB MacKENZIE OTTAWA .(CP)--Is there too much emphasis on speed in highway safety promotion A National Research Council study group on motor vehicle accidents says speed limits and their obvious enforcement help reduce accident rates, but other, more effective measures may be overlooked due to over- emphasis on speeding. Failure to maintain sufficient distance between vehicles may be a far more serious hazard than speeding, the five - man group suggests in its first series of reports examining results of accident research in North America and Europe. McCulloch;- basket of Gladio- lus, mixed -- Mr, Jones and) Mrs. Jones; best Gladiolus in} show -- Mrs, C. Jones, JUNIOR SECTION In the junior section Carol) The reports say 'statistics now compiled often are mis- leading because of omissions and narrow scope, and addi- tional research is needed hefore drawing definite conclusions, But, "it was determined that Could Spur Drivers' Ire of accidents at the same time, the reports note. : Whiie mechanivai defects vehicles have been cited as the cause of about 10 per cent of all accidents, periodic, compul- sory checks and improved standards help only to a limited extent, the reports say. Packaging the occupants in the vehicle to reduce severity of injuries When accidents do oc- cur is one area where there is room for improvement, the studies say. Introduction of lap belts and improved door locks have re- duced injuries due to persons dn | Lack Of Social Contact WORKS FOR CBS tive producer Douglas Leiter- TORONTO (CP)--Beryl Fox,)man's contract was not re- a producer: of last year's CBC/newed, will film a documentary show This Hour Has Seven\on Viet Nam for the Columbia Days, who resigned after execu-| Broadcasting System this fall. instrument panels to reduce in- juries to persons who remain Effective use of the shoulder harness--the report says it is much more effective than the lap belt--has been hampered by inadequate seat and seat at- tachment strength. A section dealing with seating arrangement of passengers says there are several advantages to having passengers face the rear ot ike vehicle. It also would cause autficulties for front-seat passengers, particularly in re- stricting the driver's vision. ORANGE JULIP DRIVE INN SIMCOE STREET, NORTH FREE - CHICKEN DiNKERS CHILDREN'S SIZE ° © Te children under 12 yeors accompcined by ean edult, (Limit one Child per Adult) @ SUNDAYS ONLY e being thrown from vehicles, but! \little has been done about re- | jdesigning steering wheels and 'ge By foal Se SUNDAY * | SEPT. 4th | 1 "HOP we PARK" THE The Sounds of the Big Beot SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN DIRK MITT + STAMP + BOGARDE HARRY ANOREWS = [MICHAEL ORA AJOSEPH SAWN! PRODUCTION > Demcted by JOSEPH LOSEY 'Scrserpiey by EVAN JONES COLOR by DE LUKE 'HEADED MOTOR LEAGUE. | TORONTO (CP)----Henry J.) Simcoe Ice and Fuel Co. for 69 years and former president of the Ontario Motor League, died Wednesday. : Faithead, 91, president of Lake) t r NI INEE SATURDA CANADA'S WACKIEST end WITTIEST } COMEDY GRouP THE SPULLY LICENSED: | Crawford made a sweep of the) short headway, or cars follow- | Mrs. Jones. six classes i | " ' SSeS. jing each other too closely, was Calendula -- Mrs. Green and) Following the show, Mrs./one factor that. correlated posi-| Mrs. McCulloch; African Mari-| Green gave a report of theltively with accidents, while golds--Mrs. Stevenson; French! convention in Ottawa. A plant! speed did not." Marigolds -- C. Jones, Mrs. C. and vegetable sale, as well as Jons and Mrs. D. Hamer;|q white elephant sale will be/ TAILGATERS UNAFFECTED | Petunia, double -- Mrs. C.\held at the society's September) Obvious enforcement of traf- Acton, Mrs. E. Green and Mrs.| meeting. Mrs. Green led a dis-|fic regulations--frequent patrols Townsend; Petunia, single --!cyssion of centennial plans and|by marked police vehicles-- Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Healey and fjower plantings. The drying of| slows speeding drivers, the re- Mrs. McCulloch; Petunias,'fiowers and grasses for ar-|port continues, but it has uittle | ruffled -- Mrs. Green, Mrs.) rangements and the making ofjeffect on drivers who follow Townsend and Mrs. Acton. arrangements from flowers and|other vehicles too closely. Sweet Peas in container --| accessories was also discussed.) «. nae a Mrs. .Green; Annual 'Phlox,) A special meeting of the dir- ee ue cae Det ilae e Mrs. C. S. Thompson; Peren-\ectors of the Brooklin Spring high speed is perhaps the eles! nial Phlox -- Mrs. McCulloch/Fair will be held Sept. 13 to| nent for which our traffic po-| and Mrs.' Hamer; Rose, any|discuss plans for the annual/ji.g should be on the lookout.' | color -- Mrs, Marlow, Mrs. | meeting and banquet, ae é : The Place To Meet TAKE FIVE Dancing 8:30 p.m. to. 11:30 p.m. Casual Dress Admission 1.50 Dance to RUDY VELTRI AND HIS RED BAPN NEW TORNADOS Toronto's Most Versatile Group » PLACA ees ~~ ae :30. Les 9:10 "NEXT ATTRACTION "THE TORN CURTAIN Return Engagement THE BLUE HORSE LOUNGE Presents This Week "The Blue Chips" Direct from the Country Western Jamboree held recently in Wheeling, West Virginia. COME AND HEAR... @ Country Western at its Best @ Comedy Time Favourites The LEADING | LADIES Entertainment Nichtly at 9 P.M. Matinee Seturdey 4 P.M, to 6 P.M, © FULLY LICENSED ¢ Environment and the vehicle | Bi ] 5 H h itself play geet ---- = |not as obvious, roles in accident ible Society Re-elects Officers 701,25 obvious, roles in accident BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- It was|Elizabeth. Mrs. Gerald Kelly|the reports add. reported at the annual meetingjand baby Eleanor. returned, Limited - access, multi - lane of the Cartwright Branch of the| home Friday. highways halve the number of | Canadian Bible Society that the} Mr, and Mrs. Eric Barr enjoy-| fatal accidents per vehicle mile 1966 canvass had not been fully|ed a trip to New York, Wash-| as compared with ordinary, two-} completed but that it was ex-|ington and Richmond, Virginia. |lane highways. Less spectacular | pected to be finished in the) yy. anq Mrs, Eric Barr en-|but still appreciable reductions | near future. |joyed a trip to New York, Wash-| result from removal of roadside | The officers, re-elected for), oon and Richmond, Virginia, | Obstructions such as trees, posts | 1967, are: president, | Mrs.|'"0" a ia Ross Dutt Gra-\#hd bridge abutments. | George Wolfe; vice-presidents,,, "'- ed de eld re.| Special rosd surfaces for KING ST iy OSHAWA ADULT _ ENTERTAINMENT 2nd BIG HIT!! FRANK SINATRA & TREVOR HOWARD "VON RYAN'S EXPRESS" -- at the -- Rev. Romeri!l and Rev. Rose; | treasurer, Mrs. Harold Craw-; ford; secretary, Ear! Dorrell. Rev. C. R. Rudd showed the film 'Treasures in India" de-| picting the changes in_ life} ham and Marilyn, turned from a holiday trip to the east coast. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Craw- ford, Janice and Ken, spent thei holidays visiting Gananoque, areas known to be slippery in wet weather, and improved communication devices, such as traffic signals, also are sus- Starts at Dusk Box Office ° i OSHAWA a PH. 723-4972 DRIVE-IN gested, A computer - operated 5 P.M. -- Show traffic light system in down-}|-- brought about by the teaching of| Upper Canada Village and East- the scriptures since 1792. ern Ontario points. Miss Margaret Hooey left by; Larry Hoskin and Brian) town Toronto not only speeded traffic but reduced the number air last. week for an extended|Mounijoy iefi Saturday ie drive holiday in Europe. a school] bus to Edmonton, Alta. | Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelis|) Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm} and Mr. and Mrs. Russell|attended the silver wedding an- The"Workds 'Immortal Adventure! Mountjoy spent last week in the|niversary of Mr, and Mrs. Mur-|§ Bruce Peninsula. | Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pierce and} family, Bath, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith. Mr, and Mrs. Merrill Van Camp attended the wedding re- ception held for Mr. and Mrs. John Stone, nee Mrs. Spencer, at Campbellford. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm 'were guests at.the Tietze-Holtby wedding in Prince Albert United) Church. | Eva | Mrs. William Kelly, Bobcay-|Pierce and Mrs. wa hag were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cox! ********"* and family, Cleveland, Ohio. geon, spent last week with her son, Gerald and granddaughter, ' Gertrude Henry have returned after a conducted tour of Que-/| bec City, Ottawa and the New |GUY STOCKWELL -- DOUG McCLURE England States. attended wedding spent the weekend in Mount) Forest, Guelph and Hamilton. ray Robinson, Brooklin, at their |# Caesarea cottage. | Mrs. Velva Bailey and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Ernest the Snider - Wilson} in Kenilworth and) Guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. | G. Crawford Street Fair Aids Ice Fund ORONO street] fair, held recently auspices of the Orono Amateur| Athletic Association, in aid of} (TC)-- The under the} now on at the Orono. Fair. Tickets are sale and support of this draw means cash for the i fA ALL COLOR FAMILY SHOW UNDER FREE I TWELVE BAY RIDGES en =p ee @ Os Gee Bee 668-2692 839-3621 CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS FREEE lice fund. the Artificial Iee Fund, raised $1,800. This amount is the lar-| gest ever raised in recent years through the annual street. fair.| The Orono Amateur Athletic) Association, through the gener-| osity of Robert and Harold Mof-| fat, holding..a lucky draw! on a 400 pound Hereford calf.) The calf was donated to the association by Bob and Harold) Moffat in aid. to the Orono Artificial Ice Fund. In order to turn into cash the association is raffling the calf. The draw will be held at 5 p.m. Sept. 10., dn iS MOUNTJOY Picnic Park Holiday Special 2? ¢ PER CAR LOAD 1% Miles North of the City 723-7460 LARRY GANNON the beef i Limits on Ritson Rd. | IZZA : Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S [ee ee e Sounds of the Big Beet The Place To Meet ---- FRIDAY ----. THE FIVE ROGUES Dancing 9 p.m. to 12:30 Admission $1.50 ------------ * SATURDAY * THE SECRETS Dancing 8:30 p.m. to 12 Admission $1.50 Casual Dress F. lys i 2nd . TWE HELL-DUSTA SHOOT-THE- WORKS EPIC of the p THE MIGHT UN re GLE... & NICOLOR TODAY. LIVERPOOL RD. M. AT 401 942-1250 "Would You Believe" The Ultimate in Discotheque Dancing and Coffee Houses OPENS THIS FRIDAY, SEPT. 2 From 9:00 P.M. To 3:00 A.M. The perfect gathering spot for everyone 18 years and over. TE PEE DRIVE-IN starring That "Man Of The West" ABs Spa 20th Century-Fox presents x AN AARON ROSENBERG prooucrion OF WiLL. Jang' LSO BOX off, OPENS 8:00" FIRST sHow 8:30 Gen. Admission of $1.00 Tue Green Boor 212 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA LAST HORSE SHOW OF YEAR Sunday September 4th 2 P.M. - AT THE s Oshawa 5-Points Arena (Located At Ritson Road North and Taunton Road) English and Western Working Classes Starting at 11:30 a.m. TWO SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS ¢ Suicide Race and Calf Scramble For The Kids With a $5.00 Prize to the Winner Open To All Kids Under 14 Years 4 Free Entrance EVERYONE WELCOME 2)2-Hour Show Refreshments SUNDAY, SEPT. 4TH -- 2 P.M, HOTEL LANCASTER "The Friendly Spot' cee HELD GVER SECOND BiG WEEN (The picture that gets you where you laugh? Edward Small Presents Bob Hite Elke Sommen-Phlis Diller "Boy. Did I Get, A wrong Number! a, ; OR by DeLuxe teem UNITED ARTISTS @ SHOW TIMES @ Weekdays 7 and 9:10. Saturday continuous from 1 p.m. aie x Sunday continuous from 2 p.m. THE NEW | (|ODEON THEATRE | 39 KING ST. E, Tecunicotor SINATRA: LOU JACOBI: THEO MARCUSE 'Scrvenplay by MEL TOLKIN Story by NORMAN ABBOTT and MEL JOLIN Produced anc Dvrected by RORMAN ABBOTT + AVENGING APACHES... WHO FOUGHT KILLER OUTLAWS. AND THE GUNSLINGER THEM ALL} + 4 RORY CALHOUN CORINNE CALVET CONTINUOUS From 2 p.m. PHONE 725:5833 l os 4 DANCING NIGHTLY 9 to Midnite in the Dining Lounge LET OUR NEW CHEF "Monsieur Ash" Treat You To An Experience DINING PLEASURE IN THE Georgian Dining Room Dinners From $1.95 LICENSED UNDER LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OF ONTARIO GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL THORNTON RD. SOUTH AT CHAMPLAIN AVE. AFTER DINNER DANCING FRI. SEPT. 2 & SAT. SEPT. 3 SAILOR'S LOUNGE UNDER L.C.B.0, LICENCE Spend @ quiet.relaxed evening in the charming sophis- tication of the candle lit Sailor's Lounge. Come early ond have a full course meal or if you wish came later (Food Minimum 50c). Dancing from 9 p.m, to 1 a.m, to the Stereophonic Sounds of Aubrey Hollis, Interchange 75 BOWMANVILLE 623-3373 ancing "12 (Midnite) y

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