Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1966, p. 11

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WHICH ONE WILL BE NEW % Oshawa Times office. Early possible afier the ceremony. names of out-of-town guests Relatives came from Belfast. Northern Ireland, to attend the wedding of Miss Kathryn Flo- rence Pearse and Mr, Harry - rani igor: tary a of oa wa. The bride is the daughter SUSAN MARLOWE of Mr, and Mrs. Robert David- son Pearse of Etobicoke, On- tario. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. Henry Thompson of Bel- fast and the late Mrs, Thomp- son. The Reverend G. W. C. Brett performed the ceremony in Knox Presbyterian Church and Mr, Matthew Gouldburn, organ- ist, played the wedding music. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a full- length, empire gown of de- lustred peau de soie with an A-line skirt. Re - embroidered Chantilly lace was overlaid on WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as social editor either before or the day after the wedding. LUPO ~ 4 Caise eRe ey eg ie ee publication of this wedding You are asked to submit the attending the wedding to the Dasaeaa She carried a cascade of white carnations, pink Sweetheart roses and long white velvet streamers. For 'something old," the bride wore her grand- mother's opal engagement ring. Miss Suzanne Pearse of Mont- real was her sister's maid of honor and bridesmaids were Miss Edith Thompson, Oshawa, and Miss Margaret Rankin of Belfast, Northern Ireland. The best man was Mr. Thom- as Olinyk, Oshawa, and ushering were Mr. Robert Pearse, Etobi- coke; Mr. Richard Thompson, Oshawa, and Mr. Thompson Rankin of Belfast. Following a reception in the church hall, the couple left for a honeymoon ,in northern Ontario and will return to reside at 2180 Weston road, Weston, Ontario. For going away, the bride MR. AND MRS. BE asia the bodice and the sheath sleeves. The high waist was) accented by a self bow. A de-| tachable lace mantilla train with) a bustle effect enhanced the back of the gown and a pearl- frond tiara held her lace-edged, | circular veil of silk illusion,' SUSAN MARCH BONNIE GARDINER LYNDA MacGREGOR Graham - Hawksley Constable Raymond Beverley| Robert Graham of the Oshawa} Police Department took as his! bride, Miss. Carol Dianne Hawksley, in a ceremony Sat-| urday afternoon in Brooklin| United Church. The bride is the} |daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- chose a_ three-piece suit in winterberry red with a white wool blouse, appliqued in red. Barbecue Over Ash Never On Red Coals A layer of hot coals is re- quired for cooking. The most convenient and satisfactory fuel is charcoal in the form of sticks or briquets. The charcoal may be ignited easily by pouring a A doubie row of buttons ;----- - small amount of charcoal-light- ing fluid over it. Charcoal-light- trimmed the square-cut jacket. (t) ing fluids are readily available Black accessories and a garnet and white rose corsage com- pleted her ensemble. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 2, 1966 11 land are much safer to use than [kerosene or other oils which tend to flare up suddenly. In about ten minutes the flame from the fluid will go out and a | white ash will begin to form on MR. AND MRS. HARRY G. THOMPSON Ireland Studio eta holding a_ shoulder-length veil of appliqued tulle, She carried a bouquet of yellow roses and was wearing her great-grandmother's pearl car- a =» SOCIAL & PERSONAL The matron of honor Mrs. Rodney 'Tibble, Toronto, | PS ar ge Ng aE It VER .Y GRAHAM . --Photo By Stanfett. |the meat itself may catch fire , occasionally, This can be con- | trolled by the judicious use of |water, and the odd flare-up, | although dangerous to the cook, jis unlikely to harm meat if it is thick and juicy. An adjustable grill or grills at several levels above the coals is useful for controlling the rate of cooking. A hotter fire is required for steaks than for chicken, which should be cooked: for a longer time at a lower. temperature. HOUSEHOLD HINT Fold down the top of an or- liam James Hawksley, Brook-|and the bridesmaids were Miss lin, and her bridegroom is the} Patricia Mitchell |son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond;Beverley Hawksley, } Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor ae i a Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department |the black surface of the char-/ dinary brown paper bag and | coal, eee ; : | ® onlelayarsttickness of chariee to the side of a sickbed for |Irvine Leonard Graham, Myrtle. | Brooklin. The Reverend George Mundy| The best man was Mr. Wil- officiated and the wedding|liam F. Hayes, Oshawa. The music was played by Mr./|ushers were Mr. Rodney Tibble, Norman Williams, Oshawa. Toronto, and Mr. William' J. | Given in marriage by her|Moring, Oshawa and the ring- ifather, the bride was wearing|)bearer was Master Rodney ja formal sheath gown of nylon!Stephen Bilz, Willowdale. organza over taffeta with an}. The reception was held in the empire waistline, The bodice Solina Hall, following which the of Chantilly lace had a scal-/couple left for a honeymoon in Television Helps 1A' ; loped bateau neckline and lily-; Northern Ontario with the bride Child 8 Education point sleeves. A chapel train |donning for: travelling, a pink CALGARY (CP) -- A chil-|falling softly from the back|wool crepe suit and white ac- waistline was edged with two. cessories. JACKIE PETERSON BARBARA MONAHAN Miss Oshawa Pageant Finalists | To Be Selected This Saturday | Contenders MARTHA FRANFURTER for the title are Oshawa but en- Ajax, Pickering,; and Belleville are) contest is open} between the ages wears uprarian re televiaion wide rows of similar scalloped) Mr. and Mrs. Graham will can be a "tremendous help in jace. Her headdress was a lace|reside at 140 Nonquon road, education. appliqued wedding ring of taff-| Oshawa. Shirley Ellison of New West- -- ------$-- -- minster, B.C., past chairman of Queen's University Friends Fete Whoever she is, good fortune) to single girls the Canadian Association of just begins after she is chosen) Of 18-25. Children's Librarians, made the Jean Terwillegar, Bride-Elect If nine is a lucky number,| which of the nine Oshawa en-|mostly from tries in the Miss Oshawa'tries from Pageant, holds the winning) Peterborough, number? eligible. The Oshawa's queen. She will be! Judging will be held at the/ Statement in an interview while Jubilee Pavilion at Lakeview|in Calgary to attend a Canadian) tral region eligible to enter the|Park, Saturday afternoon for|Library Association conference. | national Miss Canada Pageant.|the perliminary selection and| "TV is having a different ef- : , This is one of the franchise|September 10, for Miss Oshawaifect on children today, They, Prior to her marriage to-) Mrs, Roy Bishop, areas in Canada for the nation-|at a cornation ball at the same|want to know more about what/ morrow afternoon to Mr. Win-| street, opened her home for a wide contest to be held in place. they see on the screen. The ston Lloyd LeGrand, Miss Jean trousseau tea honoring her be cae Judges Walter|medium can be a tremendous Gortrate Terwillegas nas meen niece. The hostess received, The winner of the Miss Branch, personal manager of|help in education because the entertained at several s ie lua apkas wal Oshawa Pageant will be the/Fittings Ltd., Jo Aldwinckle, programs incite a child's in- and parties. 4 Bes idiendsied oe a happy recipent of a $300 model-'social editor of The Oshawa terest. Friends from Queen's Uni-/pink corsage, The bride-to-be ling course offered by a finish-/Times; Bill Marchand, vice-| "There is still definitely a versity attended a miscel-|was attired in a pink dress with ing school in Toronto. president of the local radio/need to stimulate children's|!aneous shower given by room-/a matching corsage. A total of $1500 will be spent Station, and John Weiss, the imaginations. For so long now, mates of the bride-to-be, ee Pouring tea in the afternoon on prizes and finishing courses, proprietor and principal hair-|television has been doing alljBrenda, Bell, . Miss _ Isabel| were the future bride's grand- But any number between one dresser of an Oshawa salon. their imagining for them but Christie and Miss Sheryl Mac-) mother, Mrs. Albert Terwille- and five inclusive is a lucky) Also judging the parade of lately there has been a return Gregor. |gar and great-aunt, Miss Mabel number too. The preliminary|lovelies will be Miss Carol Ann to the old-fashioned day-dream-| A miscellaneous shower was Oldfield. In the evening,' Mrs. contest to the Oshawa Pageant|Balmer, winner of the Miss ing. This is a situation the arranged by Miss Irene Winter] Walter Winter. and Mrs. David Saturday, September 3, will se- Canada title in 1964. schools could work on... to which was attended by Miss Morris presided at the tea lect five of the nine girls to! «Girjs. will follow the same/¢ncourage the students to use Terwillegar's friends in Centre) table. : : compete in the finals for the format as the national contest their tremendous ability io Street United Church. Assisting in the display of title. namely talent competition, | imagine. The members of the church/-wedding and shower gifts and The nine contestants for the swimsuit competition, formal) "Children must learn to think choir presented the bride-to-be trousseau were Miss Linda preliminary are: Lynda Mac-/dress.' poise and personality for themselves and as long as With a set of pyro-ceram igen Michael, Miss Sheryl Mac- Gregor, Jackie Peterson,|judging," said a spokesman, they have everything spoon fed) The maid of honor, a crews and the bride-elect's Barbara Monahan, Jane Skalin,) Miss Oshawa will be crowned|to them via television, they just| Linda Michael, pened nA sister, Mrs. Milton Arnold. Martha Frankfurther, Irene/at a gala ball after the judging, won't do it. I don't think it is| home for a_ shower, attended) Those serving were Miss Ochej, Susan Marlowe, Susan/at the Pavilion on September|a matter of their being lazy--/by former school friends of the) Marilyn. Markle, Miss Barbara March and Bonnie Gardiner 10 it is more a matter of parental future bride. Broadbent, Miss Nancy Puskas, " eee guidance. Relatives of the bride-elect,| Miss Margaret Rice, Mrs. Adde "It is up to parents to select attending a family picnic pre Walker and Mrs, Gordon Ter \the proper programs. And 3 ed . reatty- ein A are gadgets and a gift of money. | Following the rehearsal to- the only girl in the south gen-| will be: Tie ec Bran o © rent Brock} coal usually lasts for an hour} Mr. and Mrs. William) Prior to her marriage to Mr.) a completely disposable waste- basket. or two, depending on the rate| of burning. Drafts which pro-| duce uneven heat should be con- | trolled by a windbreak. The| heat production can be in-| creased by knocking the white ash off the charcoal, Reduction} of heat can be accomplished by} \Thordarson, Danny, Sandra| Dennis Homeniuk, the former land Lynn, who have spent July|Miss Bonnie McMillan was en- jand August with Mrs. Thor-jtertained at showers given by darson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. |relatives, friends and neighbors. {Kenneth W. Farrow, Christie | Miss Patricia Porter and Mrs, avenue, returned yesterday jst og gg nae hm Cour- | ;itice, he' a miscellaneous pee: rete corps bog at the latter's home. | ; ] |Mrs, Jack Hurrie, Maple Grove, |Indian day schools on the New|was assisted by Mrs, Howard |Osnaburgh Indian Reservation|Bradley. at a _ miscellaneous in Northern Ontario. -- "_ on peg ty of the} ormer's home. iss Linda} Leod, , bd ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W.)/Howes, Zion, and 'Miss April| Mr. 'and Mrs, J.-A, McHardy, Marchant of Orpington, Kent,|Rice, Hampton, arranged a per-| Mr. and Mrs. Miller Carmichael, arrived in Oshawa this week ee ld age + mye a oak ae, aire. Wiliam Urqu- | i i S GUNS, MIs. S| hart, r. and Mrs. Bert) ithe wedding of thelr Gaughter.|Howes. Zion, and Mrs. Jack| Prophet, Mr, Winston McHardy, | | y Ann Marchant | McMillan, Oshawa, gave a mis-| and Mr. Lawson Bigel i off Mr. John Clayton of 'Oshawa, | .oj) ayo " attended by! » SAR WE OE OLS Bees formerly of Southampton, | °° aneous shower attended by| Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Hampshire. |the bride's relatives and friends.| Prophet, Calumet, Quebec; Mr. | ; jand Mrs. William Keates, Baie Mr. and Mrs, Raymond, Prior to her marriage tomor-|Durfe, Quebec; Mr. and Mrs. {Scott, Nipigon street, attended| row to Mr. John A. McHardy,| John Welden, Lachute, Quebec; the wedding of Miss Marilyn|Miss Gemma Koenen, Whitby,|Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc-| Kulas in Barry's Bay, recently. | Was entertained at a miscellane-} Hardy, Mrs. Elsie Prophet and The bridé is a former school|/0us Shower given by Mrs. Bert/Mr, and Mrs. John Prophet, all teacher at St. Christopher's| Busker, Pickering. Mrs. Michael! of Calumet; Mr. and. Mrs. Eric Separate School, Oshawa. | Heffering, Oshawa, held a mis-/Bates,. Brownsburg, Quebec; |cellaneous shower attended by Mr. William Baker, Ville St. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis H.| co-workers of the bride-elect at} Laurent, Quebec; and Mr. and} |Crabbe of Fredericton, | water through the grill. Burn- ing of the fat drippings or sauce causes an increase in the pro- duction of heat, and the fat on a light sprinkling with clean} 4, |] Attend half days; choice of subjects New| the Du Pont of Canada, Whitby;Mrs. Willy Van Wolferen,| Brunswick, were in | | HOUSEWIVES THIS IS FOR YOU! A special course specially for housewives is being offered at OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE + « + get FREE LITERATURE REGISTER NOW DIAL 725-3375 Start Monday, Sept. 12th EVENING CLASSES COMMENCE Tuesday, Sept. 13th Classes held every Tuesday ond Thursday evening 7:00-9:00 P.M. Choice of subjects; get Free Litera- ture. Register Now. CLASSES FOR SHIFT WORKERS Enrollment limited. Act 10 SIMCOE ST., NORTH M, C. Barnett, Principal in all these classes. Now, Oshawa | office. The future bride's par-|Hamilton, Ontario. recently for the marriage of/ents, Mr. and Mrs. Koenen, will their son, Mr. Dalton Crabbe, |entertain. the bridal party at| and Miss Gloria Inche, Other) their home in Whitby, following members of the bridegroom's|the-rehearsal this evening. family attending were Mr, and) Mrs, Eugene Crabbe, Mr. and; Guests from. Scheveningen, Mrs. Darrell Crabbe, Mr, and}Holland, have arrived in Mrs. Donald Shaw and Mr.|Whitby.to attend the McHardy- Jack Hall, all of Fredericton.| Koenen wedding tomorrow in St.} .. Present from El Paso, Texas,| John the Evangelist Roman] ~ jwas the bridegroom's sister,|Catholic Church. They are Mrs. {Mrs, Henry Mattingly. Other | Richard Koenen and Miss Matil- | guests came from Parry Sound,}da Koenen, who will be the \Severn Bridge, Wasaga Beach, | soloist. Other out-of-town guests Brighton, Havelock, Peterbor-|attending are: Mr. Grant Mc- tough, Cobourg and Hamilton. iHardy and Mr. Norman Mc- ae sa POLAROID "SWINGER" CAMERA ps TEE-KAYS SLACKS UNC | "7 tiring of quite a few of the) is. Souert Airs, jnight the bridal party willbe street, was hostess at a mis- TRANSISTOR SHNGLASSES » shows. | ne a= ag HOUSEHOLD HINT cellaneous shower attended by| many of the Sunday School teachers. entertained at the home of the ' future bride's father, Mr. Her- bert H. Terwillegar, Agnes street, tHe | much did your JOIN THE FUN AT OUR "Frost" a gingerbread by|. Miss Terwillegar was enter-}) ------______.__§____ HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL PRICES OSHAWA BEAUTY SALON 15 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA (Next to Marks Theotre upstairs) PHONE 723-7011 PERMS 5.95 including Shampoo & Set TINTS : sg Including Shampoo & Set STREAKS . 5.98 Including Shampoo & Set TIPPING ... 5.95 Including Shampoo & Set EXPIRY DATE: SEPT. 30th, 1966 through a paper doily laid on|Rib room of the Hotel Genosha, | THEY'RE BIG SPENDERS \the top. Lift the doily carefully.| by several of her close friends.| TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario 2 P e formation says Toronto families Bridal Showers, Presentations x su s27,000.000 on tra ' M I joutlay of $480 on 12 out-of-town Held For Bonnie C nt y Te dustry received only 45 per cent | of this revenue with most of the |Mary A. (Bonnie) McInytre,/many articles for her linen)spent in the United States, whose marriage to Mr. Robert closet and refreshments were! ee oe lville is to take place in St.| followed by a bride's cake. | Matthew's Church, has been| A shower of kitchen utensils Mrs. Arthur Korry, LaSalle|at the Athol street east home avenue, held a miscellaneous|of Miss Beverley Hebb, ~" \sifting confectioner's sugar|tained at a dinner party at the| Ae SES -- |department of tourism and in- vel last year with an average jtrips, But Ontario's tourist in- A bride of tomorrow, Miss,triends the bride-elect received remaining 55 per cent being W. (Rick) Vallieres of Bowman- |feted in recent weeks. and pantry supplies was, held shower for friends and neigh-|of honor, who was assisted by bors and was assisted by Mrs.|her mother, Mrs, Arthur Hebb! John Sanders and Miss Linda/and Mrs. Colin Davies, the) Adams. Mrs. William Mac-| bridal attendant. | Donald Athol street east, sent a} Miss MclIntyre's co-workers} |corsage to the guest of honor. -|in the Bell Telephone Company | A linen shower was arranged| presented her with a place by Mrs. Grant Ball of Bow-| setting of Royal Doulton china} manville, aunt of the future) in the pattern of her choice, bridegroom. Assisting the host-| The prospective bridegroom ess were Mrs. Robert Vallieres| was presented with a carving} and Mrs. William MclIntyre,/set by his fellow workers in| mothers of the engaged pair.|the Parts and Service Depart- From relatives and close|ment of Gneral Motors. Q 4 YOUNG FUN The Western influence has finally invaded the kinder- garten scene in full force, Our little moppet in her Western-style slacks 'suit by Cinderella will have no qualms about participating in the playground's Trough- and-tumble fun. Made in durable press Cone cor- and cotton that requires no ironing, the stove pipe Slacks with a fly-front and wide waistband are worn here with a co-ordinating floral print shirt. Smooth- ness of fabric and sharp- ness of pants leg creases are retained through re- peated machine washings For All Your Fall Sewing Needs Shop ot House oF Fapric 11% King St. East 725-4551 duroy of Kodel polyester --By Tracy Adrian P| q0 NOTHING ADDITIONAL FOR Astigmatic corrections Finest Quality Lenses Simulated mond Trim @ Vinylite Optical ase We fill all PSI, oculists and optomistrists pres- criptions at same low prices. OPTICIANS -- OVER 3,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS BIFOCALS $184 Complete with Fromes Lenses and Case 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd Floor Hours: 9 A.M. to § P.M, Daily CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Phone: 728-1261 Tee\Kays FAIRWEATHER PRESENTS The Sensational New Swinging Sound of THIRTEENTH DYNASTY With The GO GO GIRLS T THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ON SATURDAY, SEPT. 3rd. The fabulous TEE-KAYS are availabie- in all Fairweather departments oe, Get your FREE BOOK COVERS Branches in many principe! cities of Canode & U.S, Founded 1904 4 >

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