10. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 2, 1966 ANN LANDERS Bosom Boom Broken Pill Is Not Culprit Dear Ann Landers: I just read in the. paper that thejdren brassiere manufacturers from coast to coast claim their busi- ness is booming because of the dirth control pill, They say thousands of women have had to go out and buy new under: garments because their dimen- sions have gotten larger, Who are these people trying to kid anyway? I used to wear a size $6B and now I have to buy 38C. I am not taking birth control pills so that can't be the reason I need a larger bras siere, It's because the auto- matic washing machines and harsh detergents are shrinking the fabrics, I know this is true because I weigh myself every three days and according to my scales I have not gained an ounce. Also IT am not blind, If I were getting larger any place I would surely notice it. So please print my letter and ut the facts before the public. | Hoon these foolish young girls of the truth so they won't start taking those pills just because they think it will give them bigger measurements, Thank you.--Mrs. Straight Facts Dear Mrs, Straight: My med- ical consultants tell me that in some instances the pill actually does increase measurements, but their increase is usually temporary and not so wide- spread that it could create a boom in the brassiere industry. Very hot water in your ma- chine would be responsible for some of the shrinkage, too. Cool it, Lady, Dear Ann Landers: Our mid- dle son, 17, showed me your column in which you lambasted parents for being super-critical of children. Your words were "Parents who set impossibly high standards can make chil- tense and insecure and finally the children may refuse to do anything for fear of fail re." Our middle son is disrespect- ful, lagy, unco-operative and an inveterate liar, How can par- ents praise poor grades, unfin- ished projects, and dishonesty? He says his older brother gets all the breaks and privileges. And he's right. But his older brother has earned the breaks and privileges by being . co operative and trustworthy, What advice do you have for parents in this impossible posi- tion?--Worrled Dear Worried: The child who is least lovable is the one who needs love the most. And ex- tending love to that child requires enormous compassion and patience, You and your middle son ob- viously have a very poor rela- tionship dating way back. It will take the help of a sea soned counsellor to establish some lines of communication, Don't hesitate to get the help you need. I hope it's not too late, Dear Ann Landers: I am 12 years old and my mother doesn't trust me, She thinks that whenever I go to visit my married sister something not very nice goes on with me and my sister's step-son, I don't know why she thinks this unless it is because I used to make up a lot of crazy things and write them in my diary. None of those things are true. How can I prove to my mother that I am a nice per- son?---Miss Understood Dear Miss: The best way to prove to your mother that you are a nice person is to behave like one. And stop lying to your diary, Toots, KEEP IN TRIM Foods High In Protein Help Dieters Reduce By IDA JEAN KAIN The strong feeling of alliance shared by dieters is a great morale booster, A homemaker writes; "Hearing about other over- welchts. sherine their triale WS oy and being tejumphs, is almost like a club; I really need had The balance of the menu should include: Two vegetables, one a dark green or yellow, 2-3 cup; a sec- ond vegetable--non-starch, cup; two fruits, one a citrus or juice, plus second fruit, un- sweetened; one io two slices of bread, one to two teaspoons of margarine and one tablespoon of oil, either used for cooking or A small for salad ® serving of cereal or a half of a baked potato can be substituted for one slice of bread. This high protein, highly protective diet is Mrs. H. T. Donihee of Cornwall, Ont,, is the new president of the Catholic Women's League. Mrs. HAMILTON (CP)--The new national president of the Cath- olic Women's League says she has always wanted to be a | writer, She has already made a |start, in two widely different }ways that indicate the variety of her interests. Mrs. H. T. Donihee has writ- ten a bridge column for the Cornwall Standard - Freeholder and she has written a poem that is a prayer as a result of her work with the Cornwall Children's Aid> Society. Mrs. Donihee says the prayer grew out.of a report to the Children's Aid on a family of children who had been deserted how something like that could happen in Cornwall without neighbors noticing the chil- Brides Beware Railway Strike Delays Dresses TORONTO (CP)--Girls with wedding plans may have diffi- culty getting the dresses of their choice for bride and Donihee was elected at the 46th annual national con- vention of the league in Hamilton, Ont., today. (CP Wirephoto) | CWL Annual Convention Elects Mrs. H. T. Donihee, President dren's plight and helping. She discovered that the family lived near her--she was one of the neighbors who had noticed, She says her prayer for guid- ance, repeated each night, be- came a poem. It has the im- andria, and has been printed. Mrs. Donihee is an avi bridge player who attends tour- jnaments when she can and who jhas taught some blind people j}to play with Braille cards. She has been a member of j\the CWL from 1947, has worked |with the girl guides, the city planning board, the juvenile j}court committee in Cornwall jand {is president of the local by their parents. She wondered /unit of the Canadian Cancer So-| | ciety. | A widow, Mrs. Donihee has two sons and a daughter. Manufacturers who make mesh ried about the amount of stor- age space that will be available for their production. All manufacturers are con- cerned that large stores in Western Canada and the Mari- times may cancel orders and CHILD GUIDANCE Moving Need ~ Not Disrupt School Children's Lives By GARRY C, MYERS, PhD If you have moved with your family, your children may have a hard time leaving their old |friends and trying to find new ones, If they are unger scnooi| age the adjustments may be relatively easy for them, It is fortunate if there are several children near your child's age in the immediate neighborhood, By attracting a few children your child's age to your home, one at first, more later, you can guide your child and them at having agreeable times to- gether, If your child is in the ele- mentary grades, the older he js the harder it may be, as a rule, for him to get acquainted with the other children of the neighborhood and with the new school. An: e@ and effort you spend to help him with these adjustments will be well spent. At school all the children may at first be strangers to your child, Ever so many wer? in this new school may be dif- ferent from the ways of his "old school," The ways of learning reading, spelling or arithmetic may be different. The work in these subjects may be harder or easier, If harder, he may feel discouraged. SEEK AID The books may be very dif- ferent from the last school; and if they are harder to read or learn from, he may feel sadly discouraged. Perhaps you can soon ascertain much about your child's school books and about the ways he is taught that are different from the books and ways he was used to. If the teacher allows your child to bring his books home, you could read some of his as- signments with him if he seems to find them difficult to read. Or after learning the names and publishers of his books, you primatur of the Bishop of Alex-|)might be able to purchase a| few. of them for his home use, If your child is not beyond the second grade he may not have assignments to read, as in his- tory or geography. His practice in reading from easy books will be most important after he be- gins to read at school up until the third or fourth grade, You may help him most by finding at the library or book store some very easy-to-read but in- teresting books. Of course, you should read aloud a great deal to this child. IDENTIFY LETTER If he is in Grades 1 or 2, you like enate are wor-|Would want to be sure he can} identify the ieiiers of the aipiia- bet and has some familiarity with the sounds of letters in words, WOMEN KNIT BACK SWINDON, England (CP) -- About 20 girls working at a No matter by what method ye child is taught arithmetic the new school if he is be- yond Grades 2 or 8, you should ascertain if he knows by heart the simple addition of subtrac- There are only 100 of each, If he still counts as he adds or subtracts, you should help him memorize three or four of these combinations an evening. It is especially important for him to master simple number combi- nations if he is in the fourth, fifth or sixth grade, When he writes a letter or does written homework, let your child know you are glad to spell any word for him. Encourage him to write carefully and neatly, Be sure you provide a cheer- ful, hopeful atmosphere in the family for this child going to a new school, Welcome his tell- ing at home about his school ex- periences, pleasant or unpleas- ant. Do let him know you care about his problems or the wor- ries he would like to tell you about, ANSWERING QUESTIONS Q. Out smn,' five, will offer um or other sweets to another y if he will come over and play with him, What does this mean | A. This means your boy needs jyour guidance to become a bet- ter playmate. THE: STARS SA By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW A good day for finishing in- completed tasks and taking ac- tion on projects you have been postponing. In all matters, how- ever, follow well-tested proce- dures, so as to eliminate the sibility of error. Care needed in romance; in dealings with the opposite sex, generally. FOR THE BIRTHDAY -- If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates bright prospects for success during the next 12 months, provided you are willing to take on some ad- ditional job responsibilities, Ac» cording to the stars," you are slated for advancement in both 'our occupational and financial nterests between Dec. 21 and Feb, 15, with further boosts in your career indicated in late April, in June, August and Sep- tember, Along monetary lines, be- sides the late - December - mid- February period, you are slated for gains next June, August and September. However, it would be wise to be ultra conservative during intervening ths---es- pecially throughout thy? Septem: ber and October, andfduring the first three weeks of (December, Those engaged in ative en- terprises should fing the first six months of 1967 highly prof- itable and should be the recipi- ents of gratifying recognition during the same period. Personal relationships will be governed by good influences for Ge@oRGIan mansions most of the year and, if you are 124 PARK ROAD NORTH, OSHAWA single, your best periods for ~-with early ge cohae weeks between May 15 and Sep- tember outstan: good. A child born on day will ot newiodgo en4\ 9 "cearalog e and a personality, but will have to| curb a fenden VCE Mvweens HOUSEHOLD HINT Never thin varnish with tur- pentine. It destroys its glossy properties. Instead, set the varnish can in @ pan of warm water, Don't set on the stove. UR THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING! Adult Building Central Location Prestige Address Distinction Beyond Compare Underground and Level Parking By Appointment Only 723-1712 -- 728-2911 Ses * en. --, - ed YEAR AROUND Enjoy Your Private SAUNA AND HEALTH CLUB Any Time You Wish "| TT ey, 6 la Keep T as oe | Convenieni Free Hydro High Speed Elevators Soft Beoutifully Landscaped Entranc Ultra-modern Kitchens include Range and New Refrigerator, Intercom Connected to Lobby | 1 Built-in Vanities, ly Carpeted Corridor Floors Bathrooms Equipped with Large Mirrors and rim! Have Fun! Enjoy a Life of Leisure When You Move To GRENFELL SQUARE APARTMENTS 385 GIBB ST. at GRENFELL ST. o Gshawa Snopping Cenire Facilities FU RN ISHED Rouble Sinica Throush Night Drapes ighout APARTMENTS Sapund 'Wpshonemn tultes hae NOW AVAILABLE Space ong Additional Leck Oshawa's Largest Suites 3 FLOORS RESERVED FOR ADULTS ONLY Swimming Pool and Sunning Patio, J 30 inch Electrie Rental Inch TV Antenna Service, Parking Space and Additional Locker ° lub Facilities mo! doctor tells me that the) within '1,000 calories, that would help my| For trimmings use dietetic most would be to lose/jam, non-nutritive sweeteners, e weight. To reduce noW,|jow calorie salad dressing, and e as I am, seems almost) giet type soft drinks. ble. I weigh 165 pounds} yoy cannot take weight-bear- am only five feet tall.| ing exercises, but you can keep 56 years old. I've been on) muscles toned with isometric @ 1,000 calorie diet, but haven't) contraction taken while seated. lost an ounce in two weeks.|/sit in straight chair, one with- Please help, I'm desperate. out arms. Put nutrition science to work.| Sit with back of hips against You will lose more weight on} chairback. Action: Pull up and the 1,000 calories if you divide|in with abdominals and hold your food into three modest/the muscle contraction for a meals plus a late afternoon|sliow count of . six. Breathe) PITY POOR EXAMINER | pickup. Dividing your food will] freely. Repeat five times, twice) DOUGLAS (CP)--Bill Shim-|P keep your metabolism elevated! daily. jmin, 61, the only driving exam- for 12 to 16 hours. Protein foods| To slim waist: Stretch arms|iner on the Isle of Man, has cause the greatest rise. Include|/above head, grasping left wrist|asked girls not to turn up for about 70 grams of protein daily| wii right hand. Pull slim|their tests in short skirts, be- bring in clothi rom ot "Wi i 7 bridesmaids it the rail strike is| ets particulanly American | Wits Rite electronics factory prolonged. s | "We could ship 1,000 coats altest against new wage eh ted seectbled ta ped hag day, but are lucky to get out 250)The girls switched from mak- because of transportation de-|* day," said a representative|ing fuses to knitting socks and lays. of Apparel Originals. sweaters until the union nego- "The area hardest hit is the|tiated better rates. "We've been able to move : dresses for immediate weddings| Maritimes because there seem|p to be so few trucks heading by air cargo, but the longer the & strike lasts the harder it's going) &#St. to be,"' said Phil Freedman, general manager of Highlite Fashions, makers of gowns. RESERVE YOUR SUITE NOW -- FOR RENTAL INFORMATION Phone Rental Office at 723-511] ++ ou 9 P.M, DAILY START SCHOOL on te RIGHT "FOOTING" Visit Zeller's Shoe Dept. First ! Many manufacturers are| sending small parcels by first- class mail rather than parcel post to ensure delivery. It adds about $3 to the cost of a 15- ound parcel. And the additional shipping costs, said one manufacturer, will be added to the price tag. ZELLER'S RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS OPEN DAILY TO 6 P.M. THURSDAYS & FRIDAYS TO 9 P.M, and have a high value protein at each of the three meals. Here is the pattern: Have four ounces of lean meat--cooked weight; one egg; one pint of skim milk or buttermilk, 4 cup of cottage cheese or a small serving of non-fat fish, baked or broiled, or poultry, without through midsection, then bend sidewards to the right, as far as comfortable, and hold. Re- peat five. times, then to the) other side. If you have the opportunity, exercise ina" swiniming pool, for this is exercise without weight bearing. We'll all be pulling for you. High School Dropouts Lose Life's Opportunities By ROBERTA ROESCH A few days ago we urged every student who worked this summer to go back to high school this fall. Today we are back to second this motion in this zero hour before school begins, because every year after summer vaca- tion thousands of young people drop out of school and fail to begin the fall term--especially if they need to earn money and already have a job. But a job you label "little money" later on when you learn all too soon that cut- ting your schooling short cuts your salary opportunities all your life. There was a time in this| country when young men and women could drop out of school, and, even with limited educa- tions, build rewarding careers. But today we are in a different/ age, and this is no longer the) "hig | money" in high school reads| ture, you, as part school graduates who are also| working at jobs earn 75 per) cent more than a person who! did not finish eight years of| jschool. You are also likely to find at that time that even stu- dents who leave high school be- hind after the junior year may make 15 per cent less in a life- time that people who returned to school in the fall to finish their senior year. ASK ABOUT JOB If you have to earn money in the present and must keep a job at any cost, go to your nearest employment office and }ask about job opportunities that |will fit a high school schedule. Then after you've made up your mind to do that, make up your mind to stay in school and get that high school diploma. | In our nation's' projected fu- of the youth | | case. 'The kind of jobs now being created require the mini- mum prepartion of a high schoo] education. COURT DISASTER Today's dropout is tomor- row's unemployed or underem- ployed. So when you drop out/| of high school to earn money} you need for the present, you/ court economic disaster for the | funds you will require for the future. RELAZ... With Modern DIAPER SERVICE Twice a week delivery. j) 72 Diapers a week 4.50 for only... | Depend on Us, Cell It can't be said enough that when you reach that future, } ,you will find that the high) 668-4671 cause they distract him and his | colleagues on the mainland.) "Please, remember we are only | human," he appeals. of our country, are one.of.our richest resources. But for your own immediate | future --which starts when| school begins for most of the) country next week--the most| practical plan for the present | is to go back to school. | Opportunity will be on your side when you do, And the odds will be in your favor, It's simple how quickly one uy lose pounds of unsightly fat right in your own home. Make this home recipe yourself. It's easy, no trouble at all and costs little. Just go to your drug store and ask for four ounces of Naran Concentrate. Pour this into a pint bottle and add enough | cay dom juice to fill the bottle. 'ake two tablespoons full a day as needed and follow the Naran Plan. If your first purchase does not show you a simple easy way to New Home Recipe Reducing Plan Good Names To Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker -- President Bill McFeeters -- Vice Pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 lose bulky fat and help regain | slender more ul curves; i reducible pounds and inches of excess fat don't disappear from neck, chin, arms, abdomen, hips, calves and ankles just return the sae bottle for your money | back. Follow this oy way en- dorsed by many who have tried this plan and help bring back alluring curves and graceful slenderness. Note how quickly bloat disappears--how much bet- ter you feel. More alive, youthful appearing and active. YOUR CHOICE LITTLE GIRLS' "Busy Beaver" properly crafted to support grow two-eyelet oxford, 82 to 4, Vulcanized rubber sol THE HOUSE OF FLAIRE OUR OWN BRAND -- OF FULL SATISFACTION! 933 COIFFEURS Offers Oshawa and Vicinity Personal Services In .. @m @ Pedi (Foot Care) @ Facials @ Make-up Consulting @ Eyebrow Arching @ Eyebrow and eyelash Tinting Jane Poulson For Your Persone! Appointment Phone 723-6901 (Ultimote in Hoir Styling end Shaping) 14 ONTARIO ST. SEE ZELLER'S BACK TO SCHOOL SHOES THEY ARE YOUR GUARANTEE shoes --~ ing feet! Two styles: black leather in monk-strap style. 8 to 4, Black or brown leather moccasin- stitched. es, WIDE SELECTION OF "BUILT TO TAKE IT" Famous "Savage" Shoes FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Your Choice 6-99 and 7.99 For little girls, quality-crafted shoes of kip leather. One-strap style, four-eyelet oxford in black or brown..For little boys, black or brown grain leather Blucher oxford, black side leather loafer. Sizes 81% to 4 in group. JUST SAY "CHARGE-IT" NO DOWN-PAYMENT 1.25 WEEKLY BUYS UP TO 100.00 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ZELLER'S DOWNTOWN, SIMCOE STREET SOUTH