Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Sep 1966, p. 6

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per cent were In fevor of the;small producers but an est!-|clation, a group formed to op- agency. mated 100,000 bags of Mani-'pose the agency with about 300 COVER STORAGE toba's $4,500,000 potato crop is|members, says snall growers Vegetable Growers Defy The new proposa! would cover bypassing the-commission con-jare being forced to break the WINNIPEG (CP)--Many un-jand pe Fg of psbigae J i .| Was hipped up again this happy Manitoba vegetable grow-| W45 wi 4 ; ; month when commission man- ers are ignoring marketing reg- ager Bill Daman said a crack- jshouid Voie on Manitoba Vegetable Laws ing formation of a commission of inquiry into operations of the commission, A referendum on the future of the commission was also promised, perhaps ;within a year. Producers who "in sis t on) '"., It is reasonable that they weiner tiney want this system continued," he said in a direct reversal from the stand taken by now retired agriculture minister A strike was already in pro-| telephone company. About 50 CNT telephone oper-| ators Thursday went out at Gan-) der, apparently in sympathy) with the nation-wide rail strike| that has closed telegraph offices) throughout Canada. } They stayed on the job for six days under a top-level union- management agreement to pro- tect vital services, similar to one whieh is keeping the New-| foundland - Nova Scotia ferry) service operating. | CNT supervisors tried to han-| die emergency traffic but many) small communities in central | Newfoundland and along the northeast coast were virtually eut off by lack of operators. The strikebound Avalon Tele- phone Co. leases most of its long-distance lines_on and off the island from CNY: It also has been struggling along with su- pervisory help since 300 main- tenance and repairmen struck Archbishop Upholds US. Role In Viet Nam Mente Perna ve Te He said the United States has, many parts of the world since) fused to cross picket lines. Archbishop of Canterbury. said|a moral right to be in Viet Nam the Vatican Council and he was The district chairman of Wednesday the necessity for co-\"and is there with the right|confident he would find many |the Commercial Telegraphers existence between Christianity| motive -- withstanding Commu-|illustrations of this new spirit in| Union said the action of the and communism now has be-|nist aggression." However, if|Canada. However, there were|Gander operators was precipi- 'UNDER THE HAMMER Constable Thomas Pittman produced as evidence of the Halifax police de- against a convicted keeper partment takes a swing at of a common betting a pinball machine, earlier house, while Inspector L, Flinn looks on. This ma- chine and another were demolished in accordance with a police court order. (CP Wirephoto) FREDERICTON (CP) --The| come a fact although the two|the struggle continued it would|"'places and areas" where the tated by picketing outside their older antagonisms still survived.| ~~ The archbishop conducted a} lservice of witness and thanks-| remain incompatible. {be "no good at all." "Both recognize that there is) The 61 - year - old spiritual one and there is the other andjleader of 42,000,000 Anglicans neither is going to be latches goog ot world said i by violence," Most Rev. Mi-)would be completely wrong to} | 3 f chael Ramsey said at a press'acquiesce to independence for a pre aafltoatied by ede yend er inet ee" conference. Rhodesia unless there is a real was nino heard a raaié, , leesaions "Tf one of any faith also pos-|safeguard for progress to ma-| __. iE BAS Tefen ~ NEE ENO aS RULER 18 ABSOLUTE gress at the province's other) | The Lamido of Rey Bouba, | jgiving before 3,500 persons at|Cameroon, Africa, is acknowl-| ulations twice rejected in @aldown on the errant producers referendum. _ : would be sought. Some estimates say up to 50 ce per cent of the 790 growers are breaxing @ provincia: iaw defying the law which says they|could be fined a maximum of must sell theif produce through! $500 or sentenced to three the Manitoba Vegetable Market-|months in jail, he warned. ing Commission. Rookie Agriculture Minister fs a feud of long standing'Harry Enns moved in, announc-| George Hutton. '* REFERENDUMS CRUX The question of referendums ympa y e oses has been the crux of the dispute since 1958 when the executive m " jof the ig er re poh peed ciation asked the provincial gov- Island Long-Distance Lines: rnment for a marketing agency. Growers in the $6,500,000-a- By DON McLEOD exchange by CNT telegraph op-| year industry rejected the sug- ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--jerators who went off the job atigestion by a four-per-cent mar- Long = distance communication] "0" Friday. igin in a mail-in referendum. i th hout Newfoundland Meanwhile business agent|Four years later, the proposal lines. throughou James Walsh and other repre-|was revived and rejected by 40 were crippled after a walkout! sentatives of Local 1615 of|votes in another mail-in. of toll operators at the vital|the International Brotherhood of} But Mr. Daman says he has Canadian National Telecommu-|Electrical Workers are to ap-jevidence there was something nications exchange in Gander.|pear in court. today on an in-jrotten in the referendums. Cir- junction granted Avalon Tele-|culars sent to names on the lon Telephone Monday to re-|referendum list resulted in an strain picketing on the grounds |eight-inch-high pile returned be- that conciliation was in pro-|cause the names were unknown. gress. Pickets have been main-| Agitation cont inued from tained despite the injunction. |some quarters for controls on The conciliation board re-|the sale of beets, cabbage, car- ported to the company and rots, onions, parsnips, potatoes union Wednesday, but Mr.|and turnips. Walsh said the report failed to| Mr. Hutton gave way and ex- meet union wage demands.|plained the reasoning to the Avalon' officials declined com--Manitoba legislature this ment. The union indicated it|spring. would not accept the report. | "Tremendous results" Avalon employees voted to\achieved by a potato marketing strike contrary to union execu-\commission was the deciding tive advice, Mr. Walsh said the|factor, he told the legislature. men acted on their own and an|He added that a poll of grow- injunction against the union was|ers controlling 85 per cent of the therefore invalid. vegetable acreage indicated 63.5 RED WING ORCHARDS ROADSIDE MARKET OPEN DAILY A Complete line of locel fresh Fruits end Vegetobles, Located 2% Miles West of iM ie spree Sal tpagee ced Maghetel ional aR EA sesses humanity deeper than jority rule and unless there is Of John Lennon's remark) Commenting on what has been about the Beatles being more termed the new morality, Dr. | popular than Jesus, Dr. Ram-|Ramsey said it is important to The archbishop, who arrived! On the God is dead" issue, | THERE WILL BE here Tuesday night by plane/ne said the formula is used by NO GARBAGE COLLECTION on from Montreal, leaves today for' different people in different con-| MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th , jnew spirit of friendship and co-' Al . C joperation between Roman Cath- exis aron jOlies and Anglicans spreading in| sey said: To be more popular) show that Christian morality is than Jesus proves absolutely/nositive and not negative. The| Halifax on the second leg of @ texts, "It ; ; \ tour from Newfoundiand to Brit-| nee aer's Gadi te wend ' : il Garbage normally collected on thet dey will be picked up on Tuesday, September 6th. OTTAWA (CP) -- Leaders of all political parties in the Com- if 've b itting tigh sitting tight... any individual ideology, that is|a settlement for all peoples of Wes the real promise that one day | Rhodesia." TOWN OF WHITBY nothing at all. Jesus Christ/impression that religi 1. didn't come into the world to be ity oan negative Sronentions judged on popularity. It's an it-/had been given too often in the | ish Columbia. jligion and a greater advance in| | modern religious secularism." On the subject of Christian JOHN R. FROST Clerk. Administrator mons Wednesday paid tribute to Alexis Caron, Liberal MP for Hull who died earlier in the day waiting for just your kind of car, in just your kind of size, at just your kind of price - WAIT NO LONGER!!! we will find our way te peace." | WORALITY IS POSITIVE relevent issue." past. | House Honors junity, he said there has been a Prime Minister Pearson said Mr. Caron, 67, had been his friend and valued comrade. 'He was a great individualist | and an eloquent fighter for his principles," said Mr. Pearson | Mr. Caron, an MP for the last) 12 wears, had served his coun-J= try and party well. | Opposition Leader Diefen-) baker said Mr, Caron had served in all fields of public endeavor--as mayor of Hull, Que., as a member of the Que- bec legislature and as a mem- ber of Parliament "He was a man of strong per- sonal feeling who expressed himself in a way that was clearly understood," said Mr Diefenbaker. T. C. Douglas, leader of the New Democratic Party, said members of his party came to respect Mr, Caron while the Hull MP was whip of the Lib- eral party. He had had a long and yseful public life Real Caouette, leader of the Creditistes, said while he didn't always share Mr. Caron's con- victions, he respected his cour- age and his frank expressions of opinion. Robert Thompson, leader of the Social Credit party, said he was shocked by Mr. Caron's sudden death. "NURSE" CHEV.-OLDS. is offering the sort of values you just can't afford to pass up. 25 FULLY RECONDITIONED USED CARS NOW ON DISPLAY ! | COME IN THIS WEEKEND... FOR BEST VALUES AND SELECTION ! | CAMERAS GROW TINY The U.S. National Aeronaug | ties and Space Administration | is testing a television camera measuring four inches long. RENTALS FREEMANS FORMALS FOR MEN a) BE WISE. ., BUY WHERE YOU ENJOY BETTER SERVICE USS EEVE aE MEN'S SHOP Math Mg S,,whitby 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST * WHITBY * PHONE 668-3304 CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LTD Whitby on No. 2 tiighwey at the "BIG RED APPLES" only storage vegetables while other age covered the whole vegetable sphere. It would also represent the industry from eg to retailer while the ear- lier proposals called for a pro- ducer marketing board, run only by the growers. With the new concept, the gov- ernment went ahead over the protestations of a vocal Broup . * ai cite pecs se Pee tas ol. |regulations or go out of busi- The vegetable producers asso- ness, : ot: peeeers Se. t) ition. gulations gave the agency authority to pool and establish grades and to determine when and where to sell and how much to charge. It can sell or cancel growers' licences, inspect books and premises and search vehicles, set' minimum and maximum prices and seize illegally sold goods and keep the proceeds. Fines for violations are $25 to $500 for an individual, up to $1,000 for corporations, A Bran- don growers caught seling to a restaurant was fined $25. Mr. Enns says most of the growers ignoring the law are When awoman asks for wine... all '| give her Jordan Valley Crackling THE HEINTZMAN PIANO RENTAL PLAN Here's 2 novel plan for parents who wish to test their children's Rosé. Here's a wine to match her personality...pleasantly sparkling, Classroom Cutie There's not an unfeminine inch in this slim young shoe. The soft new colors and finishes are strictly made for girls-who-love-to-be-girls. Our trained shoe> fitters have 2 complete range of sizes and widths that i] Long Sheft, Padded Desh $. | Best Value in Town 820. muiical ability before purchas- ing a piano. Heintzman will rent you an attractive, new small piano for 6 months--if you de- cide to purchase it, the six month's rent and cartage will be allowed on the purchase price, The halance on Heintzman's Own Budget Terms. 79 SIMCOE ST. N, 728-2921 refreshingly lively, even slightly frivolous. Lightly- bubbled, modest cost, superb taste! JORDAN VALLEY Cracking Rost otricene [ SERVE CHILLED | J@RDAN WINES ' WIN A FREE ON THE TOWN MEMORIALS Priced Yo Suit Every Budget tree, Statues, efe. TITY. 5 CLEANERS 524 Cromwell Ave. Qshows 723-1159 Exclusive HAIR STYLING "Branch Stores" vOR MEN ss ar a a mae MIL HAHN 728.3111 364 Wilson OSHAWA Rood South iy Oe MARTIN, PROP. oe a 728-6007 || \eented V4 Milo Kast oF ° 985-2332 wHitsy 181 Bond St. W. PORT PERRY 130 Brock gt. N. 668-4341 COMPLETE NURSERY CENTER * Highest Quality Nursery Steck * Open 7 Days A Week * For Free Estimates Coll-. .. John Brouwer Garden Centre & Landscaping 668-3396 SHORTY'S CIGAR 24. HOUR SERVICE "Radio cabs, es near os your telephone!" 14 Albert St, Oshawe 725-4771 BRIGHAM SRIAR PIPES Guns * Ammunition %* 100 Kinds of Pipe Tobocco Hours: 8 a.m. te 10 p.m. deily 121 Brock N. 668-8361 Located West of Whitby On Hwy. 2 Near Red Wing Orchards HOW TO WIN Each 'week for 26 weeks you can win 3 Night en the Town",com of the participating bus odvertisement. All you are do is read through each advertisement carefully. There will appear in a num- pet of. the advertisements each wéek, the letters forming the name of one of the porticipating businesses. Cor- rectly identify the business each week and send your answer along with your name ond address to "Night on the Town". Contest Editor ¢/o The Oshawa Times. The first correct answer drawn each week will' win ao night on the town. Entries must be received no "Featuring This Year" 14 Ft. Aluminum LAPSTRAKE RUNABOUT Sleeper Seots, Flat Vinyl, Floor, | = Styling Shoppe THE HOUSE OF WOMAN 27 King St. &, 725-4321 OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN Harbour 723-1901 later than Friday noon of each week. GLIDE'S BODY SHOP Fermerly Cook's Body Shop "Complete Collision, Body and Fender Repsirs" @ FREE ESTIMATES @ 728.8542 175 King St. W. YOU RECEIVE 1. Moir Style for the lady at the The House of Women. . Hoir Style for the mon ot Rudy's Hairstyling for Men. 3, One Casual Dress and one man's suit dry cleaned at Seugog Cleaners 4 T porta for the ing by Mercury Toxi. , 5. Dinner for two in the Rib Room at the Genoshe Hotel. 6. Win Two Guest Tickets to the Resent Theatre, See "Mary Poppins" in Technicolor. 7, Entertainment in the Startlite Room i E EDS of the Genoshe Hotel. "MY ANSWER" PAGES 59 Dreyer Dr. INJOY OUR CONTINENTAL BUFFET THE RIB ROOM Hrs. 11:30 - 2 P.M, & S + 8 PM. Mon. to Fri. Sat. $ to 8 ! Address ... MRS. MERLIN 723 * 3498 rate 70 King E. 723-4641 fit as only Buster Brown's can. $ 8 99 "ANNIE" -- In Red and Black -- Smooth Leather, B, C and D Widths. Sizes 812 to 4 COLLINS SHOES 119 Brock St. $., Whitby Ph. 668-3476 Open Fri, Till 9 p.m. COMFORT LIVING ARMSTRONG HOMES AVAILABLE IN TWO CHOICE LOCATIONS ROLLING HILLS SOUTHWOOD PARK ae saaphgt bond : HARWOOD AVE. SOUTH rondview St. et ve Ave. OSHAWA 8 AJAX MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION WEEK-ENDS

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