Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Sep 1966, p. 18

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escetaerte LI'L ABNER MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES <p 4 AR Oe HERE-TAKE THIS AND BUY 7] OUTFIT: "il THANK YOU, DEAR..- I FEEL SO HAPPY NOW, WABN'T THAT SWEET OF HIM! AN' BELIEVE ME, THAT'S THE LAST TINE I'M GOING TO EAT CUCUMBERS AN? HOT. 0066 RIGHT BEFORE GOING TO BEeD// © Ming Fontores Syn Bienis, lan. 1966. Weill ilghts savored. LS NO WORRY, TOO SHALLOW HERE FOR DESTROYER... YANKEE PLANES NOT RISK KILLING THEIR OWN MAN, '11Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 1966 BRIDGE (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) COME YANKEE PLANES...AND DESTRONER! South dealer. ' Both sides vulnerable, a 4109852 99843 THE LONE RANGER THEY'LL DITCH THAT SECRET AGENT X9 Opening lead--king of clubs. Some endplay, situations are dealth ready-made for declarer to execute. All that declarer has to do in these cases is rec- ognize the position and take ad- vantaoe of it. In other hands, however, the endplay is not immediately dis- cernible because it does not yet exist and has to be created to be effective. These hands usual- ly require looking many tricks ahead to visualize the ultimate foresight is certainly not un- common at the bridge table. If South takes the right view in this hand, he realizes at trick one that the slam is in the bag. All he has to do is arrange his play so that he winds up losing only one heart trick, not two. He does not stake the result fon a heart finesse against the king, which would have only an even chance of success. In stead, he shapes his play to overcome the possibility that West was dealt the king. He does this by clearing the diamonds and clubs. before [tackling hearts. He takes the ace of clubs, ruffs a club, and draws a round of trumps. He next cashes the ace of dia- monds and ruffs a diamond. NEXT MORNING, AFTER A WAITER INFORMS "THE THERE 1S NO ANSWER FROM THE LOCKED COMPARTMENT, THEY ACT QUICKLY: + ENEMIES...IHE FORCES NERAL FOMPOL GENERAL POMPOLINO! I'D BET NO. HE'D PAY A PRETTY FOR THIS HAIRPIN! po PENNY | -- WHAT'S THAT BOOK, SKEETER? TEXTBOOK... VACATION? rT | i Ha s YOU'RE ACTUALLY STUDYING MATH DURING /}- WELL, MY AMBITION WHEN I GROW UPS TO a THE IDEA? ant Tuars2 | RIGHT...) 4 "ef me ( BE AN ASTRONAUT. Cry ~ BUT UNLESS I PO BETTER IN MATH, ILL WIND UP AS JUST AN ASTRONAUGHT/// i THEN WE HAVE AN UNDERSTANDING, DEAR CHILD? I WiLL AND YOU ~--YOU WILL. BE MY PYGMALION ! AP THAT OLD NUMBER MAKE APASS AT YoU? I...'M NOT SURE, EARL... i|,'F HE EVER DOES--FILL ME IN, AND I SWEAR--THERE'LL BE ONE LESS EMIL PAVANE CLUTTERING UP THIS TELEVISION LOG Then declarer trumps dummy's last club, after which he ruffs his last diamond in dummy, Channel 9--Toronto Channel Channel Channel Channel 7--Buffalo 6--Toronto 4--Buffalo Channel 11--Hamilten @--Rochester 7--Peyton Plac 6-3~--Telescope 9:30 P.M. |n ~Honeymooners 9--Let's Sing Out 3-2--Mickie Finn's 10:00 P.M. 11--The Merv Griffin Show 8-2---Showaown 7--Dating Game 4--Dick Van Dyke Show }~Erne Lindell e 12:00 NOON 11--Bonnie Prudden Show 3--Toronto Summertime ¢-2--Jeopardy HUBERT DIDN'T YOU NOTICE, HUBERT? IVE COMPLETELY REDONE OUR BEPROOM INA The stage is by now set for ithe endplay which cannot fail. Declarer Jeads a heart and fin- esses the seven after East plays low. West wins with the ten, but, whatever he returns, South 's Channel 3--Barrie Channei 2--Buttalo a THURSDAY EVE, 5:00 P.M. 1.6-2--Rowan and Martin | 7--Money Movie 7--The Avengers |3-6--Luncheon Date +--McClure in India 4--News and Weather; 3--Inspector Maigret 10.30 P.M, --Shena V--Family Theatre mbeiact let A #--Superman 7--Highway Patrol 6--Summer Camp 2--Atom Ant 5:30 P.M, 8--Dobie Gillis 7--Jalopy Races 4~--Movie 6---Country Style 6--News, Weather, Sports 3~Edgar Wallace 11.235 P.M. 2--Passport Two 11--The Vise 6:00 P.M. li: 7--Twilight Theatre 6--Metro-Go-Round 48--News, Sports with Chuck Healy 6.20 P.M, 3--C.N.E 6:3 P.M. 4--Speaker of the House | 12:30 P.M. |V1--Noon Time 3-9---News, Weather, Sports 8-2--Swingin' Country |6-4--Search For Tomorrow 72.40 P.M, | 9--Movie 12:45 P.M, 64--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. 1--Theatre @--wialing For Dollars, Girl Talk 7--Ben Casey 3-6--Luncheon Date 4--Meeat The Millers 2--Merv Griffin }6--Viewpoint }2----Tonight Show 1 M. 11:20 P.M, j P.M, 8--Tonight Show 7--Movie 3--Movie 11:40 P.M, 6--Gunsmoke 9--Movie | FRIDAY i} M. ' 1:30 P.M. &4--As The World Turns &--Let's Make a Deal 3--Movie 2:00 P.M. 7--Newlywed Game 6--Cuisine 4--Password 8-2--Days of Our Lives 2.30 P.M. 4--News 8:00 A. 3-9-- News, Weather and |4--Captain Kangaroo Sports 8.30 A.M. 2-8--Huntley-Brink'ey 9--T.V. University News | 8:55 A.M. 6--Four men in Ratlam | 7--Dialing for Dollars, 7:00 P.M, Girl Taik Vi--Liftlest Hobo | 9:00 A.M. 9--Movie }11--Morning Musicale 8--Sports World 9--Romper Room 2-6--News, Weather 8--Big Picture Sports 4--You and Your Family 4--Forest Rangers 2---Bozo's Big Top 3--Green Acres 9:30 A.M. 20 P.M, 9--Uncle Bobby s, Weather, | 8--Smile Time : MA. | 4--Love of Life 9--Fractured Phrases P.M. 2--Jack LaLanne 8-2--Another World 8-2--Daniel Boone | 10:00 A.M. 7--General Hospital 7--Batman 6-4-3--To Tell The Truth 6--Square World 3.25 P.M, 4--The Munsters 11-3--Let's Go to the Races 3 »M, 9--People in Conflict &-2--The Doctors 7--A Time for Us 6--Coronation Street 4--Linkletter's Party 11--Ed Allen Time 9--Summer__ Fun 8-2--Eye Guess 'ae Love Lucy | 10:30 A.M. 8:00 P.M. |11--Mark Saber 1--Mike Douglas 19--TV Bingo 7--Gidget ]8-2--Concentration 63--Seaway 7--Donna Reed 4---Gilligan's Isiend 4--The McCoys 8:20 P.M, 3--Time Out i 11:00 A.M. |9--1 Love Lucy pT=teng Jon Sliver is=Match- Gam | sac and Mrs \4--Secret Storm | 3-6--Bonnie Prudden 4--News | 3:30 P.M. \\--Funay Company | 9--It's Your Move | 7--Super Club 4--Edge of Night 28~You Don't Say 4.00 P.M, PLM, 9--Color Preview '66 -2--Lareds 7--Double Life of Henry f 8-2--Chain Letter 3-6--Sunshine Semester 7--Supermarket Sweep 2--Mike Douglas |3--Ed Allen Time 4:30 P.M j4--Andy of Mayberry 11:30 A.M. Phyfe 4--My Three Sons 9:00 P.M. N--Gilligan's Island 7--Bewitched |!]--Supercar 9--Movie 8--Yogi Bear 4--Movie 11--Buccaneers #3--1 Dresm of Jeannie | 9--Abracadabra CROSSWORD ACROSS . Seize 5. Worry 9. Stand of trees . Work . Speeded Walk slowly . Sloth Big shot . For example; abbr. 17. Titter 21. Harem room Large snake Soon Short outings Assist | 4 8 Most rational 31, Containing ore 82. Food fishes of the macke erel family $3. Birthplace 2. Sindbad's winged enemy 3. Postal abbreviae tion . Piece of furniture 5. Talent 5, Road- way to parking area. » Subside 8. City: Ohio 9. Clutch . Daughter of King Lear . Flesh of deer . "Boot" country 9. Frag- ment. . Hebrew meas- ure . Begin- ning 3. Vedic god 5. Mase field heroine 5. One's dwelling . Mistakes 9. Friendly. 30. Former Russian rulers 32, Animal . Bearing . For } shame . Rhine tributary . Before . Observe yy 22. 24. YW) Ship's crew Calcium: sym. . Capitals Bulgaria 8. Gods of the Teutonic Pantheon . American Indians 42, Regions 43. Dispatched t OVERPOPULATED WORLDS. A 4 44. Stagger DOWN 1, Granular sure of the rest of the tricks. A heart lead would be more than welcome, and the same goes for a club or diamond return, which would yield a ruff and discard. The endplay eliminates all chance of defeat. It would not help the defense if East played the jack on the heart lead from dummy, In such case South would finesse the queen to put West in the same helpless position. SALLY'S SALLIES a \) LOOK, DEAR, LAVENDER SHEETS ARE OKAY ON YOUR BED, BUT CAN I HAVE MY OLD yy PATCHED WHITE ONES BACK @ A, TOMORROW ? © King Features Syndicate, Inc, 1966. World right reserved, 22 "Have it your way, little lap dog. But as far as 'I'm con- cerned you're on your last lap." | YOUR HEALTH People Get Fat By Over - Eating By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD LACKED OLD SKILL WATH - ON = DEARNE, England (CP)--The rest of the 900-year-old Yorkshire church here is in good condition but the 46-year-old roof needs re- Dear Dr. Molner: I am over- placing. Experts say the wrong the energy in your food Usu- weight. I don't eat much but it/ally the overweight person, per-| sort of wood was used when fire could be heredity as my grand-|haps just because he is too damage was repaired in 1920 mother (mother's mom) is ov-jheavy, doesn't get much exer-jand jt now is infested: with erweight, too. My dad said it |cise. He'd rather sit. And some- | woodworm and death + watch | could be glands, If it is glands,|times he sits and eats! An hour'| peetle what could be' done to losejor two of good brisk exercise L weight? I am 11 years old.--jevery day can make a lot of | Olga difference, 5 dol eit Hii The reasons why some people) Your father mention eal ich bass sys ec we get fat and others don't are|glands. It is true that glandular! Note to K. P. M.: No, bron- very complicated, but they all/ ailments sometimes are import-}.jjq) asthma is not the same come down to a single basicjant. Sometimes! An experi- | 55 emphysema Emphysema fact: If you eat more than you,ences endocrinologist (glandu-| means the lings have lost some use up in energy, you get fat.|lar expert) told me not long|o¢ their elasticity 'making Why do some people eat|4g0 that he sees a lot of heavy jpreathing difficult. Bronchial more? Why do some use up|children -whose parents think! s<thma means spasm and con- less. energy Those are the|the condition may be the result/-action in the bronchial tubes, questions to consider. jof "glands, lalso making breathing difficult, You say, my young friend,| Actually, he said, it almost/put for a different reason. that you "don't eat much." Are|never is, If he can get the|Asthma however can make you sure After all, you obvi-|/ youngsters to change their eat-|emphysema worse. ously do eat more than you) ing habits, and get them ot --_------------________-- need, or you wouldn't be over-/on vigorous, daily exercise, he John Ovens lrisk being burned by trying 0.2. OPTOMETRIST 8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA PH. 723-4811 The real answer usually is to} pemarn ens re marco re A tose aa herself, subtly taught you tojavoid the gooey desserts and) like the things that make peo-|candy, and to learn how much! ||ple fat--sweet stuff of all kinds|fun physical activity can be. | plus (and this is even more | | weight. jhardly ever finds that the Heredity may play a slight|/glands need treating. part in eating habits. But most} A metabolism test should} doctors (including me) believe|come pretty close to settling that it is very slight when com-|the question of whether glands pared to the eating habits wejare involved. If that is the | acquire while young. Maybe|problem, then pills will help. your grandmother, being hefty important) those containing] Dear Dr. Molner: I misplaced fats (more calories than sugar)./your article on hydrochloric That's why pastry is so fatten-|acid and would like to know | ing. It contains both sugar and|how much to dilute it. Does it! fat. A piece of fruit or some| make any difference if I buy it gelatin for dessert is much bet-/from a drug store or hardware) ter for you. store--L. A. . Do you eat between meals| First of all, don't consider it What about candy bars andjat all unless your doctor finds | pop Do you raid the icebox|that you need it. If he ues. | Wilson's My advice is to eat three solid|he will prescribe the proper | meals a day but to take a hard|amount to the druggist. It has} look at desserts and between-|to be extremely dilute. At full) meals nibbling strength this is a dangerous | Now how. about burning upjacid, and I don't want you to

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