p25 RM WO a EP Ht ye A OG a Pe be ET ee INDUSTRIALS Abitibi 235 $10'4 10% 10¥s MANSFIELD, England (CP)| Alta Gas T 270 $31 ve c. ingland ( --10 Aigo Cent 130 $10 40 10. --'u|Now that Batman has started | Algoma St 795 $26¥a z oat y,|on British television, a Notting- | Alcothipee: is oT aM ak + vw hamshire clothing store has Alumin 2p 35 pede Rg i found out how to get rid of an | Anthes A 150 $23% "a ~ ; ici araos ma | old stockpile of police uniform Atl Sugar 1415 $9 9 ie capes. It is doing a roaring Atl Sug A 250 $20 204 20! i i il- Bank Mil 425 $5494 544 44 + | trade in Batcapes at eight shil Bank N S 16 $64 " 6 + a\lings and sixpence each. Beaver L 25 $30 0 etna Bell Phne 1489 $49% a 49% + Vs Brdg Tank 7225 $54 Sia | BA Constr 125 $5% 5% BA Oil 393 829% 29% ra +%) BC Forest 120 $20 BC Phone 25 3600 «60 Fi CAE Ind 250 $8 a CD 'Sugar 24 $192 194 19% € Foundry 100. Can tron 190 $19 » Can Perm 475 $10% 10 Cdn Brew 800 36% 6% 6% Cc Chem w 3 300 500 S00 C Goldale 100 480 480 480 Cc imp Bnk 166 $572 56% i Cc Ind Gas 215 Sil' li" CiL 560 [36 a 16¥e CPR 1655 ($55% 55 CPR or OO 87% 7% C Petrofin 125 $10% 10% Cdn Tire A 315 $12% 12% Chemcel! 315 $13 (13 Cheysier 650 $42 42 Ciairtone 100. S9e 9% Cominco 1790 $36 (35% Cclumbi p 225 $22 2 Con Bldg 100 95 «(95 Con Bidg p 100 330 Con Paper 235 $35% 35Ye 35'4 Con Textie 100 $2) 21 2 Cons Gat 2030 314% 144 14 Corby vt 200 $18 8 Crush IKNTL '#la¥e Ital Disti Seag 245 $2714 294 i D Bridge 220 $18% 18% AA j Dofasco 2665 $21%% 21% ay " Dosco 100 $10'4 10% Wr--% Dom store 310 sum ism ems | LEADS PC PARTY Dormtar 990 $17 We 7 +" ' D Texte 387 MR yl age se ka 4 ah a pont 400 $29% 29' 39% | er of the Newfoundland Pro- fe Sait oe gressive Conservative Party. Falcon 745 $88 87% 88 Dr. Murphy, member of corn Pay on i, B, #4) the provincial legislature for ecer J 2% 1% " ' - Ger Baker 150 $6%% 6% 63s --~ Ye Humber East, was first GMC 153 $794 77 % . elected in the provincial year 44 10 19 i Go penk tee ttre Dis Dd | general election' of 1962 Gu Power 21284 2 | (CP Photo) seat of government. ig | | | CAPES GO WELL | DIVIDENDS ord Sept. 16. Giant Yellowknife Mines Ltd., By THE CANADIAN PRESS /|15 cents, Sept. 29, record sent pref. 15 cents, Oct. 1, record T. G. Bright and Co. Lid.,| 12. common 50 cents, Sept, 30, rec-' Rockower of Canada Ltd., ¥ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, August 31, 1966 7 nag cents; 51% « pained a » 15. : ° B Consumers Gas, common usuario me Figehhs sep AND ITs ADVISORY VOCATIONAL COMMITTEE ANNOUNCE THE 1966-1967 PROGRAM FOR ADVANCED TECHNICAL EVENING CLASSES R. S. MCLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE and VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE 570 Stevenson Road North Telephone 728-9407 Monday, Sept. {2 or Tuesday, Sept. 13 7:00 p.m, to 9:0) | Classes will i held at McLaughlin C.V.!. on Monday end Wednesday Evenings, starting September 19. These courses ore equivalent to the day courses being offered at the eon of Mele d ond are recognized by the Association of Cer- ioe Sree ing Technicians ond Technologists, PREREOU SITES FOR ADMISSION he requirement for admission to the Advanced Technical Evening Certificate Courses is the Secondary School Graduation Diploma (Grade i so ealatesad or its equivalent os determined by the Principal of the 00 00 p 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. 9:00 - 10:00 p.m. TECHNICAL 'DRAWING ENGLISH 1 MATHEMATICS un ENGLISH fi MATHEMATICS 1 gd TRONIC ELECTRICAL MECHA! AMENTALS NICS NDA FUNDAMENTALS GENERAL CHEMISTRY TECHNICAL DRAWING MATHEMATICS | YSICS Other courses will offered providing there is ahora demand. Qther courses will be offere ee FEES: $10.00 PER SUBJECT The following credits hove been approved and may be presented in lieu of the subjects indicated Grade Xi! Chamistry for Chemistry 1. Grade Xil! Algebra and 7 for jes |, Grade Xil! Algebra, y ond Tri hy Grade Xili Physics and Trigonometry for pent tired " or Pots tk Grade Xi! Voeationel Drofting for Technical Drawing, Grade Xil Vocational Electricity for Applied Electric Lh REGISTER IN PERSON AT R. 8. vate COLLEGIATE & VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE © STEVENSON ROAD NORTH MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 oF bt pear SEPTEMBER 13 7:00 p.m, to 9:00 . BOARD OF EDUCATION -- OSHAWA G. L. RBERTS $. £. LOVELL, Chairman Superintendent of J, Re BACKUS, Business Secondary Schools Administrator TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Greyhnd $18 1" Sours 1S ais als Quotations In eels miss meriea | Heme A Your Modern Way to Invest Quotations in cents uniess marked s.| Home A i ata? a our Modem way to inves 2-Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-| Home 8 2)s $7 3) 2) re | rights, xw---Exwarrants. Net change (8) TOMY Ca 'te o7 FY Blatter a ime ie Ao ie For many successful farmers as well 2s business and pro- MINES PTR no: 22 Else + MM. fessional people "there just aren't enough hours in the day." Investors Mutual of Canada Ltd. 1048 Net | interenit 100 $10 1010 = TERRE FERS aff _inclndin Stock = Bales High Low a.m. urge \ = "3 Ba sre ioe 98 rT S0niS tumge ways = SS ndine all tan often. sel a ae ers il Agnico 25172 172 4 : = Investors Growin rau Mie wee ge Int On Wo $28% 28% 254+ %| By GORDON GRANT |eye on increasing its exportyreal bread and butter," he sald at Ray re | Ang Ruyn 1000 156 182 386 f.4 | Int Util pr 100 $278 27 Zt) GALT, Ont. (CP)--Ask for a|markets. Sales to such countrieslin a recent interview. A suggestion that thousands of Canadians have found Investors International Mutual Fund Ltd. Hing "7G 1G G8) eh su ay toler i acy omnis ana, Pen, Che, NeP| The coopany tas rane in| |! praccal i te Mutual Fund mood of iovesing which Arcadig bo ' betta in southern Ontario an ;|Montreal, Toronto, Calgary and : : : management. Benen 00 103. 00 tes | Jetleran' w S10 Si8ta 8 t8l4-- %<| probably be introduced to nee -- for ey he me cent Of v7 couver. f Provides full time professional Canadian Investment Fund Ltd. Bankfield company's business, Block ay 1200 i i % * | Jockey A Woo "seo, 7, + lone i Goldie-MeCulloch Ltd.---| President' R. -M. Robertson| Canada's power capacity i Our nearest office can give you complete information on ae Stones tee $10 jon Wat Lab pelt 146 $164 16% 164 + "not handed a drink. -- Pa hoon = to es p- co 0 coat cid tae ak ct the Mutual Funds we or because of their proven Ameri rowth Fund Ltd, 7 SS aw The company, the town's big-|that business to 20 per cen' : , performance or growth potenti " Me 24 24 y, : Fi ra we | toe Cok tn a Me St Me gest employer and industrial|/total volume, but no more. five years and of inpepesing im i Natural Resources Growth Fund Ltd. pes Bs mss rccth mwa me ce has doubled its sales| 'We don't want too large a|Portance to Babcock-Wilcox is Chib Kay $00 17% 17% 17a tobG 8 pr 150 $9 2% 2% + %\COncern, t ft boilers going|the trend toward the use of Chimo 2400 nm 2 Loeb M1290 $12 12 12. + lin the last five years to $30,-|percentage of our wre OMO8 | to erate electricity wit 100 Bu 375 (375 Maciarn B 75 $26 26a 26% vp| 000,000 annually as Canada's|into foreign markets because |5eam en 5 soak tthe i % ¥ =) Moco is Sn hi net %|largest maker of boilers for in-|there might be a tendency to} Good siies for hydro-electric © Hal 150 64 61 64 +4] MEPC 40 255 255 255 --§ idustry and commerce. neglect to some degree the Ca-|power are becoming too. scarce AMES: CHARDSON &x ONS ee Oe c Monet eo bd Er 3 th mit 'Beek 00 Hy 350 350 415 | It now is casting a cautious|nadian market, and that's our agg ge rgd to ig Please send me information on Mutual € Morish 600 199 196 198 --3| Montex 300 350 350 350 --5 in the next five years, installa- Siisida teen Con Nichol 90 212 et Oe ee Re ee aa i x . tions of new steam-generating ing. C Rambler $00 300 200 1+ 1, Morse A 200 $184 Ise Tavs Toronto Ind tri a ls G ain a re ns i oe SYREN? oni beaten Ye 14 us , BiElaone "he i. . eae 4 Hep sa ate Sk Pk electricity as new hydroelectric 8 KING STREET EAST wAME Discovry 7 5175 5 || Nat Drug" 3s $10 10 e+ operations. TORONTO TELEPHOME: 362-9981 Dome ~- le 04; , ' Donald: 3000 iy tne Wan? Nor cil G $90 sill 11a 11¥6 n Lead The modern boiler is so com- Se See ee ee ae 0. Ow aden plex that some of the. larger a pa ato in Cina woe oe units take three years to build. R. E. DUNSTAN, Aree Representative uM 134 livie 291 $13% 13% 13% a i i i Frobex oy 9 A a ie ee TORONTO (CP) Sy, seat va Rd strike, was ahead % : resort in 1859 by two te ne nn cl eta e mae " ie . 1s eee oraaay ani Golds were extremely weak. Balers 't - po tg pea Soldrm bad e las sessio 7 ' 5 . prawork 2000 'Y Ml er +i Peel Elder is in " t the Toronto Stock Exchange. [Campbell Red Lake was off 24/third of them skilled. on sranisie 250 445 445 445 Pow Corp 450 $9% % With the New York Stock Ex-|t0 234, Dome 2% to 44, Giant -- Granduc 300 380 380 380 Price Com 100 2h ig 13% ane Vel t e {Yellowknife % to 10% and Lake- te Grandroy mo) 2 * Soo te re change closing strong, the in- | oe" de on a th wo Su Hw i dustrial index here finished the) Shore 60 cents to 2.50. Gulch 2000 12 «12 12 + ¥8| Romtield 500 115 110 '110 Denison jumped 1 to 53% as Gunnar 100 192 192 192 +21] Rothman 310 $30 30 «30 + Miday with a gain of .43 at 145.32, b tal t Tacs ea Sa T 1400 FH Fy --32 Stason PY} ae wd r : Canadian Imperial Bank of itn % to $4 "bat Falcon ) g Iso 400 125 125 125 +3 | Sayvette 100. 360 360 360 x $,|Commerce paced the advance bridg de ap had 1 3B Nn B 4% 5 + Val ; ridge declined % to 87%. Be ei Ry BES IRS ein mint tea Othe Monnet to be Z 0 z ell Inv w can and Moor 350. 345 +10 | 1 166.04 while base metals were Baa BEM GNahs sat, AB te Rl cathe ond Coe ono To tah ete mathe me os ing ct dB ty cold by 4 Atlto 95.97 and the TSE index : = 7966 CMDureutt vom stew We toe | Eee | ae Sie ae ale [14% and Bell Telephone % to 2 138.50. ss Langis 000 Be ae = ---" Stee) can b-] s27% 2% ah + % | 4914. Credo, = 15 ns us i ster frst 100 10% 104 0% +%| CPR, involved in the cinta] BOND MARKET Madsen Fed bi 2 2 -3 Thom 'N P 205 $164 16% 1 or ; \b a Matigmi 350 sie 1k TA Tor tron W100 $33 38 | NET EARNINGS __roronro (cp) -- The Cana- eee ik Ka) 4 Maybrun ot a om ep + ag} Traders A 200 $10% 10% 106 -- Me dian bond market was up %& ad Me hon Si | eee Pre ost Siow ou i * | By THE CANADIAN PRESS 4 Tuesday. Nee Merrill moo 85 85 85 +1} Tr Can w 800 625 600 625 +25 | Copp Clark Ltd., year ende ort-term Government 0 Sass Matte" been 96. 193.195 $2'| Un Cardia 'ss szavs zoe DR "| March 31: 1965, $13,725; 1964, no Canada bonds closed with the New Bid 2000 dh de Mh ue Gas ne li at «| |comparative figures. |414-per-cent April 15, 1967, issue Neonex w 509 190 i 10 410 u Corp 5 ion $1 wit ba French Petroleum Co. of Can- Pomme at $99.10 bid and $99.20 9 Gold $500 8h Bh Bh ersa' --5) oa N Marr. Yoo 101010 VE & Ff or "tah 'Sh sh eee SOs 0ST: 1905, 9430-458, Long-term Canada and pro- i : tee ee ee ar a | Wancee 0 ee me ee haere die $ vincial issues were up % to %4 N Senator "So00 50s ce 30m + "4 td GW Pd = Fd oe %| Wi t Tr I °-/ with the Government of Canada 2 rne Nope, 10 iM ie M ot nd "ng Ae ee. ee lar Se A ep cont aa' RA ne A Grade A" Oven Ready--Fresh Killed . . . Not Frozen Mowe yom 18 TS 2 \ a ga I Siu im oa? net loss. lasked. In provincials, the On- re =~ aeercke wo 30 a 930 Weston B = 250 $19% 19% 19% |tario Hydro 6-per-cent issue due Orcnan 405 US 245 ' -" ee Oe OE ae oe July 5, 1988, closed at 97 bid and Boneless Lean Sweet Part ae Ws ts ans | Sales Yo 1 ams oro. PRODUCE =-- tr ase. ba 2) Pickled Mild Cured Perron 500 7% 7a am Ye ay-to-day money traded at} Pita vee sae te ame | BC Forest 100820! 20% 2014 %4| TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale 3% per cent. | Preston 1425 $13% 13% 13% +1%) Coch wal a 9 0 #0 " to retail carton a ae | Prdex Ve, oe | geen Se |weighted prices quoted by the Bre oat 600 en a6 " -- va! pod 1300 300 30 A Fis | department of agriculture as of 3 Matta 7 in 108 1 --10 | Upp Can 400 190 190 190 Tuesday: A large 66.2; A me- ' F dium 62.1; A small 42.7. Cc Radiore 800 S252 2 + 8. ; (Cryovac Halves) Rayrock *300 422 122 ip Eggs: Whoelessle price te ; 5 $22% 22% "a i Rio sa Pr "e i att int + ya) ension issue | | country stations fibre cases lb Reckwin M4 12 4 quoted by the Toronto Board of | Rysnor 3000 13 Be at | 'Appals Oldster t= from wholesale egg deal-| 4 P Sherritt i008 B B ene jers: Extra-large 56-57; large 55- Silma 11800 60, 58 |, OTTAWA (CP) -- The presi-| 56. medium 53; small 35; B 39; $i Sten 32 12 3% jas +g [dent of the United Senior Citi-| |, Storck 2000 215-218 18. +8 |Zens of Ontario says he is "dis. | Presswood's Sullivan 1oo 460 460 460 +10 appointed and disugsted" at the| Butter prices: Agricultural Shopsy Fresh WIENERS jane" an em government's handling of oe ee pom cay ¢ res 2 oii Sek ceeers mara) wanton |POTATO SALAD oat MB A We We ya) J. Le Letelie of Toronto, re-|buying 39 score 58; selling 50.7 REPAIRS TO ALL MATCH c Trin Chib «00 11 oo porting to 450 delegates to MAKES OF 12-02 lbs Lee en ae |USCO's annual meeting Tues-| bei a ¢ e Ib Upp Can 300 168 168 168 |day, said he is "appailed at the} H D Li ke! Pl eas ae "ag (day, sid he is "apnated «toe He Doesnt Like) evectric SHAVERS pg emgage White Star 1000 32% 'Bn 32% 1 \y and refusal" to approve a $100 'or Baking or Frying Ge. ti. Samiti iuasae| The Quiet Life) je ecvmn n |{PEAMEAL BACON ge ery gees Yuk 2000 125 12) 121 --& ea inis er ac acnen Zenmac 2325 33 OR has said legislation guarantee-| Manufacturers Parts END PORTIONS Us. 4 H Zul 200 «(8 1 w wees ing a $105 monthly income to| VANCOUVER (CP)--Escape and Prices. OILS, GAS pensioners will be submitted to} oma his ey << -- . Vous While! j Parliament this fall. Prospec-| own up by gasoline isn 1" Amines J ane ae, |tive recipients would have' tolenough for Lawrie O'Dwyer, 18. TRADE IN ALLOWANCES ff SAVE and SHOP at SPROULE'S -- The Consistently Low Prices Make It Worth Your While Am Leduc 3300 21% vA 20 Pp SHAVERS oar Aen ais Ta ee take a means test. He still wants to join the ON OLD R an a "Since many senior citizens) RCMP--"It's an exciting and ie 5 «185 OU +3 . Cur Pete 2000 a 2-22 would not submit to a means|active job," the Vancouver E| t Sh im CHAIN "A" 67¢ ee A ee eas. test, the application of the act] lyouth said from his hospital ecira aver | ct. ee fee! it | uncheon Meat = 20: 149° lll sg 4 oe ee 110". 5 |Lerette in his annual report. In lese than 2 month, O'Dwyer) Service & Supplies | eas a alt Gt COlisds 380 $i0% 10% 10%--% The two-day meeting brings first escaped from his car in ch i {ot Helium 223 275 7, Us +8 |together representatives of 200\the Thompson River, after it 728-4284 lj Compare 45c . . 9 ol A Be A ea {affiliated clubs in Ontario. Total|ran off the Trans-Canada High- | ; N America 500 26 26 26 +1 |membership is 25,000 men andiway, and was burned in a gas 39 PRINCE STREET BAGS Py 7 17. | Women over 60. t Piece @ 4500 158155155 --5| Mr. Lerette said the conte. |pstked up at 5 sapien, puta) OSHAWA 2 Prove'Ges 2300 360 358 iss ence, on the Carleton University| |miles north of Vancouver. | R 900 195 192 192 campus, was planned for Ot- il el duals dees = Scurry Rn 3125 $214 OM Zl + tawa to draw the attention of| | @ Values Galore in Every Department !! © ay ee aty.s9n.-teg_ ta llegiaiatora to the problems of| wT. A snes yak : oa Ui Cane a = 4 = [ower people "right here at the} ne wsniawa woarTa-sr Education Chain "A" 37e¢ Alcan... FOIL WRAP Brimful Choice . .. 15 ox. tin PEAS Aylmer Fancy Quality .. . 48 oz. Coloured PENCIL OFFER 128-02, SIZE 'ISP 25 ft. roll TOMATO JUICE 3... *1 Chain "A" 90c Liquid Bleach -- Back-to-School JAVEX 79° 29° 10° Heinz Strained Tall Tins CARNATION MILK tin oni aad 69° Selected Large Size . . . Compare the Quality PICKLING SALT '%., 23° INFANT FOOD 4... 46° Compare 79c . . . Super Save ThA BAGS BANANAS 2+: 29: E First Grade Creamery BUTTE » 59° TOILET TISSUE =: PACK 29° 2c Off--Rap-Rite Refill WAX PAPER '.. 29° Save 5c . ies Van Camp BEANS ..,, PORK 3 ™ 1.00 15¢ TINS OPEN TONITE ROULE'S SUPER SAWVE y y, Fridey ond S y Nights till 10 O'clock ; AMPLE OFF STREET PARKING @ corner or KING ar RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA a i ~ eam mm