TOMORROW... 9AM. Pe ae > ' Mian ' £5 * £ < ea geo . P mt or ine ™ ¥ 4 G + i a % Bp We, rz bn ee ; xpure™ " JAS, 4 --pE te Pepe © Meee 2 Se > oh bs eae A gw ee py: Mae th?" Bey an, BAS SAN ale EE ibs s Ae ie aad + eS ile OMI wet. 29°| KLEENEX rs. 105 DISCOUNT STORE =--st2an-= 29/20 = 10 Limit 1 Per Customer to First 150 Customers LIMIT 2 08 Thurs., Fri., Set. R CUSTOMER 12] Brock St. South -- Whithy y since 5 tar Spey 2 G7" SOAP 2/29¢ LIMIT 2 PER CUSTOMER COVER GIRL | V.0. 5 : MAKE-UP i 83: Hair Spray lias 99: or LIPSTICK FLUSH-A- _ RECORD SPECIAL ! 2 ee, bral ne ; vas 2 Family Size BEATLES mast ast a TOOTH jx: B7 REVOLVER |!2 Sa) gay > se 9 Reg. 4.20 Ta 187 = - VITAMIN |». 9 39) = 2 Og oA Onde! A eu : DROPS '*'* Gan uc. 2 OO a and Ster pie A G Choice e. " "a Pose wa stem -- Rock and Roll, FREE! FREE! FREE! . : KLEENEX TOWELS Fuss F fon: LIE a ss : one Seen. 4 3° " YOU NEED NEVER BUY AOTHER ROLL OF FILM! . iwi, We Reserve The Right Stripe Discount Store: helping he ved "oki ng OR te Limit Quentities. Prices Affective by replacing eve ery roll 1 of Waistibenett to re Pee No Deolers Please Sept. 1, 2, 3. developing with o new one FREE! 2 Sizes: 120, 620, 127, 135 Block. and White or Kodecolor »yY»Y»»> Ist QUALITY BAN ROLL-ON ENO'S NYLON | DEODORANT | Fruit Salis | A.S.A. Shop Stripe Discount for "Back to School items" ! | ; ie HOSE 14-02 STRIPE BRAND i we oor | seer | age 250 sheet cing, once hit 3 PR. 1.00 REG. 1) ¢ Fe é rei 59° |COVERS~" 77° Ga \\ Tavoris | NOXZEMA | Alka-Selizer | METRECAL : mhtsih Sf am 19<0n, Goconter SKIN CREAM LARGE 778 ni Poa tormoame ot Fee Y \ Rec, éox. pon BR _mitk shake flovors BOOKS vated 47° STICK PENS lt . \ 1.25 99° REG, a 87° -- = Regs 4 for 3:29 sat 2m 29" BY BROMO | mm | wonvimue | 2127 PENTEL MARKING PEN LAURENTIAN mn SELSSEm SHAMPOO or nan os COLOURED PENCILS | YQ wots | ee orgy | WET AMIN Reg. 1.09 100's i He g 4 If ; | 94: isle COMPARE | .79 REG. 1.2 AT 3.69 1.30 IND DISCOUNT STORES S T 2 i 4 a WHITBY IZ BROCK ST. SOUTH tla THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9 PM. SD "Everyday Is Savings Day at Stripe" ( FORMERLY BRESLINS ,