Oshawa Shopping Centre ALRAT Er ze - #4 wane #4 wf IVNGiL ©. wD Most Progressive Shopping Contre Where Year-Round Shopping | Is a Pleasure!... sien Constantly, month after month you'll find the merchandise you © : want and need at the OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE. Every' = agg month of the year is an important month at the Oshawa Shop- ? ping Centre. August, back-to-school -- September, your fall inal wardrobe ---- October is the time to think about winter wear -- ooo im sportswear for and November and December are reserved for Christmas shop- the ik ] set. ping. January offers values in winter wear, while February offers little treasures for Valentines Day. March and April show New a BOYS POLO SHIRT: Long sleeved, reg- A 3 wlay eater sayle. Aecrilan®. Many great fashions for spring. May, June and July are months to shop for per tyy Mie er 2.96 - light summer wear. You'll find everything for the family at one ' ' : 7 » Eee rer he yl ein of Canada's most progressive shopping centre's the OSHAWA Sines 8-18. 4.98 SHOPPING CENTRE, ncaa 'Sere Make it a Habit...Shop Here! 4 Ae T.7o Poe We toe we Free Parking % 55 Stores To Serve You sleeves. Knitted collar eufis. stitched on front, bettom BieckerBayesina tis' 10.98 % Soft Music Piped % Beautifully Landscaped € DOTS TEE KAYS", Thshot Through The Mall For Your Pleasure beth saer with inoncted hip pooh ss, Colors Camel. James Brown, % Air Conditioned Comfort % Daily Bus Service Green. Sizes 8-16 6.98 g LITTLE GIRLS' "TOTAL LOOK": Twe stretch Argyle pattern. | nyloa. peep cepa reap ed with m stretch knee socks, eA wid On es OPEN DAILY UNTIL 6 P.M. dave tn soe 09 Thursdays and Fridays Until 9 P.M. "Ee tela Rea oe ch rare 2.98 In sizes 7-14 3.98 j LITTLE GIRLS' WOOL SWINGER # e W, STYLE JUMPER ALKER S pel Se drag Boe ieee -- 5.98 SHOPPING oman eee Se In slves 7-146 198 ! "THE HOME OF THE BRANDS" k LITTLE GIRLS' POOR BOY PULL- CENTRE cnn a Where good taste in fashion is not expensive OVER: Turbo Orion, Turtleneck long ctatt tlonnensenanie -- Pop ae Burgundy, Navy, OSHAWA SHOP Y Re 3.98 PING CENTRE i. ae