BQ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, August 31, 1966 20--Aeal Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20----Real Estate for Sale |26--Apartments for Rent 26---Apartments for Rent 26---Aportments for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent |27---Rooms for Rent BRAND NEW iz-plex for sale in Whitby. Excellent Prag sid Property. Low irlbegevlig right party. Call owner ge fest Hill 284-6813, we "KEITH PETERS _ REALTY LIMITED 728-7328 103 King Street East Sashes NORTH END mae Oshawo's most sought a reo. ee enck storey and half ® excellent condition, broad- oom wall to wall, large clos- sets, nicely landscaped, inter- 'Jor recently modernized. Ask- jing only $15,500 CITY DWELLERS 9 room 2 family home, 2 "storey, 2. kitchens, va om entranc Sean! conuieion, On $14, toe. 500 Frome 2 storey on "Y% acre, 9 rooms, barn, ask- Ning $2,000 down, » Black- astock. © COUNTRY th Build own home. Here is ithe lot 140 x 215, asking '$4,200 located 3 miles eost of Taunton R $10,500 White "clapboard 'bungalow near the Ridges, 'toxes only $119, large lot. FARM 110 ACRES Close to Oshawa, 2 storey "frame home, 36 x 60 ft. barn with water, milk house, ex- cellent clay loam, close to 240. rods frontage. List your home, farm or vacant land with this office. So ee RSE "98 % pera: GOING FAST ! WHITBY 3 bedroom bungalows: load- ed with extras, N.H.A. 634% MORTGAGES down to these who: qualify. Call Collect Oshawa 723-0321 L. N. BIRD Real Estote Ltd. SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd. 728-7576 50 ACRE FARM: Consists of | a 7 room sn , barn needing new roof @ gorage, di- rection is N.E. from Oshawa, a good buy at ne, 640,00. $9,900.00 full price: 7 room 2 storey home centrally loca- ted, low taxes, mame your down payment. LOT: N.W.: area, good for walkout basement, size 65 x 86 ft. AJAX, One '2 storey, oom stucco home, recreation room, pation large lot, close to churches, schools shopping centre. Full price $13,000. Small. down payment. 7 942-5644, after 5:30, SPECIAL, central area, Dre RE ait, ior rooms, down. Cal asttsae, 'Don' siradeakl; Realtor, 723-4651. 15,900, -- ©. LLENT VALUE in this bungalow with dining room, also satin. a in mecern k recreation ha x 1 built-in bar; aerete at home Ii pics ' jo show. is a I Margaret Hall of fewsaner' Liat un at 723-1358. THREE BEDROOM brick bungalow, Pb Pm craral Meters down. agent: i i390 -- FULL PRICE for this three- Deeper som semi situated on Lupin Drive in 1 eae down at Magill Mowe ah fn Realtor, Ly or int Cart ay Street. 4 noun house duplexed. Near Shopping Ph ye ai $130 monthly. Don Stradeski 7 20a--Summer "Properties For Sale or Rent HOUSEKEEPING cottages, electric, in- side facilities, fishing, skiing and swim- ming. Tel: 725-2909 or write Majoc cottages, RR 3, Burk's Falls. NEW TWO-BEDROOM caitege, 9 pry aan lot, on Scootematta Lake. ydro, [em water, inside conveniences, win- |, Price $5250. 728-3587. WOUTETEEPING COTTAGES for rent, on Sturgeon hae for ye 'ad weekend, Tw sen TWO-ACRE ae with cottage, sandy beach, Balsam Lake. Telephone 728-5482. SACRIFICE. Harcourt Park (Halibur- ). room cottage, fully furnished. Real bargain $5,900, R, Zebroc, 6 Kelso St., Hamilton. 21--Farms for Sale 323 ROLLING ACRES near Cavan, 4 bedroom: 2 storey home, 4 toed i room. Excellent "horns, etc. Cree 000 with terms. Could be divided. pian e call John Sandy, 725-8010 or 728-5103 W. 0. Martin, Realtor. DEALING IN SERVICES? An ad in the LABOR DAY SPECIAL Your days of labor will be over in this beautiful 6 room bungelow with large -- lot. HURRAH HURRAH |! We are so excited about Armstrong Homes Southwood Park We invite you to come out te see Alcan aluminum = siding -- built-in oven ond range -- clay brick -- choice lots -- choice of decoration -- etc. from $18,550 $2,800 DOWN to 1 NHA mortgage ($1,400 down if you qualify) OPEN 9 a.m.- 10 p.m. daily GRIFFIN Real Estate Limited 10 Nicely landscaped and paved drive. Only $2,500 down For further information call Business Service Directory ee poate customers at moderate Telephon 723-3492 to place your ad. 22--Lots for Sale 12 Large L ots 2 miles from city, in attrac- tive area. Some treed lots. Paved street. Close by public school,"new high school and bus lines. PRICED TO SELL Phone 728-5579 CY PREECE 723-6461 GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. IT'S LATER THAN YOU THINK! School Starts Sept. 6, Call About One of Our Homes Today. We Have Listings In Most Any School Area. J. B. McMullan REALTOR 725-3557 -- 668-6201 'BEACONSFIELD by Rob't W. McEwan Ltd. OPEN FOR INSPECTION ELECTRICALLY HEATED BUNGALOWS OLIVE AVE. EAST OF rustic atmosphere in a relaxed setting. Perhaps the most beautiful setting in the district is to be found here in the roman- tic rustic atmosphere of Beaconsfield. See our fine traditional homes featuring beamed ceilings, fireplaces, burned clay brick, indirect lighting plus many exclusive custom features to make you want to live in this relaxed residential community. HARMONY ROAD. 10 ACRES PLAYGROUND Close to town, lovely trees, rolling land with recent survey. Only $3,400 full price, easy terms. Telephone 723-0353 anytime. 10 -- 50 ACRES PARKLIKE LAND, clear land and bush near Hampton; 10 won- derful acres, clear land and bush, with wide trout stream. Frontage 469 feet. Close to Oshawa. Ask for free illustrated folder. J. J. Van Herwerden, Realtor, Oshawa, 723-4471. LARGE attractive lots for sale. New- castie and area, only 15 minutes on 401 Oshawa. $1,800 and up. Will build the home of your get a and VLA Homes, 987-4245. Westview Heights, New- castie, Ont. ONE 10-acre lot, north-east, 7th conces- sion. Telephone 728-7245. 23--Real Estate Wanted be Sell-ective and Present ing LA CONTESSA A distinctive apartment residence Prestige 1 and suites, Electric Individual room trol. Free Hydro an Recreation room with kit- chen facilities. pool. Sauna bath. Mail de- livery to every suite. Closed circuit T.V. controlled en- trance for your Large dining area in all kitchens, Convenient shopping and Transportation Landscaping architecturally designed. Beaut! to floor drapes. ADULTS ONLY Rental Information 725-1481 140 NONQUON RD. FEATURING Pressurized corridors. - 2 bedroom Heating. heat con- d parking. Swimming protection. to churches, at door. WENTWORTH MANOR 275 Wentworth St. Oshawa You will enjoy 'living in Wentworth Manor, con- veniently situated for those who work in and around Oshawa, Within easy walk- ing distance of stores and schools; RENT INCLUDES: © Drapes @ Heat and hydro @ Stove and refrigerator @ Parking A few choice 2. and 3 bed- room suites still available, Rentc! Ofice and Model Suite Open Daily from 1 - 9 P.M TELEPHONE 723-8701 Small modern four room basement apartment in tri- plex. Close to hospital and G.M. north plant. $75 month- ly includes built in kitchen, stove, refrigerator, automatic washer and dryer, garage. Separate entrance. Ideal for young couple. No' children. Avoilable Oct. 1. 725-8880 after 4:30 p.m. FURNISHED, newly fee gif od three room en- trance, centrally located, tor cl Telephone 723-0734. * suitable he nae couple or two girls, $100 month- ly, Telephone 728-6036 from 9 p.m. to LARGE HOUEKEEPING room Cooking priviedges, Extra space. Ait wes ROOM apartment. Available immediately. Private entrance, Apply 119 Annes sre Whitby. area. Telephone 728-4439, } LIGHT" HOUSEKEPPING ro room, WHITBY -- Li three-room apartment, Hi iret its only. Telephone 668- to Sour Fosachdnsd en ONE BEDROOM and kitchen for rent. 728-0042. room rie a $75 shies rove: WHITBY 1 and 2 bedroom apar LIGHT HOUEKEEPING room, furnish-| ed, close to hospital and dawntown, close | 64 Suitable for lady. Telephone with} 1 Privacy. Wilson - Crerar 0 2 p.m. | 5710, DOUBLE ROOM in bu Two gentlemen oF married couple. Close to 728-1439. included, NEWLY decorated, apart- ment, _self-conta' faa: "Private fg bath. Good area, 723-3211. all modern conveniences, swimming pool, elevator, built-in stove, fabric drapes. Free parking. Near schools, Telephone 668-5347 @ FOR RENT @ Apts., Rooms, Room & Board Office Hours: Tues. to Fri, 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m, Sat. 'til 3 p.m, LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 BRUCE STREET, 269, two rooms and bathroom, frig, stove, newly decorated, Private entra uh oe "mmmedately Parking. T hone PRIVATE SPARTRRNT one bedroom, big kitchen, big livingroom, rour bath, wating distance from downtown, 728-2722 after 2 p.m. iful ceiling GRENFELL SQUARE Immed Possession Features |, suites. FREE HEALTH CLUB SAUNA STEAM ROOM SWIMMING POOL FREE HYDRO OSHAWA'S L SUITES FRENCH PROVINCIAL KITCHENS INDOOR PAR AVAILABLE OUTDOOR GUEST PARKING Rental information CALL 723-5111 380 - 385 GIBB ST. 2 and 3 bedroom iate ARGEST KING Sell Your Home thru GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 723-8144 DAILY 3--9 P.M. W. 0. MARTIN, REALTOR Beaconsfield Directions: Turn Eost on St. Lawrence, the second street North of the 401 in Whitby. Audrey Moore of Olive Howe Real Estate will be on the site to assist you from 6 p.m. to suriset. EITH LTD. REALTOR AJAX -- LAST CHANCE beautiful dining room, 'arge kitchen, mohogony recrea- tion room. There is a chance to buy a small, compact, ,home reasonably. Call Idso "Wiersma 728-5583. WHITBY -- NORTH RESIDENTIAL Low down payment, possess- ion to-morrow. Only $15,900. buys this beautiful 3 bed- room, brick with gorgeous L- Shaped recreation room Sit- uated on safest street. Close to schools. | Doug Car- michael, 723-7463. ORONO -- INFLATION NOT HERE 1% storey home, close to swimming pool, large, modern kitchen and colored bathroom. Beoutiful large shade trees, even grapes in your own back yard. For only $13,250. Call Idso. Wiersma 728-5683, OSHAWA -- GRENFELL STREET $11,900. buys this 5 room, compact modern home with recreation room, garage, only $80. monthly corries. Close to Oshawa Shopping Centre, and schools. Call Doug Car- michael 723-7463, $1,247 FULL DOWN New executive type bungo- lows in choice North East lo- cation, N.H.A. Financing fea- turing built in range and ovens. Hollywood kitchens, picture book bathrooms, storms and screens, walkout basements, Plus! Plus! Plus. Phone 723-8144 ask for John Kosteniuk or Herb Griffin, Griffin Real Estate Ltd, HAVE THE HOUSE of igh dreams built on S Moa watincls] located lot, size 100 x 150. HC approved. 723-9503. PRIVATE SALE -- immediate posses- sion, south-east section, three-bedroom brick bungalow, newly decorated, inside a Close to all schools and bus. EXCEPTIONALLY NICE bungalow, 128 Nonquen---Road;~-sight~ roome- (two ---tn basement), very clean, nicely shaded lot, 65 frontage by 191 feet. J. Van SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD. 46 King West 728-7576 for A-C-T-I-O-N call Charlie Rankine 728-3682 Tony Zakerow 725-4366 Nick Siblock 725-5701 Anthony Siblock' 725-4362 Jerry Coady 723-6356 $$ $ $ $$ Homes, farms urgent- ly required for cash buyers. DON STRADESKI Realtor 63 King W. 723-4651 $ $ $ $ HAVE GENUINE buyer for variety store or similar business. |f you are thinking (Id call Joseph Bosco Realtor ar Herwerden, Realtor, Oshawa, 723-4471. GLIDDON AVENUE -- 24--Stores, Offices, Storage brick, 1%a storey home with private drive and garage. Good for are home, it has two kitchens, home ition. Full asking price pis) 15,600. wen, Lat Estate Ltd, 46 King Street We LARGE FAMILY OR ROOMING house, two-storey brick, nine rooms, hot Lod 420 SQUARE FEET of office space, excel- lent location, on Simcoe Street North. Ideal for insurance office. Paved park- NOW REN WYNBROOK APARTMENTS 97 Colborne Corner of Colborne Street and Mary St. Only 2 minutes walk from Mary Street ond King Street. FEATURES: 1. Apartment controlled en- trance, 2. Electric heating. 3. Private balconies. ator and stove in ment. apartment. 7. Living room a telephone pre-wired. 8. com in each apartment. Broadloom in hall wood and vinyl tile in apart- Vanity in bath- Sliding patio 13. Bachelor, apartments, Elevator service to each floor. 1. 12. ment. rooms. doors. bedroom 15. Next door to eral Motors Plant and office. 16. Mail apartment servic Be Sure of an Appointment. PHONE NOW -723-8771_or_723:2132 Only bill you pay phone bill. All absorbed by owner. ONE MONTH R FOR A TWO YEAR LEASE 5. Drapes 6. Living room and bedroom TV pre-wired. TING Street 4. Refriger- each apart- in each ind bedroom Inter 9. s. 10. Hard- 1 and 2 14, North Gen- e to each is your tele- other costs ENT FREE oh lot. Call Guide Realty Limited, 723- '| STORE F FOR RE square feet, suitable 1d any tae 'hs. Iness, heated. 728-190 heating, bathroom and large well built Bog Central location. inspec: tion with S. 25--Houses for Rent Snelgrove Co. Ltd. 723-8432. 2% MILES NORTH of acl be modern four-bedroom count 1 acres, barn, immediate possession. Tele- phone 728-3893. BUSY VARIETY STORE and living quar- ters. Built-up established area, Extreme- ly clean property includes store, four- "|FIVE ROOM pnnaiow for rent. Ap Apply 1282 Simcoe FIVE- OR SIX-ROOM brick home, in central location, $100. monthly. Adults oe Write Box 41315, Oshawa imes. THREE-ROOM house, newly decorated, central location. Heat Re hydro included. bachelor apartment and Income. 723-5024 efter 4 p.m. Business, stock, building, all for $22,000. with terms. Contact my Boyle, 723 4270, Joseph Bosco Real TWO-STOREY cider = In preferred north-west location at Simcoe and Ross- land. Three bedrooms, garage, almost new oil furnace. Nice seciuded garden. Only $2,900 down. Full price Fie.v00. Please contact Walter Mittler, 728-7083 or 728-5103. W. O. Martin, Realtor. A GOOD pity lela on Arthur St. 2Ve-storeys, two kitchens, two yen Full asking price only isis 00 For turn on your money inv vestigate, Is Arg se meri Fitzgerald, 668-5313 or |. O. Martin, Realtor. invective bungalow with gar: ui bearing fruit trees. 5¥2 per gage. Full price gy In enter lo cation. Phone Fredin, 725-2753 or 728-5103. W. 0. Martin, Realtor. FOUR ROOM << mort-jed. No children, A 7 ROOM 1 age with attached gar- 7 Close schools. tag ee area. $175.00 per meth » Bullied Realtor 723-1168. Mp i BEDROOM home, kitchen, liv- room, bathroom. Apply 597 Crerar Revie or telephone 728-9 MODERN brick bungalow. Newly dec- orated hardwood and tile floors, oi! heat. Gereae, nice backyard. $135 monthly. Phone 725-2539, Douglas J. M re-|TWELVE-ROOM brick bungalow, large living room, recreation room, four bed- rooms, basements, attached garage, $8,000 to pe down payment, Only Principals. 728-52 alow, newly decorat- Boot " Drew Steet * Telephone rk FOUR: tre. pg ad "October y 5898 after WHITBY -- $100. rent ge Some § id owner. Large ee 7 parking. 'wo rooms, garage. Cal ea! Estate, 723-8123. aks MANSION -- fifteen rooms, beautifully freed, one-acre lot, Four bathrooms, three fireplaces, three- car garage. Very central. Suitable for clinic, Perry Real Estate, 723-8123. THREE-YEAR-OLD ranch bungalow, Ad minutes from Oshawa, on paved road, acre lot. Many features. Close to schools and shopping. Excellent terms. For par- ticulars contact Joe Crawford, 723-1021. Joseph Bosco Realtor. INCOME TWIN HOMi Bayer seven rooms each. Four apartments, rent over $300. monthly. Division Street. Handy- igpen's special. Perry Real Estate, 723-812, COUNTRY -- large three-bedroom, brick bungalow, with yg kitchen, ibe nator garage, walk-out three-room apa: + pe ta Road. Perry Reel Estete, pi driveway. | ----__-- SOCROONG ce location. Bolahood Brothers Ltd. Roy Yeo, 725-2217 evenings. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, immediate pos session, $105. monthly. Apply 103 Ritson Youth or telephone 725-2630. ROO: se, Possession. Courtice area. Telephone 723-| 6449. | For RESULTS TIMES Classified ACTION ADS 723-3492 immediate! SIMPLE sell things you don't CASH, 23-3492 few! SHELD MANSIONS 885 OXFORD STREET Within Walkin South Genera e required Swimming Two bathrooms all 2 bedroom suites Free Parki Free Hydro FM Music Com, @ Model suite f Wilson's Furniture Store MODEL SUITE OPEN 1-9 PM 728-7942 No damage deposit IAN PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS INDOOR BROADLOOMED SUN DECK Oshawa's largest apartment building offers the best fea- tures. Sauna Steam Bath, 6'x 18' Balconies, 20'x18' com- bination Living and Dining Rooms, 4 quick Elevators, 2 Olde English Decor Lobbies. Bus stop at door. Model Suite. Furniture by Cherney's Furniture World. Broadloom by Angus-Graydon, OPEN 2-9 P.M. DAILY 1221 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-9934 MODERN APARTMENTS PREMIER 321 Marland Ave. PHONE 728-6722 or 723-1401 One and two bedroom. Now available. Broadloom corri- dors. Stove, Refrigerator. Drapes. F.M. Controlled en- trance. Elevator. Intercom. Balconies and Laundry facili- ties on each floor. Free Hydro. Furnished Apartments for rent ot GRENFELL "SQUARE One and two bedroom suites in Oshawo's finest apartment buildings. Immediate occu- pancy. Call Grenfell Square Rental Office 723-5111 380 - 385 Gibb St. ROYALE APARTMENTS A. limited number of care- fully plarined one and two bedroom suites now available for immediate occupancy or reservation, FEATURING The utmost in modern. living at moderate rental rates. OVERLOOKING GREEN PARK Located on South Side 119 Nonquon Road Available for viewing any- time. Please callj 728-5282, 728-1582, 725-7981. Distance Motors Pool in ng and Inter urnished by CAVALIER VISCOUNT DIPLOMAT One and two bedroom apart- ments, Stove, refrigerator, drapes, broadioom corridors, intercom, FM, Immediate oc- cupancy, Apt. 111 340 Marland 728-4283 NOW REN ROSSLYNN ARMS| APARTMENTS 745 Stevenson 728-9724 MONEY TAL Dial 7; need for for TING Rd. N. Classified Ads SPOT an ad-writer REGENT ARMS Immediate Occupancy 2 bedroom apartments close to Oshawa Shopping Centre, Adults only. Telephone 723-6455 Between 6:00 and 9:30 p.m. APARTMENT Aberdeen at Simcoe ane ts tenuhane: 725- 3302 "WANT-ADS_ DON'T we ROOM basement Ssarhiant partly furnished, private toilet, private entrance, 365, monthly, near South General Motors and Shopping Centre. Telephone 7:8-2892. SIMCOE NORTH 1610, Immediate pos- session. Heat, hydro, water, stove, re- ] 13 abot "Stree THRae s foom apartment, ane wi 'Available now. Apply FURNISHED | on able for one person. Laundry facilities. parking penn close To sovln GM $50 monthly. 728-4997. COMPLETELY furnished ue apart- ment, bath, TV, "gpl aati bt agi df im- apartment, -sult- Fu Shepping Plaza. Telephone 728-6168. 'entre, etc. Telephone Satu itehen irl). seme, 662 Athol E arte echo at Farewell, Oshe| 2 Vanawa Diva. WN. iephone 7aara. TWO furnished rooms, bedsitting and kitchen, lose fo bus and , $10 weekly. preferred. Abstainers clean quiet adults mediately. 209 Grenfell * 725-3667. IN BEAUTIFUL residential faa three large rooms, heated, plus plece bath and natural fireplace. Avaliable im: mediately, Aduits only. Telephone Bo' manville 623-5406. FURNISHED bedroom, Weiman only, parking § phone 728-8644. ROOM and breakfast for two gentlemen | P to share in clean home. TV privileges. 728-6747 after 5:30 p.m. central, le- pace for HB SELF-CONTAINED four room apart- ment unfurnished, newly decorated, park- ing space, aa oid 527 Mary street, Telephone SMALL poner "ina, clean and cozy, suits working mother. Day care available in gd 'rome. Abstainers only. Telephone 728-079 THREE ROOM TT for rent. Tele- 3-room » motel sultes to share; Parking. itaephae 668-5201, Whitby, BOWMANVILLE -- Furnished apartment. Private grey $15.00; sultes, $10, each per i] iet home. Close to North phone 723-9921 or apply 202 Clark Street. | moter LARGE housekeeping floor, with refrigerator, stove room on main and shower, eee suitable for gentlemen. Call 725-3756. 1959 CHEVROLET, station wagons V4 fon some. rus a y ru offer, Telephone 723-3247 after 3:80. {vis PONTIAC Parisienne, steering ata, pre rip Re | me vane TWO ROOMS and bath, furnished: Hydro and heat paid, Fa ae No chil- dren. Telephone 728- 34 BROCK ST. EAST -- Furnished room General Ty asta Abstainers pre- SINGLE, eee decorated, d, completely furnished, bedsitting room fer lady. Close Se Aeeot hospital and buses, Telephone 7 Three rooms and bath, Available imme- diately, Adults only. T 623-359 |frigerator, laundry Newly ae corated throu: mut. Adults preferred, Telephone 725-83 Large suites, utilities included refrigerator and drapes. Road. 723-8422. FURNISHED, self-contained apariment, $70 a month, one adult. 7 laa Sep- tember 1. Telephone 723-769 ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apinieeta, modern building, good location, ren iger- ator, stove and drapes, all vilities sup- plied. P Please phone 728-5282. ONE BEDROOM apartment, stove, te frigerator, heat, hydro and water sup- plied. Sultable for couple. No children please. Telephone 728-0165. Stove, 190 Nonquon ONE AND re ro apartments, 417 BYRON eee s I a Whi Thad noe apart with bath. Avaital "-|28--Room and Board 1963 ACE condi naw 'lac ion, week 82785. Ph. 942-5693 between 6 1959" PONTIAC, adoor H99151. 6 cyli automatic. $595. Nicols' Motors 'Saige A ete Road, ome 62 PONTIAC convert cylinder standard pe Power steering, power brakes. No rea- Sonable offer etc. Nicol Sales Lid. Just West Thickson's "Mood, 17 COLBORNE 5ST. E. ind board willing - 'share. Close to 1, 2 AND 3 bedroom apartments with refrigerator, stove, intercom controlled entrances, elevator service, swimming pool, fenced-in playground. 822 Glen rote GM, Central if downtown, SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 25 Division Street: Street or call 723-2347, THREE ROOM Unfurnished apartment, $75 monthly. Located cn 345 Oshawa Bivd. South, Apply at address. ONE- AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments. Heated. Parking. Newly wabaues $100. Call after 6 p.m. 72: } | facilities, T GENTLEMEN may have two RUC reoms in new home, will Close School. Call 723-0544. ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman near Houdaille and General Motors. Parking Apply 863 Ritson Road South. 4, TWO BEDROOM opaciment for rent. Apply 291 Marland, apartment 104 telephone 728-9094, SUB-LET ONE-BEDROOM apartment, in apartment building, central. No chil- dren under 12, No deposit. One year lease. Telephone 725-8876 or 723-4807. TWO-BEDROOM top floor apartment, $ Oshawa, before pe gp lane large bulld- ing ie San pool, drape runners, every , $125, terms, 1950155 after 5.20. THREE ROOM apartment, with stove and refrigerator, Centtal location, Available Sept, Ist, Telephone 728-2272. FURNISHED, self-contained three room apartment for two lady teachers or business girls, near Henry Street High School. Available Sept. Ist. Telephone 668-8088 evenings. ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments, $75 to $87 monthly. Telephone 668-3200, ns one bedroom apartment, nice location on ground floor $90 monthly, ad- ults only, Avaliable October 15th. Tele- Phone 728-4257. THREE ROOM apartment, refrigerator and stove, hot and cold water. May be PRIVATE-- Or;modern home situated section, Home privileges, Sutabie lady, Telephone 728-0114, "room and board in clean in- North West 43 GARRARD ROAD, by K-Mart. Ciean, quiet home, lunches packed, shift work- ers welcome. $10 AND 18. weekly. Private and semi- private motel rooms. Board. $15 (option- al) 668-2067 "and Pubic to Donevan Collegiate it pubic be ighway 668-3331, '9 CHEVROLET, V-8 aulomatic, 4-door, Bre mike 9. conn, te ! Kd Py Oriene dd » 'Telephone 723- = "TAMBLE eae cylinder standard Re. Ey Sa Highway No. 2, 668-333! 1959 CHEVROLET Bel air. Six cylinder, Stick shift, four door. Good condition, $450 cash. Telephone 7 '3? PONTIAG, black meh, gon tion. Private, Apply Cal ate bol Pea between 5 and 7 motor, new $85 Tele- '54 CHEVROLET, von reliable fra Sool phone 725-8885, 1965 FORD og et 186 or apply 262 0. Telephone Fas Albert Street. Make ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen. Good home cooking, lunches packed. 148 Rit- bel son South. seen at 26 McGregor Street. September 20. WOULD LIKE LADY to share furnished Telephone 723-6387, THREE ROOM centrally located. Pri- vate entrance, private bath, ground floor, refrigerator, stove, washing facilities, parking, $85 }_ monthly. 725-7279, THREE OR FOUR apariments on any floor, unfurnished $85 monthly, every- thing Included, Tow or three people. After 4.30 723-1292, ELY FURNISH basement apartment, electric fireplace, automatic washer and dryer, teachers preferred. Telephone 725-1562. ONE-BEDROOM apartment, refrigerator and stove included. Apply 108 Frederick Street, near hospital, after § p.m. BA: INT APARTMENT, one bedroom. FOUR ROOM apartment, newly decor- ated, electric heating, Daal and stove, downtown. 728-354 THREE ROOM 5 ent frig and stove heat and electricity supplied, East of Osh- awa No. 2 highway. Adults only. Tele- Phone 723-3980 after 6 p.m Refrigerator and stove, $90.- monthly in- cludes everything. Suitable for young couple. 723-1282, E-BEDROOM apartment in apartment building to sublet, $115. monthly, Avall- ytd October 1. Telephone 725-4807 after 5 p.m, TWO BEDROOM apartment in private heme available now. Private bath ani entrance, Telephone 728-3729 or 235 Ed- ward Avenue, TWO BEDROOM modern epariment, Stove, refrigerator and drapes. One child welcome. No damage deposit. Avaliable September ist. 170 Park Road South. | Telephone 723-8844, ONE BEDROOM apariment, (Bachelor) | private, 3 piece bathroom, livingroom) kitchen. Furnished, private entrance. Very clean, near cee i Collegiate. al ailable 3|27----Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM | Available in private home. | » Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | 0746, oss FURNISHED two room apartment, "pri- vate entrance, ciean, quiel, ciose to nes- pital. Telephone 728-5984, THREE BEDROOM apartment, electric heat, broadioom, built in stove, and|- oven. Immediate possession. Joseph co ) Realtor, Bkion 737 Wi Bos- pri- vate house. Available now. Phone 728- 4246. FURNISHED two room apartment, $20. |weekly, everything included. Sultable for two working people. Available September 16th, Telephone 728-7020. |TWO ROOM bachelor apartment. Com- |pletely furnished. Apply 482 Cromwell | Avenue. | Two, 2-room apartments. One furnished, jone unfurnished. Apply 195 Albert Street. |NICE ROOM for young entrance, near hospital. 19671 pe toning AND KITCHEN ntiemen, fully |Bioor Street East. |LARGE FURNISHED room, close shoering Centre. Available now, ing, Apply 368 Pine Avenue and Gren- fell, or 723-5522. ROOMS, FOR RENT, weekly rates. Apply Queen's "Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street North. FURNISHED BEDROOM with kitchen privileges If desired. Central, parking, quiet home, no children, gentieman only. Call 725-0782, SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 25 Division Street, COMFORTABLE ROOM for gentleman only. Apply 323 Athol St. E. 725-0536. lady, private Telephone 728- for two furnished. Apply 606) to rk. BRAND NEW building now ~ renting In Port Whitby; two bedroom suites, Call West Hill 284-68 6813, BACHELOR _unfurnishe Available September 1 Centrally} toe fed. Telephone 668-2861 |_ Whitby. THREE ROOM heated apartment. Cen- GIRL TO SHARE two furnished house- keeping rooms with refrigerator, stove and television, single beds. apply 496 Mary St. at Hillcroft.' or telephone 728- 3 basement room furnished opt- TBY lonal, shared kitchenette, $35 monthly. T 668-3210 . ROOM AND BOARD available for single mother and or children. iris, child Felepnone Whitby Blair Park Plaza, 668- noon AND BOARD for gentlemen, six- day week, lunches packed. Telephone 125-9843. ROOM AND BOARD, five day week, lunches packed, Scotch home, near South General Motors and boy ah Centre. Free parking 55 Park Road South. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, for gentleman, oy. privileges, reasonable. Telephone 725-1672. 181 BROCK EAST-- Room and board for gentlemen. Single beds, lunches pack- ed. Close to General Motors. telephone 728-3405. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, pri- vate home, five day week. Telephone 723-1498. LARGE ROOM Good meals, lunches pa-|2 cked, parking. Close to bus stop. Su able for gentlemen, Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue. pane PONTIAG Laurentian, 4 sedan, one owner, good condition » Telephone 7 57 bsp two door ha matic six, good ti $200. Phone 7289210" atten? a) PONTIAC convertibie, ne re ee Power sear lo, dises $hA06 or pe oA eh (No rust), offer, "telephone 668: iy oe ed ed Chief, » radio, excellent condition. 'elephone Alax 942-5573. 4 1958 BUICK Special, top, fully automatic, oo condition, $525, = "PONTIAG Laurentian sedan, C4 gant, good = condition. Telephone "62 MERCURY Comet, lic. 99377. A one ated. Like' nt Nols moter $0 e ~~ ico ray Pe he 'hickson's Read, Highwey We 4. Pag. Biscayne, six cylinder sute- 728-6444 ROOM AND BOARD for teacher or business-girl, large apartment with lady, home privileges, Simcoe Street North. Telephone after 6 p.m. 725-1859. GENTLEMAN, Good hearty _ meals, lunches packed, 62 days, very penis Apply 205 King W. across from §| Muffler King. gentlemen. preferably teachers. Single rooms, central parking, good home right parties. Telephone 728-9880 Sher 5. 29. 'Wanted to Rent approximately 100 acres wanted. Sond barn, Oshawa area. Will pay $200 monthly. 728-5738 or after 5, 728-7768. ae =| 352 motor, ROOM AND BOARD for two young! 3695. after 6 p.m. * Nae Lic. 191267, 4-door en An Ideal 2nd cart Nicols Motors ue ky Thickson's Road, Highway te 1964 FORD XL, oan poe, Sar. ture quoise, power steeri bucket Prevage automatic Sanmabee ot on Loe ae Greed te tah. Soaps ne for|31--Compeet Cars for Sele ZOLTAN AND NICK'§ Your Authorized Datsun = Fiat Deoler, YOUNG BUSINESS ~ couple with small child require two bedrocm apartment or house for Oct. 1. Would prefer triplex or small apartment building. Call 728- 5117, ree ond Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 30--Automobiles for Sale MORE CASH paid for Good Clean 'Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid DODD MOTOR. SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 © monthly. Available trally located. Children welcome. Tele- phone 668-3230 Whitby, |DUPLEX, one bedroom apartment. |ground floor of apartment building. sito. per month, hydro Included. Ti on | ales, EXTRA LARGE pleasant, comfortable furnished room, suitable for business !a- ideal location, close to downtown, entrance, Telephone after 6 o'clock 668 6207, 728-7732. THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment fer one girl, $55. or two girls $65. Heat and hydro supplied Telephone 725-4320, THREE-ROOM apartment available .now near Westmount School on King Street West, frig. and stove, heat, hydro, TV jantenna, parking for $95. Telephone 723- | 9525, TWO OR THREE furnished rooms, sull- able for couple or single girl. Private en- trance. Telephone 728-638 CLEAN, large, front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen, free parking. Tele- phone 668-3008, ONE CLEAN ROOM for for two ger gentlemen. Private entrance and bath, Parking fa- cilities. Telephone 728-1059. |KING STREET WEST, 630 -- Three-room |apartment, stove and frig, available ae | Quiet adult couple. Apply abov |TWO-BEDROOM apartment, hot water, lights, heat supplied, $145.) jmonthly. Telephone 668-2389 for any fur- ther particulars. THREE-ROOM apariment with bathroom, refrigerator and stove. Apply mornings at 214 Mary § Street, Adults only. SUBLET -- very | Spacious modern apart- ment, two bathrooms, swimming pool, damage deposit pre-paid, free rent left on month. Call 728-7942. Children welcomed. ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments available immediately, stove refrigerat- or, drapes, intercom, elevator, lockers and jJaundry on every floor. Free hydro. Apply 349 Marland Ave. Telephone 725- 2227, S.|parking space. Apply 313 French Street. TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, kitchen and bedroom. Gentlemen only, FURNISHED BEDROOM to share, twin beds, kitchen privileges; also use of fele- vision. Telephone 725- 0247. TWO furnished rooms bedroom and! kitchen, suit working ¢ouple or two working men. Apply 306 Pacific Avenue, side door. NICE DOUBLE ROOM for two clean well behaved steady-employed gentlemen. Breakfast, lunches packed. No supper. Parking 81 Park Rd. South. COMPLETELY FURN chelor apartment, privat ba' 1 In Oshawa's east end. $70 mon- D modern ba- entrance and ith, Sept. thly, Telephone 723-5964. Cars ought and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W, OSHAWA 723-6322--723-8311 On the Spot Financing DOWN--$30 MO}, 59-61 models your choice ! BILL BENNETT MOTORS 484 King W. 723-0371 © A.M. ® "Your RAMBLER Dealer' NICOLS Motors Limited On Highwoy No. 2 Just West of Thickson Rd. Whitby 668-3331 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 RITSON RD. S. 23-3461 Open Evenings % VOLVO & PEUGOT te MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd., South _____ Oshawa 728-0921 19%65 CORVETTE convertible, Sis aS, Yeasts Sa 1962 AUSTI eee ae ae A ae good condition, "Telephone! R3s-tear sie 1960 MORRIS MINOR, bi $200 or pire Come and see in or telephone S38. PRIVATE -- 1965 Corvair Monza com Vertible, 4-speed, 110 horsepower. Very reasonable, good condition, Telephone 6654377. 32--Trucks for Sale 56 G.M.C., model we five-ton, long wheel base dump truck. Combination box and hoist, V-8 engine, 18,000 pound rear end, D.P. axle, five-speed. Clarke rome mission, 10 x 20, 12 ply tires. Best offer. Telephone 723-5387, 11 a.m. = 4 p.m. ge CHEVROLET, one-ton panel truck, 4 speed transmission, Telephone 723-4928, COSY AND CLEAN, furnished three- room bachelor apartment. Very centrally located. Suitable for business couple. Bus at docr, parking space, $100. monthly. 723-7244. TO SUBLET FOR SIX MONTHS, two-bed- room apartment in modern building, $125 monthly without damage deposit or $110 with damage deposit. Avaliable No- vember 1. 728-5290. TWO AND THREE bedroom apartments. $130 and $140. Refrigerator ola stove r 5 p.m. TU so one and two bedroom. Telephone 623-5044, FOUR ROOM upper duplex with 3 pc. bathroom, Newly renovated. Private en- france. $5 monthly. But must be quiet tenants. Apply 1184 Cedar Street. TWO LARGE, ciean furnished, heated room apartments. Close to bus hei Free hydro, parking. Apply 708 Carnegie ROOM 'apartment, force air heat, iger: and stove, centrally located. Telephone' "a3-8217 after 6 p.m. FIVE-ROOM upstairs apartment. Adults preferred, Call 728-2764 between 6 and 8 pm. TWO-BEDROOM apartment to sublet Sep 1. Balcony, broadioom, $125 month, Tele- phone 728-6695 or 723-5325 after 4 p.m. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, $100. month Children welcome. Apply 117 Cromwell Avenue, Apartment 4, or telephone 728- 4254. THREE-ROOM "apartment, ec 'equipped | with stove and refrigerator for one or two adults. Apply 25 Grenfell Street. THREE-ROOM unfurnished apart $80. moonthly. Apply 103 Ritson Rood South or telephone 725-2630. ONE BEDROOM apartment with stove and refrigerator, Available September 15, $75 monthly, hydro Included, one or two adults. Central. Telephone 723-9800, __|tion, Telephone 668- Ft ROOM. Suit one gentie- man. $12. weekly. Telephone 723-9695. 576 Harmony Road South. clean room. Abstainers, non si ply 167 Stevenson Road North. LARGE BASEMENT room with bedroom, two piece bath, separate shower, stove, refrigerator, washing facilities. Suit bus- Iness man or _woman., adiilac S. TWO LARGE rooms on main floor, Pri- vate entrance. Stove and refrigerator in- Soe Available now. Phone 725-6778. OR cet oe room. Use of kit- r helene 725-8150. car, Bre on Prabal rat Ah ad otc helld ERR oS ONE OR TWO roomers willing to share moker. Ap-| 1956 automatic, Phone ~23-4933. 1960 FOUR-DOOR Chevrolet, motor, free of rust, $750. 725-374 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian, 2-door 'hard- top, 6 cylinder automatic, good clean 33--Automobiles Wanted best offer. Telephone Hampton 263- § BUICK very good condition, Tele- phone 728-3986. Price $225 or best offer. '62 OLDSMOBILE two-door hardtop, power brakes and radio, new 19 65 automatic, oe paint, radio, 162 CHEVROLET, 327 7 heads, man- folds, cam, six pistons, water pump, oil pump, etc. Telephone 728-6311. FURNISHED housekeepi rate room. Suit- able for one or ris. Telephone 728-7860 after 4 p.m. LARGE FURNISHED | housekeeping 7 on Greta Street. Refrigerator, washing |. facilities. Suitable for one or two, $10 BLOOR STREET WEST, 208 ed rooms with kitchen, refr stove. Bus at door, near Gen Telephone 728- 9940. Furnish- 'ator and Motors. TWO SINGLE rooms, gentlemen p pre- ferred. Central to industries in Port Whitby. Telephone 668-4894, or after 6 p.m., call 668-8440. LARGE BRIGHT housekeeping room, ail conveniences. Central, Available now. For quiet older gentlemen. Adelaide Ave. Telephone 6844, HOUSEKEEPING ; ROOM, near Whitby, for girl. Kitchen, living room and laun- dry room privileges. Call 668-8549 during day; 668-4912 after 5 p.m. ONE FURNISHED room. Central 2486. ROOM for rent, central, two single beds, girls preferred, kitchen privileges. Tele- phone 723- 6365. ROOM in private home for young lady, close to bus stop, beg - Chadburn Street or telephone _ 723-73 'oom, stove); TWO BEDROOM apartment on second floor. Heat and hydro included, $90 monthly. Also single room for rent. im- mediate possession. Telephone 728-5385. MARY STREET 531, completely fur- nished, twin bed apariment, all con- veniences, television, abstainers, adults COST -- THEY PAY calye parking facilities, Telephone 725- and abla saber central, Asoly 204 Drew Str amen private, furnished rooms close fo south General Motors, gentleman only, $7 @ week, Call 726-8353. $80 MONTHLY downtown, front. Four rooms and bath heat and water, electic stove. able for small children. 2nd floor including Not suit- GRILLS, radiators, models _.| Wreckers, '57 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville, 's,| Steering, brakes, windows, and seats, In very good running $450. LUXURY CAR. with red interior, Private sale. Your op- Portunity to buy the safest car in world at a low price. Phone 725-2241, EXECUTIVE CAR. Lane, 4-door hardtop. Must sell. Old mo- de! trade considered. Terms can ranged. Private sale. 723-8281. %39 PONTIAC Convertible, Just like new! $50 Ni all car parts. Late our specialty. Courtice Auto 723-5238. 966 MERCURY Marauder, lion, $2,095. Telephone 623-5097. A-1 condi- weekly. 723-7800. is OLDSMOBILE. Price $300, Call 728- power Private, CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and 'Save'. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 bate pg AUTO WRECKERS want 200 Wentworth eee Mes 1181. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars bought, og for gine, iron and metals bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311, OSHAWA AUTO PARTS-- eg for wrecking. Tires Pied 1175 Nelson = Street. ome oo on charge Robert Nichols, soa for sale, none TS No Telephone 723-3622. R. 1966 Rover, 2,000, white 34--Automobile Repair the 1965 Mercury Park be ar- fible, lic 3 1259. down, $37 monthly, Sales Just west cols Motors iene Thickson's Road, Highway No. 2, 668- Oca | 3331. FRED STONE Brooklin Phone 655-3653 @ Motor Rebuilding @ Cylinder Reboring @ Pinfitting @ Resleeving @ Automatic Transmission @ Crankshaft and Valve Service '59 PONTIAC, 2-door hardtop, lic. J5401, $25 down, Sales Ltd. Just west Highway No. 2 668- 3331. LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, down. Choose from over 60 cars. No down pay- ment, Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 728-7375. $35 monthly. Nicols Motors Thickson's Road, "age by Bie miles. Telephone 655-4426. 1966 BEL AIR station wagon, automatic, Telephone 942-3613, 1964 FORD XL convertible, $2,300. Phone between 6-7 p.m. 728-7008 1959 CHEVROLET in excellent condition. Low mileage. Apply 122 Thickson's Road N jorth. T ON SPECIALISTS, -- Missions are our only business, 1038 $' coe North. Phone 728-7339. JOB SWITCHES Detween 20 and 2% six or seven change will be The average man can expect to switch times. In many cases ¢ to a totally new career. And the place to look the is the "Help Wanted" 'Sion ne Times' Classified Section, PBrsigaitad you're unemployed or looking for @ better job, check "Help Wanted" now!